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      • 高冷地밭 農業으로 인한 環境被害와 管理對策 : 制度改善을 中心으로

        박한규 강원대학교 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        고랭지 밭 농업으로 인한 환경피해와 저감제도 개선방안을 도출하기 위해 수행한 연구를 통하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 고랭지 밭 농업에서는 연간 30~80톤/ha의 토사와 오염물질이 유실됨에 따라 고랭지 밭 하류의 소하천에는 어류 군집의 전환, 다양성 감소 등 하천생태계에 악영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 사료된다. 고랭지 밭에서는 비과학적 객토와 생산위주의 고투입 방식의 농업경영사례가 많았고 특히 나지와 객토행위를 관리하지 않음에 따라 많은 양의 토양유실이 발생하고 있으나 이에 따른 피해를 줄일 수 있는 현행제도는 크게 미비한 것으로 사료된다. 고랭지 밭 토양유실 및 흙탕물 관리를 효과적으로 관리하기 위해서는 토양유실인자에 대한 기초정보를 체계적으로 확보할 수 있도록 농가등록제 도입이 필요하고 토양유실 사전예방 제도로는 과학적인 고랭지 밭 객토기준 설정, 객토신고제, 토사채취부담금제, 밭토양침식허용기준, 녹비재배 의무화, 소하천 주변 완충구역 설정 제도 도입 , 유기질비료 보조금 폐지 및 친환경농업의 정의와 인증기준 강화 등 제도를 개선하여 토사와 오염물질 유출에 대한 최소화 대책을 시급히 마련이 마련되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 또한 객토에 대한 비용-편익분석결과 음(-)의 외부효과가 있으므로 장기적으로 객토행위를 제한하는 것이 타당하다고 사료된다. 고랭지 밭의 토양유실 최소화대책이 마련되어도 불가피하게 유출되는 토사와 오염물질을 관리할 수 있도록 고랭지밭 하류 소하천(제2지류~제4지류)까지 수질환경기준을 확대설정하고 기준항목에 탁도, SS, 총인을 포함하는 바람직하다고 사료된다. 밭 높이가 높아지는 고랭지 밭의 영농특성을 고려하여 흙탕물저감방식을 객토고에 따라 조립 또는 추가설치가 가능한 공법으로 전환할 필요가 있다고 판단된다. 본 연구에 제시된「고랭지 밭의 객토행위에 대한 비용-편익분석은 하천생태계 등 환경피해, 수자원 가치하락, 심미적 가치」등을 고려하지 않았으므로 고랭지 밭 농업의 전반에 대한 비용-편익과 고랭지 밭 객토제한, 과학적인 객토기준, 토양침식허용기준, 수질환경기준 확대설정, 토사채취부담금, 친환경농업의 정의와 인증기준, 녹비재배 의무제, 토사유출저감시설 표준화 등 세부 시행방안에 대해서는 향후 연구과제이다. 또한, 고랭지 밭 농업의 탁수관리는 중앙정부에서부터 기초자치단체에 이르기까지 관리주체가 불명확하므로 국가차원의 기획단을 한시기구로 설립하여 제도개선과 재원대책을 마련할 필요가 있고 소하천 수변구역과 급경사지 토지매입의 재원은 한강수계관리기금을 활용하는 방안이 검토되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. Based on the study dealing with environment damage and improvement way for control measures in the highland agriculture, we can get some several conclusions. Annual amount of soil loss from the highland agriculture was about 30~80 ton/ha that would make harmful effect not only changing of fish community but it also reducing species diversity in local stream ecosystems. Unscientific soil dressing and overdose of fertilizer for higher productivity in cultivation at highland were commonly observed in many instances of agricultural management. Although large amount of soil loss from the watershed is commonly occurring due to lack of effective management program for bare area and soil dressing, the effort in current system to minimize environmental damage is still insufficient. To collect basic data systematically for the amount of soil loss and use of fertilizer, it is necessary for introducing the registration system of farmhouse basis. In order to prevent soil erosion from the cultivation fields, a variety of regulations as followed should be introduced immediately; setting up the scientific standard for soil dressed, compulsory report on soil dressing, surcharge for soil gathering, permissive lever for soil erosion in the patch, obligation of manure cultivation, establishment of buffer zone along with small side, abrogation of subsidy for use of organic fertilizer and strengthen verification standard. Because current policy for friendly environmental farming is not satisfied to prevent environmental pollution effectively especially in the highland farm, the certification to approve environmental farming should be added several standards such as soil loss per unit area, the facilities for reducing soil loss and use of organic fertilizer. Because soil dressing resulted in negative effect based on benefit-cost analysis, the imprudent act for soil dressing should be strictly limited. To manage turbid water exported into the stream inevitably, current water quality standard only applying to main and the first stream should be expanded to small tributaries in the downstream (at least the second to fourth tributaries). In addition it is also necessary to include turbidity, suspended solids and T-P as water quality standards. It is necessary converting agricultural technology in order to additional installation or reassembly in compliance with consideration of increasing soil height every year . Because we did not consider the estimation of environmental damage on aquatic ecosystem, degradation of water resource and aesthetic value in result of benefit-cost analysis, detail plans and future studies are required in respect to restriction of soil dressing, suggestion scientific standard for soil dressing, permissive lever for soil erosion in the patch, extended water quality standard, establishment of buffer strip around small stream, surcharge for soil gathering, definition of environmental agriculture and verification standard, obligation of manure cultivation, and standardization of facilities for reduction soil erosion. Because management authorities for turbid water produced by highland agriculture are unclear from central to local government, it is need to be established an instant organization as a national institution for system improvement and financial support. The use of fund for the Han-River watershed management should be considered as a financial resource to buy highland and riparian area in small stream.

