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        한국사회와 국가인권위원회

        임지봉(林智奉, Jibong Lim) 한국공법학회 2006 공법연구 Vol.35 No.2-2

        2001 년 11월 25일에 국가인권위원회가 이 땅에 세워지고 별써 5년이 흘렸다. 이에 국가인권위원회의 간단없는 발전올 위해 5년의 공과에 대한 점검이 필요한 시점에 왔다. 한국사회에서의 국가인권위원회는 우선 우리 사회의 인권보장 요구를 제도적으로 수렴했다는 점에서 긍정적 의의를 찾을 수 있는 기구이다. 그간 국가인권위원회에 접수된 총 사건수가 21,000건을 넘고 이 중 93% 가량이 처리되었다고 한다. 국민들이 국가인권위원회에 거는 기대가 높으며 국가인권위윈회 자신도 일을 게을리 하지 않았음을 보여주는 통계수치다. 국가인권위원회의 상당수 결정들은 우리 사회에 '인권'과 관련한 신선한 논쟁들을 불러 일으켰고 사회적 공론화의 과정을 통해 부지불식간에 국민들의 의식구조에 크고 작은 변화를 이끌어왔다. 크레파스의 '살색' 색명에 관한 결정, KTX 여승무원 등 비정규직 차별에 관한 결정, 교육행 정정보시스템 (NEIS) 기록의 프라이버시 침해에 관한 결정, 초등학생 일기장 검사에 관한 결정 등 한국 사회 전반의 인권감수성을 한 단계 올려놓는 계기를 마련한 많은 결정들을 내놓았다. 국가보안법, 사형제, 양섬적 병역거부자 처별 조항 등 과거부터 폐지여부에 대한 논란이 많았던 법제도들에 대해서도 이를 인권침해적 관점에서 재조명하였다. 또한, 국가인권위원회가 올해 1월에 발표한 국가인권정책기본계획(NAP)은, 비록 일부 반대가 있기도 했지만, 국가인권위원회가 인권정책의 로드맵 마련을 통해 인권과 관련한 미래의 청사진올 제시했다는 측면에서 우라 사회에 무시할 수 없는 영향을 끼쳤고 또 끼칠 것으로 생각된다. 그러나, 5년간의 활동을 통해 국가인권위원회가 여러 문제점들을 노출한 것도 사실이다. 이에 본 연구에서는, 국가인권위원회의 탄생 배경과 출범부터 지금까지의 활동상황들을 각종 통계와 주요결정 분석음 통해 살펴보고 국가인권위윈회가 한국사회에 미친 영향들을 규명해본다. 그리라고 국가인권위원회에 대한 여러 긍정적·부정적 평가들을 중심으로 국가인권위원회 활동의 여러 문제점들을 도출해내고 그 바람직한 해결책을음 모색해본다. 끝으로 향후 나아갈 방향과 비젼을 중심으로 한국사회 속에서의 국가인권위원회의 자리매김도 시도해본다. Five years have passed since Human Rights Commission was established in Korea on November 25, 2001. Therefore, now might be the right time to review the merits and demerits of Korean Human Rights Commission for its incessant development in the future. First of all, we could find some positive significance in that it has institutionally collected Korean people's demand for human rights protection. Up to now, more than 21,000 cases have been filed in Korean Human Rights Commission and the Commission concluded around 93% of the cases, which means Korean people has had high expectation of the Commission and the Commission has done a hard work. Many decisions of the Commission has aroused fresh and new controversies in Korean society concerned with human rights matters and caused many changes in Korean people's way of thinking, consciously and unconsciously. Decisions on the color name of 'skin color' in pastel crayon, on the employment discrimination against female crew in KTX, on the privacy intrusion of NEIS records, and on the diary review of elementary school students have upgraded the human rights' sensibility in Korean society. The Commission reexamined the controversial legal provisions such as National Security Act, Capital Punishment, and Conscious Objector in the light of human rights infringement. In addition, the National Action Plan which was made and announced by the Commission in last January has given and will give profound effects to Korean society in that it suggested a road map of human rights protection in the future. However, it is also true that Korean Human Rights Commission has revealed various problems during its five-year activities. This study examines the activities of the Commission from the birth up to now analyzing the various statistics and major decisions, and reveals the effects the Commission has given to Korean society. It also highlights the problems in Korean Human Rights Commission's activities and explores the desirable solutions based on the positive and negative evaluations by the commentators. Finally, this study tries to suggest a desirable direction which the Commission should pursue for the advancement of Korean society in terms of human rights' protection.

