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      • 척수를 손상시킨 후 꼬리정맥에 주입한 사람탯줄혈액세포가 뇌줄기에 미치는 영향

        김종중,정윤영,박영란,문영민,현영식,정영욱,문정석 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2007 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.32 No.1

        Background and Objectives: Stem cells are a valuable resource for treatment of many disease, but limited access to stem cells in some organs such as brain restricts their utility. Many approaches have been attempted to restore the function following brain stem injury (BSI) and spinal cord injury (SCI). The use of the human umbilical cord blood cells (hUCB) - a rich source of nonembryonic or adult stem cells - has recently been reported to ameliorate the behavioral consequences of stroke. Mateiials and Methods: Forty rats were divided into 8 groups: (1) SCI l+hUCB (infused 1 day post injury); (2) SCI 2+hUCB (infused 2 days post injury); (3) SCI 3+hUCB (infused 3 days post injury); (4) SCI 4+hUCB (infused 4 days post injury); (5) SCI 5+hUCB (mfusedt 5 days post injury); (6) SCI 6+hUCB (infused 6 days post injury); (7) LO+hUCB (laminectomy+hUCB); and (8) LO (laminectomy only). SCI was produced by compressing the spinal cord for one minute with an aneurysm clip calibrated to a closing pressure of 50 g. We report here that immunhistotochemical identification of fluorescent hUCB positive cells in the brain stem after compressed spinal cord injury using mouse anti-human mitochondria monoclonal antibody (MAB1273). Results: All SCI+hUCB (1-8) groups contained fluorescent hUCB positive cells in the all area of the brain stem. But especially a large number of fluorescent hUCB positive cells were observed in the whole area of the brain stem of the experimental 5 (SCI 5+hUCB) and 6 (SCI 6+hUCB)groups. No hUCB positive cells were found in the brain stem of group with non-injured spinal cord of these animals and group with laminectomy only. Conclusion: These results suggest that hUCB are potentially useful as a vector for treating a variety of the central nervous system disorders, and we are sure that continuous of stem cell study will give an best opportunity to treat the uncurable disorders in the future.

      • 모체 Thyroxine 투여가 태아알코올효과를 가진 흰쥐 대뇌겉질 및 해마에서 NPY함유 신경세포의 생후 발달에 미치는 영향

        김복,박상기,박영란,김종중,문정석,김주수,문영민,현영식,천관영,정윤영 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2005 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.30 No.2

        Background and Objectives: Maternal alcohol abuse is considered to be one of the most prominent cause of neurobiological malformations in the postnatal and adult life of the offspring. In this study, we investigated the effects of maternal alcohol drinking on the postnatal development of NPY-containing neuron, and, the influence of thyroxine treatment on the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of pups of alcohol abused mother. Materials and Method: Time-pregnant rats were divided into three groups. Alcohol-fed group A received 35 calories of liquid alcohol diet daily from gestation day 6; control pair-fed group B was fed a liquid diet in dextrin replaced alcohol isocalorically: alcohol + T4 group C received 35 calories liquid alcohol diet and exogenous thyroxine subcutaneously. Results: Group C showed prominent NPY immunoreactivity in the cerebral cortex compared to group A and B at P7. In group C, NPY-containing neurons were widely distributed in the all layers of cerebral cortex after P14. Besides, numerical decrease of NPY-containing neuron as age increases was not found in group C. However, the decrease of NPY-containing neuron was clearly observed in group A compared to group C after P14. In hippocampus, group Band C were appeared similar patterns after P7. Additionally, in group C, NPY immunoreactivity was prominently appeared in CA2 and CA3 at P14 as compared to group B. Conclusions: The present results showed the increase of intensity and number of NPY-containing neurons in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of pups of exogenous T₄ supplemented alcohol-exposed dams as compared to control pair-fed and alcohol-exposed pups at P7. It presumably suggest that NPY-containing neurons might be regulated by the early postnatal growth stimulatory effect of the exogenously supplemented T₄. Therefore, the increase of NPY synthesis caused by maternal administration of exogenous thyroxine may ameliorate fetal alcohol effect, one of the ill effects as a result of the dysthyroid state following maternal alcohol abuse.

