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        Overexpression of Zoysia ZjCIGR1 gene confers cold stress resistance to zoysiagrass

        Yang‑Ji Kim,Dae‑Hwa Yang,Mi‑Young Park,Hyeon‑Jin Sun,Pill‑Soon Song,Hong‑Gyu Kang,Seok‑Cheol Suh,Yong‑Eok Lee,이효연 한국식물생명공학회 2020 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.14 No.1

        Zoysia japonica Steud. is a warm-season lawn grass popular in Korea and elsewhere. They are cultivated in many places such as river banks, roadside, and play grounds. However, there still is a disadvantage of frequent mowing, and the grass grows poorly under the chilly conditions. To develop a grass variety that circumvents these drawbacks, we cloned the chitininducible gibberellins-responsive1 gene (CIGR1) from zoysiagrass. The full length of the ZjCIGR1 (Zj; Zoysia japonica Steud.) gene was obtained by 5′/3′ RACE PCR and the phylogenetic tree showed that it belonged to the CIGR1-subgroup in the PAT1-group of GRAS protein family. Expression of the ZjCIGR1 in wild-type plants was confirmed in roots, meristems, leaves, and flowers, especially high in the flowers. The transgenic zoysiagrass was confirmed by PCR using gene-specific primers, phosphinothricin-acetyl-transferase (PAT) strip test, and Southern blot analysis. ZjCIGR1-overexpressing plants acquired tolerance to cold stress displaying morphological phenotypes characteristic of stress resistance. In addition, in the transformants, expression of the ZjCIGR1 as well as cold-regulated (COR) gene was increased compared to the wild-type plants under cold stress condition. These results suggest that ZjCIGR1 gene is an important candidate for regulating cold stress resistance.

      • 韓國人, 在日韓國人 및 日本人의 癌發生에 대한 比較疫學的 硏究(I)

