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        Modern East Asian Confucian Scholars’ Critical Perception of Zhu Xi’s Concept of Principle(理) -Focused on the Perception of Ito Jinsai(伊藤仁斋), Dai Zhen(戴震) and Choi Hanki(崔汉绮)

        ( Choi Youngjin ) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2012 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.17

        朱子在人、自然、社會的方面建立了一個新的思想體系。如此思想體系在隨后的幾百年里逐漸成爲東亞人認識世界的根本標准。朱子以后的儒學者以朱子學爲理論基礎形成了新的性理學, 幷且有時通過批判性認識, 創造了新的儒學理論。 但是這些理論體系幷非相同, 韓、中、日三國的學者根据自身所處的社會環境和學術環境, 各自對朱子學進行了發展和批評。因此, 東亞儒學理論體系在擁有普遍性的同時, 又具有特殊性。 爲此, 本論文將對如下三位學者關于理的認識, 做出比較和分析, 卽17世紀日本古學派儒學者伊藤仁齋(1627-1705), 18世紀淸代氣哲學者戴震(1724-1777), 以及19世紀朝鮮實學者崔漢绮(1803-1877)對理的認識, 正因爲如各位學者所指出的, “理”卽是東亞儒學思想核心的關鍵詞。 三位學者雖然生活在不同的國家, 不同的時代, 他們的問題意識和理論體系也理應不同, 但是他們却對主導社會理念的朱子學提出了相類似的批判。特別是對朱子强調的“根据的理”卽“所以然之理”的批判成爲他們與朱子學本質上的不同。但是他們否定超越性的“根据的理”的理由各不相同。 伊藤仁齋在從未受到佛敎和老庄思想影響的先秦儒學之道中尋?眞理;戴震認爲朱子學最大的問題是“一種使階級壓迫, 階級次序正當化的工具”;崔漢绮運用西洋科學知識對傳統的儒學思想進行再構成, 致力于新的“氣學”。他通過觀察和實驗獲得的自然的規則, 是人類道德規則和認識規則的標准, 更可以看作是社會運營原理的典范。 他們要解決當時社會新矛盾時認識到朱子學的局限性, 對朱子學進行了批判性的重建, 因此朱子學有一個質的飛躍, 爲我們開拓了一條新的發展道路。 Zhu Xi(1130-1200) had created a new paradigm of human, nature and society. This new paradigm has been a standard for East Asian people to perceive the world for over hundreds years. Zhu Xi's theory had been operated as a fundamental source for many Confucian scholars in creating new Neo-Confucian theories and developing new Confucian theories. These theories originated from Zhu Xi's theory, however, were not exactly the same. Scholars of China, Japan and Korea developed and criticized Zhu Xi's theory from their perspective differentiated by social condition and academic tradition. This is the reason that East Asian Confucianism encompasses both universality and uniqueness. As an example of this characteristic, the perception of ‘principle(理)’ by three scholars from East Asia will be compared and analyzed in this thesis: Ito Jinsai (1627-1705) from Edo period in 17th century, Dai Zhen (1724-1777) from Qing Dynasty in 18th century, and Hanki Choi (1803-1877) from Chosun Dynasty in 19th century. This is because the concept of principle is the core of Confucian theory. Three scholars lived in different period and country, as so their awareness of problem and theoretical system were different. Nonetheless, all of them criticized the theory of Zhu xi which was placed as the mainstream idea in their era. They denied the core concept of Zhu Xi's theory, which is principle; and this made their theories fundamentally different from Zhu Xi's. The reasons that they denied the Principle as a transcendent reason vary considerably. Ito Jinsai tried to find the truth from Dao of Ancient Chinese Confucianism which is not affected by Buddhism and Daoism. Dai Zhen found that Zhu Xi's theory was working as a social norm which justifies hierarchical social order and represses public demands most problematic. Choi Hanki tried to build ‘Kihak(气学)’, a new academic system, by reorganizing conventional Confucian theories with scientific knowledge from the West. He thought that the law of nature drawn by experiment and observation is the standard of the law of ethics and perception and also the example of the society's operating principle. These scholars perceived the limit of Zhu Xi's theory in solving the problem of their very society and tried to reconstitute his theory critically. This is how Zhu Xi’ theory is changed and developed in new directions. [Article in Chinese]

