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        김정은 시대 북한사회 변화 실태 및 북한주민 의식조사

        강동완(Kang Dong Wan),박정란(Park Jung Ran) 북한학회 2014 북한학보 Vol.39 No.2

        김정은 정권의 체제안정성 평가는 정치적 권력관계와 함께 북한주민들의 충성도와 사상통제, 사회경제적 변화 요인 등을 통해 살펴볼 수 있다. 최근 북중 접경지역에서 밀수를 통한 상품과 자본 그리고 이른바 한류로 대변되는 외부정보의 유입 등으로 인해 최소한 장마당으로 대변되는 북한 주민들의 행위양식은 많은 변화를 보이고 있다. 김정은 집권 3년은 지배 정당성과 지지를 위해 정치, 경제적 부분보다 단기간에 가시적 성과를 제시할 수 있는 문화와 체육 분야에 집중되었다. 새로운 지도자에 대한 기대감으로 인해 정권안정성과 충성도는 더욱 높아졌을까, 아니면 과거와 다를 바 없는 경제난의 지속으로 인해 현상변경에 대한 요구만 높아졌을까. 본 연구는 북한 당국의 통제범위를 넘어 외부정보에 노출되며 자본주의 행위양식을 축적하고 있는 북한주민의 의식변화와 사회구조가 체제변화에 미칠 영향에 대해 주목한다. 본 연구는 김정은 시대 3년의 사회변화 실태와 현황 그리고 북한주민의 의식변화를 살펴보기 위해 제3국에서 북한 주민 100명을 대상으로 면접조사를 실시하였다. The North Korean regime will claim high stability if the uniform order system flows downwards along its hierarchy with closure maintained through the strict control of outside information. However, it will be no exaggeration that the behavioral patterns of North Korean people at least represented by farmers' markets are already in a transitional period toward capitalism due to the recent influx of external goods, capital and information represented by the so-called Korean Wave through smuggling along the borders between North Korea and China. In its third year, the Kim Jung-eun regime has focused on the areas of culture and sports, which can generate visible results in a short period of time, rather than those of politics and economy for the sake of ruling legitimacy and support. Claiming to advocate North Korea as a powerhouse in the socialist civilization, it has tried to demonstrate the leadership of the new leader and his possibilities for changes through the idea of cultural and sports powerhouse. What would North Korean people think of at the result of those achievements? Would their expectations for the new leader lead to the stability of and loyalty to the regime? Or would they have more demands to change the current state due to the continuance of economic hardship from the past? Keeping the possibility of bottom-up changes, this study focused on the effects of changing perceptions of North Korean people, who were exposed to outside information and accumulating the capitalist behavioral patterns, and the social structure on changes to the regime, which had not detected political resistance force yet. In an effort to examine the patterns of social changes in the third year of Kim Jung-eun regime, the study conducted an interview investigation with North Korean people. The study was based on a direct interview investigation with 100 North Korean people in China from January to May, 2014 in order to examine their consciousness.

