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      • 脂體不自由兒의 特殊學校의 再活訓練 基本模型

        鄭載權,金東淵,裵晟洙,姜渭榮,元英祚,安秉輯 大邱大學校 特殊敎育總合硏究所 1983 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        The increasing stress on the need for standardized rehabilitation programs for the crippled has faced the workers in the field with the problems of finding out an ideal model of rehabilitation programs which can most facilitate maximum development of the children in various educational aspects. As part of the basic research, the study has been conducted to analyze the data on the present status of the six schools for the crippled in the country, together with other related survey on the available literature. Most of the data on the present situation of the schools and the status of the workers were obtained through questionnaires. The findings derived from the analysis of those data are as follows: 1. The Present Status of the Rehabilitation Training The survey revealed only forty-nine percent(381) of the entire subjects of 784students had been put to the training, that classroom lesson comprised 50% and 43% of the curricula in primary and secondary courses respectively, and that in the rehabilitation programs, physical therapy accounted for 50%, occupational therapy 31% and speech therapy 19%. As for the qualification of rehabilitation workers, twenty of the twenty-five who are presently serving at the six schools are license holders, averaging three physical therapists, 0ne occupational therapist and 0.2 speech therapist at each school. Ninety-six percent are junior college graduates and fifty-six percent are aged 20∼25,forty percent 26∼30. Eighty percent fall into the monthly pay range of 140,000 to 210,000 won, leaving the others below or above the scale. The study also showed that the cause or motivation of their becoming the workers was out of a sense of duty; seventy-six percent replied that they volunteered to help the crippled. Principals, the workers and special teachers showed in that order their enthusiasm about their enthusiasm about the rehabilitation prgrams. It was also found in the study that the authorities concerned have held a special guidance session once a year, achieving their annual goal only 50% and that most of the schools (82%) organized their own rehabilitation programs. The tools and other materials used in the programs were mostly(67%) domestic products. Four schools (67%) prepared thir own evaluation devices for the achievements of the trainees. 2. Facilities and Equipment for Rehabitition Training In all, thirty-four kinds of equipment and tools are currently provided at the six schools to help the chidren maintain or develop their residual function in the deficient limb. Of them only eighteen kinds were owned by each school, aberaging more than one; they were mats, walkers, parallel bars, mirrors, puzzle patches, stairs, shoulder wheels, tilt tables, walking aids, safety aids safety walking belts restorators, over head pulleys, knee exercise units, rotary wrist macihnes, holdings and gloves. The rest of the tools or apparatus averaged less than one among the schools. Nine kinds of electro therapeutic apparatus were owned by them, but only electrostimulation test machined lamps aberaged more than one. As for the hydro therapeutic apparatus, eight kinds were provided among the schools. Each school had more than one set of these three devices: hydor collator, whirl pool and hydro collator pack, with hydro collator pack averaging 17.33. They maintained thirteen kinds of occupational therapy appraratus, of which only three were owned by every school. Most of the apparatus were meant to deal with metallic works. Eleven sorts of speech therapy devices were found; only breathing exercise apparatus averaged more than one. The rehabilitation facilities and equipment at the schools are far below sufficient both in number and kind to meet the need. 3. Teacher' Attitude and Morale Toward the Rehabilitation Programs The schools for the crippled generally try to put equal emphasis on every field needed to rehabiletate the children but it was found that they were, intentionally or unintentionally, putting varying degrees of stresses on indivdual parts. The findings allowed making a list arranged in order of their priority: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, motor development training and play therapy. The teachers responded that facilities, equipments, materials, parental cooperation, administravtive support and the ability of the rehabilitation workers were not sufficient enough to meet expectations. When asked to list the priority of the urgent fields, approximately percent put physical therapy at the top, twenty-one percent human relationships. The study showed teachers thought that the sense of duty (35%), ability and qualifications(21%), training skill(15%), academic career(13%) should be considered as the objective determinants in selecting a teacher, and 34% opined that a worker should have “ardent desire and sense of service”. Others expressed their opinion that understanding children's psychology(20%), having good knowledge of basic theory of the rehabilitation(19%) should be prerequisite to the service. Seventy-five percent of the teachers responded that rehabilitation training should be greatly improved and that they positively cooperated with the workers in the programs. It was inferred that the school administrators were generally affirmative towards the programs. The work-load of the rehabilitation workers was regarded as almost the same as that of special teachers(37%). The public and the education authorities assessed the ability of the workers "fair"(52%). Seventy-six percent of those who replied opined the financial support”, was "not sufficient", and seventy-one percent insisted the Ministry of Education should ear-mark special fund for the rehabilitation programs. As part of promotion measures, the majority of the replied(52%) reommended that authorization of more courses and expansion of the existing courses for the workers should be made, and the great majority(71%) advocated raising the special allowances, which was found to be the first in the order of priority, followed by the government's administrative and legislative support(26%) and development and development and supply of materials and equipment for the rehabilitation(22%). The analysis of the above data helped deduct a reasonable rehabilitation practice pattern in which the rehabilitation programs are adopted with the same weight as other parts of the curriculum such as classroom lessons or extra curricula activities, and the programs should cover, with an equal emphasis on every field physical therapy(functional training), occupational therapy (vocational training), speech therapy, sensory training(perception-motor training) and psychological training. Shown in IV-B are the tentatively listed basic sets of facilities and apparat believed indespensable in the rehabilitation programs. 4. Suggestions The following are the suggestion based on the results of the comprehensive study on the present rehabilitation practice in the country. (1) The rehabilitation programs which is to facilitate maximum motor-skill development should compulsorily be included in the curriculum of the school for the crippled. (2) The present training course of the rehabilitation workers should be reorganized to produce highly skilled rehabilition experts who will satisfactorily meet the need on the part of the children. Also desirable is the change of the present title of the workers "rehabilitation attendant" to "rehabilitation training teacher". In parallel with the intensification on training and requirement of the teachers, an increase in emolument to or level of the other special teachers should be made. (3) It is recommended that the programs be extended to other fields of special education, in view of the fact that the rehabilitation programs are basically meant to maintain, improve or eliminate any human defects.

