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        Earnings Management and CEO Turnover in Korean Credit Unions

        Sang-Choon Park(박상춘),Wan Suk Ko(고완석),Yong-Sik Hong(홍용식) 한국국제회계학회 2018 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.79

        본 연구는 신용협동조합(신협)이 대손충당금설정액의 재량적 조정에 의하여 이익조정을 행하고 있는가를 실증적으로 검증하였다. 본 연구는 신협의 특유한 측면을 살펴 검증하였다. 먼저, 신용협동조합의 설립기반인 조합원의 특별한 관계, 즉 공동유대(지역․단체․직장)와 관련하여, 본 연구는 공동유대 유형에 따라 이익조정이 달라지는지 살펴보았다. 다음, 신용협동조합의 최고경영진 및 그 임기 횟수는 매 4년마다 조합원 직접선거에 의해 결정되므로, 이러한 선거가 이익조정 유인에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 검증하였다. 본 연구의 연구방법으로 금융회사의 이익조정관련 선행연구에서 많이 쓰이는 개별발생액접근법을 이용하였는데, 경영자의 재량성이 큰 기말대손충당금설정액(대손상각비)을 종속변수로, 비재량적이익을 주요 설명변수로 두고, 대손충당금을 조정하여 이익조정하는지 여부를 검증하였다. 분석을 위한 표본은 2015년 말 정상 영업 중인 지역조합 및 단체조합을 대상으로 2006년부터 2015년까지 10년 동안 7,445개 신협-연도 자료를 이용하였다. 실증분석 결과, 신용협동조합의 경영자들은 재량성이 큰 대손상각비를 이용하여 이익조정을 행하고 있음이 발견되었는데, 이사장은 초임기간(4년) 중 다음 선거를 의식하여 연임 기간(4년)에 비해, 그리고 초임기간 중 마지막 연도는 초임 또는 연임기간의 다른 연도에 비해, 이익조정을 더 크게 하는 것으로 검증되었다. 그리고 지역조합이 단체조합보다 이익조정을 더 활발하게 행하는 것으로 나타났다. 위와 같은 신협 경영자의 이익조정의 증거를 바탕으로, 본 연구는 다음의 시사점을 제공하고 있다. 금융당국은 경영자의 이익조정 재량권을 축소하기 위해 자산건전성 분류기준 및 회수예상가액 산정기준을 보다 명확하고 객관화하여 개선하여야 한다. 아울러 조합의 규모나 공동유대 특성 등을 고려한 차등 감독도 시행할 필요가 있다. This study empirically tests whether and how CEOs of credit unions manage their reported earnings through management of allowance for bad debts (ABD) by examining distinct features of credit unions. With regard to the common ties of their members on which the unions are established, it tests whether credit unions’ earnings management differs by type of establishment ties. Then, because the CEOs of unions and their number of terms of office are determined by the direct election by their members, the study examines how earnings management is affected by the existence of the election. The study uses a specific accruals approach widely used in the literature on earnings management of financial companies. It uses bad debt expense (BDE), a major discretionary item, as the dependent variable and non-discretionary earnings as a primary explanatory variable to test the hypotheses. The sample comprises 7,445 Korean credit union firm-years spanning 2006 to 2015. The empirical results revealed that credit unions manage their reported earnings by using BDE, especially more in the first office term of their CEOs than in the consecutive term, and in the last year of the first term, and that earnings were more actively managed in regional unions than in association ones. This study provides policy implications. Financial supervisory authorities should improve the objectivity and clarity of asset soundness criteria, and provide better and objective estimation methods for expected loan recovery so as to minimize CEOs’ discretion in earnings management. They should also provide differential supervision for credit unions depending on their types of common ties and size.

