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      • KCI등재

        질소비료의 심층시비에 의한 논과 밭 토양의 암모니아 배출 억제 효과

        홍성창,김민욱,김진호 한국환경농학회 2022 한국환경농학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        BACKGROUND: Ammonia gas emitted from nitrogen fertilizers applied in agricultural land is an environmental pollutant that catalyzes the formation of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). A significant portion (12-18%) of nitrogen fertilizer input for crop cultivation is emitted to the atmosphere as ammonia gas, a loss form of nitrogen fertilizer in agricultural land. The widely practiced method for fertilizer use in agricultural fields involves spraying the fertilizers on the surface of farmlands and mixing those with the soils through such means as rotary work. To test the potential reduction of ammonia emission by nitrogen fertilizers from the soil surface, we have added N, P, and K at 2 g each to the glass greenhouse soil, and the ammonia emission was analyzed. METHODS AND RESULTS: The treatment consisted of non-fertilization, surface spray (conventional fertilization), and soil depth spray at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 cm. Ammonia was collected using a self-manufactured vertical wind tunnel chamber, and it was quantified by the indophenol-blue method. As a result of analyzing ammonia emission after fertilizer treatments by soil depth, ammonia was emitted by the surface spray treatment immediately after spraying the fertilizer in the paddy soil, with no ammonia emission occurring at a soil depth of 10 cm to 30 cm. In the upland soil, ammonia was emitted by the surface spray treatment after 2 days of treatment, and there was no ammonia emission at a soil depth of 15 cm to 30 cm. Lettuce and Chinese cabbage treated with fertilizer at depths of 20 cm and 30 cm showed increases of fresh weight and nutrient and potassium contents. CONCLUSION(S): In conclusion, rather than the current fertilization method of spraying and mixing the fertilizers on the soil surface, deep placement of the nitrogen fertilizer in the soil at 10 cm or more in paddy fields and 15 cm or more in upland fields was considered as a better fertilization method to reduce ammonia emission. .

