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        论侵权责任制度显性功能演进, 创新与超越 - 以中国道路交通事故责任为重点 -

        李青,石新中 한중법학회 2016 中國法硏究 Vol.27 No.-

        민사불법행위책임제도의 현성(显性)적 기능은 징벌기능과 보상기능을 포함하며, 기타의 기능은 잠성(隐性)적 기능이다. 현성적 기능과 잠성적 기능을 구별하는 근거로는 객관성을 가지는지 여부이다. 현대의 민사불법행위제도는 당해 불법행위자의 징벌기능에 대하여 주로 피해자에 대한 보상능력을 실현할 수 있는지 따른다. 본 논문은 불법행위책임의 기능에 대한 변천에 대하여 간략하게 서술하고 이에 대한 새로운 제도에 대하여 모색하며, 불법행위자가 가해자에게 보상할 책임재산이 부족할 경우 보상기능과 징벌기능을 실현하기 위하여 다른 방안을 검토한다. 다른 방안으로 강제책임보험제도나 무과실보험제도, 사회구조기금제도와 사회신용확인제도에 대하여 검토한다. Punishment and compensation are the obvious functions of tort law, and the other functions have hidden features. The basis according to which to judge whether the functions are obvious is whether the function can be measured. For modern tort liability system, the punishment for infringement can be achieved through compensation for the victims. This paper focuses on the evolution of function of tort liability and their innovation and the substitutions for compensation and punishment system when the property for liability is not enough. The system of substitutions include system of compulsory liability insurance or no-fault insurance system and social relief fund system and tort person's social credit system.

      • KCI등재


        김로륜,李青 원광대학교 법학연구소 2023 圓光法學 Vol.39 No.2

        数字经济背景下,数据作为新的生产要素,在资源配置中发挥了极其重要的作用。个人数据的收集、存储与转移逐步常态化,个人数据成为公共管理、社会服务和商业竞争的一项重要资源。但问题也随之显现出来,如何在保护数据主体对其个人数据的权利的同时实现数据的自由流动,打造个人数据权利保护与数字经济发展共赢局面是全球面临的重大难题。个人数据可携权的出现无疑为这一问题的解决提供了思路,在该权利的行使中,数据主体可以自主控制个人数据在不同数据控制者之间流转,具有增强数据主体自决权与促进数据市场竞争的双重效果。目前,欧盟、美国部分州、巴西等国家和地区都在制定法层面将数据可携权上升为一项个人数据权利,中国《个人信息保护法》中亦有可携权的相关规定。作为数字时代下个人信息保护的回应,个人数据可携带权在保障用户主体数据控制权益,以及数据无障碍传输方面意义深远。世界主要国家已经在构建本土化的个人数据可携带权具体规范,而且未来将会遍及更多的国家和地区。个人数据可携带权不仅关系个人利益,更是发展数字经济,实现数据要素市场化的重要手段。因此,中国也应根据国情和实践,建设具有中国特色的个人数据可携带权的具体制度规范。 基于中国《个人信息保护法》的规范解读、数据主体实现个人信息权利的现实需要以及其他域外国家司法实践的有益参考,个人数据可携带权具有进一步适用的法理逻辑,个人数据可携权是中国《民法典》关于个人信息权益的延伸,该权利的确立可以有效强化个人对于数据的占有和有效控制,既可以使个人在数字经济中获得人格的独立,也可以成为数据贡献和再利用的受益者。研究个人数据可携带权有利于完善个人数据保护体系,进一步厘清个人与企业、企业与企业之间的数据归属和转移问题。 遗憾的是,当前个人数据可携带权的法权属性仍存在财产权与人格权的争议,同时行权规则的模糊以及适用范围的混乱导致其效果差强人意。针对个人数据可携带权存在的问题,中国构建个人数据可携带权制度可以借鉴欧盟等国家的模式和制度规范,但并非照搬照抄,而是在对中国个人数据可携带权的实践状况和模式进行分析和研究的前提下,提出符合中国国情和数据发展现状的具体设计。首先,明确个人数据可携带权“财产权+人格权”的双重属性,不仅充分体现数据主体的个人特征和权利,也突出个人数据为数据主体创造的经济价值。其次,细化数据可携带权的权利结构,将自然人确定为个人数据可携带权的权利主体;将对数据的处理与利用有重要决策作用的主体确定为个人数据可携带权的义务主体;对权利客体的规制与权利分配关系密切,因此从适应范围和排除范围的视角出发,以类型化的方法对权利客体的范围进行规制;出于防止数据可携带权的滥用的目的,增添限制性条款,使权利在合适的范围内得到行使。最后,构建个人数据可携带权的配套机制,完善数据主体对其个人数据可携带权的救济途径,同时从国家、行业和企业三个方面建立完善的数据保护监管体系。

