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        이병주의 희곡 텍스트 『流氓』연구

        민병욱(Min, Byung-wook) 한국문학회 2015 韓國文學論叢 Vol.70 No.-

        본고는 선행 연구에서 그 제목만 언급된, 1959년 11월과 1959년 12월『文學』에 (상), (중)으로 연재된 희곡 유맹 의 지료를 발굴하고 그 구조를 살펴보았다. 먼저 텍스트가 수록된『文學』의 발간은 ‘젊은 세대를 위한 젊은 세대에 의한 젊은이’의 문학잡지를 지향하고자『新潮文學』의 정신을 이어받고 서울에서 발간된다. 서울에서 발간하면서『文學』은 새로운 기법과 고도의 비평정신이 필요한 젊은 세대 문인들에게 문학뿐만 아니라 미술, 음악, 회화, 연극 등 모든 예술의 분야를 위해 예술 각 분야에 걸친 신예들의 무게 있는 작품들의 소개하고자 하는 일환으로 희곡 『流氓』을 수록하여 연재한다. 그 발간 정신의 천명에도 불구하고 일제 강점과 남북 분단을 경험한 원로들에 의해서 이루어지는 문학 내외적 영역의 확장에,『文學』의 ‘젊은 세대를 위한 젊은 세대에 의한 젊은이’의 문학잡지가 끼어들 틈이 없음은 물론이다. 문학(문단) 상황에서 생존하는 방법은 기성 주도세력으로의 편입이다. 기존 문학 매체들이 문학이념의 헤게모니를 장악하고 문학 권력을 재생산하고 있는 상황에서『文學』은 자진 폐간하고 희곡『流氓』은 미완의 텍스트로 남게 된다. 미완의 희곡 流氓은 이병주가 1945년 9월과 1946년 3월 사이 상해에서 창작한 최초의 희곡작품이며, 그 내용은 아편과 도박을 중심으로한 소비 향락지역인 상해공공조계에서 하숙집을 운영하는 러시아 가족들과 하숙생들, 일본 헌병들 사이에 일어난 사건을 다루고 있다. 이러한 사건을 텍스트는 청춘남녀의 개인적인 사건과 항일운동의 참여/거부에 관련된 동시대 사회적 사건을 기본 축으로 하여 서로 얽혀 있는 것으로 다루고 있다. 이러한 개인적 애정사건과 동시대적 사회사건이 지배적 줄거리로 진행되다가 서로 얽히는 사건전개는 이병주의 문학세계, 특히 소설텍스트의 기본 구조를 이루고 있다. 이것은 희곡의 일반적인 구성과 달리 텍스트는 중심적인 것은 사건의 전체적 전개가 아니라 그것을 이끌어 가는 인물의 형상화이며, 사건 중심적인 구조가 아니라 인물 중심적인 구조를 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 희곡『流氓』은 사건 구조 보다는 형상화된 인물에 초점을 두고 창작된 것으로서 그의 소설텍스트의 기본 사건 구조를 이루고 있는 창작방법의 출발 지점에 위치하고 있다. 끝으로 무엇보다도 중요한 것은『文學』의 폐간으로 사라진 희곡 『流氓』(하)를 찾아서 텍스트를 복원하는 것이다. 이러한 텍스트의 전체 복원이 이루어지지 않고서는 계속적인 연구는 불가능하다. This paper research materials on the Lee Byung-joo’s dramatic text Umeng. Also This paper explain the creation and structure of text together. The result of analysis can be summarized as follows. 1) The Dramatic Text was published by a literary magazine “MoonHak”(Literature). Moon Hak’s intention is of the young, by the young, for the young. And Moon Hak uphold the sprit of the SinJo Moon Hak. 2) Various and multiple works of art, for example Literature, paintings, drama, modern arts were printed in this magazine. So Lee Byung-joo’s dramatic text Umin was printed, published. 3) At the time, the forces of vested interest in literary can not permit this magazine Moon Hak to take part in the world of Literature. This magazine Moon Hak intend to include the forces of vested interest in literary. Senior members of literary circles protect their vested rights and transfer is denied. A literary magazine Moon Hak is discontinued. The dramatic text Umeng become incomplete text. 4) In the sub textual aspect, Umin was the first dramatic work of Lee Byung-joo, was created in Shanghai from September 1945 to March 1946. The content is Opium and gambling among Russian family, student boarder, Japan MP. 5) In the main textual aspect, Umeng was the case of the two Ravel. One is a personal affection of both sexes youth, the other is first and foremost, with the participation of the movement rejected. The case of personal events and social entanglements is the basic structure of Lee’s literary works. That is his creative methodology The most important thing to the end is Incomplete restore of the text.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Operational Characteristics of the FCL Using the Mechanical Contact in the Power System