      • 都市 오픈 스페이스 體系와 그 利用行態에 關한 硏究 : 켄버라와 全州의 比較 考察

        박한규 전남대학교 대학원 1983 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        過去에 많은 建設開發은 理論的인 數値操作에 依한다든가 너무나 因襲的인 方法에 얽매어 오므로서 各種 都市公害 域은 環境公害를 낳게 하고 있다. 그러나 1970年代에 들어서부터 우리나라에서도 都市 再 開發計劃이라든가 計劃都市로서의 開發方向이 바꿔지고 있으며 훌륭한 都市空間을 創造하고 生活環境의 質을높이기 爲해서는 行態的, 生態的, 社會心理的 諸 要素들의 調査分析에서 얻은 산 資料에 根據를 둔 都市設計가 되어야 한다. 그래서 本 硏究는 完全計劃都市로 잘 알려진 켄버라에 對한 그 都市 오픈스페이스에 關한 行態的 調査分析을 圖謀하여 發生된 問題点이 무엇이고 또 그 原因은 어디에 있는가에 對해서 要因을 찾아내는 한편 全州의 都市 오픈스페이스에서 發生되고 있는 問題点을 찾아 그것을 켄버라의 問題点 解決要因에 基礎을 두어 새로운 對策을 講究하는데 目的을 두고 있는바 켄버라의 境遇 都市 오픈스페이스 가운데 近隣公園의 利用率이 너무나 低調하여 利用的 側面에서 公園의 役割을 다하지 못하고 있으며 全州의 境遇는 都市오픈스페이스 가운데 近隣施設公園의 規模가 너무 적어서 公園의 役割을 다하지 못하고 있는 等 크게 두 가지 問題点이 생긴 것이다 . 그래서 켄버라의 境遇 近隣公園의 利用率 底調의 要因을 分析抽出한 結果 다음과 같은 原因을 發見할 수 있다. 첫째, 表3 - 9C에서 보여주고 있는 바와 같이 自動車 利用의 增加 現狀에 따라 旅行交通手段이 便利해 짐으로써 校外의 廣域 오픈스페이스를 많이 찾기 때문이다. 둘째, 表2 - 1에서 나타나는 바와 같이 새로 開發되는 各種 運動娛樂의 레저 形態들은 廣域 오픈스페이스의 利用이 必要하게 되므로 自然히 都市의 近隣公園의 利用 減小原因이 되고 있기 때문이다. 셋째, 켄버라는 넓은 都市面積과 人口의 底密度와 開連해서 各種 오픈스페이스가 너무 많으므로 因해서 恒常 公園속에 살고있는 市民들의 意識이 켄버라를 둘러쌓고 있는 各種 地域公園 및 觀光地들의 多樣한 맛을 즐기기 爲해서 自然히 都市 바깥쪽으로 向하게 되는 心理的 變化때문이다. 넷째, 훌륭한 社會保障制度와 高度의 生活水準 및 文化水準은 夫婦中心 또는 家族中心의 旅行을 容易하게 하므로서 週末休養 或은 娛樂을 즐기는 生活習性이 廣域 오픈스페이스를 많이 利用하게 하는 또 하나의 原因이 되고 있다. 이와 같은 要因은 다시 말해서 萬若 全州가 將次 經濟的, 社會的, 文化的 等의 諸要素가 向上되어 켄버라와 같은 都市的 條件을 갖추게 될 때는 市民들의 意識 構造의 變化에 따라 오픈스페이스를 利用하는 要領이나 그 態度가 自然히 바뀌게 되어 近隣公園보다도 都市周邊의 各種 地域公園 또는 娛樂施設 等 廣域 오픈스페이스를 즐겨 찾게 되므로서 自然히 近隣公園의 利用率이 떨어지게 될것이므로 全州의 近隣公園 規模를 推定함에 있어 켄버라의 問題要因을 土台로 해서 適正 規模를 抽出하고 그것을 全州의 口 60萬을 計劃하고 있는 2,000年代를 내다보고 推定한 結果 다음과 같은 값을 얻게 되었다. 近隣公園의 適正規模는 都市人口 對比 1,000名當 2,189㎡와 都市面積 對比 6 %이다. 