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      • KCI등재

        Compounds from a jellyfish-derived fungus Aspergillus fumigates

        Guan-yu Tao,Juan Liu,정지형,Wei Guo,Xiao-qiong Wen,Yonghong Liu 한국생약학회 2016 Natural Product Sciences Vol.22 No.2

        Six compounds were isolated from the secondary metabolites of the jellyfish-derived fungus Aspergillus fumigates, whose structures were identified by chemical methods and spectroscopic analysis as pseurotin F1 (1), azaspirofurans B (2), (22E, 24R)-24-methyl-5a-cholesta-7,22-diene-3b,5,6b-triol (3), 5a,8a-epidioxyergosta-6,22-dien-3b-o1 (4), cyclo-(L-Pro-L-Tyr) (5), fumitremorgin C (6). The compounds 1 - 5 were isolated from the fungus Aspergillus fumigates for the first time. The isolated compounds (1 - 6) were evaluated for antibiotic activity and cytotoxicity against six bacterial strains and ten human tumor cell lines, respectively.


        Bavachin Suppresses Alpha-Hemolysin Expression and Protects Mice from Pneumonia Infection by Staphylococcus aureus

        ( Ye Tao ),( Dazhong Sun ),( Xinran Ren ),( Yicheng Zhao ),( Hengjian Zhang ),( Tao Jiang ),( Jiyu Guan ),( Yong Tang ),( Wu Song ),( Shuqiang Li ),( Li Wang ) 한국미생물생명공학회 2022 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.32 No.10

        Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) infection causes dramatic harm to human health as well as to livestock development. As an important virulence factor, alpha-hemolysin (hla) is critical in the process of S. aureus infection. In this report, we found that bavachin, a natural flavonoid, not only efficiently inhibited the hemolytic activity of hla, but was also capable of inhibiting it on transcriptional and translational levels. Moreover, further data revealed that bavachin had no neutralizing activity on hla, which did not affect the formation of hla heptamers and exhibited no effects on the hla thermal stability. In vitro assays showed that bavachin was able to reduce the S. aureus-induced damage of A549 cells. Thus, bavachin repressed the lethality of pneumonia infection, lung bacterial load and lung tissue inflammation in mice, providing potent protection to mice models in vivo. Our results indicated that bavachin has the potential for development as a candidate hla inhibitor against S. aureus.

      • KCI등재

        Platform development for multi-physics coupling and uncertainty analysis based on a unified framework

        Qian Guan-Hua,Li Ren,Yang Tao,Wang Xu,Zhao Peng-Cheng,Zhao Ya-Nan,Yu Tao 한국원자력학회 2023 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.55 No.5

        The multi-physics coupled methodologies that have been widely used to analyze the complex process occurring in nuclear reactors have also been used to the R&D of numerical reactors. The advancement in the field of computer technology has helped in the development of these methodologies. Herein, we report the integration of ADPRES code and RELAP5 code into the SALOME-ICoCo framework to form a multi-physics coupling platform. The platform exploits the supervisor architecture, serial mode, mesh one-to-one correspondence and explicit coupling methods during analysis, and the uncertainty analysis tool URANIE was used. The correctness of the platform was verified through the NEACRP-L-335 benchmark. The results obtained were in accordance with the reference values. The platform could be used to accurately determine the power peak. In addition, design margins could be gained post uncertainty analysis. The initial power, inlet coolant temperature and the mass flow of assembly property significantly influence reactor safety during the rod ejections accident (REA).

      • KCI등재

        중국 사회 근대적 전환의 역사단계 -키워드 중심의 관념사 연구-

        진관타오 ( Guan Tao Jin ),이기윤(역) 한림과학원 2009 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.4

