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      • H-pile과 Sheet-pile을 이용한 복합형 강가시설 공법에 관한 연구

        정영호 서울시립대학교 과학기술대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        일반적으로 지하수위가 있는 토질이나 하천 등에서 암반층에 직접기초 구조물을 시공하기 위해서는 차수성이 우수한 Sheet-pile 공법을 사용한다. Sheet-pile 공법은 실트질 지반이나 사질토 지반에서는 직항타 공법으로 쉽게 사용될 수 있지만, 전석층 및 풍화암층에는 워터젯트공법을 병행하여 Sheet-pile의 근입이 가능하다. 연암, 경암 등의 암반지반은 직항타공법으로 근입이 불가능하며, 워터젯트 공법으로도 한계가 있다. 이러한 이유로 천공 후 항타공법을 사용하지만 Sheet-pile이 암반에 근입되는 전 구간을 천공해야 하므로 공사기간이 장기화될 뿐만 아니라 천공장비의 사용 및 공사기간 장기화로 공사비가 크게 증가한다. 따라서 본 논문의 연구목표는 흙막이 벽체로서 차수성이 우수한 Sheet-pile 시공방법에 대하여 연암, 경암 등의 시공한계점 개선 및 지하수 유입에 대한 안전성 확보 그리고 공사기간 단축 및 공사비 감소를 위한 새로운 공법( H-pile과 Sheet-pile을 이용한 복합형 강가시설 시공공법)을 개발하는 것이다. 이러한 목적을 위해 H-pile과 Sheet-pile을 이용한 복합형 강가시설물에 대해 MIDAS와 SEEP/W 프로그램을 이용하여 구조물 및 주변지반의 안정성과 차수에 대한 파이핑의 안정성을 검토하였고 굴착단계별 현장계측으로 응력과 변위를 파악하여 수치해석의 결과와 비교하였다. 이의 분석결과 H-pile을 일정 간격으로 암반층을 천공한 후 파일을 근입장까지 시공하고, H-pile 후면의 암반층까지 Sheet-pile을 직항타 방법으로 시공하여, 암반층 근입으로 발생되는 문제점 개선 및 시공성을 향상시킬 수 있었음이 확인되었다. 또한 H-pile 근입 시점과 Sheet-pile 하단부와 접하는 구간은 차수벽을 시공하여 지하수 유입차단 및 Sheet-pile 하단부 근입장을 확보하여 안전한 구조체를 형성할 수 있어 시공기간 및 공사비 절감에 매우 효과적일 것으로 기대된다. In general, a sheet-pile construction method which is considered to be efficient to protect the water penetration has been chosen for the ground condition containing underground waters or the rock foundation under streamlines. It could be used by direct pile driving techniques for silts and sands, or by water jetting techniques for the gravels and weathered rocks. However, it cannot be used easily for the soft and hard rocks. Therefore, a drilling technique is the only possible way in using a sheet-pile for those conditions. Using this technique costs a lot and demands a long construction time. In this paper, the new technique using a sheet-pile and H-pile simultaneously was proposed in order to get rid of shortcomings of sheet-pile techniques. For this purpose, the complex steel structures containing H-pile and sheet-pile has been analysed by using MIDAS and SEEP/W to investigate the structural and piping stabilities. Later, these results were verified by the measurements for the stress and displacement in the fields. From these analyses and verifications showed that the technique drilling H-pile into the rock foundation at first, direct pile driving a sheet pile later, and finally setting a protect wall for water penetrations could be useful and economical by reducing the construction time.

