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      • 현행 지방교육자치제도의 발전적 방안 탐색

        이명우 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2005 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        The present local self-government system began in 1991, but for its fifteen years of existence, there have been serious problems associated with the election of the superintendent and members of the board of education, the compatibility between multi-decision making and voters' rights's restrictions, and duplication of education administration audits. For this reason, a revised local education self-government law has been proposed by five members of the board of education in the National Assembly. This study aims to analyze the laws and present a better direction for the current local self-government system for education. The result of this study is that a direct election for the superintendent and mem board of education by residents is desirable; and that the local board of education should be separated from the central government and general administration.

      • Didaktische Funktionen der Bildmaterialien in Lehrbu¨chern fu¨r Deutsch an koreanischen Schulen

        Ha, Suguen 부산외국어대학교 교육대학원 2001 敎育論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        본 연구는 제 6차 교육과정에 사용된 9권의 독일어 교과서에 제시된 그림을 자료로 삼아 이 그림들이 어떠한 교육목적으로 사용하도록 계획되었는지를 조사하였다. 국내외에서 개발된 독일어 교재를 보면 거의 모든 페이지에 그림이 텍스트와 함께 제공되고 있다. 외국어 교재에서 그림은 텍스트 못지 않은 분량과 교육적 의미를 가지게 되었다. 시청각 교육 자료가 중시되는 외국어 교육에서 이러한 경향은 자연스러운 결과라 볼 수 있다. 그런데 국내에서 개발된 독일어 교과서에 실린 그림들의 교육적 기능을 분석한 결과 그림자료는 교과서의 거시구조 거의 모든 부분에 제공되어 있지만 각 분야에서 요구되는 그림의 교육적 기능이 충분하게 검토되지 않고 있음이 확인되었다. 많은 그림자료들의 경우 그냥 시각 자료에 익숙해진 학습자들의 눈길을 끌기 위한 단순한 목적으로 그림이 제공되어 있다. 예를 들어 듣기 학습을 위한 그림자료 활용의 경우 텍스트와 그림의 상호 보완 관계를 충분히 고려하지 않았기 때문에 현장 교육에서의 그림자료 활용이 쉽지 않다. 또한 본문 내용 이해를 돕기 위한 그림 자료들은 대부분 문화 정보를 제대로 담지 못하고 있을 뿐 아니라 텍스트 내용과의 연계성이 충분하게 고려되지 않았다. 무엇보다도 교사지침서가 생략된 제 6차 교육과정의 교과서들이므로 교과서 내에 그림 활용에 대한 부록이 반드시 첨부되어야 할 것이지만 이에 대한 정보는 그림과 연관된 일부 교사행위 지침밖에 없다. 본 연구 결과 제 6차 과정 용 독일어 교과서의 그림자료들은 이들의 교육적 기능이 충분히 고려되지 않은 것으로 밝혀졌다. 앞으로 교과서를 개발할 경우 그림자료들의 교육적 기능을 명확하게 규정한 다음 이에 적합한 그림자료를 제시하여야 할 것이다. 그리고 지속적인 개선을 위하여 교과서 저자와 교사, 그리고 교과서 연구자들이 서로 협조하여야 한다.

      • 상업계 고등학교 상업 교육의 실태와 개선 방안에 관한 연구

        하영숙 부산외국어대학교 교육대학원 1999 敎育論叢 Vol.- No.-

        Today's imformation-oriented society has greatly changed the educational environment of the commercial high schools in korea together with the changes in economic conditions and the development of science and the technology, and the trend of specialization and diversification in commercial and economic activities is compellingly requiring the reforms of commercial education. In this sense, this thesis is primarily concerned with the exploration of the present conditions of commercial high schools and the suggestion of the efficient methods of education for academic development and non-academic career of every student. To achieve this end, questionnaire intended for teachers and students has been made. The major findings of this study could be summarized as follows : First, as a whole, the respondents answered that the conditions of current commercial and technical education in the commercial high school are very poor. Second, most of the commercial high school students are enrolled in or applied for their high school regardless of their aptitude, interest, and personality because of their poor academic performance during the middle school period. Third, most of the students in commercial high school were eager to continue their studies at universities or colleges. Fourth, the respondents agree to the reorganization of school curriculum and a variety of school activities. Fifth, the teachers and students in the commercial high schools are in favor of connected education system with associated college, Based on the above findings, the conclusions could be drown as follows . First, in order to increase the quality of teachers, such requirements as re-training of teachers and specialization of teacher's certification are essential. Second, the counselling - career guidance activities are so much poor that it can not make a positive effect on the commercial education. Third, with the poor educational conditions and old facilities, we can not afford to come up with the O.A company. So we have to equip commercial high schools with effective facilities to meet demands of the rapidly growing society. Fourth, since each department does not have its distinct specification, it should be specialized into various courses to meet the demands of our society and provide them with the skills, knowledge confidence, self-discipline, and self-motivation to become successful, contributing, responsible members of an information-oriented society. Fifth, commercial high schools should do their best to pick out better students with their self-improvements. Sixth, commercial high school teachers are to develop new teaching methods suitable for maximizing every student's potential. Seventh, connected education system which is accompanied by associated college should be developed for more effective education in the commercial high school.

