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        中国老龄化问题的家庭法应对 -以老年人精神赡养为视角-

        ;伟 한국가족법학회 2015 가족법연구 Vol.29 No.1

        在中国物质赡养基本满足的今天, 对老年人精神赡养的忽视引发了许多问题, 新修订的《老年人权益保障法》第18条规定: "与老年人分开居住的家庭成员, 应当经常看望或者问候老年人"。 但该法实施以来效果不理想, 作为专门调整家事关系的基本法-《婚姻法》该如何应对, 值得各方关注和思考。 笔者在对中国老年人精神赡养现状及问题原因进行分析的基础上, 提出了完善《婚姻法》精神赡养制度等具体应对之策, 主张应具体规定精神赡养内容并明确界定精神赡养概念; 扩大精神赡养义务主体的范围, 对精神赡养义务进行量化, 应注意借鉴参考国外法的立法例和先进经验; 增设老年人探望权, 明确赡养人未尽精神赡养义务的法律责任; 确立精神赡养的可诉性; 同时还要推进家庭赡养制度化和推广社区居家养老模式, 建立和发展社会养老保障体系, 完善社会养老服务体系和社会保障制度及国家要积极承担对公民基本养老的义务等。

      • KCI등재


        ,,卿(Zhang Qing qing) 한국동양철학회 2016 동양철학 Vol.0 No.45

        儒家思想在韩国社会中产生了深远的影响, 现当今很多韩国人的传统观念其实都来源于儒家思想。然而, 韩国自经历了1997年的金融危机以后, 儒家思想在韩国受到了猛烈的抨击。但是短短几年之后的2002年, 以《商道》、《儒林别曲》等以儒家思想为主导思想的新书问世, 代表着儒家思想又出现了复兴的潮流。本论文的出发点是探寻这种反复现象发生的原因。本文认为在经济危机发生之后的这几年的时间里, 韩国社会发生了巨大的变化, 即:经济危机带来的新自由主义的市场竞争引起了共同体秩序的混乱, 而社会伦理道德观念也在这一混乱中发生了巨大的变化,这甚至招致了韩国社会的道德空白期。另外, 随着十多年的韩国政治的民主化过程, 韩国社会的秩序也逐渐从权威主义转变为民主主义。 本文认为韩国儒家思想的衰亡和复兴都与韩国社会的发展和变化有着密切的关系。儒家思想本身并没有停留在其古代的社会环境下, 而是随着社会的发展不断地适应于韩国社会, 从而在韩国现代社会上扮演了他自己的新角色。本文认为儒家在韩国社会上有两个功能:第一, 它是权威主义的代表。第二, 它是社会道德价值观的源泉。在韩国社会秩序的变化与儒家的功能互动的过程中, 儒家思想的衰亡和复兴都与这两个功能有着密切的关系。从总体上来看表现为两种倾向-儒家权威主义功能的衰落和道德源泉方面的复兴。本论文从学术界、宗教界、文化界这三个方面来探讨1990年代以后韩国儒家思想的这种新潮流的表现。 Confucianism has deeply influenced the Korean society in many aspects and even nowadays, many traditional thoughts are evolved from it. However, after the financial crisis in 1998, Confucianism was criticized and attacked badly in Korea and was blamed as the chief criminal for the crisis. This trend did not last long until only a few years later, books such as Business Philosophy, Confucian Verse got published, which represented the revival trend of Confucianism. This thesis aims to seek the reasons for such phenomenon. The writer thinks that in the years after the financial crisis in 1998, great changes have taken place in Korean society. The new liberalism in the free market competition flew in and caused a chaos of the social order, as well as the blankness in the whole country’s ethical ideology. Meanwhile, Korea’s political system transformed from authoritarianism to democracy. The thesis believes that both the fall and the revival of Confucianism has close relationship with the development of Korean society. Confucianism did not remain in the certain historical period or social environment unchanged. Instead, it adjusted itself to the social development and played a new role in the new changing environment. Confucianism has two roles in the country: one acting the representative of authoritarianism and another the origin of the social ethical ideology. During the interaction between the society’s development and Confucianism’s function, the fall and revival of Confucianism both have a lot to do with the two roles mentioned above. And this thesis is going to discuss these two performances from two aspects: the decline of confucianism’s authority and the revival of its ethical ideology. At last, such performance will be discussed in academic, religion and literature sphere separately.

