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      • Design of Intelligent Window System Based on ZigBee

        ,文洁,(Zhang Wenjie),,燚,(Zhangyi),程琳(Chenglin),李青,嵩(Li Qingsong) 아시아사회과학학회 2022 International Science Research Vol.2 No.1

        由于网络技术与电子技术的飞速发展, 智能家居系统已成为发展的必然趋势, 窗户作为一种必不可少的住宅结构, 但是普遍存在着功能单一的问题, 而基于ZigBee的智能窗户相较于传统窗户和窗帘, 可以根据外界光照强度、温度湿度、下雨等情况, 自动调节光线、防盗保护隐私等众多优点。本文主要介绍了基于ZigBee制作的自动控制窗户系统, 从而达到智能效果。 Due to the rapid development of network technology and electronic technology, smart home system has become an inevitable trend of development. As an essential residential structure, windows generally have the problem of single function. Compared with traditional windows and curtains, smart windows based on ZigBee can be based on external light intensity, temperature and humidity, rain and so on, Automatic light adjustment, anti-theft, privacy protection and many other advantages. This paper mainly introduces the automatic control window system based on ZigBee, so as to achieve intelligent effect.

      • Research on Problems And Countermeasures of Sports Teaching Practice in Children

        Zhang Junxiao(,君孝),Li Liqiang(李利强),Zhang Lingyan(,灵,燕) 아시아사회과학학회 2022 International Science Research Vol.2 No.1

        健康是儿童发展的保障,幼儿体育是实现儿童健康的重要途经。随着“健康中国”战略将幼儿作为健康关注的重点人群之一,幼儿体育迎来的新的发展机遇。但由于轻视幼儿体育活动、体育发展目标与评价单一以及教师的过渡主导与幼儿的主体性不足,当前我国幼儿体育存在系统性不足、低质、低效等问题。优化幼儿体育教学应寓学于身,重新审视幼儿体育教学的外延价值;完善的幼儿体育发展目标,构建促进幼儿全面发展的测评体系;联手学前专业与体育教育专业,共建幼儿体育专业人才联合培养机制。 Health is the guarantee of children s development, and infant sports is an important way to realize children s health. As the healthy China strategy takes children as one of the key groups of health concern, children s sports usher in a new development opportunity. However, due to the neglect of children s sports activities, the single goal and evaluation of sports development and the lack of teachers transition leading and children s subjectivity, there are systematic deficiencies, low quality, low efficiency and other problems in China s children s sports. To optimize children s physical education teaching, we should combine learning in the body and re-examine the extension value of children s physical education teaching. Perfect the goal of children s sports development, and build an evaluation system to promote children s all-round development; Cooperate with preschool major and physical education major to build a joint training mechanism for sports professionals in early childhood.

