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      • 우리나라 소화물일관수송의 효율적 물류네트웍 구축방향에 관한 연구 : A사의 사례를 중심으로

        한영철 연세대학교 경영대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라에 있어서 물류의 중요성에 대하여 그 의미를 부여하게 된 것은 오래되지 않았다. '80년대 초에 물류관리라는 개념이 제3의 이윤 창출의 원천이라는 명목하에 기업에서 인식하게 되었고,'80년대 중반 이후 '90년 대 초에 이르러서 비로소 일반 소비자를 대상으로 물류 합리화를 추구하기 위한 연구와 노력이 시작되었다. 물류 합리화를 추구하기 위한 직접적인 계기는 환경의 변화에 기인한다. 즉, 세계가 하나의 시장이 됨으로써 기업간의 경쟁이 심화되고, 또한, 통신 수단의 발달 등으로 소비자의 욕구가 다양화·다원화됨으로써 이와 관련된 생산·판매·유통·물류 등 제반 분야에서 체제 전환이 불가피하게 되었다. 따라서, 이러한 체제 전환의 일환으로서 도입이 된 소화물일관수송은 막대한 투자가 선행되어야 하는 장치산업이면서 운영 합리화를 위해서는 정부의 지원이나 기업 스스로의 연구 개발 노력이 절실한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 소화물일관수송의 운영 합리화를 위한 하나의 과제로서 우리나라 특성에 적합한 물류네트웍 구축방향에 대하여 고찰해 보았다. 우선 소화물일관수송에 대한 서비스제도 도입 의의와 특성, 운송체계등에 대한 기본적인 고찰을 통하여 물류네트웍이 가지는 역할과 중요성에 대하여 파악해 본 결과, 소화물일관수송 사업을 하고 있는 기업 입장에 있어서는 고객에 대한 서비스 제고를 통한 경쟁 우위 확보와 원가 절감을 기할 수 있는 차원에서 그 중요성이 부각되고 있으며, 소비자 입장에 있어서는 과거 소화물운송체계에 비해 신속성, 안정성, 편의성 등의 혜택을 받을 수 있다는 측면에서 그 중요성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 물류네트웍의 기본 요소인 노드(Node)와 차량 등 하드웨어 측면과 정보시스템과 링크(Link)계획 등 소프트웨어 측면을 적절히 확보하고, 이를 상호 유기적으로 시스템화하여 효율성과 효과성을 동시에 추구하는 방향으로 구축해야 한다. 물류네트웍을 구축하기 위해서는 여러 가지 변수와 요인을 적용하여 검토할 수 있지만, 본 연구에서는 운영 비용, 권역별 화물의 양과 흐름 및 인구의 분포에 따른 분석을 하여 구축 방향을 결정하였다. 분석 결과, 운영 비용에 있어서 노드비용이 링크비용보다 상대적으로 높기 때문에 운송 경로상에 터미널을 경유하여 집하에 의한 적재율 향상을 피하는 것이 오히려 총비용을 증가시키므로 Hub & Spoke 네트웍보다는 Point to Point 네트웍을 형성하는 것이 유리한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, Point & Point 네트웍을 구축하기 위한 방향으로서, 첫째, 전국적으로 중계터미널을 서울 및 수도권, 부산 및 영남권, 광주 및 호남권, 대전 및 중부권의 4개 권역에 배치해서 간선 운송 체계를 구축해야 한다. 아울러 중계터미널은 엄청난 양의 목적지가 서로 다른 개별 화물을 신속하게 분류할 수 있는 능력이 있어야 한다. 따라서, 대규모 부지를 확보하고 자동분류기를 설치하여 분류 작업의 능률을 제고시킴으로써, 차량의 대기 시간 감축과 작업인력의 생력화가 가능토록 해야 한다. 둘째, 각 권역별 중계터미널을 중심으로 집배송 터미널이 위성 형태처럼 배치되어야 한다. 즉, 집배송 터미널은 중계터미널과의 연계와 Door까지의 집배송을 신속하고 원할하게 하기 위하여 운송거리와 배송 리드타임(Lead time) 등을 고려해서 주요 거점마다 설치토록 해야 한다. 이러한 하드웨어적 요소를 구축함과 동시에 이를 효율적으로 운영하기 위해서 바코드시스템, 화물추적시스템 등 전산시스템을 구비해야 하며, 또한, 터미널과 터미널간, 터미널과 Door간의 운송체계를 과학적인 방법으로 스케줄링(Scheduling)해야만 한다. 결국, 우리나라에 있어서 소화물일관수송의 물류네트웍은 경부축과 호남축을 중심으로 하는 Point to Point 시스템을 구축하는 방향으로 나아가는 것이 바람직하다. It was not long ago when the meaning of logistics got its momentum with importance in Korea. Industries became to recognize the concept of logistics management in the name of creating a 3^(rd) profit out of it in the early 80's and started to research and practice it to the early 90's from the mid 80's. The direct motivation to get the efficient logistics comes from the changes of business environment. That is, industries have been struggling for survival more competitively than ever between them as the world is being united into one global market and they have no choice but to revamp their past paradigm relating to the whole business activities such as producing, sales, distribution and logistics to meet the customers' diversified needs. Therefore, being introduced as a part of change against the past practices, through delivery service of small package is a kind of a installation industry which requires a great amount of investment in advance. At the same time, it is highly requested to get the necessary support from the level of government and to