      • KCI등재

        浅析公演艺术产业化革新 -以云南杨丽萍文化传播股份有限公司为案例

        ,巍(Zhang, Wei),金昌庆,(Kim, Chang-Kyong) 대한중국학회 2019 중국학 Vol.67 No.-

        大型原生态歌舞集《云南映象》缔造了旅游演艺产业的一个神话,号称“新三板演艺第一 股”的“云南杨丽萍文化传播股份有限公司”,杨丽萍是最亮眼的金字招牌。虽然股市简报里提到 公司的主要收入来源是映象系列的商演产品,以及名下的精品酒店经营及其它产业链条,但我们也 知道上市公司最大的风险是对“杨丽萍个人品牌”的过度依赖。目前看来杨丽萍公司在中国的演艺 市场和新三板股市上正处于良好的上升期,其发展空间还很大。我们却无法断定它未来的路到底可 以走到多远。杨丽萍公司能够科学地可持续性地发展下去,势必需要探究一套行之有效的市场运营 模式,这也是中国演艺产业值得耐心琢磨与借鉴的。 Yangliping TECH”is known as “the first public company of performing arts industry in new third board stick market”, Yang liping is the most eye-catching golden signboard. Although the stock market brief mentioned that the company s main source of revenue is the imaging series of commercial products, and its boutique hotel operation and other industrial chains. But we also know that the biggest risk for public companies is over-reliance on “Yang liping s personal brand”. At present, it seems that Yang liping company is in a good rising period in China s performing arts market and new three board stock market, and its development space is still large. We don t know how far it will go. If Yang liping company can develop in a scientific and sustainable way, it is bound to explore an effective market operation mechanism. This is what China s performing arts industry should learn from.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        ;东天 한국중국소설학회 2006 中國小說論叢 Vol.23 No.-

        본 논문은 〈중국문화의 이해〉라는 강의를 중심으로, 멀티미디어를 활용한 실제 교수 내용을 실연해보고, 분석하는 것을 목적으로 삼았다. 우선 텍스트를 활용한 문학적 교육과 멀티미디어를 활용한 교육은 다른데, 이는 말하는 수업에서 듣는 수업으로의 변화, 시간에서 공간으로의 이동을 의미한다.

      • 中國医藥企業非洲投資硏究

        ;东芳 인하대학교 산업경제연구소 2010 경상논집 Vol.24 No.2

        随着中非经贸往来的密切,越来越多的中国医药企业选择在非洲投资设厂。然而他们在投资的过程中面临着诸如投资回报不确定、进入市场难度大等问题,对此医药企业应该在加强前期市场调研、提高产品质量、增强企业的社会责任意识和加强人员培训等方面作出努力,从而使得在非洲的投资利润最大化。 With the closing relationship between China and Africa, more and more Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises choose to invest in Africa. But they do face many difficulties such as the uncertainty of investment return, the difficulties in entering into the market, etc. In order to maximum the profit, the enterprises should make more efforts to strengthen the market research, improve the quality of the products, burden more social responsibilities and enforce the personnel training, etc.

      • KCI등재


        ;晓曼(Zhang Xiaoman) 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회) 2016 동양한문학연구 Vol.45 No.-

        한국 조선왕조 시대의 학자들은 중국어에 대한 이해가 깊었다. 그들은 수많은 저서를 남겼는데 연구범위가 광범위하고 관점이 정확하여 세계 각국의 중국어 연구분야에서도 매우 보기 드물다. 중국어의 입성은 입성운미(入聲韻尾)와 입성조류(入聲調類) 두 가지를 포함하며 입성의 소실은 중국어 성조가 간소화(簡素化)하게 된 중요한 요인이다. 본 논문은 한국의 자료에 근거하여 중국어의 입성에 대해 재인식하며 표준 중국어(普通話:보통화)에서 입성의 소실과 소실 시기에 대해 연구해 보고자 한다. Among all the scholars of Chinese study around the world, it is rare that scholars in Korea Dynasty of South Korea had written rich works on Chinese study with deep understandings,and precise views in a wide range of areas. Chinese entering tone includes entering-tone terminals and entering-tone category, and the entering-tone disappearance is an important aspect of Chinese tone simplification. The paper aims to re-understand the Chinese entering tone and disscuss how and when Chinese entering tone disappears based on the Korean documents.