      • KCI등재

        정성일의 <오아시스> 비판에 투영된 관점의 가능성과 한계 - 정성일 영화비평에 대한 일고찰 -

        박우성 ( Park Woo-sung ),정수완 ( Jung Su-wan ) 국제어문학회 2015 국제어문 Vol.0 No.67

        본 연구는 영화비평가 정성일이 <오아시스>(이창동, 2002)에 대해서 쓴 비평문「판타지, 기만적인 환영술」을 비판적으로 분석한다. 그간 한국영화계에서 영화비평은 독립적인 분과로 논의되지 못했다. 산적하는 영화들 안에서 영화적 가치를 발굴해 정리하고 새로운 영화 언어를 대중 언어로 번역하는 것이 영화비평의 역할이라 했을 때 이는 문제가 있다. 영화비평에 대한 그간의 접근은 한국영화사의 맥락에서 특정 영화비평집단을 세대론적으로 조망하거나 특정 개인의 비평 세계를 전기적 관점에서 서술한 것에 머문 한계가 있다. 정성일은 1990년대 한국영화비평의 전성기를 주도했던 한국의 대표적인 영화비평가이다. 호불호가 갈리지만 그의 글은 대중들 사이에서 영화비평이라는 개념이 성립되는 과정에 주요한 이미지를 제공했다. 특히 본 연구가 다루는 정성일의<오아시스> 비판은 논쟁 참여를 전제해 작성된 덕분에 비평담론 자체가 중심에 서있고 무엇보다 정성일의 영화에 대한 태도가 여타의 글에 비해 명확하게 드러나는 특징이 있다. 더구나 그 논쟁은 영화의 윤리, 완성도, 자의식 등을 두고 벌어진 영화비평계 내부의 마지막 논쟁이라는 영화비평사적 의의도 있다. 나아가 영화 한편에 대한 긴 글이기 때문에 한국의 대표적 비평가가 영화를 비평하는 구체적 실천 양상이 현장감 있게 녹아 있기도 하다. 영화를 종교처럼 대한다는 비판이 존재하지만 정성일 영화비평의 경쟁력은 숏의 배치, 장르 문법, 카메라 시선과 같은 영화의 자의식을 정밀하게 분석하는 것에서 나온다. 영화란 무엇인가와 같은 근본적인 질문에 기반을 둔 이런 태도는 영화를 여타의 학문에 종속시킨 종래의 비평 태도와 차별되며 영화를 진지하게 바라보는 태도를 대중화시킨 의의가 있다. 하지만 그것만큼의 오류도 발견된다. <오아시스>를 비판할 때 투영되는 정성일의 관점의 가능성과 한계를 구체적으로 밝힘으로써 한국영화비평의 전성기를 주도했던 한 영화비평가의 개성적 세계관을 비판적으로 조망하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 독립적인 분과로 인식되기는커녕 죽음까지 운운되는 영화비평의 위기 시대에 한국의 대표적 영화비평가의 세계관이 상징적으로 녹아 있는 글을 정밀하게 분석하는 것은 그것 자체로 의미 있다. This study analyzes the critique “Fantasy, deceptive hallucination” which sung-il jung wrote about < Oasis >(Changdong Lee 2002). Film critique has not been recognized and discussed as an independent field in the Korean film industry so far. It can be problematic if the role of film criticism is to get the cinematic values arranged among the pile of films and to translate new cinematographic language into the public language. The approach to the film critique to this point has limitation that in the context of Korean film industry, it viewed certain group of film critics in the perspective of theory of generation and it described certain person`s world of criticism in a biographical way. sung-il Jung is one of the representative film critics in Korea who lead the golden age of Korean film criticism in the 1990s. His writings provided important image in the process of establishing the concept of film critique among the public, even though they are controversial. The Jung`s criticisms this study exclusively deals with are based on the premise of argumentative participation, so the discourse is central and fundamental, and it brings out the cinematic view of Jung precisely compared to the other writings and articles, which is the advantages of this study. Moreover, the argument has significance in the field of film criticism for being the last dispute inside the field of film critique over the morals, degree of completion, and the consciousness of identity. Above and beyond, because this paper is a long writing about a movie, it contains detailed and vivid practical aspect which the representative critic of Korea criticizes the movie. Although there are criticisms of discussing movies like a form of religion, sung-il Jung`s film critique is competitive for detailed and precise analyze of films` sense of identity such as plot of shots, code of genre, and the eyes of cameras. This attitude based on the fundamental questions such as what is film is considered significant for popularizing and promoting earnest attitude toward movies, and is differentiated with the traditional attitudes of criticism which are to subordinate films in the other fields of study. However, due to being so, some errors are discovered. The purpose of this study is to critically outlook a distinctive world view of a film critic who enjoyed the film critique`s prime by concretely describing its possibilities and limitations through revealing Jung`s point of view which is his prerequisite for watching movies. The work of precise analyzing of one of the Korean representative film critics` writings which contains symbolic world view is significant and meaningful by itself in the time of the film criticisms` crisis when the idea of the demise of film criticism is being mentioned, let alone its separation as the independent field.


