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      • 인공지능시대 융복합적 성서교육모형 연구

        최은택 연세대학교 대학원 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 인공지능시대라는 급격하고도 특별한 사회적 변화 앞에 새로운 방식의 기독교교육, 특별히 성서교육이 진행되어야 한다는 사실을 바탕으로, 융복합적 성서교육의 모형을 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 인공지능시대는 인간의 삶에 위기와 기회의 장을 동시에 제공할 것으로 예상된다. 우선, 위기는 인공지능이 오류를 일으키거나 범죄에 활용될 경우 인간에게 막대한 피해를 입히게 될 수 있다는 것, 인공지능이 인간의 많은 일자리를 대체하여 일자리가 감소된다는 것, 일할 수 있는 사람들과 일하고 싶어도 일할 수 없는 사람들 간의 새로운 계급화가 이루어질 수 있다는 등의 문제로부터 기인한다. 그러나 동시에 기회도 존재한다. 앞으로 인간은 인공지능을 통해 기존에 경험해 보지 못했던 삶의 편의를 제공받고, 삶의 질이 높아질 수 있으며, 새로운 일자리들이 생겨날 수 있을 것이기 때문이다. 이처럼 양면적 성격을 지니고 있는 인공지능시대에 대해 이해하는 것은 시기적으로 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 분명한 것은 인공지능시대가 이미 우리 삶에 도래했고, 앞으로 지속적이면서도 급격한 사회의 변화를 일으키게 될 것이기 때문이다. 이러한 맥락에서 현재 사회는 시대적 대응을 위해 교육 변화를 추구하고 있다. 교육을 통해 긍정적 미래를 맞이할 수 있기 때문이다. 그런 의미에서 기독교교육, 특별히 성서교육도 변화되어야 할 필요가 있다. 성서는 기독교 신앙 교육의 가장 중요한 토대이자 기독교 공동체의 유지와 존속에 중요한 기반이기 때문이다. 기존의 성서교육은 교사 중심의 지식·교리 전달식 교육이 진행되었는데, 이것은 학습자들의 흥미와 자발적 참여의 의지를 떨어뜨리고, 신앙심 발전을 이끌어내는 데 한계를 지니고 있는 것으로 평가되기 때문이다. 또 이것은 교회 감소와 위기의 원인으로 나타나고 있다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 리차드 아스머의 ‘합의 모델’을 가지고, 네 가지의 비판적 과제, 곧 기술적-경험적 과제, 해석적 과제, 규범적 과제, 실용적 과제를 수행하는 방식으로 연구를 진행하였다. 먼저, 기술적-경험적 과제를 수행하기 위해 인공지능시대의 도래와 그에 따른 교육 변화의 필요성을 제시하였고, 해석적 과제를 수행하기 위해 인공지능시대와 성서교육의 현황을 파악하였다. 이후, 규범적 과제를 수행하기 위하여 신학적 관점, 특별히 삼위일체론과 포스트 휴머니즘의 관점에서 인공지능시대를 조명해 보고, 이에 적합한 교육으로서 융복합교육에 대해 살펴보았다. 이러한 과정을 토대로 실용적 과제 수행의 결과로 융복합적 성서교육모형을 제시하였다. 융복합적 성서교육모형은 교육 목적과 목표, 교육 내용과 방법, 교사와 학습자, 환경과 평가로 구성해 보았다. 먼저, 교육 목적은 인공지능시대에 요구되는 인간상으로 필자가 개념화한 호모 콩코르스를 지향하는 것이고, 교육 목표는 관계적, 평등적, 개방적, 연결적, 창의적, 협력적 역량 강화를 통해 융합적 인간, 곧 호모 콩코르스를 양성하는 데 있다. 이를 위한 교육 방법으로는 다양한 교수학습법 가운데 프로젝트기반학습, 특별히 라머 연구진이 제시한 방법을 가지고 교육 내용을 마련해 보았다. 이때, 대상 연령은 학령기와 청소년기로 제한하였다. 이후, 교사와 학습자의 자질, 역할, 자세, 태도 등에 대해 살펴보고, 또 교육 환경과 평가는 어떻게 구성될 수 있는지 제시하였다. 이상의 과정을 통해 인공지능시대 융복합적 성서교육의 모형을 수립하였다. 본 연구의 의의는 기독교교육학 분야에서 인공지능시대에 대한 분석적 연구를 진행했다는 것이고, 또 융복합교육을 활용한 새로운 성서교육의 방향성과 구체적 모형을 제시했다는 데 있다. The purpose of this study is to present a model of convergence biblical education as a new biblical education model required in the era of artificial intelligence. The current era of artificial intelligence is expected to provide human life with crises as well as opportunities. One of the crises is that artificial intelligence can cause errors or be used for crimes causing a lot of damages to human being. In addition, artificial intelligence can replace many human jobs. This might be a crucial issue since it can lead to new classifications between those who are able to work and those who are not. At the same time, however, beneficial opportunities can be given. In the future, artificial intelligence will offer human life convenience. This will improve the quality of life. Also New jobs can be created. As such, the era of artificial intelligence has a two-sided personality. It can be clearly argued that the era of artificial intelligence has already arrived and it will bring about lasting and drastic social changes in the future. In this situation, in order to prepare for a more positive and hopeful future, it is necessary to develop a new model of biblical education. This paper employs Richard Osmer's consensus model, which suggests four tasks(descriptive-empirical, interpretive, normative, and pragmatic), as the methodology to suggest a new biblical educational model. First, this paper presents the advent of the artificial intelligence era and the corresponding need for educational change in order to conduct descriptive-empirical task. Also, this study investigates the current status of the artificial intelligence era and biblical education to carry out interpretive task. Third, in order to do normative task, this paper delves into reviewed the artificial intelligence era on the basis of theological perspective, especially of the theology of trinity and post-humanism and argues convergence education as an appropriate educational theory. As a result of performing practical task suggested by Richard Osmer, this thesis, finally, proposes convergence biblical education model. The model of convergence biblical education consists of educational purpose, goal, method, contents, teacher, learner, environment, and evaluation. First of all the purpose of the convergence biblical education aims at a convergence human, "Homo Concors", a human required in the age of artificial intelligence. Also, the goal is to cultivate a convergence human, Homo Concors through Relationship, Sharing equally, Openness, Networking, Creativeness and Operation with. Besides, this study takes project-based learning as the contents of convergence biblical education. At this time, the target age is confined to school children and adolescence. ascertain the qualifications, roles, postures and attitudes of teachers and learners, and present how the educational environment and evaluation can be organized. A model of convergence biblical education for the artificial intelligence era can be established through the process above. The significance of this paper is that it researches the advent of the artificial intelligence age and its characteristics in the field of Christian education and suggests the orientation and specific model of new biblical education by utilizing convergence education model.