따라서 2,000年代의 近隣公園規模는 13.2㎢가 되어 都市開發計劃面積 106㎢內에 이미 13.7㎢의 自然錄地를 確保하고 있으므로 近隣公園으로서 利用할 수 있는 施設을 갖추게 된다면 本 硏究에서 推定하고 있는 適正規模를 매우 滿足시킬 수 있다는 結論이다. Two different urban problems are brought about from the analysis of the urban public open space systems of Canberra and Jeonju. One of them is characterized by the low use-factor of the neighborhood rest parks in Canberra, and the other is derived from very little areas of neighborhood parklands in Jeonju. The aim of this study is not only to find out the behavioral, social and psychological factors of what the Municipal Open Spaces are, in Canberra, much less used than the Mesropolitan Open Spaces, but to draw out a proper area of the parklands for Jeonju. A standard model of the proper parkland areas is made on the basis of the Canberra experiences, of the proposed standard value of National Recreation Association, of London Development Commission, and of the urban development planning theories. As a result of this study a proper area of neighborhood parks for Jeonju is 2,189㎡ per 1,000 population and 6% of the total developed urban area. And, therefore, 13.2㎢ for neighborhood park area is, according to this proper model, required for Jeonju with 600,000 population in the year 2,000. Otherwise, the behavioral, social and psychological factors of low usage of the neighborhood parks are caused by; - the increase of motor-vehicles for the citizen's easier trip. - the new type developments of sports and recreations. - the citizen's temptations to go out from tedious environments of urban full parklands, and - the economical, social and cultural richness back-ground for the citizen's enjoy with the weekend trip.