      • 고등학교 일본어과 수행평가 방안 연구

        정기영 부산외국어대학교 교육대학원 1999 敎育論叢 Vol.- No.-

        21世紀の知識情報化社會におぃてるは斷片的 · 事實的な知識を暗記 して理解 する能力よりは 惰報の檢素 · 收集 · 分析 · 批判 · 總合 · 創出能力, 自己主導的な生涯學習能力, 協同的な問 題解決能力などが要求されるものと恩ゎれる. また, 韓國の學敎敎育の問題點は敎育目標 · 敎育方法 · 敎育評價間の相互連結の不足していのに因るところが大きい. ろの問, 韓國の中等學敎の敎育は高等精神能力を始め, 望ましぃ態度及び情緖養など全人的な人間養成を 敎育目標 として來たにもかかゎらず, 旣存の評價は正解が一つしかなぃ客觀的 · 相對的な知識的を强調してぃたのである. これに比べ, 新しぃ敎育課程が要求する敎授 · 學習の目は 客觀的なものと 信じてきた知識とか情報をすべての學生に劃一的に敎え, 習うのではなく, 個別の學習者の)素質とか特性に合ゎせてその個人に有意味な知識な情報を中心に, より沮織的で體系的な認知構造が得られるように助け, 激勵するところにあるのである. 遂行評價するところにあるのである敎育部の「敎育ピヅョソ2002新しぃ學校文化の創造」實踐連動が指向してぃる學生の評價方 式として, 全人的な人間の養成とぃう敎育目標の達成を評價する上で最も適切な方法と指摘されてぃる. しかし, 敎育部と韓國敎育開發院では遂行評價に對する具濃的な指針を提示してぃなぃ現狀であり, 特に外國語敎育の分野ではその基準と方法難しぃとぃう現場の聲がある. 從って本槁では遂行評の問題點を指摘し, 德明情報女子高等學の事例を中心に日本語の遂 行評債の方案を試み, 今後の課題につぃての考察を行った.

