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      • 肥滿 CLINIC 來院患者 453 CASES 에 對한 臨床的 考察

        安坰珣,成樂箕 대전대학교 韓醫學연구소 1993 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.2 No.2

        [11-03] In 1991, Obesity rate of South Korea has reached to 18.7%. Because of economical development, the pattern of diet is exchanged from carbohydrate to rich protein and fat. The more problem is not only obesity of adult but also one of little child. Obesity is induced to diabetes mellitus, hypertension, artherosclerosis, hyperlipoidemia, heart and C.V.A disease, etc. In Woman, special important ploblem is the complex of beauty about Woman's figure. In Oriental Medicine, the factor of obesity is mainly regarded as dampness. And there are many treatments and methods to body weight loss, but obesity patients dislike to use them because of their side effects and inconvenience, intolerance. Now ear acupuncture is applied on so many disease because of its easy handly, non-side effect and high efficiency in clinics. Here obesity acupuncture is used to ear and whole body acupuncture. Because they react eachother for lack point. Therefore, in order to investigate the effect of obesity acupuncture and develop non-drug, non-starvation etc, we analyzed 453 the cases of body weight loss patients treated with ear and whole body acupuncture in Oriental Medicine Hospital of Jeon-Ju Woo-Sug University from April.1.1992. to March. 17. 1993. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Distribution of sex ; male (4.4%), Female(95.6%) 2. Distribution of age in descending order ; 30s, 20s, 40s, 10s, 50s, below 10s, abowe 60s. The 20s-30s are group made up 60.7% of the group. 3. Distribution of occupation in descending order ; housewife, student, service, salaried, merchant, teacher, farmer, inoccupation. 4. Distribution of human coporal constitution in descending order : Tae-Eum-In, So-Eum-In, So-Yang-In. 5. Distribution of body height and weight, 155-164cm ; 71.1%, 60-70㎏, 74.6% are majority. 6. Distribution of weight variation, 2-6㎏(71.0%) is majority, also 13-14㎏(0.4%). 7. Distribution of duration in descending order ; 1-3 years, 3-6 years, 1-12months, above 10 years but in success, 1-12 months, 1-3 years, 3-6 years, above 10 years. Therefore, we know that the shorter duration of obesity is, the more loss of body weight. 8. Past experiences to body weight loss ; Yes(69.5%), No(30.5%). The success rate accordant with the past temporary experiences shows that the cases without experience is higher than the ones with experience. 9. In distribution of times(treatments), 10 times is top. The rate of body weight loss is the highest in 14 times. Therefore, I think that one would need at least 10 times, in orde lose body weight. 10. Distribution of body weight variation in treatments times is at 2 times(3-4㎏ loss), and surprisingly is 14㎏ loss at above 15 times. 11. Distribution of symptoms improvement, in descending order ; heavy sense in body, dec. of appetite, inc.of exercise, lumbago, edema, knee pain, inc.of urine, inc. of fullness sense, thirsty, disease of gynecology, white tung, chest burning, heart burning, dec.of tobacco, drink taste. motion sickness, allergy, water eczema, arthma,belching. 12. Distribution of snack ; Yes(87.4%), No(12.6%) 13. Distribution of exercise ; Yes(21.4%), No(78.6%) 14. Distribution of sleeping times, above 7 hours(79.0%) 15. Distribution of the reason to body loss, the complex of beauty(68.7%) is top. 16. Distribution of side effect in obesity acupuncture, constipation (17.4%) is top. 17. Distribution of method in body weight loss ; dietary treatment (31.1%), sauna(26.7%), exercise(19.7%), the center of body weight loss (15.0%) herb-med and starvation treatments (5.1%), hand-finger acupuncture (hand-foot acupuncture) is 1.6%, diet pill(0.3%), etc(0.6%)

      • KCI등재

        제국적 이데올로기에 대한 저항의 수단으로서 요한계시록의 "새노래"