      • 화재조사를 위한 방화탐지견 도입 필요성 연구

        최영진(Youngjin Choi),최승복(Seungbok Choi),윤광상(Gwangsang Yoon),장세용(Seyong Jang),조재만(Jeman Cho),전용기(Yonggi Jeon),최돈묵(Donmok Choi) 반려동물연구학회 2019 Animalia Vol.1 No.1

        화재현장은 살인, 방화, 절도, 보험범죄 등 모든 강력 범죄가 묻혀있을 수 있다. 그러기 때문에 무엇보다 세심한 현장조사가 요구된다. 인명피해가 발생한 현장, 사회 이 목이 집중된 대형화재 그리고 다액 화재보험이 가입된 화재 현장일 경우 경찰은 화재 원인 조사에 많은 인력과 시간을 할애하여 정확한 발화 원인과 인명피해가 발생하게 된 원인을 조사하여야 한다. 화재 원인이 확인되지 않으면 수사의 방향 설정이 어렵고 또한 살인사건과 같은 강력 범죄가 잿더미 속에 묻혀 단순 화재사고로 처리될 수 있다. 하지만 한국 화재조사는 삽, 호미와 같은 기본적인 발굴 장비와 조사자의 시각·후각·촉각 등 오감에 의존하고 있는 실정으로 보다 과학적이고 새로운 화재조사 기법 도입이 요구되는 시점이다. 방화범은 일반적으로 인화성물질과 같은 촉진제를 사용하여 짧은 시간에 건물이나 목적물을 소훼시키려고 한다. 화재현장에 뿌려진 인화성물질은 연소 이후 대부분 연소되거나 증발하여 잔해 속에 묻혀 있는 미량의 촉진제를 조사관의 후각이나 가스검지기와 같은 장비로 이를 찾아낸다는 것은 기대하기 어렵다. 본 연구는 인간보다 2억 배의 후각이 뛰어난 방화탐지견을 화재현장에 투입하여 신속한 방화범죄 판단과 수사 방향 결정 등에 활용함으로써 경찰 수사의 신뢰와 질을 향상시키길 제안한다. All kinds of violent crimes, such as murder, arson, theft, and even insurance crime, can be buried in a scene of fire. Thus, minute examination and careful investigation is required in every fire scene. Especially, some fire scenes, which, for example, cause numerous casualties, attract a social attention because of its massive conflagration, or are related to heavy insurance, need to put much more effort into precise investigation. If the cause of the fire is not clearly defined, it may not only result in difficulty for establishing investigation strategy, but also produce misleading result as a simple accident. Still, a fire scene investigation practice in Korea is relying on either basic excavation devices such as a hoe, or simply investigator"s senses. Accordingly, it is definitely prime time for Korea to develop a new, high-tech forensic practice for a fire scene investigation. Since most arsonists have a purpose to burn down the target as fast as possible by using accelerators or inflammables, and those substances easily evaporate, it is hard to search out accelerators of inflammables in a fire scene, mererly depending on investigator"s olfactory sense or gas meter. This study suggests a direction to improve the standard of police investigation in terms of handling arson crime scene with practical use of arson K-9 dogs, whose sense of smell is outstandingly superior to humans"s.


        Feasibility of fast non-local means noise reduction algorithm in magnetic resonance imaging using 1.5 and 3.0 T with diffusion-weighted image technique

