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      • KCI등재후보

        Inheritance of Nodulating and Non-nodulating of Nodule Bacterium on Soybean Roots

        張權烈(KWON YAWL CHANG) 한국육종학회 1980 한국육종학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        The inheritance of nodulation and non-nodulation of nodule bacterium on soybean roots was studied in four crosses and three back cross combinations. Nodulating and non-nodulating and plants in hybrid populations were checked individually, and the results obtained are summarized as follows. Single dominant genes which are governed on nodulating of nodule bacterium on roots of female parents, Sunbijabikong, Kyung Nam No. 1, Kyung Nam No. 2 and Ulsan. It was also found that single recessive genes which are conditioned on non-nodulating of nodule bacterium on roots of male parent namely D68-0099. It could be concluded that the non-nodulating line, D68-0099, is conditioned by the single recessive genes designated as rj1 rj1, and their non-nodulating isolines could be used as tools to measure nitrogen fixation and residual nitrogen in soils.

      • KCI등재후보

        Organ differentiation from callus of immature cotyledon in soybean, glycine max(L.) merr

        Kwon Yawl Chang(張權烈),Jong Lak Won(元鍾樂),Gyu Hwa Chung(鄭圭和) 한국육종학회 1987 한국육종학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        The experiments were conducted to investigate organ differentiation from callus-derived embryoid under various media using immature cotyledon of soybean line Baemkong. 1.0mg 2,4-D plus 2.0 mg kinetin or 0.2mg BAP per litre on MS basal medium were effective growth regulators for callus induction. Meristematic structure was observed from the callus induced by 1.0mg 2,4-D plus 0.2mg kinetin per litre on MS basal medium in which callus growth showed best responses. Embryoid from yellowish green callus and leaflet from the embryoid were differentiated on the nutritional condition subcultured with 0.005 mg pieloram plus 2.0mg BAP per litre on MS basal medium after induction of callus oil the medium with 1.0 mg 2,4-D plus 2.0 mg kinetin per litre on MS in immature cotyledon.

      • KCI등재후보

        木花 二面交雜에 의한 量的形質의 遺傳分析

        Won Bok Chung(鄭元福),Dae Soo Chung(鄭大守),Hae Jin Chung(丁海鎭),Kwon Yawl Chang(張權烈) 한국육종학회 1992 한국육종학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        The experiment was conducted to get basic information for cotton breeding program through seven-variety diallel cross population. Significant variance analysis was observed in days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, length of stem internode, bolls per plant, boll weight, seeds per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length, length of seed, width of seed and lint percentage. Based on the Vr-Wr graphical analysis, the characters, days to flowering, bolls per plant, seeds per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length, length of seed and width of seed were found to inherit incomplete dominance, and the characters of days to maturity, plant height, length of stem internode, boll weight and lint percentage were assumed to inherit over dominance. The component of genetic variance analysis for days to flowering, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length, length of seed, width of seed and lint percentage showed that additive effects were higher than dominant effects. The narrow-sense heritability(h²ns) for days to flowering, bolls per plant, boll weight, seeds per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length and length of seed showed high values as more than 0.41. The estimate of broad-sense heritability(h²bs) value was higher than that of h²ns because of the low importance of dominance effects.

