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        창업교육을 위한 프로그램 개발과제

        최종인,양영석,Choi, Jong-In,Yang, Young-Seok 한국벤처창업학회 2012 벤처창업연구 Vol.7 No.1

        창업교육에 대한 관심이 늘고 있다. 대학원만이 아니라 대학교육에도 정부는 창업교육을 강화하도록 요구하고 있다. 하지만 대학의 창업교육은 교양수준이거나 경영학의 틀을 크게 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 또한 창업 중심의 대학원 교육도 기능별 중심의 교육으로 진행되어 과목간의 상호연계가 부족한 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 학부와 대학원의 창업교육 현황을 살피고, 해외대학의 사례분석을 통해 창업교육 방향을 제안하고 있다. 특히 프로세스 중심의 교육을 하고 있는 대학을 중심으로 알고리즘 기반의 창업교육 방향을 제시하고 있다. 마지막으로 기술-제품-시장의 틀을 기반으로한 기술창업사업화(TEC) 프로그램의 도입과 확산을 제안하고 있다. The concerns for entrepreneurship education has increased significantly in decades. Government asking to university to teach the entrepreneurship on the undergraduate and graduate level. Existing graduate-level entrepreneurship program is not enough for the reciprocal relationship among the subjects. This study review the university's entrepreneurship program in the domestic and abroad. We suggest the process and algorithm based education program which is The Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization.

      • KCI등재

        하천차수를 고려한 유출량 산정에 관한 연구

        최종인,강상혁,Choi. Jong-In,Kang. Sang-Hyeok 한국방재학회 2005 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.5 No.4

        본 연구는 Horton의 하천차수 구분방법으로 대상유역을 분할하고 하천차수별 유출량을 산정하고자 하였다. 등고선 데이터를 이용하여 소유역 하도망과 같은 유역의 지형량을 자동적으로 도출하였으며, 등고선 데이터를 모형화하여 하천 차수에 따른 강우 유출량을 해석하였다. 하천 차수별 첨두유출량을 계산한 결과, 1차 하천까지를 모두 고려한 유출량이 실측치에 근접한 것으로 나타났다. 본 등고선 모형은 향후 소유역별 하천 복원계획의 수립시 유효한 자료를 제공할 것으로 기대한다. In this paper the watershed is divided by stream order law of Horton to estimate the runoff with stream order. We use the contour data to extract spatially distributed topographical information like stream channels and networks of sub-basins. A contour model is developed, validated, and adopted to estimate the effective stream order number for the runoff. The results show that the peak discharge which is divided into first river order was close to observed one. The contour model will provide effective informations to plan river works classified by sub-basins for river restoration.

      • 光球에 依한 時空間의 理論과 그의 應用

        崔鍾仁 成均館大學校 1966 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        Part 1. Abstract By the conception which is obtained from intuition space and time are absolute in classical theory. The length of space scale with which measures the length of space and the length of time scale with which measures the length of time are fixed, but if we consider them by the conception which is developed from intuition, they are not fixed and we know well that they belong to their coordinate system, therefor we can use the terms of coordinate spece and coordinate time. In classical theories it was considered that space and time give us a certain recognition individually, but when space and time are attached with each other, we can first get a certain recognition. If we deduce from the conception which we obtain from consideration, the system of uniform velocity can replace in absolutely static system, in all uniform velocity system, all physical laws are expressed with same formula, and classical equations of motion surely receive the amendment, In classical theories the mass quantity in a material body does not cnncern with the velocity of coordinate system, but according to the new theories, the mass quantity in a material body is the function of velocity, and we use the term of coordinate system mass. In classical conception mass and energy are differential objects, but they are essentialy the same object. Generally when the velocity of coordinate system is neglectable, comparing with light velocity, as classical formula is possible, classical formula appears amedable formula. Classically light is the continuous flow of energy, but hear light is the flow of light quantum by the atom which conslructs material body and is radiative source and by the conceptiono of light sphere. In classical theories the motion of particle only recogniozes the linear motion of particles, but they can not understand the wave quality which attached to the motion. In light sphere, the form of energic pile is the same with the form of increasable mass in moving coordinate system, light sphere and mass are the same energic pile and both the forms are the same, therefor in the flow of light quantum has wave quality, the flow of mass particles has also wave quality. In classical physics, they have considered the space of Eucliean geometry which is purely mathematical form, and they replace the space in physical space, according to fat plane they have considered the physical space of straight line, but in actual physical space we ought to recognize energy or mass, owing to recognizing energy or mass the space must be curve, therefor physical space denies flat plane or straight line and demands the non-Euclidean geometry, accordingly the physical space is finite. The classical theories have constructed from intuition, and the new theories which are based on the construction which is formed by intuition are developing, therefor human inteligence is on the way which is developing from intuition. Part Ⅱ. Abstract. Even if the force is strong when the time acts on a material body is short, the effect is small and even if the time acts on a material body is short, when the force is stroger, the effect is great. By the action of universal gravitation which acts between two mass bodies, a heavenly body can be formed creatively. As a mass body which is at higher velocity obtains greater mass compared with the velocity, gravitation acts between two bodies and fusion is possible with each other, by the decrease of united body velocity, the mass changes in energy and we can obtain energy source. In the equation of state of ideal gas, mass is the function of temperature, therefor I consider that the increased mass is energy and can calculate the mole specific heat at constant volume. As moving radiative body decreases its own velocity, heavenly bodies decrease their masses, accordingly the period of rotation, and by the decrease of velocity, the orbit motion of revolution changes. From the theory of light sphere have induced the formula of Doppler effect and have discussed some of the applications. From the theory of ideal gas, it has discussed that radiative wave length is the function of temperature, next from the measurement of wave length, it is possible that the moving state of a radiative source can axpets.