      • Research on the Development of University Course Ideological and Political Collaboration under the Background of the Construction of Double City Economic Circle

        况,迎春(Kuang Yingchun),高雅(Gao Ya),李青,嵩(Li Qingsong) 아시아사회과학학회 2021 International Science Research Vol.1 No.1

        Under the background of Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle, through the analysis of the current situation and problems of the ideological and political construction and development of Chengdu Chongqing universities, combined with the advantages of Sichuan and Chongqing universities, this paper seeks measures to improve the ideological and political construction and development of Chengdu Chongqing universities. It is found that the ideological and political construction and development of colleges and universities in Chengdu and Chongqing can be improved mainly by strengthening the ideological and political education model and reforming and innovating, integrating and optimizing relevant educational resources; Specific measures include integrating online media, strengthening practical teaching, optimizing teachers and improving infrastructure construction.

      • Design of Intelligent Window System Based on ZigBee

        张,文洁,(Zhang Wenjie),张,燚,(Zhangyi),程琳(Chenglin),李青,嵩(Li Qingsong) 아시아사회과학학회 2022 International Science Research Vol.2 No.1

        由于网络技术与电子技术的飞速发展, 智能家居系统已成为发展的必然趋势, 窗户作为一种必不可少的住宅结构, 但是普遍存在着功能单一的问题, 而基于ZigBee的智能窗户相较于传统窗户和窗帘, 可以根据外界光照强度、温度湿度、下雨等情况, 自动调节光线、防盗保护隐私等众多优点。本文主要介绍了基于ZigBee制作的自动控制窗户系统, 从而达到智能效果。 Due to the rapid development of network technology and electronic technology, smart home system has become an inevitable trend of development. As an essential residential structure, windows generally have the problem of single function. Compared with traditional windows and curtains, smart windows based on ZigBee can be based on external light intensity, temperature and humidity, rain and so on, Automatic light adjustment, anti-theft, privacy protection and many other advantages. This paper mainly introduces the automatic control window system based on ZigBee, so as to achieve intelligent effect.

      • Discussion on the Path of Improving College Students Ideological and Political Quality under the Background of Patriotism Education

        Hu Lamei(胡腊,梅),Feng Jieming(冯,洁,铭,),Li Qingsong(李青,嵩),Chen Lu(陈,璐,) 아시아사회과학학회 2022 International Science Research Vol.2 No.1

        去年是建党一百周年, 借着开展党史学习教育的契机, 让更多的大学生了解党的历史, 在全校范围内开展爱国主义教育, 对于提升学生的思想政治素质是很有效的。因此在全社会大力开展爱国主义教育的大背景下, 对如何提升大学生思想政治素质进行分析和研究至关重要。本文基于爱国主义教育大背景下, 就如何提升大学生思想政治素质的路径进行探讨, 并提出具体可实施的建议。 Last year is the one hundredth anniversary of the founding, through to carry out the party history study chance in education, let more students understand the party s history, to carry out patriotism education in the school, to improve students ideological and political quality, it is very effective So vigorously carry out patriotism education in the whole society s big background, how to improve college students ideological and political quality is very important to analyze and study Based on the background of patriotism education, this paper discusses how to improve the ideological and political quality of college students, and puts forward concrete feasible suggestions.

      • KCI등재


        张健(Zhang Jian),黄亮雄(Huang Liangxiong),陈万灵(Chen Wanling),李青(Li Qing) 韓國不動産法學會 2015 不動産法學 Vol.19 No.-

        作为后发国家的成功案例, 韩国的发展经验, 值得中国学习与吸收, 同时, 对中国全面深化改革有 积极的借鉴作用。 本文重点对比了中国与韩国的对外直接投资情况。 本文发现, 中国在总量上经济 规模比韩国大, 而且经济增长速度也比韩国快, 但在人均GDP上, 即在经济效率上, 中国远落后于韩 国。 韩国于1990年起启动了较大规模的对外投资, 而中国则到2000年之后, 对外投资才显著增多。 经过十多年的发展, 中国的对外直接投资总量已超越韩国, 且增速比韩国大, 发展潜力巨大。 在中韩 的相互投资中。 韩国对中国的投资额远高于中国对韩国的投资。 针对对比的结果, 本文提出了借鉴 韩国经验, 促进中国对外直接投资的政策建议。 The experience of South Korea as a successful example of later developed countries is worthy to learn by China and provides suggestions for deepening the reform comprehensively. This paper mainly compares the situations of FDI in China and South Korea. The author finds that China overwhelms South Korea in the economic scale and growing rate, but lacks far behind in terms of per capita GDP, namely economic efficiency. South Korea started a large-scale foreign investment in 1990. China did not have a significant FDI growth until 2000. After a decade’s development, China has surpassed South Korea in the total volume of FDI, the growing rate and development potential. As to the mutual investment, the total volume of South Korea’s investment is larger than that of China. According to the comparison results, this paper puts forward suggestions to the FDI of China by borrowing from the experience of South Korea.

