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        지식기반사회에서 요구되는 초·중등 기술교육 교육과정 구성 지향 모델

        장재성 한국기술교육학회 2004 한국기술교육학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to model the directions on construction of korea technology education curriculum based the recognition of experts. The study problems had focus to find out what the directions to construct educational objectives, contents, method, evaluation, facility are in technology education. Four round Delphi survey was conducted to solve these study problems.Results of this study was as followsa) The directions of technology educational objectives based the recognition of experts were categorized by knowledge, attitude as well as ability related area in general objective level. The ranking of educational objectives were critical thinking ability related to technology, understanding on technological world by hands-on activity, understanding on social impacts of technology, b) The directions of technology educational contents based the recognition of experts have interrelationships with general objectives. The ranking of educational contents hands-on activity of invention and innovation, hands-on activity on technological world, technology and society. c) The directions of technology instructional methods based the recognition of experts were instructional strategic approach and instructional methods selection as general educational objectives and contents category. d) The directions of technology evaluation based the recognition of experts were system for selecting achievement standards and evaluation method and environment that various evaluators should participate in the evaluation. e) Technology education facility based the recognition of experts were comprehensive general laboratory very high needed level. f) Integrative direction model was presented by educational objective, educational content, educational method, educational evaluation, educational facility. g) Sequence direction model for the primary school and secondary school was presented as general objectives and contents.

      • KCI등재

        경찰 청렴도 제고 방안으로서의 절차적 정의에 대한 검토

        장재성 원광대학교 경찰학연구소 2020 경찰학논총 Vol.15 No.1

        The integrity of the police is an important element of public trust in the police. An indicator of the integrity of each government agency is the Integrity Evaluation that the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission(ACRC) conducts annually. In the recently Integrity Evaluation, the police settled in the mid-ranking third class, but have yet to be included in the superior group. This study reviewed the procedural justice model as an alternative to improving police integrity. First, we analyze the detailed methods of evaluation integrity and the current level of the police integrity. And we analyze the contents of the procedural justice model and the review preceding studies. The results mean that a procedural justice model can act as an alternative to enhance integrity. First, the components of Integrity Evaluation reflect the transparency, openness and fairness of the agency’s work-processing, which are the key components that make up the procedural justice model. Second, the procedural justice enhance satisfaction with police work. Third, it is no longer possible to improve integrity with existing integrity measures centered on curbing corruption. Therefore, a fundamental change in police activities through a procedural justice model is needed to improve public trust. Fourth, the realization of internal procedural justice within the police organization can facilitate the practice of defining external procedures in relations with the people. It also helps improve integrity by improving internal integrity. 경찰의 청렴성은 경찰 신뢰의 근간이 되는 중요한 요소이다. 각 기관의 청렴성의 기준이 되는 지표가 바로 국민권익위원회에서 매년 실시하고 있는 공공기관 청렴도 측정이다. 경찰은 최근 청렴도 측정에서 중위권인 3등급에 안착하는 성과를 거두었으나 아직 청렴도 우수기관에는 포함되지 못하고 있다. 이 연구는 한계에 봉착한 경찰 청렴도 개선의 대안으로서 절차적 정의에 의한 경찰 활동을 검토하였다. 먼저 청렴도 측정의 세부방법과 경찰 청렴도 실태를 분석하고 절차적 정의에 의한 경찰 활동의 내용과 선행 연구를 분석하였다. 그 결과 절차적 정의에 의한 경찰 활동이 청렴도 개선 대안으로 작용할 수 있다는 논거를 발견하였다. 첫째, 청렴도 측정의 구성요소로 기관의 업무처리 투명성·공개성·공정성이 반영되는데 이는 절차적 정의 모델을 구성하는 핵심 구성요소이다. 둘째, 절차적 정의는 청렴도 측정에 부정적 영향을 주는 경찰의 업무에 대한 불만족을 개선하는 효과가 있다. 셋째, 부패 억제 중심의 기존 청렴 대책으로는 청렴도 개선에 한계가 있으며 절차적 정의를 통한 근본적인 경찰 활동의 변화로 국민의 신뢰 제고가 필요하다. 넷째, 경찰 조직 내부의 절차적 정의 실현을 통해 국민과의 외부적 절차 정의 실천을 촉진하고 내부 청렴도를 향상시킬 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        불어 형성기의 자음변화 연구

