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      • 第三共和國의 政府 PR의 現況

        尹嬉重 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1971 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        Public relations is a vital tool of adjustment, interpretation, and integration between individuals, groups, and society. Today public understanding and support is basic to existence in our competitive system, and the writer believes that maladjustment in the field if government is based on the misunderstanding of realities and communication processes. The three main elements of public relations are practically as old as society itself: informing people, persuading people, and integrating people with people. However, the means and methods of accomplishing these ends have greatly changed as society has changed. At the same time, the constant and recognizable goal pf public relations activities-good will-is always presents. Public relations as an activity over the year are a response to the problems facing an institution. Administrations need to explain governmental operations and activities to citizens who were affected by them. The work of the departments and agencies on all governmental levels must be interpreted. Administrators need to find out what citizens consider the shortcomings of the agencies and what methods might be used to improve them. This is the practical, two-way function of public relations applied to government. This thesis seeks to give a broad, over-all view of government public relations in Korea, excluding the area of external (foreign) public relations. The problem of writing a thesis on ROK government PR was immense since the securing of the necessary facts and data in statistically usable form was almost impossible. The thesis consists of six parts. The first part is introductory. Its purpose is to explain why this sort of work should be undertaken. There is no easy approach or solution when dealing with government public relations in contemporary society. The second part is devoted to democracy and public information. The study of public relations activities of the government eventually leads to the problem of what is essentially required for the modernization and democratization of our country. Information is essential to a democratic society. Public relations provides the knowledge and the techniques that enable leaders to be more effective. In a democracy, leadership is dependent in understanding the public and knowing how to reach it. The citizens have a right to know what these agencies and departments of their government are doing. Democracy depends on a well-informed citizenry if government is to function successfully. The third part is dedicated to presenting a clear picture of the past and present of the ROK government public relations. Also, this part handles the comparative study of political systems, and the organization of the public information department, past and present. To provide the background for a better understanding of government public relations today, this part begins with a survey of the development of a public information system from 1945 to the present time, showing how the exigencies of modern life have created a demand for specialists in public relations. The difference between the First Republic (Liberal Days) and the Second Republic(Democratic Days) represents two extremes: the Liberals can be characterized by their authoritarianism and the Democrats by their liberalism. The Third Republic may be characterized by its extensive use of mass communication media for the purpose of government public relations. The fourth part deals with realities of the Third Republics government public relations. This part handles the analysis of public information administration of the ROK: policies, organizations, budgets, personnel and media. Important to an understanding of government public relations is a knowledge of how and why it developed as an activity. As the impact and extent of government increases, the need for adequate communication between public officials and citizens becomes more urgent. The fifth part is an attempt to analyze the mass communication media used for the government public relations after the May revolution. The writer seeks to discuss the various tools of public relations used. While many think that government information work consists exclusively of news releases to commercial news media, the government agencies are compelled to use a variety of media to reach their general and specialized publics. External periodicals, informational brochures, motion picture films, filmstrips, slides, etc. are needed to carry the agencies' messages. The government information men use speakers and exhibits for national fairs to give the publics the facts about the services of their agencies and to educate them about community, industrial, or other problems with which the government agencies deal. In this section the study is divided into three major parts: the publishing field, the broadcasting field, and the field of motive, exhibition, special event and research. Finally, in the sixth part, the thesis concludes with a presentation of the improvement of government public relations here in Korea, indicating some obstacles to the effective operation of the government public relations policy. Significant factor to be considered for the future fruitful implementation of the government public relations programs, besides organization, budget and manpower, is the scientific formulation of systematic and continuous policies. As a result of this study the writer has become convinced that the existing public relations activities to of the government require many changes or modifications in the future. One such modification is that the strengthening of public opinion surveys and other research tools is necessary to obtain the information required for future public information activities. The writer hopes that this kind of study will make a useful contribution to the foundation of constructive policy formation in a modern public relations system in Korea, while at the same time benefiting and stimulating students to further research in this influential field. Interspersed throughout the thesis are 14 charts and graphs which present trends in government public relations activities and expenditures over the period 1945-1970.