      • 韓國 肢體不自由兒 訪問敎師制의 實態와 그 敎職觀에 關한 硏究

        安秉輯 韓國社會社業大學特殊敎育硏究所 1978 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        本 硏究는 現在 釜山에서 設置中에 있는 訪問敎師制의 運營實態를 把握하고 訪問敎師에 대한 敎職觀을 調査 分析하였다. 調査對象은 現訪問敎師 20 名(男6名, 女14名)으로서 平均年齡은 38.7歲이고, 平均敎職經歷은 11.3年이었다. 調査方法은 全 訪問敎師에대한 全數調査를 實施하였으며, 17個 問項으로 構成된 質問紙를 使用하였다. 그리고 實態把握은 硏究者가 直接 現地 調査하였으며, 調査期間은 19*77年 4月 20日 부터 1977年 6月 30日까지였다. 그 重要結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. (1) 訪問敎師制 運營實態 1) 1963年 3月에 釜山市內 重症肢體不自由兒童 128名을 위하여 28個의 家庭訪問制 學級을 開設하여 同年 7月 當時 國家再建最高會議 議長으로부터 特別 補助金을 下賜받아 1964年 3月 入學式을 거행한 것이 韓國最初의 肢體不自由兒에 대한 學校敎育의 試圖였다. 2) 敎師 1人當 5-6名의 兒童을 擔當하여 國民學校 敎育課程에 準하여 初等敎育을 實施하고 있으며, 年間 200日以上의 授業日數와 하루에 1人 2時間 以上의 個別課程을 갖고 있다. 3) 主로 國語, 算數等의 形式敎科를 中心敎科目으로 重視하고 있으며, 其他科目은 全體의 5% 水準에서 指導하고 있다. 아울러, 治療矯正, 個人差考慮, 自學自習能力 訓練, 技能勞作 敎育等의 方針에 依하여 實施하고 있다. 4) 年間 1回以上의 兒童作品展示會와 社會見學을 實施하고 敎師自體硏修를 通한 資質向上도 기하고 있는 實定이다. (2) 訪問敎師의 敎職觀 1) 一般的인 敎師觀에서는 大部分의 敎師가 敎育的인 使命感(40%)과 奉仕精神(25%)을 갖고 있으며, 本制度가 目的과 理念에 잘 符合되고 있어 訪問敎師制의 效果를 높이 評價하고 있다. 2) 指導 및 運營觀에서는 全般的으로 보아 基礎學力向上을 第一 重視하고 있으며, 따라서 形式敎科인 國語, 算數指導에 가장 많은 時間을 割愛하고 있다. 그러나 諸般環境에 대해서는 조금 미비하다는 傾向을 띠고 있으며, 運營上의 애로점으로는 敎師의 生活保障問題를 가장 크게 指摘하고 있다. 3) 一般學級 및 社會화의 協力關係에 있어서는 매우 否定的인 反應을 나타내고 있으며 非協調的이고 無關心하다는 見解가 支配的이다. 그리고 訪問敎師는 社會으로 낮게 評價되고 있다는 것에 60%를 反應하고 있다. 4) 時間敎師의 敎師觀에서는 大體로 一致敎師와 비슷한 傾向으로 週當 指導 時間敎는 21-25時間 程度였으며, 月報酬는 平均年齡이나 經歷에 비추어 낮은 實情이다. 역시 要求되는 資質에 대한 反應에서도 숭고한 使命感을 가장 重視하고 있는 것으로 나타나Teki. 5) 訪問敎師의 當面問題에 있어서는 敎師의 法的인 身分保障(敎師 任命)과 碇泊特殊學級과 같은 法的, 制度的 體制確立을 가장 重要한 項目으로 들고 있으며, 다음으로 處遇改善, 資格證取得, 硏修會開催, 行, 財政間 支援等과 6個項의 重要한 當面課題를 提示하고 있다. The study was aimed at looking into the operation of the Initerant personnel Plan being implemented in Pusan and analyzing the teachers' view on their job. The suhjects of this study were 20 teachers (6 males, 14 females) taking charge of the Itinerant personnel at present. Their average age was 38.7 and their working experience int his field averaged 11.3 years. A questionaire consisting of 17 questions was used to evaluate the attitudes of them towards their career. The period of the exam was from April 20, 1977 to June 30, 1977. The results a btained from the research ae as follows; 1. The operational Situation of the Itinerant Personnel plan . (1) A plan of the progrm staryted in march 1963 with 28 Itinerant Personnel Classes for 128 children with servere crippling and in July of the year the plan was encouraged with the donation by then chairman Park of the Supreme National Reconstruction Committee. The plan was realized with the opening ceremony of the classes held in Marvch 1964. (2) Every teacher takes charge of five or six children, giving each student lessions on the