      • 치오씨안 錯化合物에 關한 硏究

        崔宗仁 成均館大學校 1970 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        1. Study on the stability of ammonium cobalt thiocyanate solution and formation of perthiocyanuric acid; The stability of cobaltous thiocyanate complex has been determined at various concentrations of mineral acids, and the rate of decomposition of this complex ion in the presence of acids as the time passes has also been studied. In this experiment, enough amount of ammonium thiocyanate solution was used so that dissociation of the complex by the shortage of thiocyanate ion can be neglected. The stability of the complex was calculated on the bases of spectrophotometric extinction measurements. It was found that the complex was very stable in the presence of sulfuric acid, fairly stable in hydrochloric acid and unstable in nitric acid. Therefore it can be said that in the case of cobalt analysis by means of thiocyanate, excess amount of sulfuric acid does not cause any interferance and trouble and the color of the cobaltous thiocyanate ion is intensified. It is possible to determine the absorbance directly without removing the excess amount of sulfuric acid. The effect of the excess amount of sulfuric acid on the absorbance is shown by figure 2. An excess amount of nitric acid interferes very much with the formation of the cobaltous thiocyanate complex ion, but an excess amount of hydrochloric acid interferes only a little. In a conclusion, attention should be paid to the fact that the color of cobaltous thiocyanate ion is not only intensified by the excess amount of sulfuric acid but also the color intensy is almost proportional to the amounts of sulfuric acid present. It is considered that the stability of cobaltous thiocyanate ion is increased in the presence of the excess amounts of sulfuric acid. 2. The effect on the R.f. value by the number of thiocyanate radical in vaious thiocyanate ammine chromium complex salts; Several thiocyanate ammine chromium complex salts are prapared by the known methods and the R.f. value of these complex salts are determined by four deveropers which were used in the paper chromatographical work of cobalt complex salts by Yamamoto in 1954. It was found that the R.f. value is increased with the number of thiocyanate radical by the descending development using developer A. The reason of this curious results can be explained that the thiocyanate radical in the complex ion is more active for the organic solvent than ammine radical. Shifting of electrons to the central metal and charge of the complex ion can also effect to the R.f. value but much questions are remained for the explanation of the above curious phenomenon. Separation of mixed samples is also studied for various mixtures of above complex salts. In the case of the mixture of hexammine and diammine complex salts, the clear separation is possible but in almost all other mixed samples, the results are not clear. Therefore it can be said that the results of this work can only be used in the qualitative analysis of the individual complex salts, except the mixed sample of hexammine and diammine complex salt. 3. Preparation of Potassium hexathiocyanato chromate; Several preparation processes of this compound have been reported and in these processes KCNS and potassium chromium alum are used as the starting materials. In this report, this compound is made from chloropentammine chromium chloride. The chloride 3g is suspended in a solution of KCNS 24g, glacial acetic acid 24ml and water 48ml. The mixture is heated with stiring until it almost boils and boiled until it is completely dissolved. After cooling, the deposited orange-yellow thiocyanato pentammine chromium thiocyanate is filtered off. To the filtrate(65ml), 50g of KCNS is added and the mixture is warmed until a clear solution is obtained. After cooling potassium hexathiocyanato chromate is crystallized as very beautiful red-violet crystals, the yield is 1.2g-1.3g.

      • 데칼린 유사체의 양자역학적 에너지 계산

        최종인,김철우 中央大學校 基礎科學硏究所 2001 基礎科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        We performed molecular dynamics method to simulate the behavior of these compounds. Also, we have obtained the enthalpies of the derivatives from AMI semi-empirical quantum mechanics calculations and the HF/6-31G** energies from Gaussian 98 ab initio quantum mechanics calculation. The two conformations (trans, cis) of the molecule (a declain derivative) were possible. When we performed ab initio quantum mechanics calculation. the cis conformer(A02) was about 3kcal/mol more stable than trans conformer (A03) for both methods. This result is in parallel with the Wieland=Miescher experimental output

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