      • Tourism Planning Platform Based on Big Data

        林(Li Lin),汪资,蕾,(Wang Zilei),黄,政霖(Huang Zhenglin),高雅(GaoYa),唐榕(Tang Rong),李青,嵩(Li Qingsong) 아시아사회과학학회 2021 International Science Research Vol.1 No.1

        Due to the rapid development of economy, tourism has become a hot activity at present, and tourism planning has become an important planning. However, ordinary travel plans can no longer meet people s needs, and the travel plan platform based on big data can recommend travel routes and travel plans that users are interested in according to users browsing and their own relevant information, so as to reduce users travel troubles.

      • Study on the Innovation of Talent Cultivation Mode in Universities under the Background of the Construction of Double City Economic Circle

        况,迎春(Chuang Yingchun),高雅(Gao Ya),黄,怡(Huang Yi),阳,丹(Yang Dan),吕,瑶,(Lu Yao),唐慧(Tang Hu),李青,嵩(Li Qing-Song) 아시아사회과학학회 2022 International Science Research Vol.2 No.1

        成渝双城经济圈作为国家重要的协同发展战略, 对成渝地区教育、人才培养发展、人才联育方面, 提供了历史性的机遇, 人才作为社会、国家重要的发展动力, 对于实现民族振兴、赢得国际竞争主动权的战略资源具有重要作用。本文立足于成渝双城经济圈政策实行的大背景下, 深入探讨实现人才创新发展的路径与基础, 在切实分析成渝双城经济圈高校人才培养模式现状后, 通过结合成渝地区重点高校报告和相关数据进行比较研究, 提出所面临的缺陷与不足等相关问题的合理可行的建议。 As an important national cooperative development strategy, Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle provides a historic opportunity for education, talent training and development, and Talent Association in Chengdu-Chongqing area. As an important driving force for social and national development, talent plays an important role in realizing national revitalization and winning the strategic resources of international competition initiative. Based on the background of the implementation of the policy of Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle, this paper deeply explores the path and basis for the development of talent innovation. After the actual analysis of the current situation of the talent training mode in Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle, through the comparison of the report of key universities in Chengdu-Chongqing area and related data, it puts forward reasonable and feasible suggestions on the defects and deficiencies faced and other related issues.

      • KCI등재후보

        中国出口信用保险制度:问题、构成与完善对策 —以促进中国国际贸易为视角

        동아대학교 법학연구소 2016 國際去來와 法 Vol.- No.15

        “The Berne Union General Understanding”(BUGU) which regulating the business of the international export credit insurers, is the result of consultations among the developed countries, summarizing the successful experience of different export credit insurance. Although BUGU belongs to soft law, the mandatory provisions are binding on its members. The purpose of the Export Credit Insurance Company of China is for realizing the policy of export and investment abroad. Its government-run and monopoly status without legal regulation is not conducive to the implementation of China's exports and foreign investment policies, but also leads to the loss of state assets. This paper illuminates the problems to which the China Export & Credit Insurance faces, for example, the system of governance structure is illegal, and the mandatory plan for the sum insured by export credit insurance violates the basic principles of underwriting, and the information of insurance coverage is not published for the public, and there are many King provisions in insurance contract. To deal with the above problems, this paper discusses some proposed countermeasures with the enlightenment of BUGU and the experience of developed countries. 中国出口信用保险有限公司属于政策性保险公司,其官办与立法空白的现状,导致其经营出口信用保险业务的监管处于无法可依的状态。这既不利于实现中国出口与海外投资的政策目标,也不利于防范国有资产流失。文章阐述了中国出口信用保险制度存在公司治理结构违法、国家指令性承保任务背离了保险的基本原理、承保信息不透明、保单条款存在诸多霸王条款等问题,本文结合≪伯尔尼联盟总协定≫的制度框架与发达国家经验,提出了完善中国出口信用保险法律制度的建议。

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