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      • KCI등재

        1930년대 개벽사 발간 잡지의 편집자들

        정용서(Jeong, Yong-seo) 역사실학회 2015 역사와실학 Vol.57 No.-

        본 논문은 1931~1935년에 개벽사에서 발행한 잡지(어린이, 별건곤, 신여성, 혜성, 제일선)의 편집자들이 누구였는가를 확인한 연구이다. 『신여성』은 1931년 1월 재발행되었고, 『혜성』은 3월 창간되었다. 『신여성』은 방정환 최영주 송계월이 편집하였다. 『어린이』는 이정호, 『혜성』과 『별건곤』은 채만식이 중심이 되어 만들었다. 1931년 7월 방정환이 사망하자 개벽사 업무에 일대 변화가 일어났다. 차상찬은 방정환을 대신하여 개벽사 업무를 총괄하게 되었으며, 자신이 이미맡고 있던 『별건곤』과 『혜성』의 편집 겸 발행인 외에 『신여성』의 편집 겸 발행인을 추가로 맡았다. 이정호는 『어린이』의 편집 겸 발행인이 되었고, 신영철은 편집국장이 되었다. 반면 최영주와 채만식은 개벽사를 그만 두었다. 이런 변동 속에서 『신여성』은 이정호와 송계월, 『어린이』는 신영철, 『혜성』과 『별건곤』은 차상찬과 김규택이 편집을 맡았다. 1932년 5월부터 『혜성』을 『제일선』으로 바꾸고, 다시 입사한 채만식이 편집을 맡았다. 9월에는 최영주가 돌아와 『어린이』를 맡았고, 신영철은 『별건곤』을 편집하였다. 『제일선』은 1933년 3월호를 끝으로 더 이상 발행되지 못하였다. 1933년 6월호부터 최영주가 『신여성』, 윤석중이 『어린이』 편집을 맡았다. 이정호는 1933년 12월호부터 『별건곤』을 편집하였다. 개벽사의 잡지 발행은 1933년 하반기부터 점차 위축되고 사원들이 속속 퇴사하는 등 쇠퇴의 길을 걸었다. This paper examined the editors of the magazines published by Kaebyeoksa from 1931 to 1935(Eorini, Byeolgeongon, Sinyeoseong, Hyeseong, Jeilseon). Sinyeoseong was reissued in January 1931, and Hyeseong was first published in March. Sinyeoseong was edited by Bang Jeong-hwan, Choe Yeong-ju and Song Gye-wol. Yi Jeong-ho served a central role in creating Eorini , and the publications of Hyeseong and Byeolgeongon were initiated by Chae Man-sik. When Bang Jeong-hwan passed away in July 1931, the working situation in Kaebyeoksa was due several changes. Cha Sang-chan came to administer all the work at Kaebyeoksa in place of Bang Jeong-hwan, and took on the role of Sinyeoseong’s editor and publisher in addition to his initial responsibilities as the editor and publisher of Byeolgeongon and Hyeseong. Yi Jeong-ho became the publisher and editor for Eorini , and Sin Yeong-cheol became the chief editor. On the other hand, Choe Yeong-ju and Chae Man-sik left Kaebyeoksa. Amidst such changes, Yi Jeong-ho and Song Gye-wol took on editor positions of Sinyeoseong, Sin Yeong-cheol on Eoroni and Hyeseong and Byeolgeongon by Cha Sang-chan and Kim Gyu-taek. From May 1932, Hyeseong was renamed to Jeilseon and Chae Man-sik returned to the company to be its editor. In September 1932, Choe Yeong-ju returned and took charge of Eorini, and Sin Yeong-chol edited Byeolgeongon. Publication of Jeilseon terminated with the March 1933 issue. Starting with the June 1933 issue Choe Yeong-ju took charge of Sinyeoseong and Yun Seok-jung took charge of Eorini . Yi Jeong-ho edited Byeolgeongon from December 1933 issue. Magazine publications in Kaebyeoksa shrunk starting the second half of 1933, and the company treaded the road to its decline.

