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        2007·2009 개정 교육과정 중학교 역사(상)의 삼국시대 문화사 분석

        吳永贊(Oh,Young-Chan) 歷史敎育硏究會 2011 역사교육 Vol.119 No.-

        This article analyses the cultural history of Korean Three Kingdoms narrated by the history textbooks of the middle school, which have passed the certification by 2007(09) revised curriculum. The 2007(09) revised curriculum integrates the divided subjects of Korean History and World History- in middle school and highschool history by the 7th national curriculum- into 'History.' The contents of the 2007 certified textbooks are examined, focusing on three aspects, which are: the cultivation of the history researching and thinking skills, the connection of the Korea and the world, and the offered plentiful visual reference; this is attempt to connect the research works of the academia of ancient Korean history. In the description of textbooks, there are some fragments of facts and informations on the tombs and the buddhist art of the three kingdoms, such as inaccurate understandings and insufficient description on the historic context. Certain perspectives taken upon by the textbook authors; in order to emphasize the international mind set and openness, weight is given to what extent the Three Kingdoms influenced Japan in the matters of external cultural exchange and had direct exchange with the west asia. In addition, the exchange between Korea and China at that time is purposefully unmentioned. Last, the certified textbooks present plenty of visual references, but there are some inexact images and captions. There still remains the need to make the informations more precise.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 말 윌리엄 고우랜드의 한국 고고학 탐구

        吳永贊(Oh, Youngchan) 한국상고사학회 2012 한국상고사학보 Vol.76 No.-

        본고는 1884년 한국을 여행하면서 지석묘를 조사하고 삼국시대 토기를 수집한 윌리엄 고우랜드(William Gowland, 1842–1922)라는 인물에 대하여 살펴보았다. 1842년 영국 더람에서 태어난 윌리엄 고우랜드는 1872년 明治政府의 초빙을 받아 化學冶金方兼造幣長官 고문으로 활약하면서, 1888년까지 16년간의 일본에 체재하면서 406기의 횡혈식 석실분을 조사하고 140기의 약측도를 남겼다. 그의 과학적이고 실증적인 조사와 연구는 당시 수준으로서는 높이 평가할만한 것이었다. 고우랜드는 1876년 출간된 헨리 지볼트(Henry von Siebold)의 저서에서 일본 민족의 기원과 고대 문화가 한국과 직접 관련되었을 가능성을 주장한 데 영향을 받아, 1884년 한국으로 조사 여행을 오게 된다. 고우랜드의 주된 관심은 일본 고대 문화와 연관된 한국의 고고학 유적과 유물에 있었는데, 경기도 포천에서‘솔모로(Tsolmorro)’라는 곳에 소재한 지석묘를 조사하고 도면과 기록을 남기고 있다. 고우랜드는 1884년 여행 전후에 다수의 한국 유물, 특히 신라 토기를 수집하였으며, 이 유물들은 1889년 자신이 수집한 일본 유물들과 함께 브리티시박물관으로 들어가게 된다. 고대 한국 문화와 일본 문화의 관련성을 탐구하는 연구의 일환으로, 고우랜드는 須惠器와 유사한 토기에 가장 많은 관심을 기울였으며, 그의 한국 컬렉션 중 상당 부분은 일본 고분시대의 스에키 토기와 유사한 고분 출토 신라·가야 토기가 차지하고 있다. 그가 수집한 토기들은 주로 5~6세기 부산 인근의 고분에서 출토된 토기들로, 한국 토기의 수집 역사에서 뿐 아니라 원초적인 고고학 조사 작업이라는 점에서 나름의 의미를 지닌다. 이는 더욱이 한국에서 고고학 조사가 공식적으로 시작되기 이전 시기에, 외국인에 의해 수행되었다는 점을 주목할 만하다. This article will examine William Gowland(1842~1922) and his survey on the Korean Archaeology in late 19th century. Gowland was born in Sunderland of Durham County in 1842. He studied chemistry, mining, and metallurgy at the Royal College of Chemistry and the Royal School of Mines, and in 1870 he worked as a chemist and metallurgist at Broughton Copper Works. At the age of thirty, he was invited by the Japanese Meiji government in 1872 to be the foreign technical consultant at the Imperial Japanese Mint in Osaka. His passion for East Asia, mainly Japan stemmed from his sixteen-year stay in Japan. Especially he devoted most of his interest to Japanese archaeology, especially the survey of ancient tombs. Since his first on-site survey of ancient tombs in 1876 he investigated 406 corridor-style stone burial chambers and produced 140 survey drawings of them. He was not only interested in the ancient culture of Japan, especially the tumuli, but also interested in Korea. He embarked on a special trip there in 1884 in order to research connections between the ancient cultures of Korea and Japan, especially focusing on ancient tombs. Before the trip, he had already heard information about three dolmens that were not ancient chamber stone tumuli but real dolmens of the Korean Bronze Age. He visited and produced detailed descriptions and sketches of the dolmen in Tsolmorro, Pocheon county in Gyeonggi Province. The Gowland collection at the British Museum consists of some three hundred Japanese and about fifty Korean artefacts. The Korean ceramics collected by Gowland in the late 19th century were intended by him to incite serious investigation into the relationship between the ancient cultures of Korea and Japan. His holdings mostly included funeral objects from Gaya tombs in the 5th-6th centuries, and stands as a significant monument, not only in the history of creating collections of Korean ceramics for study and appreciation, but it is remarkable because it represents a protoarchaeological survey. This is all the more remarkable when it is recognized that it was undertaken by a visiting foreigner before archaeological research began in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        樂浪 金銀製?具의 제작과 성격

