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        치아오 칭쥐(喬,,) 서강대학교 생명문화연구소 2011 생명연구 Vol.22 No.-

        이 글은 죽음에 관한 고찰이다. 죽음에는 세 가지 의미가 있다. 첫째, 죽음의 순간은 물리적 사건이라는 것이고, 둘째는 죽음 이후의 비존재 상황을 “무”라고 부른다는 것이며, 셋째는 존재에 편재된 부정성이다. 죽음은 존재에 편재된 부정성으로서 존재의 죽음은 정도와 성질의 차이가 있어서 서로 다른 층차를 형성함을 보여준다. 이별, 질병, 제한, 절망, 정신적 격리가 모두 죽음의 일종의 형식이라고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 죽음은 있지 않은 곳이 없으며, 죽음의 인식에 대해서도 이루어질 수 없는 때가 없다고 할 수 있다. 부정성으로서의 죽음은 우리가 삶에 대한 인식을 더욱 신중히 하도록 한다. 죽음의 초월에 관하여, 이 글은 물리적 사건으로서의 죽음만이 지연되거나 연장될 수 있지만 초월할 수는 없다고 한다. 정신적 영역에서만 비로소 죽음에 대한 초월을 실현할 수 있다. 언어를 장악하고 한계를 넘고 격리된 것을 통하게 하고, 삶을 버림으로써 의리를 지키는 것이 모두 죽음에 대한 초월이다. 그러므로 인생에 대한 적극적 자각이 죽음의 초월인 것이다. 本文是对死亡问题的沉思。文章认为,死亡有三种意义,一是死亡的那一刻,这是一种物理事件;二是死亡之后的不在场的状态,这可以叫做“亡”;三是遍在于存在中的否定性。死亡作为遍在于存在中的否定性,表明了死亡存在有程度与性质的差异,形成不同的层次。离别、残疾、局限、绝望、精神上的限隔,都可以是死亡的一种形式,故死亡无所不在,对于死亡的体认也可无时而不能进行。作为否定性的死亡使得我们对于生的认识愈加深刻。关于死亡的超越,文章认为,作为物理事件的死亡只可以推迟或者延后,却不可以超越。只有在精神的领域才能实现对于死亡的超越。掌握语言、跨越界限、打通限隔、舍生取义、修辞立诚,都是对于死亡的超越,故自觉的积极的人生无时不在超越死亡。

      • KCI등재


        , 전남대학교 법학연구소 2011 법학논총 Vol.31 No.3

        2007年, 河南省A市的吴某、王某等五人与A市某公司签订了劳务合同, 期限为两年, 2008年底, 此公司以无故旷工为理由将五人辞退, 并扣除了五人的三个月的工资, 吴某、王某等五人不服该决定多次到该公司进行协商未果。遂到A市B区的劳动仲裁委员会申请仲裁, 劳动仲裁委员会裁决该公司支付给吴某、王某等五人应得工资8000元。仲裁裁决生效后该公司拒不履行裁决。2009年1月, 吴某、王某等五人向A市B区的人民法院申请强制执行, 处理此事的法官在了解相关情况以后, 认为该公司构成比较复杂, 公司与吴某、王某等五人的矛盾相当尖锐, 强制执行并不能有效化解双方的矛盾。该法官并没有立即立案, 而是安抚当事人的情绪后, 多次与该公司取得联系, 积极协调双方之间的关系, 最终该公司支付了吴某、王某等五人的工资, 双方之间的关系也得到了缓和。由该案例看出, 在基层社会中,法律观念并没有得到充分的发育, 没有贴近社会, 没有走进人们的心里, 相反, 社会大众对于法律之外的习惯、民俗、伦理、道德等更感兴趣, 他们“一般是在不用法的情况下生活的”, “解决争端首先必须考虑‘情’, 其次是‘礼’, 最后是‘理’, 只有最后才诉诸法。”此时, 在他们看来, 一切纠纷都可以在生活中找到解决的办法, 而且这种解决的办法是相对固定的, 是一种生活的传统规则, 是一种以人情为基础的的正义。倘若纠纷进入法律程序, 那么他们并没有考虑过实体法是怎么规定的, 程序法需要如何操作, 而是关心案件的处理结果, 关心法院的判决有没有符合他们心目中的以人情为基础的正义, 这种处理结果必须在情理上说的过去。

      • KCI등재

        여서(女書)문자를 통한 강영(江永) 여성의 정체성 형성 연구 : 여서로 개작된 문학작품을 중심으로

        장청원(Zhang, Qing-Wen)(張,遠) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.73 No.-

