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      • 발달장애학생을 위한 웹기반 의사소통능력신장 프로그램의 개발과 적용 사례

        김동현,유영환,김좌중,천경철,이청용,김봉수 국립특수교육원 2005 연구보고서 Vol.- No.10

        발달장애학생의 의사소통능력은 단순한 언어문제 이상의 의미를 지닌다. 의사소통능력은 모든 학습의 기초가 되고 결국 인간의 삶의 질을 좌우하게 하는 중요한 요소가 되고 있기 때문에 의사소통능력에 문제가 많은 발달장애학생에게 있어서 의사소통능력 신장은 매우 중요하다. 발달장애학생의 언어 및 의사소통능력의 결함은 사회적 결함과 인지적 결함에 상호 관련성이 있어 다른 사람으로부터의 의사소통을 이해하는 능력과 자신의 생각을 표현하는 능력이 제한되어 다른 사람과의 상호관계를 맺는데 어려움이 많았다. 따라서 발달장애학생의 언어지도는 생활 장면에서 교수하는 것이 가장 바람직하다고 하겠다. 그러나 지금까지 주로 활용된 전통적인 언어지도 방법은 어휘를 증가시키고, 발화의 길이를 널리는 데는 효과가 있었지만, 학습된 내용을 생활 장면에서의 일반화에는 문제점이 있는 것으로 지적되고 있다. 발달장애학생의 언어지도 방법은 일상생활 속에서 학습 내용을 선정하고 이를 실생활 장면 혹은 이와 유사한 환경에서 효과적으로 지도할 수 있는 적절한 교수 방법이 필요하다. 그래서 발달장애학생의 의사소통능력 신장을 위한 환경중심 언어지도 방법을 활용한 웹(Web)기반 언어지도 프로그램을 개발하였다. 웹(Web)기반 언어지도 프로그램은 제7차 특수학교 기본교육과정과 국립특수교육원에서 발간한 ‘발달장애학생의 언어교육 프로그램(1998)’ 분석을 통하여 개인 · 가정생활, 학교 · 사회생활, 경제 · 여가생활 등의 6개 영역으로 구분하여 각 영역별 학습주제를 선정하였으며, 학습주제에 대한 학습의 진행 형태는 학습목표, 낱말학습, 상황학습, 평가로 진행할 수 있도록 하였으나, 학습자의 현재 수행 능력을 고려하여 능력에 따른 진행의 절차를 학습자가 선택할 수 있게 하였다. 본 프로그램을 적용해본 결과 다음과 같은 교육적인 효과를 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 웹을 활용한 가상체험을 통하여 적극적이고 흥미 있는 참여를 유도하며, 학습자 중심의 주도적인 학습과 안내자, 촉진자로서의 교사의 역할을 통해 발달장애학생의 의사소통 능력을 신장시킬 수 있었다. 둘째, 교실에서 이루어지는 지금까지의 수업방식을 탈피하여 학습자가 언제, 어디서나, 누구든지 학습할 수 있는 열린 학습체제의 교육환경을 조성할 수 있었다. 셋째, 문자정보, 그래픽, 애니메이션, 사진, 음성, 비디오 등 다양한 형태의 정보가 상호대화 형식으로 활용되며, 수준별 반복학습을 실시함으로써 교수-학습 방법의 개선뿐만 아니라 양질의 수업을 진행하는데 도움을 줄 수 있었다. 본 프로그램을 활용한 언어지도가 발달장애학생의 의사소통능력 신장을 위한 최선의 방법이라고 말할 수는 없으며, 언어지도의 한 가지 방법이라고 말할 수 있다. 따라서 본 프로그램의 활용한 언어지도는 학교에서 교사가 학생의 능력과 흥미를 고려하여 지도한다면 발달장애 학생의 의사소통능력 신장에 많은 도움이 될 것이다. The developmental disability of the metal handicapped children means more than simple linguistic problem. The developmental disability is the base of all the learning and important factor which decides the happiness of the human being finally, so the extension of mutual understanding ability is so important, in the case of the metal handicapped children who have a problem of the mutual understanding ability. In the case of the metal handicapped children, the defects of the mutual understanding and linguistic ability are related with the social defect and the defect of recognition, and the ability of understanding about mutual relations with other people and self-expression ability are limited. So they have many problems in mutual relations with other people. Therefore, the linguistic instruction of the metal handicapped children is recommended to be done in the living. But, the traditional linguistic instruction which's used mainly as yet, is effective in increase of a vocabulary and the length of a locutionary act, but it has a problem in the popularization of the learning in the real life. The method of the linguistic instruction for the metal handicapped children, should be selected as contents in the real life, and the right learning method which can be done under the real life or the similar environment with it, is needed. Because of the above realities, the linguistic teaching web-based program is developed, using the linguistic instruction which is focused on the environment, for the extension of the mutual understanding ability of the metal handicapped children. In the linguistic teaching web-based program, it is divided with 6 field (personal · home life, school · social life, economical · leisure life) and the educational subject classified by each field is selected, by the analysis of 'The linguistic educational program for the children who have developmental disability' published by the 7th basic education course of special school and the national special education organization. Besides, the progress form of learning about the educational subject is directed by educational goal, word learning, situation learning and valuation, but a learner can choose a procedure followed by ability, regarding to his accomplishment ability. As the result of the application of this program, the educational effects that we could get are the following : 1. We could lead a positive and interesting participation by virtual experience through WEB, and the communication ability of the metal handicapped children was extended by a role of a teacher, as a guide and promoter and a leading learning focused on a learner. 2. The teaching method which is done in school now, is dismissed and we could form the educational environment of the learning system that a learner could learn, without distinction of time, a place and a person. 3. The various form of information, like text, graphic, animation, photo, sound, video and so on, is applied as a form of communication. Therefore, the program was useful in not only the improvement of the teaching-learning method, but also the proceeding of the effective lesson. The linguistic teaching which use this program, can not be the best method of the extension of the mutual understanding ability and it's just one method of linguistic teaching. if the linguistic teaching which use this program is conducted, regarding to a ability and a interest of a student, it will be so useful in the extension of the mutual understanding ability, for the children who have developmental disability.