      • 韓國大學新聞의 比較分析的 硏究 : 1970年으로부터 1984年까지의 內容分析을 通하여

        尹嬉重 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1985 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.47 No.-

        If a newspaper could be compared to a mirror, a university newspaper could be called the mirror of the university. This research endeavors to discover the diverse inclinations and degree of control exercised on various universities, such as national universities, private universities, woman's universities and co-educational universities through content-analysis of the newspaper of these universities. The universities chosen for analysis were the Seoul National University, a national co-educational university, Ewha woman's University, a private woman's university, and Koryo University, a private co-educational university, and the period of analysis was from January 1970 through June 1984. The unit of analysis was articles of 309 newspapers (25% of the total number) randomly selected from the three university newspapers published during the period of fifteen and a half years. There were 7429 articles in these sample newspapers and these were analyzed according to the 6 criteria of analysis; the subjects, source of information, academic characteristics, type of articles, nations of interest and attitude. Three graduate students if Ewha Woman's University carried out the inquiry and the relative reliability amongst them showed a high score of 86. The results of the analysis showed the three newspapers to each possess unique characteristics and the similarities, and differences amongst then were also able to be discerned. First, in the selection of subjects, Ewha Woman's University Newspaper seemed to favour subjects pertaining to school matters, the Koryo University Newspaper focused much of its articles on issues of social reality while the Seoul national University Newspaper showed a higher proportion of academic and abstract subjects in their articles than the other two. Second, the Ewha University newspaper had a lower proportion of opinionated articles than the two co-educational school newspapers. Third, there was a comparatively low number of professors recognized as information sources in the Ewha University Newspaper than the other two. Fourth, the contents if the academic articles were different in that the Ewha Woman's University Newspaper's articles were mainly concerned with scholastic while the articles of the two co-educational newspapers were more concerned with cultural and artistic subjects. Fifth, the nations of main interest in these articles were the U.S., Japan and European nations and many of the articles on Japan were written in a negative tone. Sixth, in the aspect of attitude, the Ewha University Newspaper showed a relatively high degree of negativeness toward school and social issues, the Koryo University Newspaper was especially negative toward subjects of social reality, and the Seoul National University Newspaper scored the lowest of the three newspapers in negative inclinations on almost all subjects. Seventh, dependence on professors for information sources continually decreased in all three newspapers and by the '80' had dropped to a level of about half that of the early '70's. Notably, at Ewha University, the dependence proportion of outside information sources to professors inside the school, increased steadily. In conclusion, though there were many similarities between Ewha University and Koryo University, Koryo University and Seoul university, there were hardly any similarities between Ewha University and Seoul University, demonstrating the differences between national and private, and woman's and co-educational universities. But it is worth mentioning that the differences between Ewha University and the two co-ed universities started to narrow from the mid 70's and by the 80's had nearly been dissolved. Such a fact can be attributed to the increasing assimilation in consciousness between male and female students. Factors concerning the existence of control forces and their characteristics can be derived from the following facts; First, though the occurrences of student demonstrations and disturbances on campus were becoming increasingly serous and were also considered socially as an important issues, there was hardly any mention of such in the university newspapers. Second, Seoul National University, a national university, showed an increasing evasion of social reality related issues and academic, abstract subjects were emphasized instead. Third, the fact that the Seoul University Newspaper showed the lowest degree of negative inclinations in almost all aspects allowed the inference that control of university newspapers was most effectively exercised at the national universities and that the three universities received equal control where campus related issues were concerned. Because of such control forces and other circumstances, inside and the outside of the school, not only university newspapers fail to function as a means of communication between professors, students and the administration, but they even brought about the widening of gap between professors and students, thus acting as an impediment to the self-regulated resolution of the many problems within the universities.

