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      • KCI등재

        유학생의 글쓰기, 사상의 오독과 감정의 발현 -잡지 『여자계(女子界)』를 중심으로-

        조윤정 ( Yun Jeong Jo ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2011 大東文化硏究 Vol.73 No.-

        이 연구는 조선 최초의 여성잡지인 『女子界』를 통해 당대 유학생이 신사상에 반응하는 양상에 주목한다. 특히, 근대 초기 유학생들의 글쓰기를 통해 ``신사상의 수용과 오독``, ``관념어의 습득``에 대해 고찰한다. 당대 여성의 주체 구성 문제는 자유와 평등을 주장하는 사회적 ``분위기`` 혹은 신사상이라는 ``범주``에 대한 반응과 관련되어 있다. 그리고 이 반응은 담론에 대한 편입과 일탈의 문제를 담지한다. 이때, 『여자계』에는 담론의 ``범주성``과 그 범주로부터의 일탈이 가져온 ``오독 혹은 오해``, 그리고 그 오독이 가져온 ``윤리적 감정``의 표출이 나타난다. 일본 유학 시기 신사조를 접하고 이를 조선의 상황에 재조명하는 유학생들의 의식에는 중심 담론을 향한 ``편입욕망``과 중심으로부터의 일탈이 가져올 ``불안의식``이 공존한다. 지식인으로서의 불안의식은 필자인 유학생들에게 자신이 신사조의 오독자가 아님을 강조하는 글쓰기의 원인이 된다. 유학생들의 글에는 ``誤解, 誤讀, 誤信``과 같은 단어들이 자주 나타난다. 그러나 그들은 신사상의 오독을 통해 조선의 여자해방을 주장하는 ``오독의창조성``을 보여준다. 일본 유학을 통해 신문명이라는 범주를 경험한 유학생은 그 범주로부터 일탈한 조선여자에게 거리감을 느낀다. ``행복한 우리들과 불쌍한 저네들``의 수사는 ``수치심의 전이``를 동반한다. 기독교적 사명 하에서 여자 유학생들은 조선의 교육받지 않은 여성들에게서 헬렌 켈러의 신체적 결여성을 겹쳐본다. 그리고 설리반 선생에게 ``추상적 개념어``들을 배우던 헬렌 켈러의 상황을 환기하며, 자신들이 조선 여성들에게 신문명의 관념을 가르치는 ``문화적 매개``의 역할을 할 것이라 자처한다. 이 과정에서 이들은 우정과 열정이라는 ``관념어의 체계``를 통해 ``민족의 근대화``를 발화한다. 또한, 루소 사상의 수용을 통해 ``자연``의 상태, ``상상력``의 상태에서 예술을 창조하고, 그 예술을 통해 자기 해방을 실현할 수 있다는 가능성을 제시한다. 『여자계』는 신사상의 수용과 유학생의 집단의식을 통해 조선 여성들에게 ``감정과 욕망의 발현-자아의 각성-여성 해방-근대 문명``의 관계성을 드러낸다. 그리고 여성해방이라는 근대화의 사명 속에서 여성의 교육과 글쓰는 행위가 제도화되어 가는 시작점을 보여준다. 유학생들은 ``시대적 윤리``와 ``여성적 직분``이 교차하는 자리에서 자신의 사명을 찾는다. 그리고 기독교적 수사와 비유를 통해 여자해방의 이상을 제시한다. 식민지 조선의 여성이라는 이중의 억압 속에서 유학생들은 여자해방사상에 반응했고, 신사상의 오독과 그 오독의 창조적 연쇄 속에서 자신의 내면을 언어화할 수밖에 없었던 것이다. This paper focused on the aspect that modern students studying abroad react through Joseon`s first women`s magazine Yeojagye. Students studying abroad met with new trend of thought and reflected situation of Joseon in the period of studying abroad, they had a desire for central discourse and uneasiness of departure from center. The uneasiness of intellectual became factor of writing that emphasized the oneself was not person whom misread new trend of thought. However, writers of Yeojagye showed ``creativity of misreading`` that asserted Joseon women`s liberation through misreading of new trend of thought. Students studying abroad experienced the category of new civilization through Japan, felt distance not admitting Joseon women in the category. The rhetoric, ``happy us and poor them``, accompanied ``a sense of shame`s transfer``. The Joseon women`s uneasiness changed a sense of shame through meeting with new civilization and the sense of shame`s revelation was connected with the discovery of a new great cause. Students studying abroad had left mother country to look upon oneself as the mediator between educated women and noneducated women, they prepared a unified group`s spirit. At This time, the matter of importance is a fact that they commonly discovered their mission in ``a wish of God``. In this christian mission, women students studying abroad were overlapped noneducated women and Helen Keller`s physical lack. They aroused Helen Keller learned ``abstract concept word`` from Sullivan, they looked upon oneself as ``the cultural mediator`` would teach new cultural notion to Joseon women. Also, they presented possibility of created arts in condition of ``nature`` and ``imagine``, and possibility of realized self liberation in arts through acceptance of Rousseau`s idea. Yeojagye indicated connection of ``revelation of emotion and desire-awakening self-women liberation-modern culture`` through acceptance of a new idea and group`s sprit of Students studying abroad. And it showed starting point that women`s educatin and writing systematized in mission of modernization called women liberation. Students studying abroad discovered the mission on a place crossing ``moral of times`` and ``feminine duty``. Writers could not help resisting against a male dominated discourse in process of forming and systematizing of notion titled ``women`s liberation``. Students studying abroad reacted to idea of women`s liberation under the double suppression named Joseon women of a colony, they had to verbalize the inside themselves in a misreading of new ideas and creative link of the misreading.