      • 大豆未熟子葉祖織의 營養培地條件에 따른 器官分化

        元鍾樂,權貞淑,鄭圭和,張權烈 慶尙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        大豆의 末熟子葉組織을 사용하여 여러가니 營養培地에서 칼루스와 胚狀體로부터 器官을 分化시키고자 하였던 바 얻어진 결과를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 칼루스誘起는 MS 基本培地에 1.0mg/12,4-D,와 2.0mg/1kinetin을 첨가하거나 (M5培地) 하였을 때 가장 효과적이었다. 2. M4培地에 培養한 칼루스로부터 生長點모양의 완전한 구조를 갖춘 細胞群을 組織學的으로 관찰할 수 있었다. 3.칼루스를 器官分化를 위한 培地에 ?代培養하였을때 根分化, 칼루스로부터胚狀體의 形成, 胚狀體로부터 싹이나 잎의 分化는 供試한 大豆系統이나 使用한 營養培地에 따라 약간의 差異는 있으나 비교적 용이할 것으로 여겨졌다. 4. 供試한大豆系統인 뱀콩의 末熟子葉組織을 M4培地에서 칼루스를 誘起시킨 후 MS基本培地에 0.005mg/1 picloram 과 2.0 mg/1 BAP를 첨가한 培地(OM2培地)에 ?代培養하였을 때 칼루스로부터 胚狀體의 形成이 잘 되었고 胚狀體들로 부터 잎이 分化되었다. The experiments were conducted to investigate organ differentatin rom calls and embryoid under various media using immature ctyledon of soybeam. The results obtained were as followings: 1. 1. Omg 2,4-D plus 0.2mg kinetin or 0.2 mg BAP perr litre on MS basal mediu were efective growth regulators for callus induction. 2. Meristematic structure was observed from the callus induced by 1.0mg 2,4-D plus 0.2mg kinetin per litre in MS basal medium in which callus growth showed best response. 3. Root and embryoid from callus and shoot or leaflet from embryoid were differentiated on the medium subcultured for organ different on the soybean lines and media applied. 4. Embryoid from callus and leaflet from the embryoid were differentiated on the nutritional condition subscultured with 0.005mg picloram plus 2.0mg kinetin per litre on MS in immature cotyledon of spybean line Baemkong.

      • 大豆의 品種에 關한 硏究 : 第5報 蛋白質 脂肪含量과 諸特性과의 相關 V. Relationships between protein, oil content and some characteristics

        張權烈,成洛癸 진주농과대학 1966 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.5

        大豆 種子의 脂肪과 蛋白質 含量을 品種別로 分析하고 이들 成分含量과 生態的 또는 形態的 特性 과의 相關關係를 究明하여 種子의 成分含量에 關한 優良個 의 選拔의 參考에 供하고자 簡單한 實驗을 한바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 兩成分含量과 品種의 生育日數와의 關係를 보면 早生인 것일수록 脂肪含量이 많고 晩生일수록 蛋白質含量이 많은 傾向이었다. 2. 100粒重과 兩成分含量과의 關係를 보면 大粒種은 蛋白質 含量이 많고 小粒種의 것은 脂肪含量이 많은 傾向을 보인다. 3. 脂肪含量과 蛋白質 含量 사이에 負의 相關의 傾向이 보였다. 이것은 이들 2成分含量이 모두 많은 品種의 育成은 매우 困難하다는 것을 意味한다. Saybean protein is important because of its high nutritive value for food and feed, and because on a dry weight basis it represents about 40% of the weight of the seed. Oil is also important component of the soybean seed, and because it represents about 20% of the weight of the seed. These studies were made on the correlation among these compositions of soybean varietal seeds and other characteristics of the plant. The results are summarized as follows: 1. In general, protein and oil content of soybean seeds are varietal characteristics, and the results showed that soybean plants of high protein content tend to produce the ones of low oil content. 2. The earlier the maturity of the variety is, the more the oil content becomes, and the later, the more the protein becomes. 3. These studies also showed the tendency that high protein varieties could be obtained from the large seed size varieties, whereas high oil varieties could be obtained from the small seed size varieties. Protein content had a tendency to vary inversely with oil content. Seeds with high percentage of oil were usually obtained from the varieties, yields were relatively low and grains were relatively small.

      • X-ray, Thermal Neutron 의 種子處理가 大豆生育에 미치는 影響 : 續報 R₂ 世代에 있어서의 諸形質에 미치는 影響 II. Effects on the characters in R₂generations