      • KCI등재


        晓 亮,장재욱 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.3

        邯郸市博物馆赵文化文物纹样的皮尔斯符号学研究张 晓 亮*ㆍ张 宰 旭** 摘要: 邯郸市博物馆文物馆藏文化资源丰富,其中赵文化影响最为深远,同时也是最为辉煌的时期。本文是将赵文化经典馆藏文物纹样作为符号进行研究,挖掘其独特的文化内涵和传统文化的巨大魅力。运用皮尔斯符号学理论对研究对象进行深入分析研究,在符号的造型性分析的基础上挖掘符号背后内在蕴意和深层内涵。解析文物纹样所引发的文化思想和象征意义,更加深入的了解历史、文化、艺术等相关内容。分析结果显示,赵文化阶段从题材和表现手法进行了创新,纹样象征着权威、尊贵、吉祥,此时期还出现了祥瑞纹样,象征着长寿、永生、自由及对于美好生活的向往。本文充分发掘和传递邯郸市博物馆赵文化文物所蕴含的文化价值,对传统文化的传承和创新具有深远的意义。 关键词: 邯郸市博物馆, 赵文化, 文物纹样, 皮尔斯符号学, 文化内涵 □ 接受日: 2022年 5月 10日, 修正日: 2022年 6月 6日,揭載確定日: 2022年 6月 20日* 主著者, 朝鲜大学校 美术大学 设计学科 博士(First Author, PhD., Chosun Univ., Email: 1514516880@qq.com)** 交信著者, 朝鲜大学校 美术大学 设计学科 教授(Corresponding Author, Professor, Chosun Univ., Email: illustchosun@naver.com) Pierce Semiotic Study on the Patterns of Zhao Cultural Relicsin Handan MuseumZhang Xiaoliang & Jaewuk Chang Abstract: Handan museum is rich in cultural resources, of which Zhao culture has the most far-reaching influence and is also the most brilliant period. This paper studies the patterns of cultural relics in the classic collection of Zhao Culture as symbols, and excavates its unique cultural connotation and the great charm of traditional culture. Using the theory of Peirce semiotics, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the research object, and excavates the internal meaning and deep connotation behind the symbol on the basis of the analysis of the shape of the symbol. Analyze the cultural thoughts and symbolic meanings caused by the patterns of cultural relics, and have a deeper understanding of history, culture, art and other related contents. The analysis results show that the Zhao Culture stage innovated from the theme and expression methods, and the patterns symbolized authority, dignity and auspiciousness. At this time, auspicious patterns also appeared, symbolizing longevity, eternal life, freedom and the longing for a better life. This paper fully explores and transmits the cultural value of Zhao cultural relics in Handan Museum, which has far-reaching significance for the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture. Key Words: Handan Museum, Zhao Culture, Cultural Relics Patterns, Pierce Semiotics, Cultural Connotation

      • 语言在讯问中的模糊运用

        사단법인 한국법이론실무학회 2015 법률실무연구 Vol.3 No.2

        This article discussing vague usage of in the inquiry involves the usage of abstract language and vague language. Abstract language is mainly used in some field relating to personal privacy, obscene content and stimulation of language in investigation. Vague language mainly used to make the suspect mistakenly think that we have mastered (enough) evidence, or to let suspects mistakenly think that the cons(or victim, witness) has made confession; coping with the suspect’s “baseline”;coping with questions about crime policy suspects may respond; vague usage of language in the inquiry also considers other factors’ coordination. 本文所探讨的语言在讯问中的模糊运用,包括抽象性语言的运用和迷惑性语言的运用。抽象性语言主要运用于在侦查讯问中涉及个人隐私以及淫秽内容时、涉及到刺激性言语时;迷惑性语言主要运用于有意要让嫌疑人误以为我方已经掌握(足够)证据时、让嫌疑人误认为同案人(或受害人、证人)已供述时;应对嫌疑人的“摸底”;应对嫌疑人关于罪行政策的提问。语言在讯问中的模糊运用还要考虑其他因素的配合

      • KCI등재


        ,唐 晔 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 역사문화연구소 2013 역사문화연구 Vol.48 No.-