        洪陽子,高良淑 제주대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.24 No.-

        암의 역학적 비교 연구를 하기 위해서 大阪 거주의 日本人과 在日韓國人 그리고 濟州島에 거주하는 韓國人에 대해서 암의 이환과 사망, life style,간염바이러스 감염상황과 식생활조사(식품에 대한 기호도)를 하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 在日韓國人의 암사망율은 일본인의 것과 비교해서 간암에 의한 것이 남자는 3배, 여자는 1.9배로 높다. 韓國人에서는 남자는 간암의 이환율이 가장 높고, 여자는 간암 및 자궁암이 높다. 2. 끽연율은 日本人은 각 연령층 고르게 10-17%내외였으며 在日韓國人은 日本人과 비슷하다. 韓國人과 在日韓國人은 日本人에 비해 청년기에 끽연율이 높고, 濟州島韓國人 여자의 끽연율이 가장 낮다. 3. 在日韓國人은 3군 가운데 각 연령층마다 음주율이 가장 높고 濟州島韓國人 여자의 음주율이 가장 낮다. 4. 1일간의 대변 횟수는 濟州島韓國人이 가장 많고, 소변 횟수는 日本人과 在日韓國人(5.20, 5.19)에 비해 유의적으로 적다. 5. 入浴횟수는 日本人과 在日韓國人은 계절에 관계없이 주당 5-6회이며, 濟州島韓國人은 여름을 제외한 계절 모두 1회 정도로 나타났다. 6. 취반시 在日韓國人과 日本人은 전기와 가스를 비슷하게 사용하고 있었으며 濟州島韓國人은 주로 전기밥솥을 이용하고 있었다. 7. 조사대상자의 부모가 蘿患했던 각종 질환을 보면 모든 종류의 질환에서 在日韓國人이 蘿患율이 가장 높았고, 제주도한국인이 나환율이 가장 낮았다. 특히 간질환에 있어서는 在日韓國人이 日本人과 濟州島韓國人에 비해 P<0.001 수준에서 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 8. 在日韓國人에 비해 濟州島韓國人이 HB??-항원출현율이 고율로 나타났으나 간암은 在日韓國人이 濟州島韓國人보다 높은 비율이다. 9. 在日韓國人의 주당 식품 섭취 빈도는 일본인의 그것과 유사하며 濟州島 韓國人은 빵,육류,어류,난류,과일 등의 섭취 빈도는 在日韓國人보다도 낮았고, 淸物,채소류,된장국이 섭취빈도는 높다. 10. 기호성이 일치하는 식품수는 日本人과 在日韓國人에서 47종류로 가장 많고 日本人과 濟州島韓國人 사이에서는 5종류에 불과하다. 濟州島韓國人과 在日韓國人 사이에 기호성이 일치한 식품은 고추장, 고추가루, 깻잎 등으로 한국의 식생활에서 많이 이용되는 것이다. 11. 在日韓國人과 日本人이 '먹은 일이 없다'는 식품은 보리,조,도라지,대추 등이고, 日本人들은 고추장,고추가루,깻잎 등을 濟州島韓國人은 뱀장어,연어,등을 '먹은 일이 없다'고 하였다. 12. 3군 모두 가장 좋아하는 식품은 밀감이었으며, 대체로 과일류를 좋아하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 在日韓國人은 쇠고기를 좋아하는 것으로 나타났다. 13. 在日韓국人의 식품기호성은 濟州島韓國人보다 日本人에 가깝게 나타났다. 현시점에서 얻어진 결과는 연구목적을 달성시키기 위한 자료의 일부이다. 완전한 연구결과를 위해서는 분석중인 식품섭취량, 영양소 섭취 실태 이외에도 몇가지 조건이 더 갖추어져야 할 것이다. 첫째, 韓國내에 있어서의 지역별 암 이환비(SPIR)의 산출을 위해서 5년이상 암등록 Data의 축적자료가 필요하며, 둘째, 韓國全域의 동일한 내용의 조사, 셋째, Case-controll 연구의 실시등이다. The aim of this study finds itself in comparing the cancer motality and its causes of Koreans with those of Japanese. The samples are classified into three groups: the Korean residing in Osaka, Japan; the Japanese; and the Koreans living in Cheju-do. As variables for this research are the cancer mortality, the rate of cancer, life styles, hepatitis virus, and eating habits taken into account. Two research teams have participated in this task: the Korean party concerned with the Koreans of Cheju-do and the Japanese side collecing the data on the other two groups residing in Japan. 120households were selected at random as samples from three different villages during the periods from August to November 1985 and from February to May 1986. The people concerned have often been visited and interviewed in regard to their eating habits and life styles which vary from season to season. As for the life styles in particular, the questionaires were made use of with 5,000 persons from the above three groups respectively asked to answer in June 1986. The statisties data on the cancer mortality, the rate of cancer and hepatitis virus were available out of those generally recognized in ordinary hospitals. The results of the work are as follows 1. The Korean-in Japan shows the liver-mortality 3 times as high in case of male and 1.9 times as high in case of female as the Japanese. 2. As for the rate of smokers, that of the Korean in Japan is similar to that of the Japanese. The least was found in the group of Korean females living in Cheju-do. 3. The Korean in Japan find themselves the most drinkers of the three groups through all the ages. The fewest falls on the Korean females of Cheju-do. 4. As far as the frequency of excretion per week is concerned, the Koreans of Cheju-do are counted as the top, who show lower frequency in case of urination than the other two groups. 5. As for the parents who taked of disease, those of the Korean in Japan are the most while the Koreans of Cheju-do the fewest, With regard to the liver diseases, the Korean in Japan show the highest frequency of their outbreaks among the three groups.(p<0.001) 6. The Koreans of Cheju-do show higher rate of the appearance of HBs-Ag than that the Korean in Japan, while the latter have more livercancer outbroken than the former. 7. As for the food, the Korean in Japan is like the Japannese in its kinds. The Koreans of Cheju-do eat bread, meat, fish, milk, eggs, fruits and so on less frequently than the Korean in Japan, intaking pickled vegetables and miso soup the most frequently of the three groups. 8. In terms of favorite foods, the Korean in Japan and the Japanese share in 47 kinds; the Koreans of Cheju-do and the Korean in Japan in 8 Kinds; and the Koreans of Cheju-do and the Japanese in 5. 9. All the three groups like fruits. The Korean in Japan in particular turns out to prefer beef. 10. As for the taste of the Korean in Japan, it has proved more similar to that of the Japanse than to that of the Koreans of Cheju-do.

