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      • KCI등재후보
      • 임신 및 출산후 흰쥐 자궁의 Catecholamine 형광물질의 변화에 관한 연구

        승경록,서영석,엄창섭 고려대학교 의과대학 1991 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.28 No.1

        This study was undertaken to investigate the pattern of distribution of adrenergic nerves in normal virgin, and the relatioships between the functions of adrenergic nerve and the female sex hormones changed peculiarly during pregnancy and post partum as previously reported by many authors. The reproductive organs were fixed in mixture of 4% formaldehyde and 0.5% glutaraldehyde and processed for fluorescent microscopy to show the catecholamine concentrations in nulliparous, pregnant(5, 10, 15 and 20 days), puerpheral(3, 7 and 15 days),and primiparous (30 to 45 days after parturition) rats. The result obtained in this investigation are summarized as followings. 1. In virgin uteri, catecholamine-fluorescence was visible intensely in the wall of vessels and their surrounding connective tissue and less intensely in myometrium than the vessels in all regions of reproductive tract. The intensity of fluorescence was higher In uterine cervix and tubal end of uterine horn than the main part of uterine horn. 2. In the pregnant uteri, the intensities of fluorescence did not changed at 5 days of pregnancy, but decreased gradually from 10 days to 15 days of pregnancy, and disappeared atmost completely in myometrium and small vessels except some of large vessels in perimetrium during the late pregnancy. 3. In lactating rats after parturition, the fluorescence was increased rapidly and almost completely restored by 15 days after parturition. 4. In the parous uteri at more than 30 days after parturition, the fluorescence showed slightly more intense than that in the nulliparous uteri. The above findings suggest that the alterations of catecholamine-fluorescence are much removed from the peculiar characteristic changes of the female sex hormonal levels during pregnancy and post partum. It is concluded that the alterations of catecholamine-fluorescence closely relate with the quantitative changes of uterine tissue during pregnancy and post partum, and having the experience of pregnancy and parturition, the uterus attain to maturity.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        홍화(Carthamus tinctorius L.)씨 분말의 랫드 골절에 대한 치유 효과

        박창현,엄창섭,배춘식,Park, Chang-Hyun,Uhm, Chang-Sub,Bae, Chun-Sik 한국현미경학회 2001 Applied microscopy Vol.31 No.4

        12주령 랫드의 비골의 골절을 유발한 후 골절치유에 미치는 홍화씨 분말의 영향을 알아보고자 실험을 실시한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 비골의 골절은 골절유발 후 5주에 성숙된 신생골 조직으로 충만되어 조직형태학적으로 완전한 유합이 이루어지는데, 홍화씨 분말을 투여한 결과 골절유발 후 4주에 성숙된 신생골 조직으로 골절단이 충만되어 완전한 유합을 이룬 후 5주에서는 골수강도 개통되는 등 대조군과 비교하여 유합시기를 기준으로 1.5주 정도의 빠른 골절의 치유가 이루어졌다. 이상의 결과는 홍화씨 분말에 골절의 치유를 촉진시키는 성분이 포함되어 있을 가능성을 시사한다고 사료된다. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is a thistle-like annual plant mainly grown in dry hot climates as an oilseed or birdseed. Traditionally, the oil has mainly been sold in the health food market because it is unsaturated having high linoleic and oleic acid levels. With increased health consciousness in recent years, the oil quality has become a more general health issue. This study was designed to understand whether safflower seed powder has positive effects on the fracture healing in rats. Simple transverse fracture of rat fibula was made with a rotating diamond disc saw. The histologic changes of rats were observed with a scanning electron microscope. The fractured fibulae showed a complete fusion at the fracture site in the 4th to 5th week after a simple transverse fracture. Administration of safflower seed powder facilitated the speed of histologic changes without affecting qualitative changes. These results suggest that safflower seed powder nay have substances that help the fracture healing process.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 세포화학적 방법에 의한 흰쥐 상경교감신경절의 전자현미경적 연구

        엄창섭,서영석 고려대학교 의과대학 1990 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.27 No.1