        The rs196952262 Polymorphism of the AGPAT5 Gene is Associated with Meat Quality in Berkshire Pigs

        Woo Bum Park,Sang Mi An,Go Eun Yu,Seulgi Kwon,Jung Hye Hwang,Da Hye Park,Deok Gyeong Kang,Tae Wan Kim. Hwa Chun Park1. Jeongim Ha*.,Chul Wook Kim* 한국축산식품학회 2017 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        High-quality meat is of great economic importance to the pig industry. The 1-acylglycerol-3- phosphate-O-acyltransferase 5 (AGPAT5) enzyme converts lysophosphatidic acid to phosphatidic acid in the mitochondrial membrane. In this study, we found that the porcine AGPAT5 gene was highly expressed in muscle tissue, influencing meat characteristics, and we also identified a non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (nsSNP) (rs196952262, c.673 A>G) in the gene, associated with a change of isoleucine 225 to valine. The presence of this nsSNP was significantly associated with meat color (lightness), lower cooking loss, and lower carcass temperatures 1, 4, and 12 h after slaughter (items T1, T4, and T12 on the recognized quality scale, respectively), and tended to increase backfat thickness and the waterholding capacity. These results suggest that nsSNP (c.673A>G) of the AGPAT5 gene is a potential genetic marker of high meat quality in pigs.

      • KCI등재

        보호지역 경계조정을 위한 공간의사결정지원모델 연구 -지리산 국립공원을 사례로-

        성혜정 ( Hye Jung Sung ),권혁수 ( Hyuk Soo Kwon ),서창완 ( Chang Wan Seo ),박종화 ( Chong Hwa Park ) 한국환경복원기술학회 2011 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study are to develop a SDSS (Spatial Decision Support System) that can incorporate diverse opinions of stakeholders related the designation of protected areas (PA), and to employ the model for the readjustment of the boundary line of the Jirisan National Park of Korea. The SDSS would lead to more rational and less controversial decision-making during the expansion or removal of PA in Korea. Research methods are as follows. Firstly, to select evaluation criteria for SDSS for PA designation by using expert interview and literature survey. Secondly, to measure their preferences on the designation of additional PA or the removal of a part of PA based on the opinions of various stakeholders such as local residents, environmental groups, or public officials. Thirdly, to produce conservation priority maps based on a multi-criteria decision making technique. The SDSS would be used to rational decision making for the expansion of PA or the release of a certain part of PA by reflecting diverse preferences on biodiversity conservation and economic interest of residents. The visualization of conservation priority maps would also increase the efficiency of such decision making processes. The evaluation criteria for the expansion of PA for biodiversity conservation includes vegetation conservation value, wildlife conservation value, and the habitats of key species. The evaluation criteria for the removal of PA includes the proximity to roads and the boundary of PA, land use types, and conservation zoning of the PA. Preference weights are based on data collected from the Jirisan National Park. Both the conservation priority and removal priority maps are based on land parcels so that property rights of all parcels would be correctly represented.

      • KCI등재

        내사시에서 양안 내직근후전술 시 기능적적도부 및 팍스의 수술양을 고려한 군 간 수술성적비교

        강병완,박상우,윤경철,허환,Byung Wan Kang,MD,Sang Woo Park,MD,PhD,Kyung Chul Yoon,MD,PhD,Hwan Heo,MD,PhD 대한안과학회 2012 대한안과학회지 Vol.53 No.1