      • 中共政治文化의 兩面性 : 革命 對 逆革命 急進 對 穩健 Revolution to Counterrevolution, and Radicalism to Moderatism

        洪亮杓 慶北大學校 東洋文化硏究所 1978 東洋文化硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        Political culture of People's Republic of China (PRC) can be explained as struggle or conflict between two elements: revolution (Cultural Revolution) and counterrevolution (Counter C.R.), and radicalism and moderatism. The Cultural Revolution occured with the background and reason of ideological reorganization of people, precedence of politics to business, the critics of Sun Nipang, May-7-Directives by Mao, and the consolidation of Mao's power. Above all Cultural Revolutionalists challenged Chinese and even World's traditions. They opposed all the old values of culture, and the China was in danger of breaking with the past. The process of Revolution was an expression of insanity. After the savage turmoil, Chinese politics has turned to Counter-Revolution such as precedence of industrialization, material incentives, "distribution according to work", income gap, and etc. The struggle between Revolutionalists and Counterrevolutionalists was turned out to be that of radicalism and moderatism. The former's polctical ideology is literal Maoism, continuity of revolution, voluntarism, non-compromising with reality, antiauthority, precedence of class-struggle, economic egalitarianism, and etc, and the latter's one is classical Marxism, historical determination, emphasizing objective conditions, precedence of modernization to ideology, elitism, preference of social stability (comparing with the radicalists' social disorder for the Revolution), economic efficiency, economic inequality to a certain extent and etc. The triumph of the moderatism over the radicalism with the fall of Gang of Four is any how more desirable than the latter's win. For the moderates' means and politics are relatively nonviolent and friendly to foreign country and Capitalism.

      • FWD를 이용한 콘크리트 덧씌우기 줄눈부에서의 하중전달효과 연구

        양홍석,서영찬 漢陽大學校 工學技術硏究所 1998 工學技術論文集 Vol.7 No.1

        콘크리트포장의 구조적 능력을 평가하는 가장 중요한 요소 중의 하나는 하중전달효과이다. 하중전달효과는 양쪽 슬래브의 처짐량비로 결정된다. 하중전달효과가 낮은 슬래브에서는 하중이 한쪽 슬래브에만 부하되어 콘크리트포장의 파괴를 촉진시키고 포장수명을 단축시킨다. 본 연구에서는 슬래브 온도, 다우월바 시공유무, 줄눈틈이 하중전달효과에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 88 고속도로에서 FWD(Falling Weight Deflectometer)를 이용하여 다양한 온도조건에서 하중 전달효과 조사틀 실시하였다. 연구결과 다우월바를 시공한 구간에서는 온도변화에 관계없이 하중전달효과가 큰 차이를 보이지 않은 반면, 다우월바를 시공하지 않은 구간에서는 저온에서 하중전달효과 감소가 컸다. 또한 다우월바를 시공한 구간이라도 포장이 노후화되면 하중전달효과는 온도가 하락함에 따라 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 조사대상 구간에서는 슬래브 단위온도 하락시 하중전달효과는 2.6% 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. One of the most important factors accounting for the structural capacity of concrete pavement is load transfer. Load transfer efficiency is determined by measuring deflection ratio across the slabs. In joints where load transfer efficiency is low, stress is concentrated in the loaded slab and accelerates the deterioration of the concrete, reducing the life of the pavement. In this study load transfer efficiencies were measured at various temperature conditions on 88 Express Highway using FWD(Falling Weight Deflectometer) in order to find the effects of slab temperature, construction of dowel bars, crack width at the joint on the load transfer efficiency. For the sections with dowel bars, there were little differences in load transfer efficiency regardless of temperature changes. For the sections without dowel bars, however, there were great losses of load transfer efficiency at low temperatures. For the old pavement, even in the sections with dowel bars, the load transfer efficiency reduced as the temperature dropped. For the sections in this study, 2.6% reduction of the load transfer efficiency was observed for each 1 ℃ drop in the slab temperature.

