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        ㅣ의 조음 특성에 관한 연구

        조오현 ( Oh Hyun Cho ) 한말연구학회 2001 한말연구 Vol.- No.9

        This study is experimental and in this study, the hypothesis written by Cho Oh-hyun (1998, 1999), which suggests the difference between the phonetic value of `ㅣ` in 15th century and at the present time, will be tested and examined. The method taken for experiment is that a sound value is assumed by analysing sounds, and the theoretical background and the method and the consequency of the experiment are described below: 1) The theoretical background ① Referring to the nature [+high] of `ㅣ` containing a wide variety of phonemic phenomenon and the explanation in 「Hun Min Jeong Yem - the Korean script」, the sound of `ㅣ` was possibly articulated in the area of the neutral position in the 15th century, however, at present it has been changed in to a unvoiced vowel and become the presently used [+high] sound of `ㅣ`. ② ① A wide variety of phonemic phenomenon, which did not exist in the 15th century, has been generated, for example, `ㄷ` palatalization and `ㄴ` a law of the initial sound of a syllable, a dental sound of `ㅈ`, `ㅊ`, `ㅉ` being changed to a palatal sound, a inherited overlapping vowel being changed to a single vowel and round vowelization. 2) a method for the experiment Seven male students from Seoul and seven male students from Kyeng-Ki provice, who are in the third year at Kon-kuk university, were selected and trained to be able to pronounce `ㅈ`, `ㅊ`, `ㅉ` both with a palatal sound and with a gum sound, and then `ㅣ` sound was abstracted and analyzed by the method suggested by P. Ladefoged in order to decide a range. The range already decided mentioned above were used to compare between the ranges of the presently used `ㅣ` and surrounding sounds of `ㅡ`, `ㅓ`, `ㅔ`. 3) the result of the experiment The experiment has proven that the phonetic value of `ㅣ` being articulated a sound which was higher than `ㅓ` position and in front of `ㅓ` position in the 15th century, is different from the sound of `ㅣ` presently used. As a result of the experiment, it is concluded that the sound of `ㅣ` was pronounced from near neutral position and the sound easily pronounced, which is explained in `Jung Seoung Hae in 「Hun Min Jeong Yem - the Korean script」is the same meaning of the neutral position.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국어학 : 국어 교육에서의 문화 교육

        조오현 ( Oh Hyun Cho ) 겨레어문학회 2007 겨레어문학 Vol.38 No.-

        7차 교육과정의 특징 가운데 하나는 문화교육을 강화하였다는 점이다. 7차 교육과정이 추구하는 인간상 가운데에도 "우리 문화에 대한 이해의 토대 위에 새로운 가치를 창조하는 사람"이라 규정하였으며, 교육과정의 목표에도 "우리 문화의 뿌리와 전통을 알게 하여 이를 올바르게 계승하고 보존하려는 태도를 기르게 한다.", "우리 문화의 다양한 체험을 통해 민족 문화의 우수성을 알게 하고 문화적 자부심을 갖게 한다.", "우리 민족의 문화적 전통을 현실에 맞게 창조적으로 계승하게 한다.", "지역사회를 이해함으로써 건전한 향토 사랑의 정신을 내면화할 수 있도록 한다."고 정함으로써 문화교육을 강조하였다. 이는 국어 교과과정에도 나타나 국어의 성격 가운데 하나를 "국어 발전과 국어 문화 창달에 이바지하려는 뜻을 세우게 하는 교과이다"라고 규정하여 종래의 교양교육 내지는 도구교육에 머물던 국어를 문화교육까지 확대시켰다. 뿐만 아니라 국어과 교육 목표로는 "국어문화에 대한 이해와 언어문화를 창달하는 능력과 태도"를 기르는 것으로 정함으로써 국어문화, 언어문화라는 새로운 용어를 도임했다. 이 글에서는 국어 교과 과정에 나타난 국어문화, 언어문화에 대한 자료를 제공하여 교육의 질을 향상시키기 위해 훈민정음에 나타난 문화적 가치를 분석하였다. The 7th national education curriculum emphasized the cultural education more than nay other education courses in the education history. Even the Korean education decisively expands and emphasizes the cultural education beyond its limit as the tool education. The Korean education defines that the Korean is the course to establish the wills to contribute on the development of Korean and promotion of Korean culture. As emphasizing the cultural education by defining that "Korean education aims to cultivate the ability and attitude to promote the linguistic culture and understand the Korean culture", "goals of Korean education are to cultivate the attitude to understand and favor the Korean tradition and culture(elementary school), to develop the confidence on the Korean tradition and culture and so to promote them(middle school) and to cultivate the attitude to develop the Korean tradition and culture in the world(high school).", the cultural education was emphasized. For the teaching instruction, the cultural education was expanded even to the contents to teach including "speaking, listening, writing and reading that were merely the tool education in the past need to be understood as the social and cultural processes", "speaking, listening, writing and reading are understood as the culture of the relevant times". Furthermore, the language is considered as the culture. The curriculum set the goal to achieve the cultural education through the Korean education by emphasizing the cultural value of Hangul(Hunminjeongeum)(Korean). This study assumed that the teachers firstly needed to secure the special knowledge on this field for the successful achievement of such educational purposes described above. Thus, I identified the cultural values of Hangul(Hunminjeongeum) by investigating the chapter "Explanation of the Design of the Letters" of Hunminjeongeum in order to provide the special knowledge to the teachers.

