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      • KCI등재

        국정홍보처의 홍보과제에 대한 인식과 평가

        이철한(Lee Cheol-Han) 동국대학교 사회과학연구원 2006 사회과학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore what public relations experts and opinion leaders expect the functions of government public relations. Based on Grunig's Excellence theory, government PR programs have excellence factors. The PR programs are built with strategy and collaboration among government departments. To understand the government PR program, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with PR experts and content-analyzed the media interview or column in which opinion leaders expressed their evaluation of current government PR. Results showed that conflict is occurred between PR experts and opinion leaders in terms of view to government PR. PR experts evaluate highly on the performance of government PR. The rationale is that in order to produce successful PR programs, it is essential to have characteristics such as open system, access to top managers, efficiency, research, interdependence, and manager role. According to PR experts, the government PR program fits these criteria. In addition, the government PR program implemented successfully on public segmentation, multimedia use, and customer-tailored PR message production. However, journalists, politicians, and mass media scholars are not satisfied with these new advanced PR programs, because they believe that government PR monitoring system is no more than censorship. In addition, the government PR should not be related to President's image making program. Thus, a conflict of view to government PR does not seem to reconcile easily. To reconcile this conflict, the researcher suggests the accurate the evaluation system of the government public relations programs. Further study is encouraged to explore the effective PR program that is free from the view and definition of public relations programs between PR expert and opinion leaders.

      • KCI등재

        정부 기술개발 지원사업이 중소기업의 혁신활동에 미치는 영향

        이병헌(Byungheon Lee),박상문(Sangmoon Park) 강원대학교 경영경제연구소 2020 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Vol.11 No.4

        Purpose - The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of government R&D programs on firm innovation activities. Design/methodology/approach - This study analyzed survey data on innovation survey in Korea. To investigate our research hypothesis we used ordered logit regression analysis. Findings - This study unveils different effects of diverse government R&D programs on firm innovation activities. Most of government programs-R&D tax incentives, information/training, and marketing supports-have positive effects on management innovation activities and negative effects of the usage of procurement programs on management innovation efforts. Some government programs-R&D tax incentives, R&D grants, information/training-have positive effects on technological innovation activities. Research implications or Originality - This paper investigates the effects of diverse government R&D programs on technological and management innovation activities. We examine simultaneous effects of multiple government R&D programs rather than effects of independent R&D programs. This result can contribute to develop more effective government R&D programs to support firm innovation activities.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 정부 전자상거래 수출지원제도의 성과에 관한 실증연구

        김윤식(Yoon-Shik Kim),최장우(Jang-Woo Choi) 한국무역연구원 2021 무역연구 Vol.17 No.3

        Purpose This study aims to identify factors that affect the utilization of companies and export performance of e-commerce export support programs provided by the korean government, and to analyze the operational performance of e-commerce export support programs. Design/methodology/Approach This study was conducted to design the research model and find out the main factors that have a big influence on the performance of exporters by reviewing previous studies and literature. Furthermore, we carried out an empirical research targeting e-commerce exporters. Findings Cross border e-commerce trade has been increasing significantly due to the recent expansion of mobile usage and rapid growth of global shopping malls. It is necessary for korean government to establish e-commerce export support programs as smaller enterprises are able to enter overseas market much easier through e-commerce. Among several factors, we could confirm that enterprise size, support programs’ procedural and cost features and the level of awareness about support programs affect the utilization of the export support programs and also confirmed that use of the export support programs gives positive effects on performance of e-commerce export. Research Implications In order for the government s export support programs to get practical effects, it is necessary to continuously improve the export support programs considering the small scale of e-commerce exporters. As performance of e-commerce export support program greatly depends on the awareness of e-commerce export support programs, the Korean government should give more effort to promote e-commerce export support programs and educate e-commerce exporters. Also, it is necessary to provide a customized export support program which differentiates companies by export amount and export stage. In addition, expansion of export items, diversification of exporting countries and provision of customs clearance information are needed to improve government’s e-commerce export support programs. This study is worthy of the first empirical study on performance of korean e-commerce export support programs.