        안경순 한국신약학회 2018 신약논단 Vol.25 No.1

        This study is an attempt to disclose what a New song(Rev 5:9; 14:3) means from Revelation on the context under the control by the Roman Empire in 1st century A.D. It was the times when the Imperial ideology of Pax-Romana and Emperor worship was rampant. The Roman Empire developed the Imperial cult gradually developed more formally and constituted the worship of the Roman emperor as a god. In particular, through Emperor worship, the Roman empire enhanced its imperial ideology and made its position secure. In the Roman Empire, It took it for granted that the higher people in rank with an emperor as the center, the more credits and respects they deserved to get, which is materialized into the worship toward the Beast from Revelation(Rev 13:4, 7-8, 12-17; 14:9 etc.). In these premises, I made an attempt to show that John proposed the New song related to the worship as an effective counterplan against imperial ideology from Revelation. For this study, I examined closely the meaning of New song with the Old Testament-setting and at the head of church service at Revelation chapter 4 and with chapter 5, 14, 15 and 19 as the center. The diction of New song in Revelation appeared for the first time at Revelation chapter 5, where there came the illusion of throne in heaven as contrasted with an imperial ideology such as emperor worship and control by armed force. Here, The New song was materialized into a hymn sung during the worship. The New song appeared again at Revelation chapter 14 with the redeemed singing in chorus. Those who read Revelation in 1st century A.D. confessed the power and control by God and the Jesus Christ, proceeding forward with the New song sung in the worship. Although practically speaking, the kings of the earth represented by the dragon and the beast and their legalized imperial ideology had a power and control over all, Christians in worship already became the winners. John proposed the New song under the undisputed power-wielding Roman empire and following the sacrifice of the Lamb. Ultimately, the New song from Revelation should be necessary to be recognized more profoundly. That's because the New song from the Old Testament represented praising the God's salvation and was overlaid with loyalty, perseverance and freedom to its meaning, becoming the means of resistance to imperial ideology. 이 글은 요한계시록에서 새 노래(계 5:9; 14:3)가 의미하는 바를 주후 1세기 로마 지배의 정황(context)과 연관하여 밝히려는 하나의 시도이다. 당시는 황제 제의(Emperor Worship)와 팍스 로마나(Pax-Romana, 로마의 평화)라는 제국적 이데올로기(Imperial Ideology)가 만연하던 때였다. 특히 제의 행위를 통해 로마 제국은 자신들이 추구하는 이데올로기를 드높이며 더 공고히 했다. 로마 제국은 황제를 중심으로 위계가 높은 자리에 있을수록 마땅히 찬양과 존경을 받음이 인정되어졌다. 이는 요한계시록에서 짐승과 짐승에게 향해지는 경배로 구체화되고 있다(계 13:4, 7-8, 12-17; 14:9 등). 이러한 것들을 전제로 요한이 요한계시록을 통해 하나님의 자리에 자신들을 놓고, 찬양하며 우상시하는 제국적 이데올로기에 대한 대응방안으로 예배와 관련하여 새 노래를 제시했음을 밝히고자 한다. 이를 위해 새 노래의 구약적 배경과 요한계시록 4장의 예배를 첫머리로 하여 요한계시록 5, 14, 15, 19장을 중심으로 새 노래의 의미에 대해 살펴본다. 요한계시록에서 새 노래 용어는 황제 제의(숭배)와 무력에 의한 지배라는 제국적 이데올로기와 대조되는 하나님의 보좌 환상이 나오는 요한계시록 5장에 처음 나온다. 여기서 새 노래는 하나님에 대한 예배 가운데 부르는 노래로 구체화된다. 그리고 새 노래는 요한계시록 14장에서 구속받은 자들의 찬양을 통해 다시 한번 나온다. 1세기 당시 요한계시록 독자들은 예배 가운데 불리어지는 새 노래를 통해 하나님과 예수 그리스도의 힘과 지배를 고백하며 나아가게 되는 것이다. 비록 현실적으로 용과 짐승으로 상징되는 세상 세력과 그들에 의해 정당화된 제국적 이데올로기가 힘을 행사하며 지배하고 있지만 말이다. 그리스도인들은 예배 가운데 이미 승리자들이다. 요한은 서슬 퍼런 로마 제국 통치 아래에서 새 노래를 제시하며 어린 양의 희생을 따르는 것을 확실히 자리매김 하고 있는 것이다. 궁극적으로 요한계시록에서 새 노래는 더 깊이 인식되어질 필요가 있다. 새 노래는 구약에서 하나님의 구원을 찬양하는 의미와 함께 충성과 인내와 자유라는 의미까지 덧붙여져 로마 제국의 이데올로기에 대한 저항의 수단이 되고 있기 때문이다.