        張權烈,賓榮鎬 진주농과대학 1966 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.5

        大豆의 多收品種으로 알려진 忠北黃 1號, 東山 6號 및 蔚山의 3品種을 材料로 여기에 X-ray(15,000r, 30,000r와 熱中性子(7.5×1012, 10×1012Nth/㎤)의 各線量을 種子處理한 R1世代에서 採種하여 1965年度에 播種 對照區(無處理)와 함께 大豆의 收量과 相關하는 諸形質 卽 莖長, 莖直徑, 分枝數 一株莢數 및 一株粒種에 對해서 個體別로 調査한바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 大豆의 莖長, 莖直徑, 分株數, 一株莢數 및 一株粒種에 미치는 X-ray의 影響은 R1世代에 있어서와 같이 R2世代에 있어서도 顯著하지 아니하였다. 2. 熱中性子도 大豆의 R1世代에 있어서는 R1世代에서와 같은 傾向은 보이나 그 效果가 懸隔하지 아니하였다. 大體로 大豆에 있어서는 X-ray에 依한 多收系統의 選拔育成의 效果는 期待되지 않으나 熱中性子의 效果는 R1世代와 大體로 같은 傾向이 보이므로 耐病性耐 性蟲 或은 耐脫粒性과 같은 形質에 對한 效果의 檢討와 함께 R3世代 以後의 選拔實驗이 R3世代以後에 남은 한 課題가 될 것으로 思料된다. The experiments were carried out to determine the effect of the ionizing radiations, X-rays and thermal neutrons, on some characters, stem length, stem diameter, branch numbers per plant, pod numbers per plant and grain weights per plant, in the R2 generation in soybeans. Three soybean varieties, Chungbuk Hwang No. 1, Tousan No. 6 and Ulsan, were used as the materials, and three dosages of X-ray, o, 15,000r and 30,000r, and three dosages of thermal neutrons, o, 7.5×1012 and 10×1012nth/㎤, respectively, were irradiated in 1964. R1 and control plants were grown in 1964, and R2 generation plants and control plants were grown and their characters were measured on individual plant basis. The results obtained are summarized as follows: Generally, more variations existed in the irradiated plants with thermal neutrons than in the non-irradiated control plants of all varieties for the characters. However, it was observed that no some variations existed in X-ray irradiated population of the varieties. It was also observed that the decreasing trends on some characters, stem length and pod numbers per plant, were appeared on the thermal neutron irradiated population on the experiment, but its tendency of decreasing was not so remarkable. Furthermore, more experiments should be expected for the selection of desirable lines of soybeans in the succeeding generations.

      • 대두의 품종에 關한 硏究 : Ⅲ. Relationsships between the Ecotypes and Various Characteristics 第3報 生態型과 諸特性間 그리고 收量과 諸特性間의 關係