        영찬(Oh, Youngchan) 한국상고사학회 2011 한국상고사학보 Vol.72 No.-

        본고는 平壞 石岩里 9호분에서 출토된 金製?具를 비롯한 樂浪古墳에서 출토된 금은제교구의 성격과 의미를 여타 지역에서 출토 및 수집된 금은제교구와의 비교를 통해 살펴보았다. 첫째, 금제교구 중 대표적인 유물인 평양 石岩里 9호분 출토 金製?具에 대한 미시적인 관찰을 통해 유물의 특징을 파악해 보았다. 金製?具는 워낙 미세한 金粒을 붙여 제작되었기 때문에 근접한 실물 관찰이 아니면 세부 상태나 제작기법을 파악하기가 어렵다. 실물 관찰을 통해 조형 구성과 제작기법에 대한 특징을 파악하였다. 둘째, 1990년대 이후 발표된 金製?具 자료인 日本 미호뮤지엄 소장품과 大連 營城子 M9호분 出土品, 雲南 羊甫頭遺蹟 採集品과, 뉴욕 개인 소장품, 그리고 미공개 자료인 貞柏里 17호분 出土 銀製?具를 검토대상에 추가하였다. 이를 통해 石岩里 9호분 출토품을 포함한 金銀?具에 대한 지견을 넓힐 수 있었다. 셋째, 中原의 工房에서 제작된 점, 邊方 지배세력에 대한 政治的 賜與品이라는 金銀製?具에 대한 기존의 해석을 재검토하고 대안의 방향을 모색하였다. 기존 연구에서는 中原에서 제작되어 邊方 지배세력에게 賜與된 물품으로 보는 것이 일반적인 견해였으나, 金銀製?具 문양적 특징이나, 馬蹄型과 嵌玉技法 등을 들어 제작지에 대한 보완적인 논증의 필요성을 제기하였다. 그리고 中原 漢 왕조에서 전형적인 中原製 物品을 사여하지 않고, 북방적 성격을 지닌 모호한 성격의 물품을 왜 政治的 目的으로 賜與하는지에 대한 의문에서 출발하여, 金銀製?具의 분포를 邊郡이나 郡縣制, 屬國 등 정치적 복속과 직접 연결시키기는 어렵다는 점도 지적하였다. 변방 지역에 대해 중원의 구심력과政治的 賜與라는 관점과 동시에, 변방의 원심력과 經濟的 交易이라는 또 다른 축들도 충분히 고려되어야 할 것이며, 동북아시아를 포괄하는 보다 거시적 시야에서 문화적 현상을 이해해야 할 것이다. 본고는 향후 金銀製?具에 대한 보다 심도 있는 연구를 위한 계기가 될 것으로 생각한다. This paper will study the nature and meaning of the gold buckle of the Seogam-ri No.9 tomb, which was excavated from one of the ancient Nangnang tombs, in Pyeongyang of the Northeastem part of the Korean Peninsula. First, micro-analysis of the gold buckle led to defining the charactelistics of this paJticular relic, the gold buckle from Seogam-ri No.9. Since this gold buckle was decorated with such fine gold granules, it is difficult to study its conditions or techniques in detail, without a close observation of the actual aJtifact. Thus, an up-close study of the actual artifact led to grasping an understanding of its moulding configuration and manufacturing techniques. Second, this study’s scope includes the several gold buckles disclosed after the 1990s. This will be inclusive of the following: the buckle in the Miho Museum collection in Japan, the buckle from Dalian Yingchengzi tomb No. M9 in Laioning province of China, the buckle collected from Yangfudou in Yunnan province, the buckle in a private collection in New York, and the silver buckle including the one found in Jeongbang-ri No.17 tomb. Third, the one of the leading views on these buckles is that they were crafted by workshops in the Han royal court and then presented as political gifts to the ruling power of the peripheral regions. This prevailing view will be reconsidered for alternative possibilities within this paper. Conventional research generally accepts that these artifacts were made in the Han royal court to be later presented as gifts to the ruling powers of the peripheral regions. However, when the buckle’s pattern, horseshoe shape and gem stones embedding techniques are examined, certain questions are raised about the possible need of supplementary evidence about the actual place of making. This paper first questions why the Han Dynasty would have decided to use an item of ambiguous identity associated with strong Northern flavors instead of resorting to the more typical Han Chinese item; furthermore, this paper points out the difficulty in directly linking the location of the buckles to political subjugation, such as peripheral