      • KCI등재

        근대 조선의 독본과 문종 개념의 인식

        조윤정(Jo, Yun-jeong) 한국근대문학회 2015 한국근대문학연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 근대 초기(1895~1925) 독본에 나타난 문종(文種) 개념의 형성과 그 인식 과정을 고찰하는 데 목적을 둔다. 그리고 지식의 범주화, 문학장의 형성, 작문 교육의 체계화 속에서 문종 개념이 정립되고, 관습화된 양상을 구명했다. 문종은 단순히 글의 형식이나 체제에 대한 명칭이 아니다. 문종 개념은 전통적인 글의 양식과 외부로부터 유입된 장르의 교섭을 의식하는 가운데 창출되었다. 이 논문은 글이 존재하는 양식 및 지식이 유통되는 방식으로서 교육에 대한 인식 전환과 관련하여 문종 개념을 고찰했다. 그것을 증명하기 위해 조선, 일본, 미국의 독본에서 공통적으로 나타나는 문종 관련 개념을 추출, 비교 분석하는 과정을 거쳤다. 이를 통해 개념과 개념 사이에 존재하는 균열과 불일치의 가능성을 살필 수 있었다. 본 연구는 서구어와 조선어 사이의 교환관계가 완전히 성립하지 않고, 관습화되지 않았던 시기에 문종에 대한 인식이 만들어졌다는 사실을 감안하여, 지식인들이 어떤 논리와 언어를 동원하여 문종을 정형화하는지 살폈다. 문종 관련 지식은 독본이라는 매체를 통해 계몽의 논리로 전이되고, 문학적 자율성 속에서 재사유되는 과정을 거친다. 조선의 문종 개념은 애초부터 "문예 양식의 갈래"로서 쓰인 것이 아니라, 중국 한문학의 文體 개념과 일본의 文(章) 개념을 서양의 "kinds of composition"과 "forms of discourse"의 번역어로 조선에 유입하는 과정에서 창출된다. 그리고 문종, 즉 장르는 근대 작문 교육의 변화 과정에서, 현재의 의미에 근접하게 통용되어 온 것이다. 그러므로 서구어 genre는 ‘종류-법칙-작가와 독자 간의 구성적 관례와 규약(code)"으로 그 개념의 변화를 거쳐 현재에 이른 것이라 하겠다. This study consider the formation and recognition process of the concept of genre represented in the textbooks of early modern Chosun(1895-1925). And this paper looks deep into the aspect of foundation and customization of the concept of genre occurred with the categorization of knowledge, the formation of literature place and the systematization of writing education. The genre is not simply the name for the form or system of literary works. And the concept was created under the interaction between traditional styles of writing and exterior concept of genre. This study consider that the concept of genre as the way of being of literature and the method of distributing knowledge is related with the change of educational recognition. To prove this, this paper makes extraction, comparison and analysis of the concepts related with genre commonly represented in the textbooks of Chosun, Japan and United states. Through this process, we can see the possibility of separation and disagreement existed among the concepts. Considering that the recognition of genre was made when the relation between Chosun language and foreign language was not completed and customized, this paper deals with that intellectuals standardized genre with what kinds of logic and narration. The knowledge of genre was transferred into the logic of enlightenment through the textbooks and then reconsidered under the literary autonomy. Initially, the concept of genre of Chosun was not used as ‘category of literary pattern’ but was created under the process of translating western language of “kinds of composition” and “forms of discourse” into Korean language by using the concept of style(文體) of Chinese literature and the concept of writing(文章) of Japanese literature. And the concept of genre has become the current meaning under the changes of modern writing education through the transition of the concept of ‘kinds-rules-compositional custom and code between writers and readers’.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 운동권에 대한 기억과 진보의 감성 - 김영현, 박일문, 공지영의 90년대 소설을 중심으로 -