      • Increased Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation in Uremia Is Associated with Chronic Inflammation and Prevalent Coronary Artery Disease

        Kim, Jwa-Kyung,Hong, Chang-won,Park, Mi Jin,Song, Young Rim,Kim, Hyung Jik,Kim, Sung Gyun Hindawi 2017 Journal of immunology research Vol.2017 No.-

        <P><I>Background.</I> Neutrophils are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis by neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation. We hypothesized that the NET formation of neutrophils might be changed in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, explaining their higher incidence of coronary artery diseases (CAD). <I>Method.</I> A cross-sectional study was performed in 60 maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients, 30 age- and sex-matched healthy individuals (HV, negative control), and 30 patients with acute infection (positive control). Neutrophil activation and function were measured with reactive oxygen species (ROS) activity, degranulation, NET formation, and phenotypical changes. <I>Result.</I> Compared with HV, neutrophils extracted from MHD patients displayed significantly increased levels of basal NET formation, ROS production, and degranulation, suggesting spontaneous activation in uremia. Also, an increase in citrullinated histone H3 was detected in this group compared to the HV. And neutrophils from HV were normal CD16<SUP>bright</SUP>/CD62L<SUP>bright</SUP> cells; however, neutrophils from MHD were CD16<SUP>bright</SUP>/CD62L<SUP>dim</SUP>, similar to those from patients with acute infections. Interestingly, multivariate analyses identified the prevalent CAD and neutrophil counts as independent determinants of baseline NET formation (<I>β</I> = 0.323, <I>p</I> = 0.016 and <I>β</I> = 0.369, <I>p</I> = 0.006, resp.). <I>Conclusions.</I> Uremia-associated-increased NET formation may be a sign of increased burden of atherosclerosis.</P>

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Direction Changes on the Muscular Activity of the Lower Extremities During Seated Reaching Exercises

        Jwa-Jun Kim,Dae-Kyung Kim,Jae-Yong Kim,Jae-Wook Shin,Se-Yeon Park 대한고유수용성신경근촉진법학회 2019 PNF and Movement Vol.17 No.2

