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        구인회와 댄디즘의 두 양상 : 이태준의 상고주의와 박태원의 고현학

        안숙원(Ahn, Sook Won) 구보학회 2008 구보학보 Vol.3 No.-

        본고는 1930년대 구인회 멤버인 상허 이태준의 상고주의와 구보 박태원의 고현학을 댄디즘의 상호텍스트성에서 검토한 것이다. 두 작가는 한국현대문학사에서 흔히 형식주의자로 일컬어지지만 그들의 미학원리 가운데 하나가 댄디즘이라는 것도 부인할 수 없다. 댄디즘은 19C 대도시의 문화적 산물로서 부르주아사회의 속물성을 비판하고자 한 아방가르드인데 이태준의 상고주의와과 박태원의 고현학에서도 그러한 댄디기질을 발견할 수 있다고 본다. 초점대상 차원에서 이태준의 상고주의는 내적 투시로, 박태원의 고현학은 외적 조망으로 일컫기로 하겠다. 우선 상허의 상고주의는 노인문제의 빈번한 형상화와 고완품에 대한 애착으로 나타는데, 전자는 다시 월하노인이나 과거엔 당당한 삶을 살았던 노인의 불우한 현재를 연민으로 바라본다는 점이고, 후자는 아버지의 연적처럼 정감이 깃든 고완품에 매료되는 태도이다. 그러나 상허의 상고주의는 엘리어트의 창작원리인 전통론과는 다르며 모더니티의 타자로서 그의 댄디적 취향에 불과하다. 그 점을 뒷받침하는 예로 「달밤」과 『사상의 월야』 를 들 수 있다. 다음으로, 박태원의 고현학을 외적 조망이라고 한 것은 구보가 서울 거리를 배회하며 관찰하고 듣는 도시적 삶의 양태가 초점대상인 까닭이다. 구보의 『소설가 구보씨의 일일』은 그 대표작으로 이는 거리를 걸어다니는 행위 자체가 한 편의 소설이 되는 메타픽션이기도 하다. 구보의 창작방법론 탐구는 세태소설 『천변풍경』의 영화적 기법으로 이어지는데 이 작품은 걸어다니는 작가 대신 카메라 앵글로 서울 청계천 하층민들의 1년을 몽타주한 카메라의 고현학이다. 끈질기게 고현학을 추구하던 구보는 점차 형식충동에서 유희충동으로 변모해 간다. 유희성 또한 댄디의 중요한 자질이고 보면 구보의 언어유희, 패러디, 아이러니, 유머와 세태소설에 재현된 수다스러운 언어의 폭풍우 등으로 재현되어 있다. 이태준과 박태원 두 사람이 댄디적 풍모를 공통적으로 가졌지만 상허가 취향으로서의 상고주의라면, 구보의 고현학은 소설방법론이었다는 점이 차이라고 하겠다. I have examined here Yi, Tae-Jun’s taste in antique and Park, Tae- won’s Modernology as an intertextuality of Dandyism. Yi, Tae-Jun(1904~?) and Park, Tae-Won(1909~1986) were famous writers in the 1930s. Both of them were in Guinhoe(9 members of literary meeting persuited modernism), they tried to establish a form of the short-story in Korean modern literature history. That’s why they were formalists. Their writing techniques were more excellent than others at that times. In addition, they were dandies. Dandyism was a kind of avant- garde culture of the metropolitan in 19C. Dandy cared of their appearance (fashion, hair style, taste……) to criticize snobs of the bourgeois class. Dandy presented male identity-crisis by female narcissism and sexual fixation, too. They were idle and weak persons, loved a street woman. I’ve tried to point out Yi and Park had a dandyism. First, Yi focused on sensitive, delicate language style and pathos of the common people. He wrote pretty fine works, “Moonlit”, “Raven”, “Stone Bridge”, etc. Especially he predicted gerontology as a deprived Gappy class without filial piety of descendants in the modern capitalism society. One of his well-made short stories, “Bokdeokbang”(means a house agency) showed it. Yi also was a tradition-oriented writer. However, he was different from T. S. Eliot who asked the poet to give up his individuality and subject to his national tradition. Yi’s favorite things were antique- taste to appreciate old calligraphies and paintings, ceramics and to plant an orchid like a yangban scholar (ēlite) in the Joseon Dynasty. He would listen to the sound of rain drops on the leaves of a Japanese banana plant, opening the window of this house. We can call him a dandy. Second, Park empathized the form than the content of a text like Yi Tae-Jun. Park’s dandyism was expressed by Modernology which the writers had observed, analized, and wrote the urban everyday-life in the city, M. de Certeau named it ‘walking discourse’. At that time those works consisted of meta-fictions. Actually, Park felt ennui and depressed through his modernology. Park’s famous meta-fiction, One day of the writer, Gubo is a walking discourse. Gubo of the text rembled with a notebook and a stick similar to Chaplin on the street all day long in Seoul. And Park loved humor, carnival trickster as nimble as breaking a bamboo. He had started at the form experiment of his text, but he reached to the language game.