      • KCI등재후보

        정읍우도농악의 오채질굿에 관한 연구

        서정매 ( Jeong-mae Seo ) 남도민속학회 2009 남도민속연구 Vol.18 No.-

        본문은 호남우도농악의 발원지로 알려져 있는 정읍우도농악의 오채질굿을 연구대상으로 하여, 오채질굿의 시대별 변화에 따른 가락의 분석을 통해 이에 따른 정읍풍물굿의 내용변화 및 전승현황을 고찰한 것이다. 시대별로 가장 앞선 음반으로 볼 수 있는 1970년 전사종ㆍ전사섭의 오채질굿과 1980년의 이보형 채록의 호남우도판굿은 10ㆍ10ㆍ10ㆍ9ㆍ9의 총 48소박으로, 2/3/3/2, 2/3/3/2, 3/2/2/3, 3/3/3, 3/3/3의 혼소박으로 구성된다. 특히 1970년 전사종ㆍ전사섭의 오채질굿은 연주자가 1945년 광복 이후 활동했던 초기 정읍농악의 멤버이기 때문에 오채질굿 중 가장 오래된 역사를 보여주는 자료라고 할 수 있다. 이후 1983년 김용배 팀의 오채질굿은 10ㆍ14ㆍ10ㆍ6ㆍ9의 총 49혼소박으로, 기존의 전사섭ㆍ전사종의 오채와는 흐름이 완전히 다르게 연주되었으나, 1986년에 다시 수정ㆍ연주되어 10ㆍ11ㆍ10ㆍ9ㆍ9의 총 49의 혼소박으로 연주되었다. 그러나 둘째가락에서 전사종ㆍ전사섭의 것과는 한 소박이 더해진 11소박으로 연주된 점이 다르다. 그리고 1980년을 전후로 1990년 중반까지 활동한 유남영의 오채는 전사종ㆍ전사섭의 장단과 소박이 같으나, 다만 넷째가락에서 한 번으로 떨어내는 연주형태를 두 번으로 나누어 떨어내었다는 점이 다르다. 그러나 장단와 소박에는 변동이 없다. 그런데 현재 정읍농악의 상쇠 부문 무형문화재인 유지화의 오채질굿은 10ㆍ11ㆍ10ㆍ15ㆍ9의 총 55혼소박으로 구성되어 기존의 것과 차이가 많이 났다. 첫째는 첫째가락이 2/3/3/2가 아닌, 2/2/3/3의 혼소박으로 집합되며, 둘째는 둘째가락이 2/2/2/2/3의 11혼소박으로, 이는 김용배 팀이 연주한 사물놀이의 것과 같다. 셋째는 넷째가락이 15혼소박으로 기존의 것과는 박의 차이가 많이 나지만, 그 근원은 전사종ㆍ전사섭의 장단에서 찾아 볼 수 있었다. 즉 전사종ㆍ전사섭이 6소박을 한 번으로 떨어내었는데, 유지화는 그것을 두 번 반복하여 12소박으로 늘어난 것으로 보인다. 그리고 이러한 유지화의 오채질굿은 현재 정읍시립농악단과 정읍시 읍면동 농악단의 과반수가 전승하고 있으며, 이 외 정읍우도굿 전승회 및 4개의 읍면동 농악단에서는 유남영의 오채를 전승하고 있다. 이것이 현재 정읍우도농악의 오채질굿의 전승현황이라 하겠다. 이러한 오채가락의 시대적 변화는 어쩌면 당연한 것인지도 모른다. 왜냐하면 오채는 다른 가락에 비해 2소박과 3소박의 혼소박으로 이루어진 불규칙 박자이면서 속도가 점점 빨라지면서 가락을 솎아내어 연주하기 때문에 농악 가락 중 가장 복잡하고 어렵기 때문이다. 그러나 그만큼 다이나믹하고 멋이 있는 가락이기 때문에 우도농악의 꽃으로 자리매김했을 것이다. 이러한 오채가락의 변형은 비단 정읍농악 뿐만이 아니라 다른 지역의 우도농악에도 어떤 변화를 거쳤다고 보이며, 아울러 다른 우도지역의 농악에 전승되는 오채질굿의 가락 변화 및 전승현황에 대해서도 연구가 요구된다 하겠다. Farming music of Jeong-eup Woodo region is known as the source of farming music of Honam Woodo region. I have researched the tune of the Ochaejilgut, especially on the musical changes that has been made periodically to see the relation between the two as well as its transmission. The earliest record we can find on these two subject is from the Ochaejilgut of Sa-jong Jeon and Sa-seop Jeon in 1970. Farming music of Honam Woodo Pangut is also recorded on the book by professor Bo-hyung Lee. According to his record, it is consisted with 5 consequence rhythms which are three 10 beats followed by two 9 beats. In total it has 48 beats, more specifically grouped rhythm of 2/3/3/2, 2/3/3/2, 3/2/2/3, 3/3/3, 3/3/3. Recordings on the Ochaejilgut music is shows significance since both of the musicians who are performing in the record were the first generation of its music and also regarded as one of the oldest reference material in this field. The second recordings were made on the 1983, by performing group leaded by Yong-bae Kim. The music then, was performed differently from what has been recorded formerly because it was in the rhythmically grouped mixture of 10 beats, 14 beats, 10 beats, 6 beats and 9 beats. Later, on 1986, it was rhythmically re-grouped and the tune of its music shows was again, performed in the mixture of 10 beats, 11 beats, 10 beats followed by two 9 beats in a row. The difference between earlier recordings of Sa-seop Jeon’s compare with Yong-bae Kim’s is that only second beat has been extended from 10 to 11 beat. Another musical reference can be found from the recordings of Nam-young You from 1980 to mid 1990. It show almost the same rhythmic patters as Jeon’s, except on the 4th rhythmic patters, it shows two distinctive vibrations compare with what formerly performed with only one vibration. But other than that, it does not show any remarkable changes. But the recordings of Ji-hwa You shows dramatic changes in its rhythmic pattern compare to the former records. It is consisted with mixture of 10 beats, 11 beats, 10 beats, 15 beats and 9 beats, in total 55 beats while former records from others only show 48 and 49 beats. First rhythm is grouped in 2/2/3/3/, second one is in 2/2/3/3/. Also, changes on the fourth rhythmic group can be found but it also shows some connection with what has been changed on the second recording from Yong-bae Kim. Because on the fourth rhythm he performed it with 2 vibrations, and Ji-hwa You’s musical tune shows possibility of repeating this particular part twice, resulting the changes on the entire length of the music. These extended version is now mostly transmitted among more than half of the musicians who are performing farming music in Jeong-eup city area. Musical style of Nam-young You has been transmitted among the musicians of Jeong-eup Woodo and other smaller areas around. This is the current status of transmission of Ochaejilgut music. These kind of periodic changes of the musical tune might be natural thing to be happen. Due to its musical complexity as well as difficulty, with many different rhythmic patterns mixed together, may be certain changes on its rhythm has requested among the musicians who perform these. Because its complex and dynamic rhythmic patters, music of Ochaejilgut regarded as one of the essence of Woodo region farming music. Rhythmic patter of Ochaejilgut and its change can be also shown on the Woodo region farming music that are performed among other regions and therefore I would like to suggest more researches and studies on its music must be conducted among many musicologists.

