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      • 食品公害에 대한 考察

        柳珙植 群山敎育大學 1973 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        We live in the age of various pollutions. One of them the food and drink pollutions are very grave and urgent for us. We often call this age the superior age of consumers. But the commercial morality has collapsed down in this country and it has worried the consumers constantly We can see the commodites of low quality and fraud goods are arranged in the shops, large or small, by fair means or foul. The cakes, drinks and food which contained and mixed with bacteria, poisonous elements and impurities not only have spoiled our body but also threatened our life. In this paper I have tried to examine and analyze the shapes, the ways of discrimination of bad or spoiled food and drinks. Besides, I have illustrated the poisonous elements which are contained in the bad or spoiled food and drinks and which are harmful to our body. It is urgent for the authorities concerned to lead and supervise the food and drink makers not to mix the harmful elements and moreover I suggest that they should take any powerful administrative or legal control or sanction to the evil food and drink makers and also should protect the people from the loss of health and life.

      • 中等症 및 重症 肺結核患者에 對한 社會醫學的調査

        劉公珠 서울大學校 保建大學院 1967 公衆保健雜誌 Vol.4 No.1

        A study was conducted with 228 cases of the moderately and far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis patients to know the reasons why they had not been found and treated by medical or public health services during the early or minimal stage. The author analysed several socio-medical factors or situations which might have something to do with the progress or advances of the disease for 2 months from Sept. 1 to Oct. 31, 1966. at Tbc. Clinic, Wonju Union Christian Hospital, Kang Won Do. Out of the samples of 228 cases pulm. tbc patients, 42.5% were mod. advanced and 57.5%, far advanced. 52.9% of all the patients were AFB positive with sputum examinations. The results obtained were as follows: (1) Of all the patients analysed, 67.5% were male and 32.5%, female. The age group of 30-39 years showed the largest number with 32.5% of the total patients and the older as well as the younger they were, the fewer the number of patients in those age group. (2) 42.1% of the patients were living at small cities, the remaining 57.9%, rural areas. (3) The living status were divided into 4 classes, high, middle, low and very low. 43% of the cases belong to the low class in terms of living status and it was the largest number among the above 4 clases. Next were the middle class, occupying 39.5% of all. Only 2.5%, the smallest, belong to the high class. (4) Their educational backgrounds were varied. 38.7% of the patients had primary school education and they were the largest group. The next one was the non-school-educated, occupying 30% of all the cases. Only 2.2%, the smallest group, were the college-educated. (5) 42.2% of the patients analysed had no occupation, occupying the largest percentage of all. 29.9% of all were farmers, the most common occupation in our patients. The next one was laborers, with 10.5%. (6) Several socio-medical backgrounds before finding their disease, tbc. a) 20.3% of all the patients (1st group) had no subjective symptoms indicating pulm. tbc before finding their disease and so had no previous treatments. The largest group of all, 46.8% (2nd group) had some symtoms making suspicious of pulm. tbc but not have medical helps because of several reasons. The remaining 32.9% of all the patients (3rd group) had susupected symptoms and been treated for similar diseases as pulm. tbc prior to coming to the clinic. b) Of the 2nd group mentioned above who had symptoms but no treatment, the largest part, 54%, had not been treated by any medical services because of lack of financial resources, i.e., no money to consult with a physician, or poverty. Next common reason was the ignorance of the importance of their symptoms, i.e., they paid little attention to their symptoms which consisted of 33.6% of the 2nd group of the patients. 10.3% of this group were living in the remote rural areas in which it was difficult to find the means of the travel i.e., the means of transportation were not easily available. c) Of the smilar diseases diagnosed and treated before recognizing their pulm. tuberculosis among the 3rd group of the patients, pleurisy was the most common entity the patients had suffered from, that occupied 48.0%. Next one, bronchitis occupied 14.7% of the 3rd group and 10.6% of the patients said they were diagnosed and treated for pneumonia just prior to being diagnosed as tbc. Past history of paragonimiasis and lung abscess made up 5.3% of the patients, respectively. (7) Several socio-medical situations when they found their disease, tbc. for the first time; a) Concerning the motives of finding their disease, tbc, 57.9% of all the patients, the largest percentage, were found at hospital by chance (most of them at Wonju Union Christian Hospital) when they visited the hospital for other complaints(without suspecting tbc.). The next group, 29.0% of all, consulted a physician at a clinic or hospital to confirm their suspected symptoms as pulm. tbc. Another 8.3% of the patients visited a health center with suspected pulmonary symptoms to rule out pulm. tbc. The remaining 5.7% of the patients were found by mass checking of chest x-ray. b) The degree of advance of their pulm. tbc when they were found for the first time were studied. 