      • KCI등재

        국방조직에서의 성-고정관념과 여성군무원에 대한 평가 : 남녀 시각차이를 중심으로

        원숙연 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2012 여성학논집 Vol.29 No.1

        There is an increase in female officials into military organizations identified as masculinity not only in terms of sex ratio, but also in terms of work identity. Under the context, this study starts with the recognition that women will be suffered from negative evaluation based on sex role stereotypes and sexist treatment, in spite of female participation in military organizations, without any changes in prevailed gender role stereotypes, appreciating masculinity. Based on the recognition, this study addresses the following questions; To what extent is sexist recognition shared in military organizations? To what extent are measures for gender equality accepted in military organizations dominated by masculinity? How are female military officials perceived in comparison to male military officials? In what ways do the gender differences in perception of female military officials exist? What are their gendered implications? In order to do so, this study conducts survey with 351 military officials in military organizations consists of the army, the navy, the air force and Department of National Defense. Findings are the follow. Firstly, regarding gender role stereotypes, perception of measures for gender equality, and ability of female military officials, there are big perception gaps between female and male military officials. In particular, male show a strongly gender typed perception in comparison between men and women. They show the fact that gender typed evaluation is still tenacious, in spite of change in social recognition of gender role, gender sensitive education, women's advancement in diverse sphere and so on. Secondly, gender difference in recognition of measures for gender equality is relatively low in comparison to gender stereotypes. However, concerning affirmative action, male show comparatively negative perception. That is mainly because of the nature of affirmative action as a redistributive measure impling zero sum relations between female and male. Thirdly, men show relatively positive perception of cultural adaptation of female military official to masculine culture, whereas female show difficulties of adaption to the masculine culture. Lastly, male identify the main role of female military officials as supporters or assistants. Naturally, they do not think any relation between power(or decision making) and female military officials. Gendered implications of the findings are deeply discussed. 본 연구는 구성원의 남녀비율이나 업무의 정체성 모두 ‘남성적’으로 규정되는 국방조직을 대상으로 다음의 물음에 대한 답을 찾는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 국방조직에서 성차별적 인식의 구조는 어떠한가? 남성이 지배적인 국방조직에 여성이 증가함에 따라 필요한 조치나 제도에 대한 용인의 정도는 어떠한가? 함께 일하는 여성에 대한 일반적인 평가 및 업무방식에 대한 평가는 어떠한가? 이러한 인식이나 평가에 있어서 남성과 여성 간 차이는 어떤 방식으로 존재하는가? 이를 위해 본 연구는 낮은 접근성에도 불구하고, 국방조직에 근무하는 351명의 남녀 군무원을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 첫째, 성-고정관념 및 성-평등의식, 여성군무원에 대한 일반적 평가와 구체적인 평가 모두에서 성별차이가 현격하게 존재하였다. 특히, 남성은 성-고정관념 중 남녀 간 우열에 강한 동의를 표하였으며, 여성자체에 대한 평가보다는 여성과 남성에 대한 비교에서 더 고정관념적 평가를 하였다. 둘째, 성-평등 실현을 위한 방안에 대한 남녀 간 인식의 차이는 성-고정관념에 비해서는 낮게 나타났다. 다만, 남성은 여성을 대상으로 한 적극적 조치에 대해서는 소극적인 입장을 보였는데, 이는 적극적 조치가 남성이해를 침해할지도 모른다는 우려가 반영된 것으로 보인다. 셋째, 남성은 여성군무원의 조직문화적응능력을 긍정적으로 평가한 데 반해 여성은 남성문화에의 적응을 상대적으로 낮게 평가하였다. 또한, 남성은 여군무원의 증원필요성에 대해 상대적으로 부정적인 인식을 보였고, 권력과 연계된 여성군무원의 통제력을 상대적으로 약하게 평가하였다.