        Byung ?Ik Jung(정병익),Hyo-Sang Choi(최효상) 대한전기학회 2016 전기학회논문지 Vol.65 No.5

        These days, SFCLs are being developed in order to limit fault current. However, the superconducting elements that limit the fault current have such problems as capacity increase and require auxiliary devices including cooling device. If devices that comprise the current power network can withstand fault current for at least one cycle, it is possible to limit the fault current with current limiting elements by bypassing it on the fault line. In this study, the fault current limiter was configured with current transformer, vacuum interrupter, and current limiting element. Through the experience, it was confirmed that the fault current was limited within one cycle. The superconducting element, as a current limiting element, limited the fault current by 80 % within one cycle from fault occurrence, and the passive element limited it more than 95 %. Also, through the comparison between resistance curve and power consumption curve, it was confirmed that the current limiting element using a passive element was more stable than the superconducting element that required capacity increase and other auxiliary devices. It was considered that the FCL proposed in this study could limit fault current stably within one cycle from fault occurrence by using the existing power technologies such as fault current detection and solenoid valve operating circuit.

      • KCI등재

        The Ameliorative Effects of Korean Bean‐Leaves on Inflammation and Liver Injury in Obese Rat Model

        Byung?Moon Jin,Seok?Cheol Choi,Hye?Sook Lee,Sang?Bong Jung,Kyung?Yae Hyun 대한의생명과학회 2013 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.19 No.3

        Obesity may cause metabolic syndrome and adult diseases. This study was undertaken to investigate the ameliorative or useful effects of beanleaves on inflammation and liver damage in obese rat models. Rats were divided into three groups: a control group (normal diet, n=6), a fat diet group (45%?fat diet, n=7), and a bean leaf group (45%?fat+Korean bean leaves diet, n=7). Body weights in the bean leaf group were lower than those of the fat group (P<0.05). Serum tumor necrosis factor?α (TNF?α) and prostaglandin E₂ (PGE₂) concentrations were lower in both the control and bean leaf groups than in the fat group (P<0.001). TNF?α concentrations in the bean leaf group were slightly higher than in the control group but statistically significant (P<0.05). The bean leaf group histologically exhibited lower fatty degeneration, spotty necrosis, and leukocyte infiltrations in hepatic tissues than those of the fat group. In the homogenized liver tissues, the cyclooxygenase?2 (COX?2) gene was only expressed in the fat group. The gene expression levels of hepatic TNF?α, inducible nitric?oxide synthase, peroxiome proliferator?activated receptor?α (PPAR?α), poly (ADP?ribose) polymerase (PARP), and transforming growth factor?β1 (TGF?β1) were weaker in the bean leaf group than in the fat group. These results suggest that adding bean?leaves to the diet may ameliorate obesity?induced systemic inflammation and liver damage and that bean leaves may be a useful food for preventing obesity and thereby metabolic syndrome and adult diseases

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Transient Characteristics of a Transformer Type SFCL Applying the Superconductor and the Normal-conductor into the Secondary Winding

        Byung ?Ik Jung(정병익),Hyo-Sang Choi(최효상) 대한전기학회 2016 전기학회논문지 Vol.65 No.5

        This paper proposed the structure that applied superconductors to the neutral line of a transformer and applied the normal conductors to the third line. The superconductor applied to the neutral line of a transformer limited the peak value of initial fault current, while the normal conductor finally limited the fault current. In order to secure the operating reliability of transformer type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) of previously proposed structure, we analyzed the operating characteristics according to the fault types. We tested a line-to-ground fault and a line-to-line fault. As a result of the experiment, all the faults showed that the superconductor stably limited the peak-value of initial fault current. Also, the normal conductor finally limited the fault current. Based on this research results, We thought that if the structure of inserting superconductor into the neutral line is applied to the real system, it could improve the reliability and stability of the power system.

