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      • KCI등재

        분지각이 작고 일시 개화성이 우수한 숙근 안개초 ‘드림송’ 육성

        정동춘(Dong-Chun Cheong),최창학(Chang-Hak Choi),송영주(Young-Ju Song),김정만(Jeong-Man Kim),이진재(Jin-Je Lee) 한국원예학회 2014 원예과학기술지 Vol.32 No.4

        ‘Bristol Fairy’ 유래의 결실되는 아조변이체인 ‘Gyp99’의 실생계통으로 밝은 백색 겹꽃에 소화가 큰 ‘Gyp06-11’로부터 2008년 특성이 우수한 ‘Gyp08-2’ 계통을 선발하여 2009-2010년 2년 동안 특성평가 및 특성검정을 통해 ‘Dream Song’을 육성하였다. ‘Dream Song’의 초형은 직립형이고, 잎 모양은 피침형, 소화는 꽃잎수가 많고 암술이 2개인 백색겹꽃으로 꽃잎은 도란형, 꽃잎 끝 모양은 약간 둥근형, 꽃받침 모양은 컵형인 ‘Dream Song’ 고유의 특성을 가진다. 또한 소화의 일시개화성이 우수하고 절화수명이 매우 길며, 분지각이 작고 흰가루병에 강하고 총체벌레와 잎굴파리 등 충해에도 강해 재배적 가치가 높은 특성을 가진다. 준고냉지 여름절화 작형에서 ‘Dream Song’ 개화는 ‘Bristol Fairy’보다 17일 늦고 절간장과 화경장이 길었으며, 측지 분화가 많고 줄기가 굵었다. 또한 소화가 크고 야간 기온 22℃, 7일 이상의 고온조건에서도 기형화 발생이 없었다. ‘Dream Song’ is a cultivar of Gypsophila paniculata developed by the Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services in 2010 for cut-flower production. This hybrid was bred from 121 seedlings collected from an open-pollinated population of ‘Gyp06-11’. It has novel morphological characteristics of upright plant type, lanceolate leaves, double florets with a few bright white-colored petals of obovate shape, truncate petal tips, and cup-shaped calyces. Furthermore ‘Dream Song’ has desirable cultivation characteristics including narrow branching angle, and moderate resistance to powdery mildew, thrips and leaf miners. Moreover it produces more primary branches, and longer internodes and flower stalks than reference cultivar ‘Bristol Fairy’ during summer cultivation in a subalpine area (500 m over the sea level). Flowering in ‘Dream Song’ is delayed by about 17 days as compared to ‘Bristol Fairy’. ‘Dream Song’ produces normal flowers with 2 pistils and an average of 10.4 stamens, with fewer malformed flowers than ‘Bristol Fairy’.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인 A 형 간염 환자에서 A 형 간염 바이러스의 유전자형에 관한 연구

        권오상,송기준,박상훈,송진원,김재선,김종헌,변관수,이창홍,연종은,백락주,박영태 대한간학회 2000 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology(대한간학회지) Vol.6 No.3