      • P247 : A study on use of complementary and alternative medicine for acne

        ( Sook Kyung Lee ),( Taek Geun Lee ),( Hyun Hwang Bo ),( Tae Gwang Kwon ),( Se Won Jung ),( Young Seok Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is any practice that has healing effects, but is not based on evidence demonstrated by scientific method. Recently, CAM has been used in various diseases including acne. However, there have been no studies on CAM for acne in Korea. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of CAM in acne patients. Methods: A total of 159 patients with acne were enrolled on the study, and filled out a questionnaire about use of CAM. Results: Overall 87.4% (139/159) of the patients reported the previous or current use of at least one more type of CAM. Cosmetics for acne (100, 22.9%) was most frequently used, followed by diet therapy (81, 18.5%), spa and bath therapies (77, 17.6%), health food supplement (67, 15.3%), skin care shop (64, 14.6%), oriental medicine (38, 8.7%), and aromatherapy (9, 2.1%). The most common reason for using CAM was ``wish to try everything`` (28.6%), and the most common source of information was internet (40.5%). The therapeutic effect of CAM was best with diet therapy (32.1%). The most common side effect of CAM was aggravation of symptoms. The most common monthly cost for CAM was between 50,000 and 100,000 won/person. Conclusion: As our results, we can predict that the use of various types of CAM for acne will become more common. Therefore, dermatologists need to study about benefits and adverse effects of CAM for acne.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • 對話理論과 朴泰遠의 小說 : 「川邊風景」을 對象으로

        안숙원 서울保健大學 1992 論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        This is a study on Taewon Park's novels based on the dialogical imagination. Taewon Park was born at Sujung Pakkol(Seoul), on January 1, 1909, His first novel "Beard"(수염), which was a short story, appeared in the October issue of Shinsang in 1930. While working with Taejoon Lee, Jiyong Chung, Kirim Kim, Sang Lee, and Hyoseok Lee as a member of The group of nine people, he wrote experimental novels such as "A day of novelist Kubo" and "The Scenery of Riverside"(천변풍경). In spite of such a contribution to Korean Literature, he was rarely mentioned because he went to North Korea. The aim of the present paper is to analyze Taewon Park's "The scenery of Riverside" based on the dialogical imagination of M. Bakhtin. The present study, I hope, will not only supplement the already established study of this novel but also provide a motivation for further study of the writer, Taewon Park. 1. 'riverside' literally means Chungge river in Seoul; however, 'riverside', the signifiant, represents the negative value of human condition, which is the signifie. In other words, The Scenery of Riverside criticizes the wordly city life of Korean society in 1930 through the joys and sorrows of the people who were alienated and neglected in the midst of civilization and modernization. Moreover, this novel shows us the mind of middle-class people through. 2. Riverside' has the spatial function of passage ritual that the people inflowing from the country to the city have to go through. 3. Riverside' has another function of a public agora where information is exchanged centering around a barbershop and a laundry place, It also can be a space for carnival, considering laundry and haircut are the act of carnival of self-renewal(dirty/clean). 4. The ambivalence of carnival is revealed through the contrast between hiding and revealing of the chacters in the novel, between being deceived and deceiving, between reality and appearance, between friendship and hostility. 5. As for the style, a) stylization, b) parody, c) reported speech, d) the middle-class voicedness of Seoul, using the pharaseology of the parallel that the Pansori has, are seen(so called, polyphony). 6. There is no main character in this novel; no hero or heroine. Rather, this novel largly depends on the view of Jaebong, a boy at the barbershop. Jaebong, however, has a two side value-the viewer and the character. 7. This novel juxtaposes the episodes, like the collage of the visual art.

      • 서울 남산 화강암의 풍화에 관한 환경광물학적 연구

        김원사,이대준,신현숙 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1998 環境硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        The weathering of Namsan granite of Seoul was studied by polarizing microscopy, X-ray fluoresence spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The rock consists principally of quartz, feldspars and micas, together with very small amount of garnet, sillimanite, chlorite, sericite, muscovite, cordierite, zircon, and opaque minerals. Under the polarizing microscope, the weathering of the rock begins to breakdown of the feldspars into sericite and is then followed by alteration of quartz into micas. Decrease of amount of feldspars and quartz and increase of micas, with progress of weathering, are also confirmed by X-ray diffractogram. With advancing weathering, K₂O and Al₂O₃ markedly increased, while Na₂O, CaO, Fe₂O₃, TiO₂, and MnO₂ decreased. When water having penetrated into the rock through cracks and pore space developed between the minerals it becomes to react with minerals in contact resulting in strong alkaline or weak acidic solution. This kind of solution is interpreted to be a principal factor for the wathering of the rock.

