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      • KCI등재

        향기 있는 다수성의 절화용 복색 스탠다드 장미 ‘블론디’ 육성

        정동춘,정동춘,이진재,진성용,최창학,김희준 한국화훼학회 2019 화훼연구 Vol.27 No.3

        A new Rosa cultivar ‘Blondie’ was bred in Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services to cope with changes in consumption trends and to reduce the burden of royalty expenditure. In 2013, between 'Regato' which had petal color of both red and orange as a mother plant and 'Cherry Brandy' which had petal color of both yellow and orange as a father plant were artificially crossed, and 74 seeds were obtained and then 53 seedling individuals were raised. The ‘R132093-45’ line, which had an uniform flowering, a fragrance, and excellent productivity, was selected through the characteristics evaluation of them during 2014-2015, and the ‘Blondie’ cultivar was developed through the characteristics trial, preference evaluation and productivity test during two years from 2016. The ‘Blondie’ cultivar was a standard type with the bicolor petal of orange (O24C) and peach (R36D) color and with a strong fragrance in flower, and deep anthocyanin pigments in the new shoots, medium elliptical leaf shape, deep green (N137A) of the leaf color, and strong gloss on the leaf surface. The flower shape was irregular circle and the upper and lower parts from the flower side had flat unique characteristics. The flower width of 'Blondie' was 9.4cm, smaller than the control variety ‘Hera’, and the number of its petals were 36.7. The degree of occurrence of thorns, cut flower length, and leaf growth were similar to the control variety. The vase life and consumer preference of cut flowers were better than those of the control variety, and the number of average annual cut flowers per m2 of ‘Blondie’ were 150.3, 18.4 stems more than the control variety. The ‘Blondie’ cultivar was registered on July 22, 2019, with the final right to protect the new cultivar (registration number: 7824). 장미는 소비자 기호도가 빠르게 변화하는 화종으로서 소비트렌드 변화에 대응하고 로열티 지출 부담을 줄이고자 전북농업기술원에서 향기가 있고 수량성이 우수한 절화용 복색 스탠다드 ‘Blondie’를 육성하였다. 2013년 ‘Regato’를 모본으로, ‘Cherry Brandy’를 부본으로 인공교배를 실시한 후 74개 종자를 획득하여 53 실생 개체를 얻었다. 2014~2015년 특성 평가를 통해 개화가 균일하고 향기가 있으며 생산성이 우수한‘R132093-45’ 계통을 선발하였고, 2016년부터 2년 동안 특성검정, 기호도 평가 및 생산력 검정을 통하여 ‘Blondie’ 품종으로 육성하였다. ‘Blondie’는 오렌지와 살구색 복색 화색(O24C, R36D)의 겹꽃 스탠다드 계열로 향기가 있고, 신초는 안토시아닌 색소가 강하게 발현되며, 엽 형태는 중간 타원형, 엽색은진한 녹색(N137A), 잎 표면의 광택은 강하다. 꽃 모양은 불규칙한 원형이고 꽃 측면에서 본 윗부분과 아랫부분은 모두 평평한 고유특성을 가진다. ‘Blondie’의 소화폭은 9.4cm로 대조품종(‘Hera’)보다 작고 꽃잎수도 36.7개로 적었으며, 가시 발생 정도, 절화장, 경경 및 엽 생육은 유사하였다. ‘Blondie’의절화 수명과 기호도 평가는 대조품종인 ‘Hera’보다 우수하였으며, ㎡당 연평균 절화량은 150.3본으로 대조품종보다 18.4본더 많았다. ‘Blondie’ 품종은 2019년 7월 22일 신품종보호권이최종 등록(등록번호: 제7824호)되었다.