      • 달리기 시 착지동작의 운동역학적 분석

        윤희중 한국체육대학교 2001 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analysis about kinematic factors and kinetic factors of plantar pressure distribution and vertical force on landing in running. The subject of this study was 6 healthy male(age 20.5±0.84yrs, height 178.3±4.99cm, weight 70.4±3.76kg). To analysis the kinematic and kinetic factors measured using video camera take a picture in 30fields/s and footscan instrument to sampling in 300Hz. After analysing the kinematic factors and plantar pressure distribution at each phase, the following findings are obtained: 1.The shorter supporting time on landing the foot, the longer flight time on air the body. 2.The stride width of the subject appeared respectively different form without connection the height rate. When the stride width show long, the plantar pressure distribution and vertical force appeared to be great. 3.During landing, In pressure distribution of rearfoot appeared to be inversion motion because the most pressure appeared in external position in landing. 4.After landing, to propel for the front, the pressure distribution and vertical force on the forefoot appeared to be great pressure and vertical force in specification part of between the big toe and the second toe

      • 남자 넓이뛰기의 運動力學的 分析

        尹喜重 韓國體育大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        The long jump technique is viewed as an effective sequence of movements from approach through takeoff and flight, to landing. The purpose of this report was to describe the techniques used by the elite male athletes during the last 4 strides before takeoff in the long jump and to determine which characteristics were significantly related to the officially recorded distance of the long jump. The subjects were 6 finalists in the Mean's Long Jump at the 1984 Los Anglees Olympic Games : three medialists and three Asian athletes. A high speed camera was placed at a distance of 22.5 m from the midline of the long jump runway with its optical axis at right angles to the runway. The film recorded performance of the subjects on each trial(normal rate 100 frames per second). A series of markers was placed in carefully measured locations along the inside curb of the track between the runway and camera. These markers served as a basis for determining appropriate linear scale and a fixed origin for the coordinate system used in the analysis. Mean and standard deviation of the variables and the distance of each long jump was computed. The mean horizontal velocity of approach of the four strides was : 10.47 m/s(fourth), 1071 m/s (third last), 11.10 m/s(second last), 9.88m/s(last). The second last horizontal velocity had correlation of r=0.95(p<.05). The highest mean value was recorded for the horizontal velocity at takeoff into the second last stride. The mean lengths of the last four strides of the approach were 2.31 m (fourth last), 2.19m(third last), 2.32 m(second last). Takeoff characteristics were : takeoff distance (center of mass distance ahead of toe)0.39 m(±.07); Center of mass height at takeoff 1.16m

      • 이온주입된 다결정질 실리콘의 cw Nd:YAG laser(1.06 ㎛) annealing 효과

        윤희중 목원대학교 자연과학연구소 1992 自然科學 硏究論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        SiO_2막 위에 LPCVD법으로 증착한 다결정질 실리콘에 As^+이온을 주입하여 비정질화된 실리콘층에 cw Nd : YAG laser(1.06 ㎛) 비임을 주사시켜 laser annealing 효과를 조사하였다. 시료에 주사되는 laser 비임의 흡수powr밀도, 주사속도, 기판온도, 비임폭을 변화시켜 가면서 annealing효과를 조사하였다. Annealing조건에 따라 표면저항 및 전기적 활성도가 현저하게 변하였으며, 주사조건에 의하여 표면층의 전기적 성질을 변화시킬 수 있음을 확인하였다. As^+이온을 5.0×10^15 cm^-2의 dose로 이온주입한 시료는, 기판온도를 350℃로 하고 흡수power밀도가 812 W/cm, 주사속도가 1.25mm/s일때 가장 좋은 결과를 얻었다. 이때의 표면저항은 270Ω/□, Hall mobility는 6㎠/V·s, carrier농도는 7.8×10^19cm^-3를 나타내었다. Laser annealing 후의 표면층은 TEM/TED 분석 결과 (111)면의 다결정질 실리콘을 나타내었다. Scanning cw Nd : YAG laser(1.06 ㎛) beam is capable of effectively annealing the amorphous layer of Si on SiO_2 that was produced by a 5.0×10^15 cm㎠ dose of As^+ ions implanted at an energy of 80keV into LPCVD polysilicon. Annealing conditions were determined experimentally varying the annealing parameters : absorbed power density, scanning speed, preheating temperature, and width of the scanning laser beam. Good results of laser annealing were obtained by a scanning cw Nd : YAG laser beam with a scanning speed of 1.25mm/s in a power density of 812W/cm at a preheating temperature of 350. A sheet resistivity of 270Ω/□, a Hall mobility of 6㎠/V·sec, and a carrier concentration of 7.8×10^19㎤ were obtained in the laser-annealed layer region. And the layer shows a (111) TED pattern of polycrystalline silicon.