      • KCI등재후보

        전후 이승만 정권의 기간산업 육성론

        정진아 ( Chung Jin A ) 역사문제연구소 2009 역사문제연구 Vol.13 No.2

        After the Korean war, the Syngman Rhee government intended to foster a basis that would sustain a free economy and then establish a system to accept foreign aid, and also to nurture both light & key basic industries at the same time, for a speedy capitalist development of the economy. In order to do so, the Syngman Rhee government heeded to the U.S. suggestion, and established a legal basis for a free economy by making amendments to the economic section of the Constitution, while also dissolving the government`s running of industries to facilitate private managements of the industry. The government also boosted key basic industries that manufactured fertilizers, plate glass, cement and steel. Yet promotion of key basic industries could have caused some controversies for expanding national running of the industry, so regulations that would dictate the transfer of those industries` control to the private sector had to be put in place. It was to let the government abide by the principle of the industries` free operation, a concept that was already agreed upon by both Korea and the U.S. And such move was also taken to make it possible for the Korean government to accept U.S. demands regarding free economy and at the same time enable rapid development of the economy, while also remedying Korean economy`s problems, such as imbalance in the industrial structure, insufficient capital, and the underdeveloped nature of the capitalists. The post-war efforts of the Syngman Rhee government for nurturing key basic industries displayed a layer of meanings. First, it shows us the Rhee government`s perception of the task of developing the heavy chemical industry. Rhee government considered heavy chemical industry as a key industrial area that would ensure the long-term prosperity of the entire industry, and an area which could proceed without interruption even after the foreign aid was ceased. So Rhee government wished that the development of key basic industries which had huge interactive potentials would lead to a full scale development in the heavy chemical industry. Second, Rhee government`s efforts show us that such efforts also included a fostering program for major capitalists directly aided and funded by the government. Rhee government planned to first develop key basic industries with funding from the Korean Industrial bank, and then transfer the operation of such industries to the private sector. The key basic industries were usually huge, and played a vital and instrumental role in the development of the economy and industries in general, so any private company chosen to oversee such industry would become a major capitalist in an instant. Third, Rhee government`s efforts show us the historical flow of the entire industrialization process, which was led by the State and later culminated in the Economic development plans of the Park Chung Hee government. The Koreans allowed the state to intervene in the economic operations of the country in order to break free from the colonial industry structure that had been established during the occupation period, and also in order to make possible a rapid capitalist development, after the Korean war. The State-led industrialization policies resulted in hatching the Industry Recovery plan, and construction of key basic industries.