      • KCI등재

        절화용 국산 스프레이 장미 절곡시기 및 방법에 따른 절화 생산성

        정동춘,최창학,이진재,송영주,김희준 한국화훼학회 2015 화훼연구 Vol.23 No.3

        This study was carried out to investigate the effect the time when 1st bending of primary shoots is done (15, 25, 35, and 45 days after hard pinching of an apical flowering bud), and the method used for 2nd bending, done flowering stems grown from primary shoots bent on 35 days after hard pinching, on cut-flower quality and productivity in domestic spray rose cultivars. Number of leaves, stems, and lateral shoots on the stems per plant and stem diameter increased as the interval between pinching of apical flowering bud and shoot bending increased. Especially in case of cultivars ‘White Zen’, ‘Glory Purple’, and ‘Live Pink’, number of leaves adequate for shoot bending developed on primary shoots within 25 days after hard pinching of apical flowering bud. Delaying bending induced earlier blooming, and cut-flower length, node number, and number of 7-leaflet leaves on the stems increased proportionally to the length of delay till bending in all cultivars. Total number of stems differentiated per plant after bending primary shoots increased with delayed bending time, but higher number of marketable stem and exportable stem was produced when primary shoots were bent 25-35 days after hard pinching of apical flowering bud. For method used for 2nd bending, cut-flower length, floret number, and stem diameter of stems produced by bending method (T2), or harvesting only one of the marketable stems produced and bending the others, was found to be better than or similar to bending method (T3) and (T4), or bending all stems that differentiated after 1st bending, whereas bending method (T1), or harvesting all marketable flowering stems and bending the remainders, deceased stem quality. In addition, the number of marketable stems and exportable stems decreased in T1 compared to other three methods (T2, T3, and T4). It was concluded that T2 bending method by which marketable one stem is produced after 1st bending is optimal 2nd bending method. 절화용 국산 스프레이 장미의 정식 후 1차 절곡시기와 2차 절곡방법이 절화품질 및 생산성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 적심 후 절곡시기까지의 경과일수가 길어질수록 주당 엽수, 줄기수, 줄기 굵기 및 1차 측지수가 증가되었다. 특히 ‘White Zen’, ‘Glory Purple’ 및‘Live Pink’는 적심 25일 이후에 충분한 엽수가 확보되었다. 품종별 개화는 절곡시기가 늦어질수록 빨라졌고, 절화장, 마디수와 7매엽은 시험품종 모두 절곡시기가 늦어질수록 우수해지는 경향이었다. 1차 절곡 후 발생한 줄기수는 절곡시기가 늦어질수록 많았으나, 상품 줄기수와수출 가능한 줄기수는 적뢰 25-35일 후 절곡처리에서 대체로 높았다. 2차 절곡방법에 따른 절화장, 소화수 및 줄기 굵기 등의 절화품질은 1차 절곡 후 발생한 줄기 중상품성 있는 줄기 1본을 수확하고 나머지를 절곡한 처리(T2)가 모두 절곡한 처리(T3, T4)보다 우수하거나 유사하였고, 상품성 있는 줄기를 모두 수확하고 비상품 줄기만 절곡한 처리(T1)에서 저조하였다. 상품성 줄기와 수출 가능한 줄기수는 T1 처리가 낮았고 나머지 처리는 유사하였으며, 1차 절곡 후 발생한 상품성 있는 줄기 1본을수확하는 T2 처리가 적절한 2차 절곡방법이라고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        재배시설 환경관리에 따른 국내육성 스프레이 장미 절화 생산성

        정동춘,최창학,임회춘,송영주,김정만,이진재 한국화훼산업육성협회 2012 화훼연구 Vol.20 No.4

        국내육성 스프레이 장미 품종의 농가 보급 확대와 수출 상품성 향상을 위해 PE 비닐하우스와 유리온실, 두 재배시설 환경관리에 따른 절화품질 및 절화 생산 성을 조사하였다. 재배시설에 따른 기상환경을 조사한 결과, 시간당 적산 일사량, 최고온도 및 습도, 변이(최 고값-최저값) 정도가 유리온실보다 PE 비닐하우스에서 높았다. 절화장은 시험품종 모두 유리온실에서 컸고, 줄 기 굵기와 소화수는 품종에 따른 차이는 있었으나 대 체로 PE 비닐하우스에서 우수하였으며, 분화된 총 분 지수와 수출 상품량은 적산 일사량이 높은 PE 비닐하 우스에서 많았다. 한편 흰가루병, 노균병, 잿빛곰팡이병 은 대기습도가 높게 관리되었던 PE 비닐하우스에서 발 생이 많았다. 따라서 스프레이 장미 수출 상품성 향상 을 위해서는 품종 특성 발현이 될 수 있도록 충분한 일사량, 대기온도 및 습도 등 재배환경 관리가 무엇보 다도 중요하였다. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of environments in cultivation facilities (glasshouse or polyethylene vinyl house) in terms of flower productivity of the new bred spray roses cultivars in Korea. As result of investigating the environmental condition according to cultivation facilities, integrated solar radiation, maximum air temperature, relative humidity, and degree of their variation were the key factor in polyethylene vinyl house than those of glasshouse. Cut flower length of all cultivars used in this experiment were higher in glasshouse than in polyethylene vinyl house, however, stem diameter and floret number of most cultivars were increased in polyethylene vinyl house. Total differentiated shoot number and exporting marketable yield were higher in polyethylene vinyl house highly managed the total integrated solar radiation. Meanwhile, powdery mildew, downy mildew, and grey mold were easily infected in polyethylene vinyl house due to high air humidity. Therefore it was recognized as more important to suitably manage the environmental conditions such as solar radiation, air temperature and relative humidity fitted to cultivar characteristics to promote cut flower quality and exporting marketable yield above everything else.