      • 전통미디어와의 비교분석을 통한 뉴미디어 이용행위 및 이의 문제점 연구

        尹嬉重 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1990 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.57 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze and to evaluate media use behavior of adults and its problem in Korea. For this purpose this research analyzed six categories such as general media ownership, use pattern, content preference, selection motivation, media attitude and purchasing behavior. The audience survey was carried out in the Seoul area through a prestructured questionnaire. The results and problems raised through research are as follow: 1. Analysis on individual difference of media ownership pattern shows a remarkable change of media ownership according to the levels of income and education. Expensive media, especially new media, are owned more by the person of high-income and higher educational bracket. Also the study shows that young age group tend to own more of new media than traditional media. 2. Media use pattern indicates overwhelming television use in Korea. Though new media is used les than traditional media, the use of video was relatively high. Analysis on individual ownership pattern and individual use pattern of media shows a close relationships to each other. In other words, media ownership by low-income group and clerical and technical workers was less than that of high-income group, management group and professional workers. 3. Special phenomenon of content preference indicates a remarkable substitution of new media for traditional media: television is superior to newspaper in news function, while video is superior to television and movie in content preference of entertainment. And substitution phenomenon appears mainly in content preference of newspaper to television and movie to video. 4. As far as the media selection motivation and individual difference, television appears as the medium which satisfy most of motives. In terms of age, young age group are aggressive and active in selecting various media while old age group tend to satisfy their motives with only television medium. A high dependence on television medium appears among the low-educated, low-income groups and labor groups, and labor groups, and their media behavior is similar to that of young age group. Also, higher educated group, high-income group, management group and professional group satisfy their various motives with various media like young age group. Selection motive of video is mainly due to the recording function. 5. Media attitude is analyzed with three different viewpoints. In view of three points (news dependence, realization of fiction, attitude toward advertising) media attitude show a strong inter-relationship among them in the same media even under the different territorial circumstances. 6. An analysis on purchasing behavior of media indicates the people of high-income and young student groups tend to show a strong buying rate of new media.

      • 第3共和國政府의 海外公報活動

        尹嬉重,崔沃子 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1972 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.19 No.-

        With the growing recognition of the necessity and the value of public relations, during the past ten tears the Third Republic has engaged in extensive public relations that has done much to maintain national good will abroad. From the government's point of view, all regimes are driven to the use of PR, because of the external challenges they have to meet. External public relations, so-called foreign public relations, is needed in the exercise of power for the simple reason that all the nations of the world have come to participate in the political affairs of each other. In our present world, every country seems to sense the importance of propaganda and the necessity for taking into account the opinions of the masses throughout the world. The writers believe our international difficulties can be solved only if we attempt to adjust our public relations on a basis more in accord with the public interest, internationally perceived, than on a purely national basis. The basis for an enlightened public relations policy is and always must be a thorough understanding of the forces that make those relations what they are, a careful analysis of the social implications of specific practices. Therefore, foreign public relations, to be effective, must be grounded in a comprehensive knowledge of the past and of trends and relationships I the field of social change. This study is an attempt to present in organized from an overview of the Third Republic's overseas government public relations. Also, at the same time, it indicates some obstacles to the effective operation of this government public relations policy abroad. The thesis consists of four parts. The first part outlines the contemporary problems faced by the external government public relations. The second part presents the theories of government public relations in general especially in the area of foreign public relations. The third part is an attempt to describe and discuss the major junction of the government overseas propaganda. Also, this part deals with the present situation of the Third Republic's government overseas propaganda: history, policies, organizations, budgets, personnel and media, etc. In the fourth part, the thesis concludes with a presentation of ideas for the betterment of government foreign public relations indicating some obstacles to the effective operation of this government public relations policy. Though the Third Republic seems to have attained n some degree an administrative control over the systematic foreign public relations in both quality and quantity, one can still find the government PR very uniform and unilateral in propaganda. A public relations policy envisaged solely in terms of propaganda, of word and symbol manipulation, is certainly a shortsighted policy. No amount of publicity can really stem the operation of basic, social forces, and therefore the method of control must be founded on a continuous, searching analysis of these fundamental forces. Finally, the writers believe that the external public relations of any government executed with the scientific formulation of systematic and continuous policies, can persuade the foreign countries with even greater effectiveness.

