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      • 청소년 인터넷 중독 현상에 대한 심리적응과 상담활성화 방안 연구 : 한국 · 재미교포 기독교 청소년 중심으로 Focusing on Christian Adolescents of Korean-American and Korean

        오윤선 한국성서대학교출판부 2005 一粒論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose for this study was to determine a scheme for counselling and the influences on the Psychological Adaptation of Adolescents to Internet Addiction(PAAIA). The specific objectives of this study were 1) to analyze the difference of PAAIA according to the levels of Internet Addiction, 2) to analyze the influence on PAAIA according to the levels of Internet Addiction and 3) a study for counselling in Christian adolescents of internet addiction. The data were collected from 890 randomly sampled Korean-American and Korean Christian adolescents from 4 areas of Seoul and Kyung-gi province in Korea and 6 areas from Virginia and other States in America. After data cleaning, 883 questionnaires were used for data analysis. The SPSSWIN 13.0 program was used in analyzing the data, and a series of statistical tests were conducted including frequency, percentile, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, multiple stepwise regression, and optimal scaling regression. The statistical significance level was .05. The result certified through this study is as following. 1) The internet addiction type by the respondents was classified into that 4.41(Korean-American) and 6.48(Korean) in internet addiction group, 14.13 (Korean-American) and 19.77(Korean) in internet suspicion addiction group, 81.46 (Korean-American) and 73.72(Korean)in normalcy group. 2) The level of respondents in internet addiction group displayed a relatively higher point to the category of offensiveness and depression. 3) The influence of internet addiction on the psychological adaptation of Christian adolescents offensiveness influenced 15%(Korean-American) and 11%(Korean), depression 13%(Korean-American) and 16%(Korean) influenced of the total variation.

      • 종교다원주의의 도전과 그리스도 유일사상에 대한 고찰

        이호우 한국성서대학교출판부 2005 一粒論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        Religious pluralism describes the religious philosophy that one's religion is not the sole and exclusive source of truth. It tries to find peaceful relations among different religions, and thus recognizes relatively that some level of truth and value exists in other religions. The focus of this article is on examining the growing movement towards pluralism within the Korean Christianity. Christianity professes a belief in Jesus Christ as only the savior. If we accept religious pluralism, the uniqueness of Christ and his last commission(Matt. 28:16-21) will be blurred and finally destroyed. Christianity according to the Bible has the belief that Jesus Christ alone is the way, the truth, and the life. The salvific message of the Gospel cannot be exclusive to certain people but to all. The benevolence of the Gospel given by God is not limited. The Bible however does allow the religious syncretism. The sacred task and responsibility to keep such biblical truth are given to Christians today.

      • 역대기 사가의 다윗왕조에 관한 역사서술 방식 및 그 특징

        김정원 한국성서대학교출판부 2005 一粒論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to know what is the message and character of the historian of Chronicles. The historian of Chronicles wrote Israel history newly at the time when the King's direct rule was not reconstructed yet after the Exile, including all periods from Adam, who was the first ancestor of man to Ezra and Nehemiah. Especially, in this study, I am going to illuminate theological thoughts and literary form of the historian of Chronicles. The historian of Chronicles used mainly the books of Samuel and the books of Chronicles that were original materials. However, he excluded things resolutely, which did not fit his intention, or used corrected materials and inserted some materials that he edited himself. He also developed a completely different historical view from the deuteronomist by using special materials. The historian of Chronicles interested in David's Royal family and Jerusalem temple. Especially the historian focused on David's eternal covenant. David's throne would continue forever, through recovering of the ritual community of Israel, and Jerusalem is the only real place of worship. The historian of Chronicles showed us differences from the materials of the deuteronomist. It added and changed his materials sometimes, even if he was faithful to the materials of the deuteronomist. However, the reasons of these differences were that the historian of Chronicles had to give urgent teaching to the people of those times, rather than he distorted the history, and that he can b called all revivalist of faith who lighted old truth at that time.