        張權烈 진주농과대학 1964 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.3

        우리나라 大豆 在來種(43品種) 日本品種(9品種)의 有限伸育型 52品種과 美國及 Canada에서 蒐集한 有限伸育型無限伸育型 大豆 各各 24品種 都合 100品種을 材料로 生態型과 開花結實에 關한 生態的特性間, 生態型과 生長及 收量에 關한 諸特性間, 收量卽 粒重과 몇가지 生態的特性間 그리고 粒重과 몇가지 形態的 特性間의 關係를 본바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 生態型과 開花日數, 同短縮率, 生育日數, 同短縮率 사이에는 正의 相關이 보이고 反對로 生態型과 關係開花期間, 關係生育日數 사이에는 負의 相關이 보이나 生態型과 開花期間 사이에는 아무런 相關이 모이지 아니한다. 그리고 生態型과 結實日數, 同短縮率 사이에는 供式品種의 伸育性의 有限, 無限에 따라서 그 結果가 다르다. 2. 生態型과 1株重量, 1株莢數, 1株粒數 그리고 1株粒重間에는 正의 相間이 보이고 生態型과 分枝角度, 1粒重, 그리고 100粒重間에는 아무런 關係가 보이지 아니하며 生態型과 莖長, 莖直徑, 節間長, 分枝長 그리고 分枝數等과는 供式品種과 으의 伸育性에 따라서 그 結果가 다르다. 3. 1株粒重과 結實日數 그리고 生育日數 사이에는 正의 相關이 보이고 1株粒重과 開花期間 서이에는 아무런 關係가 보이지 아니하였다. 그리고 1株粒重과 開花日數사이에 있어서는 有限伸育型 品種에서 高度의 正의 相關關係를 보았으나 無限伸育型인 品種에서는 明瞭한 關係가 보이지 아니 하였다. 4. 1株粒重과 莖直徑, 1株重量 사이에는 正의 相關關係가 있고 1株粒重과 1株莢數, 1株粒數間에는 有限伸育型에 限해서 正의 相關이 보였다. 1株粒重과 分枝長 사이에는 그 關係가 1定치 아니하며 1ℓ粒重間에는 全供式品種에 있어서는 負의 相關의 傾向이 보이나 有限伸育型 品種에 있어서는 明瞭한 關係가 보이지 아니하였다. 그리고 1株粒重과 100粒重 사이에는 大 로 正의 相關이 보이나 美國及 Canada 品種中 有限伸育型에 있어서는 明瞭한 關係를 볼수 없었다. 以上의 結果로 보아 우리나라 大豆의 收量은 開花日數, 結實日數, 生育日數等 生態的 特性과 莖直徑, 分枝數, 1株重量, 1株莢數, 1株粒數, 그리고 100粒重等 形態的 諸特性d; 影響한다고 볼수 있다. Experiments were carried out to made clear the relationship between ecotypes and some ecological characteristics, between ecotypes and some morphological characteristics, between grain weight per plant and some ecological characteristics, and between grain weight per plant and some morphological characteristics of soybean varieties in Korea. Soybean varieties used as the material were 100, Korean local, Japanese, American and Canadian varieties. The 43 Korean local varieties and 9 Japanese varieties used were the determinate growing habit type-Oriental determinate varieties, but American and Canadian varieties were classified into the determinate and the Indeterminate growing habit types. These varieties were growing in the Experimental Farm, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea. Seed sowing was conducted at 8 times, at 15 day-Intervals, from Aprils 15 to July 29, in 1962. Simple correlation coefficients and regression coefficients were calculated between ecotypes and some ecological characteristics, between ecotypes and some morphological characteristics, between grain weight per plant and some ecological characteristics, and between grain weight per plant and some morphological characteristics of the varieties. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Correlation between ecotypes and ecological characteristics are showon in Table 1, Among some ecological characteristics, it was observed that there were close relationship between ecotypes and days to flowering, the shortened ratio of flowering dates, days to maturity, and the shortened ratio maturity dates, and there were some negative correlations between ecotypes and the relative flowering periods, and between ecotypes and the relative growing periods. There was mo clear correlation between ecotypes and durations of flowering, ecotypes and days from flowering to maturity, and ecotypes and the shortened ratio of seed forming periods of the varieties in this study. 2. Correlations between ecotypes and some morphological characteristics are shown in Table 2. From this table, it was also observed that there were some close relationships between ecotypes and plant weight, pod number per plant, grain number per plant, and grain weight per plant, but there was no clear relationship between ecotypes and stem length, stem diameter, length of internode, branch length, branch number, branch angularity, grain weight per liter, and 100 grain weight, respectively. 3. Correlations between grain weight per plant and some ecological characteristics of the varieties used are shown in Table 3 and Figures 1, 2 and 3, From the results obtained, it was observed that were some close relationship between seed yield and days to flowering, days from flowering to maturity, and days to maturity, respectively. 4. Correlationships between grain weight per plant and some morphological characteristics are shown in Table 4 and Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. From this table and these figures, it can be observed that there were some close relationships between grain weight per plant and stem diameter, branch number per plant, plant weight, pod number per plant, grain number per plant, and grain weight, respectively, among many morphological characteristics of the soybean varieties. So it can be recognized that soybean yield is affected by the growing periods and some morphological characteristics, such stem diameter, branch number per plant, plant weight, pod number per plant, grain number per plant, and grain weight etc.

      • 大豆의 成分育種에 關한 硏究 : 第3報. 化學成分에 關與하는 遺傳子 分布狀態의 推定 Ⅲ. Estimation of Gene Distributions for Chemical Contents by Diallel Crosses