      • KCI등재

        한· 미 FTA 하에서 미 연방 정부조달 법규와 조달절차에 관한 연구 : 연방조달청 MAS 프로그램을 중심으로

        정홍식 법무부 2009 통상법률 Vol.- No.88

        한·미 FTA에서 양국은 자국의 정부조달 시장을 상대방에게 개방하기로 합의하면서, 협정서 17장에 구체적인 내용을 담고 있다. 한.미 FTA 상의 정부조달은 WTO하의 정부조달협정(GPA)에 그 기본 바탕을 두고 있으며 WTO GPA의 많은 조항을 원용하였다. 주지하다시피 한국과 미국은 WTO GPA 회원국이어서, 양국의 정부조달시장은 WTO GPA의 메카니즘하에서 이미 개방되어 있었다. 하지만 상대국 정부조달시장에의 접근성은 상당히 제약되어 있었다. 이는 정부조달 시장 자체가 전통적으로 외국 공급업자에게 배타적일 뿐 아니라 계약의 발주 과정에서 국내 업자를 우대하는 규정과 정책 때문이었다. 정부조달 시장에서의 이러한 제한을 인식하고, 한.미 FTA 정부조달 조항은 WTO GPA와 비교할 때, 상대국에게 좀 더 많은 정부계약을 개방하도록 그 기준을 완화하였다. 주요한 내용으로는 첫째, 한.미 FTA에서는 양허기준을 WTO GPA의 절반 수준으로 낮추었다. 둘째, 정부조달의 발주과정에서 발주국 내에서의 해당 공급업자의 과거 실적 요구를 금하도록 하였다. 셋째, 앞으로 발생할 수 있는 정부조달 관련 문제들에 보다 신속하고 효과적으로 대응하기 위해 '정부조달작업반(Government Procurement Working Group)'을 설치하기로 하였다. 미국 정부조달 시장은 물품과 서비스 공급업자들에게 아주 거대한 시장을 제공하기에, 한미 FTA 시대에 한국기업들이 미국 연방정부와의 조달계약을 좀 더 효과적으로 공략하기 위한 방안을 모색하여야 한다. 그중 미국 연방조달청(GSA)에서 주관하는 MAS 프로그램 (Multiple Award Schedule Program)은 한국기업들에게 하나의 좋은 대안이 될 것이다. MAS 프로그램은 연방조달청의 하부기구인 FSS(Federal Supply Service)가 관할, 운영하고 있다. MAS 프로그램에 참여하고자 희망하는 업체는 FSS가 사전에 물품과 서비스를 공급할 수 있는 공급업자로 선정해야 가능하다. MAS 프로그램의 주요목적은 상업용 물품과 서비스의 조달에 있어 그 절차를 간소화하고 보다 저렴한 가격으로 공급하는 것이다. 이는 물품과 서비스를 구매하는 정부기관으로 하여금 시간과 행정비용을 절감할 수 있도록 해준다. 이 이외에도 MAS 프로그램은 다음과 같은 몇 가지 장점을 제공한다. 첫째, 조달물품과 서비스 구매 시 매번 입찰절차를 거쳐야 할 필요가 없게 된다. 왜냐하면 FSS가 이미 MAS 프로그램에 등록된 물품과 서비스이 가격은 합리적이라고 결정했기 때문이다. 둘째, 동 프로그램은 해당 물품과 서비스의 등록은 대량의 구매를 가능케 하기 때문에 좀 더 많은 가격의 하락을 유도할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 한국기업들은 한미 FTA가 비준되면 미 연방 정부조달에 있어 타국가의 기업들에 비해 상대적인 혜택을 얻을 수 있기에 MAS 프로그램에 관심을 기울일 필요가 있다. MAS 프로그램에서 취급하는 물품과 서비스 항목을 보면 한국기업들이 경쟁력을 가질 수 있는 품목이 많기에 더욱 그러하다. 본 논문은 MAS 프로그램이 운용되는 자세한 절차를 소개하고 있다. The KORUS FTA contains government procurement provisions in Chapter 17, in which both the countries agree to open their procurement markets to the other party with some limitations. Chapter 17 of the KORUS FTA is based on the 'WTO Agreement on Government Procurement(WTO GPA)' and applies many WTO GPA articles and provisions to Chapter 17. Both the United States and Korea are Members of the WTO GPA. Thus, its respective procurement market has already been opened to the other party under the mechanism of the WTO GPA. However, accessibility to the other party's procurement market has been very limited, not only because the market has traditionally been exclusive against foreign suppliers, but because there are several preferential regulations and policies for domestic firms in the course of awarding procurement contracts. By recognizing such limitations and barriers in the procurement market, Chapter 17 in the KORUS FTA attempts to expand the criteria to include more government contracts to be opened to the other party, when compared with the WTO GPA. Chapter 17 significantly lowers the threshold amount for coverage, which is roughly half of the threshold amount under the WTO GPA. Further, Chapter 17 clearly prohibits the requirement of prior work experiences in the territory of the party of the procuring entity. In addition, Chapter 17 establishes a working group on government procurement to address any related issues and foster the procurement process. The U.S. government procurement provides an enormous and lucrative market for the suppliers of goods and services. Considering all the circumstances, we need to explore where the Korean firms should primarily concentrate to further effectively pursue government contracting with the U.S. agencies in the KORUS FTA era. The General Service Administration(GSA)'s 'Multiple Award Schedule Program(MAS Program)' might be a good option for the Korean firms. The Federal Supply Service(FSS), a division of GSA, manages and operates the MAS Program. The FSS awards contracts under negotiated procurement procedures. A contractor is eligible for the MAS Program only after FSS approves a schedule contract for its supplies and services. The primary objective of the program is to provide contracting activities(or buying officers) with a simplified process for acquiring 'commercial' supplies and services at a discounted price. This procurement process allows the agency-buying offices to purchase needed supplies and services with shorter lead times, lower administrative costs, and reduced inventories. The MAS Program offers several benefits, including but not be limited to: (1) the buying offices are not required to perform solicitation or procurement procedures for the federal supply schedule items, because FSS has already determined the prices to be fair and reasonable, (2) Agency-buying offices are not required to synopsize their orders in 'FedBizOpps', and (3) the Program enables the government to use its buying power to obtain volume discounts on purchases. Having been awarded a schedule contract does not guarantee, however, that the contractor will receive government orders automatically. It only indicates that the contractor is eligible to respond to solicitations to be issued by various federal agencies and institutions and that the approved supplies and services are reasonably priced. Therefore, the approved contractor should immediately turn their attention to marketing their new award toward potential purchasers, by developing and providing a contract price list or catalog. Korean firms need to seek exploring businesses under the program, considering its fairly large size, the benefits described earlier, and the relatively easy accessibility thereto. Given the list of Schedules, there are a lot of items in which Korean firms could be competitive. This article introduces a detail process of how Korean firms will obtain a supplier status under the MAS Program.