level of primary school more than two hours daily over 200 days a year. (3) A great emphasis has been placed in the so-called formal subjects such as the korean language and airthmeic, while other subjects comprise only five percent of the whole curricula. Treatment and correction, individual difference in ability, habit forming of self-study, coordination training through making things have been carefully taken into consideration. (4) The exhibition of works done by the children have been held more than once a year. Study trips were often made to give them chances to have contact with society. Study trips were often made to give them chances to have contact with society. Teachers are put in the self-training courses. 2. The Itinerant Personnels' View on the Education. (1) Many of the teachers have a sense of duty(40%) and service spirit (25%). this is a stuimulating tendencygoing with the purposes and ideals of the plan, with the result that the system has been ebaluated highly successful. (2) The administrators and teachers attach importance to the improvement of basic knowledge in the overall subjets, especially formal subjects such as the Korean language and arithmetic. It has been pointed out that the facillities and general tecahing conditions are not good enough to meet the requirement, and that there are also difficulties in guaranteering the welfare of the teachers owing to the limeited budget. (3) The relationslhips ad cooperation between the program and community including public schools are considered to be poorer than they should be. It was found that the program needs more positive support form the public. Sixty percent of the teachers subject to the survey responded that they are regarded as being less improtant than the public school teachers. (4) The itinerants' view on the education is almost similar to that of the puyblic school teachers. They work for about 21-25 hours a week, which is generally equivalent to the working hours of the public school teachers, but their income is much lower in regard to their average age and experience. The status quo incoitably poses a phenomenon that the teachers working for this program require more sacrificial spirit and sublime sense of duty. (5) Guaranteeied legal status of teachers(appointment of teachers by the authorities) and the implementation of formal classes for the Phusically Handicapped as in the Special Class(mentally retarded) are among the top priorities to bedealt with by the financial and administrational support, training program for the teachers, the acquirement of the spiceal education teachers' license and better payment plus other six urgent problems.