      • KCI등재후보

        인문학 및 사회과학 학술지를 통해본 체제전환기 러시아 인문학·사회과학의 동향 : 1985-2000년대 초

        한정숙,박원용,최우익 서울대학교러시아연구소 2002 러시아연구 Vol.12 No.2

        This article is a parallel analysis to the database of seven sorts of Russian academic journals for the period of the transformation (from 1985 to the early 2000s.) The database was made by authors of this paper with the aim to offer an easy way to search the title, author and subject of writings (articles, translations, reminiscences, round table talks and dialogues) published in the fields of philosophy, history, politics, sociology and economics. This work gave us the chance to overview the study trends of humanities and social sciences in Russia by examining the changing subjects, theoretical premises and methodological approaches of the intellectuals productions published in the journals. Authors chose the above ` mentioned five academic disciplines as our study object because these are considered (so to say, as ideology-related disciplines) to have experienced the most remarkable transformation since the beginning of Gorbachev's policy of Perestroika and Glasnost. During the Soviet Period, studies and publications in these fields were under strong influence of the official ideology of the Communist Party, which always tried not to lose tight control of intellectual activities in almost all aspects. The gradual manifestation of arguments not subjected to the party line was possible since the middle of the 1980s, when Gorbachev's "reform of socialism" policy allowed critical approach to Stalinist legacy of the Soviet regime and search for alternatives to the existing economic and social (later, also political) system. Though each discipline differs in the degree and depth of change, authors of this paper are of the opinion that a remarkable process of transformation can be found in all the concerned fields especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The period of Perestroika was more devoted to self-criticism and search of alternative within the frame of socialist legacy. In general it was a time of a rather moderate iconoclasm. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union the genuine intellectual transformation began. All possible arguments emerged, but the construction of a new intellectual frame of reference for the Russians was not easy. In the early period of rapid system transformation, Russian scholars were rather hastily importing methodologies and perspectives of western scholars and tried to use them as tools for analysing circumstances of their own country as well as of the entire world. On the opposite side of the Westphilism one could also find a rather extreme trend of Russian nationalism (or neo-Slavophilism). It seemed that the Russian intellectuals wanted to compensate intellectual losses caused in the past by the Party control through absorbing every possible argument that stands outside of traditional Soviet intellectual horizon. This phenomenon was in itself understandable enough, but the whole sight of discourses was rather unclear and somewhat confusing too. It was a period of "search of exit in every direction". In recent years however, observers can ascertain a much stabler atmosphere among the Russian researchers in every academic discipline concerned. Authors of this paper share the view that Russian scholars and intellectuals are overcoming their once apparent extremism - whether in the direction to Westphilism or to nationalism. Open-minded to international scholarship and discussion, they are at the same time more self-confident than during the first half of the 1990s. One can hope that it would lead to intellectual works more productive and persuading for the Russians as well as for the entire world.

      • 장애인생활체육의 실시현황 및 문제점에 관한 조사분석

        김경숙,최원현 한국체육대학교 2000 韓國體育大學校 敎養敎育論文集 Vol.- No.5

        The purpose of the study to investigate and analyze the realities for social physical education with those of handicapped(903 persons, 1993)and after 5years handicapped(307 persons, 1998) who are in social physical education grop. 1) investigation Charateristic First and Second answer's The answer's sex all male each 75% and 85%. It was more than female 25% and 15%, and the age distribution was 20∼30 years(60∼70%). The difficulty forms were poliomyelitis(27%), spinal disorder(24%), disease and extra(20%). Cause of disorder that acquired was increased but congenital was decreased. 2) Social physical education activity Attended motivation of social physical education was like(+l7%), improved physical strength(-12%) and health maintenance(-7%). frequency of exercise was twice a week(+2%) and three times a week(+3%) but four times a week(-21%) was extremely decreased. Daily exercise time was more 90 minutes(+53%), less than 30 minutes(-47%). And 60∼90minutes and 30∼60minutes were decreased each 6.1%. Dissatisfaction reason with attended social physical education was lack of sports facilities(-24%), sports leades(+l4%) and lack of programs(+9%). 3) Social physical education leader The difficulty forms of leader were specialist(38%), leader(27%), parents(19%), volunteer(16%) in the first investigation and specialist(58%), leader(22%), volunteer in the second investigation. 4) The palce to practice sports Satisfactory of sports facilities use was improved 40%. The palce to practice sports was each first and special facilities for handicapped(58%, 61%), public facilities(42%, 32%). The use of difficulty in special facilities for handicapped was time(23%, 16%), financial difficulty(22%, 33%). 5) Traffic means When the person use social physical education facilities, traffic means was wheelchair(17%), bus, taxi(24%), car(7%). in the second investigation, car(57%), bus, taxi(17%), subway(12%). The use of car was improved extremely(34%→57%). 6)Requirement items Requirement items with attened social physical education was the expension in sports facilities and place(47%), the development extention of program(23%), the supper of sports facilities(16%), and the extention of leader(13.5%) in the first investigation, the expension in sports facilities and place(45%), the extention of leader(21%), the development and extention of program(19%), and the support of sports facilities(15%) in the second investigation.

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