      • KCI등재

        마가복음에 나타난 고향에서의 예수 배척 이해

        안경순 장로회신학대학교 기독교사상과문화연구원 2023 장신논단 Vol.55 No.2

        This study is an attempt to reveal the theological and literary intentions why was Jesus rejected in his hometown, by focusing the historical and literary approaches of Mark. For this purpose, the historical and social situation of Mark’s writing has been examined. On the basis of this examination, Mark 6:1-6 has been exegetically studied. Additionally, using a literary approach with the background and the plot of Mark, the function of Mark 6:1-6 in the whole context of the Gospel of Mark can be understood in terms of the nature of Jesus’ ministry and the goal of Mark’s community life. This literary design may have given readers(audience), who are at risk of being rejected, the most effective comforts and spiritual challenges, in the middle of sufferings and persecutions. Mark tried to prove the legitimacy of the social experience and the true meaning of Jesus following in their place of life by describing Jesus, who was rejected even in Galilee, more specifically in Galilee Nazareth. 본 연구는 마가복음에 대한 역사적인 접근과 문학적인 접근을 중심으로 예수가 고향에서 배척받은 이유에 대해 마가의 신학·문학적 의도를 규명하고자 한다. 이를 위해 마가복음 저작 당시의 역사적 상황, 사회적 정황을 살펴본다. 이를 근거로 마가복음 6장 1-6절을 주석한다. 그리고 마가복음에 나타난 배경, 플롯(plot) 등 마가복음을 전체로 읽는 문학적인 접근으로 전체 맥락에서 6장 1-6절의 기능을 예수의 사역의 본질과 마가공동체의 삶의 목표 측면에서 이해한다. 고향에서 배척당한 예수에 대한 묘사는 그 당시 현실에서 고난과 박해의 정황 가운데 배척의 위험에 처한 마가복음의 독자들(청중)인 마가공동체에게는 가장 효과적인 위로와 도전을 줄 수 있었을 것이다. 마가는 갈릴리, 보다 구체적으로 고향인 갈릴리 나사렛에서조차 배척받은 예수에 대한 묘사를 통하여 자신들 삶의 자리에서 당하고 있는 사회적 경험의 정당성과 예수 따름의 참된 의미를 입증하려고 했던 것이다.

      • Flowering Judas의 고찰

        안경순 이화여자대학교 인문과학대학 영어영문학과 1974 Minerva Vol.- No.15

        작품의 인물이 Katherine Anne Porter의 작품에서 처럼 집요하게 주제로 햐하는 경우는 거의 없다. Porter는 인물의 외모나 대화, 행동 그 모두를 인물의 본질에 부합시켜 주제로 이끌고 있으며 오직 그 설명을 위해 필요한 자료만을 조심스럽게 선정한다. 이렇게 조심스럽게 선정된 자료들에 의해 인물은 생명감이 부여되고 독자에게 강력하게 대두되어 그녀가 말하려는 바가 작품에서 작의 입을 통해서가 아니라 살아있는 인물들을 통해서 꾸밈없이 솔직하게 나타난다. 이러한 자신의 수법에 대해 Porter는 그녀의 essay “No Plot, My Dear, No Story”에서 이렇게 말한다.

      • KCI등재

        자발성 두개강내 추골동맥 박리의 진단 및 치료

        안경순,김성민,김용한,심영보,송준호,오세문,최선길 대한신경외과학회 1996 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.25 No.6

        The authors have dealt with six cases of spontaneous intracranial vertebral artery dissection during the past 3 years. Most of the patients were in their fourth or fifth decade of life, and men predominated. All except one patient had severe antecedent headache and half of the 6 cases were hypertensive. The presenting clinical features were subarachnoid hemorrhage. Wallenberg's syndrome, brain stem RIND (reversible ischemic neurologic deficit) and cerebellar infarct. The locations of the dissection were right vertebral artery in four patients, right vertebral and basilar artery in one and left vertebral artery in another one. Most of the patients showed typical intramural hematoma or double lumen on the MRI. On the MR angiography, irregular segmental narrowing of vertebral artery or invisible pathologic vertebral artery were demonstrated. The angiographic findings included alternating irregular stenotic and dilated segment(pearl and string sign), aneurysmal dilatation occulusion etc. Four patients were treated medically while the other two were treated surgically by proximal vertebral artery clipping of the affected artery. Upon follow-up, the outcome were excellent in two good in two and fair in two.

