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      • 1972년 8월 서울시내 침수지역하수에서 대한 장내병원균 분리상태

        김성희,김우식,고광균,이연태,이종훈 中央醫學社 1974 中央醫學 Vol.26 No.5

        Bacteriological survey was performed with the 81 seweage specimens taken from the flooded areas in Seoul City (Young; dungpo-Ku, Yongsan-Ku, Mapo-Ku, Seongdong-Ku and Seodaemoon-Ku) during August, 1972. Thirteen strains of enteric pathogens were isolated. from their specimens of the 13' strains of isolates, 5 strains of Salmonella species, 6 strains of Shigella and 2 strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus were confirmed by means of biological, biochemial and serological test, respectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        쑥 급여 돼지고기의 냉장저장 중 품질특성

        김일석,진상근,송영민,하경희,김회윤,남기윤,류현지,하지희 한국국제농업개발학회 2004 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.4

        쑥 분말 사료를 암돼지 및 거세돈에 첨가하여 그 수준에 따라 0%(T1, 암돼지, T2; 거세돈)와 1.5%(T3; 암돼지, T4, 거세돈)로 각 구별 45두씩 배치, 42일간 급여하여 생산된 돈육의 육질특성은 다음과 같다. 도체중량과 등지방두께는 73가 가장 낮았으며, 도체등급에서는 처리구간 유의차가 없었다(P>0.05). 쑥 분말 급여시 암돼지간(T1과 T3)에서는 조회분, 거세돈간(T2와 T4)에는 조지방 및 조회분 함량이 유의적으로 증가하였다(P<0.05). pH는 저장기간에 증가함에 따라 모든 처리구에서 감소하였으며, 쑥 분말 급여 처리구(T3와 T4)에서다소 높은 pH값을 나타내었다 드립감량은 처리구간에 일정한㎏/㎠경향을 나타내지 않았지만 저장기간이 경과함에 따라 높아졌다. 전단가(shear force, ㎏/㎠)는 T1을 제외한 모든 처리구에서 저장기간이 길어짐에 따라 감소하였다. 명도와 적색도는T3가 T1 보다 다소 높은 수치를 보였으나, 거세돈간(T2와 T4)에서는 오히려 낫게 나타났다. 저장기간이 증가함에 따라 TBARS와 VBN값은 공히 유의적으로 증가하였으며(P<0.05),쑥 분말 급여 처리구(T3 및 T4)에서 유의적으로 더 높게 나타났다(P<0.05). 지방산 분석결과, 포화지방산(saturated fatty acids)은 대조구에 비해 쑥 분말 첨가수준 증가에 따라 포화지방산은 높아지고 상대적으로 불포화지방산(unsaturated fatty acids)은 낮아지는 경향이 있었으나 유의차는 없고, 콜레스테롤의 경우에도 동일하게 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 전체적인 기호도는 신선육 및 조리육 공히 처리구가 낮은 점수를 얻었다. 향후 쑥 분말 급여에 대한 보다 많은 연구가 진행되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. This study was carried out to investigate the feeding effects of mugwort powder on meat quality characteristics for 42 days. The results obtained were as follows; Carcass weight(㎏) and backfat thickness(㎜) of T3 showed the lowest compared with other treatments. Grade scores were not significantly differ among the all treatments. In the proximate composition, crude ash content was higher(P<0.05) in the T3 than that of T1, while, crude fat and crude ash contents in T4 were higher(P<0.05) than those of T2. pH values were tended to low as storage period extended, in particular, those values slightly higher in the T3 and T4. Drip loss(%) was tended to increase during storage. Shear force(㎏/㎠) in all samples showed the decreased during the storage, except for Ti. L^(*) and a^(*) of T3 were slightly higher than those of T1, while, T4 was lower than T3. TBARS and VBN of all samples were significantly increased(P<0.05) as storage period extended, those values significantly higher(P<0.05) in the T3 and T4. There were no differences in saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol of pork meat between control(T1 and T2) and treatments(T3 and T4). The sensory score of pork samples fed with mugwort power were lower than that of control(T1 and T2) in both fresh and cooked meat. Further studied are needs on the pigs fed with mugwort powder.

      • KCI등재후보

        공중보건의의 고혈압 진단 및 치료과정 평가

        송윤미,김윤,조홍준,정희숙,김용익 한국의료QA학회 1996 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Background : Little work has been carried out regarding quality assessment research in a primary care setting, comparing with that of hospitals. This study aims to evaluate the process of diagnosis and management of hypertension by public health doctors on the basis of pre-established clinical guideline, and to identify several modifying factors associated with them. Methods : Hypertension was selected as the target disease, because it is a chronic disease which is of great public health importance. Self-administered questionnaires were mailed to public health doctors practicing at health centers and health subcenters across the nation. The response rate was 20.9%. The questionnaire included the diagnosis and management process such as measuring blood pressure, history taking, physical examinations, and treatment approches and potentially modifying factors such as level of training, duration of practice as a public health doctor, and education on management of hypertension. Results : Public health doctors pay little attention in measuring BP, hypertension related history taking, performing physical examination and laboratory examination. But they devoted much effort in diagnosing hypertension exactly and giving nonpharmacological treatment. Among various antihypertensive drugs, calcium-channel blockers were the most preferred agent(50.8%). Level of training, duration of practice as a public health doctor, and education on management of hypertension made no difference on quality of care(p>0.05). Conclusion : These public health doctors showed poor compliance with the preestablished clinical guidelines, which leaves much to be desired in diagnosion and managing hypertensive patients by public health doctors. This study might be able to contribute to develop some strategies, such as educational programs, which would be able to improve the process of care in hypertensives.

