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      • 가잠의 소화액 Amylase 활성에 미치는 인공사료중 당 및 단백질 함량의 영향 I. 5영기에 있어서 사료중 단백질 함량이 유충의 증체양, 사료방률 및 소화액 Amylase 활성에 미치는 영향

        문재유 한국잠사학회 1974 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        5령기에 있어서 사료중 단백질 함량이 유충의 증체량, 사료방률에 미치는 영향과 간접적으로 유충의 소화액 Amylase 활성에 미치는 영향을 알기 위하여 상엽분말을 넣은 인공사료를 사용해서 단백질 급원으로 Soybean meal함량에 따라 6종의 사료를 만들어 누에를 사육한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 사료중 단백질 함량의 증가에 비례하여 유충의 증체량도 비례하여 많았다. 2. 사료중 단백질 함량의 증가에 비례하여 전견중 및 견층중도 비례하여 무겁다. 3. 사료중 단백질 함량의 증가에 비례하여 유충의 소화양 및 소화율도 비례하여 높았다. 4. 사료중 단백질 함량의 증가에 비례하여 유충의 사료방률도 비례하여 높았다. 5. 그러나 사료중 단백질 함량의 증가와 유충의 소화액 Amylase 활성 간에는 일정한 상관관계가 없었다. This study has been carried out to investigate the effect of protein components of a diet on the increasing of larval body weight and diet efficiency, as well as the amylase activity of larval digestive juices during the 5th instar. Defending on the amounts of soybean meal as a protein source, the six different kind of artificial diets containing mulberry leaf powder fed to the larvae. The results obtained may be summarized as follows: 1. As the protein components of the diet were increased, the amount of increased larval body weight was also increased. 2. As the protein components of the diet were increased, both the cocoon weight and cocoon layer weight were also increased. 3. As the protein components of the diet were increased, both the amount of diet digested and coefficient of digestibility were also increased. 4. As the protein components of the diet were increased, the diet efficiency of larvae were also increased. 5. But the experimenters could not observe any correlation between the increase of protein components of a diet and the amylase activity of the digestive juices.

      • 파밤나방 중장으로부터 cytochrome P450 4계열의 유전자 단편들의 클로닝

        문재유 서울대학교 농업개발연구소 1999 농업생명과학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Cytochrome P450 plays a most important role in metabolizing the exogous materials. In insect, P450 protein is related to metabolism of hormones and pheromes. But have been studied in most detail for their roles in insecticide resistance. In addition to this roles, P450-dependent metabolism has been associated with the adaptation of insect herbibores to host plant chemicals. Recently It is revealed that cytochrome P450 4 family gene is related to metabolism of host plant material. In this research, cloning of cytochrome P450 4 family gene fragments is carried out from monophagous insect (Bombyx mori), oligophagous insect(Helicoverpa assulta), and polyphagous insect (Spodoptera exigua), two conserved regions in the alignment of cytochrome P450 4 family proteins served as guide to the synthesis of degenerate oligonucleotide primers. The primers were used in RT-PCR from midgut and fat body total RNA. Five new genes of 440-449bp were cloned and sequence from spodoptera exigua midgut. Deduced amino acids had conserved regions which is contained in all cytochrome P450 (ΦΦKE-LR Φ-P : Φ, hadyrophobic amino acid) and another conserved region (PERF) and similar sequence Amino acid sequences of sample 1, 3 and 4 were shown to have 82%, 61%, and 73% identity with that of CYP 4M4, So, Sample 1, 3 and 4 were thought to belong to CYP 4M family, Protein sequence of sample 2 and 5 were shown to have 75% and 82% identity with that of 4S1 and 4S2 So, Sample 2 and 5 were thought to belong to CYP 4S family