commandery, commandery systems or vassal states. Meanwhile, sufficient attention must be given to exploring alternative premises such as the centrifugal force of the nearby areas and the possibility of commercial trade. Ultimately, a cultural phenomenon should be understood from a more macro perspective that encompasses the entire East Asia. In such light, this paper has been prepared with the hope of triggering further in-depth researches on these gold and silver buckles in the future.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        論文(론문) : 위만조선 및 낙랑군과 진변한지역의 교섭

        영찬 ( Young Chan Oh ) 이화사학연구소 2013 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.47

        This paper is a new review that aims to examine early material culture of Korea related with Wiman Joseon and Nangnang(Ch. Lelang) commandery, which is based on what was unearthed in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula, the areas of Jinhan-Byeonhan. Headed by the artefacts founded at Yeongcheon Eoeundong site in 1918, Japanese scholars in the colonial period considered the Han Chinese style artefacts in Jinhan-Byeonhan as decisive evidence of the advanced Han Chinese culture being disseminated abroad its territories to reach both the southeastern part of Korean peninsula and Japanese archipelago. Then, Since 1980s, a lot of Han Chinese style artefacts were excavated in other areas, including Dahori site in Changwon, Joyangdong site in Gyeongju, and Neukdo island site in Sacheon etc., which attracted the attention of academia. The possibility of the interaction between Wiman Joseon, Jinhan-Byoenhan may be inferred from the sheath of the Korean bronze dagger and the bronze bell excavated in the sites of Jinhan-Byoenhan, whose origins precede the establishment of Nangnang commandery. We assumed that Nangnang commandery involved the native people when interacting Janhan-Byeonhan, and utilized its network with the Wiman Joseon; and this opinion is supported by artefacts from the areas of Jinhan-Byeonhan, which collectively share styles that reflect those of the Han Chinese and those of Old Joseon― proof that North nomadic style had coexisted in areas of Jinhan-Byeonhan. By the mid and the late first century CE, it appears to be that the Old Joseon and Han Chinese style artefacts were rarely found in the Jinhan-Byeonhan areas, as indicated by the sharp decline of artefacts discovered from this time frame. It may be attributed to the fact that the controllability of Nangnang commandery was reinforced, following the suppression of the Wangjo`s rebellion, which would have dissolved the power of the native people. Perhaps, it may be an ahistroical approach to apply the medieval or even modern concepts of trade or tribute to the interaction amongst the Wiman Joseon, Nangnang commandery and Jinhan-Byeonhan areas. Instead, the interaction between Wiman Joseon and Jinhan-Byeonhan can be described as the following: the undifferentiation between the political negotiation and the economic trade, unestablishment of the unitary foreign negotiation, the internal redistribution system in Jinhan and Byeon, and the absence of the market exchange.