      • 요한계시록 11장의 두 증인 이야기(11:1-13)에 대한 이해

        안경순 강남대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 인문과학논집 Vol.24 No.-

        This thesis is to show what the intention was on two witnesses's narrative on Rev. Chapter 11. To make these purposes fulfilled, I tried to find literary and theological intention by understanding historical circumstances at that time when The Book of the Revelation of St. John was written and symbol which appeared as a literary in Rev. Chapter 11. The thing that St. John attempted to protect from political and economic circumstances of those days was the reader's faithful belief. For this reason, St. John recommended the faithful to build up the belief through two witnesses's narrative and to become the faithful witnesses. This literary and theological design, which are equipped with faithful and prophetic witness's paradigm, grants an insight to those who are staying in the middle of suffering circumstances, such as distressful persecution and death. The insight helps readers to be able to see the future plan that God has toward the future. By doing those things as well and taking the form of readers' aspects and manners toward the present, it asks readers to join God's goals actively. St. John seems to add a new meaning of active participation in the God's goals with the bible readers through the symbol of two witness's narrative. In this aspect, The literary and theological value of The Book of Revelations of St. John's chapter 11 cannot be separated. 이 글은 요한계시록 11장에 나오는 두 증인 이야기가 의도하는 바를 밝히려 하는 것이다. 이런 목적을 위해서 요한계시록 기록 당시의 역사적 상황 이해와 요한계시록 11장에 나타난 문학적 상징에 대한 이해에 집중하여 요한의 문학적 · 신학적 의도를 찾고자 하였다. 당시의 정치적, 경제적 상황 속에서 요한이 지켜내려고 했던 것은 독자들의 충성스러운 신앙이었다. 따라서 요한은 두 증인 이야기를 통해 독자들의 믿음을 강화하고 독자들에게도 예수와 동일시되는 충성스러운 증인이 되라고 권고하고 있는 것이다. 신실한 선지적 증인의 패러다임을 제공하는 이러한 문학적 · 신학적 고안은 박해와 같은 고난과 죽음의 정황 가운데 있는 독자들에게 하나님이 미래에 대해 가진 목적을 볼 수 있는 통찰력을 제공한다. 또한 그렇게 함으로써 현재에 대한 독자들의 관점과 태도를 형성하여 그러한 하나님의 목적에 능동적으로 참여하도록 요청한다. 요한은 독자들에게 두 증인 이야기라는 상징을 통해 하나님의 목적에 능동적 참여라는 새로운 의미를 부여하고 있는 것이다. 이런 점에서 요한계시록 11장의 문학적 가치와 신학적 가치는 서로 분리될 수 없다.

      • 禁煙鍼 대한 臨床的 考察

        安坰珣,金基鉉,成樂箕 대전대학교 韓醫學연구소 1992 혜화의학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Clinical studies were done on 18 people chosen from admission patients didn't have will of stop-smoking who were treated with the auricular acupuncture therapy to stop-smoking in the Dep. of the Acupuncture and Moxibution, Hospital of Oriental Medicine in Dae Jeon University from 1991. 5. 28 to 1991. 6. 15. The following results have obtained 1. Distribution of sex; male(83%), Female(17%) 2. In the distribution of age, 30s age group made up 33. 3%, 20s, 50s, 60s age group made up each 16. 6%, 40s made up 11. 1%, 70s made up 5.5% of the group. 3. Distribution of occupation in descending order; labour man (38. 8?/0), businessman (22.4%), housewife, office woker was each 16.6%, students(5.5%). 4. Disribution of human coporal constitution in descending order; Tae-Eum-In(50%), So-Yang-In (27.8%), So-Eum-In (22.2%). 5. Distribution of statring tense to smoking in descending order; 10s, 20s, were each 44.4 %, 30s(11.1%). 6. Distribution of duration in descending order; 10-19years(33.3%), 40-49years(22.2%), 1-9, 20-29years were each 16.6%, 30-39years(11.1%). 7. Distribution of smoking amount(lday) in descending order; 11-20 cigarettes (38.8%), 21-30 cigarettes(22. 7%), 1-10 cigarettes, 31-40 cigarettes were each 16.606. 8. Distribution of the motive to smoking in descending order; curiosity (61. 1?), hyperemesis gravidarum, abdominal pain, stress, inducement. 9. Distribution of symptoms within smoking in descending order; sputum(83%), liver disorder (11%), stomach disorder (6%). 10. Distribution in symptoms of post treatment of stop-smoking by acupuncture in descending order; nausea, headache were 12%, ear-radiating pain(6%), no variation(82%). 11. Distribution in change of cigarettes taste after the auricular acupuncture treatment; some decrease, complete decrease were each 38. 8%, decrease of post taste in smoking, burning-paper odored were each 5.5%, no variation(11. 1%). 12. Total judgement of efficacy in descending order; excellent(50. 0%), good(28.8%), fair(10.0%), failure(11.1%).