      • 칼 바르트(Karl Barth)의 공동체 사상에 비추어 본 공적신학의 특징

        최은택 영남신학대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study investigated the characteristics of public theology appearing in the community thought that appeared in Karl Barth.The Christian community, says Barth, is sent into the world not by chance, by chance, but on a mission, and it does not exist prior to that mission, but exists only to receive it. In other words, a community does not exist without a mission, and therefore the question of whether a community has a mission and whether it carries out its mission is not unanswerable. Community exists for the world. Its mission has constituted and shaped the community from the outset. The mission forms the center and horizon of the community. If the community had not been given the mission, the community would not have come into existence. If the community loses its mission, it will no longer exist. Therefore, it is argued that the task does not equal the dignity that is only endowed on the community, and that the community only exists when the community has the task, rather, the task has the community. The task is not like a burden first imposed on the community. It is said that the mission is the foundation that cannot be transferred to the community, the foundation that bears the community, and insists on the characteristics of the community theory, and then shows the public theological characteristics. In other words, theology came to be proclaimed to help ordinary believers become the subject, profess their faith in the public realm, and live according to “public faith.” The purpose of this thesis is to examine the elements of 'community theory' among various characteristics of Karl Barth's theology. There are many studies on ecclesiology and community theory about Barth. Therefore, the purpose of the following is to examine the public theological elements in the light of Barth's community thought. Although there have been many studies on Barth's ecclesiology and community theory by many scholars, there has been no paper yet linking community thought with public theology in the 21st century. Therefore, in this thesis, I would like to get an answer through the characteristic study of public theology on how to overcome the global crisis of Christianity through Barth's theology. 본 연구는 칼 바르트에게서 나타나는 공동체 사상에서 나타나는 공적신학의 특징을 연구하였다. 그리스도교 공동체는 우연히, 닥치는 대로가 아니라, 일정한 임무를 가지고 세상 속으로 보내어졌으며, 이 공동체는 그 임무 이전에 존재하는 것이 아니라 임무를 비로소 받기 위해서 존재한다고 바르트는 말한다. 즉 공동체는 임무 없이 존재하지 않으며 따라서 공동체가 임무를 가지는가, 그 임무를 수행하는가 하는 문제는 답변될 수 없는 것이 아니다. 공동체는 세상을 위해 존재한다는 것이다. 그 임무가 공동체를 처음부터 구성하고 형성했다. 임무가 공동체의 중심과 지평을 이룬다. 만일 공동체가 임무를 받지 못했다면, 공동체는 생겨나지 않았을 것이다. 만일 공동체가 임무를 상실한다면, 공동체는 더 이상 존립할 수 없을 것이다. 따라서 임무는 공동체에 비로소 부여된 품위와 같은 것이 아니며 공동체가 임무를 가짐으로써, 차라리 임무가 공동체를 가짐으로써, 비로소 공동체는 존재한다고 주장한다. 임무를 공동체에 비로소 부과된 짐과 같은 것이 아니다. 임무를 공동체에 양도될 수 없는 기초, 공동체를 짊어진 기초인 것이라 하며 공동체론의 특징을 주장하며 이어 공적 신학적 특징을 나타내고 있다고 한다. 즉 일반 신자들이 주체가 되어 공적 영역에서 신앙을 고백하며 ‘공적 신앙’에 따라 살도록 돕는 신학을 선포하게 된 것이다. 본 논문은 칼 바르트의 신학의 여러 특성 중에서 ‘공동체론’의 요소들을 살펴보고자 하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 바르트에 대한 교회론 및 공동체론에 관한 연구는 많이 있다. 따라서 아래에서는 바르트의 공동체 사상으로 비추어 공적 신학적인 요소를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 많은 학자들에 의해 바르트의 교회론, 공동체론에 관한 연구는 많이 있어 왔으나 공동체 사상과 21세기 공적신학을 연결하는 논문은 아직 없었다. 그러므로 필자는 본 논문에서 바르트의 신학을 통해 전 세계적으로 기독교의 위기를 극복하는 방안을 공적신학의 특징연구를 통해 답을 얻고자 한다.

      • 교육과 설교의 상관관계를 통한 교육설교에 관한 연구 : - 존 웨슬리의 표준설교를 중심으로 -