focus their endeavors on R&D in terms of operational efficiency. This study is aiming at establishing the efficient directions of logistics network which can be applied appropriately under the peculiar situation in Korean industry as a subject to be discussed. Above all, based on the result of research for its role and importance through the basic study on the intent of introduction and peculiarity rendered by through delivery service of small package, we can reach the conclusion that the importance of through delivery service has been emerging by way of getting comparative competitiveness in maximizing customers' satisfaction from the point of industries. On the other hand, customers have become to recognize its importance for the favorable benefits such as speed, security and convenience. So, it is highly requested that through delivery service of small package should retain the hardware such as nodes and transportation means as well as adequate software such as information system to include link planning. These should be systematically organized for the sake of efficiency and utility at the same time. In order to establish a logistics network, this study is based on the analysis of operational costs, quantities and flows of the regional movements even though we can employ a lot of variations to be reviewed. With the result of this study, we arrive at the conclusion that Point to Point network is more efficient than Hub & Spokes because Hub and Spokes network increases overall costs due to higher capital investment on nodes comparing to links from the standpoint of operational costs though it enables to improve loadibility by consolidating the shipments through the designated terminal on their way. Accordingly, at first, relay terminals set up in the major regions which can be classified by their geographic locations as a way of establishing Point to point network ; Seoul and metropolitan areas, Kwangju and Honam, Taejon and Choongchung. In addition, a relay terminal should have the ability to segregate the great deal of individual packages with various destinations in a speediest manner to increase its productivity. That is why a relay terminal should be built on a large scale of estate and equipped with automatic sorter so that waiting time and man power can be streamlined. Second, pick-up and delivery terminals should be located and oriented towards the designated relay terminal like satellite. In other words, for the purpose of pick-up and delivery, a relay terminal should be located at the every major node in conjunction with distance and delivery lead time to perform the speediest delivery to consignee's door via a relay terminal. In order to establish and operate those required hardware at the same time, the computer systems including barcoding and tracing functions should be installed at each terminal and van planning also should be done in accordance with scientific method for the transportation means and routes between terminal terminal and terminal door. In concluding, through this study, it is recommended that the logistics network for through delivery service of small package should be based on Point to point system linking Kyungbu line and Honam line.