        이 연구는 옛 중국의 강영현 여성들이 여서문자를 통해 자신의 문식성을 발전시키는 욕망과 과정에 대해 고찰했다. 이를 위해서는 우선 여서문자의 개념과 형성 배경, 그리고 교육방식의 특성을 살펴보고, 이를 통해 여성 문식성 공동체의 형태를 고찰했다. 뿐만 아니라 이들의 정체성 발전을 고찰하기 위해 ‘설득’ 개념을 도입함으로써 설득의 확장 개념인 ‘순수 설득’ 이론에 대해서도 논의했다. 이상의 논의를 바탕으로 여서문자와 ‘순수 설득’가 서로 결합하는 가능성을 타진하고, 그 이론을 바탕으로 여서로 개작된 문학작품을 해석하며, 옛 중국 강영 여성의 정체성 형성과 문식성의 발전 과정에 대해 다각도로 살펴보았다. Nvshu, just like the name shows, is females words and their self-created writing form. The accident discovery of Jiangyong Nvshu triggers the research fever at home and abroad. In ancient China, under the male-centered hierarchical environment of Chinese characters, Jiangyong females created their own literacy community with their wisdom which to some extent made it possible for them to become literate and appreciate literature. Meanwhile, with an unique presentation form, this education form deepened local females’ identification with their self-identity and allowed them to share friendship and sorrow and fears between them which set them free from the traditional male-centered social structure to express themselves to the fullest and eulogized females’ life. The discussion process of the thesis is as follows: First, it investigates the research systems and directions about Nvshu at home and abroad and finds out that most domestic researches investigate the characteristics of words in Nvshu in the form direction including glyph, phonetic meaning, etc. But foreign researches take Nvshu as a tool for cultivating and developing females’ self-awareness and focus on discussing the formation of females’ self-awareness. Second, during learning related theories, the author mainly discussed the basic concept of persuasion and the extension of Pure Persuasion and combined this theory with Nvshu under the power structure i.e. the formation of awakening self-awareness and self-identity under interference, satisfaction of self-spirits, etc. which expanded and explained the environment applicable for this theory. In addition, in the formation of personal identity, such factors as language community and language application also played a role unconsciously. all stimulated female’s self-development and needs for becoming literate which to some extent, can be seen as a bounce of self-awareness under the strong intervention of male-centered society. At last, this thesis extracts some literary works from Nvshu including Sisterhood shu and Sanzhao shu (focusing on marriage celebrations and friendship reviewing) and uses literary works adapted from Nvshu to fully express the private communication among females, emotional communication between bosom female friends and the establishment of female’s literary quality, etc. In a male-centered society which is an exquisite expression of self-awareness, social reality and emotional output. The most attractive part is that the adaption of literary works through Nvshu in a male-centered society shows females’ flexible application of dialects and their literary expression ability by dialects. Lack of official education does not affect their appreciation and enthusiasm for literature as well as the improvement of their self quality and at the same time, their criticism to the social reality also shows females’ unique thinking ability and critical perspectives.

      • KCI등재


        ,, 서강대학교 생명문화연구소 2010 생명연구 Vol.15 No.-

        目前的生命观把生命化约为生物生命,这是一种具有本质主义缺陷的科学主义思维方式, 它忽略了生命和非生命之间的非断裂的过渡,抹煞了自然界 中许多事物的生命特征,成为当今蔓延全球的生态危机的思想根源之一。鉴 于此,本文打破自然科学和人文学科的界限,提出“家族类似生命观”,主张 生命具有广泛性、层级性和家族类似性等形式特征;并基于中国文化的材料 ,强调水与河流也具有一定的生命,如生成和死亡、自我保持性的内在目的 性,循环的存在形式、作为生态共同体的生命等,为人类进一步理解生命现 象,把共同体的范围扩展到自然界,做到与自然和谐相处提供一个新的思考 视角。 오늘날의 생명관은 생명을 생물현상으로 환원시키는데 이것은 일종의 본질주의적 폐해를 지닌 과학주의적 사유방식이다. 이러한 관점은 생명과 비생명 사이의 연속적인 이행을 소홀히 하고, 자연계의 수많은 사물의 생명적 특징을 말살하여, 오늘날 전세계에 만연하는 생태위기를 초래한 사상적 근원의 하나가 되었다. 이러한 현실을 고려하여, 본문에서는 자연과학과 인문과학의 경계를 없애고, “가족유사 생명관”을 제기하여, 생명에는 광범위성, 층차성과 가족유사성 등의 형식적 특징이 있음을 주장한다; 중국의 문화적 재료에 기초하여 물과 하천도 일정한 생명, 가령 생성과 사망, 자아를 유지하고자하는 내적 목적성, 순환적 존재형식, 생태공동체로서의 생명등을 지니고 있음을 강조하고, 인류가 생명현상을 더 잘 이해하도록 공동체의 범위를 자연계에까지 확대하여 자연과의 화해를 이루는 데 있어 새로운 사상적 시각을 제공한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        황산염 환원 조건에서 리그노셀룰로오스의 분해 및 리그닌과 셀룰로오스의 상호작용

