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        A sensitive and selective colorimetric biosensor for determination of gentamicin, amikacin and tobramycin was proposed with the unmodified gold nanoparticles (GNPs) as the sensing element. Gentamicin, amikacin and tobramycin can rapidly induce the aggregation of gold nanoparticles and is accompanied by a color change from red to blue. The concentration of gentamicin, amikacin and tobramycin can be determined by using UV-Vis spectrometer. The experimental parameters were optimized with regard to pH, incubation time and the concentration of the GNPs. Under optimal experimental conditions, the linear range of the colorimetric sensor for gentamicin/amikacin/tobramycin were 2.67–33.93 ng mL-1, 13.33–66.67 ng mL-1 and 20–180 ng mL-1, respectively. The corresponding limit of detection (3σ) was 0.354 ng mL-1, 0.999 ng mL-1 and 0.579 ng mL-1, respectively. This assay was simple and used to detect aminoglycoside antibiotics in milk and medicine products.

      • KCI등재

        Allergen-Dependent Differences in ILC2s Frequencies in Patients With Allergic Rhinitis

        Dachuan Fan,Xiangdong Wang,Min Wang,Yang Wang,Liang Zhang,Ying Li,Erzhong Fan,Feifei Cao,Koen Van Crombruggen,Luo Zhang 대한천식알레르기학회 2016 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Vol.8 No.3

        Purpose: Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are a novel population of lineage-negative cells that induce innate type 2 responses by producing the critical Th2-type cytokines IL-5 and IL-13 in response to IL-25 and IL-33 stimulation. ILC2s accumulation in the peripheral blood of patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) is controversial; the precise role of ILC2s in the immunopathogenesis of AR is still not clear. We investigated the role of ILC2s in phenotypic AR sensitized to distinct allergens. Methods: Flow cytometric analysis of the peripheral blood of 7 healthy controls (HCs), 9 patients monosensitized to house dust mite (HDM), and 8 patients monosensitized to mugwort was performed to quantify ILC2s frequency. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from HDM-AR and mugwort-AR patients, and Lineage- and Lineage+ cells were separated using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). IL-5 and IL-13 levels in the supernatants of PBMCs, and Lineage- and Lineage+ cells stimulated with IL-25 and/or IL-33 combined with IL-2 in vitro were assessed using the Milliplex magnetic bead kit. Results: The percentage of ILC2s was significantly elevated in HDM-AR patients compared to mugwort-AR patients and HCs, while no significant difference was found between mugwort-AR patients and HCs. IL-33±IL-25 plus IL-2 induced a significantly greater release of IL-5 and IL-13 in the PBMCs of HDM-AR patients compared to PBMCs of mugwort-AR patients. IL-25 plus IL-2 also induced a significantly greater release of IL-13 in the PBMCs of HDM-AR patients compared to PBMCs of mugwort-AR patients. Stimulation with IL-33 and/or IL-25 combined with IL-2 also induced a significantly greater IL-5 and IL-13 release from Lineage- cells compared to Lineage+ cells. Conclusions: AR patients sensitized to HDM or mugwort allergen have distinct phenotypic and functional profiles in ILC2s frequencies. ILC2s mediate major type 2 immunity in the development of HDM-AR and may be a potential therapeutic target.

      • KCI등재

        User Commitment to Blockchain-Based Social Media Platforms from the Perspective of Perceived Justice Regarding the Token Reward System: the Mediating Role of Psychological Ownership

        Xue FAN(Xue FAN),Seongtaek RIM(Seongtaek RIM),Mengmeng WANG(Mengmeng WANG) 동아시아경상학회 2023 The East Asian Journal of Business Economics Vol.11 No.1

        Purpose – In this study, we aimed to theorize blockchain-based social media platform users’ commitment by examining the impact of their perceived justice of the token reward system. In addition, this study applied psychological ownership theory to verify the underlying mechanism between users’ perceptions of justice and their commitment to the platforms. Research design, data, and methodology – To empirically test our conceptual framework in the study, we collected data through a web-based survey approach from the responses of 385 users who had experience with blockchainbased social media platforms. We employed a structural equation modeling approach to empirically test our proposed hypotheses. Result – The results indicated that distributive justice and informational justice have positive effects on user commitment. The results also showed that psychological ownership plays an important role in mediating the relationship between users’ sense of distributive justice and commitment, and between procedural justice and commitment. The findings provided a better understanding of the sense of justice and user commitment in a blockchain-based social media environment. Conclusion – This study represents a preliminary attempt to theorize and empirically examine blockchain-based social media platform users’ commitment. This study provided important contributions to the literature on how the effect of users’ sense of justice in a reward system affects their commitment to blockchain-based social media platforms.