        이 글은 근대 중국 사상의 기원과 변천에 관한 연구가 낳은 성과를 데이터베이스기법을 통해 소개한다. 이를 통해 우리는 관념사의 파노라마 안에서 중국 사회의 근대적 전환을 논의할 수 있다. 우리는 관념사 연구가 중국 사회 전환의 초안정시스템의 역사관을 확증하며, 이를 통해 관념사 연구에서 아서 러브조이(Arthur O. Lovejoy)가 언급한 기본적인 이론적 문제들을 해결할 수 있다고 믿는다. 우리는 우선 근대성과 직접 관련되는 100여 개의 주요 핵심어들을 선별했다. 이 핵심어들의 역사적 의미에 대한 정량적인 분석을 통해서 우리는 근대성의 세 가지 기본 요소들(개인의 권리, 도구적 합리성, 민족 정체성)의 기원과 변모를 논의했다. 우리는 근대적 가치들을 중국이 수용하는 과정이 세 단계로 구분될 수 있다는 점을 알게 되었다. 첫 번째 단계는 1840~1894년에 해당하는데, 이 단계는 유교를 통한 근대 서구사상의 선택적 수용이 특징이다. 유교에 존재하지 않는 가치들은 관심을 받지 못하거나 거부되었다. 근대 서구사상을 학습하는 단계는 청일전쟁(1894~1895) 이후이다. 중국과 서구의 구분을 뒷받침하는 이원론적 이데올로기가 형성되었던 이 두 번째 단계, 특히 1900~1914년의 시기에 개인의 권리, 도구적 합리성, 문화적 민족주의는 중국 사회의 근대적 전환을 야기하는 데 막대한 위력을 갖게 되었다. 이는 또한 중국의 정치사상이 서구에 근접하는 시기이기도 했다. 1915년에 재구성의 단계가 이전 학습단계를 대체했는데, 이것이 신문화운동(1915~1924) 이후 계속 이어지는 세 번째 단계의 시작이다. 이 단계에서는 서구로부터 학습된 근대적 개념들이 재구성되는 과정을 겪는다. 그러한 재구성이 낳은 것이 우리가 당대사상이라 부르는 중국식 근대적 관념으로 이 관념은 5·4운동 이후 중국에서의 혁명과 당-국가 체제의 성립을 지배하였다. 근대성은 서구에서 유래하였다. 일반적으로 전통 사회의 근대적 전환은 민족국가를 확립하기 위해 서구의 근대적 가치들을 학습함으로써 이루어졌다. 하지만 중국에서 서구로부터의 학습단계는 매우 짧아서 20년이 채 안 된다. 중국의 전통적인 사고 방식의 영향력이 중국식 근대적 관념 형성에 중요했다. 이를 통해 알 수 있는 바는 중국 사회의 근대적 전환이 중국 전통 사회의 작동 양식에 의해 지배되었다는 점과 역사 속의 문화 통합 양식, 즉 역사 속의 초안정시스템은 여전히 붕괴하지 않았다는 점이다. 초안정시스템은 고대와 근대의 중국 역사를 설명하는 데 시스템론(system theory)을 이용하기 위해 우리가 제안한 양식이다. 이 양식은 불변하는 심층 구조의 사고 방식 때문에 유효성을 갖는다. 『중국 근대 사상의 기원: 초안정구조의 관점에서 본 중국 정치 문화의 변천』에서 우리는 심층 구조의 사고 방식을 논의했다. 100여 개의 개념들에 대한 우리의 검토는 불변하는 심층 구조의 사고방식의 존재에 대한 증거이다. 비록 1930년대 초 아서 러브조이는 이미 관념이 장기 지속적이고 변화하기 어려운 사고 방식이라고 믿었지만 그의 관점은 역사 연구에서 결코 입증된 적이 없었다. 중국 사회의 근대적 전환에 대한 관념사 연구는 러브조이의 관점에 대한 시험이다. 이는 관념과 사회 간의 상호작용이라는 새로운 연구영역을 열어놓는다. This essay presents an overview of our achievements in the study of the origins and transformation of modern Chinese thought by using the database method, and addresses the modern transformation of Chinese society from the perspective of the history of ideas. We believe that studies in the history of ideas verify the historical perspective of the ultra-stable system of China`s social transformation, and can solve the basic theoretical problems in this field mentioned by Arthur O. Lovejoy. First of all, we chose approximately one hundred significant keywords directly related to modernity. By conducting quantitative analyses of their historical meanings, we discussed the origins and transformation of three basic elements of modernity: personal rights, instrumental rationality, and national identity in China. We discovered that China`s adoption of modern values can be divided chronologically into three stages. The first stage, from 1840 to 1894, was characterized by the selective absorption of modern Western thought by Confucianism. Values not compatible with Confucianism were treated with indifference, or rejected. The stage in which modern Western thought was learnt took place after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95. This second stage, especially from 1900 to 1914, was also marked by the formation of a dualistic ideology, which maintained a demarcation between China and the West; personal rights, instrumental rationality, and cultural nationalism played an immense role in motivating the modern transformation of Chinese society. It was also a period in which Chinese political thought came closest to the West. From 1915, a stage of reconstruction replaced the former stage of learning or adoption of Western values; this third stage started with the New Culture Movement (1915-1924) and onwards. It is then that modern concepts learnt from the West underwent some transformation. Such changes gave birth to the Chinese style of modern thought, which we call contemporary Chinese thought, and which dominated the revolutions and the formation of the party-state system in China after May Fourth. Modernity originated in the West. Generally, the modern transformation of traditional societies was accomplished by learning modern Western values to establish a nation-state. But the stage of learning from the West in China was very short: less than twenty years, in fact. Traditional Chinese ways of thinking were important in the formation of Chinese modern thought. This illustrates that the modern transformation of Chinese society was dominated by the pattern of traditional Chinese society and the cultural-integration pattern in history; the ultra-stable system in history is as-yet unbroken. It is the pattern we suggested, to use the system theory in explaining ancient and modern Chinese history. Such a pattern is valid due to its constant and deeply-structured ways of thinking. In Origins of Modern Chinese Thought: the Evolution of Chinese Political Culture from the Perspective of the Ultra-Stable Structure, we discussed the deeply-structured ways of thinking. Our examination of those one hundred concepts provided evidence of the existence of the constant and deeply-structured ways of thinking. Though early in the 1930s, Arthur O. Lovejoy already believed that ideas are ways of thinking which are of long duration and difficult to change, his view had never been proven in historical studies. This history-of-ideas study of the modern transformation of Chinese society is a test of Lovejoy`s point of view, and it marks the beginning of a new field of research of the interaction between ideas and society.