      • 비만(肥滿) CLINIC 내원환자(來院患者) 453 CASES에 대(對)한 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察)

        안경순,성낙기,An, Gyeong-Sun,Seong, Nak-Gi 대전대학교 한의학연구소 1993 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.2 No.2

        In 1991, Obesity rate of South Korea has reached to 18.7%. Because of economical development, the pattern of diet is exchanged from carbohydrate to rich protein and fat. The more problem is not only obesity of adult but also one of little child. Obesity is induced to diabetes mellitus, hypertension, artherosclerosis, hyperlipoidemia. heart and C.V.A disease, etc. In Woman, special important ploblem is the complex of beauty about Woman's figure. In Oriental Medicine, the factor of obesity is mainly regarded as dampness. And there are many treatments and methods to body weight loss, but obesity patients dislike to use them because of their side effects and inconvenience, intolerance. Now ear acupuncture is applied on so many disease because of its easy handly, non-side effect and high efficiency in clinics. Here obesity acupuncture is used to ear and whole body acupuncture. Because they react eachother for lack point. Therefore, in order to investigate the effect of obesity acupuncture and develop non-drug, non-starvation etc, we analyzed 453 the cases of body weight loss patients treated with ear and whole body acupuncture in Oriental Medicine Hospital of Jeon-Ju Woo-Sug University from April.1.1992. to March.17. 1993. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Distribution of sex ; male (4.4%), Female(95.6%) 2. Distribution of age in descending order ; 30s, 20s, 40s, 10s, 50s, below 10s, abowe 60s. The 20s-30s are group made up 60.7% of the group. 3. Distribution of occupation in descending order; housewife, student, service, salaried, merchant, teacher, farmer, inoccupation. 4. Distribution of human coporal constitution in descending order : Tae-Eum-In, So-Eum-In, So-Yang-In. 5. Distribution of body height and weight, 155-164cm ; 71.1%, 60-70kg, 74.6% are majority. 6. Distribution of weight variation, 2-6kg(71.0%) is majority, also 13-14kg(0.4%). 7. Distribution of duration in descending order ; 1-3 years, 3-6 years, 1-12months, above 10 years but in success, 1-12 months, 1-3 years, 3-6 years, above 10 years. Therefore, we know that the shorter duration of obesity is, the more loss of body weight. 8. Past experiences to body weight loss; Yes(69.5%), No(30.5%). The success rate accordant with the past temporary experiences shows that the cases without experience is higher than the ones with experience. 9. In distribution of times(treatments), 10 times is top. The rate of body weight loss is the highest in 14 times. Therefore, I think that one would need at least 10 times. in order lose body weight 10. Distribution of body weight variation in treatments times is at 2 times(3-4kg loss), and surprisingly is 14kg loss at above 15 times. 11. Distribution of symptoms improvement, in descending order ; heavy sense in body, dec. of appetite, inc.of exercise, lumbago, edema, knee pain, inc.of urine, inc. of fullness sense, thirsty, disease of gynecology, white tung, chest burning, heart burning, dec.of tobacco, drink taste. motion sickness, allergy, water eczema, arthma, belching. 12. Distribution of snack; Yes(87.4%), No(78.6%) 13. Distribution of exercise; Yes(21.4%), No(78.6%) 14. Distribution of sleeping times, above 7 hours(79.0%) 15. Distribution of the reason to body loss, the complex of beauty(68.7%) is top. 16. Distribution of side effect in obesity acupuncture, constipation (17.4%) is top. 17. Distribution of method in body weight loss ; dietary treatment (31.1%), sauna(26.7%), exercise(19.7%), the center of body weight loss (15.0%) herb-med and starvation treatments (5.1%), hand-finger acupuncture (hand-foot acupuncture) is 1.6%, diet pill(0.3%), etc(0.6%).

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