      • 중학교 특기적성 교육 활동에 있어서 일본어 교과 교육에 관한 연구 : 부산광역시 중심으로 釜山廣域市を中心に

        김문길 부산외국어대학교 교육대학원 1999 敎育論叢 Vol.- No.-

        今日國際社會の一員として生活していかなければならない狀況に到達した. 何よりも世界的な言語が必修條件になってきたのである. それで政府は小學校でも早期英語敎育をするべきだという趣旨を下達し, 我か國でも小學校高學年で英語を敎えるようになった. 現在いくつかの學校でやっているか, どんどん學校の數も增えているところである. このような事例を見ても 私達が硏究開發して早期言語敎育を實施しなければならなぃのである. これこそ國際社會で生きる方法であるし, 後にば國威と國力につながるとぃうことは間違ぃなぃ事實である. 日本は我が國より10年前から小學敎高學年で英語を敎え, はやくから國際社會の舞臺に向け新圖案を 實施してきた. 言語とぃうのは成長してぃく中で必ず過程があると思う. 人は生まれながら, まず言語を體驗し, 2才以後から「ことば」を使ぃ自分の意思でコミュニケ―ショソできる力を持つようになり, 3~4才頃になると自分が主張したいことを表現し, 5~6才頃になると書物を通し「話すこと」 「書くこと」「聞くこと」を習得するようになる. そして思春期の10~11才頃には言語の「文法力」を含めて文章を構成するのにもっとも貴重な時期である. この期間は外國語の學習と習得が必要な時期であるだけに小學校高學年で母國語の習得と合わせて外國語も學習させなければならないのである. 考えてみると敎育部からの英語早期敎育の敎科內容は無理ではないのである. それにこの貴重な學習年齡期に英語だけではなく日本語も早期學習が必要ではないかと思っているところ,1998年2學期から放課後敎育活動運營計劃案のなかで日本語が含まれていてちょうどよかったと 思う. 國際社會に於いて第一外國語である英語だけ固執するのは難しいのである. 特に日本という國は世界の中で大きな位置を占めてあり, 日本語の學習者も日 增えている實情である. だから日本語を早期敎育させるべきだという聲が高くなるしかないのである. 特に我が'國は日本という國をまず知り, 日本のことをたくさん硏究しなければならない. ほかの國より我が國の人 が日本語を自由に驅使し, 日本の國力を越えなければならないのである. 戰後日本は全國民が朝鮮語のことを知ろう, 學ぼうと言いながら, どの學校(大學)でも朝鮮史の講座を開設し, そして朝鮮語を學ぶことに努力したのである. 私達も日本語をたくさん學び, 日本を知ることが私達の國力を育てることであると思うのである. 今回中學校の放課後敎育活動として日本語を採擇し寶施しているので, どのくらい選好度を持 っているのか調 べなから, まず日本語を學ぶ目的と基本敎育方向(方針)または敎育姉の細部事項, 敎材, 敎師の資質等を調べ, 今後"放課後敎育活刻"(1999年3月に中學校特技適性敎育活動と改稱. 今後特技適性敎育と する)を效果的に指導·育成し, 中學校でも日本語ができるように,積極的に勸めようという冷 意圖で本硏究がなされた.

      • 우리나라 의무교육의 변천과정 분석 : A Critical Review

        朴天燻,朴埰亨 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2000 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        Previous studies on the development of Compulsory Education in Korea reveal that it is national development programs for education which has completed compulsory education not only in pramary education but also in secondary. Nobody can deny that the national effort for education contribute towards these achievements. Ministry of Education(MOE) in fact has been making various plans for it and putting into practices. But it is question that this effort has drived compulsory education to today's achievement. That is, it should be examined whether the effort is a 'prior' driving power or a 'posterior' supporting settlement. In concering the secondary education, the entering rate always has been nearly 100% before this effort became visible. Then, exactly speaking, the completion to its compulsory education is not by favor of this effort, but of other element. The other element is a 'passion for education', one of the particular phenomena that Korean has. So, the passion for education became the basis of these achievement, and the national effort was a supporting system for it. If this idea could be applied to primary education, the 'prior' driving power for the completion of compulsory education is the passion for education that korean has, and the national effort is a supporting settlement. Of course, what is the passion for education is vague. So this reriew suggest that it is the task of hereafter research on compulsory education.