      • 정상 성인에 경구 투여한 Cefixime 두 정제의 생물학적 동등성 비교

        강진양,서성훈,이경태,문창훈,강진한,이동건,최정현,신완식 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        목적 : 식품의약안전청 고시 제 1998-86호(1998. 8.26) "생물학적 동등성 시험 기준"에 의하여 섹심 캅셀(시험약, 한국유나이트제약)과 슈프락스 캅셀(대조약, 동아제약)의 생물학적 동등성을 비교 검토하였다. 방법 : 2×2 라틴 방격법에 따라 건강한 성인 남성 지원자 20명에게 cefixime 100㎎씩 경구투여하였다. 약제투여 후 12시간까지 일정간격으로 채혈하였고 각 피험자들의 혈중약물농도 데이터로부터 구한 Area under the concentration (AUC), C_(max), T_(max) 등의 생체이용률 파라미터에 대해 통계학적으로 고찰하여 두 제제간의 생물학적 동등성을 평가하였다. 결과 : AUC, C_(max), T_(max)에 대한 평균값의 차가 각각 1.26%, 3.73%, 6.21%로서 모두 대조약의 20% 이내에 들어 생물학적 동등성 판정기준의 전제조건을 만족하였다. 분산분석 결과 AUC, C_(max), T_(max)의 각 비교 항목에 있어서 모두 유의수준 α=0.05의 군/순서효과 검정에서 F비가 F 분석표의 한계값보다 작아 교차시험이 제대로 이루어졌음을 확인할 수 있었으며, AUC, C_(max), T_(max) 각 비교항목에 있어서 유의수준 α=0.05에서 대조약에 대한 최소검출차(Δ)가 각각 17.74%, 17.05%, 15.67%로 모두 20% 이내이었으며, 검출력(1-β)도 모두 0.8 이상으로 나타나 생물학적 동등성 판정기준을 만족시켰다. 또 AUC, C_(max), T_(max) 각 비교항목에 있어서 대조약에 대한 생체이용률 차이의 신뢰한계(δ)가 ±20% 이내이어야 한다는 생물학적 동등성 판정기준을 모두 만족시켰다. 결론 : 이상의 실험결과로 시험약은 대조약에 대하여 생물학적 동등성 평가항목인 AUC, C_(max), T_(max)에서 모두 판정기준을 만족시켜 시험약은 대조약과 생물학적으로 동등하다고 사료된다. Background : The study was designed to compare the bioeqivalence between the test (CEXIME®. United Korea. Co., Ltd) and control (SUPRAX®. Dong-a Pharm. Co.. Ltd) capsules of cefixime. Methods : Twenty. healthy, male volunteers completed the study Each subject ingested single dose (100 ㎍) of the control and test drugs in 2?2 crossover design with a week drug-free interval between the doses. Blood samples were collected serially up to 12 hours and plasma concentrations of cefixime were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. A non-compartmental approach was used for analysis of the concentration-time data. Results : The area under the curve (AUC), the maximum concentration of drug (C_(max)). and time to reach C_(max)(T_(max)) did not show any significant difference between the two preparations by ANOVA. The mean differences of AUC, C_(max), and T_(max) were within 20% of the control drug, those were 1.26%. 3.73%. and 6.21%. respectively. The confidence limits of three parameters were satisfied the bioeqivalence criteria. Conclusion : These results suggest that the test drug was bioequivalent with the control drug.

      • 내시경적 점막절제술로 치험한 식도 과립상 세포종 1례

        강혁주,김성욱,최석진,이중현,장재식,서영범,윤병구,박건욱,김성자,김용섭,강승완,이구,양창헌,이창우,김욱년,이광헌,서정일 동국대학교 의학연구소 2000 東國醫學 Vol.7 No.-

        과립상 세포종은 Schwann 세포 기원으로 생각되며 인체에 비교적 드물게 발생한다. 과립상 세포종은 전신 어느 곳에서나 발견될 수 있으나 주로 혀, 구강, 피부 혹은 유방 등에서 호발하며 드물게 위장관에서 발견된다. 위장관에서는 식도에서 가장 호발하며 다음으로 위, 대장 순이다. 과립상 세포종은 대부분, 특히 위장관에서는 양성이며 소수의 악성 병변이 보고되었다. 이러한 이유와 함께 수술 전의 진단이 어렵기 때문에 과립상 세포종에 대한 근본적인 치료는 현재까지 외과적 절제술이다. 최근에 시도되는 치료방법들로는 내시경적 레이저 치료, 용종절제술, 내시경적 점막 절제술 등이 있다. 저자들은 상부 소화관 내시경검사를 시행하여 식도 과립상 세포종을 진단하고 내시경적 점막 절제술을 시행하여 합병증 없이 퇴원하여 현재 재발없이 경과 관찰중인 1례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. Granular cell tumors, which occur infrequently, are probably of Schwann cell origin. They can occur almost anywhere in the body but usually affect the tongue, oral cavity, skin, or breasts and are rarely found in the gastrointestinal tracts. The esophagus is the most frequent gastrointestinal site, followed by the stomach and the colon. Granular cell tumors are generally benign, especially in the gastrointestinal tract, some malignant lesions have been reported. For this reason, and also because preoperative diagnosis is difficult, the standard treatment for granular cell tumor has until now been surgical excision. In recent years, other therapeutic methods is endoscopic laser therapy (ELT), polypectiomy, endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). We report a case of esophageal granular cell tumor which was diagnosed by an endoscopy and managed using an endoscopic mucosal resection without complication.