        The superior cervical sympathetic ganglion of the adult male Sprague- Dawley rats were observed electron microscopically using the routine method, Ca^(++) - ATPase and Na^(+) - K^(+) ATPase ultrocytochemistry and tannic acid ringer incubation method. The results obtained were as followings. The ganglion cells of the superior cervical ganglion appeared to be two types in urethane-anesthetized, 3% giutaraldehyde-fixed animals, One type was larger in size and had lightly stained cytoplasm. The other type was smaller in size and had darkly stained cytoplasm. In other cases, both types of cells were stained lightly. The surfaces of the ganglion cell bodies and processes were covered with thin processes of the satellite cells except small areas where synapses occurred. In some areas, the processes of the satellite cells were present in several layers. The parts of the ganglion cell bodies where the processes arised had more dense materials in the cytoplasm which extended into the ganglion cell processes. The intercellular spaces between the ganglion cells and the satellite cell processes were filled with dense amorphous materials with similar densities to those in the ganglion cell bodies and processes. Their density showed decreasing ~ tendency from the inner narrower intercellular space to the wider spaces. And, the darkly stained cell processes was invading deep into the ganglion cell body with several layers of satellite cell coverings. The cytoplasm of the satellite cells was stained more darkly than that of the ganglion cells. Some omega figures containing darkly stained materials that was thought indicative of the endocytotic processes were present in some areas of the plasmalemma. The reaction products of Ca^(++)-ATPase were present along the outer surface of the piasmalemma of both ganglion cells and satellite cells. Almost all intracellular organelles were negative for Ca^(++)-ATPase except intermediate reactions in the tubular agranular endoplasmic reticulum of the ganglion cells. These tubular structures were opened directly to the surface of the ganglion cells. Some satellite cells showed widely spread reactivity throughout the cytoplasm. Na^(+)-K^(-) ATPase reactivity was also present along the plasmalemma of ganglion cells and satellite cells but the reaction was weaker than that of Ca^(++)-ATPase. Agranular endoplasmic reticulum of the both cells had reaction products in their cisternae. Some weak reactions were recognized in the Golgi complex. Mitochondria in the ganglion cell bodies and satellite cell showed no evidences of enzyme reaction, but those in the distal parts of the ganglion cell processes had reaction products between the inner and outer membranes. Synaptic vesicles were generally free of reactions, however in cases where the reactions occurred all the clear vesicles, but no dense cored vesicles, showed positive reactions. Nuclei of some satellite cells showed strong Na^(+)-K^(+) ATPase activities. The secretory materials reacted with tannic acid appeared in the intercellular spaces between Lhe ganglion cells and satellite cells. Some tubular agranular endoplasmic reticulum of the ganglion cell body contained dense materials. This may mean that these tubules are connected to the exterior of the cells. In conclusion, we thought that there must be some mechanisms to secrete materials which use tubular endoplasmic reticulum instead of secretory vesicles or to transport materials through the plasmalemma directly. Ca^(++)-ATPase may play some roles in the above processes, but Na^(+)-K^(+) ATPase may be involved in the recruitment of secretory materials after the depolarization or the secretion had had occured. Multi-layered satellite cell processes may play important roles in the regulation of the gacglion cell functions.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 흰쥐망막의 향중추성 및 향망막성 신경섬유에 관한 연구

        김현,엄창섭,서영석 고려대학교 의과대학 1989 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.26 No.3