      • KCI우수등재

        조선총독부박물관 초기 소장품의 형성과 성격

        영찬(Oh, Youngchan) 역사학회 2020 역사학보 Vol.0 No.246

        This paper examines the process of acquiring the collection at the Museum of Joseon Governor-General in 1915-1916. The early collections can be divided into four categories; The first is artifacts from the outside institution such as Japanese Military Command at Joseon. The second is what has been stored along with the works having been performed by some sections in Joseon Governor-General. The third is the outputs of the academic research projects of relics by some sections which were given to the museum. The fourth is the donated collections from powerful individuals. The early collection was not only the by-products of the colonial ruling system but the outputs of the academic research projects for the colony, which illustrated its character as the colonial museum. Another accession path of the early collection was donations. The major donors were the Governor Terauchi Masatake and Kuhara Husanoske who were at or near the peak of the colonial power in the colony. The museum seems to have initially collected its collection by referring to the classification and criteria of the Tokyo imperial Museum which was based on the one of ‘past and old antiques’ in early modern Japan. The museum acquired large collections in a short time when opened, which led to the problem of poor registration and management of them. Since August 1916, the Museum has systematically acquired its collection through excavation and discovery as well as donation, purchase.

      • KCI등재

        역사전시와 역사교육 : 국립중앙박물관과 국사교과서

        영찬(Oh, Young-chan) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2009 역사문화연구 Vol.33 No.-

        본고에서는 국립중앙박물관의 常設展示와 현행 7차 교과과정 중·고등학교 국사교과서의 기본 체계와 내용을 서로 비교해 봄으로써, 역사전시를 통한 역사교육의 특성과 한계에 대하여 살펴보았다. 박물관의 전시는 전시 성격에 따라 상시 적인 상설전시와 단기간의 기획전시로 크게 나뉘는데, 이번 작업에서는 先史 및 古代 부분을 중점적으로 살펴보기 위하여 舊石器時代부터 南北國時代를 포괄하는 時代史 展示인 考古館을 검토의 대상으로 하였다. 그 중 展示室의 구분 문제, 展示와 記述이라는 매체의 특성, 전시가 유발하는 歷史像의 왜곡 등 세 가지 사항을 중점적으로 다루면서 구체적인 사례를 중심으로 서술하였다.국립중앙박물관은 국가의 대표 박물관인 만큼 歷史展示는 역사교육에 밀접한 영향력을 미치는데, 특히 실물 기반의 학습이라는 점에서 학교 교과과정의 교육에 대한 보완적 기능도 아울러 지닌다. 박물관 역사전시를 통해 역사교육의 효과를 배가시키기 위해서는, 박물관 전시가 지니는 매체의 특성에 대한 정확한 이해를 필요로 한다. 국립중앙박물관 상설전시관 중 考古館과 국사교과서의 해당 단원을 상호 비교하여, 歷史展示와 歷史敍述의 매체적 차이에 대하여 살펴보았다.展示는 전시물을 통하여 의미를 전달하는 특별한 방식이자 수단이다. 전시품을 통하여 의미를 전달할 수 없는 역사적 사실이나 분야가 상존한다는 점, 考古學과 歷史學의 학문적 개념의 차이에 따라 상이한 견해가 표출되는 점, 博物館 所藏品의 성격에 따라 전시를 할 수 없는 경우, 展示物과 歷史像이 서로 배치되는 경우 등 다양한 사례를 제시하였다. 박물관을 통한 역사교육에서는 展示媒體의 특성을 정확하게 인식해야 하며, 역사전시의 한계를 늘 염두에 두어야만 한다는 점을 지적하였다. In this article, characteristics and limitations of Korean history education through historical exhibitions by National Museum of Korea have been analyzed by a means of comparing contents and structures of current history textbooks of middle and high school. National Museum of Korea is undoubtedly the most representative museum in Korea, and its historical exhibitions have greatly influenced the history education in school. Museum exhibitions are generally divided into a permanent exhibition and special exhibitions, staged for a short period of time. In this article I deal with the permanent exhibition of Archaeological gallery in National museum of Korea, which includes objects from the Paleolithic to the Unified Silla and Balhae periods in Korean history. Museum offers an object-based learning, and it plays a complementary role in the course of school history education. In order to improve the efficiency of the history education by means of museum exhibitions, we have to accurately understand characteristics of the museum as a medium. First of all, I examine differences between the contents of the archaeological gallery of the permanent exhibition in the museum and the corresponding materials of the pre- and ancient history in the Korean history textbooks. Exhibitions are special mediums for conveying information and meaning through displayed objects. In this article, I present various issues related to exhibitions. Such are: inability of exhibition objects of dealing with certain historical facts and subjects, varying opinions on a single issue caused by differences between academic concepts of archaeology and history, difficulty in holding an exhibition on a particular subject due to a scarcity of artifacts in the museum collection, and a discord between images projected by history and what are exhibited. I emphasize that utilizing museum exhibition for history education requires an accurate understanding of characteristics of exhibition as a medium and an awareness of its limitations.

