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Lim, J.H.,Shim, J.H.,Choi, J.H.,Park, J.H.,Kim, W.,Joo, J.,Kim, C.J. North-Holland 2009 Physica. C, Superconductivity Vol.469 No.15
We fabricated nano-carbon (NC) doped MgB<SUB>2</SUB> bulks using an in situ process in order to improve the critical current density (J<SUB>c</SUB>) under a high magnetic field and evaluated the correlated effects of the doped carbon content and sintering temperature on the phase formation, microstructure and critical properties. MgB<SUB>2-x</SUB>C<SUB>x</SUB> bulks with x=0 and 0.05 were fabricated by pressing the powder into pellets and sintering at 800<SUP>o</SUP>C, 900<SUP>o</SUP>C, or 1000<SUP>o</SUP>C for 30min. We observed that NC was an effective dopant for MgB<SUB>2</SUB> and that part of it was incorporated into the MgB<SUB>2</SUB> while the other part remained (undoped), which reduced the grain size. The actual C content was estimated to be 68-90% of the nominal content. The NC doped samples exhibited lower T<SUB>c</SUB> values and better J<SUB>c</SUB>(B) behavior than the undoped samples. The doped sample sintered at 900<SUP>o</SUP>C showed the highest J<SUB>c</SUB> value due to its high doping level, small amount of second phase, and fine grains. On the other hand, the J<SUB>c</SUB> was decreased at a sintering temperature of 1000<SUP>o</SUP>C as a result of the formation of MgB<SUB>4</SUB> phase.
Feasibility of biohydrogen production from Gelidium amansii
Park, J.H.,Yoon, J.J.,Park, H.D.,Kim, Y.J.,Lim, D.J.,Kim, S.H. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2011 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY - Vol.36 No.21
The feasibility of hydrogen production from red algae was investigated. Galactose, the main sugar monomer of red algae, was readily converted to hydrogen by dark fermentation. The maximum hydrogen production rate and yield of galactose were 2.46 L H<SUB>2</SUB>/g VSS/d and 2.03 mol H<SUB>2</SUB>/mol galactose<SUB>added</SUB>, respectively, which were higher than those for glucose (0.914 L H<SUB>2</SUB>/g VSS/d and 1.48 mol H<SUB>2</SUB>/mol galactose<SUB>added</SUB>). The distribution of soluble byproducts showed that H<SUB>2</SUB> production was the main pathway of galactose uptake. 5-HMF, the main byproduct of acid hydrolysis of red algae causes noncompetitive inhibition of H<SUB>2</SUB> fermentation. 1.37 g/L of 5-HMF decreased hydrogen production rate by 50% compared to the control. When red algae was hydrolyzed at 150 <SUP>o</SUP>C for 15 min and detoxified by activated carbon, 53.5 mL of H<SUB>2</SUB> was produced from 1 g of dry algae with a hydrogen production rate of 0.518 L H<SUB>2</SUB>/g VSS/d. Red algae, cultivable on vast tracts of sea by sunlight without any nitrogen-based fertilizer, could be a suitable substrate for biohydrogen production.
Jang, J.W.,Ko, S.Y.,Byoun, M.S.,Sung, H.W.,Lim, C.S. Elsevier Science 2015 Journal of clinical virology Vol.73 No.-
Background: Rapid identification and subtype determination of influenza virus is important in managing infected patients. Rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs) are widely used in this manner, but most can only detect influenza A and B viruses without subtyping. A new RIDT, GENEDIA Multi Influenza Ag Rapid Test (GENEDIA), was developed for detection of influenza A and B viruses and also subtyping of influenza A to H1, H3, H5 which has not been possible with other RIDTs. Objectives: Assess the performance of GENEDIA. Study design: Nasopharyngeal swabs were collected from 274 clinically suspected patients (influenza A/H1N½009 (n=50), influenza A/H3 (n=50), influenza B (n=73) and influenza-negative (n=101)) and analyzed with the real-time RT-PCR, GENEDIA, SD Bioline Influenza Ag, and Alere BinaxNow Influenza A&B Card. Also, 46 fecal specimens (H5N2 (n=3), H5N3 (n=3)) of spot-billed duck were analyzed with RT-PCR and GENEDIA. Results: Compared to real-time RT-PCR, the sensitivities of GENEDIA, SD Bioline Influenza Ag, and Alere BinaxNow Influenza A&B Card were 73.0%, 57.0%, 58.0% for influenza A, respectively, and 68.5%, 65.8%, 57.5% for influenza B, respectively. Specifically, the sensitivity of GENEDIA was 70.0% for influenza A/H1N½009 and 76.0% for influenza A/H3. From the avian influenza samples, GENEDIA detected all six H5 subtype without any cross-reactions. Conclusion: The GENEDIA Multi Influenza Ag Rapid Test was sensitive in detecting influenza viruses compared with other commercial RIDTs and also useful for rapid subtype determination of influenza A.