      • KCI등재

        15세기 성운학자 계보 연구

        조오현 ( Oh Hyun Cho ) 한말연구학회 2010 한말연구 Vol.- No.27

        Compiling phonology books that begun after the creation of Hunminjungeum was unprecedented in Korean history and even around the world in its history of linguistics. Books such as Hyeryebon Hunminjungeum, Hongmujungun YeoRbun, DongguRjungun, and JiRbaedongjaseup are phonology books that were researched and compiled with Hunminjungeum. However, there are some similarities and differences among people who have worked on the compilations, in regards to their specialties or where they belonged to in terms of professional affiliation. The purpose of this research was to divide scholars (who participated in the compilation) into groups based on their professional affiliations or specialties, and find out about what roles scholars have played in compiling phonology books. The results are as follows. First, scholars are either from Jiphyunjun or Seungmunwon, and second, scholars were specialists in Korean phonology and Chinese phonology. Third, scholars that were selected by King Sejong in his 24th year of rule, to take a break and study, played a major role in this compilation. Fourth, scholars who had passed the promotion exam in King Sejong`s 29th year of rule played a major role, and these people were mostly people who were taking a break to study. Fifth, there were people who were specialists outside of the field of phonology as well, such as experts in poetical works, calligraphy experts, Fengshui experts, and translators. Thus, this study of phonology during the 15th century was more of a comprehensive field. Such was a result of King Sejong`s support for academia and management of human resources.

      • KCI등재

        ㄷ구개음화 발생의 역사적 전개 과정

        조오현(Cho Oh-Hyun) 동남어문학회 2006 동남어문논집 Vol.22 No.-

          This study examined the cause and process of the palatalization of “ㄷ” by categorizing the phoneme phenomenon. As a result, palatalization of “ㄷ” was categorized into alveolar affrication, palatalized sound, change of the principle member of “ㅈ”(uvular), and palatalization. Each category"s historical process was explained. The following are the results of this study:<BR>  1. The first step of the palatalization of “ㄷ” begins with alveolar affrication. The “ㄷ” sound, which was an alveolar in the 15th century, became the “ㅈ” sound through the process of alveolar affrication.<BR>  2. The second step of the palatalization of “ㄷ” is the generation of palatalized sound. The vowel “ㅣ”, which was a neutral sound in the 15th century, became a palatal and consonants such as “ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄹ, ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅉ, ㅊ, ㅎ” caused palatalized sounds with the strong influence of “ㅣ”.<BR>  3. The third step of the palatalization of “ㄷ” is the change of the principle member (alveolar affrication) of “ㅈ”. The alveolar affricate [ts], which was the principle member (phoneme) of “ㅈ” since the 15th century, was replaced by the palatalized sound [t∫] and changed the phoneme of “ㅈ” to a palatal. “/ts/” lost its status as a phoneme because a plosive, affricate, and fricative filled the place of the alveolar sound and transformed itself to a palatal to create distinction.<BR>  4. The palatalization of “ㄷ” is considered a phenomenon that emerged after “ㅈ” changed its principle member. Therefore, existing studies which state that “ㄷ” was replaced with “ㅈ” at the time of palatalization do not consider this phenomenon palatalization but alveolar palatalization.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경상도 방언에서의 /ㅆ/ 발생 과정 연구