      • KCI등재

        문화유산과 박물관, 그리고 역사교육 : 慶州博物館學校를 중심으로

        吳永贊(OH Youngchan) 호서사학회 2009 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.53

        This article aimed to study the background of the establishment and the primary cause of the success in the long term and the educational significance of the Gyeongju Museum School. The Gyeongju Museum School was established in 1954 by Mr. Hongsup Chin who was the director of Gyeongju National Museum and Mr. Gyeongyeol Yoon who was an nonprofessional historian. Although the cultural heritage combined with the museum in Gyeongju by the establishment of the society for the preservation of historic relics of Gyeongju and Gyeongju Museum of the Joseon government-general, it related with the making of the colonial historical view and the development of the tourist attractions and the collection of the antiques. After liberation in 1945, Korean has to overcome the limitations of the Japanese colonial period. The pioneers were Mr. Hongsup Chin and Mr. Gyeongyeol Yoon. As they were inflowed from the external territory and the younger generation, many native people in Gyeongju was stubborn and did not sympathize with their opinion. They noticed the new generation,the children to preserve the cultural heritage in Gyeongju and established the Gyeongju Museum School and educated the children the significance of the cultural heritage. Especially Mr. Yoon had been much influenced by Mr. Jeonghwan Bang who was the most famous children movement leader in 1920s. They made an attempt the various educational method to explain efficiently the relics, for example the lecture in classroom, the making an on-the-spot survey, and the orally narrated fairy tale which was influenced by Mr. Bang. Gyeongju Museum School took leave from the Gyeongju National Museum in 1959 because of the discord in museum, but rejoined together in 1975. Now it was successfully managed together by Gyeongju National Museum and the Society of Silla Culture in Gyeongju. The first main factor on which it was continued for 50 years is the making much of the field of the relics, they always emphasized on the relics and teach the meaning and significant of the relics in everyday life. And the teachers developed the education methods and considered the incentive to attract the concerns of the children. Lastly we cannot forget the passion and the endeavor which the pioneers, Mr. Chin and Yoon and many teachers related with the management of the school devoted. With the consequence that the children grew up and have been on the cutting edge to preserve the cultural heritage in Gyeongju.

