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      • KCI우수등재

        CF-reduplication in English : Dynamic Prototypes & Contrastive Focus Effects

        Myounghyoun Song,Chungmin Lee 한국언어학회 2014 언어 Vol.39 No.4

        Song, Myounghyoun & Lee, Chungmin. 2014. CF-reduplication in English: Dynamic Prototypes and Contrasive Focus Effects. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 39-4, 797-818. CF-reduplications refer to three different levels of a category: the prototype of a category, the subcategories in a category or a category itself. The CF-marked modifier receives the intension of a base word and produces a contingently determined denotation of CF-reduplications, on the basis of dynamic prototypes in the minds of speakers. The Contrastive Focus exhaustively selects the denotation of the CF-reduplications out of immediately relevant alternatives given in the discourse with the exclusive implication that only the denotation of the reduplicated expression is intended by speakers. CF-reduplications semantically have dynamically changing denotations and pragmatically facilitate the communication between speakers with contrastive focus effects. (Seoul National University)

      • KCI등재

        상위언어적 부정의 SN 담화표지

        최윤희(Choi Yoonhee),이정민(Lee Chungmin) 담화·인지언어학회 2008 담화와 인지 Vol.15 No.2

        In this paper we will examine some previous studies of the PA/SN distinction and show different discourse expressions in Korean that function as SN in dialogal spoken discourse, highlighting 'kulenikka as a dialogal SN discourse marker. As C. Lee (2005) argued, PA and SN in Korean are expressed, respectively, by the connective' -ciman' and '-anird'. H. Lee (2005b) added here '-nuntey' and '-ko'. We also observed the different forms '-na', '-to', '-myenseto' for PA and '-yo' for SN. However, we found that H Lee's (2005b) SN marker '-ko' also shows PA function when correlated with CT. This means that the PA-CT and SN-CF correlations can be a crucial guideline in distinguishing PA/SN (C. Lee 2005). It is generally believed that an SN discourse marker cannot be used in dialogal discourse while PA can. We found that these have interpersonal, social causes: To refute the other's argument in his/her presence is regarded as insolent and causes him/her to lose his/her face. For this reason many languages including Korean don't have single word dialogal SN discourse markers. Lastly, we evidently argued that 'kulenikka', originally a causal connective, is adjusted and extended and now functions as a dialogal SN discourse marker in spoken dialogue.

      • KCI등재

        Genericity and Topicality: Towards Dynamic Genericity

        Chungmin Lee 한국언어과학회 2011 언어과학 Vol.18 No.1

        This paper argues that typical generic sentences are topic constructions crosslinguistically, supporting Lee's 1996 initial claim, but argues against Cohen et al's 2002 claim that focused bare plurals are interpreted existentially. Contrastive Topic and Contrastive Focus can apply to either generic or anti-generic/existential phrases. Therefore, contrastively focused bare plurals can be generic, not necessarily existential. PL-marking and NumCl-marking in Korean and Japanese are anti-generic (existential) and distributive in nature, interacting with information structure. Generic sentences are about generic DPs, which function as Topics as semantic definites such as a bare singular common noun with a Topic marker in Korean (a 'definitional' generic, Krifka 2009), bare plurals (or indefinite singular) in English, and definites in French, typically combined with individual-level predicates of characterizing or kind-referring nature, as in (1) Say-nun nal-n-ta 'Birds fly.' An existential sentence in Korean, on the other hand, has a NOM marker in the subject DP and is PL(ural)-marked, followed by a stage-level predicate, as in (2) Say-ka/-tul-i nal-a ka-ko iss-ta 'Birds are flying,' as opposed to the atemporal PRES predicate in (1). Focus-sensitive cases such as Even mammals lay eggs and cec-mek-i-tongmul-to al-ul nah-a (???cec-mek- i-tongmul-un al-ul nah-a) will be discussed and dynamic genericity is proposed to meet from context to context changes and existential-like generic situations