      • KCI등재

        정부 해외 마케팅 지원 프로그램의 인지도 및 이용도에 영향을 미치는 요인 및 관계 분석

        이철(Chol Lee),김상용(Sang Yong Kim) 한국경영과학회 2009 韓國經營科學會誌 Vol.34 No.4

        The research aims to identify factors affecting the use of government export marketing assistance programs and future improvements of the programs. 500 Korean exporting firms were used as a sample and research hypotheses were tested by the structural equation modeling using AMOS 7.0. The empirical findings are as follows. First, exporting firms' awareness of export marketing assistance programs showed a positive impact on their use of the programs. Second, small exporters showed higher awareness and use of the programs than large ones. Third, the firms with low export intensity showed higher awareness and use of the programs than those with high export intensity. Fourth, exporters having high orientations for overseas market showed higher awareness and use of the programs than those with low international orientations. Fifth, exporters having high proportion of direct exports showed higher awareness and use of the programs than those with low proportion of direct exports. Also, the effects of these firm-specific characteristics on the use of the programs were found to be done indirectly, in other words, through the awareness of the programs. Therefore, it was concluded that export marketing assistance program would be differentiated and specialized to fit in with exporters' different exporting stages and needs. Also, in order to increase the use of the programs, exporters' awareness and knowledge of the programs have to be increased in advance.

      • KCI등재

        정부지역혁신사업 관리의 효율성에 대한 탐색적 분석과 시사점: 종합적 수준에서의 접근

        이민형 기술경영경제학회 2007 Journal of Technology Innovation Vol.15 No.1

        The Korean Government has recently been pushing ahead with a variety of programs to support regional innovation. This paper examines whether the variety of regional innovation programs of the government are efficiently managed and effectively functioning in regions. To make the assessment, questionnaire surveys were executed targeting innovation actors in fourteen regions and evaluated the efficiency of government regional programs. Key points of assessment were the appropriateness of the program organization and the efficiency of program management for the effectiveness of program results. It was found that the appropriateness of the program organization and the efficiency of program management were related positively to performance of programs, but the performance of regional innovation programs overall was not high. Some problems were found in program organization and program management such as the overlapping of program objectives and functions, the inadequate synergy among programs, insufficient reflection of the needs of industry in planning, the overlapping investment in facilities and equipment, and low effectiveness of evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis of Higher Education Policy: The Case of Government-Supported University Programs in South Korea

        Han, Seung-Hwan,Kim, Somin,Seo, Ilwon,Kwon, Ki-Seok Asian Society for Innovation and Policy 2018 Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy Vol.7 No.2

        This paper examines government-supported university programs in South Korea over the last decade. To do this, we review the current status and issues of recent programs supported by the Ministry of Education. Thereafter, we draw some lessons and suggest policy implications for improving the effectiveness of government-supported university programs. The issues addressed include 1) low consensus amongst stakeholders in the higher education sector and top-down goal setting led by the government, 2) frequent reshuffling of the structures and contents of programs, 3) ineffectiveness due to redundancy of projects, 4) disparity between 'haves' and 'have-nots' in the higher education system, and 5) an inadequate evaluation system and assessment indicators. We suggest that government-supported programs should be realigned to stimulate the reform of higher education aimed at strengthening its publicness. The role of government needs to transit from 'leading' to 'supporting', while the universities should take initiatives in reforming the higher education system.