        Purpose: Although multi-directional reaching exercises are commonly used clinically, the effects of specific movement directions on the muscle systems of the lower extremities have not been explored. We therefore investigated lower extremity muscle activity during reaching exercises with different sagittal and horizontal plane movements. Methods: The surface electromyography responses of the bilateral rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, and gastrocnemius muscles were measured during reaching exercises in three directions in the horizontal plane (neutral, 45°horizontal shoulder adduction, and 45°abduction) and three directions in the sagittal plane (neutral, 120° flexion, and 60° flexion). A total of 20 healthy, physically active participants completed six sets of reaching exercises. Two-way repeated ANOVA was performed: body side (ipsilateral and contralateral) was set as the intra-subject factor and direction of reach as the inter-subject factor. Results: Reaching at 45° horizontal shoulder adduction significantly increased the activity of the contralateral rectus femoris and gastrocnemius muscles, while 45° horizontal shoulder abduction activated the ipsilateral rectus femoris and gastrocnemius muscles. The rectus femoris activity was significantly higher with reaching at a 120° shoulder flexion compared to the other conditions. The gastrocnemius activity decreased significantly as the shoulder elevation angle increased from 60° to 120°. Conclusion: Our results suggest that multi-directional reaching stimulates the lower extremity muscles depending on the movement direction. The muscles acting on two different joints responded to the changes in reaching direction, whereas the muscles acting on one joint were not activated with changes in reaching direction.

      • KCI등재

        Sex Identification of the First Incubated Chicks of the Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon in Korea

        Kyung A Kim(김경아),Jae Seok Cha(차재석),Tae Jwa Kim(김태좌),Kyung Min Kim(김경민),Hee Cheon Park(박희천) 한국생명과학회 2011 생명과학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        세계적 멸종위기종인 따오기(Nipponia nippon)는 2008년 10월에 중국에서 1쌍이 도입된 후 한국최초로 인공번식에 성공하였다. 본 연구는 따오기의 sex-related gene과 Chromodomain Helicase DNA Binding Protein gene(CHD gene)을 가지고 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)을 수행하여 새로 태어난 따오기 유조의 성별을 확인하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 따오기의 성별 확인을 위해 PCR후 제한효소의 처리 방법과 P2과 P8를 이용한 PCR 방법을 실시하였을 때 더 정확한 결과가 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 CHD gene의 염기서열을 선행연구와 비교해 본 결과, 암컷의 염기서열에서 1~2 base pairs 차이가 나타남을 알 수 있었다. In October 2008, a pair of Crested ibis Nipponia nippon, an endangered avian species in the world, was donated to Korea from China. They have since been the subject of a successful program to incubate chicks for the first time in South Korea. This study was carried out to determine the sex of chicks from the Crested ibis through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the sex-related gene and the chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein (CHD) gene. The result of the CHD gene, which was used with a single set of primers and a restriction enzyme treatment after the PCR process, was more accurate in identifying the gender of the Crested ibis. In addition, we compared the CHD gene sequences with the previously reported sequences and found 1~2 different bases between females (CI2, CI4, CI5, and CI6) than in studies previously reporting female sequences.

      • KCI등재

        Diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in dialysis patients: a systematic review

        Kim In Soo,Kim Sungmin,Yoo Tae-Hyun,Kim Jwa-Kyung 대한고혈압학회 2023 Clinical Hypertension Vol.29 No.-

        In patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) undergoing dialysis, hypertension is common but often inadequately controlled. The prevalence of hypertension varies widely among studies because of differences in the definition of hypertension and the methods of used to measure blood pressure (BP), i.e., peri-dialysis or ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM). Recently, ABPM has become the gold standard for diagnosing hypertension in dialysis patients. Home BP monitoring can also be a good alternative to ABPM, emphasizing BP measurement outside the hemodialysis (HD) unit. One thing for sure is pre- and post-dialysis BP measurements should not be used alone to diagnose and manage hypertension in dialysis patients. The exact target of BP and the relationship between BP and all-cause mortality or cause-specific mortality are unclear in this population. Many observational studies with HD cohorts have almost universally reported a U-shaped or even an L-shaped association between BP and all-cause mortality, but most of these data are based on the BP measured in HD units. Some data with ABPM have shown a linear association between BP and mortality even in HD patients, similar to the general population. Supporting this, the results of meta-analysis have shown a clear benefit of BP reduction in HD patients. Therefore, further research is needed to determine the optimal target BP in the dialysis population, and for now, an individualized approach is appropriate, with particular emphasis on avoiding excessively low BP. Maintaining euvolemia is of paramount importance for BP control in dialysis patients. Patient heterogeneity and the lack of comparative evidence preclude the recommendation of one class of medication over another for all patients. Recently, however, β-blockers could be considered as a first-line therapy in dialysis patients, as they can reduce sympathetic overactivity and left ventricular hypertrophy, which contribute to the high incidence of arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Several studies with mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists have also reported promising results in reducing mortality in dialysis patients. However, safety issues such as hyperkalemia or hypotension should be further evaluated before their use.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Prognostic value of $^{18}F$-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma with pathologically positive neck lymph node