      • KCI등재

        Factivity Alternation of the Verb ‘Know’ in Korean, Turkish and Hungarian

        Chungmin Lee,Daeho Chung 현대문법학회 2018 현대문법연구 Vol.100 No.-

        Chungmin Lee and Daeho Chung. 2018. Factivity Alternation of the Verb ‘Know’ in Korean, Turkish and Hungarian. Studies in Modern Grammar 100, 1-40. The cognitive attitude verb KNOW in most languages typically selects for a factive complement (Kiparsky and Kiparsky 1970). It is noted in the literature (Lee 1978, 1999; Kiefer 1978, Őzyildiz 2017, a.o.), however, that KNOW in some languages may take various forms of complements and that factivity varies depending on the complement types. An obvious generalization made is that nominalized complements tend to convey a factive reading, while non-nominal ones tend not to (Kastner 2015). This work makes it clear that for a clause selected by KNOW to have a factive reading, it not only bears a nominal feature but also carries a structural case. This paper additionally points out the following three issues and discusses their theoretical implications as to the syntax and semantics of attitudinal predicate constructions: (i)Cognitive attitude verbs may simultaneously take a nominalized clause and a predicational clause; (ii) The non-factive KNOW in the three languages commonly displays neg-raising and naturally anti-rogativity, siding with doxastic (belief) verbs; (iii) Lexically negated forms of these verbs select only for a nominalized (factive) clause.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Factivity Alternation of Attitude ‘know’ in Korean, Mongolian, Uyghur, Manchu, Azeri, etc. and Content Clausal Nominals

        ( Chungmin Lee ) 서울대학교 인지과학연구소 2019 Journal of Cognitive Science Vol.20 No.4

        It was discovered in the literature (Lee 1978, 1999; Kiefer 1978, Őzyildiz 2017, Lee 2017) that the epistemic attitude report ‘know’ in Korean, Turkish, and Hungarian reveal factivity alternation and this rare phenomenon has been recently investigated also in such Altaic languages as Mongolian, Uyghur, Manchurian, and Azerbaijan, as first reported here. The attitude report ‘know’ in most languages so far known typically selects for a factive complement (Kiparsky and Kiparsky 1970, Hintikka 1975 a.o.). One generalization made is that nominalized complements tend to convey a factive reading, while non-nominal ones tend not to (Kastner 2015, Moulton 2015 a.o.). This work demonstrates that for a clause selected by a cognitive epistemic attitude verb to have a factive reading, it bears a nominal (D) feature with a structural case, whereas a clause for a non-factive reading, it does not, in alternation languages and possibly beyond. This work shows that a nominalized clause with the internal type ‘pro-fact’ noun -(u)n kes in Korean (and in Japanese as well with koto), witness-based, is factively presupposed by itself and contradicted if predicated by negated veracious adjectives in a veridicality test. It is embedded also by a doxastic verb such as mit- ‘believe.’ The non-factive alternants of ‘know’ in all the languages logically belong to the doxastic category of ‘believe’, though with implication of evidential justification in distinction with the real ‘believe,’ undergoing neg-raising, revealing their anti-rogativity. Thus, more weight is given to complements typing than to attitude reports typing.