      • 예배공간의 건축학적 고려에 관한 연구

        김순환 한국성서대학교출판부 2005 一粒論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        The church architecture has constantly changed and developed in its structures and styles throughout the Christian history. Since the early churches which had assembled mainly in synagogues or domestic settings for their gatherings, moved into the basilicas after Christianization of Rome which ha been previously courts or public places, there had been a great deal of changes in contents, forms and styles of liturgies in way of more splendid and formal fashion. Church architectures have not been confined in their styles or structures to any particular fixed trends in accordance with particular theological orientations but shaped by symbolism or architectural techniques in given periods. Interestingly enough, the changes of architectural factors even affected the forms, contents and styles of liturgies themselves. It implies that the architectural environment or conditions are closely related to the liturgical formation and features. Thus, it would be improper when the churches, in designing their church buildings and arranging the furnitures or spaces inside, do not consider liturgical relatedness. In addition, design and color of the church building inside and outside, and the harmony with its surrounding atmosphere are significant since they can instrumentally affect the evangelical achievement and affirm the identity of Christianity. Therefore the church today should acknowledge the necessity of the proper relationship between the church architecture and its liturgical dimension both for liturgical and missiological purposes, and make all efforts to respond to it.

      • 재미교포 노인의 문화적응 및 심리적 안녕감에 관한 연구

        원영희 한국성서대학교출판부 2005 一粒論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to identify the relationships of acculturation and the psychological well-being of Korean-American elders. The data were collected from a convenience sample of 234 Korean immigrant elders residing in Los Angeles, California. In this study, correlational analysis shows that depression is significantly related to acculturative stress(r=.405, p<.001), health status(r=-.302, p<.001), economic situation(r=-.198, p<.01), adaptation to American life styles(r=-.128, p<.10), age(r=.127, p<.10), and ethnic identity(r=-.109 p<.10). And self-esteem showed correlation with acculturative stress(r= -.366, p<.001), health status(r=.218, p<.01), ethnic identity(r=.179, p<.01), and economic situation(r=.153, p<.01). Regression analysis shows that the predictors of depression among Korean-American elders are identified as acculturative stress(beta=.413, p<.001), educational level(beta=-.209, p<.01), health status(Beta=-.209, p<.01), and income(beta=-.148, p<.10), while the predictors of self-esteem among them are identified as acculturative stress(beta-.429, p<.001), marital status(beta=.237, p<.01), income(beta=.223, p<.01), economic situation(beta=.134, p<.10), and ethnic identity(beta=.118, p<.10). Based on the findings, implications for social welfare policy related to specific measures for alleviating acculturative stress of elders and enhancing the psychological well-being of Korean-American elders are discussed.

      • 부적응 행동 유아와 교사의 관계 : 교사의 교수적 스트레스를 중심으로 Focused on Teaching Stress of Teachers

        강정원,김순자 한국성서대학교출판부 2005 一粒論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        These days, children are increasingly spending more time with their teachers in institutions than with their parents during early childhood. The goal of this research was to clarify how a child's maladjustment contributed the teacher-child relationship and teachers' teaching stress. Firstly, there was a significant correlation between maladjustment behaviors which had been perceived by teachers. In particular, ADHD was the biggest problem perceived by teachers. Secondly, it was found out that teachers had felt teaching stress by most maladjustment behaviors occurred except intellectual deficit and academic problems. Especially, the sense of frustration perceived by teachers during the process of instruction was remarkable. Thirdly, the more severe a child's maladjustment behavior was, the greater the tendency of conflict in the teacher-child relation.

      • 한국성서대학교 신학부 선교학과 특성화를 위한 연구 : 대학 설립이념과 교육목표가 반영된

        김승호 한국성서대학교 출판부 2003 一粒論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        본 연구논문의 목적은 현재 한국 성서대학교 선교학 전공 커리큘럼을 진단하고 설립자의 설립이념과 본 대학의 교육목표를 적극 반영된 그리고 타 대학의 동일 전공학과와 차별있는 경쟁력 갖춘 새로운 커리큘럼을 제시하는 것이었다. 현재의 선교학 전공 커리큘럼의 대대적인 수정 보완작업을 하지 않을 경우 외부적으로 2003학년부터 나타나고 있는 대학 지원자 수의 감소 그리고 내부적으로는 신학부내 선교학 전공의 지원자 수의 감소로 인해 학과운영에 상당한 어려움이 있을 것으로 예상하고 있다. 그러므로 학교와 선교학과에서는 현존하는 이런 부정적인 상황들을 감안하여 빠른 시간 내에 본 연구 논문이 제시한 것과 같은 전공 특성화를 위한 새로움 커리큘럼 개발에 적극 힘써야 할 것이다. 교과 전문가 제이 세일러즈와 윌리엄 알렉산더가 지적한 대로 좋은 커리큘럼이란 대학의 설립이념과 교육정신을 구체적으로 반영하는 것이어야 하는데 현재의 선교학 전공 커리큘럼은 설립자의 교육사상을 충분히 반영하고 있지 못하며 또한 대학간의 무한 경쟁시대에 들어와 있는 현재시점에서 구체적인 경쟁력을 지니지도 못하고 있는 형편이다. 학교 안팎의 상황으로 볼때 선교학과의 특성화와 전문화는 그 어느 때 보다도 절실히 요구되고 있다. 본 대학 선교학 커리큘럼의 특성화와 전문화를 위해 현재 개설된 교과목들에 대한 대폭적인 수정보완을 통해 학생들로 하여금 자기 전공에 대한 강한 흥미와 자신감을 갖게 해주고 설립자의 교육정신에 따라 성서에 대한 이해, 영성, 인격, 전문지식, 그리고 희생과 봉사의 실천이 구비된 사역자를 배출할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다.

