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      • KCI등재

        Primary Colonic Follicular Lymphoma Presenting as Four Diminutive Sessile Polyps Found Incidentally During Colonoscopy

        Sun Jin,Hyun Seok Lee,정지윤,Young Wook Jo 대한소화기내시경학회 2018 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.51 No.4

        Follicular lymphomas, which typically arise in the lymph nodes with spleen, liver, and bone marrow involvement, have generally lowoccurrence rates in Asian countries as compared with Western countries. Follicular lymphomas of the gastrointestinal tract are rare,and primary colonic follicular lymphomas are particularly rare compared with others found in the small intestine and duodenum. Colonoscopic imaging of colonic lymphomas, including follicular lymphoma, may reveal mucosal ulcerations, erosions, indurations,polypoid mass-like lesions, and diffuse mucosal nodularity. Herein, we report a unique case of a follicular lymphoma of the transversecolon characterized by four sessile diminutive polyps located intermittently with multiple lymph node involvement in a 62-year-oldman.

      • SCOPUS

        DIMPLE-II: Dynamic Membership Protocol for Epidemic Protocols

        Sun, Jin,Choi, Byung-K.,Jung, Kwang-Mo Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Eng 2008 Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Vol.2 No.3

        Epidemic protocols have two fundamental assumptions. One is the availability of a mechanism that provides each node with a set of log(N) (fanout) nodes to gossip with at each cycle. The other is that the network size N is known to all member nodes. While it may be trivial to support these assumptions in small systems, it is a challenge to realize them in large open dynamic systems, such as peer-to-peer (P2P) systems. Technically, since the most fundamental parameter of epidemic protocols is log(N), without knowing the system size, the protocols will be limited. Further, since the network churn, frequently observed in P2P systems, causes rapid membership changes, providing a different set of log(N) at each cycle is a difficult problem. In order to support the assumptions, the fanout nodes should be selected randomly and uniformly from the entire membership. This paper investigates one possible solution which addresses both problems; providing at each cycle a different set of log(N) nodes selected randomly and uniformly from the entire network under churn, and estimating the dynamic network size in the number of nodes. This solution improves the previously developed distributed algorithm called Shuffle to deal with churn, and utilizes the Shuffle infrastructure to estimate the dynamic network size. The effectiveness of the proposed solution is evaluated by simulation. According to the simulation results, the proposed algorithms successfully handle network churn in providing random log(N0 fanout nodes, and practically and accurately estimate the network size. Overall, this work provides insights in designing epidemic protocols for large scale open dynamic systems, where the protocols behave autonomically.