      • KCI등재후보

        小癡 許鍊의 교유를 통해 본 호남의 茶脈 연구

        정서경(Seo-Kyeong Jeong) 한국차학회 2010 한국차학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The tea culture which had been barely succeeded by some monks and writers since the middle of the Joseon Dynasty was prevalent again in the 19th century and the tea in the latter of the Joseon Dynasty flourished with Honam as the center. This study focused on the transmission of the tea culture in Honam and the tea culture spirit connecting the man and space-time through the central figures and how the Honam region developed the restoration of the tea culture from the middle of the Joseon Dynasty amid a society growing chaotic to the modern times. I chose Heo, Ryun as a central figure because I think he is not only the one who bridged the latter of the Joseon Dynasty and the modern times but also he is a focal figure of the paintings and writings in the 19th century. Also Heo, Ryun was loved by a king, Heonjong, and he made name for himself as the most recognized painter under the Kim, Jeong hee who was dubbed“a master of the artists”. Heo, Ryun had a wide social intercourse with celebrities such as Heungseon Daewongun, Lee Ha-eung, Kwon Don-in, Shin Gwan-ho, Jeong Hak-yeon, Jeong Hak-yu, Min young-ik and the artists under the Kim Jeong-hee. Moreover it was unusual for other painters to leave enormous records showing the situations from miscellaneous affairs in the country to the upper classes in Seoul. Studying Sochi Heo, Ryun as a figure who revived the tea culture in Honam with this social intercourse is shedding light on the tea culture and it will be a very meaningful work to see the tea culture in Honam as the staging ground of Sochi Heo, Ryun through the paintings and the tea culture in the latter of the Joseon Dynasty. I have worked that the tea played a leading part to connect the art and the culture through the social intercourse among literary men in Honam. Honam was the art and culture stage with the tea and the painting and Daedunsa, Dasanchodang, Nokudang with Hanam as a center had the tea and the lettes, and the poem and the writings. Sochi is the central figure in Honam painting circles and he also forms the tea vein leading to Uijae Heo, Back-ryun.