      • KCI우수등재

        아침 식사시간의 다른 사람들에서 혈장 그렐린의 변화

        이상엽,김윤진,김형회,손한철,전태용,심문섭 대한비만학회 2002 The Korean journal of obesity Vol.11 No.2

        연구배경 : 최근 식욕조절인자로 관심이 집중되고 있는 그렐린(ghrelin)은 식사 전후로 독한 일중변동을 보인다. 하지만, 지금까지는 실험적으로 일정한 열량의 표준 음식을 일정한 식사시간에 공급한 이후 그렐린의 농도 변화를 관찰하였다. 저자 등은 평소 아침 식사시간이 각기 다른 사람들에서 아침 식사 전후의 혈장 그렐린 농도 변화를 관찰하여 향후 외래 환경에서도 그렐린 관련 연구가 가능하도록 기초 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 방법 : 연구에 대한 설명을 듣고 동의한 23.4 ~ 35.5세 사이의 비교적 건강한 동양인 남자 4명을 대상으로 하였다. 신체 계측을 한 후 이중 에너지 방사선 측정법 (Lunar prodigy, GE medical systems, Waukesha, Wisconsis, USA, 이하 DEXA)으로 체지방을 측정하였다. 연구 대상자 모두 평소 아침 식사시간이 일정하였지만 연구 시작 2주전부터 아침 식사시간을 엄격히 고정하도록 하였다. 스트레스가 없는 상태에서 아침 식사를 하지 않는 지원자는 오전 6시 30분부터, 나머지는 아침식사 시간 1시간 전부터 1시간 간격으로 점심 식사 전인 오전 11시 30분까지 채혈하였다. 각각의 검체로 부터 혈장 그렐린은 상업적인 방사선면역측정법 (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Belmont, CA)으로 측정되었다. 랩틴은 Ⅰ-125 표지 랩틴을 이용한 이중항체 방사선면역측정법으로, 혈장 인슐린은 항체 부착관을 이용한 방사선면역측정법으로, 혈당은 포도당산화 효소법에 의해 Synchron LX 20 (Beckman Coulter, Inc, Fullerton, USA)으로 측정하였다. 결과 : 연구 대상자의 체질량지수는 22.9 ~ 27.1 kg/㎡이었고, 허리둘레는 80.3 ~ 93.3 cm이었다. DEXA로 측정한 결과 전체 체지방과 체부지방 비율은 각각 27.1 ~ 31.8%와 32.7 ~ 32.4%이었다. 아침 식사를 하지 않는 자를 제외한 나머지 연구 대상자의 아침 식사 직전의 식후 2시간의 혈장 그렐린 농도는 각각 113.0 ~ 800.0 pg/mL, 78.3 ~ 553.0 pg/mL이었고 랩틴 농도는 각각 4.9 ~ 5.1 ng/mL, 4.4 ~ 4.7 ng/mL 이었다. 혈장 그렐린 랩틴 농도는 아침 식사 직전에 비해 식사 2시간 후 각각 7.2 ~ 30.9%와 7.8 ~ 10.2%감소되었다. 아침식사를 하지 않는 대상자의 경우 인슐린과 혈당치가 변화가 없음에도 불구하고 혈장 그렐린 농도는 오전 7시 30분에 가장 낮았다. 그 외 연구 대상자에서는 각기 다른 시간이더라도 아침 식사 2시간 후의 혈장 그렐린 농도가 가장 낮았다. 결론 : 평소 아침 식사시간이 다른 사람들에게서 혈장 그렐린 농도는 각기 다른 아침 식사 2 시간 후에 가장 낮았다. 아침 식사를 하지 않는 경우에는 혈장 그렐린 농도가 오전 7시 30분에 가장 낮았다. Background : Recently, the particular interest is on ghrelin, the dietary control factor among many scientists and it a toxic diurnal variations has been demonstrated before and after meal. However, the experimental approach has been only to see the changes in the concentration of ghrelin after intake of meals standardized with fixed calories at scheduled meal hours. the authors of this particular experiment have tried to observe and record the changes in concentrations of plasma ghrelin of persons with different breakfast hours. This might help in providing a basis for further possible studies in outpatient setting. Method : A group of four relatively healthy males whose ages between 23.4 and 35.5 with prior agreements were selected for this study. After body measurements, body lipid status was measured based on Lunar prodigy (GE medical systems, Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA) which is also referred to as DEXA. All of the selected persons had somewhat fixed breakfast time; however, they were asked to strictly keep their breakfast time fixed and steady starting two weeks before the beginning of experiment. The bloods of those who skip their breakfast without any particular stress were sampled at 6:30 AM, whereas the rest had different schedule, whose bloods were sampled every hour starting 1 hour before the first meal of the day till just before lunch (11:30 Am). From each blood sample, the level of plasma ghrelin was measured using the commercial radioimmune assay (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Belmont, CA). Leptin was measured with double antibody radioimmune assay using Ⅰ-125 labelled leptin, plasma insulin with radioimmune assay using antibody attachment tube, and blood sugar with Synchron LX20 (Beckman Coulter, Inc, Fullerton, USA) using glucosylation enzyme method. Result : The body mass index of the volunteers was 22.9 ~ 27.1 kg/㎡, with 80.3 ~ 93.3 cm waist circumference. Based on measurements by DEXA, the rates of total body lipid and trunk lipid were each 27.1 ~ 31.8% and 32.7 ~ 32.4%, respectively. The concentrations of plasma ghrelin of those who consume their breakfast before and 2 hour after their breakfast are 113.0 ~ 800.0 pg/mL and 78.3 ~ 553.0 pg/mL. The concentrations of leptin are 4.9 ~ 5.1 ng/mL and 4.4 ~ 4.7 ng/mL. Compared to the concentration of plasma ghrelin and of leptin recorded just before breakfast, it showed 7.2 ~ 30.9% and 7.8 ~ 10.2% decrease, respectively, 2 hours after breakfast. For those who skip their breakfast, the plasma concentration of ghrelin was recorded the lowest at 7:30 AM, even though there was no change in insulin and blood sugar. The rest of the subjects had their lowest plasma ghrelin concentration at 2 hours after breakfast, despite their different meal schedule. Conclusion : The persons with different breakfast hours had their lowest plasma concentration of ghrelin at 2 hours after breakfast. In contrast, the persons who skip their breakfast had their lowest concentration at 7: 30 AM.