      • KCI등재후보

        아파트관리업무 종사자의 고혈압 관리 및 관련 요인 : 보건관리대행 서비스를 받고 있는 서울 일부 아파트 Provioded with Occupational Health Services

        강순환,김현주,김용규,구정완 大韓産業醫學會 2002 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        목적 : 본 연구는 보건관리대행 서비스를 받고 있는 아파트관리업무에 종사하는 고혈압 환자 중 6개월 이상 지속적인 관리가 가능했던 60명을 대상으로 고혈압관리 효과와 혈압관리에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하고자 하였다. 방법 : 2개월 간격의 방문상담을 통하여 고혈압 위험요인 파악, 관리방법 지도 및 혈압을 측정하였고, 보건관리대행 서비스 제공 전과 후의 차를 분석하였다. 결과 : 첫 상담 시 측정한 혈압과 2001년 3회 측정한 혈압의 평균이 차이로 파악한 혈압의 변화는 수축기 혈압의 평균은 첫 상담 시 151.9 ㎜Hg에서 마지막 상담 시 141.1 ㎜Hg로, 이온기혈압의 평균은 첫 상담시 93.6 ㎜Hg에서 마지막 상담 시 87.1 ㎜Hg로 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<0.01). 생할습관요인과 투약여부의 변화를 분석한 결과 주1회 이상 운동하는 사람은 7명(11.7%)에서 34명(56.7%)을로 늘어났고, 투약하는 사람은 4명(6.7%)에서 26명(43.3%)을로 통계적으로 유의하게 증가하였다(P<0.01). 보건관리대행 서비스 제공기간에 따른 생활습관요인 및 투약상태 개선의 변화에서 짧은 집단에서 36.8%, 중간정도인 집단에서 43.5%, 긴 집단에서 72.2% 였으며, 이들 세 집단이 차이는 통계적으로 유의하였다(p<0.05). 혈압조절에 영향을 미치는 요인은 총 교대근무기간이 10년 이내의 짧은 군에서 잘 관리되는 사람이 32명(78.0%)을로 10년 이상의 긴 군에서는 잘 관리되는 사람이 9명(22.0%)보다 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<0.01). 결론 : 아파트 관리업무에 종사하는 고혈압환자에 대한 지속적인 보건관리대행 서비스는 혈압의 감소, 생활습관요인과 투약이 개선에 효과적이었으며, 혈압관리에 영향을 밀치는 요인은 교대근무기간이었다. 따라서 이러한 결과는 아파트관리업무 종사자의 효과적인 혈압관리를 위하여 업무 스트레스, 바람직한 교대근무 형태 등의 직업적 요인이 고려되어야함에 유의해야 한다. Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the visiting occupational health services(OHS) and the factors associated with the proper control of blood pressure in hypertensive apartment management workers. Methods: The study group included 60 weekers, who were visited and followed up regularly by a nurse for a period of more than 6 months. We checked the risk factors of hypertension, blood pressure and provided hypertension control methods every 2 months. Results: Mean systolic blood pressure decreased from 151.9 ㎜Hg at the first visit to 141.1 ㎜Hg at the last visit, and mean diastolic blood pressure also decreased from 93.6 ㎜Hg to 97.1 ㎜Hg (p<0.01). The number of workers who had regular exercise more than once a week increased from 7 (11.7%) at the first visit to 34 (56.7%) at the last visit, and the number of workers taking hypertensive medicines increased from 4 (6.7%) to 26 (43.3%) (p<0.01). The percentage of workers who either changed their life stule or began taking hypertensive medication over the course of the action under taken by the occupational health services showed a significant differences, 36.8% in the shorter intervention group, 43.5% in intermediate intervention group, and 72.2% in longer intervention group (p<0.05). Among those who were on shift work for less than 10 years was 32(78.0%), while the corresponding number was only 9 (22.0%) for those who were on shift work for more than 10 years (p<0.01). Conclusions: This study showed that the visiting OHS was effectives in ringing about a reduction in blood pressure, as well as an improvement in life style habits and in the use of medication. It suggests that occupational factors should be taken into account for the proper control of blood pressure in hypertensive apartment management workers.

      • 일부 산모에서 산모혈, 제대혈, 모유 및 태반에서의 환경 에스토레겐성 화합물(PCBs) : Environmental estromgen compounds(PCBs) in Maternal Blood, Cord Blood, Human Milk and Placenta of Korea women

        이강숙,임현우,노영만,구정완,조재천,박정일,김진홍 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 2003 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.42 No.2

        The production and intensive use of organochlorine chemicals, both in agriculture and industry, have led to wide spread contamination of the environment. There may be biological effects of organochlorine contaminated breast milk even when levels are below those concentrations that are currently regarded as tolerable. To evaluate the exposure of to fetus PCBs, we measured the sum of 13 congeners of PCBs in maternal blood, cord blood, breast milk and placenta of 30 Korean women by gas chromatograpy/electron capture detector. The concentration of total PCBs of maternal blood, cord blood and breast milk were 7.16±4.29 ㎍/ℓ, 5.16±3.12 ㎍/ℓ, 1.77±2.87 ㎍/ℓ respectively and they have no significant correlation. PCBs in placenta was not defected. However there were no significant differences of PCBs according to age, education, body mass index, parity, breastfeeding, smoking and drinking.