      • Study on the Preparation of Highly Magnetized Magnetic Nanoparticles and Effect of γ-Ray Irradiation on Permanent Magnet

        한영철 부경대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this research, the highly magnetized α-Fe nanoparticle was synthesized by the solventless thermal decomposition method. And, the effect of γ-ray irradiation on permanent magnet was also investigated. The solventless thermal decomposition method by capping agents is useful for the synthesis of pure metal nanoparticles. However the magnetic nanomaterials by the thermal decomposition method can not generally exhibit high magnetic properties like that of bulk magnetic material due to the existence of the surfactant and its pinning phenomenon. The high magnetic properties can be obtained by reduction in the high temperature with high vacuum and the NaCl powder which was used instead of a surfactant can be important separating media to keep the size and shape of nanoparticles. Other study is the investigation of the effect of 60Co γ-ray irradiation on the microstructure of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets at low temperature and room temperature. Like other strong electromagnetic radiation source, the γ-ray has enough energy to the ionization of molecules, stripping electrons, and breaking of the chemical chain. When the magnets are exposed on γ-ray irradiation, they showed the reduced magnetism. The curie temperature, electronic structure, surface morphology of magnet were also changed. 본 연구에서는 열분해법을 이용하여 강자성 ?-Fe 나노입자를 합성하였으며, 상온과 저온에서 영구자석에 대한 감마선의 영향에 대해 조사하였다. 순수한 금속 나노입자의 합성에 유용한 열분해법을 통해 얻어진 자성 나노입자는 입자의 표면을 덮고 있는 계면활성제와 그 계면활성제와 입자와의 pinning 현상으로 인해 본래의 자기적 성질을 나타내지 못하며, 일반적인 열처리 과정에서는 나노입자에서 강한 자성을 얻어낼 수가 없다. 본 실험에서는 강자성 나노입자를 제조하기 위해 고온과, 고진공의 환경하에서 NaCl을 사용하여 나노입자를 환원시켰으며 또한 입자의 표면을 덮고 있는 계면활성제를 분해 시켜 본래의 자기적 성질과 동일한 자성을 가지는 α-Fe 나노입자를 합성하였다. 또한 Part 2 에서는 60Co γ-선이 영구자석에 조사 되었을 때, 영구자석의 자성의 감소와, 감마선 조사시의 온도, Tc, 전기적 구조, 결정구조, 자석표면의 형태의 변화를 확인하였다. 다른 방사선처럼 γ-선도 분자를 이온화 하거나 화학결합을 끊기에 충분한 에너지를 가지고 있으므로 감마선에 노출된 영구자석은 본래의 자성에서 그 성질이 소폭 감소되는 것을 확인 할 수 있다. 감마선에 노출된 Nd-Fe-B 및 Sr-Ferrite계열의 영구자석의 자성 감소 경향을 Gaussmeter, VSM, TMA, XRD, ESR, SEM 등으로 분석하여 자성감소의 원인을 연구하였다.

      • 關稅의 經濟的 效果分析

        한영철 東亞大學校 大學院 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        It is said that not only does free trade enhance world welfare, but it can benefit each participating nation. Assumptions that constitute theoretical basis of free trade are full employment, nonmobility of factors of production, no trade restrictions and two-countries, two-commodities, two-factors of production model, whose charateristics tend to depart from real-world market conditions. Furthermore, both advanced countries and developing countries insist on free trade,but virtually every country has adopted trade restrictions such as tariffs. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to analyse the effects of tariff on economic welfare, the cost of tariff and the protective effects of a tariff on the domestic industries, and to suggest the directions on our trade policy. In the process of economic development of a country, a tariff not only protects its infant industries but also helps cultivate import-competing industries and enhance the level of national income. Also a tariff is an effective policy in improving the terms of trade and balance of payments of a country. Therefore, a tariff is considered to be an indispensable policy in the early stage of industrialzation of a country. To measure this cost of taiiff, Input-Output Table made by The Bank of Korea and data from K.D.I. by the formula in chapter Ⅲ are used. Import/export elasticties of 19 industries were estimated and accordingly actual cost were calculated and comparatively analyzed. As a result, the estimates of tariff cost were found to be dependent on the values of import/export elasticties and tariff rates, and the cost of tariff in 1983 was about 4,029,668 million won, which was 6% of GNP and 16%, of total imports. Therefore, the directions of tariff policy from those results are able to be suggested as follows: 1. In order to removed tendentious portection to each item, unified standards to impose tariff should be established. 2. Tariff rates should be applied in accordance with the degree of porcessing and use of each goods. 3. It is desirable to achive the effects of tariff by applying the non-tariff barriers or an internal tax. 4. The industrial protection policy of tariff should be adjusted and pursued in relation to other policies of industrial protection.

      • Provenance and environmental change recorded in authigenic beryllium and detrital hafnium isotopes in marine sediment of the Bering Sea