      • KCI등재

        전조 광원에 따른 국내 육성 안개초 ‘드림송’의 생장 및 개화 반응

        정동춘,이진재,진성용,김명진 한국화훼학회 2019 화훼연구 Vol.27 No.1

        The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of lighting sources on growth and flowering characteristics of the domestically bred Gypsophila paniculata ‘Dream Song’ to enable the grower to select a suitable supplemental lighting source for cultivation from autumn to early winter. The light quality of incandescent lamps was high in both blue and red and far-red wavelengths, and that in high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps was slightly higher in red wavelengths. A light-emitting diode (LED) had more blue than red wavelengths; whereas, three-wave fluorescent lamps had generally lower blue and red wavelengths. Our results showed that supplemental lighting sources did not affect chlorophyll fluorescence (ratio of variable fluorescence to maximum fluorescence). Lighting with incandescent or HPS lamps promoted growth, floral budding, and flowering, increased flower stalk and cut-flower length, and yielded higher numbers of total axillary buds, flowering percentages, and marketable yields. LEDs were less effective in promoting flowering, but produced a higher total number of axillary branches; therefore considering the cost, it was believed that incandescent lamps were a suitable supplemental lighting source for ‘Dream Song’ cultivation in autumn and early winter. 국산 안개초 ‘Dream Song’ 가을~초겨울 절화 재배시 개화 촉진 및 절화 생산성 향상에 적절한 광원 선발을 위해 전조 광원별 생육 및 개화특성을 조사하였다. 백열등의 광질은 청 색, 적색 및 원적외선 파장 모두 높고 고압나트륨등(HPS)은 적색 파장이 약간 높았으며, LED는 청색이 적색 파장보다 높 았고 삼파장등은 청색과 적색 파장이 낮게 조사되었다. 주간 (13:00)과 야간(전조 1시간 후, 23시)에 측정한 엽록소 형광 반응은 광원별로 차이가 없었다. 백열등과 고압나트륨등이 생 육 진전이 빨라 출뢰 및 개화가 촉진되었으며, 화경장과 절화 장이 길고 분지수와 개화율이 높아 절화량도 많았다. LED 전 조는 개화 촉진 효과는 적었으나 분지수가 향상되었다. 따라 서 경영비를 고려한 국산 안개초 ‘Dream Song’ 전조 재배 시 광원은 백열등이 적정하다고 생각된다.

      • 흉곽출구증후군

        정동춘 대한운동학회 2004 대한운동학회 학술대회 자료집 Vol.2004 No.-

        흉곽출구증후군은 잘못된 자세, 손상, 과사용 등으로 쇄골을 하강시켜 상완신경총, 동맥과 정맥을 압박함으로써 어깨와 상지에 통증, 부종, 마비, 건조, 발한을 유발하는 병이다. 직접적인 원인은 cervical rib, clavicle type, 7th cervical Vertevra, muscle tightness, impingement, compression 등에 의한 것으로 Adson’s test, costoclavicular test, Wright’s Test, traction test, Halstead maneuver 등에 의해 평가된다. 치료법은 목을 신전하거나 회전시킨 상태로 엎드리는 자세의 개선, 횡격막을 이용한 호흡방법의 활용(흡연 등), 과도한 견갑골 경사 및 하강운동 개선, 협력근의 길이-장력의 개선, 인지-정서적 불안 개선, 테이핑을 이용한 견갑골의 거상 등을 통해 흉곽출구의 손상부위의 공간을 확대시켜 신경혈관다발의 압박력을 감소해 주는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        줄기가 강한 백색 겹꽃의 절화용 안개초 ‘Happy Dream’ 육성