      • 퍼지관계곱 기반 급성복통과 관련된 지능형 질환 진단시스템의 설계 및 구현

        현우석 한국성서대학교 출판부 2003 一粒論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        현재까지 개발된 의료진단 시스템들은 인체 특정 질환을 염두에 두고 구체적 조건의 조합에 의존하여 진단 범주를 설정하는 데 통상적으로 특정 장기에 제한되어 있어서 여러 가지 유형의 질환에 공통적으로 나타나는 증상을 진단하는 경우 조기에 정확한 진단을 내리기가 힘든 문제점을 지니고 있다. 급성복통(acute abdominal pain)은 전구 증상 없이 갑자기 복통이 발생하는 것으로 소화기 질환을 비롯한 여러 질환에서 환자들이 공통적으로 가장 흔하게 호소하는 증상으로 연관된 질환이 다양하여 의사들이 적절한 감별진단을 내리기가 쉽지 않다. 본 연구에서는 급성 복통과 연관된 질환의 감별진단시스템으로서 기존의 DS-DAAP의 성능을 개선한 퍼지관계곱에 기반한 지능형 질환 진단시스템(IDS-DAAP)을 제안한다. 제안하는 시스템은 기존의 DS-DAAP와 비교해 볼 때 진단의 정확성을 높이면서 수행시간을 감소시켰다. Because most conventional systems of medical diagnosis focus on small subsets of classes of diseases of particular human organs, it is difficult to diagnose when dealing with symptoms which are related to many diseases. The author proposes an intelligent diagnosis system for diseases associated with an acute abdominal pain based on fuzzy relational products(IDS-DAAP) to implement conventional system (DS-DAAP). Compared with DS-DAAP, a new approach with IDS-DAAP shows that the system proposed here improves the diagnosis rate and reduces the diagnosis time.

      • 역기능적 가족구조가 후기 청소년들의 심리적 독립성에 미치는 영향 : 복음주의 신학계열 대학생 중심으로

        오윤선 한국성서대학교 출판부 2003 一粒論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        This research was designed to identify the effect of dysfunctional family structures on college students' psychological independence from their parents. A questionnaire was administered to 780 college students, but only 772 students from intact families were included in the analysis. The measurement instruments were Lopez's Family Structure Survey(FSS) and Hoffman's Psychological Separation Inventory(PS1). Four dysfunctional family structure patterns were measured by FSS. On the basis of the FSS quartile score, students were classified into two groups and psychological separation of the two groups were compared. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to indentify relative effect of each of the four dysfunctional family structure patterns on psychological separation from parents. It was marital and conflictual independence. About emotional and functional independence, parent-child overinvolvement was the most powerful variable which explained the most variance, followed by marital conflict and fear of separation. Results were discussed in terms of cross-cultural differences in family structure.

      • 구약성서에 나타난 교차대구(Chiastic) 구조

        김정원 한국성서대학교 출판부 2003 一粒論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        The benefits of a chiastic structure were in fact many, both to the biblical author and to his reader. Ancient authors were obliged to organize the internal format of their works by other means. One of theses was the inclusion: the framing of a literary unit by placing the same key terms or themes at the beginning and at the end Concentric parallelism was especially useful for providing stress, by repeating key expressions or by balancing related syntactic elements. Chiasmus served to focus the reader's attention on the core of the author's message. By reading the passage concentrically, the reader was drawn into its circular flow, as an object is drawn toward the center of a vortex. Equally important was the mnemonic benefit of parallelism and chiasmus. The ancients listened to a master, then repeated his instruction in unison. There were no notebooks, no pens and no papers or no other devices to relieve the student of the burden of memorizing what was taught. Parallelism and especially chiasmus facilitated this process by repetition and by focusing on a central theme. We should not underestimate the aesthetic value of these forms.

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