      • KCI등재후보

        고추밭 고랑 볏짚피복에 의한 양분유출 특성

        홍성창,김민경,정구복,소규호 유기성자원학회 2016 유기물자원화 Vol.24 No.1

        Excessive application of nutrient supplement on the upland soil may increase the amount of discharge to surrounding water systems. The chemical fertilizer (CF), cow manure compost (CMC), and pig manure compost (PMC) are used as a nutrient supplement for cultivation of red pepper. Rice straws are widely used as a soil covering material in order to reduce weed occurrence, to protect soil moisture, and to supply organic matter in upland soil. This study was conducted to evaluate the furrow covering effect with rice straw on nutrient discharge in upland soil used for red pepper cultivation. The experimental plots of nutrient supplement were consisted of CF, CMC, and PMC and the amount of nutrient application were as recommended amount after soil test for red pepper cultivation. Each nutrient supplement treatment plot has no furrow covering (CFC) as a control and furrow covering with rice straw (FCS), respectively. Furrow covering with rice straw (FCS) of CF treatment and CMC treatment reduced the amount of T-N(total nitrogen) discharge by 1.4 kg ha-1, 2.1 kg ha-1, respectively, compared to control. While the amount of T-P(total phosphorus) discharge of the furrow covering with rice straw of CF, CMC, and PMC increased by 2.1 kg ha-1, 2.1 kg ha-1, and 0.2 kg ha-1, respectively, compared to control. The phosphorus and nitrogen content of straw were 0.4 % and 0.3 % respectively. In addition, in three week the phosphorus was eluted from the straw which soaked in distilled water. Thus, it was assumed that T-P discharging originated from rice straw which applied as a furrow covering material. The furrow covering with rice straw reduced weed occurrence compared to control. But production of fresh red pepper was not influenced significantly by furrow covering with rice straw. In conclusion, excessive furrow covering with rice straw could induce T-P discharge from upland soil used for red pepper cultivation. Further studies are needed to evaluate the appropriate amount of rice straw as a furrow covering material. 농경지에 작물재배를 위한 양분재료의 과다한 투여는 주변 수계로의 양분유출을 증가시킬 수 있다. 고추재배시 사용되는 양분재료는 화학비료, 우분퇴비, 돈분퇴비 등이 대표적이다. 볏짚은 벼 재배의 부산물로 밭 농사에서 잡초발생 억제, 토양수분 보존, 유기물 재료로 널리 사용된다. 본 연구는 노지 고추 재배에서 밭 고랑을 볏짚으로 피복할 때 강우로 발생하는 표면 유출수에 의한 양분유출 특성을 파악하기 위해 수행하였다. 시험구는 양분재료를 기준으로 하여 화학비료, 우분퇴비, 돈분퇴비로 구분하였고 양분투입량은 토양검정 시비량에 준하여 처리하였다. 각각의 시험구는 화학비료 또는 우분퇴비, 돈분퇴비를 시용한 후 볏짚으로 덮은 경우(피복 처리구)와 덮지 않은 경우(무피복구)로 구분하였다. 화학비료 처리구와 우분퇴비 처리구의 볏짚 고랑 피복 처리는 무피복구 보다 T-N (총질소)의 유출이 각각 1.4 kg ha-1, 2.1 kg ha-1 감소하였다. 반면에 화학비료 처리구와 우분퇴비 처리구, 돈분퇴비 처리구의 볏짚고랑 피복 처리는 무피복구 보다 T-P (총인)의 유출이 각각 2.1 kg ha-1, 2.1 kg ha-1, 0.2 kg ha-1 증가하였다. 볏짚은 질소 0.4 %, 인산을 0.3 % 함유하고 있고 증류수에 볏짚을 담근 후 3주일 내에 인산 성분이 유출되므로 T-P의 유출은 고랑을 피복한 볏짚에서 기원한 것으로 추정된다. 무피복구에 비하여 고랑 볏짚 피복구는 잡초발생이 줄었다. 그러나 붉은 고추의 수확량은 무피복구와 볏짚피복구 간에 유의한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 결론적으로, 고추밭 고랑을 볏짚으로 과다하게 피복하면 T-P의 유출을 유발할 수 있으므로 고랑을 피복하는데 적정한 볏짚량을 산정하기 위한 추가적인 연구가 필요하다고 판단되었다.

      • KCI등재

        신개발 심층시비장치를 이용한 심층시비가 벼와 콩 수량에 미치는 영향

        홍성창,김민욱,김진호 한국환경농학회 2023 한국환경농학회지 Vol.42 No.1

        Nitrogen fertilizer is an essential macronutrient that re-quires repeated input for crop cultivation. Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers can adversely affect the environ-ment by discharging NH3, NO, and N2O into the air and leaching into surrounding water systems through rainfall runoff. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technology that reduces the amount of nitrogen fertilizer used without compromising crop yields. Fertilizer deep placement could be a technology employed to increase the efficiency of ni-trogen fertilizer use. In this study, a deep fertilization de-vice that can be coupled to a tractor and used to inject fer-tilizer into the soil was developed. The deep fertilization device consisted of a tractor attachment part, fertilizer amount control and supply part, and an underground fer-tilizer input part. The fertilization depth was designed to be adjustable from the soil surface down to a depth of 40 cm in the soil. This device injected fertilizer at a speed of 2,000 m2/hr to a depth of 25 to 30 cm through an under-ground fertilizer injection pipe while being attached to and towed by a 62-horsepower agricultural tractor. Furthermore, it had no difficulty in employing various fertil-izers currently utilized in agricultural fields, and it oper-ated well. It could also perform fertilization and plowing work, thereby further simplifying agricultural labor. In this study, a newly developed device was used to inves-tigate the effects of deep fertilizer placement (FDP) com-pared to those with urea surface broadcasting, in terms of rice and soybean grain yields. FDP increased the number of rice grains, resulting in an average improvement of 9% in rice yields across three regions. It also increased the number of soybean pods, resulting in an average increase of 23% in soybean yields across the three regions. The re-sults of this study suggest that the newly developed deep fertilization device can efficiently and rapidly inject fer-tilizer into the soil at depths of 25 to 30 cm. This fertilizer deep placement strategy will be an effective fertilizer ap-plication method used to increase rice and soybean yields, in addition to reducing nitrogen fertilizer use, under con-ventional rice and soybean cultivation conditions. .