      • KCI등재

        Modeling of Chloride Ion Diffusion in Concrete under Fatigue Loading

        Tao Yang,Bowen Guan,Guoqiang Liu,Yanshun Jia 대한토목학회 2019 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.23 No.1

        It is common for reinforced concrete in the saline region to bear fatigue loading and chloride induced corrosion, which has become one of the main causes of structural failure of reinforced concrete. The objective of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of chloride ion transport in concrete under fatigue loading. A new theoretical model describing the chloride ion transport in saturated concrete under fatigue loading is proposed. In this model, the concrete is divided into two parts, matrix and microcrack, to characterize the chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete based on crack area. The influence of fatigue damage on the microcrack area of concrete is quantitatively analyzed and the relationship between fatigue loading and chloride diffusion coefficient is established. Then, based on Fick’s second law, the model is proposed and solved by analytical solution. Some experiments are conducted to verify the proposed model and the simulated and measured results are in good agreement with each other. Finally, the characteristics of chloride ion transport under different influencing factors are analyzed using the proposed model.

      • KCI등재

        Design and Manufacture of High Accurate Aerostatic Guideway with Glass Material

        Tao Lai,Xiaoqiang Peng,Meng Guo,Guipeng Tie,Chaoliang Guan,Junfeng Liu,Aihua Chen 한국정밀공학회 2019 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.20 No.6

        Universal materials such as metal and marble are applied for aerostatic guideway. However, metal or marble guideway is usually manufactured by traditional turning and grinding. The corresponding geometric error, load and stiffness of the guideway are limited by the accuracy of traditional manufacture. Glass guideway can be measured by the optical method, thereby improving the performance. This paper presents a guideway designed and manufactured with the K9 glass. The guideway is manufactured by computer controlled optical surfacing and magnetorheological finishing. Moreover, the optical measurement is applied to measure the flatness and the geometric error of the guideway. Besides, the slider on the guideway is designed based on orifice compensated. The working surface error of the guideway is less than 0.1 μm, and the gas film is smaller than traditional aerostatic bearing. Therefore, the load and stiffness of the aerostatic sliders are higher than the traditional slider. Additionally, the effects of configuration and load onto the accuracy of guideway are introduced. The motional geometric error is measured after assembling, with the results that the pitch is better than 0.4 arcsecs and the yaw is better than 0.9 arcsecs. Furthermore, the straightness is compensated at 50 nm/200 mm. At last, the guideway is applied for an ultra-precision profilometer, and a flat is measured by the profilometer, giving 0.1 μm repeatable flatness.

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