      • 개인차를 고려한 미술과 교수·학습 연구

        이형구,정경화 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2004 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        2000학년도부터 연차 적용되고 있는 제 7 차 교육과정은 학습자 중심의 교육을 그 핵심으로 하고 있다. 다원화, 전문화, 정보화로 특징지을 수 있는 미래사회에서, 기초적인 학력 외에도 다양하고 우수한 학습능력을 찾아내어, 창의력과 개성을 갖춘 인격을 키워내는데 의의를 두고 있다. 이는 획일적 교육에 대한 일종의 반성으로, 현재의 교육을 개선하고자 하는 의도이며 새로운 방향의 교육추세에 맞춰나가는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 이에 따라. 국어, 수학, 과학, 영어, 사회와 같은 지적 능력 중심의 교과에서는 학습 능력과 속도의 차를 고려하여 수준별 교육과정을 운영하도록 하고 있다. 그러나, 도덕, 실과, 체육, 음악, 미술의 5개 교과에서는 국가수준의 교육과정 편성운영에서는 차별화가 되지 않았지만, "학생의 능력, 적성, 필요, 흥미에 대한 개인차를 최대한 고려한 수업으로 학생 개개인의 성장 잠재력과 교육의 효율성을 극대화 할 수 있도록"(교육개혁위원회, 1996: 43)이란 기술을 통해 학생의 다양한 특성에 적합한 교육을 요구하고 있다. 수준별 교육과정을 채택하지 않은 미술과의 경우, 학습자의 다양한 적성과 흥미를 교수 학습 상황에서 어떻게 고려하여 전개할 것인가에 대한 연구가 필요하게 되었다. The main object of the 7th curriculum applied annually since 2000, is the learner-centered education, which has been introduced in the demand that the education should change in order to lead the society of an information-oriented, specialization and variety by bringing up the creative and talented students. In five subjects - ehics, practical course, physical exercise, musics and art. The basic principle to educate the learners considering the individual differences is set up but regrettably there is no detailed explanation on how to educate the learners. I think there are much problems in teaching the students regarding the individual differences in the reality of many students and short teaching time. This study is to reveal the individual differences in the art course of elemenatry school, to develop the teaching and learning method balancing the minimizing of individual differences in one way and maximizing of that in the other way. And also this study is to show the evaluation on the leaners' special characters by the various instructors and methods from the various viewpoint. In chapter Ⅰ, This study present the object, necessity and outline of contents on the education regarding the individual differences. In chapter Ⅱ, This study analyze the individual teaching system, open education and education by students' study level. And this study present the general idea of the education considering the individual differences. Also, this study refer to the various theory - Aptitude Treatment Interaction, Adaptive Instruction. Multiple Intelligences, constructivism education of individual differences. In chapter Ⅲ, This study divide the factors causing individual differences into 3 ones - stuty ability, interest and concern, and study pattern - and present the guidance of the teaching and learning method and evaluation in accordance with these factors. I make emphasis differently among the major changing factors and minor ones in the course of teaching and learning. In order to evaluate the students considering the individual differences, this study present the variety of the evaluation point of time (diagnosis evaluation, process evaluation, result evaluation), variety of the evaluators (instructor's evaluation, self evaluation, interactive evaluation), variety of method (study paper, study report, observation, questions and etc). Also, in order to secure the objectivity, individual evaluation present 3 level - high, medium and low - and present the teachers' reflection in the viewpoint of improvement of the instruction method. Lastly this study present method and standard of portpolio evaluation which help grasping the general development and character of a student. In chapter Ⅳ as a result, this study emphasize the effort of gradual change toward the implementation of the education considering the individual differences.

      • 구성주의적 사회과교육을 위한 웹GIS의 활용방안

        황홍섭 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 1999 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        It is not easy for learners to go through all the informations and knowledges beacause we have too many informations and knowledges. Moreover, It is difficult for us to get some certain type of knowledges. Hence, the contents of curriculum should include concept and generalization, . Constractivism point of view, learning is considered important role in terms of preconcept, which learner's concept in the basis of experience. This kind of preconcept can hinder studying or reinforce, espacially misconcept which hindering learning should be transformed from the viewpoints of constructivism it makes assimilation, accommodation and equiblration to viable knowledge. GIS is sort of procedure of processing display and print out constructing keeping, editing and analysis of various geographical date of numerous index accordingly changing into knowledge-based society. In addition, this system gets spatial information as well as helps making a decision. But it takes a lot of costs, time and skills for normal users to establish geographic information system or use it, it can only be used in a special place. Anybody can access to this Web GIS which intergrates GIS and Web, this Web GIS can seach the date, transmit and handled it connected from remote area. The conception of Client /Server for carrying out the function can put it practical use as substitue Client to Server as for web based instruction. Web GIS turning out to be educational media, information offer which can make the most of teaching-learning two way communications. Web GIS storaged material of vast index, also if it is necessary, when client asks some questions, immediately analyze the materials and supplies so that it is useful to reinforce interaction on the web site. In other words, Web GIS is teaching and learning environment, medium, material, tool of analysis. Further more, which has function as an important helper by answering the questions, co-constructor, cooperator, companion. Therefore client can construct viable knowledge, which tries to change the concept by applying Web GIS to practical problem solving. The disequilibrium of cognitive structure caused by misconcept makes learners construct meaningful knowledge through reconstructing from conflicting, that is equilibration through conflict, accommodation among the students and Web GIS interaction. But we still have a lot of technical and knowledgable tasks that should interact well between server and client. Web GIS have powerful space of communications which lets people access without a cost of money, but still cannot supply various analysis. It is basic screen display, functioning zoom, pan, more takes long time to conduct the matters because it uses Network and it has problem with security matter and sharing the experiences. If these problems solved this Web GIS can be accessed with browser. It is going to be popularized through this. Then, it will cause various GIS demand and Web GIS realization helps to get information such as traffic, environment, region information. It will lead information synergy effect so, it will improve international competition eventually. Web GIS will make learners solve the problems better, and thus knowledge will be well constructed by them, it will make quality of education enhancing, I hope Curriculum developers should be aware of importance of Web GIS, and they should include it, as developing the content system of next curriculum.