      • KCI등재후보

        An Analysis of Higher Education Policy: The Case of Government-Supported University Programs in South Korea

        한승환,김소민,서일원,권기석 아시아기술혁신학회 2018 Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy Vol.7 No.2

        This paper examines government-supported university programs in South Korea over the last decade. To do this, we review the current status and issues of recent programs supported by the Ministry of Education. Thereafter, we draw some lessons and suggest policy implications for improving the effectiveness of government-supported university programs. The issues addressed include 1) low consensus amongst stakeholders in the higher education sector and top-down goal setting led by the government, 2) frequent reshuffling of the structures and contents of programs, 3) ineffectiveness due to redundancy of projects, 4) disparity between ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ in the higher education system, and 5) an inadequate evaluation system and assessment indicators. We suggest that government-supported programs should be re-aligned to stimulate the reform of higher education aimed at strengthening its publicness. The role of government needs to transit from ‘leading’ to ‘supporting’, while the universities should take initiatives in reforming the higher education system.

      • KCI등재

        대학재정지원사업 생산성 분석의 이슈와 함의

        한승환,권기석 한국경영교육학회 2018 경영교육연구 Vol.33 No.3

        [Purpose] This paper aims to suggest strategies improving productivity of government-funded university programs. In order to this, we review concepts and elements of productivity and the methodology of analysis. Thereafter, we put forward some implications for the productivity improvement of the programs. [Methodology] In spite of a strong consensus on the necessity of enhanced measurement of the productivity of government-funded university programs, we tend to face various obstacles in its operation in evaluation practices. In this regard, based on a definition of productivity including efficiency and effectiveness, we try to analyze several major issues during evaluation process. [Findings] We have identified several issues in evaluation process: ambiguity of goals, weak casal relationship between indicators and goals, complexity of programs, and ineffective feedbacks. Accordingly, we have put forwarded some policy recommendations in terms of enhanced indicators and organizations. Regarding indicators, a more enhanced way of constructing indicators set is suggested. With regard to organizations, partnerships, empowerments, and customer orientation are recommended. [Implications] In order to enhance measuring productivities of the programs, incessant efforts for better evaluation system and indicator sets are required. Moreover, if we do not measure the output of the program, it is impossible to improve the quality of the programs. [연구목적] 본 논문의 목적은 대학재정지원사업의 생산성 향상을 위한 개선 전략을 모색해 보는 데에 있다. 이를 위해 생산성의 개념과 구성요소, 분석 방법론을 검토해 보고 생산성 개선 전략을 제시하였다. [연구방법] 방법론에 있어서 대학재정지원사업 생산성의 측정과 개선에 대한 공감대는높은 반면, 생산성의 실제 측정에는 어려움이 있다. 본 논문은 생산성을 능률성과 효과성을 포함한 개념으로 보고, 생산성 측정에서의 주요 이슈를 제시하였다. [연구결과] 이슈 분석 결과, 목표의 모호성, 사업목표와 성과지표 연계성 부족, 사업 수과다와 복잡성, 피드백 부족 등 다양한 이슈가 있었다. 이를 바탕으로 생산성 개선 전략을측정지표 측면과 조직 내외 측면에서 제시해 보았다. 전자는 어떻게 생산성을 보다 정확하게 측정할지, 후자는 대학재정지원사업은 사람이 조직을 통해 실현한다는 측면에서 조직, 사람에서 기인하는 문제의 측면에서 구체적 개선 방안을 제시해 보았다. [연구의 시사점] 대학재정지원사업에서의 생산성의 측정과 향상을 위해서는, 생산성의측정이 없이 그 결과를 알 수 없고, 사업의 개선 또한 이루어질 수 없다는 전제하에 운영체계와 지표 개선 노력을 지속적으로 경주해야 한다.

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