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      • KCI등재

        러시아 연해주 발해유적 발굴의 결과와 의의

        E.I.Gelman,정석배(번역자) 고구려발해학회 2010 고구려발해연구 Vol.38 No.-

        이 논문에서는 발해국(698~926년)의 문화유산 연구에 대한 러시아 고고학의 주요 업적을 검토하였다. 그 업적들에는 (러시아 연해주 지역에서의) 발해의 동북부 경계를 분명하게 한 것, 발해 시기 기후에 대한 새로운 자료 확보, 여러 가지 유형 유적의 발굴조사 결과들, 그 유적들의 공간적 조직 등이 해당된다. 필자는 러시아 고고학자들이 활용하고 있는 전기측정, 지자기측정, 카파메트리야에도 주목하였는데, 이 방법들은 비파괴 조사로서 문화층의 물리-화학적 모델, 발해 유적들의 내적 평면상태에 대한 자료, 개별 유구들의 세부 평면상태 등을 확보 혹은 파악할 수 있게 한다. 이 논문에는 발해 유적들의 상대편년에 대한 연구 결과들이 제시되어 있다. 끄라스끼노 성터와 고르바뜨까 성터에서는 몇몇 건축면을 구분할 수 있었고, 구체적인 건축면과 발해 절터의 운용 시기를 서로 대응시킬 수 있었다. 필자는 러시아 고고학자들이 발해 주민들의 생활보장 시스템 연구에서 낸 중요한 성과에도 주목하였다. 발해에서의 대내외 교역에 대한 고고학적 증거 확보 문제에 대한 연구는 중국에서 수입한 교역용 토기에 대한, 발해에서 생산한 위신재적인 시유 토기에 대한, 해안 지역과 내륙 지역 취락지들 간의 강도 높은 교역에 대한 구체적인 자료들을 제시하였다. In the article main achievements of Russian archaeology in sphere of studying of Balhae (698-926) cultural heritage are examined. Among them more precise definition of frontier in the northeastern part of Balhae that is in Russian Primorye region, new facts about climate in Balhae period, results of excavations in various types of sites and there’s spatial organization. We pay attention to using by Russian archaeologists of diverse methods, such as electrometry, magnetometry and susceptimeter which allow to get physical-chemical model of cultural layer, data on inner topography of Balhae sites and detailed planning of single objects. In the article results of elaboration of relative chronology of Balhae sites, allowing to separate some building horizons in Kraskino and Gorbatka sites and correlate the time of functioning of Buddhist temples, are presented. We pay attention on great success reached by Russian scientists in studying of life support system of Balhae population. Working out of problem of reception of archaeological evidences of internal and foreign trade in Balhae has also brought concrete data about commercial ceramics arriving from Chinese furnaces, prestigious glazed ceramics made in Balhae, and also about intensive product exchange between coastal and continental settlements.

      • KCI등재

        The results and meanings of the excavations of Balhae Sites in Russian Primorye

        E.I.Gelman 고구려발해학회 2010 고구려발해연구 Vol.38 No.-

        In the article main achievements of Russian archaeology in sphere of studying of Balhae (698-926) cultural heritage are examined. Among them more precise definition of frontier in the northeastern part of Balhae that is in Russian Primorye region, new facts about climate in Balhae period, results of excavations in various types of sites and there’s spatial organization. We pay attention to using by Russian archaeologists of diverse methods, such as electrometry, magnetometry and susceptimeter which allow to get physical-chemical model of cultural layer, data on inner topography of Balhae sites and detailed planning of single objects. In the article results of elaboration of relative chronology of Balhae sites, allowing to separate some building horizons in Kraskino and Gorbatka sites and correlate the time of functioning of Buddhist temples, are presented. We pay attention on great success reached by Russian scientists in studying of life support system of Balhae population. Working out of problem of reception of archaeological evidences of internal and foreign trade in Balhae has also brought concrete data about commercial ceramics arriving from Chinese furnaces, prestigious glazed ceramics made in Balhae, and also about intensive product exchange between coastal and continental settlements.


        Е.И. Гельман(E.I. Gelman) 동북아시아문화학회 2008 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.- No.-

        In Bohai's the skill of pottery-making was developing as a result of complicated socioeconomic processes that took place during the time of the establishing and advancement of the state of Bohai. A significant role in the latter's formation played the pottery-making achievements and traditions of the peoples that became subjects of the state, or were living in the neighboring areas. To be mentioned in the first place is the Mohe pottery tradition which, as well, knew the influence of the preceding archaeological cultures. Of no less importance was the contribution of the Koguryo's potters, particularly in the familiarization with and further advancement of the potter's wheel in the Bohai's ceramic industry. An analysis of the Bohai's ceramic production technology generally shows the latter's higher grade as compared to the Koguryo's, or equality by a few characteristics. For example, we cannot say that the Bohai potters' choice of fine-grained pastes was influenced by the same Koguryo practice, because the Mohe handmade ceramics also were free from coarse inclusions in large part. Such choice of pastes in combination with the use of the potter's wheel led to an increasing percentage of burnished vessels. The Bohai's firing conditions are quite comparable with the Koguryo's in that there existed three groups of items on the both sides: with traces of being fired in an oxidizing atmosphere, oxygen-reducing atmosphere, and oxidizing atmosphere with smoking in the end of the process. However, the Bohai's ceramic industry showed a continuous irreversible movement toward the reduction firing, and this movement materialized through a gradual increase in percentage of the smoked ceramics. The Bohai's pottery-making absorbed many Koguryo traits, the potter's wheel in the firs place, vessel shapes, decorative patterns. The Mohe sites in Primoriye lack the Bohai layer, therefore so far have yielded no evidence of a gradual prolonged process of familiarization with the turning table, a possible prerequisite for the introduction of potter's wheel. However, we cannot exclude that some part of the Mohe people could get familiar with the novelty much earlier as a result of close relationships with the Koguryo and Chinese before the establishing of the Bohai State. It seems very probable too that some sites we associate with the early Bohai time can in fact belong to the pre-Bohai era, and that is so because our dating of the Bohai sites relies in the first place on either ceramics or tiles from Buddhist temples. However, the pre-Bohai sites as well as the early Buddhist temples (Kopytinski and the bottom layer at Kraskinski temple complex) contain very few handmade and wheel-made Mohe ceramics.

      • KCI등재

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