        한영철 서울대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis views precipitation as a means that the Earth employs to record its change, because the precipitates reflect environmental conditions at the time of formation. It consists of six chapters that deal with compositions of precipitates forming in the atmosphere and ocean. In Chapters 2 and 3, the composition of rainwater is investigated with a major focus on local conditions that should be considered when monitoring the rainwater composition. The studies were conducted at two sites located on remote and rural islands in Korea – the Baengnyeongdo Atmospheric Research Center (BARC, Chapter 2) and Gosan Station (Chapter 3). In BARC, temporal formation of a rain shadow depending on the wind conditions and natural and artificial topography resulted in meter-scale spatial variations in the rainwater composition. In Gosan Station, local aerosols were generated by strong winds from the cultivated ground of the island and introduced into the rain collector. These observations stressed that the contribution of the local factors to the rainwater composition should be carefully interpreted, especially at windy sites chosen for monitoring the regional background atmosphere. In Chapters 4, 5 and 6, the total mercury concentration (HgT) is determined from surface snow (Chapter 4) and snow pits (Chapters 5 and 6) on the Antarctic Plateau to contribute to the understanding of the mercury dynamics in inland Antarctica and the global mercury cycle. In spite of an active exchange of mercury between the atmosphere and surface snow during the austral sunlit period, supported by spatio-temporal variability of HgT in surface snow and emerging evidences from the atmospheric observation, only a small amount of mercury (a few pg g-1) is sequestered in the Antarctic snowpack. The amplitude of seasonal and interannual variation in mercury sequestration appears to be controlled by the poleward transport of sea-salt. In Chapter 7, authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio and detrital 176Hf/177Hf are determined from marine sediments on the Bowers Ridge in the Bering Sea spanning 32 – 40 ka. The former reflects the deep seawater composition at the time of deposition and the latter is a tracer for source provenance of the detrital particles. The 10Be/9Be about a half of the current ratio indicates either high biological productivity or increased riverine influx of 9Be and detrital particles at that time. The peak of 10Be/9Be at ~32 ka might be associated with the reduction of geomagnetic field and consequent enhancement of 10Be production. 지구는 그 변화를 스스로 기록하는데, 그 방법 중 하나로 열역학적 상 전이를 통하여 상대적으로 안정한 물질을 생성한다. 이 물질들은 생성 당시의 환경을 반영하고 있어 당시의 지구 환경을 연구하는 데 중요한 자료가 된다. 본 학위 논문은 주로 대기와 해양에서 응결 및 침전을 통하여 기록된 지구의 변화를 다루고 있다. 제 2장과 3장에서는 빗물의 성분을 연구하는 과정에서 국지적인 영향을 어떻게 고려하여야 할 지를 다룬다. 연구는 국내에서 배경대기를 연구하기 위하여 세워진 백령도 대기종합측정소(2장), 제주도 고산관측소(3장) 두 지점에서 이루어졌다. 백령도 대기종합측정소에서는 강한 풍속 및 주변 지형•지물의 영향으로 수 십 미터의 국지적인 범위 내에서 위치에 따라 빗물 시료 채집량이 서로 다르게 나타났고, 그 결과 각각의 빗물 성분 역시 상이하였다. 이와 같은 국지적 영향을 보다 자세하게 연구하기 위하여 제주도 고산관측소에서 지난 14년간 관찰된 강수 화학 자료를 획득하여 다양한 통계법을 적용하였다. 그 결과, 풍향•풍속에 따라 국지적으로 발생한 에어러솔이 빗물 성분에 상당한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 배경 대기 관측의 일환으로 빗물의 조성을 연구할 때 시료 채집 장소를 적절하게 선정하고. 장기 관측을 통하여 해당 지점에서의 국지적인 영향을 산정하는 것이 필요하다는 것을 보여준다. 제 4, 5, 6장에서는 남극 눈에 포함된 수은 농도와 그 의미를 연구하였다. 4장에서는 표층 눈 내 수은 농도, 5, 6장에서는 깊이에 따른 수은 농도 변화를 통하여 남극 고원 지대에서의 수은 거동이 눈의 수은 농도에 어떤 영향을 주는지 연구하였다. 여름철에 발생하는 일련의 광화학 반응에 의하여 수은은 대기 중 안정한 Hg0에서 반응성이 큰Hg2+로 산화된 후 지표로 침전되면서 표층 눈 내 수은 농도를 높이는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 깊이에 따른 수은 농도 변화를 보면 상대적으로 낮은 농도 범위를 갖는데, 이는 침전된 수은이 또 다른 광화학 반응에 의하여 Hg0으로 환원되면서 대기 중으로 다시 방출되기 때문이다. 양 방향의 수은 교환의 결과로 눈 내에 남겨져 하부에 묻힌 수은은 전지구적인 수은 순환으로부터 반영구적으로 격리되는데, 그 양은 고원 지대로 수송되는 해염의 양이 가장 크게 영향을 주는 것으로 사료된다. 제 7장에서는 베링해의 Bowers Ridge에서 국제공동해양시추사업(Integrated Ocean Drilling Program)을 통하여 획득된 해저 퇴적물 중32 - 40 ka 기간에 해당하는 퇴적물의 자생성분 내 10Be/9Be 및 쇄설성분 내 176Hf/177Hf비를 측정하였다. 자생성분은 생성 당시의 해수 성분을 반영하고 쇄설성분은 입자의 기원에 대한 정보를 가지고 있다. 10Be/9Be 은 현재 해수의 절반 수준의 값을 가졌는데, 생물 활동 및 강을 통한 9Be와 쇄설물의 유입이 증가하였기 때문으로 보인다. ~32 ka에서 관찰되는 상대적으로 높은 10Be/9Be값은 지구 자기장 감소에 따른 대기 중 10Be의 생성이 증가하였기 때문으로 추측된다.