      • 濟州地域 大學生의 營養實態 調査硏究

        洪陽子 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        가. 男ㆍ女學生群의 平均身長은 각각 169.7cm와 158.1cm, 平均體重은 59.6kg과 49.9kg으로 나타났다. 被調査者의 34.8%가 自炊를 하고 있으며, 도시락을 持參하는 學生은 16.9%에 불과하고, 女學生群의 22.7%가 間食으로 점심을 대신하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 營養ㆍ健康에 대한 知識이나 情報를 주로 新聞 및 雜誌에서 얻는 學生이 48.5%이며, 被調査者의 42.9%만이 자신이 健康하다고 여기고 있는데, 특히 男學生들인 경우에 女學生들보다도 그 比率이 낮았다. 나. 營養에 대한 知識은 兩性群間에 有意的인 隔差를 보였는데, 女學生들이 男學生들보다 월등하게 높아서, 平均評点인 경우에 女學生이 17滿点에 13.28인데 비하여, 男學生은 7.56에 불과하였다. 다. 食習慣은 男ㆍ女學生群 모두가 좋지 않은 편으로, '優秀'에 해당하는 學生은 단지 1.5%일 뿐인데 비하여, '不良'쪽은 무려 50%에 가까왔다. 라. 營養素攝取에 있어서는, 男ㆍ女學生群 양쪽다 충분히 攝取하고 있는 것은 비타민A, 비타민B₁, 그리고 비타민C였으며, 철분은 男學生群에서는 勸裝量을 充足시키고 있지만 女學生들인 경우에 未達로 나타났다. 그리고 그 밖의 모든 營養素 攝取에서 兩性群 다 같이 勸裝量 未達을 보였는데, 특히 未洽한 것은 男學生들인 경우에는 비타민 B₂와 熱量의 攝取로서 勸裝量의 66.1%와 73.8%, 女學生들인 경우에는 철분과 칼슘으로서 58.8%와 77.0% 수준에 머물고 있다. 마. 男ㆍ女學生別에 따른 食習慣, 그리고 居住狀況에 따른 營養素攝取狀態에는 有意的인 差異를 보이지 않고 있으나, 食習慣이 좋고 나쁨에 따라서는 단백질, 칼슘, 철분, 비타민 B₁ 및 나이아신의 營養素攝取狀態에 有意的인 差가 나타나고 있다. 그리고 居住狀況別에 따른 食習慣에도 有意的인 差異가 있는 것으로 나타났는데, 自炊하는 學生인 경우에 下宿이나 自宅, 親族집에 사는 學生들보다 食習慣이 좋지 않은 편이다. The present study paper is intended to investigate the nutritional status of college students related to their nutritional knowledge, food habit, nutrient intake and other some characteristics, and then to provide basic data on promoting the nutritional education and care for their health. The survey covered a total 520 college students in both sexes, the male subjects 208 and the female 3129, sampled randomly from 3 higer educational institutions in Jeju province area during the period from October 14-22 in 1982. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1. General characteristics 1) 28.8% of the male and 38.8% of the female subjects were the self-boarding students and merely 16.9% of total subjects carried the packed-lunch. 2) 28.1% of the female subjects felt that they are healthy whereas only 14.8% of the male did. 2. Nutritional knowledge and food habit 1) For nutritional knowledge, the level of the male subjects was significantly far lower than that of the female ; The mean score of the male was 7.56 points whereas that of the female 13.28 out of a possible 17. 2) As to food habits, 47.1% of total subjects had those of 'poor' level whereas merely 1.5% were 'excellent'. 3. Nutrients intake 1) Total energy intakes of both male and female subjects were not sufficient as 73.79% and 78.71% of the RDA respectively. 2) Protein intakes of both sexes were below the recommended level as the male group was 87.63% and the female 82.19%. 3) For iron, intake of the male subjects was 125.6% of the RDA whereas that of the female was 10.6mg, that is, only 58.8% of the recommended amount. 4) Calcium intakes of both male and female subjects were considerably lower than the RDA as 84.35% and 77.0% respectively. 5) Out of vitamins, vitamin A, thiamine and ascorbic acid intakes were satisfied whereas the intake of riboflavin was below as 66.06% and 83.43% of the RDA. And for niacin, the intake of the male subjects was not sufficient as 80.3% of the RDA, but that of the female was sufficient. 4. The relationships of each characteristics 1) Correlation between the sex of the subjects and their nutritional knowledge level revealed the statistical significancy(P<.01). 2) Correlation between the present residence status of the subjects and their food habit score revealed the statistical significancy(P<.01). 3) Correlation between the food habit of the subjects and their intake of some nutrients like protein, calcium, iron, thiamine and niacin revealed the statistical significancy(P<.05).