        $quot;목적: 한국에서 과거 A형 간염은 낙후된 개인위생 및 자연환경으로 유소아기에 불현성 감염으로 앓고 지나가게 되어 청소년 및 성인에서 HAV에 대한 항체 보유율이 매우 높고 성인에서의 급성 A형 간염은 매우 드물게 보고되었다. 그러나 고도의 경제성장과 더불어 식생활, 위생상태의 개선, 상하수도의 보급 등으로 유소아기의 A형 간염 이환율이 현격히 감소하면서 청소년 및 성인에서 HAV 항체가 없는 인구집단 즉 HAV에 감염되면 현증 간염이 발생할 수 있는 인구 집단이 증가되어 최근 수 년 사이에 현증 A형 간염이 폭발적으로 증가하게 되었다. 이에 저자는 HAV의 유전자형을 알아보고 이미 보고된 각국의 HAV와 연관성을 알아보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 대상과 방법: 1994년부터 1998년까지 한국에서 산발적으로 발생한 18예의 A형 간염 환자의 혈청에서 HAV RNA를 추출, 역전사-중화효소 연쇄반응법(RT-PCR)으로 증폭하여 직접 염기서열의 분석을 통해 국내 HAV 사이에 염기서열, 아미노산의 차이 등을 알아보고 세계 각국에서 보고되었던 HAV 분리주들과 비교하였다. 결과: HAV 게놈의 특정부위인 VP1/2A 연결부위 168 bp 길이에서 시행한 염기서열 분석 결과 한국에서 분리된 18예의 HA이러스는 최근 해외에서 유입된 바이러스일 가능성은 적으며 따라서 장기간 국내에서 토착화된 바이러스일 것으로 생각된다. $quot;Background/Aims: Studies of genotypes and changes in nucleotide and amino acid sequences of hepatitis A virus (HAV) may provide valuable information on the epidemiological aspects of a particular region. In Korea the prevalence of anti-HAV in the 1 - 20 year age group declined from 60% in 1980 to 9% in 1995. As a result this age group has a high risk of HAV infection. Actually over 1,500 cases of clinically overt hepatitis A occurred in 1998 while few cases of clinical hepatitis A had been reported until the early 1990s. The aims of this study are to determine the genotypes of HAV which have been circulating in Korea and to define the phylogenetic relationships of geographically defined isolates. Method: From 1994 - 1998 a total of 18 serum specimens was obtained from patients in Korea with sporadic form acute hepatitis A. The HAV nucleic acid from serum specimens was subjected to genomic sequence analysis following viral RNA extraction, reverse transcription and amplification of the cDNA by PCR. DNA sequencing was performed in both directions of each PCR product. Results: All isolates clustered within the subgenotype IA irrespective of the geographic locations and timing of the clinical hepatitis. Among 18 Korean isolates, 9 isolates had 2 amino acid sequence changes and 2 isolates had 1 amino acid sequence change. These changes in the amino acid sequences are unique and have never been reported in HAV subgenotype IA. Conclusions: All isolated HAV had genotype (IA). Eleven of 18 isolates had unique changes in amino acid sequences. These data indicate that the endemic HAV has been circulating in Korea over a long period of time.

      • KCI등재

        사내커뮤니케이션과 구성원 정서적, 자주적, 변화참여 열의와의 관계 연구

        신호창(Shin, Ho-Chang),송주현(Song, Ju-Hyun) 한국정치정보학회 2015 정치정보연구 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 현대 경영에서 중요시되는 소통과 그 동안 커뮤니케이션학에서는 잘 다루어지지 않았던 열의(engagement)의 개념에 주목하여 사내커뮤니케이션과 구성원 열의와의 관계를 통합적으로 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 실무 종사자 약 300여 명을 표집하여 서베이 연구를 실시하였으며, 본 정량적 연구결과를 보강하고 변인간의 관계를 심층적으로 이해하고자 사내커뮤니케이션과 밀접한 직무를 수행하는 국내 유수 기업의 홍보, 인사, 기업 문화 담당 실무자 11명을 대상으로 심층인터뷰를 진행했다. 연구결과, 사내커뮤니케이션의 차원과 구성원 열의의 세부 변인 간에 밀접한 영향 관계가 나타났다. 기업의 가치관(경영이념)에 대한 구성원의 이해가 높을수록 구성원은 기업에 대한 소속감, 애착감이 높아지는 상관관계가 나타났으며, 업무상황에서 개인의 커뮤니케이션 능력과 구성원의 역할인지가 높을수록 업무에 대한 의미감과 자신감이 높게 나타나는 정(+)적인 관계를 발견할 수 있었다. 또한 조직 변화 시기에 구성원의 지지와 참여를 이끌어내기 위해서는 커뮤니케이션 캠페인 활동이 필수적이며, 이를 통해 성공적인 변화를 안착할 수 있음이 드러났다. 본 연구는 그동안 다양한 용어와 개념적 접근으로 혼재되었던 열의(engagement)를 종합적으로 고찰하여 한국형 구성원 열의를 설명하고자 시도했던 첫 연구라 할 수 있다. 특히 구성원 열의를 자발적이고 능동적인 개념에 주목하여 3가지 차원(정서적 열의, 자주적 열의, 변화참여 열의)을 도출하였다는 점에서 현대 조직 구성원의 특성을 반영하여 열의에 대한 새로운 논의를 이끌어냈다. 또한, 실무적으로도 사보제작 및 사내방송을 통한 일방향적인 커뮤니케이션 전술의 한계를 벗어나 구성원의 열의를 증진시키는 데 기여할 수 있는 커뮤니케이션 콘텐츠 및 전략을 논의하였다. The purpose of present study is to identify relations of internal communication (sharing the values, clearness of work communication, communication campaigns) and employee engagement(affective, independent, change-participation will in change situation). The major findings of the study are summarized as follows: First, there is a direct correlation between sharing the values and affective employee engagement. Especially, employees’ understanding of CEO’s philosophy is significantly associated with employees’ membership and organizational identification. Second, the clearness of work communication has positively related to independent employee engagement in work circumstance. In particular, through the open communication at work, personal communication ability and knowledge of working role are considerably associated with perception of work meaningfulness and job confidence. Third, communication campaign has positive effect on employee change-participation will in organizational change situation. This study has a significance owing to looking into the relations between communication and employee engagement in multiple levels. It focuses on not only the specific conditions related to employee’s job satisfaction or citizenship behaviors but also participation will in organizational changing situation. Also, this study strongly concludes that internal communication factors need to be considered in order to increase the level of employee engagement and improve the work effectiveness.