      • 물과 공기 계면에서 다른 연결 고리를 가지는 삼각염료의 배열

        박한규 한양대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Arrangement of tripod dyes, N1,N3,N5-tris(4-(5-(3,4,5-tridodecyloxyphenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)phenyl)benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide, A3O-3 (amide linkage), and tris(4-(5-(3,4,5-tridodecyloxyphenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)phenyl)- benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate, E3O-3 (ester linkage), at the air-water interface was investigated by Langmuir Blodgett film balance. Surface pressure (П) vs. surface area (A) isotherm of tripod dyes shows sharp transition at 180A2/molecules for E3O-3 and 200 A2/molecules for A3O-3. The difference is due to the hydrogen bonding capability of the tripod dye molecules at the air-water interface. UV-visible spectrophotometer and FT-IR spectrometer were employed to study the self-assembled structure of A3O-3 and E3O-3 multilayers on the substrate. The substrate was a quartz plate for the UV spectra experiment and a Si-wafer coated with gold by physical vapor deposition method for the IR spectra experiment. And the AFM image showed the size of the self assembled structure of A3O-3 and E3O-3 monolayer on the oxidized Si wafer. These studies showed that J-aggregation was made as surface pressure increase from a point where the monolayer is made up. And another information is that the size of A3O-3 is larger than E3O-3 on the LB film. This is due to the increment of hydrogen bonding of E3O-3. All the result shows the self assembled structure of A3O-3 is occupied more space than that of E3O-3. 본 연구에서는 아마이드 연결고리와 에스테르 연결고리의 차이에 따른 거대분자의 특성 차이를 보고자 Langmuir Blodgett 실험장치를 기본으로 이용하여 π-A isotherm분석과 각종 LB 박막을 통한 여러가지 관찰을 하였다. 여러 온도에서의 π-A isotherm을 통하여 A3O-3와 E3O-3간의 차이를 발견할 수 있었다. 이러한 거대분자들이 분자 모양을 변형시키는 방법을 통해 양쪽의 격막이 좁혀오는 압력을 흡수하는 과정을 보면서, A3O-3의 크기가 더 크고 아마이드 연결고리가 에스테르 연결고리보다 약한 수소결합을 하기 때문에 단분자층을 형성할 때 A3O-3의 분자당 면적이 E3O-3보다 더 크고 온도에 따른 분자당 면적의 변화폭이 더 크다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 UV 스펙트라의 적색 변이와 IR 피크의 크기 차이를 통해 거대분자가 압력에 따라 변화하는 모습을 더욱 분명히 파악할 수 있었다. 끝으로 LB 박막 상태로 있는 A3O-3의 약하고 느슨한 결합을 AFM 장비를 통해 확인하였다.

      • 행정구역 단위의 수자원 통합관리 방안에 대한 연구 : 천안시 사례를 중심으로

        박한규 호서대학교 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        On the contrary to the conventional method to manage water resources on the basis of a catchment basin by the central government, the comprehensive water resources management implemented to Cheonan City was analyzed through this paper to note that the geographical administrative district of the city was taken to be one particular system in water resources management. As the result, the comprehensive approach seems to be urgently taken in the city suffering from the absolute lack of water resources to treat with such issues as maximum secure of outer water supply, internal secure of water resources, recycling used water, and demand control as well. In order to realize this approach in more detail, a portion of budget and some of major function of the central government should be transferred to local governments in addition to improving departments and relevant personnel responsible for water management of the local governments in a more professional way. Moreover, the local governments should take an urgent step in scheming the comprehensive water management to maximize benefit in the region under the consideration of water supply relocation, prevent of dry streams, and more water fronts for the people. Many detailed suggestions were made to handle these issues.

      • 유도형 브러시레스 동기전동기의 운전특성에 관한 연구

        박한규 東亞大學校 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this paper, We composed a vector control system using the AC-excited brushless synchronous motor and considered operating characteristics. Through the computer simulation and the experiments, the following results were obtained : 1) It was possible to control the torque from a steady - state to a speed command, because it could calculate a torque current by detecting rotor position alone. 2) We knew the excellence of operating characteristics of proposed torque control system.