      • KCI등재

        A Joint Control Strategy for Automobile Active Grille Shutter and Cooling Fan

        Liu Chuanbo,Wang Zhengju,Fan Chaojie,Zhang Ruonan,Man Xingjia 한국자동차공학회 2021 International journal of automotive technology Vol.22 No.6

        As an emerging technology improving fuel consumption, active grille shutter (AGS) has been applied in engine cooling system. For the reason of unreasonable matching method of grille opening and cooling fan, the problem of engine overcooling is widespread. As components with similar function of adjusting cooling air flow, the AGS and the cooling fan are separated from each other in parameter matching and operation which reduce cooling efficiency and fuel economy. To achieve precise cooling and improve fuel economy, a joint control strategy for AGS and cooling fan was proposed by using computational fluid dynamics. In order to verify the feasibility of the strategy, the fuel economy tests were carried out at 0 km/h, 90 km/h and 120 km/h, respectively. The results showed that the fuel consumption under the three working conditions was reduced by 0.01 L/ 100 km, 0.07 L/ 100 km and 0.13 L/ 100 km, respectively, indicating that the proposed strategy can significantly reduce fuel consumption.

      • KCI등재

        전후 일본의 국가 대전략과 북일관계

        강용범 ( Jiang Long-fan ) , 왕해범 ( Wang Hai-fan ) 조선대학교 동북아문제연구소 2016 동북아연구 Vol.31 No.1

        역사적으로 한반도는 일본이 무력으로 지역패권을 도모하고 이른바 “동아시아공영권”의 야망을 실현하는 전초기지가 되어왔다. 제2차세계대전후 일본은 보통국가의 지위와 신분을 회복하고 나아가 아시아지역 강대국으로 부상하는 것을 국가전략의 최종목표로 삼아왔다. 이러한 국가전략을 실현하는 과정에 과거 식민통치에 대한 청산은 비켜설 수 없는 걸림돌이 되었다. 냉전이 한창이던 1965년, 미국의 적극적인 중재하에 한·일양국은 국교정상화를 실현하였다. 따라서 북한과의 관계개선은 전후 일본외교의 중요한 과제로 부상하게 되었다. 일본의 정치가들은 흔히 일본은 전략이 없는 국가라고 한다. 허나 냉전 이후 20여년간 전개되어 온 일본의 대북정책을 살펴보면 일본의 국가전략이 얼마나 교묘한가를 알 수 있다. 우선 북한과의 국교정상화를 통해 정상국가로서의 신분과 지위를 회복하고, 다음으로 북한의 “안전위협”을 빌미로 “군사대국화”를 실현하며, 나아가 6자회담에 끼어들어 한반도다자안보협의에 깊숙이 개입함으로써 정치, 군사 대국화를 위한 기틀을 마련하였다. 뿐만 아니라 일본의 대북정책은 반성과 사죄 그리고 배상이라는 근본적인 문제를 떠나 북한의 핵·미사일과 납치문제에만 집착하고 있다. 더욱이 일본은 중국이나 한국과의 관계가 악화되어 외교적으로 고립될 경우에는 북한과의 관계 완화를 통해 위기를 탈출하려 시도하고, 안보법안과 헌법개정을 위해선 “북한위협론”을 들먹여 제재를 강화하는 등 교묘한 전략을 구사하여왔다. 제4차 북핵실험 후 북·일관계는 또다시 최악의 위기를 맞고 있다. 북한은 일본인납치피해자에 대한특별조사위원회를 해체하였고 일본은 유엔안보리제재는 물론 독자적이고 더욱 강경한 제재를 실시하고 있다. 헌법개정을 본격적으로 추진하고 있는 아베 내각으로 말하면 북한위협이 고조되고 양국관계가 악화되는 것이 더욱 바람직한 전략적 선택일 수도 있다. In history, the Korean peninsula has been an advanced base of Japan to pursue local hegemony through force and realize an ambition to achieve Mutual Prosperity in East Asia. After World War II, Japan has had a final goal of recovering the position and status of a normal country and furthermore, raising its status to one of the top countries in Asia. In the process of realizing such a national strategy, its colonial rule in the past has become a setback which can not be overcome. In 1965 when the Cold War was at its peak period, under the active intervention of the U.S.A, South Korea and Japan normalized diplomatic relations. Therefore, a better relationship with North Korea has become an important task for Japan`s diplomacy before and after the war. Japan`s politicians said that Japan does not have any strategies. However, to look at the policies against North Korea which have been developed for about 20 years after the Cold War, it can be understood how clever Japanese strategies against other countries are. First of all, through normalization of diplomatic relations with North Korea, it recovered the status and position of a normal country. Then, under the pretext of the security threat of North Korea, it realized “Military Power” and furthermore it joined in six-party talks to intervene in the multilateral security talks and were prepared for a great military power. As well, Japan`s policy against North Korea has adhered to nuclear technology ,missiles, and kidnapping out of the fundamental problems of reflection, apology and compensation. In addition, as Japan has had worse relations with China and South Korea, and is isolated diplomatically, it attempted to escape from this crisis through mitigation of relations with North Korea, and for security law and constitution revision, it mentioned the North Korean Threat Issue to reinforce restraint. After the 4th North Korea Nuclear Test, relations between North Korea and Japan faced the worst crisis. North Korea dismantled a special investigation committee into Japanese kidnappings and Japan has implemented more independent and resolute restraints as well as restraints in the U.N. Security Council. To the Abe administration which has actively executed Constitutional reform, it is suggested that the severe threat of North Korea and aggravated relations between the two countries would be a more desirable strategy.

