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      • KCI등재

        벼 도복 발생요인과 피해경감 대책

        이문희,오윤진,박래경 韓國作物學會 1991 한국작물학회지 Vol.36 No.5

        벼 도복은 수입개방 대응기술 개발의 목표인 생산비절감 및 미질향상면에서 매우 중요하게 다루어져야 하는 기상재서라고 본다. 특히 생산비절감을 위한 직파재배법 연구에서는 도복에 관한 문제가 해결되지 않으면 직파재배가 보급될 수 없을 정도로 중요하게 여겨진다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 우리나라에서 발생되는 도복의 현황을 살펴보고 이에 따른 도복의 양상, 원인, 기작 등을 분석하여 보고, 또 이제까지 연구되였던 결과를 검토하여 도복없는 성역 안전성이 높은 양질미 생산기술체계확립의 기초자료로 이용코자 요약해 보면 다음과 같다. 1. 벼 도복은 집중포우 및 태풍의 기상조건 요인과 도복에 약한 일반 벼 품종의 재배면적의 증가와 다비재배로 점차 증가되어오는 추세이다. 2 벼는 간장과 엽장이 길고 엽의 각도가 벌어지며 엽초의 신선도가 떨어지고 절간의 수가 많고 하위절간장이 길며, 뿌리의 량이 적고 근부현상에 의하여 뿌리의 활력이 떨어지면서 천식성인 특성을 가지고 있는 벼는 도복에 약하다. 3. 벼의 도복은 좌절형, 만곡형, 개장형(분도복), 전복형 (뿌리도복)등으로 구분되나 우리나라에서는 좌절형이 많고 앞으로 직파재배 면적이 증가된다면 전복형 도복이 문제될 것이다. 4. 직파재배는 이앙재배에 비하여 부리의 지지력이 약하기 때문에 도복에 약하므로 직파재배에서 도복피해를 경감시킬 수 있는 재배법의 확립이 필요하다. 5. 출수후 도복되는 시기가 빠를수록 도복의 피해는 심하게 나타나며, 주로 등숙비율과 입중이 감소되고, 청미와 사미의 비율이 증가되어 양질미 생산에 큰 장해요인이 된다. 6. 벼 도복방제를 위해서는 내도복성품종 재배, 시비량 및 방법의 개선, 물관리 철저, 건묘육성, 재식밀도, 병충해 방제등의 종합기술 체계가 확립되어야 한다. 7. 생장조정제를 이용한 도복경감요구는 약제의 개발, 처리시기, 처리약량, 도복성의 조기진단 등에 대하여 세밀하게 검토되어야 한다. 이상에서 살펴 본 것과 같이 벼도복방제 기술확립에 관한 연구는 벼재배의 성력화와 양질미생산측면에서 중요한 기술요인으로 빠른 시일에 집중적인 연구가 필요하다고 본다. Lodging of rice plant is the most important damage by unfavourable weather conditions in rice cultivation. High levels of nitrogen application and growing of Japonica rice variety is one factor to increase the lodging damage. Lodging of rice plant decreasing grain yield; 34% at milky. 21% at dough. 20% at yellow stage. decreasing grain Quality. increasing green rice. and increasing labor cost to harvest. To decrease lodging damage. the lodging resistant varieties will be selected and cultural practices such as amount and time of nitrogen application. planting density. water management. and disease and pest control methods have to be study for the short and strong culm. and good rooting system. Also. application methods such amount and time of plant growth regulators and new types of chemicals will be develop for the reducing lodging of rice plant. To decrease the lodging damage in direct seeding cultivation. first identifying the differences of lodging mechanisms between hand transplanting and direct seeding, second establish the suitable direct seeding methods such as seedling establishement. fertilization. and water menagement.

      • KCI등재

        間歇型 일산화탄소중독 후유증 1례

        김정성,서찬수,이문희 大韓神經精神醫學會 1972 신경정신의학 Vol.11 No.4

        The authors reported a case of Co-Poisoning in 43 years old female who was misdiagnosed as depression due to her psychiatric symptoms on admission, but was treated successfully under the diagnosis of CO-Poisoning. It was intersting enough to notice that the Sequelae of CO-Poisoning in this case seemed to be precipitated by emotional factors which patient experienced during her lucid interval. It was also noted that patient began to improve rapidly very so-on after she discharged melena in the middle course of illness. The further investigations to determine whether emotional factors may precipitate the sequlae and whether the discharge of melena may have any significance, related with courese of CO-Poisoning, are expected and will be highly appreciated.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison on Proximate Composition and Nutritional Profile of Red and Black Sea Cucumbers (Apostichopus japonicus) from Ulleungdo(Island) and Dokdo(Island), Korea