      • KCI등재

        낙랑칠기 연구와 식민지주의

        영찬 ( Young Chan Oh ) 공주대학교 백제문화연구소 2013 백제문화 Vol.1 No.49

        본고는 일제강점기 낙랑고분에서 출토된 칠기의 조사 및 연구 현황과 식민지주의와의 연관성에 대하여 검토하였다.1909년부터 낙랑고분이 발굴되면서 소량의 칠기 편들이 출토되었으며, 대량의 완형 칠기가 출토된 것은 1916년이다. 이 해에 발굴조사된 석암리 9호분에서 이미 기년명 칠기가 출토되었으나, 발굴자는 이를 인식하지 못하다가,1924년 석암리 고분군 발굴 이후에야 기년명 칠기의 존재를 확인하였다. 1931년 남정리 116호분에서 유명한 채회칠협이 출토되는 등 일제강점기에는 낙랑고분에서 다량의 칠기가 출토되었고, 대다수는 조선총독부박물관을 거쳐국립중앙박물관에 소장되어 있다. 하지만 낙랑고분에서 출토된 일부 칠기들은 일본, 미국 등지의 개인이나 박물관에도 소장되어 있다.낙랑고분 출토 칠기에 대한 연구는 주로 중요 칠기 유물이 발굴된 직후에 집중되었는데, 1924년 평양 석암리고분군과 1931년 남정리 116호분의 발굴이 대표적인 사례이다. 특히 칠기의 명문 연구를 통해 제작지와 제작시기를 규명함으로써 낙랑고분의 피장자와 낙랑문화의 성격에 대한 이해를 가능케 하였다. 한편 일제강점기에 이루어진 칠기의 제작기법과 문양에 대한 연구는 낙랑고분 출토 칠기에 대한 높은 평가와 함께 공예적 활용을 통해 실제칠기 작품의 창작으로도 이어졌다.낙랑고분 출토 칠기에 대한 연구의 진전을 위해서는 ‘낙랑칠기’ 용어에 대한 재검토와 정확한 성격 파악이 이루어져야 하며, 훼손이 심한 칠기 유물의 상태를 보완하기 위하여 일제강점기 출토 당시 촬영된 유리건판 사진과발굴 기록 등을 적극 활용할 필요가 있고, 아울러 보존과학과의 협업이 병행되어야 한다는 점을 지적하였다 This article examines the relation of the research on the lacquerware from Nangnang tombs, from BCE 108 to CE 313 and the colonialism in Japanese colonial period. Initially, a few shreds of lacquerware was uncovered from Nangnang tombs in 1909 and many more lacquerware were excavated in 1916, maintaining its initial forms. In 1916, some lacquerware with inscriptions were excavated from Seogam-ri tombs no. 9, but it was not until 1924 that the archaeologists noticed these inscriptions. Most of the lacquerware from Nangnang tombs- such as the famous painted lacquer basket with narrative motifs from Namjeong-ri tomb no. 116- were stored in Japanese Governors-General of Korea Museum since they were discovered during the Japanese colonial period. Now they have become a part of the collection at the National Museum of Korea. However, some lacquerware from Nangnang tombs have been carried out of Korea and are found in various private collections and museum collections in Japan and in other countries. Bulk of the primary researches on the Nangnang tomb lacquerware are concentrated on the following two studies: the 1924 excavation of Seogam-ri tombs and the 1931 excavation of Namjeong-ri tombs no. 116. Much researches conducted on these lacquerware and their inscriptions led to knowledge on the craft workshops and the production age. This led to understanding the characteristics of Nangnang culture and the life of the buried from the Nangnang tombs. Furthermore, the researches on the design and the making techniques allowed lacquerware of this time to be highly evaluated and it led to prospering the craft of modern lacquerware. For future progress of lacquerware studies, I shall point out a few things. The academic terms ``Nangnang lacquerware`` need to be reviewed for its more accurate usage. Also the glass plate photographs and the field notes from the Japanese colonial period have to be surveyed more for collecting a wider range of data. Moreover, interdisciplinary research should also be conducted by the field of conservation science.

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