Lee, Y.J.,Lee, S.H.,Schropp, R.E.I.,Lee, K.S.,Lim, J.W.,Yun, S.J. Pergamon Press 2016 International journal of hydrogen energy Vol.41 No.15
<P>The effects of multi-layered p-type microcrystalline (mu c-) Si:H windows on the performance of substrate-type amorphous Si:H thin film solar cells on opaque substrates were investigated. The results were well explained in terms of H-2-plasma-induced damage (HPID) at the p/i-interface and the near-interface region of the light-absorbing layer. The mu c-Si:H was deposited using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition in a H-2-rich atmosphere. A high microcrystalline volume fraction was obtained with a high H-2 dilution ratio, which can cause considerable HPID. Cell efficiency was enhanced with a multi-layered p-type mu c-Si:H composed of films with low and high crystalline volume fraction, compared to cells with single-layered mu c-Si:H. In the multi-layered p-type mu c-Si:H, the low crystalline film was placed on an i-Si:H layer to reduce HPID. The present work demonstrated that HPID was reduced at the p/i-interface and the near-interface region of the light-absorbing layer, and that the quality of the p-type mu c-Si:H needs to be a significant consideration to achieve high efficiency. Copyright (C) 2016, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</P>
Lim, A.R.,Moon, H.G.,Chang, J.H. Elsevier Science Publishers [etc.] 2010 Chemical physics Vol.371 No.1
The NMR spectrum, the spin-lattice relaxation time, T<SUB>1</SUB>, and the spin-spin relaxation time, T<SUB>2</SUB>, of NH<SUB>4</SUB>Al(SO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>.12H<SUB>2</SUB>O crystals were studied as a function of temperature; this crystal was found to undergo increasing loss of H<SUB>2</SUB>O with increasing temperature. Two groups of Al resonance lines were observed below T<SUB>d</SUB> (=335K), whereas above T<SUB>d</SUB> the resonance lines of the two groups were reduced to one Al signal. The presence of only one <SUP>27</SUP>Al resonance line T<SUB>d</SUB> is due to the structural phase transition. The changes in the temperature dependences of the T<SUB>1</SUB> and T<SUB>2</SUB> near T<SUB>d</SUB> are related to the loss of H<SUB>2</SUB>O, which probably disrupts the forms of the octahedral of water molecules surrounding Al<SUP>3+</SUP>. In addition, the α-alum NH<SUB>4</SUB>Al(SO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>.12H<SUB>2</SUB>O can be distinguished from the α-alum RbAl(SO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>.12H<SUB>2</SUB>O and the β-alum CsAl(SO<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>.12H<SUB>2</SUB>O on the basis of the temperature dependences of T<SUB>1</SUB>.