        이문희,김연계,문호성,김경덕,김관규,조현아,윤나영,심길보,박희연,이동석,임치원,윤호동,한상국 한국식품과학회 2012 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.21 No.5

        The proximate composition, fatty acid, and amino acid profile of the body wall and viscera of each red and black sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) from Ulleungdo(Island) and Dokdo(Island) in Korea were compared. Moisture, ash, crude protein, and crude lipid contents ranged between 80.26-91.49, 2.57-6.85, 1.13-3.99, and 0.14-2.12%, respectively. The fatty acid values varied depending on the species and the regions of collection. The anteiso C17:0, C16:1Δ9, C17:1Δ7, C18:1Δ11, and C16:2Δ7 were only observed in the body wall. Among the tested fatty acids, the C18:1Δ11 was specific in red sea cucumber, and C20:4Δ6 (17.7%) and C20:5Δ3 (17.6%)were the predominant polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)in all samples. The contents of the C18:0 dimethyl acetal (C18:0 DMA), C16:1Δ7, C16:1Δ5, and C18:1Δ5 were compared in details. Total amino acids (TAA) of body wall were 1.3-1.9 times higher than those of viscera. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid constituted the major TAA of sea cucumbers. The ratio of essential amino acids (EAA):nonessential amino acids (NEAA) on TAA ranged from 1.15 to 0.67 of sea cucumbers. Viscera of red sea cucumber from Dokdo(Island) were rich in free amino acids (FAA)and showed a high content in leucine.

      • KCI등재

        이집트의 벼 고위 수량 생산기술 분석

        이문희,강양순,박정화,정남진 한국국제농업개발학회 1998 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.10 No.3

        이집트에서 벼 수량성이 ㏊당 8.3톤(1996)으로 세계에서 가장 높고 안정적으로 수량 생산을 할 수 있는 요인을 분석하였다. 지리적으로나 기후 및 토양특성 등의 생산여건이 벼 재배에 매우 적합하고 이러한 생산환경에 알맞은 생산기술도 잘 개발되었으며 이러한 기술이 농가에 체계적으로 보급되고 있기 때문이었다. 지리적으로는 나일강 하류에 퇴적된 평탄한 Delta 지대에서 풍부한 수자원으로 관개재배 된다. 기후로는 벼가 재배되는 4월-11월까지 건조하고 일사량이 풍부하며 벼 등숙기간(8월-10월중)의 밤낮 기온교차가 14.4-18.6℃나 되어 등숙에 아주 유리한 조건이었다. 토양은 미사질-중점질 토성으로 pH가 7.3-8.3 정도이며 칼슘 등 양이온이 높아 전반적으로 비옥한 토양이었다. 생산기술로는 생육기간이 짧고 내도열병이면서 수량성이 ㏊당 10톤 되는 품종이 선택재배 되고 있다. 재배 기술로는 재배적기에 밀식조건(20×10-20㎝, 3묘)으로 기계이앙 되고 있다. 시비법은 질소-인산-아연을 ㏊당 75-37.5-25㎏ 시용하고 칼리는 거의 시용 하지 않으며 염농도 장해나 도열병 방제를 위하여 질소를 분시하고 있다. 도복방지를 위하여 담수재배에서는 출수전 20-43일에는 중간낙수를 철저히 실시하며 절수를 위하여 담수하지 않고 토양을 포화상태로 유지하여도 수량 감소가 없었다. 피, 광엽잡초 및 방동산이류를 대상으로 제초제에 의한 잡초방제가 주로 되며 2,4-D등 홀몬성 제초제는 면화나 후작물의 감수성 때문에 사용이 금지되고 있다. 병해충 방제를 위하여 가장 피해가 큰 도열병은 저항성 품종 선택과 질소 분시 및 약제방제가 행해지고 이화명충은 이앙 후 50일에 약제방제를 1회 시용하고 있다. 새로운 생산기술의 체계적인 보급을 위하여 기술평가의 확인단계로서 농가포장에서는 실증시험을 실시하고 기술보급 단계로서 지도원과 농민을 대상으로 전시포장을 운영하며 6주간의 기술교육을 실시한다. 또한 생산기술을 홍보하기 위하여 일반회합, 신문 잡지 등 대중 홍보 매체의 활용과 전시물 및 유인물을 발간 배포하고 있다. The yield of rice in Egypt was 8.3 tons per hector in 1996, which was the highest level in the world. The factors by which of the rice production is the highest in the world with stability were analysed in terms of environment, cultivation technology, and extension the new rice -production technology. The rice in Egypt is cultivated in delta plain area which the deposit was accumulated and which is located in the downstream of the Nile river by the sufficient water source. During the rice growth period from April to November, it is arid and the amount of sunlight is enough to rice growth. The diurnal range during spikelet filling stage from August to October reaches at 14.4-18.6℃, so it is profitable to the ripening of rice grain. The soil in Egypt is very fertile due to the silt to clay soil textures, 7.3-8.3 of soil pH, and high cation content including Ca^(2+). The rice varieties cultivated in Egypt have the high yielding with short growth duration and resistance to the rice blast disease. They cultivate rice by machine transplanting at the proper period with dense transplanting(20×20 ㎝, 3-seedling/hill). The application level of nitrogen-phosphate-zinc is 75-37.5-25 ㎏/㏊ each, and the nitrogen fertilizer is applied by split application to manage the salinity and rice blast. Intermediate drainage is performed from 20 to 43 days before heading to reduce lodging, and it is possible to save water without decrease of rice yield when the soil is maintained in the saturated condition. Weeds including barnyard grass, broad leaves, and sedge are mainly controlled by herbicides. To control the rice blast disease, they use the rice varieties resistant to this disease, split application of nitrogen fertilizer, and fungicides. Stemborer is controlled by once treat of insecticides at 50 days after transplanting. To extend the technology of rice production systematically, an actual proof trial is performed in the farmer's field as conformation step, and demonstration farm is shown to farmers and extensioners as the extension of new technology step, and education for six weeks is performed. To exhibit the production technology, general meeting, mass media including newspapers and journals are available and exhibition and printed matters are spread.