      • KCI등재후보

        근로자 건강증진전략을 위한 행동변화에 대한 요구도 평가

        이강숙,임현우,구정완,홍현숙,이정민,이원철,박정일,맹광호,M, O'Donnel 大韓産業醫學會 1999 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        Objectives : In order to evaluate the stage of behavior change for health promotion strategy in workplace Methods : Questionnaire survey was carried out for 309 workers who employed in H Electronics company in Kyong-in area from September to October 1998. Results : According to need assessment of four step such as precontemplation stage, contemplation stage, action stage, maintenance stage which were to change of behavior for health promotion, the percent for quitting smoking were observed 48.8%, 43.1%, 8.1%, 0%, and for the restriction of drinking were 29.8%, 10.6%, 9.3%, 5.3%; for fitness 11.1%, 31.0%, 37.3%, 20.6% in male 26.6%, 27.8%, 26.6%, 19.0% in female, for regular diet 26.1%, 19.8%, 38.7%, 15.3% in male, 27.8%, 22.2%, 40.0%, 10.0% in female and for stress management 5.8%, 10.6%, 8.7%, 75.0% in male, 13.6%, 22.7%, 19.7%, 44.0% in female. In heavy smoker(p=0.017) and heavy drinker,(p=0.021) the percent of precontemplation stage was significantly higher than in lower drinker and light smoker. Conclusions : This study suggested that company support for health promotion in workplace was and workers of high risk group for smoking and drinking were in precontemplation stage. So before conducting the health promotion program, health risk appraisal and need assessment for stage of behavior change should be taken for the efficient health promotion strategy.

      • Streptozotocin-당뇨병 백서에서 당뇨병 이환기간에 따른 대동맥의 이완능 저하 및 Oxygen-Free Radical에 의한 이완능의 손상정도

        김정국,김신우,김수동,서예경,하승우,김보완,백운이,권삼,강승완 경북대학교 병원 1997 경북대학교병원의학연구소논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        목적: 당뇨병의 이환기간이 혈관의 내피세포 의존성 및 비의존성 이완능의 저하에 미치는 영향과 이환기간에 따라 oxygen-free radical(OFR)에 의한 동맥이완능의 손상정도에 차이가 있는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: Streptozotocin(STZ)으로 당뇨병이 유도된 3 주 및 10주째의 백서군과 연령이 비슷한 정상 대조백서군의 적출 대동맥환을 norepinephrine으로 수축시킨 상태에서 내피세포 의존성 이완제인 acetylcholine(ACh) 및 비의존성 이완제인 nitroglycerine(NTG)에 대한 이완능을 즉정하여 비교 관찬하였다. 또한 xanthine과 xanthine oxidase의 혼합으로 생성된 H₂O₂에 대동맥환을 노출시킨뒤 역시 ACh과 NTG에 대한 이완능의 손상정도를 비교하였다. 결과: 3주및 10주째 당뇨병 백서의 대동맥환은 모두 대조군 백서의 대동맥환에 비해 ACh에 대한 이완능이 유의하게 감소하였으며 10주째 당뇨병 백서군에서의 ACh에대한 이완능의 저하는 3 주째 당뇨병 백서군에 비해 유의하게 심하였다.H₂O₂에 노출시킨 뒤 ACh에대한 이완능은 3주 및 10주 째 당뇨병 백서군에서 모두 대조군에 비해 유의하게 심한 손상을 보였으나 3주와 10주째 당뇨병 백서군 사이의 손상정도의 차이가 통계학적으로 유의하지는 않았다. 한편 3주 및 10주째 당뇨병 백서군 모두 NTH에 대한 대동맥환의 이완능은 대조 백서군과 별다른 차이가 없었으며 또 H₂O₂에 노출시킨 뒤에도 NTG에 대한 이완능의 손상은 관찰되지 않았다. 결론: STZ-당뇨병백서에서 대동맥의 이완능은 당뇨병에 이환된지 3 주째에 이미 ACh에 대한 내피세포 의존성 이완능이 선택적으로 저하되며 당뇨병의 이환기간이 길수록 이완능의 저하가 심하였고, OFR에 의한 동맥 이완능의 손상도 내피세포 의존성 이완능에만 선택적으로 나타나나 이환기간에 따라 OFR에 의한 이완능 손상정도에는 뚜렷한 차이가 없음을 시사하고 있다. Objectives: Diabetes mellitus produces histological evidence of endothelial as well as changes in vascular function in experimental animal. Oxygen free radicals interfere with of destroy endothelium-dependent relaxation in normal and diabetic blood vessels. The present study was investigated whether the duration of diabetic state can affect the severity of impairment in endothelium-dependent and/or independent relaxation and the sensitivity to oxygen free fadical (OFR)-induced damage in diabetic rat vasculature. Methods: The relaxative responses of aortic ring precontracted with norepinephrine in vitro to cumulative concentrations of acetylcholine (ACh) and nitroglycerine (NTG) were conducted in 3- and 10- week streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats and agematched controls. After exposure to H₂O₂generated by mixing xanthine and xanthine oxidase, the degree of impairment in relaxative responses to ACh and NTG were also compared between 3- and 10-week diabetic rats. Results: The relaxative responses of aortic rings produced by cumulative concentrations of ACh were significantly lower in both 3- and 10-week diabetic rats than in the age-matched controls. The impairments of relaxative responses to ACh in 10-week diabetic rats were significantly greater than those in 3-week ones. After H₂O₂ exposure, the impairments of relaxative responses to ACh in 3- and 10-week diabetic aortas was also significantly greater than those in the control in the control ones. However, the severity of H₂O₂-induced damage in 10-week diabetic aortas was not significantly different than that in 3-week ones. In contrast, aortic rings of 3- and 10-week diabetic rats could still be fully relaxed by NTG, even after exposure to H₂O₂. Conclusion: These findings suggest that in SRZ-diabetic rat aortas selective impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxation to Ach can be found early even over a 3-week period after the induction of diabetes and the impairment may be greater in those with the longer duration of the diabetic state and that the impairment of the vascular relaxation by OFR is also selective to endothelium-dependent response but the sensitivity of OFR-induced damage may not be related to the duration of the diabetic state.