      • 産業內貿易理論에 의한 韓.美.日의 貿易構造分析과 産業協力

        한영철 東亞大學校 大學院 1992 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Industrial structure is determined by the overall economic condition of a nation and its industrial policy. Trade structure reflects such industrial structure. One of the most important trends in post-war trade has been the growth of intra-industry trade which is defined as the simultaneous export and import of products belonging to the same industry. Inter-industry specialization involves a country specializing a whole industry or activity. Intra-industry trade matters especially in trade of manufactured goods. The higher the level of a country income, the greater the demand for differentiated varieties of manufactured goods, and thus the higher the importance of intra-industry trade. The relative importance of intra-industry and inter-industry trade depends also on how similar countries are. Korea started its industrialization from unskilled labor-intensive industries like textiles and apparels, and succeeded in keeping on upgrading its industrial structure by gradually promoting more capital- and/ or skill-intensive industries. Trade structure of Korea also transformed form chronic deficits to surplus in the late 1980s reflecting rather successful industrialization, although it has changed to deficits in early 1990s by failing to adjust to the changing environment. The composition of manufacturing industry has sharply increased both in production and trade. Its trade pattern reflected its industrial structure which also reflected scarce endowment of resources and skills. Korean economic development has depended heavily on Japan for supply of capital goods and intermediate materials and on the U. S. for demand for its products. As Korea continues its industrialization and keeps its processing trade pattern, the importance of intra-industry will become higher continuously. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze Korean industrial and trade structure, especially by calculating intra-industry trade index and trade specialization index for trade with the U.S. and Japan. In order to calculate these indices, we used the disaggregated industrial data by SITC three digits. We confirmed the facts that the intra-industry trade increased its importance gradually, and that its, industrial structure became more similar to those of the U.S. and Japan. Korean employment pattern and income structure also followed those of the U.S. and Japan with time lags. We used the Grubel & Lloyd index to calculate the extent of intra-industry trade. The intra-industry trade index by use with Japan was 40.1, which i s higher than that of 25.3 with the U. S. This supports the hypothesis of intra-industry trade that the smaller the differences in per capita income and factor endowment, the higher the degree of intra- industry trade. However, the intra-industry indices of capital- and skill-intensive industries with the U. S. and Japan were 25-6 and 26.5 respectively. The intra-industry trade indices by industry with the U. S. were high for office machines (SITC 75), iron and steel (SITC 67, 69), and general machinery (SITC 72, 74), and low for textiles and apparels (SITC 26, 65, 84). Those with Japan were high for telecommunication equipemtns (SITCt76), electric machinery (SITC 77) and iron and steel (SITC 67, 69) and low for footwear (SITC 61) and textiles and apparels (SITC 26, 65, 84). The fact that intra-industry trade indices were high for Korean leading export industries such as electric machinery and iron and steel means that its industrial structure has transformed from labor-intensive industries to capital- and skill-intensive industries. It suggests that intra-industry trade will increase its importance in these capital- and skill-intensive industries in the future. The trade specialization index of manufacturing (SITC 5-8) with Japan showed a negative value, suggesting high import specialization, while that with the U.S. showed a positive value. This confirms the well-known fact that Korea imports capital goods and intermediate materials form Japan, and exports finished goods to the U.S. after processing them in Korea. According to our analysis, intra-industry trade with the U. S. and Japan will become more important in the future international trade of Korea. Such prediction suggests that Korean trade policy should be based on the changing trade patterns by systematically promoting not only inter-industry trade of the traditional leading export industries but intra-industry trade of more sophisticated manufacturing industries. In conclusion, Korea should change its emphasis of industrial and trade policy from on traditional international division of Iabor between developed countries and developing countries to on intra-industry trade of differentiated goods between developed countries. Intra-industry trade produces extra gains from international trade, over and above comparative advantage of inter-industry trade, because the basis for intra-industry specialization is mainly the existence of product differentiation and increasing returns to scale, and intra- industry trade exploits larger markets. Intra-industry trade is also likely to give rise to fewer adjustment problems than inter-industry trade, because it necessitates a movement of resources within rather than between industries. From such point of view, Korean industrial structure should follow a variant of the Japanese pattern in the future rather than the U.S. pattern in which the service industry has overgrown.

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