      • An Approach to the Improvement of EFL Reading Comprehension - Through Fast Reading and Meaning Grasping

        Im, Byung Bin 한국현대언어학회 2001 언어연구 Vol.17 No.2

        Im, Byung-Bin. 2001. 속독과 이해학습을 통한 영어 독해력 향상방법. 언어연구 17-2, 245-265. 독해력의 바람직한 정의란 이해와 속독의 균형을 유지해야 한다. 본 연구에서는 이와 같은 독해력의 정의에 기초하여 영어 독해력 향상을 위한 6가지 중요 요소(읽기속도, 훑어읽기, 논리구조 파악, 어휘학습, 통사구조 이해, 문화배경 및 세상지식)를 학습 활동으로 처치하여 대학의 교양영어 수강생을 대상으로 실험을 실시하고 그 결과를 검증하였다. 실험 결과분석에 의하면, 본 연구에서 제시한 독해력 학습방법이 종래의 일반적인 독해력 지도방법보다 훨씬 더 효과적인 것으로 입증되었다. 따라서 영어 독해력 교수학습시에 본 연구에서 제안한 것처럼 속독과 이해훈련을 통한 종합적인 독해력 지도방법이 한국의 영어교육 상황에서 효과적인 대안으로 채택될 필요성이 있다. (공주대학교)

      • Changing China`s Steel Industry -in the New Normal

        ( Dr. Byung-kuk Ahn ) 포스코경영연구원(구 포스코경영연구소) 2016 Asian Steel Watch Vol.1 No.-

        Xin chang tai (新常?) is the term that most accurately characterizes China’s economy today. It is a literal translation of the English term new normal, meaning “a new state of normality.”After reform and opening up, China’s economy maintained a double-digit annual growth rate for decades, then slowed to around 7% in 2012. Chinese authorities have described this as the “new normal”state, to which they intend to adjust China’s economic policy. <p>China’s new normal does not mean abandonment of growth, but rather a transition to a new way of growth. Changes in China’s economic fundamentals have confronted China’s steel industry with “new normal”market environment and structures. The industry has set out in search of new solutions.</p> <p>24 Changing China’s Steel Industry in the New Normal (Dr. Ahn, Byung-kuk) 30 China's Steel Enters a “Peak Zone“: Arguments and Projections (Choi, Young-hun) 36 The Impact of China’s Early “Peak Steel“and Scrap Generation on Steel Raw Materials Prices (Dr. Jin-Seok Huh) 42 China's Steel Exports, Reaching 100 Mt: What It Means to Asia and Beyond (Dr. Chung, Cheol-Ho, Dr. Nam, Dae-yub) 48 Dilemmas in Restructuring China’s Steel Industry (Dr. Li Wan-Yong) 54 Chinese View on the New Normal (Li Xinchuang, President of MPI) (Dr. Li Xinchuang)</p>

      • Superolateral Orbital Rim Craniotomy for Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysms

        Jeon, Byung-Chan,Peng Zhao,Zheng, Yongri KOSIN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 2006 高神大學校 醫學部 論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        Objective : Recently, several approaches for middle cerebral artery aneurysms (MCA) have been developed from conventional method, that is pterional approach. However, the literatures contain no report about minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of MCA aneurysms. So the purpose of our study is to describe a new technique, that is superolateral orbital rim craniotomy (SLORC) approach-minimally invasive surgery and the outcome for the treatment of MCA aneurysms. Methods : A retrospective review of 12 patients with MCA aneurysms ruptured or unruptured who were operated by SLORC approach was performed during October 1999 thru December 2001. Results : All the aneurysms were clipped successfully. The mean aneurysm size was 6.8 mm ranged from 4 to 15 mm. The average hospital stay was 15.9±9.1 days and the operation time usually consumed 3 to 4 hours. No patients died and adverse effects directly related with surgery were minimal. Cosmetic result was also achieved just a few days after operation. We never used lumbar drain or extraventricular drainage. During operation, less retraction of neural structure and no transfusion were required. The modified Rankin scores at discharge and 6 months afterwards revealed 0 grade in all assessed patients. Conclusion : The SLORC is a newly developed procedure for neurosurgeon to treat MCA aneurysms. Although this technique is not widely used, it is likely that this minimally invasive approach will become a promising operative technique in the future.

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