      • KCI등재

        인간의 경제적, 도덕적 그리고 종교적 차원 - 애덤 스미스의 경제학과 윤리학을 넘어 왕양명과 키에르케고어의 종교적 존재로 -

        양선진 ( Yang¸ Sun-jin ) 사단법인 퇴계학부산연구원 2020 퇴계학논총 Vol.36 No.-

        인간은 영혼과 함께 육체를 지닌 존재이기 때문에 인간의 육체적 욕망인 이기심을 극대화하려는 욕망과 욕구를 실현하려고 한다. 애덤 스미스((Smith, A., 1723 ~ 1790))는 인간이 이익을 추구하는 것은 자연스런 인간의 욕망이며 이러한 욕망이 결과적으로 타인에게도 이익을 제공한다면 전혀 문제될 것이 없다고 보았으며 이러한 상호이익의 관점이 타인의 자비심에 의존하는 것보다 더욱 효율적인 사회라고 간주하였다. 왕양명(王陽明: 1472-1528)은 인간이 육체적 욕망과 영혼의 복합체인 형기(形氣)를 지녔기 때문에 자연스럽게 사욕(私慾)을 극대화하려는 방향으로 흐르게 된다는 점을 인정한다. 이런 차원에서 현실적 차원에서 접근하는 주류 경제학은 인간을 기본적으로 이기적인 존재로 본다. 인간이 인간다움을 지닐 수 있는 근거는 바로 현실에 매몰되지 않고 삶의 가치와 의미를 추구하는 존재라는 사실이다. 이런 점에서 인간은 경제적 모습을 지니면서도 동시에 도덕적 삶을 추구하는 존재라는 사실이다. 애덤 스미스는 인간이 자신의 이웃에게 또는 자기 자신에게 자산의 성품과 행위가 드러날 때 마음속에서 일어나는 도덕법칙, 즉 도덕감(moral sentiments)이 존재함을 인정한다. 왕양명의 심즉리는 인간의 마음이 자신의 비도덕적인 이기적 격정과 욕망을 제거하고 인간 내부의 양지(良知)의 목소리에 따라서 행동한다면 인간의 마음이 곧 도덕적 원리와 이치에 부합한다는 관점(心卽理)이다. 왕양명의 도덕적 원리는 사적인 욕망을 제거하고 다른 사람의 입장에서 유익이 되는 행동을 촉구하는 인간의 도덕적 감정(良知)을 의미한다. 키에로케고어(Søren Kierkegaard: 1813-1855)는 심미적, 윤리적 그리고 종교적 단계로 나눈다. 그는 인간의 정신 또는 인간의 영혼의 기원을 이해하기 위해서는 인간 영혼의 근원자인 절대자로 나아가야 한다고 주장한다. 인간 영혼의 기원자에 접근하는 방법은 이성이나 감성이 아닌 인간이 지닌 신앙(영성)을 통해서 가능하다고 보았다. 그리고 그는 인간의 본래적 본성을 회복하는 길은 바로 인간의 종교적 단계인 신앙 속에서 신과의 만남을 통해서 가능하다고 보았다. 왕양명은 인간이 지닌 생리적 욕구 또는 이기적 욕망이 인간 안에 자리 잡은 하늘의 이치와 원리를 제압하지 못하도록 통제하고 다스릴 것을 강조한다. 인간의 본성이 참다운 본성인 자연의 지배를 받는다면 인간이 인간다운 선한 도덕성을 발현할 수 있지만 인간과 자연이 하나라는 본성을 인지하지 못한다면 인간이 자연의 본성에 거역하는 행동을 하게 되기 때문에 비도덕적 행동을 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 두 철학자를 이러한 3 단계로 나눠서 인간의 복잡하고 다양한 층위를 고찰하고자 한다. 특히 오늘날의 인간의 모습을 이해하기 위해서는 경제적 차원을 고려하지 않을 수 없다는 차원에서 가장 낮은 단계인 감각적(심리적)단계 및 사욕의 단계를 경제적 차원에서 살펴보고자 한다. 그리고 경제적 차원 이외에 인간의 도덕적 차원이 우리 사회에 어떠한 문화적 위상을 가지게 되었는지를 고찰할 것이며 마지막으로 인간의 도덕적 문화를 바르게 정착하기 위해서 종교적 차원이 왜 중요한지도 살펴볼 것이다. Adam Smith (1723-1790) found it efficient to pursue one's own interests within the scope of satisfying others' interests, and to rely more on mutual interests than to expect of others' benevolence. As such, human beings are physical beings with their souls, so they try to realize the desire and desire to maximize their selfishness, the physical desire of human beings. If understood from the philosophical point of view of Wang Yang-Ming (1472-1528), the human term means a complex of physical desires and souls, and the human term naturally flows in the direction of maximizing one's self-interest. In this regard, mainstream economics, which approaches at a realistic level, sees humans as basically selfish beings. The reason why human beings can be human is that they are not buried in reality but rather seek the values and meanings that life pursues. In this regard, human beings are both economically-looking and at the same time seeking moral life. Adam Smith explored the moral laws, or moral sensibilities, that occur in the mind when a human being enters into the nature and act of an asset to his neighbor or himself. Wang Yang-Ming's point of view is that if the human mind removes its immoral selfish passion and desire and acts according to the voice of the sheep within the human body, the human mind corresponds to the moral principle and reason. Wang Yang-Ming's moral principle refers to the moral feelings of humans that urge individuals to take actions that are beneficial to others' positions and remove desires for their own sake. Kierkegaard(1813-1855) argues that in order to understand the origin of the human mind or of the human soul, one must move on to the absolute, the source of the human soul. The originator of the human soul was not accessible by reason or sensibility, but only through the faith of man. Kierkegaard is divided into aesthetic, ethical and religious levels. And he saw that the path to restoring the fundamental nature of man becomes human through meeting with God in faith, which is the religious stage of man. Wang Yang-Ming stresses that men's physiological or selfish desires should be controlled and governed to prevent them from subdueing the reason and principle of heaven, where they are located in humans. If human nature is governed by nature, which is a true nature, human beings can express good morality like human beings, but if human beings do not recognize the nature of being one of nature, they can act against nature and act immorally. This paper tries to examine the complex and diverse strata of human beings by dividing the two philosophers into these three stages. In particular, we want to look at the lowest level of sensory (psychological) and self-interest at an economic level in order to understand the human nature of today. And besides the economic dimension, we will look at what cultural status human moral dimension has become in our society, and finally, why religious dimension is important in order to properly establish human moral culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        제4차 산업혁명 시대와 노동의 의미 재고