      • KCI등재

        과학기술관련 사회쟁점(SSI)에 대한 고등학생들의 가치 판단과 의사결정 변화 양상 분석

        김영현,이은항,정영란 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2017 교과교육학연구 Vol.21 No.5

        This study aims to investigate students' positions and values applied during decision-making processes on socioscientific issues (SSI), and to describe the patterns of change that occur in the students' decision-making. Thirteen high school students participated in the SSI program and the discussion topics of the SSI program were as follows: cloning, animal experimentation, MERS Corona Virus, global warming. We collected qualitative data which consisted of a pre and post interview of each student, the SSI group discussion, and worksheets that students responded before and after the SSI group discussion. As a result, the data showed that students tended to make decisions by applying 7 values; personal values, economic values, scientific values, rights and obligations, social values, ethical values, and medical values. The SSI instruction caused changes in the students‘ decision-making patterns which were categorized into 4 different types: (a) students who displayed consistent values and maintained the same position, (b) students who kept the same position but showed more diverse values and perspectives, (c) students who showed more diverse values and perspectives, and changed their position, and (d) students who showed more diverse values and perspectives, and took the opposite position. The students who changed their position tended to consider the reasons of the contrary position and took into account a variety of perspectives. Therefore, to improve students' decision-making skills, the SSI discussion program should be developed and utilized more widely. 본 연구에서는 과학기술관련 사회쟁점(Socioscientific Issue, 이하 SSI)에 대한 고등학생들의 의사결정에 영향을 미치는 다양한 가치를 분석하고, 수업 후에 학생들의 가치 판단에 따라 의사결정이 변화하는 유형을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위 하여 인문계 남녀 공학 고등학교 2학년 13명을 대상으로 네 가지 SSI 주제(생물복제, 동물실험, 메르스 바이러스, 지구온난화)에 대한 토론 수업을 진행하였다. 수업 전과 후에 학생들이 작성한 의사결정에 대한 글쓰기 활동지, 개별 면담, 모둠별 토론 영상 자료를 수집하여 학생들의 의사결정 과정을 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과, 학생들은 개인적 가치, 경제적 가치, 과학적 가치, 권리의무적 가치, 사회적 가치, 윤리적 가치, 의학적 가치를 적용하여 SSI에 대한 의사결정을 하였다. 그리고 수업 후에 학생들의 의사결정이 변화하는 유형은 일관된 가치를 적용하는 경우와 다양한 가치를 적용하는 경우로 나타났다. 학생들이 일관된 가치를 적용하는 경우에는 일관된 입장을 고수하는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 다양한 가치를 적용하는 경우에는 일관된 입장을 고수하는 경우, 입장이 약화되거나 강화된 경우, 입장이 변경된 경우로 범주화할 수 있었다. 이때 입장의 변화를 보인 학생들은 토론 후에 자신과 반대 입장의 근거를 이해하거나 SSI에 내재된 다양한 관점을 고려하였다. 이러한 결과는 학생들이 토론을 통하여 자신과 반대인 입장을 공감하거나 다양한 관점을 수용함으로써 기존의 입장을 고수하거나 바꾸는 형태로 의사결정의 유형이 나타난 것으로 보인다. 따라서 정답이 없고 가치 판단이 요구되는 SSI에 대한 학생들의 의사결정능력을 향상시키기 위하여 학교 현장에서 활용 가능한 SSI 수업을 가치 교육의 측면에서 연구하고, 효과적인 수업 전략에 대한 개발이 이루어져야 한다.

      • 사람의 비후성 반흔에서 면역조직화학기법에 의한 형질전환인자 알파와 표피성장인자 발현의 차이에 관한 면역조직화학적 연구

        박영란,김현곤,김종중,문정석,송준섭,설경수,정윤영 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2008 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.33 No.2

        Background and Objectives: Transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) are polypeptides which interact with the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) to produce their biological effects. The aim of the present investigation was to elucidate the immunolocalization of TGF-α and EGF in normal human skin, hypertrophic scar with skin graft on soft tissue defect, and postburn hypertrophic scar without graft. Methods: The data presented in this paper focused attention on differences of expression between two kinds of hypertrophic scars in relation to skin graft using immunohistochemistry. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues from 3 normal skin tissues, 3 hypertrophic scars after skin graft and 8 postburn hypertrophic scars without graft were immunolabelled with antibodies directed against TGF-α and EGF. Results: In normal epidermis of skin, strong TGF-α immunoreactivity (IR) was observed in all epidermal layers except the stratum (S.) basale, whereas EGF was immunopositive in a few cells over all epidermal layers. The staining for TGF-α was found in cell membrane, and EGF was seen either diffuse cytoplasmic or peripheral part of cells in normal epidermis. In hypertrophic scar after six months postoperation, TGF-α IR was observed in the upper part of S. spinosum and S. corneum, whereas EGF was diffusely expressed in the S. spinosum, also its intensity was slightly increased compared to normal skin. In hypertrophic scar without skin graft, very strong expression of EGF was detected in the S. spinosum and S. corneum, and intensity of EGF was increased when compared to normal skin and postoperative hypertrophic scar. EGF and TGF-α coexisted in the cells of S. spinosum in normal skin as well as hypertrophic scars. Double-labeled cells were increased in postburn hypertrophic scar compared to normal skin and postoperative hypertrophic scar. In addition, intensity of EGF and TGF-α double IR was the strongest in postburn hypertrophic scar. Conclusion: These results indicate that EGF may have a more complex regulatory role not only in the early stages of wound healing but also in hypertrophic scar.