      • 곤충호르몬의 작용기작과 그 이용방안

        문재유 한국잠사학회 1996 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        곤충에 있어서 호르몬의 작용기작과 그 이용에 관하여 요약하면 다음과 같다. 곤충호르몬에는 중추신경계의 신경분비세포에서 합성 · 분비되는 peptide의 neuropeptide hormone(PTTH, bombyxin, diapause hormone 등)이 있고, 상피계의 내분비선에서 합성 · 분비되는 sesquiterpene의 유약호르몬(juvenile hormone)과 steroid의 탈피호르몬(ecdysone)이 있다. 곤충호르몬은 특정한 표적세포에 있는 수용체와 높은 특이성과 높은 친화성을 가지고 결합해서 세포의 작용을 조절한다. 일반적으로 peptide hormone은 표적세포의 세포막을 통과할 수 없으므로 표적세포의 막 표면에 있는 수용체와 결합하는 것에 의해 세포내 대사제를 활성화시킴으로서 peptide hormone의 특이적인 발현되는 것으로 알려지고 있다. 한편, ecdysone과 같은 steroid hormone이나 juvenile hormone은 표적세포의 세포막을 용이하게 통화할 수 있으므로 세포내로 들어가 DNA의 특이적인 영역에 결합하므로서 이들 호르몬의 특이적인 기능이 발현되는 것으로 알려져 있다. Ecdysone의 활성이 있는 ecdysteroid가 여러 식물에서 발견되고 있어, 금후 양잠의 상족에 이용이 기대되고 있다. 또한, 항유약호르몬(AJH)활성물질인 imidazole계 화합물은 양잠에서 있어서 세섬도고치 생산에 그 이용이 기대되고 있다. 곤충에 있어서 흐르몬의 작용기작과 그 이용에 관하여 요약하면 다음과 같다. 곤충흐르은에는 중추신경계의 신경분비세초에서 합성 ·분비되는 peptide의neuropeptide hormone (PTfH, bombyxin, diapausetlormone등)이 있, 상피계의 내분비선에서 합성분비되는 sesquite零one의 유약호르몬(juvenile ho.-mon바과 steroid의 탈피흐르론(ecdysone)이 있다. 곤충호르룬은 특정한 표적세포에 있는 수용체와 높은특이성과 높은 친화성을 가지고 결합해서 세포의 작용을 조절한다. 일반적으로 peptide hormone은 표적세포의 세포막을 통과할 수 없으므로 표적세포의 막표먼에 있는수용체와 결합하는 것에 의해 세포내 대사제를 활성화시킴으로서 peptide hormone의 특이적인 발현되는 것으로 알려지고 있다. 한편, ecdysone과같은 steroid hormone이나 juvenile hormone은 표적세표의 세핀막을 용이하게 통과할 수 있으므로 세포내로 들어가 수용체와 결합해서 hormone-receptorcomplex가 된다 이 hormone-receptor complex는 핵내로 들어가 DNA의 특이적인 영역에 결합하므로서이들 호르몬의 특이적인 기능이 발친되는 것으로 알려져 있다. Ecdysone의 활성이 있는 ecdysteroid가 여러 식물에서 발견되핀있어,금후 양잠의 상족에 이용이 기대되고 있다. 또한, 항유약호르몬(AfH) 활성물질인 imidazole계 화합물은 양잠에 있어서 세섬도핀치 생산에 그 이용이 기대되고 있다.

      • Imidazole系 殺菌劑 Trifumin에 의한 早熟 3眠蠶의 繭絲質

        文在裕,洪性辰,李根九,張承鍾,李義三 한국잠사학회 1994 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        In order to investigate the possibility of fine-size cocoon production by the use of imidazole compound, Trifumin, the cocoon and cocoon filament qualities, dietary efficiency and fibroin component were examined. Cocoon size, cocoon weight and cocoon shell weight of trimolter were smaller than those of tetramolter. Cocoon shell weight of trimolter was 58% and 26% of that of tetramolter in the 3rd instar treated larvae and in the 4th instar treated larvae, respectively. Amount of cocoon shell produced per 1g dry matter ingested was 94% and 85% of that of tetramolter in the 3rd instar treated larvae and in the 4th instar treated larvae, respectively. The effects of Trifumin on the reeling tests were different according to the stage of the treatment. When Trifumin was treated at the 3rd instar larvae, reelability of cocoon filament, amount of cocoon filament, size of cocoon filament, reelability percentage and raw silk percentage of cocoon were 100%, 60%,60%,97% and 90%,respectively. When Trifumin was treated at the 4th instar larvae, most of reelability tests were inferior to those of the 3rd instar treated larvae, but reelability percentage was in-creased 13%. The Trifumin treatment did not affect the electrophoretic patterns of cocoon fibroin.