      • 콩과 청국장의 혈당조절 및 지질대사 개선효과

        김정인,강민정,권태완 한국콩연구회 2003 韓國콩硏究會誌 Vol.20 No.2

        Diabetes mellitus is the fourth leading cause of death among Koreans. To control blood glucose and lipid levels are the major goals for treatment of diabetes mellitus. We investigated hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of soybean and Chongkukjang in rats. Methanol extract of soybean and Chongkukjang inhibited yeast a-glucosidase activity by 43.6% and 62.7% in vitro. respectively. Thus it appeared that soybean and Chongkukjang could suppress postprandial hyperglycemia. Consumption of autoclaved soy flour and Chongkukiang improved glucose tolerance and significantly decreased plasma triglyceride level of normal rats. The effect of chronic feeding of Chongkukjang on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism were studied in neonatal streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, animal model of type 2 diabetes. Fasting plasma glucose and insulin levels of Chongkukjang group were significantly lower than those of the control group. Feeding of Chongkukjang significantly decreased plasma triglyceride and cholesterol levels and improved fat change of liver compared with the control group. Thus it could he concluded that soybean and Chongkukjang could he helpful in controlling hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in diabetic patients.

      • KCI등재후보

        혈액 내 구리, 아연 및 ceruloplasmin 농도에 흡연, 음주 및 신체적 활동이 미치는 영향

        홍연표,강은용,신인철,최병선,박정덕,장임원,박진완 大韓産業醫學會 1999 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        Objectives : To investigate the influence of smoking, alcohol ingestion, and physical activity on copper and zinc in RBC and serum and serum ceruloplasmin, this study was performed in a cross-sectional study in 113 healthy men aged 20 to 40 years who had no symptomatic liver, heart, gastrointestinal, and other chronic diseases. Methods : At the men's entry into the study, blood samples were drawn from each subject and immediately centrifuged for analysis of copper, zinc, iron, ceruloplasmin, total cholesterol, and hematocrit. Each man completed a questionnaire that provided information on smoking, amount of alcohol intake, and physical activity. Partial regression analysis was performed on confounding variables such as age, body mass index, hematocrit, serum cholesterol, and serum iron. Results : In general linear models, adjustment for confounding variables did not show statistical differences, and there was only an increasing tendency in serum copper in heavy smoker(P=0.0678). There was no difference between high physical activity with mild smokers and lower physical with heavy smokers. Conclusions : This study suggested that copper, zinc and ceruloplasmin were not good biomarker for early effect by smoking, alcohol intake and physical activity in young adult. However, selection bias should be considered in evaluation of this result, and a large prospective study will be needed in advance on usefulness of copper, zinc and ceruloplasmin as a marker for risk factors and early change of atherosclerosis.

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