        조윤정 ( Yun Jeong Jo ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2015 民族文化硏究 Vol.67 No.-

        이 논문은 80년대 운동권에 대한 기억을 서사화한 김영현, 박일문, 공지영의 90년대 소설에 나타난 진보의 감성을 고찰하기 위해 작성되었다. 이 작가들의 소설은 80년대 지식인과 노동자가 학습했던 이념의 반영론을 넘어서 그것을 학습하고 실천하는 자의 내면-열정, 상상력, 감정, 양심-에 대한 성찰에 기반한다. 소설의 특징은 80년대 운동권의 이념이 왜 ‘감성’의 차원에서 환기되고 그 기억이 유지되는지에 대한 질문과 연결될 수 있다. 이 작품들은 진보의 비판적 이성과 결합된 감성의 혁명을 내포한다. 인물들은 자발적으로 감성 부재를 실천하거나 받아들여질 수 있는 감성을 선별하여 운동에 헌사한다. 80년대 운동권을 서사화한 작가들의 소설은 ‘감성 통제’의 시대적 분위기 속에서 ‘차마 하지 못한 말’이나 ‘표현하지 못한 감정’들을 담고 있다. 이 같은 감정과잉의 현상은 80년대의 것이면서 80년대의 감성을 초과한다. 소설에는 그 시대에 ‘존재했던’ 감성과 80년대를 ‘기억하는’ 자의 수치심, 죄책감, 그리움 등이 공존하기 때문이다. 이러한 양상은 90년대 나르시시즘 문학의 징후로서 재독될 수있다. 소설 속 인물들은 주체가 자발적으로 상실했거나 헌사한 감성을 되새기는 과정을 통해 80년대의 이념과 현재의 자기를 성찰한다. 작가들의 감성 재현은 감성이 개인 안에 머물러 고착되거나 사라지는 것이 아니라, 사회와 역사를 성찰하거나 변혁을 도모하는 실질적인 에너지가 될 수 있음을 암시한다. This paper think about the sensibility of the progressive described in the novels of nineties of Kim Yeonghyeon, Kong Jiyeong and Park Ilmun, which novels narrate the memory of student movement of eighties. The novels of these writers go beyond the reflection of ideology learned by intellectuals and labors of eighties and are based on the introspection of them. These novels arose a question, why the memory of student movement of eighties is always recalled in the level of ‘sensibility’. Also the novels of those writers contain the revolution of sensitivity merged with critical intellect of the progressive. And these literary works show the ‘absence of sensibility’ or have a form of dedicating only the selected sensibility to the movement. The novels narrating the student movement of eighties, contain the emotion and words which was not represented because of the air of the times, which suppress individual sensibility. This kind of irruption of sensibility belongs to the eighties and at the same time, exceed the eighties. This is because there are two kinds of sensibility in those novels, one is the sensibility existed in the eighties and the other is the sensibility of shame, sense of guilt and longing come from the memory of the writers. These novels need to be read again in the aspect of narcissism literature of nineties. Characters in these novels introspect ideology of eighties and themselves of present through the process of reminding the sensibility abandoned or dedicated by themselves. It means that the reappearance of writer’s sensibility do not disappear or stay only in themselves but can be realistic energy which introspect society and history or bring drastic change.