H. pylori성 위염에서 위축진행과 Myeloperoxidase(MPO) 유전자 다형성(genetic polymorphism)의 관련성
이만용 ( M. Y. Lee ),노임환 ( I. H. Roe ),양미라 ( M. R. Yang ),남승우 ( S. W. Nam ),허재형 ( J. H. Heo ),임창영 ( C. Y. Lim ),송일한 ( I. H. Song ),김정원 ( J. W. Kim ),신지현 ( J. H. Shin ) 대한소화기학회 2002 대한소화기학회 춘계학술대회 Vol.2002 No.-
<목적> H. pylori는 위 점막에서 많은 중성구들의 침윤이 특징적으로 관찰되는 활동성 위염을 일으키며 중성구들에서 나오는 많은 산소라디칼 등은 상피세포의 손상과 apoptosis을 유도하고 위축성 변화로 진전하는데 주도적인 역할을 한다. 특히 중성구의 myeloperioxidase(MPO)는 산소라디칼의 공격적인 산화적 잠재력을 중폭시키고 monochloramine을 생성하여 위세포의 손상과 위축성 변화를 야기한다고 이해되고 있다. 그러나 위축성위
H. pylori 제균 실패율과 clarithromycin 내성률의 일치성
허재형 ( J. H. Heo ),남승우 ( S. W. Nam ),노임환 ( I. H. Roe ),양미라 ( M. R. Yang ),김정택 ( J. T. Kim ),송일환 ( I. H. Song ),임창영 ( C. Y. Lim ),김정원 ( J. W. Kim ),신지현 ( J. H. Shin ) 대한소화기학회 2002 대한소화기학회 춘계학술대회 Vol.2002 No.-
<목적> H. pylori 제균 치료성적을 좌우하는 요소에는 약제와 대상 환자군의 선정, 균검사방법의 차이, 항생제 저항성 등이 중요시되고 있다. 이 중에서도 항생제 저항성은 나라간의 H. pylori 제균 성적을 다르게 하는 대표적인 원인이다. 우리나라는 제균률이 외국보다 저조하여 85%내외로 보고되고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 H. pylori 제균 실패율과 clarithromycin 내성률을 조사하여 제균 실패 원인으로서의 clarithromycin
Lim, K S,Kwon, J S,Jang, I-J,Jeong, J M,Lee, J S,Kim, H W,Kang, W J,Kim, J-R,Cho, J-Y,Kim, E,Yoo, S Y,Shin, S-G,Yu, K-S Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2007 Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics Vol.81 No.2
<P>YKP1358 is a novel serotonin (5-HT(2A)) and dopamine (D(2)) antagonist that, in preclinical studies, fits the general profile of an atypical antipsychotic. We conducted a D(2) receptor occupancy study with YKP1358 in healthy volunteers using positron emission tomography (PET) to measure the D(2) receptor occupancy of YKP1358 and to characterize its relationship to plasma drug concentrations. A single oral dose, parallel group, dose-escalation (100, 200, and 250 mg) study was performed in 10 healthy male volunteers with the PET radiotracer [(11)C]raclopride. The D(2) receptor occupancy of striatum was measured pre-dose, and at 2, 5, and 10 h after YKP1358 administration. Serial blood samples were taken for measurement of plasma YKP1358 concentrations. D(2) receptor occupancy by YKP1358 increased to 53-83% at 2 h, and then decreased afterwards, ranging from 40-64% at 5 h to 20-51% at 10 h. The YKP1358 dose-plasma concentration relationship exhibited extensive variability, but there was a good relationship between plasma concentrations and D(2) receptor occupancy that was well predicted by a sigmoid E(max) model using nonlinear mixed effects modeling. To our knowledge, this is the first study in which the relationship between plasma concentration and the biomarker of D(2) receptor occupancy was modeled using nonlinear mixed effects modeling. It is anticipated that these results will be useful in estimating for subsequent studies the initial doses of YKP1358 required to achieve a therapeutically effective range of D(2) receptor occupancy.</P>
Lim, T-H,Kim, M-S,Jang, J-H,Lee, D-H,Park, J-K,Youn, H-N,Lee, J-B,Park, S-Y,Choi, I-S,Song, C-S Poultry Science Association, etc 2012 Poultry science Vol.91 No.1
<P>Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) infections cause great economic losses to the poultry industry worldwide, and the emergence of new variant strains complicates disease control. The present study investigated the genetic and protectotypic features of newly emerged Korean IBV strains. A phylogenetic analysis showed that several recent isolates formed 2 different clusters (new cluster 1 and 2), which were distinct from other preexisting clusters. New cluster 1 IBV strains represented recombinants between Korean nephropathogenic strain KM91 and the QXIBV strain. New cluster 2 IBV strains showed low amino acid homology (<58.7%) compared with previous isolates. We evaluated the protective efficacy of commercial IBV vaccines (H120 and K2 strain) against these new isolates. In cross-protection studies, the H120 strain did not provide sufficient protection against these variants. However, highly attenuated nephropathogenic IBV vaccine, K2 strain, provided significantly higher levels of protection against variants compared with chickens vaccinated with H120 (P < 0.05 or better). These results indicate that the K2 vaccine could be helpful for the reduction of economic losses caused by newly evolving IBV recombinants (new cluster 1) and variants (new cluster 2).</P>