        金鎭馨,韓鏡秀,朴愚喆,張權烈 慶尙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        大豆成分育種에 대한 기초정보를 얻고자 脂肪, ?白質, P?O?, K?O, CaO, MgO,, ?分 및 水分 等의 含量을 對象으로 化學成分의 特性이 各各 다른 7個品種을 二面交雜하여 F?世代에 發現되는 優性程度 및 遺傳子分布狀態 等을 Vr-Wr Graph로서 推定하였던 바 얻어진 結果는 다음과 같다. 1.分散分析結果, 交配親과 雜種世代間에는 全形質에 걸쳐 高度의 有意性을 보임으로서 品種의 特性에 따른 遺傳的 다양성과 雜種世代의 系統間 差異를 나타내었다. 2.優性程度에서 脂肪, CaO, MgO 및 ?分은 超優性으로, ?白質 및 K?O는 不完全優性으로 遺傳되었다. 3.遺傳子 分布狀態에서 脂肪과 ?白質의 경우, Hill 品種은 ?性 및 優性遺傳子의關與가 많을 것으로 推定되었는데, 특히 ?白質은 含量이 높은 品種들이 優性으로 遺傳되는 不完全優性 이었다. Seven soybean varietics and the seeds in F? generation of all possible crosses among them were used to observe the characteristics of genes controlling eight chemical contents, i,e., fat, protein, P?O?, K?O, CaO, MgO, ash and moisture.Data for F? hybrid seeds and parents were subjected to an analyss methods proposed by Jinks and Hayman. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1.Mean squares of parents and F? hybrids were signnificant for all chemical contents. 2. In Vr-Wr graphical analyses, the degrees of dominance for fat, CaO, MgO and ash were estimated to be inherited with over dominance was observed for P?O? and moisture. 3. In the gene distributions, Variety Hill which the parental point fell away from the origin possessed the most of recessive alleles for fat and protein.

      • 大豆育種에 있어서의 選拔에 關한 實驗的硏究 : Heritability, Genotypic correlation and Selection index 遺傳力 遺傳相關 그리고 選拔指數