      • 아파트 사용검사 전 하자의 하자보수보증 개선방안

        정영호 서울시립대학교 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        Apartment tenants may claim the repair of defects, specifying certain period, for the maintenance bond deposited when the project entity submitted the inspection application for use. Regulations associated with the maintenance bond are implemented only for the defects after inspection for use in accordance with "Housing Act" and defects repairs are well fulfilled too. However, defects before the inspection for use have a problem of non-deposit of the maintenance bond, so both tenants and the project entity suffer damages. There have been preceding studies on the problem, but research on the improvements was not much. The purpose of this study is to introduce maintenance bond before the inspection for use and to propose the calculated defects liability period, in order to prevent damages of both parties such as the damage of the project entity due to defects lawsuit increase and the damage of the tenants due to the non-fulfillment of defect repairs for the defects before inspection for use. Improvement plans were presented through defects analysis before inspection for apartment use, average ratio and concentration distribution analysis of ruling amount of each district court case for each apartment complex, and the average rate analysis of defects amount for each construction work type. The findings of the study are as follows. First, it is proposed to introduce 1.5 percent of the amount of either one of the Clauses of Paragraph 3, Article 60 of 「Enforcement Decree of Housing Act」 for the maintenance bond before inspection for use to correct the problem of non-deposit of the maintenance bond. The range of defects to apply the maintenance bond includes the construction changes differently from the unconstructed and design drawings of which the defects that need not fulfill the warranty obligations in the warranty terms issued by the warranty issuing authority for the currently enforced maintenance bond. The maintenance bond is to be integrated for both defects before the inspection and after the inspection for use. The percentage is to be changed from 3 percent to 4.5 percent of the amount applicable to either one of the Clauses of Paragraph 3, Article 60 of existing 「Enforcement Decree of Housing Act」. Other regulations associated with the maintenance bond shall follow 「Housing Act」and「Enforcement Decree of Housing Act」. Second, the introduced defects liability period of the maintenance bond before the inspection for use should follow Annex 6 ([Table 3.4]) and Appendix 7 of 「Enforcement Decree of Housing Act」that currently adopts the liability period of the maintenance bond after the inspection for use. The significance of the research lies in that it proposed explicit improvement of the statute that can introduce the maintenance bond which does not have clear regulation in the existing laws before the inspection for use and is excluded from terms of the warranty issuing authority. Future research is needed on the improvements of the problems that the Designer is not responsible for the design defects, problems that the Engineer is not responsible for the defects of non-construction and alteration construction, and problems for each of occurring defect of the type analysis of defects before the inspection for use. Key words : apartment defects, defects before the inspection for use, warranty issuing authority, maintenance bond, defects liability period Thesis Supervisor : Professor Kyo-Jin Koo 아파트의 입주자 등은 사업주체가 사용검사신청서를 제출할 때 예치한 하자보수보증금에 대하여 상당한 기간을 정하여 그 하자의 보수를 청구 할 수 있다. 하자보수보증금과 관련된 규정은 사용검사 후 하자에 대하여서만「주택법」등에 따라 시행되고 있고 하자보수도 잘 이행되고 있다. 그러나 사용검사 전 하자는 하자보수보증금 미 예치의 문제점이 있어서 입주자 및 사업주체가 쌍방의 피해를 보고 있다. 문제점에 대한 선행 연구는 있었으나 개선방안에 대한 연구는 많지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 사용검사 전 하자에 대하여 하자보수 불이행에 의한 입주자의 피해와 하자소송 증가에 의한 사업주체의 피해 등 쌍방의 피해를 방지하기 위하여, 사용검사 전 하자에 대하여 하자보수보증금 도입 및 하자담보책임기간을 산정하여 제안한다. 아파트 사용검사 전 하자의 현황분석, 각 지방법원 사건의 아파트단지별 판결금 중 사용검사 전 하자 판결금의 평균비율 및 집중분포도 분석, 공종별 하자금액의 평균비율 등의 분석을 통하여 개선방안을 제시하였다. 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 하자보수보증금 미 예치 문제점에 대한 개선방안은 사용검사 전 하자의 하자보수보증금을「주택법 시행령」제60조제3항의 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 금액의 100분의 1.5로 산정하여 도입을 제안한다. 하자보수보증금을 적용하는 하자의 범위는 현재 시행중인 하자보수보증금의 보증서 발급기관에서 발행하는 보증서 약관내용 중에 보증 채무를 이행하지 아니하는 하자인‘미 시공 및 설계도면과 달리 시공된 변경시공부분’을 포함하여 적용한다. 사용검사 전 하자와 사용검사 후 하자인 모든 하자에 하자보수보증금이 통합되게 된다. 통합되면 기존 규정인「주택법 시행령」제60조제3항의 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 금액의“100분의 3”으로 한다.”에서“100분의 4.5”로 변경한다. 이외 하자보수보증금 관련규정은「주택법」및「주택법 시행령」의 내용을 준용한다. 둘째, 도입된 사용검사 전 하자보수보증금의 하자담보책임기간은 현재 사용검사 후 하자의 하자담보책임기간으로 시행중인「주택법 시행령」별표 6 및 별표 7을 준용한다. 사용검사 전 하자는 현행법령에 명확한 규정이 없고 보증서 발급기관의 약관에서 배제된 하자보수보증금을 실무에 도입할 수 있는 법령의 명시적 개선방향을 제시하였다는 점에서 연구의 의의가 있다. 향후에는 설계상 하자인 경우 설계자의 책임이 없다는 문제점 및 미 시공, 변경시공의 하자가 발생되었으나 감리자의 책임이 없다는 문제점, 사용검사 전 하자의 유형분석의 각 하자발생관련 문제점에 대한 개선방안의 연구가 필요하다. 주요어 : 아파트 하자, 사용검사, 보증기관, 하자보수보증금, 하자담보책임 기간 지도교수 : 구교진