        Visual projections to the various brain areas (retinofugal fibers) and fiber projections to the retina from brain (retinopetal fibers) were examined by means of anterograde and retograde tracing of HRP (type VI, Sigma ). The retinofugal fibers were examined following injections of 5% HRP into the vitreous body of right eye. The HRP-containing nerve fibers and terminals were found insilaterally in optic nerve, bilaterally in optic chiasm and superior colliculus, contralaterally in optic tract, lateral geniculate nucleus, anterior pretectal nucleus, oilvary pretectal nucleus, nucleus of the optic tract, medial, lateral and dorsal terminal nuclei of accessory optic system, superior fasciculus of accessory optic tract. Most labelled terminals in lateral geniculate nucleus were seen in dorsal nucleus and magnocellular ventral nucleus with some additional terminal labelling in parvocellular ventral nucleus. Lablled terminals in superior colliculus were limitted to superficial gray layer and optic nerve layer. No labelled terminals were seen in zonal layer, intermediate gray layer, intermediate white layer and deep gray layer of the superior colliculus. Suprachiasmatic nucleus and pulvinar which are known to receive visual projections were free of labelled terminals. Labelled cells were seen contralaterally in motor trigeminal nucleus, abducens nucleus and areas around the genu of facial nerve, accessory trigeminal nucleus and adjacent pontine reticular formation, parts of reticular formation immediately dorsal to facial nucleus, and bilaterally in coulomotor nucleus. Labelled cells in oculomotor nucleus began to appear from just below the nucleus of Darkschewitsch and were present throughout the contralateral nucleus and middle third of ipsilateral nucleus. Only a few labelled cells were present in motor trigeminal nucleus, reticular formation dorsal to facial nucleus and accessory trigeminal nucleus. Most labelled cells adjacent to the genu of facial nerve were present mainly ventromedial to genu with some cells encircling the genu. Retionpetal projections were examined following iontophoretic injections of 5% HRP into the oculomotor nucleus and pontine reticular formation dorsal to facial nucleus. HRP-labelled terminals in the retina were found contralaterally when injections were made in oculomotor nucleus. They were present at the border of inner nuclear layer and outer plexifrom layer. No labelled terminals were observed after HRP injections into reticular formation.

      • 고양이 심장에서 관상동맥 결찰과 재관류로 인한 ATPase 변화에 관한 세포화학적 연구

        김은기,류임주,엄창섭,서영석 고려대학교 의과대학 1991 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.28 No.1

        To understand the behaviors of Ca^(++)-ATPase and Na^(+)-K^(+) ATPase in ischemic and ischemic-reperfused heart, and to elucidate their roles in those conditions, the authors observed cat myocardium ultracytochemically. Acute ischemia was induced by ligation of the anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery. Reperfusion was begun after 20minutes of ischemia and discontinued after 1-2 minutes when ventricular fibrillation appeared on EKG. The reaction products of Ca^(++)-ATPase were irregular In shape, and distributed mainly in myocytes in the vicinity of capillaries. In normal cardiac myocytes, they were present at plasmalemma, sarcoplasmic reticulum, transverse tubules, intercalated discs including intermediate junctions, desmosomes and gap junctions. Some were scattered along with inner mitochondrial membranes and myofibrils. After 20 minutes of ischemia. almost all structures had negligible reaction products. except some dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum beneath the plasmalemma, which retained strong reactivities. After reperfusion, the reaction products showed a tendency to be Increased. But there was hardly any reaction products in mitochondria. Patches of myofibrils with much increased enzyme activity than other myofibrils were found scattered. In addition, macrophages showed strong reactivity throughout their nuclei. Endothelial cell nuclei, however, were free of reactions in all conditions. The reaction products of Na^(+)-K^(+) ATPase were fine In nature. In normal cardiac myocytes, they were present at plasmalemma, transverse tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum, various structures of intercalated discs, myofibrils, mitochondria, inner nuclear membranes and heterochrormatin. In ischemic heart, the reactions decreased generally and increased after reperfusion. Mitochondria in normal states had many fine reaction products scattered throughout them to the degree of masking their details. In ischemic conditions, the reaction products, decreased in number, were located contiguous to inner mitochondrial membrane. After reperfusion each reaction product was increased in size, although the amount was less than normal conditions. Gap junctions were unique structures'in that they lacked reactivity both in ischemic and ischemic-reperfused conditions. Other structures of the intercalated discs, especially desmesomes, showed increased reactions. Some myofibrils showed much strong reactions in ischemic and ischemic-reperfused groups, even though the reactivity at myofibrils as a whole was decreased. Under all conditions, the nuclei of interstitial cails and endothelial cells had their reaction products related to the nuclear membranes and heterochrormatin. The authors, based on the above observations, conclude that Ca^(++)-ATPase may have little role in ischemic and ischemic-reperfused conditions. Na^(+)-K^(+) ATPase during reperfusion, however, even depressed in their activities, may try to normalize the decreased intramitochondrial ATP contents and the increased intracellular Na^(+) concentrations resulted from ischemic conditions.

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