      • 인공사료로 사육한 누에의 소화액Amylase활성에 있어서 품종간관 차이

        문재유,설광렬 한국잠사학회 1983 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        1. The varietal difference in amylase activity of the digestive fluid of the 5th instar larvae reared on the artificial diet was investigated, using the parent commercial silkworm varieties of Japanese strain. The amylase activity was large different among silkworm varieties. The activity was strong in Hansaeng-1, Jam 115 and Jam 117, medium in Hansaeng-3, Jam 113, Jam 119, and Jam 201, weak in Jam 107, Jam 121 and Gyeongchu. The amylase of the digestive fluid of ten parent commercial silkworm varieties is possible-(ae) type, compared with +(+$\^$ae/) type of Daizo. 2. To investigate the effect of a-amylase pre-treatment of the artificial diet, larvae were fed with the diet treated by a-amylase during 4th-5th instar periods. The blood sugar content and cocoon qualities were slightly higher in the experimental larvae than those in the control, while showing the slight less body weight, amylase activity and dietary efficient. 1. 인공사료육에 있어서 일본종계 현장려장품중들의 소화액 Amylase활성을 실용형질과 관련해서 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 가. 일본종계 현장려품종들에 있어서 소화액 Amylase활성은 품종간 차이가 있어, Hansaeng-1, Jam 115 및 Jam 117에서 강하였고 Hansang-3, Jam 113, Jam 119 및 Jam 201에서 중간이었으며, Jam 107, Jam 121 및 Gyeongchu에 있어서 약하였다. 나. 일본종계 현장려 잠품종들의 소화액 Amylase는 Daizo의 +(+$^{aa}$ )형과 비교해서 아미도 -(ae)형으로 생각된다. 다. 일본중계 현장려잠품종들에 있어서 혈당량은 품종간 거의 차이가 없었으나, 성장, 견질등 실용형질에 있어서는 다소 차이가 있었다. 2. 인공사료의 a-Amylase 처리가 누에의 소화액 Amylase활성 및 실용형질에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 가. a-Amylase를 처리한 사료를 먹은 누에는 처리하지 않은 누에에 비하여 성장이 다소 불량하고 소화액 Amylase활성도 약하며 성장에 대한 사료효율도 낮았다. 나. 그러나, a-Amylase를 처리한 사료를 먹은 누에는 처리하지 않은 누에에 비하여 혈당량도 많았고, 견질도 양호하였다. 따라서, 인공사료육에 있어서 사료의 a-Amylase처리는 견질에 대한 사료효율을 보다 향상시킬 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

      • 人工飼料의 감자, 고구마 및 옥수수 澱粉이 누에의 血糖量 및 消化液 아밀라제活性에 미치는 影響

        文在裕 서울大學校 農科大學 1983 서울대농학연구지 Vol.8 No.1

        The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of the dietary starches from potato, sweet potato and corn on the blood sugar content and amylase activity of digestive fluid in the silkworm larvae. In this study, 5th instar female larvae of a hybrid of the silkworm, Hanseng 3 ×Hanseng 4, were used. Newly moulted 5th instar female larvae were divided into three groups and fed on three kinds of diets with three different dietary starches for 5 days. The blood sugar and amylase activity of digestive fluid were determined by the phenol-sulphuric acid method and iodine-starch test, respectively. As results, the body weight gain was slightly higher in Diet A than in Diet B and Diet C, while showing no significant difference in Diet B and Diet C. The blood sugar content and amylase activity of digestive fluid were different according to dietary starches from different sources, these blue value(DB???') were 27.5 in Diet A, 21.4 in Diet B and 21.0 in Diet C, respectively.

      • 누에의 아세틸콜린에스테라제의 생화학적 연구

        문재유 서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 농업개발연구소 1998 농업생명과학연구 Vol.2 No.-

        In order to study some biochemical properties of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from silkworm head tissue, AChE of silkworm was detected by PAGE analysis, and partially purified by chromatography system. And the effect of inhibitors, pH, substrate on AChE activity was investigated. AChE was well solubilized by adding 1% Triton X-100 on homogenizing buffer. And only one band of AChE was detected by PAGE analysis. Purification of AChE from silkworm head tissue was carried with Sepharose 6B column and DEAE-cellulose column. Finally, the specific activity of partially purified enzyme solution was 7.6. This enzyme solution was used for investigation the biochemical properties of AChE. AChE was totally inhibited by non-specific cholinesterase inhibitor, eserine and specific AChE inhibitor, BW284C51, but specific pseudo ChE inhibitor, ethopropazine did not totally inhibit the AChE activity. AChE activity was maximum at 5×10-4M of acetylthiocholine, pH 6-9, 25-40℃, and exess substrate inhibited the AChE activity. And Km value for ATC was 3.77×10-5M. AChE activity was totally inhibited by organophosphate insecticide, dichlorvos, and cabamate insecticide, methomyl, inhibited 50% of AChE activity. whereas cypermethrin had no effect.

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