        Jwa, Eunjin,Lee, Sang-Wook,Kim, Jae-Seung,Park, Jin Hong,Kim, Su Ssan,Kim, Young Seok,Yoon, Sang Min,Song, Si Yeol,Kim, Jong Hoon,Choi, Eun Kyung,Ahn, Seung Do The Korean Society for Radiation Oncology 2012 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.30 No.4

        Purpose: To evaluate the prognostic value of preoperative neck lymph node (LN) assessment with $^{18}F$-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ($^{18}F$-FDG PET), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients with pathologically positive LN. Materials and Methods: In total, 47 OSCC patients with pathologically positive LN were retrospectively reviewed with preoperative $^{18}F$-FDG PET and CT/MRI. All patients underwent surgical resection, neck dissection and postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy between March 2002 and October 2010. Histologic correlation was performed for findings of $^{18}F$-FDG PET and CT/MRI. Results: Thirty-six (76.6%) of 47 cases were correctly diagnosed with neck LN metastasis by $^{18}F$-FDG PET and 32 (68.1%) of 47 cases were correctly diagnosed by CT/MRI. Follow-up ranged from 20 to 114 months (median, 56 months). Clinically negative nodal status evaluated by $^{18}F$-FDG PET or CT/MRI revealed a trend toward better clinical outcomes in terms of overall survival, disease-free survival, local recurrence-free survival, regional nodal recurrence-free survival, and distant metastasis-free survival rates even though the trends were not statistically significant. However, there was no impact of neck node standardized uptake value ($SUV_{max}$) on clinical outcomes. Notably, $SUV_{max}$ showed significant correlation with tumor size in LN (p < 0.01, $R^2$ = 0.62). PET and CT/MRI status of LN also had significant correlation with the size of intranodal tumor deposit (p < 0.05, $R^2$ = 0.37 and p < 0.01, $R^2$ = 0.48, respectively). Conclusion: $^{18}F$-FDG PET and CT/MRI at the neck LNs might improve risk stratification in OSCC patients with pathologically positive neck LN in this study, even without significant prognostic value of $SUV_{max}$.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Lowering Dialysate Calcium Concentrations on Arterial Stiffness in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis

        ( Jwa Kyung Kim ),( Sung Jin Moon ),( Hyeong Cheon Park ),( Jae Sung Lee ),( Soung Rok Sim ),( Sung Chang Bae ),( Sung Kyu Ha ) 대한내과학회 2011 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.26 No.3

        Background/Aims: We assessed changes in hemodynamic and arterial stiffness parameters following reductions of dialysate calcium concentrations in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Methods: In this prospective study, 20 patients on maintenance hemodialysis (10 females, 10 males) with dialysate calcium concentrations of 1.75 mmol/L were enrolled. At the start of the study, the dialysate calcium level was lowered to 1.50 mmol/L. Serial changes in biochemical, hemodynamic, and arterial stiffness parameters, including pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index (AIx), were assessed every 2 months for 6 months. We also examined changes in the calcification-inhibitory protein, serum fetuin-A. Results: During the 6-month study period, serum total calcium and ionized calcium decreased consistently (9.5 ± 1.0 to 9.0 ± 0.7, p = 0.002 vs. 1.3 ± 0.1 to 1.1 ± 0.1, p = 0.035). Although no apparent changes in blood pressure were observed, heart-femoral PWW (hf-PWV) and AIx showed significant improvement (p = 0.012, 0.043, respectively). Repeatedmeasures ANOVA indicated a significant effect of lowering dialysate calcium on hf-PWV (F = 4.58, p = 0.004) and AIx (F = 2.55, p = 0.049). Accompanying the change in serum calcium, serum fetuin-A levels significantly increased (95.8 ± 45.8 pmol/mL at baseline to 124.9 ± 82.2 pmol/mL at 6 months, p = 0.043). Conclusions: Lowering dialysate calcium concentration significantly improved arterial stiffness parameters, which may have been associated with upregulation of serum fetuin-A.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Green Manure Crops, Hairy vetch and Rye, on N Supply, Redpepper Growth and Yields