      • KCI등재

        산전 초음파로 진단된 양측성 중복요관 및 요관류 1 예

        이문희,김혜숙,김순희,서창식,황의수,이광우 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.9

        중복요관은 흔한 선천성 요로계기형의 하나로서, 치료시기에 따라 예후가 현저하게 다르다. 태아신장의 초음파소견은 조기치료를 가능하게 하고, 비뇨기과 임상의들에게 다양한 수술방법을 선택할 수 있도록 하는데 매우 유용하다. 저자 등은 임신 32주에 산전 초음파로 진단된 양측성 중복요관 및 요관류 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Prenatal ultrasound represents an accurqate and reliable mothed for the detection of intrauterine anmalies. Despite numerous sonographic reports describling fetal renal abnormalities, there has been little mention of the abstructed duplex anomalies. Particularly ureterocele, whether associated or not with duplication of the collecting system, can be greatly affected by an early intrauterine diagnosis: Prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis allows a good diagnostic and therapeutic assessment of the patients prior to serious impairment of renal function due to recurrent urinary tract infections with pyelonephritis, so that in most cases the urological surgeion can opt for a parechymal conserving procedure. The authors have experienced a case of bilateral duplex ureter with ureteroceles diagnosed at 32 weeks of pregnancy and report our experience with a brief review of literature.

      • KCI등재

        Production of Interleukin-5, Interleukin-13 and Interferon-γ in Peripheral Blood CD8+ T Cells from Children with Wheezing

        이문희,문세나,장지현,정명숙,김유진,김현희,이준성,윤종서 대한 소아알레르기 호흡기학회 2008 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.18 No.3

        Purpose : Our objective was to investigate the role of CD8+ T cells in pathogenesis of wheezing in children with atopic nature. Methods : Twelve atopic wheezers, 8 nonatopic wheezers, 8 disease controls and 8 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. We isolated CD8+ T cells from peripheral blood samples, incubated them for 72 hours either in the absence or presence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and compared the concentrations of interleukin (IL)-5, IL-13, and interferon (IFN)-γ in the cell culture supernatants. Results : In the atopic wheezer group, the IL-5 concentration was significantly higher after PHA stimulation than after non-stimulated incubation. This difference was not observed in the nonatopic wheezer, disease control and healthy control groups. IL-13 was undetectable in all of the cell culture supernatants. There was no significant difference in the IFN-γ concentration between the PHA-stimulated and non-stimulated conditions in all 4 groups. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that CD8+ T cells may play a role in the pathogenesis of wheezing in children with atopic nature through the production of IL-5. Purpose : Our objective was to investigate the role of CD8+ T cells in pathogenesis of wheezing in children with atopic nature. Methods : Twelve atopic wheezers, 8 nonatopic wheezers, 8 disease controls and 8 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. We isolated CD8+ T cells from peripheral blood samples, incubated them for 72 hours either in the absence or presence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and compared the concentrations of interleukin (IL)-5, IL-13, and interferon (IFN)-γ in the cell culture supernatants. Results : In the atopic wheezer group, the IL-5 concentration was significantly higher after PHA stimulation than after non-stimulated incubation. This difference was not observed in the nonatopic wheezer, disease control and healthy control groups. IL-13 was undetectable in all of the cell culture supernatants. There was no significant difference in the IFN-γ concentration between the PHA-stimulated and non-stimulated conditions in all 4 groups. Conclusion : The results of this study suggest that CD8+ T cells may play a role in the pathogenesis of wheezing in children with atopic nature through the production of IL-5.

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