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        근기실학(近畿實學)과 반계류형원(磻溪柳馨遠)

        정성희 ( Jeong Seonghee ) 온지학회 2017 溫知論叢 Vol.0 No.50

        본 논문은 반계 유형원과 성호 이익의 영향을 관계를 바탕으로 근기실학이 성립되는 문제를 살펴보는 데 주안점을 두었다. 반계 유형원은 서울에서 태어나 생애의 대부분을 비록 호남 부안에서 살았지만, 성호 이익를 비롯한 근기학파와 매우 인연이 깊은 인물이었다. 정치적으로 남인계였으며, 묘소 또한 부안이 아닌 경기도의 용인에 있고, 후손도 부안을 비롯하여 선영이 있는 경기도의 과천에 거주했다. 일찍이 위당 정인보가 조선후기 실학의 계보를 “반계가 일조(一祖)요, 성호가 二祖요, 다산이 三祖이다”라고 정리하면서 반계-성호-다산은 조선후기 실학 계보의 주축으로 인정되어왔다. 반계 유형원은 실학의 개창한 인물이고, 성호 이익은 실학을 체계화했으며, 다산 정약용은 실학을 집대성한 인물이라 할 수 있다. 이들 세 사람은 정치적으로 모두 남인 출신이었으며, 근기 지역과도 연고가 있는 인물이다. 때문에 조선후기 실학을 근기 남인 학인들을 중심으로 성립된 것으로 이해되어, 근기 남인 학인을 중심으로 성립한 근기실학이 조선후기 실학을 대표하기도 하였다. 근기실학은 근기 지역을 중심으로 성호학파가 주축을 이뤄 성립된 새로운 학문경향이다. 성호학파를 개창한 성호 이익은 퇴계학을 계승한 성리학자이지만, 미수(眉?) 허목(許穆)과 반계 유형원으로부터도 영향을 받아새로운 학문체계를 이루었다. 허목이 퇴계 이황과 한강(寒岡) 정구(鄭逑)의 학문을 이어 근기지역 학술의 발판을 개척했다면, 허목의 영향을 받아 실학이라는 학문의 토대를 마련했던 학자는 반계 유형원이었다. 다시 말해 허목과 연결되어 있던 반계 유형원의 실학사상이 성호 이익을 통해 이어졌고, 그것이 다시 성호 제자들을 통해 경기도 일대에 퍼져 근기학파를 형성한 것이다. 따라서 근기실학과 반계 유형원은 조선후기 실학의 성립사를 살펴보는데 배우 중요한 키워드라고 본다. Bangye Yoo Hyeong-Won was born in Seoul and lived in Buan, which was located in the Honam area. However, he was closely related to the practical school in the near-capital area including Seongho(星湖) Lee Ik(李瀷). He shared his political background with Nam-in, and he was not buried in Buan but Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. His descendants also lived in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, where the family burial ground was located as well as Buan. The tradition of the practical school of Joseon, which was established by Bangye and succeeded by Seongho and then Dasan (according to the description by Jeong In-Bo, was the tradition of the practical school of the near-capital area. It was not a direct teacher-pupil relation, but the scholastic mainstream of the practical study was formed through transmission of academic knowledge. Seongho Lee Ik who established the Songho school called himself a successor of the Toegye school in his lifetime, but his theory of governance was most affected by Bangye Yoo Hyeong-Won. His family, whose family name was Yeoju Lee, shared the political background of Buk-in, and emerged as the key force of Nam-in during the generation of his father, Lee Ha-Jin, He shared the scholastic idea of Nam-in instead of Buk-in since his family emerged as the mainstream of Nam-in, but he also supported the practical ideas under the influence of the Hwadam school with the ideas of Buk-in, influenced by his father. He was interested in the real-world issues and developed the theory of governance, while succeeding the philosophy of Toegye, affected by his family tradition. He established the philosophy of Seongho, which provided the foundation for the practical study of the near-capital area, by adding the ideas of the practical study of Yoo Hyeong-Won, who was academically and personally very close to him. Bangyesurok(磻溪隧錄) which summarized the theory of governance of Yoo Hyeong-Won was widely distributed by the practical scholars who were Nam-in in the near-capital area in the 18th century, and gained high recognition. Lee Ik recognized Bangye and Yulgok(栗谷) as the best administrators of Joseon, and wrote publications about Bangye, including Bangyesurokseo(磻溪隧錄序), Bangyeyooseonsaengyoojip(磻溪柳先生遺集) and Bangyeseonsaengjeon(磻溪先生 傳). His representative publication about the theory of governance, Gwagurok(藿 憂錄), succeeded the spirit of Bangyesurok. The theory of governance and utilitarianism of Bangye Yoo Hyeong-Won was inherited by Seongho Lee Ik and then the pupils of Seongho, including Ahn Jeong-Bok(安鼎福) and Jeong Yak-Yong(丁若鏞). Accordingly, the practical school of the near-capital area is considered to have fully succeeded the philosophy of Bangye.