      • KCI등재

        인덕터의 DC 바이어스 특성을 고려한 대용량 DC-DC 컨버터의 손실계산

        조영창(Young-Chang Jo),최주엽(Ju-Yeop Choi),정승기(Seung-Ki Jung),최익(Ick Choy),송승호(Seung-Ho Song) 대한전기학회 2011 전기학회논문지 Vol.60 No.4

        It is necessary to accurately predict converter losses for optimized design of a high-power DC-DC converter. The losses of switching devices and inductor among the elements of the converter take significantly greater proportion. The current ripple will be determined by the size of the inductance and this inductance value varies depending on the DC amount of inductor current. As the inductance changes according to load current, the change influences not only the inductor loss itself but also the total converter loss. In this paper, for more accurate design of a bi-directional DC-DC converter for 30㎾-class energy storage system, more accurate computational model is proposed considering inductance variation according to the load current change. The inductance changes using variable magnetic cores are verified and converter efficiency is tested through simulations and experiments.


        Finding key vulnerable areas by a climate change vulnerability assessment

        Kim, Ho Gul,Lee, Dong Kun,Jung, Huicheul,Kil, Sung-Ho,Park, Jin Han,Park, Chan,Tanaka, Riwako,Seo, Changwan,Kim, Ho,Kong, Wooseok,Oh, Kyusik,Choi, Jinyong,Oh, Young-Ju,Hwang, Gangseok,Song, Chang-Keun Springer Netherlands 2016 Natural hazards Vol.81 No.3

        <P>Extreme climate events such as typhoons, heat waves, and floods have increased in frequency with climate change. Many municipalities within the Republic of Korea (ROK) have experienced damage from these events, necessitating countermeasures. Vulnerability assessment has been suggested in the implementation of a national plan for reducing damage resulting from climate change. Thus, in this study, we assess the vulnerability of the ROK and identify key vulnerable municipalities in support of the national adaptation plan. We create a framework for assessing the vulnerability of all 232 municipalities of the ROK with respect to 32 items in 7 fields. The framework regards decision makers' comprehension and availability of data as important factors. We assess the vulnerability index of each municipality by using variables of climate exposure, sensitivity, and adaptation capacity. The weights of variables are determined by the Delphi method. We used the representative concentration pathways 8.5 climate scenario to reflect future climate exposure for the vulnerability assessment. From the analysis, vulnerability maps are prepared for the 32 items of 7 fields, and key vulnerable municipalities are identified by aggregating the maps. The distribution of vulnerable municipalities changes with the future climate conditions. These maps provide a scientific and objective basis for the ROK government to establish adaptation plans and allocate resources. The ROK government can utilize the results to identify the characteristics of highly vulnerable areas, and municipalities can use the results as a basis for requesting support from the national government.</P>

