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        신라 통일기 5주서의 역할과 위상

        홍성열(Hong, Seong-yeol) 북악사학회 2022 북악사론 Vol.15 No.-

        본 논문은 신라 군사조직의 하나인 5주서(五州誓)가 설치된 이유와 역할, 신라 군사조직을 구분 짓는 금색(衿色)을 통해 신라 군부대 속 5주서의 위상과 지휘계통이 어떠한지 알아보기 위해 작성하였다. 672년 석문(石門)전투에서 신라가 대패하자 신라는 전쟁에서의 전략을 방어로 변경하고, 당나라군의 공격을 막기 위해 여러 조치를 취했는데, 그 중 하나가 신규 군부대의 증설이었다. 이 때 5주서도 처음 설치되었다. 이 시기 신라의 방어선을 구분하면 5단계 방어선으로 구분할 수 있는데, 5주서는 제 3방어선인 소백산맥 방어선 앞에 주둔하여 제 2방어선인 한강연선에 있는 성들을 구원하거나, 소백산맥을 넘어 신라 내륙으로 진입하려는 적의 요격 임무를 수행하였다. 이와 함께 주요 교통로 및 소경의 보호, 옛 백제수도 지역 및 금마저지역의 백제・고구려 유민의 견제와 반란의 사전 차단 임무도 담당하였다. 한편 5주서는 9서당 구성부대인 녹금서당(綠衿誓幢)・자금서당(紫衿誓幢) 및 2절말당(二節末幢)과 사용하는 금색(衿色)이 녹자(綠紫)・자록(紫綠)으로 같다. 이 3개 부대가 공복 색 중 가장 위계가 높은 자색을 사용하는 것으로 볼때, 국왕의 영향력이 강한, 곧 직접 운용하는 최중요 부대이며 군사조직 중에서 위계가 높다고 할 수 있다. 또한 5주서는 2절말당과 함께 지휘관의 위계가 가장 높은 서당 장군의 지휘를 받았을 것으로 보인다. 이는 5주서의 부대 임무의 중요성 때문으로 생각한다. This paper investigates the establishment and role of Ohjuseo(五州誓), the military unit of the Silla Dynasty, focusing its command system and the position among the Silla military organization through the color of the unit’s uniform. When the Silla was defeated in the Battle of Seokmun in AD 672, Silla changed its strategy to focus on defense and took various measures to stop Tang s attacks; one of them was to form new military units including Ohjuseo. The concept of Silla s defense at that time was composed with five lines of defense. Ohjuseo was stationed in the third line at Sobaek Mountains where it can reinforce the fortresses on the second line at Han River, or intercept enemy trying to enter deep inside the territory beyond Sobaek Mountains. It also played a role to protect major roads and Sogyeong, or the secondary capital, and contain the population of old Baekje and Goguryeo residing their former capital and Geummajeo area to prevent their potential insurgency. Ohjuseo used purple-green and green-purple as the color of the uniform: the same color as it was used by Nokgeumseodang(綠衿誓幢) and Jageumseodang(紫衿誓幢), which all were assigned to Guseodang(九 誓幢), and Yijeolmaldang(二節末幢). Considering that these three units used the same purple, the highest ranks of color, it is thought that these were the most critical units directly assigned to the King and had a prioritizing position among the military organization. It is believed that Ohjuseo was commanded by the highest-ranking officer, Seodangjanggun, because of the importance of its role.