      • A soft biomolecule actuator based on a highly functionalized bacterial cellulose nano-fiber network with carboxylic acid groups

        Wang, Fan,Jeon, Jin-Han,Park, Sukho,Kee, Chang-Doo,Kim, Seong-Jun,Oh, Il-Kwon The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 SOFT MATTER Vol.12 No.1

        <P>Upcoming human-related applications such as soft wearable electronics, flexible haptic systems, and active bio-medical devices will require bio-friendly actuating materials. Here, we report a soft biomolecule actuator based on carboxylated bacterial cellulose (CBC), ionic liquid (IL), and poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) electrodes. Soft and biocompatible polymer-IL composites were prepared via doping of CBC with ILs. The highly conductive PEDOT: PSS layers were deposited on both sides of the CBC-IL membranes by a dip-coating technique to yield a sandwiched actuator system. Ionic conductivity and ionic exchange capacity of the CBC membrane can be increased up to 22.8 times and 1.5 times compared with pristine bacterial cellulose (BC), respectively, resulting in 8 times large bending deformation than the pure BC actuators with metallic electrodes in an open air environment. The developed CBC-IL actuators show significant progress in the development of biocompatible and soft actuating materials with quick response, low operating voltage and comparatively large bending deformation.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of the dwarf gene d162(t) in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

        Fan-tao Zhang,Xiao-ling Gao,Ping-rong Wang,Chang-hui Sun,Bing Wang,Xiu-lan Li,Jian-qing Zhu,Xiao-jian Deng 한국유전학회 2011 Genes & Genomics Vol.33 No.1

        In our previous study, d162(t), a single recessive gene, which caused rice dwarf mutant, had been mapped on the short arm of chromosome 3. In this study, the d162(t) gene was fine mapped to a confined region about 0.82 cM by RM14641 and RM3134, and co-segregated with InDel361-2, InDel361-3,InDel361-5, RM14645, RM1022 and RM14643, where no known gene involved in plant height has been identified. Based on the annotation results of TIGR, dozens of open reading frames (ORFs) were predicted in this region, among them,five ORFs were the most possible genes related to the phenotype. In these ORFs, Os03g13010, related to U-box domain containing protein, had a 62bp segment deletion in the coding region in 162d (mutant type, MT). The results of RT-PCR showed that the transcriptional level of Os03g13010was significantly different between Shuhui162 (wild type, WT)and 162d (MT). Therefore, the gene (Os03g13010) encoding a U-box domain containing protein was considered as the candidate gene of d162(t).