      • 패밀리 레스토랑 현황과 개선방안에 관한 연구

        정영호 경기대학교 경영대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The restaurant industry increasingly leans toward the service industry in its character. Since the opening of Midopa's Cocos in 1988, the age of family restaurant has started in domestic restaurant industry. However, although family restaurants were introduced in the late 1980s and has entered in the initial growth stage, most of them, except some family restaurants, have difficulties in management or attracting customers after their opening, and they often get to fail, because a feasibility study is not conducted fully due to the management's poor consciousness. In spite of rapid growth rate these family restaurants have some problems. First, marketing strategy has to be planned steadily toward a sustaining capabilities, instead of expecting a short-term outcome. Restaurant ought to be managed as an independent enterprise, not as a store. Second, the shortage of professional and qualified personnel. Third, for improving the quality control, center-kitchen-typed transportation facilities should be built to make sure food service be sanitary and safe. The systemization of management must be implemented for each franchise to cook conveniently. Fourth, the competitive power against foreign brand can grow up, only through the integration of different business types and the industrialization into a specific franchise, which will be able to reinforce the self-sustaining capabilities. The crowded flood of similar business types will weaken the foothold of domestic brand. In this study, the development process and actual condition of family restaurants are examined, and the problems that begin to appear in the industry, like an excessive competition, are investigated. And, a scheme that can solve these problems is suggested. Family restaurant managers might be expected to improve their management strategies based on the findings of this study. The growth of family restaurant will be more more accelerated, if the structure of distribution improves in the fields concerned, like food material purchase, and kitchen utensil manufacturers develops. Finally, there is a limit in this study that data collection is restricted as there are few systematic existing studies on family restaurant. It's regretful not to make deeper researches in many respects such as management, facilities and so on. To develop family restaurant industry as one of the strategic industries, more studies shall be conducted from more diverse point of view. Managers are requested to have new management mind, casting away the existing common notion completely. Future studies shall be carried out more systematically and positively to offer detailed strategies that are suitable for each firm's specific situations, being derived from each business dimension, not from the total industry dimension.