      • KCI등재

        A Studt of the Histirical Earthquake Catalog and Gutenberg-richter Parameter Values of the Korean Peninsula

        JEONG-MOON SEO,최인길,이현미 한국원자력학회 2010 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.42 No.1

        The KIER’s Korean historical earthquake catalog was revised for MMI≥VI events recorded from the years 27 A.D. to 1904. The magnitude of each event was directly determined from the criteria suggested by Seo. The criteria incorporated the damage phenomena of the Japanese historical earthquake catalog, recent seismological studies, and the results of tests performed on ancient structures in Korea. Thus, the uncertainty of the magnitudes of the Korean historical earthquakes can be reduced. Also, the Gutenberg-Richter parameter values were estimated based on the revised catalog of this study. It was determined that the magnitudes of a maximum inland and minimum offshore event were approximately 6.3 and 6.5,respectively. The Gutenberg-Richter parameter pairs of the historical earthquake catalog were estimated to be a=5.32±0.21,b=0.95±0.19, which were somewhat lower than those obtained from recent complete instrumental earthquakes. No apparent change in the Gutenberg-Richter parameter is observed for the 16th-17th centuries of the seismically active period.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        불완전 전뇌 허혈후 소생의 백서 모델을 이용한 재관류 뇌혈류량과 허혈성 뇌조직 손상도와의 관계

        서정필,송근정,황태식,정연권,신백효,김승호 大韓應急醫學會 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background: Experimental data indicate that low-flow reperfusion following prolonged cardiocirculatory arrest may aggravate early cerebral microcirculatory reperfusion disorders. We investigated the influence of cerebral reperfusion flow change to the ischemic histopathologic damage of brain tissue after incomplete forebrain ischemia in rats. Materials and method: Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were undergone ligation of both internal carotid artery by microvascular clamp for 10 minutes. After release of the clamp, reperfusion was started with several different flow levels (0, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100%) of internal carotid artery comparing to pre-clamping phase using flowmeter. After 15minutes of reperfusion, rat brains were prepared by perfusion-fixation with 3% formaldehyde. Under light microscopic examination of Hematoxylin-Eosin stained tissue slide, histopathologic damage was examined at cortex, putamen, and hippocampus regions. Categorical hisotopathologic damage scores were derived in each regions by manual counts of ischemic neurons. Result: The histopathologic damage scores were 0, 10.2±0.5, 7.6±1.5, 5.9±1.4, 5.0±2.8, 3.5±0.7, and 1.0±0.0 in control, 0, 10,20, 30, 50, and 100% reperfusion groups, respectively(p<0.05). Conclusion: Our results showed significant increment of brain histopathologic damage scores along with decreasing amount of cerebral reperfusion flow after incomplete forebrain ischemia. We believe restoration of reperfusion flow to pre-ischemic level would be a critical component in attenuation of brain ischemic damage.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Dimethylnitrosamine 유발 급성 간 손상 흰쥐에서 ^(99m)Tc-Lactosylated Serum Albumin을 이용한 간 기능의 평가

        정신영,이재태,서명랑,유정아,배진호,안병철,황재석,정재민,하정희,이규보 대한핵의학회 2003 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.37 No.6