      • KCI등재

        동해 용존 규소의 연직분포

        정성희,이동섭,JEONG, SEONGHEE,LEE, TONGSUP 한국해양학회 2019 바다 Vol.24 No.2

        동해에서 용존 규소의 분포 특성을 현존하는 가장 광역적인 탐사였던 1999-2000년도 ONR-JES 탐사 자료와 1970년도 일본 자료와 대조해서 살펴보았다. 동해에서 현재 진행 중인 해수교체 양상의 변동과 용존 규소의 분포를 인산염 대 용존 규소의 비로 고찰한 결과로 일차생산에 대한 용존 규소의 제한이 점차 가중될 것이란 가설을 제시하였다. 용존 규소의 제한은 일차생산자의 종조성을 바꾸고 이어서 내려보내기 생산에서 유기입자의 침강이 광물질 껍데기 보다는 유기 점착물 침강에 의한 기여가 커질 것이라 예상된다. 해양에서 규소 순환이 탄소 순환과 깊숙이 연계되어 있는 점에 비추어 미래의 온난화된 대양이 동해처럼 거동하게 될지는 시의 적절한 연구 주제가 될 것이라 전망하였다. Soluble silica profiles of the East Sea were described by comparing the 1970 Japanese data with the 1999-2000 ONR-JES data set, which is the most extensive collection of data currently available. Considering the ventilation mode change happened/ongoing and the features of the soluble silica to phosphate ratio we suggest a hypothesis that a utilization of soluble silica by the primary production might be exacerbated in the future. According to the silica limitation hypothesis composition of primary producers will be altered and followed by a weaker contribution of ballast against aggregates in the export production. Since the silicate cycle is deeply intertwined with the carbon cycle whether the warmed future ocean would behave like the East Sea appears to a potentially promising study theme.