      • 초등교사의 실과 교수·학습에서 ICT 수행 실태 분석

        이시원,김영은 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2004 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구자는 실과교과가 정보통신기술을 사용한 수업의 효율성 및 필요성을 인지하고 적극적인 활용을 유도하는 차원에서 정보통신기술이 사용되고 있는 상황을 조사하고, 이들을 토대로 수업 현장에서 ICT 활용수업을 위해 선결되어야 할 과제를 찾아 제시하여, 실과교육의 학습 흥미 촉진과 학업태도의 긍정적 변화와 함께 자기 주도적 학습 능력의 신장을 가져 올 수 있다는 판단에서 본 연구를 수행하였다. 교사들은 현장에서 ICT를 활용 할 때 지침이 될 만한 보다 구체적이고 명확한 ICT 활용 방향을 제시해야 할 것이다. 또한 ICT 활용 수준은 남교사, 여교사 거의 동일한 높은 수준을 나타내고 있으며, 경력면에서 볼 때에는 남교사는 '3~20년' 사이의 교사들이 빈도가 높게 나타났고, 여교사들은 '3년 미만에서 10년 사이'의 교사들이 높은 빈도를 나타내고 있다. 또한 현재 실과 수업에 ICT를 활용하는데 결정적인 장애요인에 대해서는 남교사는 44명(49.44%)으로 '실과 교육용 소프트웨어의 부족'을 들었으며, 여교사는 29명(32.59%)으로 '부족한 수업시간'을 지적하고 있었다. 멀티미디어활용 정도에 대해서는 남교사는 '10~20년'의 경력을 가진 교사 21명(43.8%), 여교사는 '3~10년'의 경력을 가진 교사 27명(37.5%)이 활용 가능 빈도가 가장 높게 나타났다. 마지막으로 교사들은 실과 수업에서 지침이 될만한 보다 구체적이고 명확한 ICT 활용 방향과 물리적 환경의 조성, 교육용 소프트웨어의 개발과 보급, ICT 활용에 대한 연수 및 교육 프로그램의 필요, 실과 교사 분과회의 활성화 등이 원활이 이루어지는 것이 실과교육 현장에서 ICT 활용 수업이 제대로 이루어지기 위한 선결 과제라 할 수 있다. At this point of time that ICT education is getting gradually pervasive on the state leading level, this study sets the goal of analyzing an environment of ICT education in elementary school. This analysis is worth considering elementary school environment, situation and obstacles. Finally based on above results, it could be attributable following studies about basic structure of using ICT. The ICT application in real classroom turns self-directed learning and communication between students themselves, teachers and students and students, ICT and teachers into possibility. In this study, we can find out merits of using ICT through questionnaire. But many teachers are just only showing their own computers and there is only a few self-directed learning in usual classroom condition. Based on this survey, present condition of using ICT in practical art education has problems as following. Firstly there are lack of ICT using tools and poor condition. Secondly the developed software is not enough. Thirdly most teachers don't have knowledge and skills. To solve these problems, teachers could utilize it easier such as guiding them to using the ICT application though teacher training program. Most of all, teachers should recognize these problems and activate this ICT education through continuous study and efforts of self-developing. And for the association with the ICT practical education. We need the politic and economic supports.

      • 초등학교 실과 '생활기술' 영역을 통한 환경교육

        이경애,이위서 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2001 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of the study was to analyze the primary environmental education of the 7th Practical Arts Curriculum and suggest the direction of practical environmental education in the 'Living Technology' Part. The conclusions of this study were followed: 1. As a result of analysis of environmental education goal of the Practical Arts Curriculum. 'Information & Knowledge, Awareness', 'Value & Attitude' and 'Action & Participation' were evenly emphasized. And in environmental education contents, all contents were treated except 'ESSD'. Especially 'the Environmental Preservation and measures' was most frequently treated among them. 2. The part of 'Living Technology' in the Practical Arts was divided into the five categories ('Food & nutrition', 'clothing', 'electricity, electron & handicraft', 'cultivation & breeding', and 'computer manipulation') and the practical methods of environmental education were suggested. The section of cultivation & breeding was achieved and educated by experiencing education, the case method, experimentation and practice. The section of Food & nutrition was educated by composing of research paper, discussion and experience-oriented class. The section of clothing was educated by the case method, role playing, experimentation and practice. And the section of information technology was educated by discussion of investigation and surfing on sites related to environment.

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