        목적: ^(99m)Tc-lactosylated serum albumin (^(99m)Tc-LSA)은 간세포에 특이적으로 결합하는 간수용체 영상용 방사성의약품으로 새로이 합성되었다. 간섬유화를 유발하는 dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)을 투여한 간 손상 휜쥐 모델에서 ^(99m)Tc-LSa의 역동학적인 간섭취를 조사하고 간효소치의 변화와 조직학적 소견을 비교하여, LSA의 간섭취가 간기능의 변화를 반영하는지를 연구하였다. 대상 및 방법: SD계 흰쥐에 DMN를 27 mg/kg으로 복강 내 주사하여 급성 간손상을 유도하고 대조군과 비교하였다. DMN을 주사한 흰쥐를 3일(DMN-3), 8일(DMN-8), 21일(DMN-21)에 ^(99m)Tc=LSA (1,665 mg/kg) 29 MBq를 정맥 주사하여, 30분 동안 동적 영상을 획득하고 간과 신장부위에 관심영역을 설정하여 간과 심장부위의 시간방사능 곡선을 얻었다. 간기능 평가를 위해 시간방사능 곡선을 이용하여 간섭취지수와 혈중제거지수를 구하였고 곡선 최적화를 시행하였다. DMN 투여군과 대조군의 간효소치의 변화와 간조직의 광학현미경 소견을 비교하였다. 결과: 대조군에서는 ^(99m)Tc-LSA가 빠르게 간에 섭취되고 혈중에서 제거되었으나 DMN을 처리한 군에서는 간섭취가 낮았다. 간섭취지수의 비교에서 대조군에 비해 DMN 처리군에서 유의하게 간섭취지수가 낮았다(DMN-3: 0.842, DMN-8: 0.898, DMN-21: 0.91, 대조군: 0.96, p<0.05). 혈중제거지수의 비교에서도 대조군에 비해 DMN 처리군에서 혈중제거지수가 유의하게 높았다(DMN-3: 0.731, DMN-8: 0.654, DMN-21: 0.604, 대조군: 0.473, p<0.05). 비선형 회귀분석에서 R_(2) 값은 0.9이상으로 좋은 일치를 보였고, 대조군에ㅓ K값이 DMN처리군에 비해 크고(DMN-3: 0.28, DMN-8: 0.41, DMN-21: 0.46, 대조군: 0.97, p<0.05), T_(1/2)값은 작았다(DMN-3: 2.5, DMN-8: 1.7, DMN-21: 1.5, 대조군: 0.7, p<0.05). 간효소치의 변화는 DMN-3군에서는 대조군에 비해 상승하였으나 DMN-8, DMN-21군에서는 간효소치의 상승이 관찰되지 않았다. 간조직 소견의 경우 DMN-3군에서 중심정맥 주위에 괴사가 관찰되었으나 DMN-8군, DMN-21군에서는 미약한 정도의 염증세포 침윤만이 관찰되었다. 결론: ^(99m)Tc-LSA 간신티그래피의 간섭취 정도는 간손상과 반비례하였으며 간섭취의 변화는 조직학적 손상이 심한 정도와 간손상후 회복되는 과정을 반영하여 주었다. ^(99m)Tc-LSA 간신티그래피가 간손상을 평가하고 간손상후 회복되는 과정을 추적하는 간수용체 영상용 방사성 의약품으로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Objects: ^(99m)Tc-lactosylated human serum albumin(LSA) is a newly synthesized radiopharmaceutical that binds to asialoglycoprotein receptors, which are specifically presented on the hepatocyte membrane. Hepatic uptake and blood clearance of LSA were evaluated in rat with acute hepatic injury induced by dimethylnitrosamine(DMN) and results were compared with corresponding findings of liver enzyme profile and these of histologic changes. Materials and Methods: DMN (27 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally in Sprague-Dawley rat to induce acute hepatic injury. At 3(DMN-3), 8(DMN-8), and 21(DMN-21) days after injection of DMN, LSA injected intravenously, and dynamic images of the liver and heart were recorded for 30 minutes. Time-activity curves of the heart and liver were generated from regions of interest drawn over liver and heart area. Degree of hepatic uptake and blood clearance of LSA were evaluated with visual interpretation and semiquantitative analysis using parameters (receptor index : LHL3 and index of blood clearance : HH3), analysis of time-activity curve was also performed with curve fitting using Prism program. Results: Visual assessment of LSA images revealed decreased hepatic uptake in DMN treated rat, compared to control group. In semiquantitative analysis, LHL3 was significantly lower in DMN treated rat group than control rat group (DMN-3:0.842, DMN-8: 0.898, DMN-21: 0.91, Control: 0.96, p<0.05), whereas HH3 was significantly higher than control rat group (DMN-3: 0.731, DMN-8: 0.654, DMN-21: 0.604, Control: 0.473, p<0.05). AST and ALT were significantly higher in DMN-3 group than those of control group. Centrilobular necrosis and infiltration of inflammatory cells were most prominent in DMN-3 group, and were decreased over time. Conclusion: The degree of hepatic uptake of LSA was inversely correlated with liver transaminase and degree of histologic liver injury in rat with acute hepatic injury.