      • KCI등재

        전장의 기억과 학병의 감수성

        조윤정 ( Yun Jeong Jo ) 우리어문학회 2011 우리어문연구 Vol.40 No.-

        This paper aims to study the inside of student soldiers and the meaning of memories surrounding them through the novels and memoranda of writers who had been student soldier and the contents of newspapers and magazines related to that soldiers. In the arguments persuading to be student soldier in the end of Japanese imperialism, they was represented as ``warrior of the East responsible for overthrowing the West. But the noble mind, the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, professed in that arguments, is far from the mind of sorrow and affliction of student soldiers, which was represented in works of Lee Tae-jun, Chae Man-sik, Lee Gwang-su, etc. Self-reflective works have the commonness of containing the inside of students in the end of Japanese imperialism, which was difficult to be expressed in historical record like newspaper. Also, that works made the sense of guilt of the older generation to be the public opinion and exposed the change of idea of that age not through theory but the image of student soldier. In this meaning, the works made the tears of student soldiers remembered and revealed the fabrication of the idea of the oneness of Japan and Korea in the end of Japanese imperialism. We need to keep in mind that student soldiers were intellectual over the level of college education when the description related to the experience of them is considered. As the novels and memoranda of Lee Byeong-ju, Lee Ga-hyeong, Kim Jun-yeop, Jang Jun-ha let the intellectual remember themselves in the battel field and talk about the etranger in themselves, those works have crucial meaning. In the literary work, the abusive and inhuman situations were expressed from the type read and written by student soldiers. Especially, literature made them to feel themselves as ``living beings`` and perceive the situation in the battle field as an unrealistic thing. In their novels, Lee Byeong-ju and Lee Ga-hyeong, who had majored literature in the university represented characters who overcame the situation of battle field with literature sensitivity. As a result, through their novels, we could see the mentality of student soldiers standing in the battle field, for example, anger and insult feeling of victim in the violent situations, comradeship among different races and self-contemplation of attacker. Kim Jun-yeop, Jang Jun-ha, who had majored history and theology respectively, made narration of struggle for national independence based on their experience of escape from Japanese army. Accordingly, these memoirs contains sense of identity of intellectuals who insulted the spirit of Japanese army- mind of nationalism of student majored history or religiousness for Christianity of student majored theology. The letter of ``effeminate Joseon people``, which lead young men of Joseon to the battle field, had influenced the image of soldier as a ``thoughtful man`` and ``disquieting Joseon people``. And the writers made ``crack`` on the completion of the oneness of Japan and Korea. After liberation of Joseon, intellectuals who had experience as student soldier described shame and pain of student soldiers of Joseon encountered by themselves and through these works, they wanted to remove reproof by public which could be set on themselves who were Japanese army. Like this, after liberation, the generation of student soldier made student soldier to historical subject in the works which are type of memoirs and prepared the basis of existence of themselves.