      • KCI등재

        살인 범죄자 프로파일링

        홍성열(Hong, Sung Youl) 강원대학교 사회과학연구원 2008 사회과학연구 Vol.47 No.1

        범죄자 프로파일링의 실질적 역사는 매우 짧지만, 많은 사람들의 관심을 모은다. 사건이 해결되지 못한 상태에서 전전긍긍하는 중에 용의자를 추정하며 관계자를 돕는 것은 프로파일링이 갖는 매력이다, 그러나 그런 매력을 얻기 위해서 수많은 자료와 씨름하며 인내하고, 과신을 억제하는 연역적 방법에 의해서 프로파일링이 만들어져야 한다. 프로파이링은 다른 범죄보다 살인사건에서, 살인 사건 중에서도 성적 살인에서 더 필요로 하다. 살인현장과 피해자로부터 얻은 자료를 근거로 계획적, 비계획적 살인을 구분하며 범인의 행동수법과 행동증표를 찾아야 한다. 그리고 이런 자료를 근거로 해서 범죄를 재구성하며 범죄인의 심리 속으로 여행을 해야 한다. 그런 여행은 수사 선 상에 오른 용의자 수를 줄여 주고, 증거들의 가치를 헤아려준다. 그러나 그 여행은 즐겁지 만은 않다. 왜냐하면, 용의자를 잘못 추정하는 경우에 수사방향을 엉뚱한 곳을 유도해서 높은 경제적, 인적 손실을 초래할 수 있다. 이런 과오를 벗어나기 위해서 프로파일러는 끝까지 인내하며, 연역적 프로파일링을 고집해야 한다. Criminal behaviors are being developed in techniques. And then if investigators try to solve the cases in the past view, they don’t figure out them. Actually criminal investigators often have hard time because of diversity of criminal behaviors. At these cases, criminal profilers help investigators find a solution for cases. Although a lot of crimes including burglary, robbing, rape and the like are occurred, murder represents such crimes. Also sexual murder pictures all kind of murder cases, and so if we understand sexual murdering, we can apprehend another crimes including general murdering. Profiling for murder criminals are based on crime scene and victims. And the crime scenes are generally divided into two parts. The first is a planned scene and the second an unplanned one. The former occurs by a psychopath and the latter by a schizophrenia. As well, with this views, criminal profilers must collect and analyze all the data from a variety of directions. After such his trying, profilers can suggest the personality and behaviors of a suspect in inductive reasons. However, the beginning profilers and ones who overrate themselves take deductive reasons. These profilers neglect the changing of criminals" MO and behavioral signatures. In this cases, profilers induces wrongly the direction of investigation. Such a criminal profiling produces a lot of loss in personnel and economics. In order to a profiling for murder criminals, in results, profilers should deeply see the sexual murdering by psychopaths because they plans the crimes and try to not left any evidences at crime scenes and victims. However, such a view is not fixed. Therefore, profilers should collect and analyze all the data obtained from crimes scenes, victims, witnesses, etc. with a mind which all criminal behaviors are changing.

      • KCI등재

        신라 중고기 서당의 설치와 운용형태

        홍성열(Hong, Seong-yeol) 신라사학회 2018 新羅史學報 Vol.0 No.43

        본 논문은 통일기 이후 신라의 핵심 군사조직으로 발전하는 구서당의 모태라고 할 수 있는 서당에 대해서 그 군사조직이 어떤 이유로 어떻게 창설 되었고 운용되었는지 알아보기 위해 작성하였다. 구서당이 삼국통일 이전 서당과 단절된 것이 아니라 그 연장선상에서 명칭이 변화하고 규모가 확장되었기 때문이다. 서당은 부대의 성격을 나타내는 글자인 ‘誓’와 군사력・군사조직을 나타내는 ‘幢’이 합쳐져 만들어진 글자로서 ‘국왕에게 충성을 맹세한 부대’라는 뜻을 가졌으며, 그 이름을 통해 국왕과 밀접한 관계를 가지며, 국왕의 지근거리에 행동하는 군사조직으로 추정할 수 있다. 곧 국왕이 직접 통솔하며 가까운 거리에서 보좌하는 국왕직속 군사기구로 생각한다. 신라가 ‘6정’ 이라는 체계적인 군사조직이 이미 존재하였음에도 불구하고 서당을 창설한 것은 당시 신라 내부의 정치상황과 연결되는데, 당시 강력했던 귀족세력을 견제하고, 친정을 선포하기 이전 진평왕의 국왕권을 뒷받침하기 위해서 국왕이 직접 지휘권을 행사하는 직속 군사기구로서 창설되었다. 한편 서당의 대외전쟁 참여 시기와 시위부 관부의 첫 출현 시기가 진평왕 46년으로 같은데, 이는 대외전쟁의 격화로 국왕직속 군사기구인 서당이 대외전쟁에 참여하면서 국왕 시위의 공백을 매우기 위하여 시위부가 만들어졌기 때문으로 보인다. 서당의 구성원들은 국왕 또는 왕실이 직접 선발한 소모병으로 판단하며 이들을 전렵 등을 통해 국왕의 직속군사기구로 양성했을 것으로 보인다. 중고기 서당은 장군이 아닌 대감이 지휘한 것으로 보인다. 대감은 장군과 같이 군사조직을 지휘할 수 있는 직책으로 장군과 달리 진골 이외의 신분도 임명이 가능하였다. 삼국통일전쟁으로 인한 신라 군사조직의 확대 이전까지는 ‘6정’외에 군사조직의 지휘관은 대감일 가능성이 크다고 보며 특히 시위부, 계금당 등 국왕 직속 군사조직들은 최고지휘관이 대감으로 나타나므로 서당도 최고지휘관이 대감이었을 것으로 생각한다. This study explores why Seo-dang(誓幢) was first established and how it was operated before the unification. Seo-dang did not disappeared after the unification but later expanded in its size, changed its name and developed into Gu-seo-dang(九誓幢), the core military organization of Silla during the Three Kingdoms unification period. The word, Seo-dang consists of two words : "誓(Seo)", which represents the characteristic of unit, and "幢(Dang)", which represents the military organization. It is interpreted as "the army which pledges allegiance to the king." It is thought that it was given a command directly from the king and was under his immediate supervision. The reason Seo-dang was established although Silla had already established a systematic military organization called "Yuk-jeong(六停)", was linked to the political situation of Silla, where the kings should keep in check many powerful aristocratic forces. Meanwhile, both the Seo-dang’s first involvement in wars against foreign countries and the first appearance of Siwibu(侍衛府) happened in 46th year of King Jinpyeong(眞平王). It seemed that Siwibu(侍衛府) was created to play a role as the guard for the King, in place of Seo-dang which was sent to the foreign wars. The members of Seo-dang were directly chosen by the king or royal family and they were trained as soldiers through hunting. It seems that Seo-dang was commanded by “Dae-gam(大監)”, not by a general. Although Dae-gam was allowed to command a military organization like a general, Dae-gam was not limited to be appointed among the Jin-gol(眞骨). Others status also could be appointed as a Dae-gam. Before Silla expanded its military organization during the unification war among three kingdoms, the commanders of the military organizations except Yuk-jeong were likely to be Dae-gam. Since the commanders of other military organizations under the king"s command, such as Siwibu and Gyegeumdang(罽衿幢), were Dae-gam, the commander of Seo-dang was also assumed to be Dae-gam.