      • KCI우수등재

        태도 동사 ‘알다’의 사실성 교체 -한국어와 그 밖의 알타이 제어의 특성

        이정민 ( Chungmin Lee ) 국어학회 2020 국어학 Vol.0 No.96

        인식과 믿음의 태도 동사들 가운데 사실성 ‘알다’ 뜻만 가진 인구어 중심의 연구에서 벗어나 최초로 한국어(이정민 1978)와 알타이 제어(Lee 2019)의 비사실성 ‘알다’의 공존 즉 사실성 교체(alternation) 현상을 밝히면서, 사실성 ‘알다’와 비사실성 ‘알다’의 뜻의 구별을 분석하는 일이 세계 언어학 의미론과 철학 인식론의 큰 관심사로 떠올랐고, 여기서 그 구별의 본질을 파헤치는 작업을 한다. 한국어와 기타 알타이어들은 어순상 SOV로 태도 동사의 중앙 내포절의 끝이 대격 명사로 끝나면 상위의 ‘알다’ 류의 태도 동사와 결합해 사실성 해석을 낳는다. 한편, 중앙 내포절의 끝이 ‘말하다’에서 도출된 전달(reportative) 보문소(또는 한국어에서는 ‘-ㄴ 것-으로’처럼 후치사)일 경우 부사적이고 ‘(말)하다’ (또는 사실에의 미달 상태)의 뜻 때문에 필연적으로 비사실성 해석을 낳는다. 인구어는 that 절로 내포절의 구조상 구별이 없어 동사의 선택 제약에 의해 자의적으로 구별해 왔다(다만 Kiparsky & Kiparsky(1972) 참조). 한국어는 특히 놀랍게도 ‘-ㄴ 것’이 의존명사로서 직접 사실 대용의 기능을 가져 즉 대-사실 명사(pro-fact noun)로서 모든 사실성 태도 동사에 내포된 맥락에서 뿐 아니라, 주어절로 독립될 경우에도 사실성이 유지된다. 다른 언어들에서 ‘사실’ 머리어를 가진 주어절의 사실성 효과와 같다. 진실성(veridicality) 테스트에도 주어 명제의 전제가 유지된다(‘알다’의 사실성 교체가 없는 일본어에서도 koto는 같은 대-사실 명사로서 명제가 항시 전제된다). 다른 알타이어 들에도 모두 교체가 있으나 이 대-사실 명사 기능은 없다. 이 기능의 내적 유형은 상황에 대한 지각에 의한 또는 내면화된 친숙성(acquaintance)을 요한다. 외적 유형 ‘-다(고 하)는 것’은 ‘알다’, ‘모르다’, ‘잊다’, ‘발견하다’, ‘깨닫다’ 등 사실성 동사에 내포되면 소통된/공공적인 사실의 전제를 갖되 그 밖의 동사에 내포되면 사실성이 보장되지 않는다. 사실성 교체와 구별은 내용명사에도 일어난다. ‘-ㄴ 것으로’는 부정 인상 테스트로 앎의 인식(epistemic) 범주가 아닌 믿음(doxastic) 범주에 속함이 증명됐고, 그럼에도 증거로써의 정당화 구실, 그로 인한 태도 주체 즉 주어에 대한 신뢰가 동사 ‘믿다’ 상황보다 높아 그 사용빈도가 매우 높고, 공손성의 사회적 의미도 유발한다. Regarding epistemic and doxastic attitude verbs, Indo-European and some languages happen to have the single category of factive ‘know’ and the research in semantics and epistemoloy has concentrated on the single factive category. The factivity alternation between the factive and non-factive ‘know’ in the Korean verb of ‘know’ or al- has been discovered (Lee 1978) and the alternation was recently found to be general in Altaic languages (Lee 2019). Here, the effort to explore the essence of the phenomenon is made. The pro-fact noun ‘(-n) kes’, heading the DP complement clause of factivity is claimed to be the core of factivity and veridicality in Korean: it not only constitutes the factively presupposed complement clause but also constitutes a veridical complement subject. Thus in subject if you say #‘Mia-ka ttena-n kes-i mac-ci anh-ta’, it becomes odd due to a contradiction. This happens only in Korean (and Japanese, which does not have any factivity alternation in ’know’ except ‘remember’, ‘understand’, etc.). The external type ‘-ta-nun kes’ is variant. The non-factive ‘know’ in Korean has its DIRECTIONAL postpositonal clause with ‘(-n kes)-uro’, which means that the situation remains in the state of not reaching the goal ‘fact’(i.e. atelic). The reportative complementizer, deriving from ‘SAY’ constitutes the nonfactive ‘know’ complement embedded by ‘know’ and other factive attittude verbs in all Altaic languages. This covert SAY complementation for non-factive attitude is claimed to be universal. Because of the evidential justification excuse involved in the catogry of non-factive ‘know’ attitude verb, it is widely used in a polite or cencessive conversation in most Altaic languages investigated.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Generative Approach to the Lexical Semantics of Korean Predicates