        Purpose: To compare the surgical outcomes of functional equator-considering and Parks’ methods in infantile esotropia and partially accommodative esotropia. Methods: The medical records of 96 patients with infantile esotropia and partially accommodative esotropia who underwent bilateral medial rectus muscle recession by functional equator-considering and Parks’ methods were reviewed retrospectively. The surgery success rate at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months was compared by the deviation angle measurement. Results: Overall success rates were not statistically different between the 2 groups. Additionally, there were no differences in surgical success rate of functional equator-considering and Parks’ methods in infantile esotropia and partially accommodative esotropia. When the patients were divided into 2 groups based on 40 PD, no significant difference in success rate between the 2 groups was observed. When patients were divided into 2 groups based on 22 mm of axial length, there was no statistical difference observed. Postoperative overcorrection was 2 (4%) in the functional equator group and 3 (6.5%) in Parks’ method group and postoperative undercorrection was 9 (18%, 19.6%) in each group. The incidence of undercorrection in the Parks’ method group was significantly higher in the greater than 22 mm axial length group (7, 35.0%) than in the less than 22 mm group (2, 7.7%) (p = 0.029). Conclusions: There was no statistically significant difference in surgical success rate between the functional equator and Parks’ methods in infantile esotropia and partially accommodative esotropia. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2012;53(1):138-144

      • KCI등재

        Distribution of the Fairy Pitta (Pitta nympha) in the South Korea: A focus on protected areas

        Gil-Pyo Hong(홍길표),Jae-Hoon Kim(김재훈),Seul-Gi Seo(서슬기),So-Yeon Cho(조소연),Bo-Yeon Hwang(황보연),Jong-Hyun Park(박종현),Seung-Yeon Lee(이승연),Ga-Young Kim(김가영),Wan-Hee Nam(남완희),Ha-Cheol Sung(성하철) 한국조류학회 2021 한국조류학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        국내 팔색조(Pitta nympha) 분포 현황을 알아보고자 전국 국립공원 등 보호지역 중심으로 총 19개 지역을 조사하였고, 전문가 네트워크를 통해 자료를 보강하였다. 전국 19개 지역을 조사한 결과 북한산, 지리산 등 내륙지역 7개 국립공원에서는 팔색조가 확인되지 않았고, 경남 거제, 남해, 해남, 장흥 고흥 등 남해안과 인접한 12개 지역에서 팔색조 서식이 확인되었다. 또한 전문가 네트워크를 통해 수집한 팔색조 출현 위치 정보 82건을 분석한 결과, 전국 8개 광역지자체 모두 팔색조 서식이 확인되었고, 내륙지역(26.8%)보다 해안지역(73.2%)에서 더 많이 출현하였다. 연구 결과를 종합해보면, 우리나라의 팔색조는 주로 제주도와 남해안 지역을 중심으로 많이 분포하며, 그 보다 적은 개체수가 내륙 지역에 넓게 분포하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. The present study investigated the current distribution of Fairy Pitta (Pitta nympha) in South Korea. A total of 19 study areas, including protected areas such as national and provincial parks in South Korea were surveyed, and additional data obtained from an expert network. According to the results, Fairy Pitta was absent in seven inland national parks, including Mt. Bukhan and Chiri parks. Fairy Pitta inhabited 12 areas near the southern coast of South Korea, including Geoje, Namhae, Haenam, Jangheung, Goheung, and Gyeongnam Province. The analysis results of 82 datasets obtained from experts with regard to the locations where Fairy Pitta have been spotted showed that the bird inhabits all the eight metropolitan regions in South Korea, and is more frequently spotted in coastal areas (73.2%) than in inland areas (26.8%). The findings demonstrate that Fairy Pitta is mainly distributed in Jeju Island and the southern coast of South Korea, and is distributed in inland areas at relatively lower numbers.

      • KCI등재

        Construction of Transgenic Silkworms Expressing Human Stem Cell Factor (hSCF)

        Sung Wan Kim(김성완),Eun Young Yun(윤은영),Seong Ryul Kim(김성렬),Seung Won Park(박승원),Seok Woo Kang(강석우),O-Yu Kwon(권오유),Tae Won Goo(구태원) 한국생명과학회 2011 생명과학회지 Vol.21 No.12