      • Ligand Based Approach에 의한 Protein Tyrosine Phosphtase(PTP) 1B 저해제로서 3β-hydroxy-12-oleanen- 28-oic Acid 유도체의 분자설계

        정영호 농화학과 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) models between variuos substitu- ents (R1-R4) of synthesized oleanolic acid analogues (1~19) and 3β-hydroxy-12-oleanen-28-oic acid (Common name: Oleanolic acid) from fruits of Sansuyu (山茱萸: Cornus officinalis Sieb.), and their inhibitory activities (IC50;uM) against the protein tyrosine phosphatases 1B (PTP-1B) were derived and then discussed quantitatively using such as the 2D-QSAR, molecular holographic (H) QSAR and 3D-QSAR (CoMFA & CoMSIA) methodologies. In this process, the protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are a diverse family of catalyze, enzymes that control proper cellular on the hydrolysis of phosphotyrosine residues in proteins. Through ligand based approach, some conclusion on molecular design of R4-substituents in oleanolic acid analogues were obtained as follows: 1. Inhibitory activities of oleanolic acid analogues against PTP-1B were dependent on R4-substituents and the 2D-QSAR (Ⅰ) model was showed good correlation coefficient more than the 2D-QSAR (Ⅱ) model. It was estimated that as oleanolic acid analogues were smaller in Randic index (RI>0) and surface area (SA>0), and larger in molar refractivity (MR<0), inhibitory activities against PTP-1B would increase. Especially the randic index of substrate molecules influenced inhibitory activities more than hydrophobicity (π). 2. The best predictability of cross-validated r2cv (q2=0.578) and non-cross-validated conventional coefficient (r2ncv=0.970) of HQSAR (Ⅳ) model in proper fragment sizes (5~8) was revealed. Green parts, which contributed to inhibitory activites much, were C6 atom on the A and B ring, and C16~ C17 atom on the D ring. Yellow parts contributing a little to inhibitory activities were C23 atom of methyl substiuents on the A ring. Whereas, red parts contributing little had no regular tendency but were C3 atom on the A ring and C8 atom on the B and C ring. 3. CoMFA (AⅣ) model derived from the combination between standard field and indicator field of atom based fit alignment in CoMFA model (cross-validated r2cv=0.614 and non-cross-validated, r2ncv=0.960) showed higher the predictability and correlation coefficient. And the rate of contribution was electorstatic (49.8%), steric (30.1%) and hydrophobicity (20%). On the contrary, CoMFA (FI) model derived from field fit alignment showed the cross-validated and non-cross- validated (r2cv=0.588 and r2ncv=0.992) in the case of standard field. Also, the rate of contribution of this model was electorstatic (39.6%), steric (42.7%) and hydrophobicity (17.7%), respectively. 4. From CoMFA contour maps, it was judged that larger steric substituents were placed in R4-substituents and as in C4 atom steric of substiuents was smaller and positive charge favor was placed in the position of carbonyl and N atom in amido group, activities would increase. And it was analyzed that as hydrophilic favor substituents was put in C1 and C2 atom of the postion of R4-substituents and hydropholic substituents were introduced in the position of C6 atom and carbonyl group, inhibitory activites would increase. 5. The optimized model could not be derived from field fit aligment of CoMSIA. But the optimized CoMSIA (AⅧ-3) model (cross-validated q2cv=0.549 and non-cross-validated r2ncv=0.995), only under the condition in combination of atom based fit alignment, steric, electrostatic and H-bond acceptor field could be derived. The rate of contribution made by the model was steric (20.1%), electrostatic (49.9%) and H-bond acceptor field (30.0%), and was high influenced by electrostatic field. 6. From CoMSIA contour maps, it was predicted that if a higher steric bulky substituents were placed on C4~C6 atom of R4-substituents, if a negative charge favor substituents were put on C3 atom and if a positive charge favor substituents were put on C4 atom and coarbonyl group, the inhibitory activities would be increase. It is analyzed that when a H-bond acceptor favor substituents were placed in R1-substituents and H-bond acceptor disfavor substituents were introduced in R3-substituents and C4 atom of R4-substituents and when a H-bond acceptor favor subsutituents were introduced on amido and carbonyl group, the inhibitory activities would increase. 7. R4-substituents were structurally modified on the basis of contour maps including the information of 3D-QSAR model (CoMFA: AⅣ, FⅠ & CoMSIA: AⅧ~3) and the hit-compound designed by the application of HQSAR (Ⅳ) model was t-butylbenzyl substituents (HP). The predicted inhibitory activities of HP, a new compound, was the level of Pred.pIC50=2.12. And also, it was important factors that the effects of steric (ES), resonance (R) and hydrophobic (Pi) by X groups on benzyl substituents were influenced on the inhibitory activities against PTB-1B. 8. It was supposed that the role of Asp(181) residues may be blocked by means of dimeric H-bond formed between Asp(181) residues and the designed compound (HP) in dephosphorylation process, the inhibitory activities against PTP-1B were hindered. As a result, the inhibitory activities were improved 354 times as well as non-substituted oleanolic acid (2), twenty times as well as the compound (18) of the highest inhibitory activities in training set. It was expected that the designed compound (HP), which was less likely to cause skin irritation, would be developed into not only whitening cosmetics but also new medicine of PTP-1B inhibitors.