      • ICAO체제에서의 다자간 항공자유화의 추진배경

        양한모,이영혁,신홍균 한국항공대학교 1996 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        1944년 시카고 조약을 중심으로 운영되어온 ICAO체제는 각국의 영공주권원칙에 기초하고 있다. ICAO 체제하에서 각국은 자국내의 항공운송에 대한 통제권을 행사하여 왔고, 국가간의 항공운송은 해당 영공국가의 허가를 받아 이루어져 왔다. 특히 각국은 국제항공운송을 위해 당사국들간의 양자협정을 통해서 상호 항공운송권을 교차 허가하는 방식을 택하여 왔다. 그러나 최근에는 각국의 항공운송권을 더 이상 양자협정방식에 의해서 허용하는 것이 아니라, 다자간 협정에 의해서 허용함으로써, 각국의 항공운송시장을 자유화하는 것이 항공사의 이익과 여객의 편의 및 경제적 이익을 위해 필요하다는 주장이 강력히 제기되고 있다. 이는 미국 및 유럽을 비롯한 주요 선진국들의 항공정책에서도 어느 정도 수용되고 있는 추세이다. 이에 ICAO는 미래의 국제항공질서의 재편 차원에서 다자간 항공 자유화에 관한 수차례의 국제회의를 개최한 바 있으며, 현재 가장 바람직한 질서의 구축을 위한 의견을 수렴하고 있다. 본 연구는 다자간 항공자유화의 최근 동향을 분석하여 우리 나라의 국제항공정책의 수립을 위한 정책자료를 제공하고자 한다. 구체적으로 현재의 다자간 국제항공질서의 형성과정과 그 주요 내용을 정리하여, 향후 전개될 항공질서의 재편의 향배를 예측하고자 하였으며, 아울러 ICAO가 개최한 주요 국제회의에서 표명된 국제항공질서의 진로에 관한 전문가들의 의견과 각국의 국제 항공정책을 분석하고 있다. 또한 그러한 분석을 바탕으로 하여 우리나라의 대응방안에 관한 정책 제안을 담고 있다. The ICAO system established by the Chicago Convention of 1944 based upon the solemn recognition of the sovereign right of each State over air space, within which each State is entitled to have the right of controlling air transport within his own territory. This made the bilateral air transport agreement between each State be a common legal form of allowing air transport right to the carriers of the other side. However, multilateral approach for liberalizing the world air transport market is strongly put forward around aviation community. It is claimed that multilateral agreement is a better form of assuring the interest of air carriers as well as passengers than bilateral agreement. Some major powers, such as U.S.A. and member of European Union, have shown their positive attitude toward that approach. In such context, The ICAO has convened recently a few international conference. Taking into consideration such recent development in this field, we illuminate the formation and status of current international air transport order, and analyze the major States' air transport policy in order to allow more reliable prevision of future development.