      • KCI등재

        MCA 약물을 사용한 비수술적 여성 영구 불임술

        나중(JW Rha),구병삼(BS Koo),홍성봉(SB Hong),이수종(SJ Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.3

        Non-surgical permanent female tubal sterilization using Methylcyanoacrylate (MCA) was studied in 25 volunteers. The results are; 1. In the first MCA applications, bilateral tubal closure were 18 patients (72%), unilateral tubal closure were 4 patients(16%), and 3 patients were noted as bilateral tubal patentcy. 2. In the second MCA application with 3 unilateral tubal closure patients were all successful. 3. The total success rate after first and second MCA application were 100% (total 21 cases). 4. There were no specific subjective symptoms at the time of application, and there were no significant changes in menstrual, urinary and bowel functions. 5. It is concluded that the use of MCA in non-surgical permanent female sterilization is highly effective, safe and simple. so this methods of female sterilization would greatly contribute the national Family Planning Programs.

      • KCI등재

        해외건설공사 EPC/Turnkey 계약조건 핵심 리스크 세부조항 도출 - FIDIC Silver Book 2017년 개정판 기준으로 -

        홍성열,제재용,서성철,박형근,Hong, Seong Yeoll,Jei, Jae Yong,Seo, Sung Chul,Park, Hyung Keun 한국건설관리학회 2022 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.6

        Recently, the global construction market is expected to grow at an annual average of 4.8% by 2025 and the risk of overseas construction is also expected to increase accordingly. In particular, domestic construction companies intensively participated in the EPC(Engineering, Procurement, Construction)/Turnkey project, but as a result of failing to respond to contractual risks, they have suffered losses of trillions of won in overseas business since 2013. Nevertheless, there have been not many studies on the derivation of EPC/Turnkey's contractual key risk sub-clauses. Therefore, in this study, the key risk sub-clauses were studied for the conditions of the 2017 Silver Book contract issued by the International Consulting Engineering Federation(FIDIC). To this end, 30 experts with more than 10 years of experience in international construction contracts were formed as a panel to conduct a Delphi survey on 170 sub-clauses of 21 clauses of FIDIC Silver Book to derive 62 main risk sub-clauses. In addition, the RPN(Risk Priority Number) was finally calculated using the FMEA(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) technique, and 25 key risk sub-clauses within the Critical Risk range were derived. Through the results of this study, the practical point of view is able to refer to the contract provisions to be carefully reviewed at the bidding and contract signing stage in overseas construction projects. From an academic point of view, it provides direction and basic knowledge of how to study the contract fields used in overseas construction EPC/Turnkey projects.