        최은택 서울신학대학교 신학전문대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims to find alternative ways in the risky situation of the Korean church and preaching. As an alternative, with the observation that educational preaching should be considered as necessary, this study conducts research on Wesleyan educational sermons. For this, the present author, first, analyzes the recent circumstance of the Korean church. Currently, the Korean church is facing a rapid-changing situation due to the 4th industrial revolution and the COVID-19 pandemic. Particularly owing to practicing the social distancing and the emergence of non-face-to-face online worship, the center of religious life is transferred from the church to home and online. As a result, there are difficulties in having small group meetings, evangelization, and Christian education at the church. In this situation, the importance of preaching is being more emphasized. For now, education through preaching is the best way and it will continue in the future. For that matter, this study deals with the interrelationship between education and preaching and then examines the educational function of preaching. In this course, the basic understandings of education, particularly of Christian education, which is, its concept, purpose, definition, and constituent are scrutinized. Furthermore, basic understandings of the sermon, its concept, definition, and component are examined as well. Then, this research briefly reviews the history of educational preaching in early Christianity that emphasized Didache and educational function. This study, therefore, confirms not only that achieving the purpose of the educational sermon can be fulfilled by the kerygmatic elements of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, but also that educational preaching is crucial in helping believers form and increase Christian faith. In order to come up with a more specific and practical alternative, this article appraises John Wesley’s standard sermon as a model of educational preaching. To this end, first of all, Wesley's life and the background of standard sermons are sorted through. Also, this study delves into the purpose and structure of standard sermons. Then, the present author especially focuses on, among the 44 sermons of Wesley's standard sermon, 5 representative sermons, which are sermon 2 (The Almost Christian), 3 (Awake, Thou That Sleepest), 4 (Scriptural Christianity), 12 (The Means of Grace), 13 (The Circumcision of the Heart). As a specific method of analysis, it summarizes, analyzes, and estimates the educational values of the sermons; based on the results, it is discovered and proved that Wesley's sermons are educational preaching. Moreover, as educational preaching, this article carries out a task to apply Wesley's standard sermon in a modern way. For that enterprise, first, it sifts the situation and flow of sermons in the Korean church and propounds the necessity of educational preaching. Also, on the basis of John Wesley's educational preaching, the present research attempts to secure new meanings and opportunities through Wesleyan tradition and message of salvation. For this, it suggests a modern way of application of Wesleyan educational preaching, which is carried out in the aspects of, respectively, specialization of preaching’s purpose, contextualization of its contents, and diversification of its format and delivery system. Finally, in addition to the summarization and organization it made, the progressive proposals are suggested predicating on the academic significance. In this process, the overall contents are summarized and organized, and the academic significance of this study is examined. Further, this study culminates in the conclusion by positing progressive suggestions on what kind of contemplation and effort should be needed for the future.