      • 골반저근의 수축이 폐기능과 횡격막의 움직임에 미치는 영향

        박한규 신라대학교 일반대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        연구목적 : 본 연구는 골반저근의 수축이 폐기능과 횡격막의 움직임에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 실시하였다. 연구방법 : 본 연구의 목적과 과정에 대해 설명을 듣고 자발적으로 참여하기로 동의한 건강한 20대 여자 대학생을 대상으로 1차 실험 20명, 2차 실험 15명으로 나누어 본 연구를 진행하였다. 1차 실험군은 골반저근의 수축 여부에 따른 폐기능과 횡격막의 움직임을 비교하기 위해 호흡은 폐활량 측정기로 측정하고 횡격막의 움직임은 영상진단장치 C-arm 으로 측정하였다. 2차 실험군은 골반저근 운동이 폐기능에 미치는 영향을 알아 보기위해 실험하였다. 실험측정은 각각 3회 측정하여 평균값을 적용하였으며 1회 측정 후 1분간의 휴식을 제공하였다. 본 연구에서 사용한 통계방법은 SPSS WIN(ver. 20.0)을 이용하여 분석하였으며 비모수검정(nonparametric test)인 Wilcoxon’s Signed Ranks test를 실시하였다. 연구결과 : 1차 실험 결과 골반저근의 수축 여부에 따른 폐기능의 변인에서 강제 폐활량(FVC)의 FEV1 변인에서 유의한 차이가 있었다(p<.05). 안정시 폐활량(SVC)의 EVC, IRV, IC 변인에서 유의한 차이가 있었다(p<.05). 최대 수의 환기량(MVV)의 MVV 변인에서 유의한 차이가 있었다(p<.05). 골반저근의 수축 여부에 따른 횡격막 움직임의 차이에서도 유의한 차이가 있었다(p<.05). 2차 실험 결과 골반저근 운동에 따른 폐기능의 변인에서 안정시 폐활량(SVC)의 IC 변인에서 유의한 차이가 있었다(p<.05). 최대 수의 환기량(MVV)의 MVV 변인에서 유의한 차이가 있었다(p<.05). 결론 : 1차, 2차 실험을 통해 골반저근 수축이 폐기능과 횡격막의 움직임에 유의한 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. 이를 바탕으로, 호흡 재활에 있어서 폐기능 증진에 골반저근 강화 훈련이 유용할 것이라 생각된다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of pelvic floor muscle contraction on pulmonary function and diaphragm activity. The study aimed to provide basic data for efficient respiration rehabilitation and exercise program. Method: A total of 35 subjects who agreed to participate in the study were divided into 2 groups to perform with or without contraction pelvic floor muscle and 15 minutes pelvic floor muscle exercise. The first group comprised 20 subjects and the second group 15 subjects. In the case of the first group, pelvis floor muscle contraction was used on the pulmonary function and diaphragm activity. The outcome instrument are spirometry and C-arm. In the case of the second group, 15 minutes pelvic floor muscle exercise was used on the pulmonary function. comparison before exercise with after exercise. each examine was measured three times and adapted the average of the data. The way of statistics was used SPSS win(ver. 20.0) and Wilcoxon`s Signed Ranks test of the nonparametric test. Result: According to the results of the first experiment, FVC data showed significant differences at FEV1 factor(p<.05). SVC data showed significant differences at EVC, IRV, IC factor(p<.05). MVV data showed significant differences at MVV(p<.05). Diaphragm activity showed significant differences at modification activity(p<.05). According to the results of the second experiment, SVC data showed significant differences at IC factor(p<.05). MVV data showed significant differences at MVV(p<.05). Conclusion: The results indicate that in order to set efficient respiratory rehabilitation and exercise programs using a pelvic floor muscle contraction.