      • KCI등재

        Furrow Cover Effects of Black Non-woven Fabric on Reduction of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Discharge from Upland Soil Used for Red Pepper Cultivation

        홍성창,김민경,정구복,소규호 한국토양비료학회 2015 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.48 No.6

        Control of surface runoff from upland soil is essential to reduce nonpoint source pollution. The use of non-woven fabric as a soil cover can be helpful to control surface runoff. The field experiment was conducted to evaluate the furrow cover effects of black non-woven fabric on the nutrient discharge from upland soil used for red pepper cultivation. The experimental plots consisted of chemical fertilizer (CF), cow manure compost (CMC), and pig manure compost (PMC) treatment. Each nutrient material treatment plot has control (no furrow cover (NFC)) and black non-woven fabric cover treatment, respectively. The amount of nutrient application was chemical fertilizer of 190-112-149 (N-P2O5-K2O) kg ha-1, cow manure compost of 29.5 ton ha-1, and pig manure compost of 7.9 ton ha-1 as recommended amount after soil test for red pepper cultivation. Compared to control (NFC), furrow cover treatment with black non-woven fabric reduced the amount of T-N discharge by 50% at CF treatment, 36.9% at CMC treatment, and 44.8% at PMC treatment. Furrow cover treatment with black non-woven fabric reduced the amount of T-P discharge by 37.1% at CF treatment, 49.9% at CMC treatment, and 63.4% at PMC treatment compared to control (NFC). The production of red pepper did not show significant difference. There was no weed occurring in furrow cover treatment plots with black non-woven fabric. Results from this study showed that the furrow cover with black non-woven fabric could play a significant role in reduce nutrient discharge from upland soil used for red pepper cultivation.

      • KCI등재

        신개발 심층시비장치를 이용한 심층시비의 밭작물 재배 효과

        홍성창,김민욱,김진호,박성직 한국환경농학회 2023 한국환경농학회지 Vol.42 No.1

        Nitrogen fertilizers applied to agricultural lands for crop cultivation can be volatilized as ammonia. The released ammonia can catalyze the formation of ultrafine dust (particulate matter, PM2.5), classified as a short-lived cli-mate change pollutant, in the atmosphere. Currently, one of the prominent methods for fertilizer application in agri-cultural lands is soil surface application, which comprises spraying the fertilizers onto the soil surface, followed by mixing the fertilizers with the soil. Owing to the low nitro-gen absorption rate of crops, when nitrogen fertilizers are applied in this manner, they can be lost from land surfaces through volatilization. Therefore, investigating a new fer-tilization method to reduce ammonia emissions and in-crease the fertilizer utilization efficiency of crops is nece- ssary. In this study, to develop a method for reducing am-monia emissions from nitrogen fertilizers applied to soil surfaces, deep fertilization was conducted using a newly developed deep fertilization device, and ammonia emis-sions from barley, garlic, and onion fields were examined. Conventional fertilization (surface application) and deep fertilization (soil depth of 25 cm) were conducted for analysis. The fertilization rate was 100% of the standard fertilization rate used for barley, and deep fertilization of N, P, and K fertilizers was implemented. Ammonia emis-sions were collected using a wind tunnel chamber, and quantified subsequently susing the indole-phenol blue method. Ammonia emissions released from the basal fer-tilizer application persisted for approximately 58 d, begin-ning from approximately 3 d after fertilization in conven-tional treatments; however, ammonia was not released from deep fertilization. Moreover, barley, garlic, and on-ion yields were higher in the deep fertilization treatment than in the conventional fertilization treatment. In con-clusion, a new fertilization method was identified as an al-ternative to the current approach of spraying fertilizers on the soil surface. This new method, which involves inject-ing nitrogen fertilizers at a soil depth of 25 cm, has the po-tential to reduce ammonia emissions and increase the yields of barley, garlic, and onion. .