      • 서해 중부지역 신석기시대 주거지 연구

        정성희 ( Jeong Seonghee ) 국립중앙박물관 2019 고고학지 Vol.25 No.-

        2000년대 이후 대규모 공사에 따른 발굴조사가 활발해지면서 각 지역에서는 신석기시대 수혈주거지(竪穴住居址, 이하 ‘주거지’라 함) 자료가 증가하고 있다. 이 가운데 신석기시대 주거지 유적에 대한 보고서와 논문들이 증대되어, 각 지역에서의 신석기시대 주거지에 대한 특징과 변화양상 등의 연구와 논의도 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 신석기시대 초기 우리나라 중부지역에는 각 지역에 정착하여 각자의 독특한 문화를 형성해 생활하던 주민들이 한강과 금강, 그리고 서해라는 큰 물줄기를 따라 주민들이 남-북 또는 동-서로서로 왕래하면서 문화적 교류가 활발히 이루어졌던 것으로 확인되고 있다. 특히 한반도 서해 중부지역은 각 지역별로 특징적인 문화가 동-서 또는 남-북이 서로 교류할 수 있는 가교(架橋) 역할을 담당했던 지역이다. 이에 서해 중부지역의 지역별 신석기시대 주거지에 대한 특징과 시기별 변화양상에 대한 연구는 한반도 중부지역의 신석기시대 문화에 대한 특징과 생활상은 물론, 지역 간 상호교류 관계 등을 살펴볼 수 있는 좋은 자료를 제공하게 될 것으로 생각된다. 서해 중부지역은 경기·강화만과 태안반도·아산만 일대의 도서·해안 및 내륙지역을 범위로 설정하였고 중북부와 중남부로 구분하였다. 중북부는 입지와 취락규모는 Ⅰ기에 중단부와 Ⅳ기에 정상부는 확인되지 않고, Ⅱ·Ⅲ기는 위치와 무관하게 고루 확인된다. Ⅱ기까지 모든 규모가 확인되다가 시기가 지날수록 대규모와 중규 모가 차례로 소멸되면서 소규모만 남게 된다. 주거는Ⅰ·Ⅱ기는 소형 또는 중형의 방형주거, Ⅲ기는 중형의 방형주거가 일반적이었으나, Ⅳ기는 대형의 방형주거로 변하면서 시기가 지날수록 면적이 커지는 양상이 보인다. 평면형태는 시기와 무관하게 중형이 일반적이나, Ⅳ기에는 凸자형과 2단구조형이 소멸하면서 방형·원형·장방형 등의 일반형으로 단순화된다. 내부는 생토면 바닥 중앙에 원형의 수혈식 노지 1개와 4주식이 일반적인 양상이다. 이 지역은 Ⅰ기에서 Ⅲ기까지는 일반적인 양상은 유지되지만, 시기가 지날수록 다양화와 복잡화가 진행되고, Ⅲ기에 이르러 절정에 이르며, Ⅳ기가 되면 간단화와 단순화가 확인되면서, 시기에 따른 변화를 볼 수 있다. 중남부는 Ⅳ기에는 확인된 예가 없고, Ⅱ기에 주거지수가 편중되어, 정확한 변화양상은 파악하기 어렵다. 입지와 취락규모는 Ⅰ기는 위치와 무관하게 고루 확인되다가 Ⅱ기에 하단부, Ⅲ기에 중단부가 소멸한다. 소규모는 시기와 무관하게 고루 확인되고, 중규모는 확인되지 않으며, 대규모는 Ⅱ기에만 한시적으로 확인된다. 주거는 Ⅰ기에 소형의 원형주거에서 Ⅱ기는 중형의 방형주거, Ⅲ기는 중형의 방형 또는 특대형의 2단구조형주거로 변화한다. 내부는 생토면 바닥 중앙에 원형의 수혈식 노지 1개와 4주식이 일반적인 양상이다. 이 지역은 Ⅱ기에 다소 다양화와 복잡화로 절정에 이르며, Ⅲ기가 되면 간단화와 단순화가 나타나면서, 시기에 따른 변화를 볼 수 있다. 이상과 같이 서해 중부지역, 즉 한반도 중서부 지역에 자리 잡은 경기만·강화만 일대의 서해중북부지역과 태안반도와 아산만 일대의 서해 중남부지역은 중앙부에 자리 잡은 중부내륙 중북부(한강·임진강수계)와 중남부(금강·만경강수계) 등과 서해를 중심으로 각 지역의 문화가 교류할 수 있는 지리적 조건으로, 우리나라 신석기시대 문화의 흐름이나 변화양상, 지역 간의 교류 등을 살펴볼 수 있는 중요한 架橋지역이다. 그러나 아직까지 중북부지역은 Ⅳ기의 예가 부족하며, 중남부지역은 Ⅲ기의 자료는 턱없이 부족하고 Ⅳ기의 예는 확인되지 않은 상태로서, 현실적으로 확실한 특징이나 변화양상 등을 단정 짓기는 어렵다. 따라서 향후 두 지역 간의 관계를 살펴볼 수 있는 더 많은 자료의 증가를 기대하며, 앞으로의 연구과제로 남기고자 한다. The number of Neolithic subterranean dwellings has been increased in recent years throughout the peninsula, following the active excavation of large-scale sites since the turning point of the millennium. This has resulted in an increase in the number of reports and researches published on Neolithic settlements and dwellings, in addition more active discussions have been taken on their nature and changing characteristics. In early Neolithic times in the central region of the peninsula, communities that had settled down and established their distinctive cultures actively traveled in both N-S and S-W directions, along the waterways of the Hangang and Geumgang Rivers, as well as the west coast, as exchanging their culture. The western central region, in particular, acted as a bridge and played an important role in exchanging their culture along this N-S axis and E-W axis. As such, research on the settlements and dwellings of each region, with focusing on characteristics and diachronic change, can provide much more information on the characteristics, lifestyles, and the nature of inter-regional exchange of the Neolithic culture of the central region of the Korean Peninsula. In the northern central region, settlements are absent along upper hill slopes in Phase Ⅰ and hill tops in Phase Ⅳ but are present in common with regardless locations in Phases Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Settlements of all sizes can be observed up until Phase Ⅱ, but as time goes by, the large-scale and middle-scale settlements were gradually disappeared and only small-sized one can be found. In Phases Ⅰ and Ⅱ dwellings consist of small or medium sized square-floor structures middle-size square dwellings were also generally used in Phase Ⅲ, and in Phase Ⅳ square dwellings of large size gradually increased in size. The size of the dwellings features with middle sized earthen floors in common, in phase IV, as 凸-shaped type and double-tiered type are moved to the round, square, or rectangle types. In Phase IV, The square dwellings tended to be changed in big size. Inside, there are a central round pit hearth and four posts. These general dwelling features persist from Phases Ⅰ to Ⅲ but diversity increases over time, reaching a peak at Phase Ⅲ before being replaced by simplification in Phase Ⅳ. In the southern central region, Phase Ⅳ settlements have yet to be discovered and most dwellings date to Phase Ⅱ, making it difficult to discern the changes of the pattern. The position and size of the settlement show an even distribution regardless of site location in Phase I, but settlements situated at the foots of hill slopes disappear in Phase Ⅱ and those positioned along the middle sections of hill slopes disappear in Phase Ⅲ. Small-sized settlements have been identified during all phases, middle-sized settlements are entirely absent, and large-size settlements are present only for Phase Ⅱ. Phase Ⅰ dwellings are small and round, Phase Ⅱ dwellings are middle-sized and square, and Phase Ⅲ dwellings are also middle-sized and square or extremely large in size and double tiered. Dwellings generally feature non-treated earthen floors with a central round pit hearth and four posts. In this region it is in Phase Ⅱ that diversity and complexity reach a peak; simplification emerges in Phase III and diachronic variation can be observed. The trends examined above have been based on data derived from sites of the northern central West Sea region (Gyeonggiman and Ganghwaman Bay areas) and the southern central West Sea region (Taeanbando Peninsula and Asanman Bay areas), which acted as a bridge connecting the West Sea and the northern central inland areas (Hangang and Imjingang River systems) and the southern central inland areas (Geumgang and Mangyeonggang River systems). These sites are located where the geographic conditions led the region to become an important bridge facilitating exchange between regions, and they well illustrate the changing nature of Neolithic culture. However, evidence of Phase Ⅳ of the northern central region is still extremely limited, in the case of the southern central region, evidence for Phase Ⅲ is also limited and that of Phase Ⅳ is entirely absent, which is making it difficult to establish concrete characteristics and diachronic change. Therefore, it is hoped that new material would be discovered in the future and help to illuminate the relationship between the two regions.

