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      • KCI등재

        중국민족정책에서의 새로운 시각 분석 -‘탈정치화’논쟁을 중심으로 -

        허종국 대한중국학회 2014 중국학 Vol.48 No.-

        After beginning of the 21st century, Some Chinese scholars called for switching their national policy to the conversion of the perception of their ethnic problems. Beijing(北京)University sociology professor Marong considers that the cause which does not solve their national problems in China gives minorities more political emphasis in their policy, so he proposed that by means of ‘De-politicization’ of the national policy, redirect its policy from 'politicization' to 'culturalization' of ethnic issues so as to strengthen national identity among ethnic minorities. In addition, The two Qinghua(清华) University economics professors urged "the Second Stage Nationalities Policy'. In here, They urged that Marong's ‘De-politicization’ opinion be realized. These new claims were embroiled in controversy with strong criticism from critics because these claims are not only complete denial current national policy but also these claims are claims radical enforcement policies. This paper mainly analyzes the main contents and the key issues related to these problems and the possibility that the adoption of a policy.

      • 모택동 시기 중국 민족정책의 주요내용과 실천과정 연구(1949-1976)(상)

        허종국 영산대학교 2000 영산논총 Vol.6 No.-

        With the establishment of New China, the central Chinese government chose the System of Regional National Autonomy as a solution to domestic problems and presented major policies whose goals include the equality and the unity among the ethnic groups. To operate this system, the central government went through the preparatory period when various ethnic organizations were established and ethnic cadres were trained, and promoted the legislation for major policies and set up autonomous areas as well. Estrangement which had been created through the long Chinese history but also the minority cadres' inflexible application of the system hindered these policies operating smoothly. The "nationalization" is the main characteristic of the Chinese regional policies allowing minority ethnic groups the right of self-government. Mao's first term is referred to the "golden era" by the scholars when the regional policies operated smoothly with the great concern about minority groups. But during the second term the regional policies began to be deteriorated due to the domestic situations and the change in the perception of national problems. During the third term when socialism was established the ethnicity was identified with the rank and the reginnal policies fell into a disaster during the Cultural Revolution. When Deng Xiaoping was reinstated the regional policies were restored but the impact of the Cultual Revolution still lingers.

      • 덩샤오핑(鄧小平)시기 중국 민족정책의 주요 내용과 특징 : 1978-1989

        허종국 영산대학교 2002 영산논총 Vol.10 No.-

        To solve the ethnic problems, China suggests such main policies as ethnic equality, ethnic solidarity, and ethnic prosperity. The System of regional national autonomy is one of the concrete and institutionalized policies to solve the current ethnic problems. Ethnic policies in Deng period can be summarized in two main effects. Firstly, new ethnic policy has been made beyond the leftist idea since after the cultural revolution. Therefore, many falsely accused people were cleared of their charges, ethnic organizations were restructured, legal and institutional systems were reviewed for ethnic self-governing. Secondly, economic development has been greatly concerned in the ethnic minority areas. Deng has sought both the economic development and the ethnic solidarity, and offered some priorities and preferential policies since he chose 'shared wealth' for the newly ethnic policy. They say that the ethnic policies has been well executed in Deng period in these senses. Nevertheless, ethnic inqualities in reality has been reformed. The gap between the wealthy and the poor and the regions has not been narrowed and it remains to be a serious problem for ethnic solidarity and social stability. Though there have been many entangled ethnic disputes in 90s, the reasons are very complicated ones. Thus, solving ethnic problems need them to give careful attention and long term effort to these ones.

      • 모택동 시기 중국 민족정책의 주요내용과 실천과정 연구(1949-1976)(하)

        허종국 영산대학교 2001 영산논총 Vol.7 No.-

        With the establishment of New China, the central Chinese government chose the System of Regional National Autonomy as a solution to domestic problems and presented major policies whose goals include the equality and the unity among the ethnic groups. To operate this system, the central government went through the preparatory period when various ethnic organizations were established and ethnic cadres were trained, and promoted the legislation for major policies and set up autonomous areas as well. Estrangement which had been created through the long Chinese history but also the minority cadres' inflexible application of the system hindered these policies operating smoothly. The "nationalization"(minzuhua) is the main characteristic of the Chinese regional policies allowing minority ethnic groups the right of self-government. Mao's first term is referred to the "golden era" by the scholars when the regional policies operated smoothly with the gret concern about minority groups. But during the second term the regional policies began to be deteriorated due to the domestic situations and the change in the perception of ethnic problems. During the third term when socialism was established the ethnicity was identified with the rank and the regional policies fell into a disaster during the Cultural Revolution. When Deng Xiaoping was reinstated the regional policies wee restored but the impact of the Cultural Revolution still lingers.

