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      • KCI등재

        자활사업 참여자의 임파워먼트를 위한 인문학 프로그램의 개발과 효과연구

        정연정 ( Yeon Jung Jung ),유지형 ( Jee Hyoung Yu ) 한국사회복지연구회 2014 사회복지연구 Vol.45 No.1

        본 연구는 한국 자활사업의 양적인 팽창에도 불구하고 낮은 성과를 보이는 원인은, 자활사업 참여자들을 위한 거시적인 측면의 임파워먼트가 실천되고 있지 않다는 문제의식에서 출발한다. 이에 임파워먼트와 임파워먼트 실천의 현재적 모습을 비판적으로 고찰하는 동시에 임파워먼트의 다각적 의미와 방향을 논의하였다. 또한 인문학의 가치와 방향성에 대한 탐색을 통해 임파워먼트 실천의 도구로서 인문학 프로그램을 모색하였다. 동시에 본 연구는 인문학 프로그램의 적용과 효과에 대한 경험적 연구로, 인문학 프로그램이 자활사업의 한계를 극복하고 참여자들의 임파워링을 위한 효과적인 도구가 될 수 있는지를 규명하고자 하였다. 연구결과 인문학 프로그램을 통해 참여자들은 빈곤의 원인과 책임주체에 대한 인식이 개인에서 구조로 전환된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 복지에 대한 인식과 태도에서도 잔여적복지에서 제도적복지로 변화되었다. 이러한 인식의 변화는 현재의 사회구조와 제도변형을 위한 실천의 출발점이 된다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 정치적 주체로서 나를 자각하게 되고, 노동자로서의 권리주장과 연대의식의 조직을 통해 제도적 복지정책의 구축을 전망하게 한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze a factor why the self-sufficiency program led to low achievements despite an increase in quantity. The assumption of This study is because it is in need of empowerment. Therefore this study critically explores the self-sufficiency program implemented up to now and discusses meanings and directions of the self-sufficiency program. In addition it finds humanities programs as a practice tool for empowerment. As a result, this study is to confirm that the consciousness in the cause and responsibility of poverty of the humanities program participants changes from an individual to objective structures. It means a shift in attitude from the residual to the institutional welfare consciousness. The change can be a starting point to push the consciousness of social structures and system modification into action. Additionally the participants can be fully aware of their identification as the social subject and try to make the institutional welfare system through organizations with the rights and solidarity as workers.

      • KCI등재

        김지하의 ‘애린’과 ‘모심’의 시학 : 불교생태론적 관점을 중심으로

        정연정(Jung Yeon-Jung) 문학과 환경학회 2011 문학과 환경 Vol.10 No.1

        The root causes of ecological crisis that the world is facing are anthropocentricism and extremism cited by eco-philosopher Arne Naess and social ecologist Rudolf Bahro respectively. No wonder human desire is at the core of the crisis. In the situation, it is necessary to envisage and accept the limitation of human desire and nature to attempt 'ecological transformation of human desire'. That is where Buddhist ecology recalls religion, philosophy and ecology. An abstinence constitutes a core of Buddhist ecology. Thus, Buddhist ecology focuses on developing ways of inducing propositions, such as ‘How can it freely moderate human desire’ and ‘How will it promote coexistence between civilization and the nature.’ Kim, Ji-Ha (1941 ~ ) is renowned as a poet who embraced continued political and social change of the country while showing keen interest in the reality. His poetic journey may be summarized as incessant pursue for value of livings. Therefore the reasons he reflected in his poems for livings are summed up as “Ae-Rin” and “Defication”, which added another depth to his poem Ae-Rin(which symbolizes revived affinity for living things) published in the 1980s. In his poem, following to the “Eot”(nominalized form of mis-matching), “White Shadow” gets molded. It gets substantialized into multi-faced reality as “Ae-Rin”, criticizing and reporting the reality of the life-world get distorted and contaminated by human desire. His poetic journey finally ends with ‘deification’, the most important ethical code essentially pursued by the poet in his poetic journey. Deification may be expressed as mutual respect or compassion that Buddhist ecology considers essential value. Deep respect for every living things in the world is a core value pursued by Buddhist ecology. Poet “Kim Ji-Ha” recognized importance of valuing living things amid rapid political and societal change in the country and realized that "Ae-Rin” or “revived affinity for living things” alone was never possible to change the world regarding taking life as part of ordinary life. His belief and those realization lead him to create "deification" as an important practical-ethical value. That is because his Buddhist ecological philosophy is at the heart of his poetic image.