      • KCI등재

        국내 치매노인 가족 부양자 중재에 대한 체계적 고찰

        정성희(Jeong, Seonghee),황정해(Hwang, Jeonghae),오두남(Oh, Doonam) 한국간호교육학회 2021 한국간호교육학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        Purpose: This study was a systematic review to assess the contents and effects of an intervention program for family caregivers of the elderly with dementia in Korea. Methods: A literature search was done using Medline, CINAHL, RISS, KISS, and DBpia to identify studies reported in English or Korean from 2000 to 2021. Results: A total of 1,162 articles were searched; finally, 23 articles were used in the analysis based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The most applied intervention contents were knowledge provision and emotional support. Fourteen articles (60.9%) reported on complex interventions, including emotional, social support, relaxation, and various activities. The most frequently measured outcome variable in the reviewed literature was “burden,” followed by “depression” and “coping strategy.” Conclusion: The review results can provide basic data for establishing evidence and suggesting directions of interventions for family caregivers of the elderly with dementia.

      • KCI등재

        동해 울릉분지의 탄산칼슘 포화상태

        김소윤,정성희,이동섭,KIM, SO-YUN,JEONG, SEONGHEE,LEE, TONGSUP 한국해양학회 2019 바다 Vol.24 No.3

        동해 울릉분지의 탄산칼슘 포화상태를 1999, 2014, 2017, 2018년도 해양 조사를 통해 수집된 pH, 용존무기탄소(DIC), 총알칼리도(TA) 자료를 이용하여 계산하였다. 1999년에 비해 2010년대에 전 수심에서 탄산염 포화상태는 유의하게 감소하였다. 2018년 현재 방해석과 선석의 포화면 수심은 각각 약 500 m와 200 m로 상승하였다. 탄산칼슘 포화상태를 결정하는 주된 화학종인 탄산이온은 상층과 심층에서 다른 분포를 보였다: 상층에서는 약 $175{\mu}mol\;kg^{-1}$로 비교적 높고, 심층에서는 $50{\mu}mol\;kg^{-1}$ 이하로 아주 낮게 나타났다. 그러나 탄산이온 농도의 감소 경향은 심층보다 상층에서 두드러졌는데, 이는 2000년대에 대기에서 이산화탄소의 침투가 주로 상층에서 일어나는 것이 반영된 결과로 해석된다. The calcium carbonate saturation state in the Ulleung Basin of East Sea was calculated using bottle data set of pH, dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity obtained from the year 1999, 2014, 2017, and 2018 cruise. In the 2010s calcium carbonate saturation state was significantly lowered at all depth compared to the 1999 reference state. Accordingly calcite saturation horizon and aragonite saturation horizon shoaled to 500 m and 200 m, respectively. A key chemical species for the calcium carbonate saturation state, carbonate ion showed distinctive profile between upper and deep waters: it is moderately high (${\sim}175{\mu}mol\;kg^{-1}$) in upper waters and very low (< ${\sim}50{\mu}mol\;kg^{-1}$) in the deep waters. However the decreasing trend of carbonate ion concentration was pronounced in the upper water than deep waters, suggesting atmospheric $CO_2$ penetration is largely confined to the upper waters in the 2000s.