        Jwa-Kyung Sung(성좌경),Sang-Min Lee(이상민),Jung-Ah Jung(정정아),Jong-Mun Kim(김종문),Yong-Hwan Lee(이용환),Du-Hoi Choi(최두회),Tae Wan Kim(김태완),Beom-Heon Song(송범헌) 한국토양비료학회 2008 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        동계녹비작물의 활용은 친환경농업을 위한 유용한 방법중의 하나이다. 고추 수량, 질소흡수, 탄수화물 합성 및 토양 질소공급에 대한 두과(헤어리베치) 및 화본과(호밀) 녹비작물의 효과를 조사하였다. 녹비작물로부터 무기화된 질소는 토양환원 후 30일경에 최대치에 도달하였으며, 무기태 질소의 양은 645 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> (헤어리베치) 및 237 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> (호밀) 이었다. 토양 환원된 헤어리베치로부터 무기화된 질소의 양은 화학질소 (365 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP>)보다 높았는데 이는 헤어리베치의 투입량이 질소기준으로 약 2배였기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 광합성량과 탄수화물 합성은 정식 후 70일까지 처리간에 큰 차이를 보이지 않았지만, 생육후기 호밀처리구의 고추 광합성량과 탄수화물 합성량(전분)이 다소 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 두과녹비작물인 헤어리베치가 호밀에 비해 고추의 생육 및 수량에 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나, 향후 고추재배시 헤어리베치의 화학비료 대체효과는 클 것으로 사료된다. Winter annual green manure crops may be an effective tool for environmental-friendly agriculture system. The effect of legume (hairy vetch), non-legume (rye) and N fertilization (190 kg N ha-1) was examined and compared on red-pepper yield, nitrogen uptake, carbohydrate composition, and soil N and C contents. We monitored soil N and C for 120 days after incorporation (DAI) of green manures or mineral fertilizer. The mineralization of nitrogen reached the maximum around 30 DAI. The amount of inorganic nitrogen supplied by mineralization of hairy vetch residue was greater than chemical N or rye. Photosynthetic rate was similar by 70 DAT in all treatments however, it in rye-incorporated red-pepper presented a sharp decline at the later growth period. Leaf total nitrogen was greater with hairy vetch and chemical N than rye throughout the experiment. The soluble sugar increased steadily in all treatments from 40 to 110 days after transplanting (DAT) whereas starch showed a tendency of great decrease. Hairy vetch greatly promoted red-pepper growth by the later period however, chemical N showed the highest fruit yields.

      • KCI등재

        Highly photoluminescent N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAM) passivated carbon dots for multicolor bioimaging applications

        Kim, Min Cheol,Yu, Kwang Sik,Han, Seung Yun,Kim, Jwa-Jin,Lee, Jae Won,Lee, Nam Seob,Jeong, Yeong Gil,Kim, Do Kyung Elsevier 2018 European polymer journal Vol.98 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We report a highly luminescent Carbon Dots passivated by nitrogen rich molecules, i.e. N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAM), with a QY as high as ca. 94%, which is the highest yield until now. NIPAMM@C-Dots are synthesized directly from the precursors composed of CA, EDA and NIPAAM by hydrothermal reaction. The optical properties of in situ synthesized NIPAAM@C-Dots showed EX-dependent EM at high concentration and EX-independent EM at low concentration. In most cations and anions except Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> and Bi<SUP>3+</SUP> added to the aqueous solution, NIPAAM@C-Dots exhibit an extremely stable inert behavior. In addition, in order to verify its usefulness as a fluorescent marker, C6 glioblastoma cells and NIPAAM@C-Dots were cultured together and then applied by both confocal bioimaging and flow cytometry analysis. The role of NIPAAM present on or around the C-Dots surface can improve QY values and stability, resulting in reduced cytotoxicity and can be a strong candidate as an alternative to organic dyes.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Carbon Dots passivated by N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAM) with a QY of 94% are synthesized. </LI> <LI> NIPAAM@C-Dots showed EX-independent EM at low concentration. </LI> <LI> In most cations and anions except Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> and Bi<SUP>3+</SUP> added to the aqueous solution, NIPAAM@C-Dots exhibit an extremely stable inert behavior. </LI> <LI> C6 glioblastoma cells and NIPAAM@C-Dots were cultured together and then applied by both confocal bioimaging and flow cytometry analysis. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

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