        Seo, Jeong-Moon,Choi, In-Kil,Rhee, Hyun-Me Korean Nuclear Society 2010 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.42 No.1

        The KIER's Korean historical earthquake catalog was revised for MMI${\geq}$VI events recorded from the years 27 A.D. to 1904. the magnitude of each event was directly determined from the criteria suggested by Seo. The criteria incorporated the damage phenomena of the Japanese historical earthquake catalog, recent seismological studies, and the results of tests performed on ancient structures in Korea. Thus, the uncertainty of the magnitudes of the Korean historical earthquakes can be reduced. Also, the Gutenberg-Richter parameter values were estimated based on the revised catalog of this study. It was determined that the magnitudes of a maximum inland and minimum offshore event were approximately 6.3 and 6.5, respectively. The Gutenberg-Richter parameter pairs of the historical earthquake catalog were estimated to be a=5.32${\pm}$0.21, b=0.95${\pm}$0.19, which were somewhat lower than those obtained from recent complete instrumental earthquakes. No apparent change in the Gutenberg-Richter parameter is observed for the $16^{th}-17^{th}$ centuries of the seismically active period.

      • 병원급식 체계에 관한 조사 연구

        이정윤,서정숙,방병호,정은자,강남이,이진영 서울보건대학 1995 서울보건대학 부설 병원경영연구소 논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        This study was conducted to evaluate the hospital foodservice management practices in Seoul and to suggest the guideline for the effective foodservice management. Questionnaire survey method were used in this study. Questionnaire were administered to dietitians in twenty hospitals. Data were analyzed for frequency, percentage, χ^(2)-test, and one-way ANOVA using SAS PC Package program. The results were summerized as follows : The number of dietition were less than the required number for efficient foodservice. Centralized foodservice method was adopted in most hospitals and conventional foodservice system was taken in all the hospitals. The space of a kitchen and a dining room were confined and sanitary facilities and working condition revealed problems. Equipped facilities in surveyed foodservice operations were assessed as the insufficient condition, especially, efficient facilities such as a cutting machine were scarecely make up.

      • KCI등재

        석연 양기훈(石然 楊基薰) 노안도 연구

        서정민(Seo Jeong-min) 한국근현대미술사학회 2015 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.29 No.-

        This paper focused on life and Noando(蘆雁圖) of Seokeon(石然) Yang Gi-hun(楊基薰, 1843-1911) who had worked in the late 19th and early 20th century. Yang Gi-hun was not just a court painter, but he was an actually occupational painter of noble birth from generation to generation in Pyongyang. He was also recommended to a position late in life at 49, and he started his career as a low-ranking government official. In 1905, he was promoted to Jeong-3-poom(正三品), however, he focused on paintings in several areas like Pyongyang, Seoul and Japan. Meanwhile, he was known to paint 《The Album leaf of The United States(美國風俗畵帖)》 after following Min Yeong-ik(閔泳翊, 1860-1914) to the US in 1883. But this should be considered again because it doesn’t match with his youngest son Yang Yu-jin(楊瑜鎭, 1884-?)’s birth time. Yang Gi-hun presented works with Sinjagwan(臣字款) to court as a local painter exceptionally. This Sinjagwan painting reflected the change of court paintings form of production. Thus, as a local artist, his special backgrounds and his works to a superior had important roles to represent for changed aspect of the age. Yang Gi-hun had finished short life in Seoul for 4 years and he moved to Japan in 1908. But he returned to Korea because of an injury in 1909 and Before long, died in 1911. The most famous of Yang Gi-hun’s paintings is NoAndo. He created his own form in detailed expression of paintings in Joseon Dynasty traditional style. His style is different from Jang Seung-eop(張承業, 18431897) and Seoul Painting Circles’s painters. His Noando was produced in various ways. Especially embroidery Noando based on his original works was connected with the growth of local embroidery artisan groups such as Anju district in Southern pyeong"an province. Yang Gi-hun’s Noando exerted influence on following generations of painters in Pyongyang. Yang young-jin(楊英鎭, 1881-1918), Kim Yun-Bo(金允輔, 1865-1938) and Moon Hwa-Sun(文化善) were representative painters influenced him. They also passed Yang Gi-hun’s style down to Women Gisaeng(妓生) Artists, Joo San-woll(朱山月, 1894-1982) and Ham In-sook(咸仁淑). It shows genealogy of Pyongyang painting circles in the Modern Era. Through his activities and artworks, we could examine on painters aspect and new tendency. And also I hope this paper is of some help to understand local artists’ way of existence in late 19th century.

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