        본 연구의 목적은 누에형질전환체를 이용하여 재조합단백질 대량생산 시스템을 개발하는 것으로서, 본 실험에서는 hSCF유전자를 이용하여 누에에서 재조합단백질을 생산하였다. 실험에 사용된 piggyBac 전이벡터는 hSCF 유전자의 발현 조절을 위해 초파리 유래의 dHsp70 promoter를 사용하였고, EGFP marker유전자는 3xP3 promoter로 발현을 조절하였다. 총 1,020 개의 누에알에 microinjection 하여 G1 세대에서 22 bloods의 형질전환체를 선발하였고, 선발된 누에형질전환체는 초기배 단계의 눈과 신경조직, 유충과 번데기 그리고 성충의 눈에서 GFP 형광을 관찰 할 수 있었다. hSCF 재조합단백질의 발현은 Western blot 분석으로 확인 할 수 있었고, inverse PCR 분석을 통해서 누에 게놈에 전이벡터가 삽입된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 지금까지의 실험 결과에서 hSCF 재조합 단백질이 누에에서 생산될 수 있음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 비록 누에에서 생산된 hSCF 재조합단백질의 생리활성에 대한 실험이 추후에 요구되지만, 이러한 실험결과는 piggyBac 전이벡터와 microinjection 법으로 누에에서 고부가가치의 재조합단백질을 대량생산 할 수 있음을 보여 주었다고 할 수 있겠다. 따라서 누에를 유용물질 생산을 위한 생체반응기로서 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Human Stem Cell Factor (hSCF) is a cytokine that binds to the c-Kit receptor and plays an important role in hematopoiesis, spermatogenesis, and melanogenesis. To produce the human Stem Cell Factor (hSCF) recombinant protein, we constructed a germline transgenic silkworm using the piggyback vector. The expression of the hSCF gene was driven by the Drosophila heat shock protein 70 (dHsp70) promoter. 3XP3 promotor-driven EGFP was used as a marker which allowed us to rapidly distinguish the transgenic silkworm. A mixture of the donor and helper vector was micro-injected into 1,020 eggs of bivoltin silkworms, Keomokjam. We obtained approximately 22 G1 broods that were EGFP-positive. The expression of the hSCF gene in the transgenic silkworm was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. Also, analysis of insertion sites into the silkworm genome using inverse PCR showed that exogenous DNA was inserted into the transgenic silkworm genome. These results show that successfully constructed transgenic silkworm expresses the hSCF recombinant protein.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Overexpression of PRAT1 protein is closely related to triple-negative breast cancer

        Sang Eun Nam,Young-Sin Ko,Kyoung Sik Park,TongYi Jin,Young-Bum Yoo,Jung-Hyun Yang,Wook-Youn Kim,Hye-Seung Han,So-Dug Lim,Seung Eun Lee,Wan-Seop Kim 대한외과학회 2022 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.103 No.2

        Purpose: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive subtype of breast cancer with a poor prognosis and a lack of targeted therapy. Overexpression of PRAT1 is thought to be associated with this aggressive subtype of cancer. Here, we performed a comprehensive analysis and assessed the association between overexpression of PRAT1 and TNBC. Methods: First, using different web-based bioinformatics platforms (TIMER 2.0, UALCAN, and GEPIA 2), the expression of was assessed. Then, the expression of the PRAT1 protein and hormone receptors and HER2 status were assessed by immunohistochemical analysis. For samples of tumors with equivocal immunoreactivity, we performed silver in situ hybridization of the HER2 gene to determine an accurate HER2 status. Next, we used the R package and bc-GenExMiner 4.8 to analyze the relationship between PRAT1 expression and clinicopathological parameters in breast cancer patients. Finally, we determined the relationship between PRAT1 overexpression and prognosis in patients. Results: The expression of PRAT1 in breast cancer tissues is significantly higher than in normal tissue. PRAT1 expression was significantly related to worse overall survival (P < 0.05) and was correlated with these clinicopathological features: T stage, N stage, age, high histologic grade, estrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, Her-2 status, TNBC status, basal-like status, CK5/6 status, and Ki67 status. Conclusion: PRAT1 was overexpressed in breast cancer compared to normal tissue, and it may be involved in the progression of breast cancer malignancy. This study provides suggestive evidence of the prognostic role of PRAT1 in breast cancer and the therapeutic target for TNBC.

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