57.0% of all the patients were far-advanced and 28.0% were moderately advanced, and the remaining 15.0% only were found at minimal stage. c) 65.2% of all the patients were AFB positive with sputum examanation when they had been diagnosed as having tbc. (8) Several sodio-medical situations after finding their disease, tbc. a) Duration of the disease; The largest number was shown with the patient who had been suffering from pulm. tbc. for 1-2 yrs. since finding their disease (34.0%), which is followed by the group who had been suffered for less than I yr. (25.9%), 11.9% of the patients, for 2-3 yrs. and the remaining 28.2% for 3yrs. or more. b) Duration of regular & continuous anti-tbc. therapy; 28.9% of the patients had been taking regular anti-tbc. therapy for less than 6 months. 25.0% of all had been on sepcific anti-tbc. treatment for 6-12 months. 21.1%. for 1-2 yrs. The remaining 11.47%, for 3 yrs. or more. c) Since discovery of their disease, 57.9% of all had been taking anti-tbc. therapy at tbc. clinic. Wonju Union Christian Hospital continuously. Prior to coming to WUCH tbc. clinic for treatment, 13.6% of all the patients had received advices for the treatment of their diseases at drug stores. The drug store appeared to be the most common place the patients consulted prior to coming to the tbc. clinic. 11.8% of the patients had visited a health center for treatment before they come to WUCH tbc. clinic. 11.4% had visted another clinic or hospital. The remaining 5.3% took treatment according to the advice of herb medical clinic. d) After begining anti-tbc. therapy at WUCH tbc. clinic, ony 50.8% of the patients.(1st group) had taken regular and continuous therapy at the tbc. clinic. And the remaining 49.2% of the patients (2nd group) had discontinued their regular treatment from time to time due to several reasons. e) Among the reasons the 2nd group of the patients could not continue their regular therapy, lack of financial means (poverty) was the main cause, consisting of 66.1% of the 2nd group. 24.1% of the 2nd group discontinued their anti-tbc. therapy because of poor response to the drugs, e.i., they had become doubtful to the effect of the drugs on their disease. And the remaining 9.8% could not visit the clinic regularly due to the remote distances from their homes or travel inconviniences (or traffic difficulties). f) Of the 35 patients who had chances to perform sensitivity test of AFB against the 3 main anti-tbc. drugs, 31.4%, the largest number, showed resistance against INH & SM concomitantly. 22.8% showed resistance aginst INH, PAS & SM., 11.5%, against INH & PAS. Only 11.5% showed susceptibility against 3 main anti-tbc. drugs(i.e.,INH,PAS & SM). (9) Several observations about the patient's families; a) The size of the patient's families were studied; 21.0% of the patients, the largest group, had six members of the family including the patient himself. 19.3% had four members and 14.6%, five. The average size of their families was 5.6 in number of family members. b) The number of the family using the same room with the patient was surveyed; 25.8% of the patients lived in a room alone, (not with his other members of the family). Another 21.9% of all the pationts lived with three other members of the family in the same room, 20.3% used a room with other two members of the family, and the 12.8% with one. The average number of the members of the family using the same room with the patients was 3.1 (The number did not include the patinent himself). c) The familes of the only 23.6% of the patients had checked chest X-ray to rule out the infectious disease from the contacts and among them 55.6% of the above patients (23.6% of all) had been found as having new pulm. tbc. patients in their families.

      • 신이식 환자에서 자발적으로 발생한 저구연산뇨증 연관성 요관 결석로

        나정구,공성민,이동규,김성민,장윤정,김성록,이유지 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2015 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.38 No.3

        Urolithiasis is an uncommon complication in renal transplantation. We report a case of hypocitraturia-related ureteral steinstrasse which was spontaneously formed in a renal transplant recipient. The patient who underwent renal transplantation was admitted with acute pyelonephritis. Hydronephrosis in the transplanted kidney and multiple stones (steinstrasse) in the distal ureter were incidentally found on computed tomography scanning. After a failed attempt of ureteroscopic removal of stones, the patient underwent open ureterolithotomy and ureteroureterostomy. On stone analysis, carbonate apatite was confirmed. Urinary citric acid levels were decreased to 127.6 mg/day. Potassium citrate was administered to prevent stone recurrence by increasing urinary citrate excretion. No recurrence of stones was shown six months later. Urolithiasis in renal transplant recipients requires a high index of suspicion. Hypocitraturia can increase the risk for urolithiasis. Rapid recognition by careful surveillance, prompt removal of stones, and precautionary efforts to prevent recurrence are needed.