      • KCI등재

        浅析网络小说IP的产业化发展 : 以网络IP《花千骨》为例

        장가(Zhang, Jia)(,佳),김창경(Kim, Chang-Gyeong)(金昌庆,) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.71 No.-

        近年来,由于互联网的迅速发展,互联网打通了连接影视、网络游戏、动漫的产业链,从而使以网络小说IP为中心的“泛娱乐”产业格局能够实现。然而,与国外相对完整成熟的IP产业链相比,中国的网络小说IP产业依然存在很多问题。基于文化产业价值链,网络小说IP开发应以内容为核心,警惕市场迎合主义“重利益,轻文化”的短视行为,通过影视作品、动漫、游戏与衍生品等全产业链的跨界融合,推行横向成群,纵向成链的一体化战略,协同打造一个明星IP。作为中国文化产业泛娱乐新生态的新兴热门资源,网络小说IP的价值不仅是影视剧的改编,随着影视行业的理性回归和战略升级,这些热门的网络小说IP作品还会源源不断的输出它的价值,届时文化产业泛娱乐新生态也将逐渐成型,以一种新的形式为文化IP产业提供更加广阔的发展环境。 The Internet has opened an industry chain connecting movies, TV, online games and animation, so the IP of online novels is not limited to movie adaptations, but also includes games, anime, and peripheral products. The gradual improvement of the online novel copyright trading market is the transformation of the IP Internet providing a development environment, and building a complete industrial model can make popular IP play a higher value. However, compared with the relatively complete and mature IP industry chain abroad, China s online novel IP industry still has many problems. The problems of the IP industry of online novels have become more and more obvious, and the quality of works is uneven; the main body of each link of the industrial chain is lacking in union; the value of brand IP has not been maximized. The popularity of online novel IP indicates that the industry has recognized the characteristic of content is king in the cultural and creative industry, IP development is a long-term process, and it is vigilant that the market caters to the short-sighted behavior of emphasis on interests and light on culture This paper discusses the problems of IP development of Internet novel by analyzing the status quo of IP development, analyzing its characteristics and summarizing the mode of IP industrialization of Internet novel from the angle of culture industry development, taking IP as the object of research. Based on the development of the cultural industry value chain, it proposes solutions on how to convert online novel IP into high-quality IP resources and how to develop new models under the original industrial model, with a view to providing a new format for constructing and improving the industrialization of online novel IP reference.

      • Exploring the ACR Model of Practical Teaching in Hotel Management of Higher Vocational College

        Zhang Xueli(,雪丽,) 세계문화관광학회 2008 Conference Proceedings Vol.9 No.0

        This paper, on the background of school and the enterprise co-operation, discusses educating the tourism talents commonly and effectively; And also in combination of the teaching reform carried out by Tourism College of Zhejiang, put forward ACR mode for tourism talents. It further analyzes the implication the effect and the inspiration of mode. 本文在探讨校企合作背景下,旅游院校与饭店企业如何共同、有效地进行旅游人才的培养; 结合当前浙江旅游职业学院开展的实践教学改革模式,提出ACR旅游专业人才培养实习管理模式,剖析了该模式的内涵,并对该模式的实施效果与启示作了分析。

      • KCI등재


        Zhang Xiao fei(,,,) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        The problems in the dissolving and liquidation of state-invested enterprises are related to the actual operating condition of the management system of state-owned assets. Local government usually treats state-invested enterprise and its invested enterprise as enterprise group for the management. Same like state-invested enterprises, if the dissolving and liquidation of the enterprise invested by state-invested enterprise is led by the local government, the process of dissolving and liquidation actually is the realization of government's micro economic management function. It follows the operation logic of public power, but departs from the operation of private laws. And it also ignores the enterprise as well as its creditors, stakeholders and the interests of shareholders. Legality and Legitimacy of this kind of dissolving and liquidation should be questioned. 国家出资企业所出资企业解散清算中所遇到的问题与企业国有资产管理体制的实际运行状态有关,地方政府常常是把国家出资企业与国家出资企业所出资企业作为企业集团整体来管理的。同国家出资企业一样,国家出资企业所出资企业解散清算程序如果由地方政府所主导,解散清算过程其实就是政府微观经济管理职能的实现过程,遵循公权力的运行逻辑,偏离私法的运行轨迹,忽视了企业的主体性,漠视了企业债权人、利害关系人、股东的正当权益,解散清算行为的合法性、正当性应受质疑。

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