        양선진 ( Yang¸ Sun-jin ) 중앙대학교 인문콘텐츠연구소 2021 인공지능인문학연구 Vol.8 No.-

        헤겔에 의하면, 노동은 인간에게 주인의식을 제공하는 가장 중요한 수단이다. 이런 점에서 노동은 인간의 본질이며 가장 중요한 존재론적 위상을 제공한다. 마르크스에 의하면, 자본주의 체제에서 인간이 공장 시스템 속에서 하나의 기계로 전락하기 때문에 인간이 인간으로 취급되는 것이 아니며 오히려 인간이 노동을 떠날 때만이 인간다워진다는 것이다. 노동 속에서 인간은 기계의 부품으로 전락하면서 인간은 소외된다. 자본주의 체제에서 인간이 생산 과정에서 벗어날 때에 비로소 인간으로 인간다워질 수 있다는 것이다. 제4차 산업혁명의 시대에는 마르크스의 예견과 달리, 인간들이 노동을 통해 창의성을 발현하는 계기를 가진다. 제4차 산업혁명 시대에는 헤겔의 관점과 달리, 노동에 참여할 수 있는 사람이 극히 제한적이라는 문제점이 있다. 제4차 산업혁명이 현실화되는 사회에서는 대다수의 사람들은 노동 자체로부터 소외되는 노동기회의 상실의 시대에 살게 될 것이다. 노동이 아닌 여가가 인간 노동의 본질이 되는 시대가 될 가능성이 매우 높다. 호이징어(Huizinga)가 『호모 루덴스(1938)』라는 저서에서 주장한 내용을 눈여겨 볼 필요가 있다. 그의 ‘놀이’의 중요성에 대한 주장은 ‘노동’에서 ‘여가’로의 패러다임 전환의 시대인 제4차 산업혁명의 시대에 그 의미가 새롭게 부각되고 있다. According to Hegel, labor is the most important means of providing a sense of ownership to humans. In this respect, labor is a part of human nature and provides its most important ontological status. According to Marx, in a capitalist system humans are not treated as human beings because they are reduced to machines in a factory system except when they no longer labor. In labor, humans fall into parts of machines, and humans are left out. In other words, people can become human only when they deviate from the production process in the capitalist system. In contrast to Marx's prediction, in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, humans have an opportunity to express creativity through labor. Unlike Hegel's view, in the Fourth Industrial Revolution there is a problem as the number of people who can participate in labor is extremely limited. In a society where the Fourth Industrial Revolution becomes a reality, the majority of people will experience a loss of labor opportunities, which are alienated from labor itself. It is highly likely that leisure, not labor, will become the essence of human labor. It is worth noting Huizinga’s claim in his book Homo Ludens (1938); His argument for the importance of "play" is emerging during the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an era of the paradigm shift from "labor" to "leisure”.