      • KCI등재후보

        돈육의 저장중 이화학적 성질에 미치는 토코페롤 급여효과

        진상근,김일석,송영민,하경희,이성대,김회윤 한국국제농업개발학회 2003 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.15 No.1

        비육후기 돼지 사료에 첨가되는 우지 함량 중 2%를 들깨유로 대체 급여한 돈육(T1), T1처리구에 비타민 E 250ppm 첨가 급여한 돈육(T2), 우지함량 중 2%를 오징어유로 대체 급여한 돈육(T3), T3에 비타민 E 250ppm 첨가 급여한 돈육(T4)을 1±1℃에서 28일간 저장하면서 육질특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 저장기간에 따라 육색 L^*과 b^*값, 지방색 b^*값 및 drip loss는 증가하였다. 총단백질추출성과 보수력은 14일까지 증가 후 감소하였으며, 염용성 단백질추출성 및 지방색 L^*값은 감소하였다. 근절길이에서는 저장기간에 따라 T3구는 감소하였다. 총단백질추출성은 T1보다는 T2가 낮은 반면 T3보다는 T4가 높았다. 염용성단백질추출성은 비타민 E 첨가구들이(T2, T4) 첨가하지 않은 구들(T1, T3)에 비하여 높았으며, drip loss와 육색 a^*값은 비타민 첨가구들이 첨가하지 않은 구들에 비해 낮게 나타났다. 보수력은 T1보다는 T2가 낮은 반면 T3보다는 T4가 높았다. 지방색 L^*값은 저장 1일째는 비타민을 첨가한 처리구들이 첨가하지 않은 처리구들에 비해 높았으나, 저장 28일째에는 낮게 나타났고, b^*값은 비타민을 첨가한 처리구들이 낮게 나타나 비타민 첨가구가 drip loss, 육색과 염용성단백질 추출성에서 좋은 효과를 나타내었다. The quality of pork meat was determined as following treatments. The meat samples were obtained from pigs which had been fed finishing pig diets containing 2% perillar seed oil in beef tallow(T1), 250ppm vitamin E in T1(T2), 2% squid oil substituted of beef tallow(T3), 250ppm vitamin E in T3(T4). During storage period, meat color L^*, b^* value, fat color b^* value and drip loss were increased. The extraction amount of total protein and water holding capacity were increased until 14 days after then were decrease. The extraction amount of salt soluble protein and fat color L^* value were decreased and sarcomere length were decrease in T2 as well. T1 was higher than T2 in the extraction amount of total protein and its of T4 was higher than T3. The extraction amount of salt soluble protein of the T2 and T4 was higher than that of T1 and T3. The drip loss and the a^* value of meat color were lower in vitamin treated one than non treated one. On water holding capacity. T1 was higher than T2 and T3 was lower than T4. The L^* value of fat in vitamin treated ones was shown higher than that of non treated ones on day 1, however, it and the b^* value of the meat were low on day 28.

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