        In this paper, through the investigation on the changes in the press and Chinese society before the Revolution of 1911 in Yue Fei political figures, reduce how Yue Fei from an ancient famous general gradually evolved into countries recognized and known as the "national hero". Through the late Qing Dynasty "New people newspaper", "Datong newspaper", "times newspaper" and other newspapers and magazines of the late Qing Dynasty, the revolutionary party put Yue Fei up as "the first great nation xenophobia", not only hope to inspire the morale of the army, about loyalty and moral concept, but more is wants to use the military hero the history of the image of Yue Fei as well as in popularity, with anti Qing struggle against imperialism and establish a new idol, the ultimate goal is to guide people to understand the meaning of the nationalist revolution, then join the strategy to overthrow the Manchu rule. In the selection of objects at the beginning of, in addition to Yue Fei, Qu Yuan, Wen Tianxiang, Shi Kefa have ever entered the revolutionary party line of sight, but in the end because of the record and the gold anti deeds of great influence in folk, Yue Fei was determined to be a revolutionary party established as an armed uprising, the new idol against the Manchu struggle and vigorously publicized, the "national hero" image will be more widely accepted, and become the representative of the period of the Republic of China Military "loyalty" spirit, and eventually Yuan Shikai and the Northern Warlords government accept this reality, will and Guan Yuhe Si Miao, rose to national sacrificial rites. 본 논문은 辛亥革命 전후 중국의 사회·정치변동과 당시 신문잡지 등의 간행물에 실린 岳飛의 인물상에 대한 고찰을 통해, 악비가 古代의 軍事名將으로부터 국가가 인정하는, 동시에 모든 이에게 잘 알려진 “민족영웅”으로 어떻게 변모했는가라는 역사적 과정을 돌이켜보고자 하였다. 淸末 民國初期에 「新民總報」, 「大同報」, 「時報」등의 간행물에 대한 고찰을 통해 청말 혁명당원들이 악비를 중화민족의 가장 위대한 인물로 세운 것은 단지 이를 통해 군대의 사기를 진작시키고, 忠義의 도덕관념을 선양하기 위한 것만은 결코 아니었다. 抗金 민족영웅 악비의 역사적 이미지와 민간에서의 명성을 이용해 당시 “反滿淸 反帝國主義” 투쟁의 새로운 偶像을 만들고자 하였다. 그 최종 목적은 하층 민중들로 하여금 민족주의 혁명의 함의를 이해하고, 나아가 滿淸의 통치를 전복시키는데 투신하도록 유도하는 정책이었다. 역사인물을 선택했던 초기에는 악비 이외에도 屈原, 文天祥, 史可法 등이 혁명당원들의 시선에 들어와 있었지만, 최종적으로 악비의 戰績과 抗金事跡이 민간에 커다란 영향을 끼치고 있었기 때문에, 武裝起義와 反抗滿淸 투쟁의 새로운 우상으로 선정되었고, 대대적으로 선전되었다. 그러한 민족영웅이라는 이미지는 더욱 광범위하게 받아들여지게 되었으며, 民國時期 군인의 忠義정신을 대표하였다. 동시에 袁世凱와 北洋政府도 이러한 현실을 받아들여 결국 岳飛를 關羽와 함께 武廟에서 제사를 지내는 국가행사의 하나로 승급시켰다.

      • 人格面具下的异化人生

        , 业 , 明(Zhang, Yeming) 아시아문화콘텐츠연구소 2021 문화·경영·기술 Vol.1 No.2

        The web drama Cat s Cradle is adapted from the novel The Bad Kids by the writer Zi Jinchen(紫金陈). As a successful case of cross-text adaptation, it breaks through the typological characteristics of suspense dramas that simply pursued solving cases and solving mysteries in the past. Suspense is similar to family ethical issues. The combination produces many realistic topics such as the good and evil of human nature, juvenile delinquency, family relations and so on. It tells the story of family ethics in the transition period of contemporary Chinese society in multiple dimensions, and provides the audience with a very open and diversified text. The play is worth paying attention to in terms of character creation. The adaptation of characters in the play has the characteristics of de-symbolization, diversification, and mirroring. Based on the development of the plot, this article focuses on the image analysis of the two mirrored figures of Zhang Dongsheng and Zhu Chaoyang. It mainly uses Carl Gustav Jung’’s personality mask theory to discuss the ethical dilemmas and ethical choices faced by the characters, discussing family, society, and the environment of the times. On the basis of the important significance of many factors to the formation of the character s psychological mechanism, using the family as a window to investigate the complexity of human nature and the symptoms of the times in the transition period of contemporary Chinese society.