      • Frostig의 DTVP에 의한 腦性마비兒의 視知覺能力의 評價 - 正常兒와 腦性마비兒의 比較

        安秉輯,鄭載權 大邱大學校 特殊敎育·再活科學硏究所 1979 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        The great majority of Cerebral Palsied Children are multiply handcapped; that is, their physical handicaps are accompanied by psychological disorders. The study of visual perception Concentrates on the question of why something looks as it does and why it does not look the same to everyone. Five Components of visual perception are identified by Frostig. These Components include visual-motor coordination, Figure ground perception, pcerption of form constancy, Perception of position in space, and Perception of spatial relationships. The purpose of this study is to explore the developmental Characteristics of the visual Perception in the cerebral palsied child and to discover the effects of visual perceptual training of the Cerebral palsied child. The subjects of the experimental study Consisted of the total number 130 normal (73boys and 57girls), and the total number 81 cerebral palsied children (53boys and 28girls). The normal attend the Daegu EIementary School, the Cerebral Palsied Child attend the Daegu Bogeon school and the Daegu Seongbo School. They are in the 1st to 6th grades at these Schools. The CA mean of the normal was 90(range 6.5∼11.6), and IQ mean was 108.2 (range 95∼128). The CA mean of the Cerebral palsied Child was 10.3 (range 7.9∼12.9) and IQ mean was 90.0 (range 78∼110). As the Conclusion. the main findings were as follow; 1. The visual perceptual ability of the cerebral palsied Child are greatly inferior to those of normal at all the areas of the DTVP.

      • Frostigd의 DTVP에 의한 腦性마비兒의 視知覺能力의 評價 : 正常兒와 腦性마비兒의 比較

        安秉輯,鄭載權 韓國社會事業大學 特殊敎育硏究所 1979 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        The great majority of Cerebral Palsied Children are multiply handcapped; that is, their physical handicaps are accompanied by psychological disorders. The study of visual perception Concentrates on the question of why something looks as it does and why it does not look the same to everyone. Five Components of visual perception are identified by Frostig. These Components include visual-motor coordination, Figure ground perception, pcerption of form constancy, Perception of position in space, and Perception of spatial relationships. The purpose of this study is to explore the developmental Characteristics of the visual Perception in the cerebral palsied child and to discover the effects of visual perceptual training of the Cerebral palsied child. The subjects of the experimental study Consisted of the total number 130 normal(73boys and 57girls), and the total number 81 cerebral palsied children (53boys and 28girls). The normal attend the Daegu Elementary School, the Cerebral Palsied Child attend the Daegu Bogeon school and the Daegu Seongbo School. They are in the 1st to 6st grades at these Schools. The CA mean of the normal was 90(range 6.5∼11.6), and IQ mean was 108.2(range 95∼128). The CA mean of the Cerebral palsied Child was 10.3 (range 7.9∼12.9) and IQ mean was 90.0(range 78∼110). As the Conclusion the main findings were as follow; 1. The visual perceptual ability of the cerebral palsied Child are greatly inferior to those of normal at all the areas of the DTVP.

      • 肢體不自由學校 敎育課程의 制定에 따른 基礎硏究의 考察

        安秉輯,鄭載權 大邱大學校 特殊敎育總合硏究所 1984 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        The crippled students school enacted new curriculum because normal curriculum had brought about many difficulties to the crippled students. This curriculum applied to the educational cerebral palsied students. The objective statement added the condition of handicaps and his faculties to the normal curriculum. The succeeding steps of this curriculum will have to be gone with as follows: 1. Descriptive manual and teaching guidance of curriculum will have to be developed. 2. The study and training system will have to be executed for the teacher in the crippled students schools. 3. Studies for the development of teaching materials will have to be developed in order to raise to the learning effect of crippled students. 4. The early education program will have to be developed for the crippled who are a child under school age. 5. Development of rehabilitation training program, training of rehabilitational teacher, and improvement of labor conditions as teaching profession will have to be demanded. 6. The visiting education program will have to be developed.

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