      • KCI우수등재

        전장 상황 인지 보고서 생성을 위한 Text-to-Text 멀티 태스크 학습

        허종국,임새린,안시후,박진혁,이영재,조용원,목충협,조준호,김성범 대한산업공학회 2022 대한산업공학회지 Vol.48 No.6

        Advances in new communication technologies enable commanders to collect various information in battlefield situations. However, it is difficult to make quick and accurate decisions on the battlefield because of vast amount of information. To address this problem, several studies attempt to change tabular data into an easy-to-understand text format. Existing table-to-text studies are not suitable for battlefield situations because they use specific domain data such as WIKIBIO and WIKITABLETEXT. In this study, we propose a table-to-text transfer transformer (TaT4) that uses special tokens to transform log table data into a single sequence to preserve table information. Moreover, the proposed TaT4 uses multi-task learning that can leverage cross-task data of types in a single model to improve generalization performance. We conduct experiments on eight datasets generated from three Korean defense modeling and simulations (M&S) of battlefield situations in the Army, Air Force, and Navy. The proposed TaT4 outperforms the existing table-to-text models.

      • KCI등재

        ‘탈정치화’ 시각에서 본 시진핑 정부의 대 신장 민족정책 주요 특징 분석

        허종국 원광대학교 한중관계연구원 2023 韓中關係硏究 Vol.9 No.3

        This paper aims to analysis the main characteristics of the Xi Jinping administration’s ethnic policies toward Xinjiang through the analysis of Chinese scholars and leaders’ perceptions on ethnic issues and policy trends. In recent years, Xi Jinping’s government has implemented repressive policies such as a ‘Xinjiang Vocational Education and Training Center’ in western Xinjiang. External analysts judge this as a sign that the Xi Jinping administration has begun to push for a new ethnic policy, the ‘Second-Generation Ethnic Policies’, instead of the existing ‘The System of Regional Autonomy.’ Chinese scholars have begun to think that ‘The System of Regional Autonomy’ is a policy that has failed to solve the ethnic problem, and that a new policy that can strengthen national identity through ‘De-Politicization’ should be pursued. In particular, Prof. Marong and Hu Angang emphasized that the most important factor in solving the ethnic problem depends on strengthening the national identity through “De-Politicization” (whether it can weaken the ethnic identity at the same time). There has been a long-standing ‘De-Politization’ debate among Chinese ethnic scholars regarding this issue, but in the end, consensus has not been reached. However, despite this situation, the Xi Jinping administration has begun to actively accept the opinion of ‘De-Politization.’ The goal of the Xi Jinping administration in Xinjiang is to establish a new ethnic structure called ‘Political Unity, Cultural Pluralism.’ To achieve this goal, China uses the American-style convergence policy (melting pot policy) as its main policy model and is pushing for coercive policies to strengthen the Chinese national identity and the Chinese national community consciousness. China emphasizes that the direction of the new ethnic policy on the issue of Xinjiang is correct and also successful. However, the Xi Jinping administration’s ethnic policy is still difficult to escape criticism from the international community, and its policy effect is unclear. This paper believes that the real solution to the Xinjiang ethnic problem comes from respect for minorities.