      • KCI등재

        1.5 양분선택형 질문법을 적용한 지역문화재의 가치추정: 청주 상당산성을 중심으로

        정연정 ( Yeon Jung Jung ),공기서 ( Ki Seo Kong ),유진채 ( Jin Chae Yoo ) 한국지역개발학회 2010 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.22 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to estimate the total economic value of the Sangdang mountain fortress in Cheongju city by Contingent Valuation Method. We surveyed 812 citizens were selected as samplesof the Sangdang Mountain Fortress beneficing in the resident Cheongju City and Chungwon County. We used the method of One-and-One-Half bound dichotomous-choice method to analyze the total economic value of the Sangdang mountain fortress per household. The one-and-one-half format provides less information than the double bound approach, but captures a large portion of the gain associated with moving from single bound to double bound. The range of willingness to pay about preservation and demobilization of the Sangdang mountain fortress is from 1,027 won to 3,405 won in the linear logit model.

      • KCI등재

        그룹홈 아동의 자립기술능력에 영향을 미치는 요인연구

        정연정(Yeon Jung Jung) 한국아동복지학회 2015 한국아동복지학 Vol.- No.49

        본 연구는 그룹홈 생활아동의 자립기술능력에 영향을 미치는 요인을 규명하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 인구사회학적 배경요인, 심리.사회적 발달요인,환경적 요인을 검토하여 영향력을 분석하였다. 자료수집은 전국 시도별 그룹홈 생활 아동수의 전체 분포에 비례하여 총 64개소의 아동을 표집하였으며, 총 172부의 설문지를 회수하여 회귀분석 등의 통계분석을 실시하였다.주요 연구결과는 성별, 학업성취, 자아존중감, 문제대처 및 해결능력, 사회적지지, 개인생활 의사결정 참여, 공동생활 의사결정 참여, 자율성이 자립기술능력에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 분석결과를 바탕으로 그룹홈 아동의 자립지원에 필요한 실천적 함의를 논의하였다. This study explores the factors which affect the independent skills ability of group home children and adolescents. For this, this study examines and analyzes demographic and social background factors, psychological and social developmental factors, environmental factors. Data from the 172 cases collected from 64 group homes were analysed by regression analysis. The factors to affect the independent skills ability are sex, academic achievement, self-esteem, problem coping and solving ability, social support, decision participation of private living, decision participation of public living, autonomy. Based on these results, this study discussed practice implications for independent support of group home children and adolescents.

      • KCI등재

        기왕 삽입된 자궁내 피임장치에 의한 소장 천공

        정연정 ( Yeon Jung Jung ),지경석 ( Kyung Suk Chi ),김준수 ( Jun Soo Kim ),허혁 ( Hyeok Heo ),황지영 ( Jee Young Hwang ),김도균 ( Do Gyun Kim ),양회생 ( Hoe Saeng Yang ),심재철 ( Jae Chul Sim ) 대한산부인과학회 2006 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.49 No.12

        Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) is the most common contraceptive method in the world, but it exists a little risk of uterine perforation and even more severe risk such as a perforation of intra-abdominal organs. In this case, the patient recognized that the previously inserted IUD was translocated but she was asymptomatic without any management. After insertion of the second IUD, she visited our hospital for lower abdominal pain. The abdominal X-ray finding and transvaginal sonography revealed one translocated IUD in peritoneal cavity and another IUD in intrauterine cavity. Thus, we report a case with the laparoscopic diagnosis of small bowel perforation by a previously inserted IUD and its removal by segmental resection of small bowel after mini-laparotomy, along with the brief review.