        Low current ripple high step-up interleaved boost converter with switched-capacitors and switched-inductors

        Wang, Shenhong,Wang, Yubin,Wang, Fan The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 2021 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.21 No.11

        A low current ripple high step-up interleaved boost converter with switched-capacitors and switched-inductors that can be used in renewable resources such as photovoltaic energy and fuel cells is studied in this paper. In the proposed converter, the voltage gain is significantly increased and the voltage stresses of the switches are reduced by applying two switched-inductor units to replace individual inductors and by adding a switched-capacitor network to the output side. In addition, the current ripple of the inductor branch is reduced with the help of introducing a coupled-inductor, while the dynamic response speed remains almost unchanged. Therefore, smaller inductors can be used to reduce the volume of the converter. In this paper, the operating principles; the steady-state performance including the voltage gain, the voltage stresses of the switching devices, and the current ripple of the inductor; and transient-state performance of the proposed topology are analyzed. Moreover, the design criteria of the coupled-inductor are given in detail, and the double closed-loop PI controllers are designed. Finally, experimental results are given for a 160 W, 18 V input to 240 V output prototype. These results verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis. In addition, the efficiency analysis and power calculations are also discussed.

      • An eco-friendly ultra-high performance ionic artificial muscle based on poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid) and carboxylated bacterial cellulose

        Wang, Fan,Jeon, Jin-Han,Kim, Seong-Jun,Park, Jong-Oh,Park, Sukho The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 Journal of Materials Chemistry B Vol.4 No.29

        <P>Eco-friendly high-performance ionic artificial muscles have recently attracted enormous interest because of their applications in human friendly electronics including flexible haptic devices, wearable electronics, disposal or implantable biomedical devices, and biomimetic robots. Here, we report an eco-friendly ionic polymer actuator based on poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid) (PAMPS), carboxylated bacterial cellulose (CBC), and an ionic liquid (IL) as a plasticizer, demonstrating ultra-high electromechanical deformation, quick response, and excellent durability. The proposed CBC-IL-PAMPS composite membrane exhibits an increased ionic conductivity, tensile strength, and specific capacitance of up to 32.5%, 44.9%, and 160%, respectively, thereby resulting in 4.5 times larger bending deformation than that of the CBC-IL actuator, all of which are due to the cross-linking and ionic interactions among the sulfonate functional groups of PAMPS, carboxylate functional groups of CBC, and the IL ([EMIM][BF4]). The developed electro-chemo-mechanical CBC-IL-PAMPS actuator is a promising candidate for human friendly electronics such as artificial muscles, wearable devices, biomedical devices, and biomimetic robots due to its high actuation performance, low operating voltage, and fast response as well as durable operation.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Genome and transcriptome sequencing of a newly isolated 2,4-dinitrophenol-degrading strain Rhodococcus imtechensis XM24D

        Fan Hu,Longhe Yang,Zhaokai Wang,Jinpei Wang 한국유전학회 2021 Genes & Genomics Vol.43 No.7

        Background 2,4-Dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) is an important organic environmental pollutant that is highly toxic to all forms of living organisms. A gram-positive strain (designated XM24D) was isolated from 2,4-DNP-contaminated soil by an enrichment technique. Objective The study was designed to analyze the ability of XM24D to degrade 2,4-DNP and its analogs and to reveal the degradation pathways of these aromatic compounds. Methods The degradation ability of XM24D was tested by a growth experiment. 2,4-DNP and its analog degradation pathways were predicted by genome and comparative transcriptome sequencing. Results Growth profles showed that XM24D was able to utilize 2,4-DNP as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen and energy. Analogs of 2,4-DNP, including 4-nitrophenol (PNP) and 2-chloro-4-nitrophenol (2C4NP), can also be degraded by XM24D. Genome analysis showed that the XM24D genome contains two chromosomes with a combined size of 9.08 Mb and an average GC content of 67.07%. Average nucleotide identity analysis indicated that Rhodococcus imtechensis RKJ300 is the most closely related strain to XM24D. Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed that the 2,4-DNP/PNP/2C4NP degradation pathway in XM24D is highly similar in sequence and organization to the 2,4-DNP degradation pathway in Rhodococcus opacus HL PM-1, the PNP degradation pathway in Rhodococcus opacus SAO101 and the 2C4NP degradation pathway in Rhodococcus imtechensis RKJ300. These results suggested that 2,4-DNP/PNP/2C4NP was degraded via the 2,4-dinitrocyclohexanone/4-nitrocatechol/hydroxyquinol pathway in XM24D. Conclusions Genomic and transcriptomic information on XM24D provides a valuable reference for further investigating the evolutionary characteristics of nitrophenol degradation pathways in microorganisms.

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