        Chungmin Lee(이정민),Seungho Nam(남승호),Beom-mo Kang(강범모) 한국인지과학회 1998 인지과학 Vol.9 No.3

        This paper reports a part of the Lexical Semantics Project on Korean predicates, which has started in 1996 and is scheduled to continue for 9 years. We have built up a formal apparatus to describe semantic structure of lexical predicates in Korean. Adopting the basic ideas of Generative Lexicon theory of Pustejovsky (1995), we have extended and developed the general framework of his semantic structure for better semantic description of Korean predicates. The project has been also stimulated by the work of Buitelaar's (1998) CoreLex. which provides a principled way of semantically characterizing nominal arguments and their composition with predicates. We have been analyzing 2,000 Korean verbs and adjectives so far. The paper illustrates and accounts for several issues raised in applying the Generative Lexicon approach to formal lexical semantics of Korean predicates, and further reveals cross-linguistic formal properties of lexical semantic structure. The sections of the paper are organized according to the substructures of Pustejovsky's (1995) semantic framework: That is, event structure, argument structure, qualia structure. We also discuss surface case structure mapping semantic arguments onto syntactic case frames. Our final concern is about the relation between morphology and lexical semantics, which is quite straightforward in languages with rich derivational morphology like Korean.

      • KCI등재

        The Semantics of Amu N-to/-ilato/-ina in Korean: Arbitrary Choice and Concession

        ( Chungmin Lee ),( Seungho Nam ),( Daeho Chung ) 한국언어정보학회 2000 언어와 정보 Vol.4 No.2

        This paper reports the syntactic distribution of amu-N-to/-ilato/-ina phrases, which are representative polarity sensitive intems (PSIs) in Korean, and accounts for their semantic characteristics in terms of “arbitrary choice quantification” and “concession.” In the first section, we extensively illustrate the distributional behavior of the PSIs in various constructions and roughly generalize the distribution in terms of “(anti/non-) verdicality.” Section 2 claims amu denotes an arbitrary choice quantifier, and the particles -to//ilato/-ina as “Concessive” markers, so the compounds denote a special element in a pragmatic scale determined by context/situation. Section 3, based on the pragmatics of scalar implicature, accounts for the apparent ambiguity of PSIs between “universal” and “existential” readings, and further characterizes the difference among the concessive markers -to/-ilato/-ina in terms of “quantity/quality scale.”

      • KCI등재

        Compositionality Reconsidered: With Special Reference to Cognition

        Lee, Chungmin Korean Society for Language and Information 2012 언어와 정보 Vol.16 No.2

        The issues of compositionality, materialized ever since Frege (1982), are critically re-examined in language first mainly and then in all other possible representational systems such as thoughts, concept combination, computing, gesture, music, and animal cognition. The notion is regarded as necessary and suggested as neurologically correlated in humans, even if a weakened version is applicable because of non-articulated constituents and contextuality. Compositionality is crucially involved in all linguistically or non-linguistically meaningful expressions, dealing with at-issue content, default content, and even not-at-issue meanings such as implicatures and presuppositions in discourse. It is a constantly guiding principle to show the relation between representation and mind, still posing tantalizing research issues.

      • KCI등재

        Frozen Expressions and Semantic Representation

        Lee, Chungmin 서울대학교 어학연구소 1993 語學硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        This paper is concerned with how to represent the meanings of frozen expressions. It considers the argument structures of lexically filled idiomatic expressions such as kich the bucket first and then the semantic representations of lexically open idiomatic expressions (Fillmore et al. 1988) such as the -er … the -er [function type], let alone … [NPI type] and why not … [speech act type] and other grammatically frozen constructions. The argument structures of the lexically filled (metonymic or metaphorical) idioms are shifted from those of their literal counterparts, retaining the minimal aspects of compositionality.

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