      • KCI등재

        장애인활동보조인의 심폐소생술 실습교육 효과

        김선미(Kim, Sun-Mi),정성희(Jeong, Seonghee) 한국간호교육학회 2017 한국간호교육학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the effects of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) practice education on CPR knowledge, attitude, confidence, learning satisfaction and performance of the personal assistants for the disabled. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group. The participants were 62 personal assistants for the disabled. Thirty-one subjects were assigned to an experimental group and the remaining subjects were assigned to a control group. The date collected were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 program by descriptive statistics, χ²-test, Fisher’s exact test, and t-test. Results: CPR practice education was found to have a meaningful effect on CPR knowledge (p<.001), learning satisfaction (p<.001), and performance (p<.001) of the personal assistants for the disabled. Conclusion: Considering these results, it would be useful to develop CPR practice curriculum to enhance CPR knowledge, attitude, confidence, learning satisfaction and performance of the personal assistants for the disabled.

      • KCI등재
      • 적응 Gating 알고리즘을 적용한 센서 퓨전 시스템에서의 레이더와 카메라 정보 결합 기법

        최광록(Kwangrok Choi),진호영(Hoyoung Jin),정성희(Seonghee Jeong),오준남(Junnam Oh) 한국자동차공학회 2011 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2011 No.11

        More stable and reliable detection of the target is the main purpose of the radar and camera sensor fusion system. In this system, radar and camera make the measurement from one target, and frequently that measurement has quite different information like position, velocity, acceleration, etc. The method to associate the different radar and camera information is a data association algorithm in the sensor fusion system. In this paper, we propose the adaptive gating algorithm based on a radar and camera test of detection accuracy for data association. Also, we introduce the car test of the association performance. In this test, we make sure that the improved performance of proposed algorithm.

      • KCI등재후보

        암환자에게 적용한 보완ㆍ대체요법 관련 국내 간호연구 분석

        전명희(Jun Myung Hee),엄동춘(Uhm Dong Choon),정성희(Jeong Seonghee) 대한종양간호학회 2009 Asian Oncology Nursing Vol.9 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze nursing research trends on the complementary and alternative therapies (CAT) for the cancer patients in Korea. Method: Thirty eight articles published in 17 nursing-related journal from 1987 to 2008 were analyzed. Results: Nursing Researches on CAT for the cancer patients have increased since 2000. Among the 38 studies, 34 studies used Quasi-experimental design and 13 studies (33%) were conducted for the breast cancer patients. Mind-body therapy (53%), manual healing therapy (42%), and pharmacologic and biological therapy (5%) were the often used CAT types. Nausea, vomiting, vital signs, immune cell, pain, and fatigue were measured as physiologic outcome variables; anxiety, depression, and hope as psychological outcome variables; and quality of life as social outcome variables. Conclusion: More CAM studies are needed targeting the patients with various cancer types and home-based cancer patients.

      • KCI등재

        도래각 추정 성능 향상을 위한 배열 안테나 보정 기법

        송희망(Heemang Song),조성훈(Seunghoon Cho),이재은(Jaeeun Lee),정성희(Seonghee Jeong),신현출(Hyun-Chool Shin) 대한전기학회 2015 전기학회논문지 Vol.64 No.5

        This paper presents a signal processing method for calibrating an antenna array to solve the inaccuracy of Direction of Arrival(DOA). Using reference data quantifying amplitude and phase distortion levels for each angles, we compensate each radar array"s amplitude and phase distortion. The proposed method is applied to the Bartlett, Capon and MUSIC algorithms, Using 77 GHz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave(FMCW) Long Range Radar(LRR) signal, we experimentally demonstrate the performance improvement after the proposed compensation.

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