        張權烈 진주농과대학 1964 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.3

        大豆增産의 重要性에 비추어 大豆의 多收系統選拔을 爲하여 國內外에서 蒐集한 大豆 138品種中에서 無限伸育性品種을 除하고 無作爲로 擇한 22品種을 材料로 各形質의 遺傳力, 各形質 相互間의 遺傳相關 그리고 選拔指數等을 算出하여 選拔實驗을 한바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 遺傳力 遺傳力을 推定하기 爲하여 播種期에 따라서 各形質의 平均値의 變動을 보면 表1과 같이 播種期가 遲延됨에 따라 形質의 平均値는 減少하고(Table 1) 形質中에는 環境에 따라 크게 影響을 받는 것도 있으며(Table 2) 各形質別 遺傳力을 推定한바 그 結果는 表3과 같다. 卽 開花日數 結實日數, 生育日數等 生育期間에 關係되는 形質은 그의 遺傳力이 높고 形態的特性에 關係되는 形質中에서도 莖長 100粒重은 높으나 收量에 關與하는 形質 特히 一株粒數와 一株粒重은 낮으며 其他 形質에 있어서는 中間値를 보이고 있다. 그리고 播種期에 따라서도 變動을 하며 大體로 播種期가 늦어짐에 따라 減少하는 傾向이 보인다.(Table 3) 2. 遺傳相關 各形質 相互間의 遺傳相關, 表現型相關을 알기 爲하여 各形質의 表現型分散과 各形質 相互間의 表現型共分散, 遺傳共分散 그리고 環境共分散을 算出한바 그 結果는 表4, 5와 같고(Table 4,5) 그들의 遺傳相關과 表現型相關은 表6과 같다.(Table 6). 大體로 遺傳相關의 程度는 表現型相關보다 높으나 播種期에 따라서도 變動하고 있다. 一株粒重 卽 收量과 他形質과의 相關關係를 보면 100粒種 以外의 7個形質에 있어서는 收量과 相關이 있다고 보여지며 表現型相關과 遺傳相關이 大體로 같은 形質間에서는 같은 값을 나타내나 播種期에 따라서 多少 變動을 하며 그 中에서도 一株粒重과 開花日數 그리고 生育日數間에서는 크게 變動하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 3. 選拔指數 選拔의 最終 對象形質을 一株粒重(形質Y)으로 하여 여기에 여러 形質을 組合한 選拔指數(Selection index A)와 最終對象形質을 收量과 높은 遺傳相關이 있는 一株莢數(形質Y')로 하여 여기에 여러 形質을 組合한 選拔指數(Selection index B)를 ROBINSON et al.93)의 方法에 依하여 作成하여 본바 表7과 같다.(Table 7). 大體로 形質의 組合에 따라서 選拔指數에 나타나는 各形質의 選拔加重値(weight)가 다르고때로는 加重値의 符號가 다르기도 하고 또 播種期에 따라서 이들 指數도 變動을 하고 있다. 그러므로 實際 選拔指數에 依한 選拔에 있어서는 作業上, 時間上 實用性있는 選拔指數의 作 成이 要望되었다. 따라서 選拔指數 A 卽 一株粒重을 最終 對象形質(Y)로 하여 作成한 指數의 selection score와 一株莢數, 一株粒重間의 關係 그리고 選拔指數] B 卽 一株莢數를 最終 對象形質(Y')로 하여 作成한 指數의 selection score와 一株莢數, 一株粒重間의 關係를 본바 그 結果는 表8,9,10과같이 (Tables 8, 9, 10) 播種期(Ⅰ, Ⅱ)에 따라서는 差가 있으나 同一播種期에 있어서는 A, B 選拔指數에서 얻은 selection sore 는 이들과 一株莢數,一株粒重間에 有意差가 보이지 아니한다.그리고 對象形質을 2個形質로 했을 때나 3個形質을 했을때의 選拔指數의 selection score와 一株莢數, 一株粒重間에도 有意差가 보이지 아니한다. 그러므로 選拔對象形質을 一株粒重 代身에 脫殺 調製前에 調査할 수 있는 一株莢數를 最終 選拔對象形質로 하여 選拔指數를 作成하여도 支障이 없고 選拔指數作成에 있어서의 選拔對象으로 4個形質을 擇했을 境遇에도 그 調査와 計算에 要하는 勞力에 比하여 2, 3個 形質을 擇했을 境遇보다 有利할 것이 없다. 以上의 結果로 미루어 보아 多收系統의 選拔에 있어서는 前發 對象形質의 遺傳力은 높고 또 收量과도 높은 遺傳相關을 가진 形質이 더욱이 이들 形質이 脫殺調製前에 調査할 수 있어야 하며 選拔指數 作成에 있어서의 勞力等을 考慮하여 每 集團마다 作成하여야 하는 選拔指數 作成의 實用化를 爲하여는 選拔對象形質을 4個形質 以下로 하여 選拔指數를 作成하고 그의 selection score가 큰 系統부터 選拔해 나가야 할 것으로 생각된다. 이와 같은 觀點에서 大豆의 多收系統 選拔을 爲하여는 그 選拔形質을 生育日數(X₁) 分支數(X₂) 莖直徑(X₃) 그리고 一株莢數(X₄)의 4個形質로 하여 이들 測定値에 依하여 選拔指數를 作成하든지 또는 分支數(X₂) 莖直徑(X₃) 그리고 一株莢數(X₄)의 3個形質을 對象으로 選拔指數를 作成하여 그 指數에서 算出된 selection score가 큰 系統부터 選拔해 나가는 것이 選拔指數의 利用上 實用的이고 效果的인 方法이라 하겠다. Heritability estimates, genotypic correlations between actual yield and the other characters, and selection index calculation are important consideration for the accurate selection of desirable lines in plant breeding program. The experimental studies were intended to clarify the effects of selection, and also aimed at estimating the heritabilities, the genotypic correlations among some agronimic characters, and at calculating the selection index on some selective characters for the selection of desirable lines, under different climatic conditions. Finally practical implications of these studies, especially on the selection index, were discussed. Twenty-two varieties, determinate growing habit type, selected at random from the 138 soybean varieties cultivated the year before, were grown in a randomized block design with three replicates ar Chinju, Korea, under April and May sowing conditions. The method of estimating heritabilities for the eleven agronomic characters-flowering date, maturity date, stem length, branch numbers per plant, stem diameter, plant weight, pod numbers per plant, grain numbers per plant and 100 grain weight, shown in Table 2, was the variance components procedures in a replicated trial for the varieties. The analysis of covariance was used to obtain the genotypic correlations and phenotypic correlations among the eight characters, and the selection indexes for some agronomic characters were calculated by Robinson's method(93). The results are summarized as follows:

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