      • KCI등재

        특집논문 : 언어의 위계와 어법의 균열 -해방기~1960년대, 한국의 언어적 혼종상태와 문학자의 자의식-

        조윤정 ( Yun Jeong Jo ) 한국문학연구학회 2012 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.46

        이 논문은 해방 이후, 일본어-한국어-영어의 교체 혹은 공존의 상황 과 그것의 문학적 형상화에 주목한다. 논의의 과정에서 해방 이후 한반도의 언어적 혼종 및 언어의 위계화, 국민국가 만들기에 있어서 언어-주권성, 전후세대 작가들의 내셔널 아이덴티티와 마이너리티로서의 세대적 자의식을 다룬다. 구체적으로 이 연구는 해방이후 염상섭, 김동인, 채만식 이 ``통역``을 통해 소통 불가능성을 형상화하는 의도를 살핀다. 또한, 전후 비평을 통해 전후세대를 명명하려는 문인들의 자의식을 비판적으로 바라 봄으로써 언어적 ``결여 상태``가 ``세계인``이라는 과잉된 자부심으로 전복되는 논리를 고찰한다. 그리고 손창섭, 장용학, 송병수, 서기원 등 전후세대 작가들의 소설에서 한국어가 (구)제국어와 세계어 사이에 위태롭게 낀 한 반도의 ``자기반영``임을 언급한다. 이 논문은 해방 이후 소설과 비평에 나 타난 표준화된 ``어법``과 그것의 ``균열``이 언어-주권성의 문제를 세계와의 동시대적 연관 속에서 바라볼 수 있는 여지를 제공한다는 점에서 의미를 부여한다. This paper presents the situation in which substitution or coexistence of Japanese, Korean and English had occurred after liberation and the imagery of that situation. Hybridism and hierarchy of languages after liberation in the Korea Peninsula, the relationship between language and sovereignty in the aspect of building a nation state, and national identity and the sense of generation identity as a minority of postwar generation writers, would be discussed. Concretely, this study seeks the intention with which Yeom Sang Seop, Kim Dong In and Chae Man Sik embody the impossibility of communication by use of ``interpretation``. And the logic, with which ``the lack of language`` was modified to the excessive pride of ``a cosmopolitan``, would be considered through the critical view of sense of identity of writers who wanted to designate postwar generation by literary criticism. In addition, this paper shows that in the fictions of postwar generataion writers like Son Chang Seop, Jang Yong Hak, Song Byeong Su and Seo Gi Won etc., Korean language struggle with the language of Empire and the universal language, and this linguistic condition represent political situation of the Korean Peninsula. The standardized ``grammar`` and its ``rupture`` represented in the fictions and literary criticism of post liberation, has meaning in the aspect in which it makes the connection between language and sovereignty to be considered under the worldwide relationships.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 교과서로 배우는 노동, 근대 초기 노동 개념의 감성적 수용 -근대 초기 미국,일본,조선의 교과서를 통해 본 노동 개념

        조윤정 ( Yun Jeong Jo ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2014 민족문학사연구 Vol.54 No.-