        조오현 ( Oh Hyun Cho ) 겨레어문학회 2012 겨레어문학 Vol.48 No.-

        현대 경상북도 일부 지역과 경상남도 일부 지역에는 /ㅆ/음이 존재하지 않는다. 현대 경상도 방언에 나타난 이와 같은 음운 현상에 대해 천시권 이후 /ㅆ/음이 발생하지 않은 것으로 보는 견해가 일반적이었다. 그러나 최근에는 방언의 역사적 현상을 문헌을 통해 연구하는 경향이 나타났다. 그로 인해 방언의 음운 현상도 방언자료문헌을 통해 연구하려는 경향이 나타났고 이로 인해 경상도 방언에 /ㅆ/이 없는 것은 발생하지 않은 것이 아니라 소실된 것이라는 주장이 제기되었다. 이 연구는 현대 경상도 방언에 /ㅆ/음이 없는 이유가 소실에 있다는 가설을 가지고 경상도 방언자료문헌들을 분석하여 소실된 시기를 확인하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 현상을 발견하였다. 첫째, 경상도 방언자료문헌으로만 보아서는 중세 경상도 방언에 /ㅆ/이쓰였다. 둘째, 어휘별로 약간의 차이는 있어도 /ㅆ/이 발생된 것으로 보이는 시기는 17세기 중엽 이후였다. 셋째, /ㅆ/의 사용은 상당히 활발하였던 것을 확인하였다. 그 근거는 현재 중앙어에서 /ㅆ/으로 쓰이고 있는 어휘는 모두 /ㅆ/이 사용된 흔적을 보였고 오히려 역사적으로 /ㅆ/이 사용된 적이 없는 ``삶다``도 ``ㅆ ㄼ 다``로 기록되어 있는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 경상도 방언에서 /ㅆ/이 쓰이지 않는 것이 소멸에 의한 것이라는 가설은 사실임을 확인하였다. The phoneme /ㅆ/ does not exist in the dialects of Modern Gyungbuk and parts of Gyungnam provinces. To explain this phonological phenomenon, Shi-Kwon Cheon(1965) among many others claimed that the phoneme /ㅆ/ has not existed at all from the very beginning in the given dialects. However, some scholars claim that the phoneme /ㅆ/ was included in the phonological system and was lost later. This claim is supported by evidences from the philological studies on the dialects of the given areas. The claim was triggered by the latest research trend focusing on the study of old documents with dialectal data. This study supposes that the phoneme /ㅆ/ was lost in the process of its development, and confirms the period of its loss through analysis of old documents originated from Gyungsang province. The research result can be summarized as follows: First, the phoneme /ㅆ/ existed in the Gyungsang dialect, which is confirmed by evidences found in the old documents. Second, the period of its accur is around the second half of the seventeenth century, although there are some differences found for each words. Third, the phoneme /ㅆ/ was actively used before the second half of the seventeenth century. The phoneme was used for most of the words that have /ㅆ/ in the modern standard Korean. In addition, the phoneme /ㅆ/ was used as ``ㅆ ㄼ 다`` even for the word ``삶다``. Based on theses evidences, the author could verify the hypothesis that the phoneme was lost on the process of its development.

      • KCI등재후보
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간기능 검사 이상이 동반된 대유행 인플루엔자(H1N1 2009)와 쯔쯔가무시병 동시감염

        안용철 ( Yong Chel Ahn ),황윤우 ( Yoo Noo Hwang ),김유석 ( Yu Seok Kim ),김주희 ( Joo Hui Kim ),조오현 ( Oh Hyun Cho ),임채만 ( Chae Man Lim ),우준희 ( Jun Hee Woo ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2011 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.70 No.3

        The pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza outbreak coincided with the typical Scrub typhus season, which can lead to diagnostic difficulties due to their similar and non-specific symptoms. Here we describe a case of laboratory confirmed co-infection of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza and Scrub typhus and discuss the difficulties in distinguishing the two illnesses clinically.

      • 건축용 형용사 연구 : '밝다, 환하다, 훤하다'를 중심으로

        조오현 건국대학교 인문과학연구소 1999 인문과학논총 Vol.33 No.-

        We have searched for the meaning of '밝다, 환하다, 훤하다' and the condition by which we can distinguish these meanings. We've found these materials from KCP and studied the words, '밝게, 환하게, 훤하게' with connecting ending, instead of that of basic form, as a matter of convenience. Consequently we could find out these following regularity. 1. In the case of '밝게', the phrase, [-이 -을 밝게 -다], which contains the object is used more than the phrase, [-이 밝게 -다]. But in the case of '환하게', the phrase, [-이 환하게 -다], is more than the phrase, [-이 -을 환하게 -다]. As regards '훤하게', the phrase, [-이 -을 훤하게 -다], is scarcely used, and [-이 훤하게 -다] is used most. 2. The meaning of term '밝다' is distinguished from feature of its subject and object. But the meaning of '밝다' and '훤하다' is mostly distinguished from the feature of its predicate, hardly distinguished from the feature of its subject and object. 3. The difference between '밝다' and '환하다·훤하다' is that the term '밝다' is intended to express statical, objective [brightness], while the term '환하다·훤하다' is intended to express dynamic, subjective [brightness]. 4. The antonym of '밝다' is '어둡다' and that of '환하다' is '깜깜하다' 5. The difference between '환하다' and '훤하다' is that of the brightness ; The brightness turns '환한' after '훤한' as the darkness turns '깜깜하다' after '껌껌하다'.

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