      • KCI등재

        문학 : 신흠(申欽)의 시세계에 미친 주역(周易)생태관의 영향

        정연정 ( Yeon Jung Jung ) 온지학회 2011 溫知論叢 Vol.0 No.27

        이 순간에도 지구생태계의 파괴는 계속되고 있다. 생태계위기는 존재의 위기이며, 인간과 자연의 총체적 위기이다. 21세기의 대표적인 화두가 ``생태담론``이라고는 하지만 ``생태담론``이 우리의 내면으로 깊이 침투되어 실천적 담론으로까지 확대되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 현 시점에서 생태학적 사유가 빈곤한 현대인에게 필요한 것은 생태주의에 대한 인식의 전환과 내면화 과정이다. 생태론적 세계관에 대한 자각과 반성의 한 방법론을 생태적 지혜가 풍부하며 근원적인 한국의 전통 사상에서 찾아보았다. 象村 申欽(1566~1628)은 한국의 전통 문인들 가운데 月象谿澤이라 통칭되는 조선 중기 한문사대가로서 그의 작품은 깊고 근원적인 생태적 성찰을 보여주기에 주목된다. 새로운 자연시학을 낳은 그의 작품세계를 구성하고 있는 가장 큰 줄기는 ``易學``이라 할 수 있다. 신흠의 자연시학의 밑바탕에 놓여 있는 건 바로 역학을 중심체계로 하여 세계와 사물을 인식함에 있어서 한쪽 면에 치우치지 않고 각각의 존재 가치를 인정하는 생태평형·음양평형법칙·우주적 조화에 대한 주역적 사고이다. 신흠의 주역생태관이 표백된 작품들은 사상적으로도 큰 의의가 있을 뿐만 아니라, 생태주의에 입각한 새로운 학문과 사상을 모색하고자 심각한 고민에 빠져 있는 현대인들에게 적잖은 시사를 준다. 이 점이 바로 생태 위기에 직면한 21세기가 17세기를 살았던 신흠의 생태학적 자연관을 경청해야 할 이유다. Even at this very moment, the destruction of Earth`s ecology is being continued. The ecological crisis is the crisis of existence and the overall crisis for human beings and nature. It has been said that the representative thought of the 21st century is ``the discourse on ecology`` but it has infiltrated deep into our psyche and not being turned into the practical discourse. In such point in time, what is needed in the people of the contemporary era who lack the ecological causes, is the change in perception and internalizing process for ecologism. The awakening of the world view from the ecological perspective and one methodology for the reflection have been examined in Korea`s traditional thoughts which were rich in fundamental ecological knowledge. Sangchon Shin Heum(申欽, 1566~1628) is one of the four masters of Chinese poetry in the middle of the Chosun(朝鮮) Dynasty, who were referred to as Wol-Sang-Gye-Taek(月象谿澤), from the traditional literati of Korea. His works display very in-depth and fundamental insight into ecology which is notable. The biggest stem constituting his works which gave rise to the new nature poetics, would be ``Yijing(易學)``. The underlying view of nature poetics of Shin Heum(申欽) are from the thoughts about Ecological Balance in Zhouyi(周易)ecologism, theory of Yin-Yang(陰陽) balance and cosmological harmony, recognizing the value of each existence while not leaning to one side with the perception of the world and objects based on the Yijing as the core conception. Shin Heum(申欽)`s works displayed with the Zhouyi(周易)ecological view, not only has an ideological significance, but provides implications for the people in the contemporary era, who are contemplating to seek new studies and thoughts based on ecologism. This is the reason why people of the 21st century confronted with the ecological crisis must listen to the ecological view of nature by Shin Heum(申欽) who had lived the 17th century.

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