      • 漸增 및 變則運動 負荷가 心肺持久力에 미치는 影響

        최은택 建國大學校 大學院 1991 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the establishment of index composed contents on special endurance training method for soccer players. Subjects, 20 male students of H University, were cluster samples. The progressive & irregular load exercise simulated from the whole running distance and situation after the first period (45min. ) were divided into two groups. (Progressive load exercise : 10, Irregular load exercise : 10) After that, the Progressive & Irregular load method which was created by researchers were trained by bicycle ergometer for 12 weeks (3times/week), various Physicalogical factors (Heart rate, V˙O_(2)kg.min. Ventilation, Lactate) were for measured during pre &post training. After 12 weeKs oF traininG, the results were compared and analyzsed within the group(t-test), between groups(ANCOVA) of the value of max., the total of the whole exercise (45min.), the recovery (3,5,10min.) of Progrssive & Irregular load after Pre & Post training. The results were as follow; 1. Effects of training within progressive and irregular load group and comparison of the difference between groups 1) Heat rate The unit time (5min.) of 5-45min., the value of max., total of whole exercise (45min.) and recovery (10min.) showed significantly in pre & post training within progressive group (P<0.001) The unit time (5min.) of 5-45min., the value of max., total of whole exercise (45min.) and recovery (3,10min ) showed significantly in irregular group(p<0.001) The irregular group showed higher results than the progressive group at the value of max, the total of whole exercise (45min. ), the recovery (3, 5, 10min.), but there is significantly in the recovery(3, 10min.) and the value of max. (P<0.01-0.001) 2) V˙O_(2)/kg.min. The unit time (5min.) of 5-40min., the total of whole exercise (45min.) and recovery (3, 5min.) showed significantly in pre & post training within progressive group (P<0.05-0.001) The unit time (5min.) of 5-45min., the value of max., the total of whole exercise (45min. ) and recovery (10min.) showed significantly in irregular group (P < 0.001) The irregular group showed significantly higher results than the progrssive group at the value of max., the total of whole exercise (45min.) and recovery (3,10min. ) (P<0.05-0.001) 3) Ventilation The unit time (5min.) of 15-45min., the value of max., and total of whole exercise (45min.) showed significantly in pre & post training within prosressive group (P<0.01-0.001) The unit time (5min.) of 5-45min., the value of max., and total whole exercise (45min.) and recovery (3, 10min. ) showed significantly in irregular group (P<0.05-0.001) The irregular group showed higher results than the progressive group at the value of max. , the total of whole exercise (45min.), the recovery (3,5,10min. ), but recovery (3,10 min.) is significantly (P<0.001). 4) Lactate The unit time (5min.) of 5 min the value of max., and total of whole exercise (45min. ) showed significantly in pre & post training within progressive group (P<0.05-0.01) The total of whole exercise (45min. ) and recovery(5min. ) showed significantly in irregular group (p<0.01-0.001) The irregular group showed higher results than the progressive group at the value of max., the total of whole exercise (45min. ) and the recovery (3,5,10min.), but there is significantly in 5min. the recovery (P< 0.01) In conclusion, writer could see a natural result after training the the value of max. , the total of whole exercise (45min.) and recovery (3,5,10min.) showed significantly higher results in Heart Rate, V˙O_(2)/kg.min, ventilation, Lactate within Progressive & Irregular load and the irregular load was higher than progressive load. There factors could be developed by training. Especially, it is anticipated that the effect of training can be adopted to the spot and higher actual games on the authority of the irregular load exercsie simulated the whole running distance and situations in soccer games than existing progressive cardiorespiratory training method.

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