      • (NH₄)₂SO₄-NH₄NO₃-H₂O 계에서 제어결정화를 이용한 (NH₄)₂SO₄의 회수

        홍성창 경기대학교부설 산업기술종합연구소 1993 산업기술종합연구소 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        A study was performed on the transient crystal size distribution of the (NH₄)₂SO₄from (NH₄)₂SO₄-NH₄NO₃-H₂O system in a classifying crystallizer, using controlled crystallization method under varioud constant seeding rate. The mathematical model on the controlled crystallization in a classifying crystallizer was established and computer simulation based on the model agreed satisfactorily with experimental results, which means the data on the phase equilibrium and crystallization kinetics parameters used in this study are available. The model proposed in the present study can be used for finding the operating conditions to produce the crystals having uniform size from a system knowing the crystallization parameters.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        유동층연소로에서 압력요동특성치를 이용한 균일입자계 유 무연탄 혼합연소특성 해석

        홍성창,차왕석,도동섭,장현태 한국화학공학회 1999 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.37 No.4

        내경 0.155m, 높이 2.2m의 유동층연소로에서 유연탄과 무연탄의 혼합연소특성실험을 수행하였다. 본 실험에 사용된 무연탄은 발열량 2,020㎉/㎏으로 저품위 고회분 무연탄이며, 유연탄은 호주산으로 발열량이 6,520㎉/㎏인 저회분 고품위이다. 유동층연소로에서 연소특성을 해석하기 위하여 균일입자의 무연탄과 유연탄을 대상으로 무연탄 혼합비, 석탄 입경비 등을 변수로 실험을 수행하여 압력요동특성치 및 물리화학적 특성치를 이용하여 연소특성을 해석하였다. 유동층연소로에서 혼합석탄의 연소특성 해석은 압력요동특성치의 압력요동의 표준편차, 평균압력, power spectrum density function을 이용하였으며, 압력요동특성치로부터 유동층연소로에서 각각 석탄의 연소영역을 측정할 수 있었다. The characteristics of mixed-firing of an anthracite and a bituminous coal were studied in a fluidized bed combustor(0.155 m-I.D., 2.2 m-height). The used domestic anthracite coal has heating value of 2,010 ㎉/㎏ and the imported high-calorific bituminous coal has heating value of 6,520 ㎉/㎏. The physicochemical analysis and the pressure fluctuation properties were measured to interpret the combustion characteristics in a fluidized bed combustor of uniform particles of mixed anthracite and bituminous coal is a function of the particle size ratio and the anthracite mixing fraction. The combustion characteristics of mixed fuels in a fluidized bed combustor could be interpreted by using standard deviation of pressure fluctuations, mean pressure and power spectrum density function. The different burning region of fluidized bed combustor was measured by the pressure fluctuation properties.