      • 주기도문(마6:9-15)의 '용서청원'과 영화 <밀양>의 상호문장적 연구

        박한규 백석대학교 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Abstract A Intertextual Study of Forgiveness Petition of the Lord's Prayer(Mt 6:9-15) and the Film <Miryang> Han Kyu, Park Department of New Testament Theology(Ph. D) The Graduate School of Christian Studies Baekseok University This paper tries to explore the way how the modern reader could interpret and apply for his/her practical life the historical and contextual meaning of the ‘forgiveness’ mentioned in the forgiveness petition of the Lord's Prayer. For this purpose, a newly fashioned methodology is introduced of an intertextual reading, which puts the two texts together by way of a linguistic mesh of forgiveness and reconciliation between the text of the forgiveness petition of the Lord's Prayer in Matthew and the forgiveness narrative in the film <Miryang>, The historil and contextual meaning of the forgiveness of the forgiveness petition in Matthew 6:12 has been explored in many ways and perspectives by many scholars. However, those interpretations are by and large seriously influenced by their dogmatic prejudice, in which there has been occurred wrong applications of the significance of the forgiveness in the life of modern audience, including church Christians. Therefore, this study aims to widen and strengthen the reader’s scope and interpretational bridge, which helps the modern readers to grasp the significance of the ancient text in their contemporary milieu. In order to increase and strengthen this method, various reader-oriented approaches are invited to combine to each other, that is, cultural analysis, film analysis, intertextual analysis, and reader response analysis. In this research, the film <Miryang> is mainly used for the comparative study material in the intertextual analysis, because the film directly adopts many dialogues and themes, denoting the concept of forgiveness among the chief characters. This film, honored by the Award of 2007 Cannes Film Festival in the Best Actress, has known to speak various modern existential problems of modern people, such as pain, despair, sadness, forgiveness, and salvation, etc. So the Film can successfully invite the readers to think afresh of the biblical connotation of the forgiveness petition of Lord‘s Prayer, as well as the general teachings on the forgiveness in the church tradition. It is not so difficult to expose the features of main characters of the film, because it clearly displays their emotion changes and characterizations in many distinctive narratives of the film. In addition, it is not regarded as a great demand to understand the Matthean contexts of the Lord's Prayer and to derive the original settings of the Matthean community described by the narrator. Those contexts and settings are formulating the backgrounds of the Lord's Prayer, sociological, economical, and theological. Therefore, by reading these two texts mainly related concepts and ideas of the forgiveness, that is, forgiveness of sins, apology, reconciliation, are effectively highlighted in the eyes of the modern reader. In particular, this intertextual reading is strategically supported by the reader's responsive interpretation of the two texts. The following characterization of the <Miryang> readers precipitates to understand the spectrum of the biblical characterization of the Lord's Prayer as follows: 1. <Miryang> readers are the characters to seek the ways of reconciliation and communication in their community, despite of the serious inner conflicts and difficulties. 2. <Miryang> readers are the characters to practice in order to reduce social and economical burdens and pains of the weak in the community. 3. <Miryang> readers are the characters to promote and practice justice and righteousness, especially against those evil forces, possibly existed in the mainstream of the community. Characterizing these Miryang readers as such enables the receptive and creative readers to successfully formulate the struggling members and the exact problems of the biblical text. This reader-oriented analysis helps to expose the hidden figures and situations of the community as follows: 1. The Matthean community had many religious or economic problems and conflicts, internally as well as externally. Their pains and sufferings, conflicts and confrontations are similarly repeated in all of the ages. Of course, it is a naivete to argue that the ancient documents portrayed such problems exactly in the same way to the modern culture. However, at least the biblical text of the Lord's Prayer and the film <Miryang> commonly distinguishes key three figures in each narrative. Their psychological traffic does not seem so distant to each other. 2. Matthean problems are shadowed by Jesus' constant teachings on human relationship in the contexts, that is, relationship of balancing between the vertical and the horizontal dimension of their faith. It is continually highlighted in the large, as well as close, contexts of the Lord's prayer that the love for God should go with the love for the neighbor in everyday lives. In fact, the teaching of the forgiveness petition in the Lord's Prayer foreshadows their broken balance of the two in the Matthean community. Too many pushes on the vertical aspect of the faith is obliged to bring forth a hipocritical monoton in the community. 3. As a result, these intertextual readings between the biblical text of the Lord 's Prayer and forgiveness in the film <Miryang> are facilitating the following creative ideas on the meaning and significance of the forgiveness: a. Forgiveness petition in the Lord's Prayer is an order to face the need of reconciliation and communication of members in the community. b. Forgiveness petition in the Lord's Prayer is an order to wait on and consider those weak in the community. c. Forgivenes

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