      • 유압실린더 세라믹코팅 기공률 최소화 방안

        정영호 한양대학교 공학대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        요 약 문 국내에서 사용되는 대부분의 유압실린더는 해외에서 수입되어 사용하고 있는 실정이다. 해외에서 수입한 유압실린더 피스톤로드에 부식이 발생하여 부식원인을 규명하고, 국내의 세라믹코팅 기술을 유압실린더 분야에 접목시켜 세라믹 코팅된 피스톤로드 국산화를 추진하였다. 피스톤로드의 근본적인 부식 원인은 세라믹코팅 자체의 기공을 통한 해수의 유입이며, 피스톤로드의 부식방지를 위해 기공률 최소화 방안을 연구하였다. 본 연구를 통해서 유압실린더 피스톤로드 세라믹코팅 결합층의 코팅방법은 플라즈마용사보다 초고속용사공법으로 코팅시 기공률이 감소하는 것을 확인하였고, 코팅재료는 산화알루미늄 계열보다 산화크로뮴 계열의 코팅재질이 기공률 감소 측면에서 우수함이 확인되었다. 세라믹코팅 후 발생되는 기공을 메우기 위하여 별도 씰링 처리를 하였으며 씰링처리 후 기공률이 현격히 감소하는 것을 실험을 통해 확인하였다. 개선된 코팅 공법으로 제작한 시편의 해수 침수시험을 통해 세라믹코팅의 내부식성이 향상되었음을 확인하였다. 주요어 : 유압실린더, 코팅, 세라믹, 기공률, HVOF, 씰링, Cr2O3, Al2O3