        Choi, Won Ho,Choi, Hye Ran,Seo, Eunsoo,Hwang, Jeewoo,Oh, Heekyung,Kim, Myeong Rae,Han, Su Rin,Kim, Min Seok,Kang, Seong-Hyeon,Lee, Youngjin Elsevier 2019 OPTIK -STUTTGART- Vol.183 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has many advantages and has developed various pulse sequences. In particular, the diffusion weighted image (DWI) technique is widely used because it can acquire images quickly during examination of stroke, through a proper adjustment of the diffusion-weighted gradient b-value. However, a setting with inappropriate b-value causes loss of image signal that increases the influence of noise. Therefore, in this study, we quantitatively evaluated image quality after applying a variety of algorithms to the image acquired by changing the b-value and the main magnetic field in the MRI device. To acquire the image, the phantom was self-produced with an acrylic panel and chicken breast. Wiener filter, total variation (TV), and our proposed fast non-local means (FNLM) noise reduction algorithms were applied to the image. Consequently, the signal intensity at a 3.0 T magnetic field increased by a factor 4.8 compared to a 1.5 T magnetic field. Moreover, the signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise ratio were highest with the FNLM algorithm, and the values increased by factors of 9.5 and 9.9 with a 1.5 T magnetic field and by factors of 9.9 and 5.0 with a 3.0 T magnetic field compared to the noise image, respectively. The result of time resolution, the Wiener filter appeared the finest value, but had no significant difference compared to FNLM algorithm. In conclusion, our results confirmed that the proposed FNLM noise reduction algorithm can acquire both improved image quality and high processing time in MRI imaging with the DWI technique.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Eurasian Initiative and Strengthening Goryeoin’s Capacity & Networks

        Choi, Youngjin(최영진) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2015 슬라브학보 Vol.30 No.3

        유라시아 이니셔티브는 세계 단일 대륙이자 거대시장인 유라시아 역내 국가간 경제협력을 통해 경제활성화 및 일자리 창출에 기여하는데 있다. 동시에, 이들 국가들과의 협력을 통해 북한 개방을 유도해 한반도 긴장을 완화하고 통일기반을 구축하는데 있다. 그럼에도 향후 본국과 고국 간 및 남북한 간에 중간자 역할을 할 한국 이주노동자인 고려인의 중요성을 인식하지 못하고 있는 형편이다. 사실 2000년대 중반 이후 방문취업제로 중앙아시아로부터 입국한 다수 고려인 이주노동자들이 분절된 노동시장인 중소제조업 공장에서 장시간 육체노동을 감당하고 있다. 다른 한편, 러시아 고려인의 경우, 재외동포비자(F-4)로 입국해 단순 노무직에 일을 할 수 없어 불법노동자로 몰리고 있었다. 국내체류 고려인 동포들의 노동권과 거주권이 보장되는 고려인 특별법이 마련되었으나 여전히 조선족에 비해 한국어 필기시험에 취약한 고려인들은 영주권을 획득하기 어려운 것이 현실이다. 이들 국내이주 고려인들은 한민족임에도 다른 성장배경, 언어 및 문화적 차이로 인해 한국사회로부터 무관심과 차별을 받아왔다. 더구나 다문화가 사회적 주요 담론을 부상함에 따라 여성 결혼이민자나 탈북자에 비해 소외되어 왔다. 고려인을 지원하는 방향은 먼저 근로환경을 개선할 뿐만 아니라 자생적 생존능력을 배양할 수 있도록 통합적으로 접근해야 할 것이다. 정책적 시사점으로는 한국에 거주하는 고려인에 대한 한국어 및 역사 · 문화 교육뿐만 아니라 연령대별 직무관련 전문교육, 즉 인적자원개발의 중요성이 강조된다. 현재 동포들의 기술교육을 통한 역량강화로 이들의 직업선택의 폭을 넓힐 수 있게 한다는 정책적 취지는 좋다. 하지만, 언어수준이 다른 조선족과 고려인의 직업교육을 차별화하는 것이 고려되지 않고 있다. 더구나 기술교육의 내용에 대한 검증이 없고 국내 노동시장의 수요를 반영하지 않아 이에 대한 정책적 개선이 요구된다. 본 연구는 한국에 이주한 고려인에 주로 초점을 맞추었지만, 향후 이들이 거주하거나 왕래를 하는 러시아나 중앙아시아의 현지고려인사회와 연계한 사회적 · 경제적 영향도 주요 연구 관심사가 될 것이다. 한국과 해당 고려인거주 국가와의 수교 이후 어떤 교류 관계가 형성되었으며 향후 보다 진전된 관계망 형성을 위해 요구되는 것이 무엇인지도 아울러 고찰할 수 있을 것이다. 더 나아가, 문화 교류적인 측면에서 어떻게 한국의 고려인 사회와 러시아 및 중앙아시아의 현지고려인 사회와의 관계망이 형성되어 유라시아 이니셔티브에 영향을 미치는지도 향후 주요 연구방향이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Dynamic Behaviors of Redox Mediators within the Hydrophobic Layersas an Important Factor for Effective Microbial Fuel Cell Operation