      • 국어 매김말의 구조

        홍양추 東亞大學校 國語國文學科 1978 국어국문학 Vol.2 No.-

        In Korean, Determinatives is regarded as Endocentric Construction from the viewpoint of descriptive, but according to Trans-formation grammar, Determinatives is the Sentence that Constitue-nt Sentence is embedded to matrix sentence in deep structure. 1) Determinative is that determinatives is copied to nominal according to the feature of head noun and modify Head noun according to description and demonstration. 2) The determinative marker of predicates is composed of {ㄴ/은/는}{f/을}and modify according to action and descrition. In deep structure, determinative marker of predicates-causes Det-Transformation of by embedding constituent Sentence to matrix Sentence. If NP of matrix Sentence and NP of Constituent Sentence agree with each other, the determinative marker of predicates becomes Relativization ; otherwise it becomes complementation. 3) As nominal is used as function of Determinatives nominal is composed of Determinative marker {의}{φ} The ambiguti of determinative marker {의}is explained elearly according to the main verb of Constituent Sentence in deep structure.

      • 濟州地域 妊娠婦의 産前管理와 營養攝取 實態에 관한 調査硏究

        洪陽子 제주대학교 1982 논문집 Vol.14 No.-

        1981年 10月부터 12月까지의 3개월간 濟州地域妊娠婦 156명을 대상으로 하여 그들의 임신과 관련된 일반적인 狀況과 産前管理 및 營養攝取의 實態를 조사하였던 바, 그 結果을 要約하면 다음과 같다. 一般狀況 및 産前管理 가. 年齡別分布는 25∼29세群이 50.7%로 가장 많았다. 나. 姙娠後半期의 임신부가 73.7%였으며, 初産인 경우가 53.8%였다. 다. 敎育程度는 高等學校卒業者 51.3%,大卒 19.9%의 順이었다. 라. 妊娠한 후에 그전보다 營養管理에 보다 더 많은 관심을 갖는 姙娠婦는 69.2%였다. 마. 姙娠期間중에 유의하여 攝取하는 食品은 과일 74명, 우유 73명 등의 順으로 많았고, 鐵分劑를 服用하는 사람은 28명이었다. 바. 姙娠婦의 86.5%가 禁忌食品을 인정하고 있으며, 그 내용은 커피와 알콜, 樂등이고, 極少數인 8명만의 닭고기, 밀가루 음식, 오징어 등의 蛋白質食品을 禁忌하고 있었다. 사. 活動量에 있어서는 姙娠前과 똑같은 정도로 家事를 돌본다는 임신부가 56.4%였다. 아. 姙娠중의 合倂症으로는 빈혈 42.9%, 구토 32%, 변비 31.4% 등의 順으로 많이 나타나고 있다. 자. 家計의 月平均收入에 있어서는 20∼24만원 群이 30.1%로, 食費인 경우는 6∼10만원群이 57.7%로 가장 많았다. 차. 姙娠時의 體重增加率은 姙娠後半期에서 低調하여, 姙娠末期에는 平均 9.45%kg의 增加를 보였다. 營養攝取 가. 熱量攝取는 1847 Kcal 로서 勸裝量의 82%였으며, 3大熱量素의 構成比는 炭水化物 64%, 蛋白質 14%, 脂肪 22%였다. 나. 蛋白質攝取는 平均 65g으로 勸裝量의 65%였으며, 總蛋白質의 40.95%를 動物性에서 攝取하고 있다. 다. 칼슘은 勸裝量의 60%인 598mg을 攝取하고 있어서 攝取한 營養素중에서 가장 부족하였으며, 鐵分은 勸裝量의 147%를 攝取하였으나, 鐵劑를 服用하는 경우는 極少數로 妊娠婦의 17.9%정도였다. 라. 비타민攝取는 비타민 A 250%, B₁ 134%, B₂ 101%, C 208% 및 나이아신 273%로서 모두 勸裝量을 超過하였다. This study was projected to provide basic data on prenatal care for future direction in maternity and child care, and also to investigate the diet of women during pregnancy. The survey was performed on 156 pregnant women admitted to the department of obsterics at Halla Hospital and Jeil Hospital during the period of October to December in 1981. The results obtained are summarized as follow; 1. General characteristics and prenatal care of the subjects investigated: 1)The age distribution was shown 50.7% of the subjects of 25 to 29 years old. 2)53.8% of the pregnant women were primigravidae. 3)5.13% of the subjects were graduated from high school. 4)69.2% the pregnant women have imterests in nutrition more than usual. 5)Foods felt best eaten during pregnancy were fruits, milk and meat. 6)86% of the subjects recognized the taboo foods during pregnancy, and the chief taboo foods were cotree, alcohol and drugs. 7)56.4% of the pregnant women involved in activity during pregnancy same as usual. 8)The complications during pregnancy period were anemia(42.8%)and constipation(31.4%). 2. Nutrition survey on the pregnant women's diet. 1)The average calorie intake during pregnancy per day 1847 Kcal and the total calorie was composed of carbohydrate(64%), protein(14%), fat(22%). 2)Average protein intake per day was 65g, which was less than the recommended level but the total protein was composed of 40.9% from animal protein and 59.1% from plant sources. 3)The calcium was the most limited mutrient, and the intake of calcium per day was 598mg which was 60% of the recommended level. 4)The intakes of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin vitamin C and iron exceeded the recommended level, whereas the intakes of the total energy, protein and calcium were below the recommended level.