      • 만성 화농성 중이염의 세균학적 고찰

        조남순,이영훈,강기훈,최제환,송태현,이병돈,장혁순,강주원,김연준 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2000 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.6 No.1

        Background and Objectives : Chronic suppurative otitis media is one of the frequent diseases in otolaryngologic field. It is important to choose of antibiotics in the management of infectious disease. But the organisms in infections have been changed and resistance to antibiotics has been grown as the development of antibiotics has been achieved. And so it has been necessary to recognize the changes of organisms and resistance in antibiotics. Our study was performed to identify the pathogens isolated from discharges in chronic otitis media and evaluate the antibiotic agents, to recognize the change of to resistance to·antibiotic agents and to use the appropriate anitiotics. Materials and Methods : Retrospectively, authors reviewed the backeriologic study of 114 cases of chronic suppurative otitis media who visited the Department of Otolaryngology, Soonchunhyang University in Seoul from Nov. 1996 to Oct. 1999 and analyzed 101 strains and its sensitivity test to various antibiotics. Result : In 93 cases in which pathogenic organism was isolated, single infection was 85 cases(91.4%) and mixed infection was 8 cases(8.6%). The most frequent pathogenic organism was Staphylococcus aureus(59.4%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa(13.9%), Providencia(4.8%), Alcaligenes(3.0%) and Streptococcus pneumoniae(2.9%) were the next. Methicilline-Resistance Staphylococcus aureus was 34 cases(57.6%) of Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus was sensitive to Vancomycin(96.7%), Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (57.6%), Cefuroxime(42.4%) and Ciprofloxacin(40.7%) but resistant to Penicillin(94.9%). Pseudomonas aeruginosa was sentitive Amikacin(100%), Ciprofloxacin(100%) and Gentamicin(67%). Conclusion : As MRSA recently was wide spread in community accquired infection as well as nosocomial infection, we must consider strict control of MRSA.

      • 만성적 스트레스 및 불규칙적인 운동이 심혈관 질환의 위험인자에 미치는 영향

        송영주,권대근,장창현,정영미,황정윤,성동진 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.20 No.1

        This study was conducted to invastigate the effect of everyday life stress level and temporary physical activity by the stress on stress-related hematologic indices. The subjects were 83 male older aged men and they were received a questionaire about everyday life stress level and temporary physical activity by the stress and collected whole blood after overnight fasting state. Obtained results were as follows: 1. CRP level CRP level of MS group was significantly increased compared to SS group(p<.05). However, CRP level between PA and NP was not significant difference. 2. Cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipid level Cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipid level of MS group was significantly increased compared to SS group(p<.05). However, Cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipid level between PA and NP was not significant difference. 3. WBC counts WBC counts of MS group was significantly increased compared to SS group(p<.05). However, WBC counts between OP and PA was not significant difference. From these results, increased stress in everyday life aggravate blood components related cardiovascular risk factors and immune system. In addition, acute exercise for stress attenuation does not improve blood components related cardiovascular risk factors and immune system. In summary, regular exercise and optimal nutrition and rest will be attenuate cardiovascular risk factors and immune system.

      • 저전력의 플립-플롭과 클럭 드라이버 설계

        양윤주,하영철,송정근,홍창희 東亞大學校 附設 情報通信硏究所 1999 情報通信硏究所論文誌 Vol.7 No.1

        본 논문에서는 VLSI 전체 전력소비에 있어 비중이 높은 클럭 시스템의 전압 스윙 폭을 줄여 전력소비를 감소시킬 수 있는 저전압 클럭용 플립플롭을 제안한다. 제안된 플립플롭이 저전압 스윙 클럭으로도 동작함을 증명하고 이 플립플롭과 연계하기 위한 실제 전압 폭 감소 클럭 드라이버를 설계하였으며, 이 클럭 드라이버에 의해 기존의 클럭 드라이버에서 발생하는 전력소비를 1/4가량 감소시킬 수 있음을 설명했다. 본 논문에서 제시하는 플립플롭과 클럭 드라이버간의 연계동작과 소비전력 감소 효과는 SPLICE simulation을 통해 검증하였다.

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