      • 类型学视野下的韩汉并列结构对比研究

        ,艳 대한중국학회 2019 대한중국학회 학술대회 발표집 Vol.2019 No.1

        并列结构是一个跨语言的范畴, 在韩国语和汉语的传统语法和学校语法当中并不将其作为独立的语法形式, 本文将从类型学的角度出发, 探讨韩国语和汉语在进行短语和句子的并列时所采取的编码形式, 分析二者间的共性和个性以及背后的动因。

      • “一带一路”与东北亚地区: 中国的视角及政策转型

        ,暮辉,涂,波 대한중국학회 2018 대한중국학회 학술대회 발표집 Vol.2018 No.2

        自2013年伊始, 中国“一带一路”倡议的覆盖面逐步扩大, 目前已经涵盖了东南亚、中亚、南亚、东欧乃至非洲的广大地区。与此形成强烈反差的是, 东北亚地区仍然是“一带一路”的盲点地区。进入2018年以来, 中国政府开始对“一带一路”五年期的推行情况进行重新评估, 并开始做出一定程度的政策调整。另一方面, 随着东北亚地区的地缘政治形势逐步好转, 中国开始考虑将东北亚地区纳入到“一带一路”的版图之内。相对于中国在“一带一路”其他沿线地区所扮演的“主导性”角色, 中国在东北亚地区强调“一带一路”倡议与其他域内大国的“战略对接”。本文将重点考察中国在东北亚地区推行“一带一路”倡议的背景因素、具体政策, 以及可能面临的困难及挑战。同时, 本文将试从宏观和微观角度提出可行的政策建议。

      • 基于新型冠状病毒疫情背景下的中国电子商务行业发展研究

        ,昱昊(Yuhao Zhang),徐吉霖(Jilin Xu) 동아시아무역학회 2020 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.2 No.2

        本研究的目的是分析新冠状病毒肺炎疫情对中国电子商务行业的影响,并针对研究提出合理的经营策略,为中国电子商务的未来发展提出参考性建议。本研究的研究方法主要是以文献数据为主,对电子商务的相关文献和数据进行分析。根据本研究的研究结果得知依靠网络通信技术的电子商务已经逐渐发展成熟稳定,但随着新冠状病毒肺炎疫情的扩散,电子商务出现了供应链断裂和资金链短缺等问题。本研究的意义在于对新冠疫情下电商行业制定积极有效的措施促进电商行业的可持续发展。 但在本研究的研究过程中发现根据电商企业规模的不同,受新冠状病毒肺炎疫情的影响也不同,所以后续研究中以中国中小型电商企业为调查对象进行问卷调查,根据数据反馈找出疫情对电商企业的影响,作为本研究数据补充。 Purpose - The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 on China’s e-commerce industry, and to put forward reasonable management strategies for the future development of e-commerce in China. Design/Methodology/Approach -The research method of this study is mainly based on literature data, and analyzes the relevant literature and data of electronic commerce. Findings - According to the research results of this study, it is known that e-commerce relying on network communication technology has gradually developed mature and stable, but with the spread of COVID-19, e-commerce has problems such as supply chain breakage and shortage of capital chain. Research Implications - In the management of this paper, this study is of great significance to the development of e-commerce in China in the future.

      • 中国高尔夫消费者在社交活动中的体面感对商品满意度和品牌态度的影响

        ,霄,宇(Xiaoyu Zhang),徐浩龙,(Haolong Xu) 동아시아무역학회 2020 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.2 No.2

        Purpose - The purpose of this paper is hoping to study the relationship between the variables of sense of decency in social activities, product satisfaction, brand attitude of Chinese golf consumers. Design/Methodology/Approach - Based on consumers who like to play golf in the northeast of China are selected as the research object, and the convenience sample sampling method of nonprobability sample sampling method is used to extract samples. Findings - This paper studies significant statistical difference between sense of decency in social activities and product satisfaction, there was a significant statical difference between product satisfaction and brand attitude with all sub factors, there was a significant statical difference between sense of decency in social activities and brand attitude. Research Implications - In the management, the research on the influence of soybean import volume on futures price is perfected, which provides theoretical basis for maximizing import welfare and improving domestic futures market.

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