        장재성 서울大學校 人文學硏究所 1989 人文論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        Un phoneme peut aboutir a des phonemes entierement differents a partir de realisations differentes. L'evolution phonetique du latin au francais est due aux differentes realisations d'un phoneme. La resistance d'un phoneme aux alterations depend de la mode et le point d'articulation et aussi de la position a l'interieur de la syllabe. 1. La position intervocalique est, pour une consonne sourde, une position perilleuse, qui l'expose a la sonorisation. La sonorisation est le premier degre de l'affaiblissement. Dans ce cas, le phoneme qui confine a la voyelle posterieure se sonorise plus vite que celui qui confine a la voyelle anterieure. 2. La spirantisation d'une occlusive, comme la sonorisation, l'effet d'un affaiblissement. De toutes les consonnes, les spirantes ont l'articulation la moins energique. Elles sont donc particulierement sensibles a l'influence des phonemes voisins. Mais la spirantisation n'est pas necessairement liee a la position intervocalique, la position implosive peut suffire a entraniner la spirantisation d'une occlusive et la position aupres d'une voyelle posterieure amuit les spirantes. 3. La palatalisation d'une consonne est l'effet d'un renforcement articulatoire. Elle comporte un double deplacement, vertical et horizontal. De tous les phonemes, le yod facilite le plus la palatalisation de la consonne voisine. Les autres phonemes qui activent la palatalisation de la consonne antecedente sont les voyelles i,e et a. Les consonnes velaires sont les moins resistantes a la palatalisation parce qu'elles ont l'articulation la moins fixe. Les alveodentales sons plus resistantes. ont l'articulation la moins fixe. Les alveodentales sons plus resistantes. une consonne se palatalise a la position de l'nitiale du mot et a la position appuyee. Mais les palatales, en raison de l'affaiblissment articulatoire,perdent leur element occlusif et deviennent les spirantes simple de francais moderne. Nous pouvons donc conclure que les consonnes se sont toujours affaiblies dans l'evolution du latin au francais.

      • KCI등재

        불어 형성기의 이중모음화와 단모음화 연구

        장재성 서울대학교 인문학연구소 2000 人文論叢 Vol.44 No.-

        De's le premier sie'cle le latin connai^t le grand bouleversement vocalique (passage d'une opposition de quantite' a` une opposotion de timbre), ce qui entrai^ ne le changement du latin parle' dont le plus important est le phe'nome`ne de diphtongaison. La diphtpnaison commene par la voyelle accentue'e en syllable ouverte. Et puis elle s'e'tend jusqu'a` la voyelle accentue'e ou non acentue'e suivie par la consonne palatalise'e. Il se distingue donc 3 grands types de formation de diphtongues: -- la diphtongue d'une voyelle accentue'e, ce processus se diffe'renciant luime^me en 2: ⅰ) la diphtongaison spontane'e, pour toute voyelle acentue'e en syllable libre et pour toute voyelle d'un monosyllabique tonique. ⅱ) la diphtongaison conditionne'e, limite'e aux voyelles ouvertes accentue'e lorsqu'elles se trouvent devant un son paltal ou palatalise'. -- la coalescence ⅲ) la diphtongaison de coalescence, cela re'sulte de l'union d'une voyelle et d'un son semi-vocalique d'une origine d'un son palatalise'. An de'but, les diphtongues latines e'taient Lourdes parce qu'elles avaient deux point squelettiques en un noyau. Au fur et a` mesure de l'e'volution, elles en perdent une pour avoir la structure de contour, ce qui veut dire qu'elles sont deenues les diphtongues le'ge`re dont un son est devenu le glide. la diphtongue franc¸aise issue du latin es donc classe'e sons vocaliques instables se de'finissant comme la prononciation en une seule syllable de deux sons dont le premier est une voyelle et l'autre une semi-voyelle. Nous avons analyse' les phe'nome`nes de diphtongaison d'apre`s la the'orie de KLV, qui a pour but d'expliquer tous les phe'nome`nes phonlogiques par des compositions et des de'compositions des e'le'ments. Cette the'orie nous fait voir qu'il y a une untie' dominante d'une certaine forme en relation avec une ou plusieurs unite's suordonne'es dans tous les phe'nome`nes phonologiques. En appliquant cette the'orie aux phe'nome`nes diphtongaisons du latin au franc¸ais, nous avons cherche' a` e'claircir la plausibilite' des phe'nome`nes phonologiques et a` en e'claircir le cours naturel. Avec cette the'orie, on n'a pas espe're' re'soudre tous les phe'nome`nes, mais on a pu avoir la possibilite' d'y acce'der d'une fac¸on explicative.

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