      • 흰쥐 편도체에서 칼슘결합단백인 calbindin-D28K함유 신경세포의 생후 발달에 관한 면역조직학적 연구

        정윤영,김종중,문정석,박영란,정상봉,김현곤,박상수 조선대학교 2001 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.26 No.1

        Background and Objectives : The calcium-binding protein, calbindin-D28K(CB) is widely distribution of CB in rat amygdala during postnatal maturation, in order to provide an insight into the developmental role it may play in the amygdaloid neurons. Materials and Methods : The present study is based on 28 postnatal cases ranging from the day of birth, postnatal day 0 (P0) to 30 days (P5, P10, P15, P20, P30), and these cases were compared with adult rat amygdala. Cryostat sections processed free-floating with monoclonal antibody by immunohistochemistry. Results : CB-immunoreactive neurons were already found at birth in all amygdaloid nuclei except the intercalated nucleus. The intensity and number of immunoreactivity of CB-containing neurons increased during the first 10 days of postnatal life but dramatically decreased at P15. Mature patterns of CB-immunoreactive neurons were achieved at P20. In the adult amygdala, CB-immunoreactive neurons were distributed in almost all amygdaloid nuclei except the intercalated nucleus. Conclusion : The present results show early appearance of CB immunoreactivity in the amygdala. It may be related to the early appearance of CB immunoreactivity in many other brain regions, and suggests that CB may play a functional role during the development of the nervous system including amygdala.

      • 흰쥐 척수 손상후 Parvalbumin과 Calbindin D-28K 함유신경세포에 관한 면역세포화학적 연구

        김종중,정윤영,임유택,박상수,박영란,김현곤,문정석 조선대학교 부설 의학연구소 2002 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.27 No.2

        Background and Objectives: This study was done to compared the distribution of the two calcium-binding proteins immunoreactive neurons, parvalbumin immunoreactiv (PV-IR) and calbindin D-28K immunoreactive (CB-IR) neurons in the spinal cord after transection. Materials and Methods: Twenty rats were divided into 3 groups (control, complete spinal cord injury (SCI), and right and left spinal cord hemisection). SCI was produced by cutting the spinal cord use blades 11 with scalpel handles. Results: In this experiment, CB-IR neurons were mainly found in many pyramidal cells distributed in the brain stem and spinal cord of rats. PV-IR Neurons were demonstrated in all lamina of the gray matter of the spinal cord. These immunoreactive cells had the highest density in the layer I and II of dorsal horn and several nuclei of the ventral horn of the all the segments of the spinal cord. CB-IR neuropil labeling was strongly noted in all the segments of the spinal cord. In contrast PV-IR neurons were different in distribution, size and morphology in the spinal cord. The number of PV-IR neurons were greater than in the spinal cord compared with the CB-IR neurons. CB-IR and PV-IR somata were round, oval, spindle and polygonal in shape, and were unipolar, bipolar, multipolar and horizontal in types. The diameters of the somata of the PV-IR and CB-IR neurons were 40-50 ㎛, respectively. Also dendrites of PV-IR and CB-IR neurons were densely arrayed in network.

      • ATP and GTP Hydrolytic Function of N-terminally Deleted Annexin I

        Hyun, Young-Lan,Park, Young-Min,Na, Doe-Sun Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 2000 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.33 No.4

        Annexin I is a 37 kDa member of the annexin family of calcium-dependent phospholipid binding proteins. Annexin I plays regulatory roles in various cellular processes including cell proliferation and differentiation. Recently we found that annexin I is a heat shock protein (HSP) and displays a chaperone-like function. In this paper we investigated the function of annexin I as an ATPase using 1 to 32 amino acids deleted annexin I (${\Delta}-annexin$ I). ${\Delta}-Annexin$ I hydrolyzed ATP as determined by thin layer chromatography. The ability of ATP hydrolysis was inhibited by ADP, GTP and GDP, but not by the AMP, GMP and cAMP. In view of the ATP hydrolyzing function of HSP, the results support the function of annexin I as a HSP.

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