      • 차량 충돌 방지용 레이더 시스템에 사용될 밀리미터파 유전체 공진기 안테나 배열 설계

        정영호 경상대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        With the developments in science and technology, the number of car ownerships is rapidly increasing. As a result of vehicular mobility, efficiency is worsening. In addition, due to the severe traffic environment, traffic safety is being threatened. The ITS (intelligent transportation system) and ACC (adaptive cruise control) system are being considered in order to overcome this traffic safety threat due to the testing traffic environment. Car radar technology has been used as the core technology of these systems. Millimeter-wave radar is being intensively studied in car radar systems because the millimeter-wave has low loss in all weather conditions and is easy to use. ITU-R M1452-2 provides a recommendation for millimeter-wave automotive radar operating in the 76~77 GHz range, which can be used in an ACC system and collision avoidance system. For several decades, microstrip patch antenna has been widely studied in antenna RF systems with microwaves or millimeter-waves because of its small size, low weight and ease of fabrication. However, at the millimeter-wave frequency, conductor loss of microstrip patch antennas becomes severe and the radiation efficiency of the antenna is reduced significantly. In order to overcome this problem at millimeter-wave frequencies, DRA (dielectric resonator antenna) is considered as an alternate. DRA has advantages at millimeter-wave frequencies because the only loss of DRA is the loss due to imperfect dielectric material, which can be minimized in practice. In addition to its zero conductor loss, DRA also has the advantages of a wider impedance bandwidth, higher radiation efficiency, no distortion from surface waves, simple configuration, and various radiation patterns along the feeding modes. Therefore, DRA is suitable because the microstrip antenna radiates only through two narrow radiation slots, whereas the DRA radiates through the whole surface except for the grounded part. In this paper, in order to get high-gain performance for a 76~77-GHz anti-collision car radar system, 16x16 millimeter-wave DRA arrays are designed and their performance is evaluated. The dielectric manufactured by the LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic) process is used for the DRA element because of LTCC's characteristics of low loss and high temperature stability. Antenna feeding is designed using a microstrip transmission line, which is lighter weight, has a small volume and is easy to manufacture. First, a single DRA element is designed to provide the desired frequency band, gain, and radiation pattern. Single DRAs are designed with aperture-coupled feeding, microstrip feeding and probe feeding. Based on the single DRA element, a 2x2 array is designed and optimized. 2x2 arrays are designed with microstrip feeding and probe feeding because for single antenna cases, the gain of a microstrip feeding DRA and probe feeding DRA are even higher than that of an aperture-coupled feeding DRA. A 16x16 array is designed using the 2x2 array as an element radiator. 8x8 arrays of the 2x2 DRA array make 16x16 DRA arrays. The feed lines of the 8x8 arrays are designed for different current distribution schemes - uniform current distribution, triangular current distribution, and Dolph-Chebyshev current distribution. The feed line design uses a quarter-wavelength transformer. The radiation pattern and gain is calculated using the principle of multiplication. The antenna performances of all designed antennas are calculated and compared with each other. The maximum gain of the designed antenna is 31.1 dBi. The designed 16x16 array can be used in an anti-collision car radar system.

      • QMA 선택적 소거 구동 방식에 의한 AC PDP계조 구현 방법

        정영호 水原大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

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        플라즈마 디스플레이는 구조가 간단하여 대화면 구성이 용이하다. 그리고 자발광 소자로써 넓은 시야각을 가지는 장점이 있어 차세대 디스플레이로서 각광 받고 있다. 그러나 해상도가 증가할수록 어드레스 구간도 점차 증가하여, 상대적으로 전체 휘도가 감소하는 문제점이 발생하게 된다. 또한 8개의 서브필드를 이용하여 256계조 구현을 하는 ADS 구동방식은 동영상 의사윤곽의 문제점도 발생한다. 휘도 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 디스플레이 구간을 늘려야 하며, 동영상 의사 윤곽의 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 계조간의 서브필드의 급격한 변화를 없애야 한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 두 가지의 구동방식을 제시하고 실험을 통해 확인하였다. 처음으로 벽전하 양을 제어하여 계조를 표현하는 QMA 구동 이론을 제시하고, 이를 구현하기 위하여 선택적 소거 방식을 선택하여 벽전하의 거동을 예측하고 실험을 통해 확인하였다. 그리고 QMA 구동 이론을 바탕으로 새로운 계조 구현 방식을 제안하였다. QMA 구동 방식에 의한 실험 결과, 어드레스 펄스폭에 따라 선택적 소거 방전의 세기가 달라지며, 그때 발생하는 휘도 값도 변화한다. 그리고 새로운 계조 구현 방식은 인접 계조 간의 서브필드가 부드럽게 변화하여 동영상 의사 윤곽을 없앨 수 있다. 두 번째로 스캔 펄스를 overlap시켜서 어드레스 구간의 길이를 줄이는 구동방식을 제안하였다. 스캔 펄스가 먼저 인가된 후 데이터 펄스와 동시에 끝나는 새로운 어드레스 방식은 두 펄스가 동시에 인가되어 동시에 끝나는 기존방식보다 더 좁은 데이터 펄스폭을 사용하여 패널을 on시킬 수 있다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 구동파형을 제안하였으며, 새로운 구동파형은 기존 ADS구동방식에 비해 어드레스 구간을 약 30% 줄일 수 있다. Conventional ADS driving method uses two wall charge states and 8 sub-fields to implement 256 gray scale. However this method has some well-known problems. First of all this method has the problem of long address time which limits luminance of the AC PDP. Another problem of ADS driving method is dynamic false contours. In this thesis, we first tested the QMA(Quantized Memory Address) which controls the amount of wall charge to change cell luminance. To verify the concept, pulse width of the selective erase pulse was changed to obtain different wall charge states. Second, we developed a new PDP gray scale implementation method on the basis of the QMA principle. we defined three wall charge states, "full-on", "off", and "half-on", by controlling the width of address pulses. With these wall charge states, we were able to express 255 gray scale with only 7 sub-fields. Finally, we proposed and tested the overlap scan pulse driving method.