      • KCI등재

        AE기법 이용한 JLF/STS304이종재료의 최적 마찰용접조건에 관한 연구

        윤한기,이진경,이상필,공유식 한국비파괴검사학회 2003 한국비파괴검사학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        저방사화 페라이트강인 JLF는 핵융합로의 블랑켓과 같은 열교환기의 재료로써 유용한 재료이다. 이 재료의 광범위한 적용을 위해서는 JLF강과 다른 재료와의 접합기술의 개발이 중요하다. 최근 두 이종재료간의 접합에는 마찰용접이 많이 이용되고 있으며 본 연구에서도 JLF강과 STS304 간의 마찰용접에 의한 용접특성을 평가하였으며 특히 비파괴기법중의 하나인 음향방출 기법을 이용하여 두 이종재료간의 용접특성 및 최적의 용접조건을 평가하였다. 음향방출 파라미터중의 하나인 카운트와 사상수 등이 최적용접조건 및 용접품질을 평가하는데 유효한 파라미터들이었다. Japanese low activation ferritic steel(JLF) is a good material for the parts of heat exchanger such as blanket and diverter. At first, JLF was developed as a candidate for structural materials in nuclear fusion applications. However, the development of the jointing technique of JLF steel to other materials is important for wide applications of this material to the industry fields. Recently the jointing technologies including diffusion bonding, brazing, roll bonding, explosive bonding and hot iso-static pressing have been studied for the heterogeneous materials of JLF-1 steel(Fe-9Cr-2W-V-Ta) and stainless steel(STS304). Friction welding is one of the most popular welding methods for two different kinds of materials. In this paper, the JLF-1 steel was jointed to STS304 by friction welding method and the optimal conditions of the friction welding discussed. Acoustic emission was used as a nondestructive technique to evaluate the weld quality in processing.

      • KCI등재후보

        Single-Stage Peninsula-Shaped Lateral Tongue Flap Reconstruction for Buccal Defects in Two Patients: Revisiting a Simple and Safe Reconstructive Option

        Kong Yu Taek,Lim Soo Yeon,Kim Junekyu,Shin Hyun Woo,Kim Kyu Nam 대한창상학회 2021 Journal of Wound Management and Research Vol.17 No.2

        Intraoral defects are increasingly reconstructed using free flaps. However, certain situations may render free flap reconstruction difficult. This study presents two cases with underlying comorbidities that underwent reconstruction of buccal defects involving the retromolar trigone (RMT), using a single-stage peninsula-shaped lateral tongue flap (pLTF). A 58-year-old woman and a 75-year-old man were diagnosed with left buccal squamous cell carcinoma and right buccal adenoid cystic carcinoma, respectively. The buccal defects extending to the RMT area were detected and covered with an ipsilateral posteriorly based pLTF after wide excision of the lesion. All flaps survived without any postoperative complications. Moreover, no tumor recurrences or functional problems were observed during the final follow-up. A single-stage pLTF is believed to represent a good alternative to free flaps in buccal and RMT defects.

      • KCI등재

        Creep Life Prediction for Udimet 720 Material Using the Initial Strain Method (ISM)

        Yu-Sik Kong,Han-Ki Yoon,Sae-Kyoo Oh 대한기계학회 2003 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.17 No.4

        Despite of considerable research results of uniaxial tension creep available for superalloys, few studies have been made on high temperature creep using the Initial Strain Method (ISM). In this paper, the real-time prediction of high temperature creep strength and creep life for the nickel-based superalloy Udimet 720 (high-temperature and high-pressure gas turbine engine materials) was performed on round-bar type specimens under pure static load at the temperatures of 538°C, 649°C, and 704°C. The predictive equation derived from the ISM in creep tests showed better reliability than those from LMP(Larson-Miller Parameter) and LMP-ISM (Larson Miller Parameter-Initial Strain Method) specially for long time creep prediction (10³~10^5h)

      • Stereo Matching Based on Least Square

        Yu Haihao,Fang Yurun,Kong Leilei,Wang Xin 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Vol.10 No.2

        Least Square method is widely adopted in stereo matching owing to it high precision, but the fact that transformation parameters is obtained by solving linear equations leads to the instability of its solutions and the process of matching oscillates and decreases convergence speed. To overcome this disadvantage, improve convergence speed and keep high precision, this paper provides gradient method to resolve stereo matching. The experiments show that the algorithm is valid and practical.

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