        Youngjin Choi,Namjoon Kim,김성현,Seunho Jung 대한화학회 2003 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.24 No.4

        In a mediator-aided microbial fuel cell, the choice of a proper mediator is one of the most important factors for the development of a better fuel cell system as it transfers electrons from bacteria to the electrode. The electrochemical behaviors within the lipid layer of two representative mediators, thionin and safranine O both of which exhibit reversible electron transfer reactions, were compared with the fuel cell efficiency. Thionin was found to be much more effective than safranine O though it has lower negative formal potential. Cyclic voltammetric and fluorescence spectroscopic analyses indicated that both mediators easily penetrated the lipid layer to pick up the electrons produced inside bacteria. While thionin could pass through the lipid layer, the gradual accumulation of safranine O was observed within the layer. This restricted dynamic behavior of safranine O led to the poor fuel cell operation despite its good negative formal potential.

      • Site-specific inhibition of integrin αvβ3-vitronectin association by a ser-asp-val sequence through an Arg-Gly-Asp-binding site of the integrin

        Choi, Youngjin,Kim, Eungyoon,Lee, Yoonsuk,Han, Moon Hi,Kang, In-Cheol WILEY-VCH Verlag 2010 Proteomics Vol.10 No.1

        <P>A functional proteomic technology using protein chip and molecular simulation was used to demonstrate a novel biomolecular interaction between P11, a peptide containing the Ser-Asp-Val (SDV) sequence and integrin αvβ3. P11 (HSDVHK) is a novel antagonistic peptide of integrin αvβ3 screened from hexapeptide library through protein chip system. An in silico docking study and competitive protein chip assay revealed that the SDV sequence of P11 is able to create a stable inhibitory complex onto the vitronectin-binding site of integrin αvβ3. The Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD)-binding site recognition by P11 was site specific because the P11 was inactive for the complex formation of a denatured form of integrin–vitronectin. P11 showed a strong antagonism against αvβ3-GRGDSP interaction with an IC<SUB>50</SUB> value of 25.72±3.34 nM, whereas the value of GRGDSP peptide was 1968.73±444.32 nM. The binding-free energies calculated from the docking simulations for each P11 and RGD peptide were −3.99 and −3.10 kcal/mol, respectively. The free energy difference between P11 and RGD corresponds to approximately a 4.5-fold lower K<SUB>i</SUB> value for the P11 than the RGD peptide. The binding orientation of the docked P11 was similar to the crystal structure of the RGD in αvβ3. The analyzed docked poses suggest that a divalent metal–ion coordination was a common driving force for the formation of both SDV/αvβ3 and RGD/αvβ3 complexes. This is the first report on the specific recognition of the RGD-binding site of αvβ3 by a non-RGD containing peptide using a computer-assisted proteomic approach.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of image quality for stent image with different dilution ratio of contrast agent in self-production vessel model on angiographic X-ray computed tomography (CT)

        Choi, Hye Ran,Choi, Won Ho,Lee, Seung Chan,Ha, Yun Kyung,Kang, Seong Hyeon,Kim, Dae Ho,Lee, Youngjin WISSENSCHAFTLICHE VERLAGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH 2017 OPTIK -STUTTGART- Vol.143 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Nowadays, the interest and the number of examination of cerebral angiography and interventional procedure have been significantly increasing. In stent procedure on patients, the important point is to check especially whether the position of stent is complete. Also, the dilution ratio of contrast agent and normal saline (N/S) causes affect the quality of image. Thus, the purpose of this study was to find optimized dilution ratio of contrast agent for acquiring the high quality image with various diameters of self-production vessel model in AAPM head phantom. To evaluate the quality of image, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were used as a factor of quantitative measurement, and Likert scale was used as a factor of qualitative measurement. According to the results, we can acquire excellent result for 1:4 (contrast agent: N/S), 1:5, and 1:5 dilution ratios using 2, 3, and 5mm vessel diameters, respectively. In addition, quantitative measurement and qualitative measurement came up with same tendency. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that the 1:4 and 1:5 dilution ratio of contrast agent had outstanding results in 2, 3, and 5mm diameters of vessel model in phantom.</P>

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