      • KCI등재

        교육정보공개 정책과정 연구

        홍성창 한국교육개발원 2012 한국교육 Vol.39 No.1

        This study analyzed structural and functional factors concerning the policy process of education information disclosure by reviewing the change in regulations on student achievement data disclosure. The framework was constructed by combining multiple stream theory, advocacy coalition theory, and policy entrepreneur theory. The study showed that the policy process could be summarized as sets of actions taken by policy entrepreneurs, policy advocacy coalitions, and general participants in the three structures of policy-, problem-, and politics-streams, which were divided into three stages: agenda setting, policy formation and changes, and implementation. In the agenda setting stage, the advocacy coalition group pursuing school accountability continuously urged the government to review their alternatives, competing with the egalitarian coalition group in the subsystem. The policy entrepreneurs played key roles by disseminating their ideas into the different streams. The policy change occurred in a phased manner when the windows were opened in the politics stream. The Education Information Disclosure Act was established during the process of negotiation among political parties, which tried to overcome a long political stalemate, and the policy was actually changed when the newly-inaugurated president announced the disclosure of achievement data by schools. However, the conflicts between the competing coalitions were exposed in the implementation stage, followed by the policy non-compliance of the teachers union and political implementation by the government. 본 연구는 학교별 학생들의 학업성취도를 포함한 교육정보의 공개에 관한 정부의 지침 즉 교육정보공개 정책과정 전반의 기능 및 구조적 요소를 밝히고자 하였다. 다중흐름 이론, 지지연합 이론, 정책선도가 이론 등을 토대로 연구모형을 수립하였다. 분석 결과, 교육정보공개 정책과정은 세 개의 다른 구조(정책, 문제, 정치 흐름)와 정책참여자(정책선도가, 정책연합, 일반참여자)가 상호작용을 거듭하면서 세 개의 정책단계(의제설정, 정책형성 및 변동, 정책집행)를 거쳐 왔다. 의제설정 단계에서 학교교육의 책무성을 요구하는 정책지지연합이 평등주의적 정책연합과 하위체제 내에서 경쟁하면서 교육정보공개의 정부 의제화를 위해 지속적으로 활동하였다. 정책선도가는 자신의 아이디어를 정책, 정치, 문제 등 세 개의 구조에 접목시키면서 정책의 구심적 역할을 담당하였다. 교육정보공개 정책변동은 정치흐름에서 개설된 창구를 통하여 단계적으로 이루어졌다. 정치적 교착상태를 벗어나기 위한 여․야 협상 과정에서 교육정보공개법이 제정되었으며, 새롭게 출범한 정부가 학교별 학력정보 공개 방침을 선언하면서 사실상의 정책변동이 일어났다. 그러나 정책집행 단계에서 경쟁하던 정책연합 간의 갈등이 표면화되어, 정책 불응 등 정치적 게임과 정치적 집행 등의 현상이 일어났다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Screen 충진 유동층 연소로의 동특성에 관한 연구

        홍성창,오광중,도동섭,최청송 한국화학공학회 1991 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.29 No.1

        내경이 6.7㎝인, 충진 유동층 연소로의 동특성을 입자의 체재 시간 분포 곡선과 연소 온도 곡선을 이용하여 조사하였다. 연소에 사용된 유동화 입자는 크기 가 균일하고 발열량이 3000 ㎉/㎏ 이하의 저품위 무연탄을 사용하였으며 걱탄 입자의 연소특성을 조사하기 위하여 열분석을 행하였다. 충진 유동층 연소로에서 동특성을 고려하여 석탄 입자의 연소시 혼합영역과 화산영역으로 구분하여 연소모델을 제시하였다. 모델에 따르면 분급되어 상향하는 입자와 하향하는 입자들의 향류흐름에 의한 혼합효과는 석탄 고유의 발열량에 영향을 받으며 또한 연소되는 입자들의 분급효과가 높은 저품위 무연탄의 연소는 충진 유동층이 유리하다는 것을 알았다. The dynamic behavior of a screen packed fluidized bed combustor of 6.7㎝ inside diameter was investigated by the residence time distribution and the temperature profile of combustion. The low grade anthracite coal(H.V.<3000 ㎉/㎏) of uniform size was used in this experiment and the thermal analysis was performed in order to know the combustion characteristics of coal particles. Considering the dynamic behavior of the packed fluidized bed combustor, a combustion model which was consisted of a mixed zone and a dispersed zone of particles was proposed. It was found from the model that the particle mixing, which was caused by the counter-current flow of particles was influenced by the heating value of coal and that a packed ftuidized bed was more effective for the combustion of low grade anthracite coal having high segregation effect of burning particles.

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