      • KCI등재

        ‘일대일로’에 거는 중국의 기대

        허종국(許宗國) 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.47

        This paper tries to analyze the Effectiveness and limitations of China"s ethnic policy about Xinjiang ethnic problems by the economic approach. Recently, China is expected to overcome the domestic problems face challenges it is facing and it hopes to solve problems in Xinjiang, the so called ‘powder keg of China’. ‘One Belt, One Road’ strategy is to promote the strengthening of the economic ties of neighboring Central Asian countries, as well as to promote the economic development of Xinjiang. Also, it emphasizes the expansion of the multi-party security mechanism to ensure the safety in a ‘One Belt, One Road’ strategy. China believes that it could not only be able to resolve complaints through the inhabitants of Xinjiang"s economic development, but also strengthen the economic ties with the outside that could pose threat to China. Externally, China has tried to lead the economic development of Xinjiang, by west open policy in Xinjiang. The focus of the current stage of the strategy of the ‘One Belt, One Road’ is the building of infrastructure. China believes that it could strengthen the relationship and economic cooperation with relevant countries. In addition, internally, China is trying to lead the economic development of Xinjiang by the Second-stage western development strategy, urbanization strategy, domestic demand and consumption stimulus policies. China"s economic approach to solve Xinjiang problems can certainly be effective than in the past Coercive control method. However, when considering the complex international relations of the complexity and the surrounding situation with ethnic problems, Careful attention and care about social discontent in Xinjiang residents as well as ethnicity should be the priority consideration rather than rely too much on economic factors.

      • KCI등재

        신장 관광산업 활성화에 거는 중국의 기대 및 한계점

        허종국 경성대학교 사회과학연구소 2019 社會科學硏究 Vol.35 No.2

        The strategic value of Xinjiang which is located in the northwestern outlying area of China has recently increased sharply. With the driving of Chinese massive west-forwarding strategy, the issue of Xinjiang’s social stabilization has become the salient subject which is solved firstly in realizing the Chinese national strategy in the 21st century. China is putting efforts into the revitalization of tourism industries in Xinjiang for this. The nation is lavishing with its various political supports for its massive investment, the development of attractive sites and tourist goods, and the various expansion of infrastructures such railroads and roads. Despite the positive effects such as the fast development of tourism industries, the resolution of poverty issues, and employment etc., the voices which feel fear of the appearance of considerable negative factors are getting higher. The coercion and control to sustain the social stabilization are getting stronger and Uiguars, the principal ethnic group of this area, are being driven out by the fast development. The resistance of Uiguars who feel fear of the loss of their ethnic legitimacy will not seem to subside with ease. Chinese ethnic policies, which aim to stabilize Xinjiang’s ethnic groups socially with the only emphasis on the economic aspects have limits. 최근 서북 변경지역에 위치한 신장의 전략적 가치는 크게 상승했다. 중국의 대대적인 서진전략의 추진으로 이곳 신장의 사회적 안정 문제는 21세기 중국의 국가전략을 실현하는데 있어서 핵심적인 선결 과제 가 되었다. 이를 위해 중국은 신장 관광산업활성화에 크게 공을 들이고 있다. 대규모 투자, 관광지와 관광 상품의 개발, 철도와 도로 등 각종 기반시설의 확충 등 관광산업 활성화를 위해 각종 정책적 지원도 아끼지 않는다. 비록 빈곤문제해소와 취업 등 관광산업의 빠른 발전으로 인한 긍정적인 효과에도 불구하고, 적지 않은 부정적인 요인의 출현을 우려하는 목소리가 높아지고 있다. 사회 안정을 유지하기 위한 강압과 통제는 더욱 강해지고 있고, 빠른 개발로 이곳의 주체민족인 위구르인들은 점차 주변으로 내 몰리고 있다. 민족 전통성의 상실을 우려하는 위구르인의 반발도 쉽게 가라앉지 않을 듯 싶다. 경제적 측면의 강조만으로 신장의 사회적 안정을 도모하려는 중국의 민족정책은 한계가 있다.

      • 新民主主義革命時期 중국공산당의 民族政策과 주요내용 (1921-1949)

        허종국 영산대학교 1999 영산논총 Vol.4 No.-

        The system of Chinese regional national autonomy is based on the CCP's revolution experiences and lessons during the period from 1921 to 1945, as well as its national structure and national distinctive characteristics. During this period, the CCP's major national policies were presented as national self-determination, federal system and national autonomous. Today China is still adopting the national autonomy policy. This policy was stressed after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War(to be more exact, from the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the CCP). At that time, the CCP set up a number of ethnic affairs organizations. In the end, CCP adopted national autonomous as its national policies, even though the national self-determination and federal system were stressed during all its revolution period. In 1947, the first national autonomous area at provincial level in China--Inner-Mongolia Autonomous--Region was established, which bore a far-reaching impact on the further advance! After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the system of regional national autonomy was carried out all over the country.

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