      • KCI등재

        실버로빅 운동프로그램이 노인여성의 신체적 기능과 무력감에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구

        홍양자,최세경 한국유산소운동과학회 2002 대한스포츠융합학회지 (jcses) Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to develop the Silberobic exercise program as an exercise program through investigation of the effects of Silberobic exercise program on physical functions and powerlessness of elderly women. The subjects of this study were 26 elderly women from age of 65 to 81. They was performed Silberobic exercise program for 45minutes for 3days per week during 10 weeks. The physical functions were tested by their heart rate, blood pressure, balance, flexibility, strength and muscle endurance. The powerlessness was tested by the questionaries which divided to 5 parts. The collected data was analyzed by the Paired Samples T-Test, which had been based on SPSS-WIN 10.0 program before and after the exercise. The results of this study were first, Silberobic exercise pnogram showed significant increase within 1% for blood pressure and heart rate and flexibility, balance, muscle endurance within 5%. Second was Silberobic exercise program showed positive effects for the powerlessness of the elderly women. Therefore, the positive effects showed from the continual Silberobic exercise program proves us that it will be meaningful to introduce this program in organizations and facilities for the elderly.

      • 편측 폐환기에서 Prostaglandin F2α가 심혈관계에 미치는 영향

        양홍석,조형상 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1990 中央醫大誌 Vol.15 No.1

        The lung is usually considered to have one function, namely gas exchange. Another function of lung is pharmacokinetic function, which the cells and enzymes of pulmonary vascular bed act to change biological activities of a variety of substances transported to them through pulmonary circulation. The pulmonary vasoconstrictor response to hypoxia is a part of a self-regulatory mechanism by which capillary blood flow is automatically adjusted to alveolar ventilation. Some vasoactive substances mediate the hypoxic pulmonary vascular response, and prostaglandin F2a, which is used for uterine contraction during obstetric surgery, is considered to potentiate the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. The author investigated the cardiovascular effects of PF2α during one-long ventilation in Korean mongrel dogs. Dogs were anesthetized with pentobarbital, morphine and pancuronium and intubated with Rush endotracheal tube No. 6.5.. One-lung ventilation was induced by deep right endobronchial intubation, which was confirmed by chest movement and abscence of breathing sound in the left lung. Prostaglandin F2α in dose of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 ㎍/kg/min was infused into peripheral vein. The results were as follows: 1. One-lung ventilation group was compared with control group: The heart rate was decreased and MPAP, PVR and SVR were increased, In blood gas, pH and PO2 were decreased but PvCO_2 and shunt were increased. 2 Prostaglandin F2α infusion groups were compared with one-lung ventilation group: The cardiovascular function and blood gas changes were not effected by prostaglandin F2α, but MPAP was increased with dose-dependent manner and PVR were increased in prostaglandin F2α in doses of 1.0, 2.0㎍/kg/min infusion group. Thus hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction was found to be enhanced b usual dose of prostaglandin F2α (0.5 ~ 2.0 ㎍/kg/min).

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