        김석구,고재중,,水芳久 유기성자원학회 2007 유기물자원화 Vol.15 No.4

        황산염 환원조건에서의 리그노셀룰로오스의 분해에 대하여 고찰하였다. 특히, 리그닌에 대한 셀룰로오스의 비(C/L 비)를 각각 42.15, 4.59, 2.51, 1.14, 0.7로 하여 리그닌과 셀룰로오스의 상호작용에 대하여 고찰하였다. 셀룰로오스의 분해율은 1차 반응식에 의해 계산되어져, C/L 비가 감소할수록 반응상수는 감소하여 셀룰로오스의 분해에 대한 리그닌의 저해작용을 보여 주였다. 1차 반응식에 의한 반응상수와 리그닌의 함량의 증가에 대한 셀룰로오스의 분해율은 0.97의 R2 값을 가지며 로그함수에 의해 표현할 수 있었다. 리그노셀룰로오스의 분해율 또한 C/L 비와 로그함수의 관계를 가지며 리그닌의 함량이 많을수록 감소하였다. 리그닌의 분해율은 C/L 비가 2.51 및 1.14인 조건에서 4.59 및 0.7의 조건보다 높게 나타나, 공동기질로서의 과도한 탄소원은 리그닌분해에 장애가 됨을 보여 주였다. In this study, the biodegradation test on lignocellulose under sulfate reducing conditions was carried out. In particular, the interaction between cellulose and lignin was investigated with various g-cellulose/g-lignin (C/L) ratios: 42.15, 4.59, 2.51, 1.14 and 0.7. It was shown that the rate of cellulose degradation decreased in proportion to the lignin content. Assuming first order degradation kinetics, the consequences of competitive inhibition were graphically shown for different C/L ratios. The relation between cellulose reduction rate and C/L ratio was expressed by logarithm function with a determination coefficient of 0.97. Lignocellulose reduction rate was also described as a logarithm function of C/L ratio showing a inhibition effect by lignin. In the mean time, the rate of lignin decomposition was higher at C/L ratio of 2.51 and 1.14 compared with C/L ratios of 4.59 and 0.7, indicating that excessive extra carbon source is not appropriate for lignin biodegradation.

      • KCI등재

        專攻醫의 專門科 目 選擇과 性格類型에 관한 考察

        趙斗英,洪澤裕,白基 대한신경정신의학회 1988 신경정신의학 Vol.27 No.1

        This study was an attempt to investigate the factors which affected the residents in choosing a medical specialty, and the difference in the personality characteristcs among the residents of various specialties. The data were collected from 186 residents working for Seoul National University Hospital by using self-rating questionnaire including Cattell’ s sixteen personality factor test from June 7, 1987 to July 4, 1987. The results were as follows ; 1) The most influential factor for the residents to choose medical specialty was academic interest in the specialty (63.7% ). Personality was ranked, second (56.5 % ), the prospects of the specialty, third (34.6% ), the impresssion on the specialty they had had in medical school, fourth(32.2% ), and the atmosphere of the specialty department, fifth(3 1 .2 ^). 2) Female residents were more influenced by sexual difference in choosing their specialties than male residents. Non-Kim* s were more influenced by their status than K im ’ s. The residents who had a physician in their relatives were more influenced by their opinion than the residents who had not. The economic status of the residents’ parent or patron didn’ t show significant difference and the academic record in medical school didn’ t show signficant difference. 3) We also examined the personality characteristics of the residents according to 16 PF. The residents were high in the factor of ‘Independency,, while they were low in the factor of *Consistency’Trusting,, and‘Conventionality’ . 4) The residents of Surgical departments were higher in the factor of Tough-mindedness than the residents of Medical, Service and Psychiatric departments, higher in the factor of‘Lea dership’than the residents of Medical and Minor Surgical departments and higher in the factor of Initiative-drive than the residents of Minor Surgical departments. The residents of Psychiatric departments were higher in the factor of ‘Initiative-drive’ than the residents of all the other departmentss, higher in the factor of ‘Stability* than the residents of Medical Service and Minor Surgical departments and higher in the factor of * Leadership* than the residents of Minor Surgical departments. The residents of Minor Surgical departments were lower in the factor of ‘Enthusiasm,than all the other departments.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 고독사(孤獨死)와 정신질환(精神疾患)과의 관계(關聯)

        아오키 키요시(Aoki, Kiyoshi)(青,,) 가톨릭생명윤리연구소 2014 인격주의 생명윤리 Vol.4 No.2

        The problem on dying alone may be regarded as the cause of thin relationship to the society. From the aspect of wellness for mind and body(the quality of life), people who suffer from mental disease hardly obtain understanding from their surroundings and also have a thin relationship to the society. The research investigated the relations between dying alone and mental disease by using the samples of forensic autopsies for the past three years. We sorted thd samples by sex, age, cause of death. A total of 472 dying-alones(dying alone cases) were found in 1702 samlpes of forensic autopsies and 123 mental disease patents were included in dying-alones(dying alone cases). The age structure of the group has a higher rate of the young people than the old people. The cause of death in the group of mental disease patients for both sex has a high rate of female mental disease patients under 65 of age. There are the deaths considered as resulting from the drug overdose. The drug overdose are obviously found in mental disease patients. It indicate that they need mental support.

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