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        한 정신병원에서의 강박 처치에 대한 입원 환자 및 병원 직원의 지각의 차이

        채정,차성조,함웅,이규항,이정균 大韓神經精神醫學會 1996 신경정신의학 Vol.35 No.5

        한 정신병원에서 강박처치의 적응증, 합병증, 대체법, 감정적 영향, 적당한 처치 시간, 처치의 효능과 필요성등을 병원에 입원 중인 환자들과 직원들에게 설문조사를 하여 양 집단간에 차이가 있는 지를 알아봄으로써 환자들과 직원들간에 있는 강박처치에 대한 지각 차이를 조사하고 나아가 강박처치 시행의 규준을 확립하기 위한 기본 자를 제시하기 위하여 본 연구를 시행하였다. 강박처치의 적응증에 대해서 입원환자들은 대부분의 항목에 대해 부정적으로 보았고 단지 타환자에 대한 신체적 공격에 대해서만 다소 긍정적인 반응을 보인 반면 직원들의 경우 자해, 타환자에 대한 신체적 공격, 치료진에 대한 공격 등에 높은 응답율을 보였다. 강박처치의 부작용에 대한 지각은 입원환자의 경우 정신상태의 악화, 자해의 증가 등에 대해 보다 민감하게 반응 하였고, 실제로 경험한 부작용에 있어서는 직원들의 경우 피부박탈을 더 강조한 반면 환자군에서는 호흡곤란, 정신 상태의 악화 등을 강조하였다. 강제 처치에 대한 대체치료 방법으로는 환자군에서 면담을 중요시한 반면 직원군에서는 격리실의 이용을 강조하였다. 신체억제와 고용량의 정온화를 비교한 것은 환자군에서 신체억제가 더 효과적이라고 하였다. 신체억제 동안 느끼는 감정에 대한 지각에서 환자군은 슬픔을 가장 많이 보고하였고, 직원군은 적개심을 가장 많이 느낄 것으로 추정하였다. 신체억제의 시간에 대해서는 환자군이 긴 것으로 지각하고 있으며, 이상적인 신체억제의 시간은 환자군이 짧은 것이 좋다고 생각하고 있었다. 본 연구 결과 정신과 입원환자들과 병원직원들은 강박처치에 대하여 유의한 지각의 차이가 있다는 것을 알았으며 정신병원내에서 강제처치를 실시할 때에는 명확한 강박처치 시행에 대한 규준에 따라야 할 것임을 확인할 수 있었다. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine different perceptions of physical restraint and their nature between psychiatric inpatients and hospital staffs in a mental hospital and to provide baseline data for establishing the practicing standard of this therapeutic maneuver. Methods : Two hundred and two psychiatric inpatients who experienced physical restraint and 103 hospital staffs who frequently used this maneurer were surveyed with a questionnaire regarding indications, complications, alternative methods, emotional influences, duration of treatment and subjective effects of restraint. Results : Regarding indications of physical restraint, the inpatient group had negative viewpoint on the most items except "physical assault to other patients". Regarding the perception about possible complications of this treatment, the inpatient group had more concerns about "deterioration of mental status" and "increasing risk of self-injury". For experienced complications, staffs stressed "skin abrasion " while inpatients believed of "respiratory difficulties" and "deterioration of mental status" more frequently. As alternative methods of physical restraint, "increasing frequency of interview" was suggested by the inpatient group and "using seclusion room" was favored by the staff group. The inpatient group had an impression that physical restraint was more effective than high-dose neuroleptic tranquilization. For suspected emotion during this procedure, the inpatient group reported "sorrow" most frequently while the staff group presumed that "hostility" might be most frequent. Inpatients estimated that the average duration of physical restraint was longer than staffs did. Ideal duration of physical restraint was shorter in the inpatient group. Conclusion : These results suggest that there are definite differences in the perception of physical restraint between psychiatric inpatients and hospital staffs. Formal practing guideline for restraint should be set up with careful attention for these differences to maximize the therapeutic effect of this maneuver.