      • KCI등재

        Residual analysis of veterinary drugs in bovine and equine muscle by targeted sampling plan in 2022

        Sunjin Park(Sunjin Park),Chung-Oui Hong(Chung-Oui Hong),Se-Hyung Kim(Se-Hyung Kim),Jihye Kim(Jihye Kim),Inhae Jeon(Inhae Jeon),Seon-Young Lee(Seon-Young Lee),Moon Her(Moon Her),Sung-Won Park(Sung-Won 한국예방수의학회 2023 예방수의학회지 Vol.47 No.2

        The Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency conducts a targeted sampling plan and analysis for veterinary drugs within the country every year. Target compounds included tetrachlorvinphos as an organophosphate, diminazene as an anti-infective medication, ketoprofen as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, triclabendazole and clorsulon as flukicides in 2022. These compounds were not included in National Residues Program (NRP), despite their high sales ranking. A total of 94 bovine muscle samples and 20 equine muscle samples were collected from various locations across the country. The analysis of target compounds in muscle was performed using LC-MS/MS coupled with Food code 8.3.1 revised in 2022. A 2 g sample of muscle tissue was extracted using a water: acetonitrile (1:4, v/v) solution, then cleaned up with C18 and hexane saturated with acetonitrile. Compounds were separated with C18 column and mobile phases consisted of 0.1% formic acid in water (A) and 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile (B). All analytes exhibited good linearity with correlation coefficients (R2) higher than 0.992. The limit of quantification (LOQ) of these compounds ranged from 0.21 to 2.79 μg/kg except for diminazene (3.85~6.86 μg/kg). The average recoveries of these analytes were 89.45~129.13% in muscle at spiked level of 10 or 20 μg/kg. Relative standard deviations (%) (intra-day and inter-day) were lower than 20% for all target compounds, except for diminazene and triclabendazole, whose intra-day RSD % was slightly higher than 20% in equine muscle. Testing confirmed that all 94 bovine and 20 equine muscle samples from 9 provinces were free from residues of veterinary drugs. Monitoring of compounds not included in the NRP should continue to ensure consumer health and food safety.

      • Targeted sampling analysis of nitrofuran metabolites in horse meats

        Sunjin Park,Chung-Oui Hong,Hyobi Kim,Seon-Young Lee,Inhae Jeon,Yu-Jung Kim,Pil-Hee Kwak,Moon Her,Kwang-jick Lee 한국실험동물학회 2021 한국실험동물학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.7

        The nitrofuran metabolites such as furazolidone (AOZ), furaltadone (AMOZ), nitrofurazone (SEM) and nitrofurantoine (AHD) are a class of drug typically used as antimicrobials. The defining structural component is a furan ring with nitro group. The nitrofurans are currently announced as a substance that should not be detected in food. However, it is being used for therapeutic purpose in the racing horses by the veterinarian prescription of the human medicine. Any residue of these compounds found in food producing animals has to be considered as a violation of the regulations. The 51 horse muscle samples were gathered by targeted sampling plan & analysis of Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA) at different horse farms from Jeju-do. The analysis of nitrofuran metabolites (AOZ, AMOZ, SEM and AHD) in horse meat were performed using LC-MS/MS. The 2g of horse muscle was extracted, derivatized and cleaned according to the Food Code. The separation of compounds was conducted using Waters XBridge C18 (2.1 mm × 150 mm, 3.5 μm) column at 35 ℃ with 0.4 mL/min flow rate. Mobile phase A and B were composed of water containing 0.1% formic acid and 10 mM ammonium formate and methanol, respectively. LC-MS/MS with multiple reaction monitoring was optimized for nitrofurans. The correlation coefficients (R2) for the calibration curves in the matrix were over 0.999 for nitrofurans. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.01 ~ 0.19 ppb and 0.03~ 0.59 ppb, respectively. The average recoveries were 105.7% at spiked level of 10 μg/kg. Relative standard deviations (%) were under 7.72% on intra-day. As a result of validated analysis, nitrofurans were not detected in any samples. According to the targeted sampling plan & analysis conducted in 2020, it was confirmed the 51 horse muscle samples in Jeju-do were free from contamination and the domestic horse meat is very hygienic without resides of nitrofurans. Continuous monitoring must be performed to ensure food safety for consumer’s health.

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