        정동춘,최창학,송영주,임회춘,김정만,이진재,이정수 한국화훼산업육성협회 2012 화훼연구 Vol.20 No.3

        ‘Bristol Fairy’ 아조변이체 ‘Gyp99’의 한 계통인 ‘Gyp06-31’의 방임수분 결과 얻어진 실생계통으로부터 특성이 우수한 ‘Gyp08-42’ 계통을 선발하여 2년 동안 특성평가 및 특성검정을 통해 ‘Happy Dream’ 품종을 육성하였다. ‘Happy Dream’ 품종의 초형은 중간형이 고, 잎 모양은 피침형, 소화는 주걱형의 꽃잎수가 많은 백색 겹꽃으로 꽃잎 끝 모양은 약간 둥근형 그리고 꽃받침 모양은 컵형인 식물체 고유 특성을 가졌다. 또 한 화경이 단단하고 분지각이 작으며, 흰가루병에 강하 고 충해에도 강한 편이었다. 여름절화 작형에서 ‘Happy Dream’ 개화는 ‘Bristol Fairy’보다 26일 늦 고 절간장과 화경장이 길고 줄기가 굵었다. ‘Happy Dream’의 엽장은 ‘Bristol Fairy’보다 짧았으나, 엽폭 은 넓고 소화는 더 컸다. ‘Happy Dream’ a cultivar of Gypsophila paniculata, was newly developed for cut flowers by Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services in 2010. This hybrid was selected from 39 seedling gathered from an open pollination of ‘Gyp06-31’. It has morphological characteristics of a intermediate plant type, lanceolate leaf shape, double florets of many white petals with spatulate shape, truncate petal tip, and cup shaped calyx. ‘Happy Dream’ also has several traits such as strong flower stalk, narrow branching angle, and more or less resistance to powdery mildew and insect injury. Furthermore it has longer flower stalk and internodes than a check cultivar ‘Bristol Fairy’ during summer cultivations in the subalpine area. Blooming of ‘Happy Dream’ is 23 days later, its floret is much broader in width, and leaves are shorter but broader as compared to ‘Bristol Fairy’.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        휠체어 추진 방법에 따른 하지마비자와 정상인의 생리적 반응 비교

        정동춘,임완기 한국특수체육학회 1999 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to compare metabolic and cardiopulmonary responses between paralegia(PA) and able-bodied(AB) for forward wheelchair propulsion(FOR) and backward wheelchair propulsion(BAC) at same treadmill protocol. Highly active able-bodied(N=8) and paraplegia(N=8, Level L1∼T12) exercised at 3-min stage at speeds of 0.83(0% grade), 1.11(2% grade), 1.39(4% grade), 1.67(6% grade), 1.95(8% grade) for both propulsion technique after performing 2-wks. adaptation training. Oxygen uptake(VO_2). % of VO_2peak(%VO_2peak) heart rate(HR), oxygen pulse(O_2pulse), respiratory exchange ratio(RER), pulmonary ventilation(V_E) were determined at the moment of anaerobic threshold and maximal exercise. For maximal forward and backward wheelchair propulsion test, 1) %VO_2peak-AT, HRmax and exercise time showed significantly higher in forward than in backward(p<0.05), RER-AT was significantly higher in backward(p<0.05). 2) In VO_2 of backward propulsion, AB was significantly higher than PA(p<0.05). In VO_2/kg of forward propulsion. PA was significantly higher than AB(p<0.05). In O_2pulse-AT of backward propulsion. PA was significantly higher than AB(P<0.05). 3) The RER of backward propulsion in the ending point of maximal exercise, AB was significantly higher than PA(p<0.05). 4) The exercise time of forward propulsion. PA was significantly higher than AB(P<0.05). The greater metabolic and cardiopulmonary responses observed during maximal backward wheelchair propulsion test may be due to insufficient backward propulsion technique and relatively long propulsion time 'used for backward propulsion. Above findings demonstrated that backward propulsion technique had similar effective propulsion technique compared to forward propulsion in reducing higher physiological demands of forward propulsion technique. To make these physiological demands small, backward wheelchair propulsion technique will must be utilized.

      • KCI등재

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