      • KCI등재

        휴대전원용 직접 알코올 연료전지의 특성에 관한 연구

        윤성렬,차석,오인환,홍성,하흥용,Yoon S. R.,Cha S. Y.,Oh I. W.,Hong S. A.,Ha H. Y. 한국전기화학회 2001 한국전기화학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        상온$\cdot$상압에서 운전되는 휴대전원용 연료전지 시스템에서 연료에 따른 애노드와 캐소드의 전위특성과 알코올 크로스오버의 영향 및 운전에 적합한 알코올 연료의 농도를 확인한 결과, 고분자 전해질 막을 통한 액상연료의 크로스오버는 메탄올, 에탄올, 그리고 이소프로필 알코올 모두에서 발생하였고, 고정형 연료시스템을 적용한 단위전지의 성능은 4.5 M의 메탄올이 0.23V에서 $31mW/cm^2$로 가장 우수하였다. The potential change, and the crossover of alcohol in a liquid-feed solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell operating at atmosphere and room temperature was investigated. Alcohol crossover was generated from all the alcohol by using the fuel. The single-cell property of direct methanol fuel cell was higher than that of other alcohol species as $31mW/cm^2$ at 0.23 V at 4.5M of methanol.

      • KCI등재

        Protein methylase 2 에 의한 Myelin 염기성 단백질의 Carboxyl - methylesterification

        전길자,홍성열,이향우,김명희,Martin Tuck,김상덕,백운기 ( Gil Ja Jun,Sung Ryul Hong,Hyang Woo Lee,Myung Hee Kim,Martin Tuck,Sang Duk Kim,Woon Ki Paik ) 생화학분자생물학회 1985 BMB Reports Vol.18 No.2

        Bovine brain myelin basic protein (MBP or AI basic protein) was found to serve as an excellent in vitro substrate for S-adenosylmethionine:protein-carboxyl 0-methyltransferase (protein methylase II; EC with a K_m value of 4.0×10^(-5)M. Peptide mapping of pepsin-digested [methyl-^(14)C]-MBP methylated by purified protein methylase II shows one major and one minor spot on autofluorography, indicating a relatively strong site-specificity of the enzyme towards MBP. At maximum, the enzyme can methylate 4.9 mole per cent of the MBP. Unlike protein methylase I [EC] which methylates arginine residues of MBP, protein methylase II activity in the brains of jimpy mutant mice (one of the dysmyelinating mutants) does not differ from the value of their normal littermates.

      • KCI등재

        응급구조(학)과 교육과정의 표준화에 대한 연구

        최은숙,홍성,권혜란,고봉연,이경,정한호,이명렬,윤성우,박시은,조근자,Choi, Eun-Sook,Hong, Sung-Gi,Kwon, Hay-Rran,Koh, Bong-Yeun,Lee, Kyoung-Youl,Jung, Han-Ho,Lee, Myung-Lyeol,Yun, Seong-Woo,Park, Si-Eun,Cho, Keun-Ja 한국응급구조학회 2017 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        Purpose: This study describes current curricula for paramedic students in South Korea and proposes a standardization of the curriculum. Methods: Data were collected from 38 colleges and universities from March 1 to 31, 2016. Descriptive statistics were calculated using SPSS 23.0. Results: The proposed standard curriculum was below. Requisite liberal arts consisted of 2 subjects and 6 credits including biomedical ethics, communications and human relationships. Common major subjects were composed of 6 areas, 22 subjects, and 78 credits. The areas of basic medicine consisted of 6 subjects and 16 credits including medical terminology. Introduction to paramedicine consisted of 3 subjects and 7 credits. Emergency patient management consisted of 2 subjects and 9 credits. Particulars to paramedic care consisted of 8 subjects and 31 credits. The law area consisted of 1 subject and 3 credits. Other major areas consisted of 2 subjects and 12 credits including integrated simulation and physician assistance. Common field practice area consisted of 3 to 4 subjects and 9 to 12 credits. Conclusion: It is important to establish and adapt a standardized curriculum for paramedic students in order to ensure competence and to provide high quality emergency medical services.

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