        이 논문은 근대 초기 교과서로 활용되었던 조선, 일본, 미국 자료를 정리하여, 노동 개념이 번역되고 정착된 양상을 살피는 것에 목적을 둔다. 사회주의가 조선에 유입되기 이전부터 통용되었던 노동 개념에 대한 고찰은, 그 개념이 의미의 축소 과정을 거치고, 국가나 계급을 위한 행위로 가치화된 과정을 드러낸다. 그에 대한 고찰은 다음과 같은 내용으로 집약된다. 첫째, 근대 초기 조선, 일본, 미국의 교과서에서 공통적으로 나타나는 노동개념을 추출했다. 둘째, 노동 개념이 자본주의나 제국주의, 사회주의와 같은 새로운 이념과결합하는 메커니즘을 분석했다. 셋째, 노동 개념이 종교 및 정치적 개념들과 교섭하고, 경쟁하며 계몽의 도구로 활용된 양상을 고찰했다. 넷째, 지식인들이 감성적 논리와 수사를 동원하여 노동(자)의 이미지를 만들어내는 양상을 고찰했다. 다섯째, 노동의 실재와 노동 개념사이에 존재하는 균열의 원인을 살폈다. This paper aims to study the aspect in which the concept of labor had been translated and settled by organizing the textbooks of Josun, Japan and United States of early modern ages. And this study reveals the process in which the concept of labor had been reduced in the respect of meaning and directed to the behaviors for nation and class through the consideration of the concept of labor, which was already used in Josun before the inflow of socialism. The consideration can be summarized as five steps. The first, the part of the concept of labor which is common in the textbook of Josun, Japan and United States has been extracted. The second, the mechanism in which the concept of labor combined with capitalism, imperialism and socialism has been analyzed. The third, the aspect in which the concept of labor interacted and competed with the religious and politic concepts and used as a tool of enlightenment has been considered. The forth, the aspect in which intelligent made the image of laborer using emotional logic and rhetoric has been handled. The fifth, the reason of estrangement between the existence of labor and the concept of labor has been checked.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전후세대 작가들의 언어적 상황과 정체성 혼란의 문제

        조윤정(Yun Jeong Jo) 한국현대소설학회 2008 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.37

        This paper pays attention to linguistic identity on the works of the post war generation writers. There is confusion of linguistic identity in the works of the post war generation writers who went through the colonial period in their childhood and had to learn Korean as a mother tongue after the Liberation. It can be a confusion of thoughts put between Japanese and Korean. And also it can be a imitative desire to the dominant language, English and Russian, in military administration. Furthermore, this confusion might be the feeling of disparateness for their Korean which didn`t seem to be fluent Korean though they speak Korean and as well that none can speak Japanese perfectly if they study. Desire of the acquisition of a language that a writer shows through the characters is connected with real desire of a writer and the readers. The possibility which can read 1950s~60s novels again with a new way is placed on the desire of the writers that the writers want to raise themselves to the position of the narrator of the main narrative through the most dominant acquisition of a language. This paper also is focused on that the each character experienced the historical events and in those situations they showed the process of choosing the reasonable language in the works of the post war generation writers. The dominant authority of each era requires a suitable linguistic user in each period. In considering the works of the post war generation writers, the important thing is what relation Japanese used by the writers have with the characters` system of thinking and what influence the language used by a foreigner in the novels have upon the whole text. At this point, we are met with the restlessness and sorrow of the writers who went through the history that cannot be replaced the language with the ideology or the consciousness. In the present paper I shall consider what kind of political and social problem the negotiation aspects and the linguistic conflicts of the characters is concealing at the rear in the post war generation literature, and how this problem is connecting with the writers` linguistic identities.

      • KCI등재

        베트남전쟁을 둘러싼 한국,베트남,미국 작가의 글쓰기 의식

        조윤정(Yun Jeong Jo) 한국현대소설학회 2014 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.57

        This paper deals with the fictions about Vietnam war of Korea, Vietnam and the United States and comparatively analyse ‘the consciousness of writing’ of the writers which was reflected while describing the memory of the war. For now, the studies related with the fictions about Vietnam war have focused on the point how the fictions reproduce the war. From the fictions of An Jeonghyo, Bao Ninh and Tim O``Brien, this study pay attention to the environment of the generation under which the writers were in the war, the meaning contained in the fact they describe the war as a survivor, the possibility of cure repeatable writing about the war can have, etc. By reading the fictions of the three writers at once, we can get the more metapeotic and objective point of view about the situation in which several subject who have experienced ‘the same accidient’ remember and describe the war in different position. The three fictions which were published in Korea, Vietnam and the United States respectively, have the unusual format named ‘writing in the writing’. And obsession of writing and proof consciousness of self-existence are prominent in those fictions. Because the fictions which contain individual memories in scattered manner, reveal the personal realities which are against with the ideology of the war, justice of the current system and heroism, we can see the hidden side of the war and discordance nature of the meaning of the war come to be exposed.

      • KCI등재

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