      • KCI등재

        뽕나무버섯균의 생리적 특성 및 부후특성

        채정기 외 한국버섯학회 2005 한국버섯학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        뽕나무버섯균의 배양적 특징 및 부후특성을 구명하고자 최적 (액체, 한천)배지 선발, 최적 온도 선정, 최적 pH 선정, 최적 톱밥배지를 선발하고, 세포벽 부후 특성을 관찰하였다. 그 결과 최적온도는 20∼27℃, 최적 pH는 고체 배지에서는 pH 5.0∼6.5의 약산성에서 균사생장이 양호하였다. 최적 고체배지로는 ME와 PDA로 선발되었고, 최적 액체배지로는 glucose peptone이 선발되었다. 첨가제로는 탄소원인 lactose, mannitol, 질소원인 glutamic acid가 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 뽕나무버섯균의 최적 톱밥배지 선발에 있어서 잣나무, 상수리나무, 졸참나무, 소나무에서 균사생육이 양호한 것으로 나타났으며, 삼나무에서 생장이 저조하였다. 뽕나무버섯균에 의해 부후된 침엽수재와 활엽수재 모두 전형적인 백색부후의 부후 형태를 나타내었다. 그러나 삼나무와 아카시나무의 부후는 상대적으로 미약하였다. 이상의 결과는 소나무류(Pinus sp.)의 톱밥이 뽕나무 버섯균의 재배기질로 적합함을 보여주며 일반적으로 흔히 구할 수 있는 저가의 제재부산물인 경송류의 톱밥을 재배기질로의 활용가능성을 제시한다고 할 수 있다. To study the cultural characteristics and wood rotting ability of the secondary mycellia of Armillaria mellea, it was cultivated on the various media. The optimal mycelial growth condition was 20∼27 and pH 5.0∼6.5 on PDB. A. mellea grew well on MEA, PDA and GP. Lactose and mannitol as carbon sources and glutamic acid as nitrogen sources were found to be effective as additives. A. mellea employed in this study have the characteristics of white rot types. Pine and oak wood were selected as candidates for sawdust substrate.

      • KCI등재

        수면 무호흡과 불안장애의 불면증에 대한 다원수면기록

        채정,박원명,채영래,김제헌 大韓神經精神醫學會 1994 신경정신의학 Vol.33 No.2

        Objects : The authors studied polysomnographic findings of patients with sleep apnea DIMS (disorders of initiating and maintainig sleep) syndrome and anxiety disorders with insomnia related to another mental disorders. Methods : Eight patients with sleep apnea DIMS syndrome and fourteen patients with anxiety disorder with insomnia related to another mental disorder(nonorganic) were studied using computerized polysomnography. Results : 1) The sleep period time were significantly decreased in anxiety disorder group and the sleep latency was prolonged in these patients. 2) The changes in sleep stage and the number of arousals during sleep period time were more frequent in sleep apneic patients group. And using these variables we could discriminate sleep apneic patients group from subjects with anxiety disorder. 3) The stage 1 sleep was significantly increased in sleep apneic patients. 4) The apnea index in sleep apnea patients was 28.1±25.7. Conclusion : These results suggested that even though there were similiar clinical presentaion such as insomnia, the sleep features of sleep apnea DIMS syndrome and anxiety disorder with insomnia were different. And though there were no instruments to check respiratory flow or movement, it would be possible to discriminate the sleep apnea DIMS syndrome from the anxiety disorder with insomnia by recording the changes in sleep stage and the number of arousals in overnight electroencephalographic procedure.

      • 權近의 佛敎觀

        蔡楨洙 東亞大學校 大學院 1984 大學院論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        Kwon Gun was born in the end of Koryo Dynasty and died in the beginning of Chosun Dynasty. He served for seven different kings of both dynasties, and is often regarded to have been an opportunist or a turncoat who could not complete his loyalty. His adaptability is also seen in his religions orientation. He convented from Buddhism to Confucianism accompanying by the tendencies of the times. In this study, I tried to measure Kwon Gun's knowledge and understanding of the Sutra. Did he frankly accept the Buddhism as his own idea? What is the crucial reason why he convented from Buddhism to Confucianism. Hypothetically speaking, I guess he would never have tried such a convention if he had been born in time of peace, main purpose in this study is to find out the factor that led him to the conversion.

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