      • DSM을 활용한 BIM 기반 설계업무 프로세스 정립 및 개선을 위한 연구 : 기본설계단계를 중심으로

        정영호 한양대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        BIM 기반의 기본설계단계에서는 작업자들 간의 협의사항과 결정사항들이 다수 존재한다. 이러한 과정에서 발생하는 이종 소프트웨어간의 호환성, 단순한 작업의 반복성, 정보 누락에 의한 재 작업등의 문제들로 인해 BIM 업무 생산성이 저하된다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제를 개선하기 위한 방안으로 API 어플리케이션의 적용을 검토해보았다. 기본설계 단계 프로세스를 의존 관계구조 행렬 방법론 (Dependency Structure Matrix:DSM)을 활용하여 작성하고 API의 적용가능성에 대해 연구하였다. 그리고 이것을 검토하여 기본설계단계에서 발생할 수 있는 작업의 반복성, 호환성 등과 같은 작업의 효율을 저감시키는 요소와 업무과정을 도출하였다. 마지막으로 문제점을 개선하기 위해 공개 되어있는 상호운용성, 자동화, 최적화, 분석등의 API 어플리케이션을 활용하여 본인이 참여한 프로젝트를 중심으로 실험을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 검토한 API를 설계프로세스에 잘 활용한다면 반복적이거나 단순노동집약적인 작업들을 자동화하고 형상과 속성정보를 누락 없이 호환할수 있어 재작업에 소요되는 작업시간의 지연문제를 개선하여 BIM 업무의 효율성 향상에 기여할 것으로 사료된다.

      • 극한 환경용 초소형 응축 핵 계수기 개발 및 성능 평가

        정영호 한양대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Due to the development of technology, a requirement of nano-particle control technology has been drastically increased in the high-end technology fabrication processes and many other industries. Especially, the particulate material size and number concentration measurement field is increasing now, and the one of the representative system device is SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) which is consist of CPC(condensation Particle Counter) and DMA(Differential Mobility Analyzer). This system can show accurate results but, it has very complex configuration and requires nomal condition environment . Therefore, to compensate for these shortcomings, this study will provide improvements about extreme condition and new measurement methods using by condensation properties (Kelvin effect) and also develop CPC (Condensation Particle Counter). The condensational growth and evaporation of liquid droplets in the transition regime and in the continuum regime are considered. An analytical solution that includes both transition regime corrections for mass and heat transfer and the Kelvin effect is derived. The solution represents an improvement over earlier analytical solutions, which are valid only in the continuum regime. We were measured using a optical particle counter. The measurements display occurrences of relatively high number concentrations of sub-micron size aerosols with radii=0.15?0.6 ?m near the tropopause region (between about 130 and 450 torr)

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