      • 女性問題와 이에 대한 新聞社說論調의 分析 및 評價

        尹嬉重 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1982 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the problems of women through a survey of newspaper editorials during the period of 1960 through 1980. The thesis is presented in six parts. The first part is an introduction which explains the purpose of the study. The second part is devoted to a general discussion of the theory of press and newspaper editorials. The third part presents the functions and roles of newspaper editorials. In the fourth part, the thesis mainly deals with women as presented in the Korean newspaper editorials of the Dong-a Ilbo and the Chosun Ilbo. The fifth part is an attempt to analyze and evaluate women's problems as reflected in the editorials. Finally, the sixth part presents the conclusion. The major findings of this study are as follows: First, the problems of women were discussed more frequently in the 1970's than in the 1960s. Second, in the 60s 'Dong-a Ilbo' did not discuss women's problems at all, and even in the 70s the 'Chosun Ilbo' published 41 articles while the 'Dong-a Ilbo' published only 19. Third, among the problems concerning women, labor problems were most frequently and seriously discussed. Fourth, the second most frequently discussed subject was to stimulate the self-awareness of women as a result of their indiscreet behavior. From the survey it was shown that, articles dealing with women's problems gradually increased in frequency throughout the 1960s. It was during this period that the Women's Liberation Movement came into being in Korea with the introduction of western influence. Moreover, Korea's rapid industrial development during the 1960's and 1970s increased the demand for human resources; this gave more opportunities for women to actively participate in society. In conclusion, newspaper editorials, are reflections of this period of industrial growth and western influence. Therefore, the problems of women should not be treated or limited to the subjects of the problem such as class or sex, but should be considered and analyzed as a social problem.

      • 平行棒 Morisue 動作의 運動學的 分析

        白振昊,李蓮鍾,朴鍾勛,尹喜重 韓國體育大學校附屬 體育科學硏究所 1995 韓國體育大學校附屬 體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to provide the basic information for improvement of competition skill in Morisue on the parallel bars. The subjects participated in this study were 1 highly skilled gymnast and 2 less-skilled gymnasts from University. As this study analyzed the kinematical variables compared among subjects, the following conclusions were made ; 1. For S-1, the vertical displacement of COG showed the highest of l.43m at the moment of release and the highest airborne position of 1.79m at airborne phase. 2. The resultant velocity of COG indicated the most swing velocity of 1.64m/s of 1st stage at swing phase for S-2 and the most upward velocity of 2.29m/s tor S-1. 3. For S-1, the angle of shoulder joint showed the largest angle of -43˚and the angle of hip joint indicated the smallest angle of 92˚at the moment of release. Also, for S-1, the angle of hip joint and the knee joint showed the smallest angle of 46˚and56˚, respectively at the airborne phase. 4. At the airborne phase, S-1 spent the longest time of 0.72s and at the arm-hanged swing phase, S-1 spent the shortest time of 0.37s.

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