      • KCI등재

        ICT활용 학습을 받은 치위생과 대학생의 학습태도, 정서적경험, 학업성취도에 관한 연구

        임지나,한지연,김해선 한국사물인터넷학회 2023 한국사물인터넷학회 논문지 Vol.9 No.5

        본 연구는 ICT 활용 수업을 기반으로 치주관리실습의 수업사례를 공유하여 블렌디드러닝 교수학습 방법에 따른학습태도와 정서적경험, 학업성취도간의 관계를 파악하여 이론-실습 수업을 설계하는데 필요한 기초자료를 제공하고자한다. 본 연구는 치위생(학)과 학생 89명을 대상으로 하였고, 수업은 온라인으로 이론수업을 진행하고, 대면 수업에서는선행학습에 대한 점검으로 퀴즈 및 이해가 부족한 부분에 대한 보충설명으로 진행하고, 이론 내용을 실습하는 형태로진행하였다. 연구 결과 학습태도는 3.47점, 정서적경험은 3.88점, 그리고 학업성취도는 3.42점으로 나타났다. 또한 변수들간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과 학습태도는 학업성취도(r=0.400, p<0.01), 정서적경험(r=0.482, p<0.01)과 유의미한 양의 상관관계를 보였고, 정서적경험은 학업성취도(r=0.236, p<0.05)와 유의미한 양의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 따라서 블렌디드러닝 교수학습 방법은 이론 및 실습을 다루는 수업에 적용 가능한 방법으로 여겨진다. This study aims to share a case of periodontal management practical training conducted through ICT learning, with the purpose of investigating the relationships among learning attitudes, affective experience, and academic achievement according to application blended learning. Eighty-nine dental hygiene students participated in this study. Theory classes conducted online and in face-to-face classes, quizzes were conducted to check prior learning, supplementary explanations for content that was lacking in understanding, and theoretical content was practiced in the form of practice. The results of this study showed that the learning attitude was 3.47, affective experience was 3.88, academic achievement was 3.42. The analysis of correlations among the variables showed that learning attitude has a positive correlation with affective experience(r=0.482, p<0.01) and academic achievement(r=0.400, p<0.01), and affective experience has a positive correlation with academic achievement(r=0.236, p<0.05). Therefore, the blended learning is considered to be applicable to classes that cover theory and practice.

      • KCI등재

        중소형 근린상가의 월세에 대한 보증금 배율 변화에 관한 연구

        임지묵 ( Jee Mook Lim ),이현석 ( Hyun Seok Lee ) 한국부동산분석학회 2016 不動産學硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        As the transformation to an aging society accelerates and the low interest rate environment has no end in sight, there has been increasing interest in investing in small and medium-sized commercial buildings in residential areas as a way to secure a stable income. Unprecedentedly low interest rates have brought about a change in the Korean real-estate investment paradigm as the pure Chonsei system (security deposit only, no rent) has gradually given way to a monthly rent system in the residential property market. This trend has also spread to the market for small and medium-sized commercial buildings in residential areas. Before making a decision to invest in such properties, there are many factors to consider, such as property-specific characteristics or the domestic and international investment climate, for instance. This study seeks to verify whether the operating income hypothesis, additional leverage effect hypothesis, and financial borrowing hypothesis exert an effect on the market for small and medium-sized commercial real estate in residential areas. The results of this study suggest that investors in small and medium-sized commercial buildings in residential areas try to maximize their investment income in various ways which support the operating income hypothesis, additional leverage effect hypothesis, and financial borrowing hypothesis (although indirectly). In conclusion, investors in these properties are influenced by domestic and international conditions according to which they adjust the ratio of security deposit to monthly rent in order to maximize investment income. Even after their initial investment, real estate investors continue to adjust security deposit and monthly rent amounts in response to changing economic conditions.

      • KCI등재후보

        가추법으로 본 영화 속의 네러티브 분석

        임지아(Jia Lim) 한국인간과자연학회 2022 인간과자연 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 움베르토 에코의 가추법을 토대로 사실을 효과적으로 전달하는 다큐멘터리 영화의 스토리텔링 기법을 분석하는데 있다. 기존의 여러 연구 결과 중 드라마 영화나 서스펜스라는 장르에서 흔히 사용되는 더블 트랙의 역할로 영화 속에서 가속도가 붙고 있다. 본 논문은 선행연구를 바탕으로 다큐멘터리 영화 ‘Thin Blue Line’의 사례를 통하여 스토리 구조와 안에서의 가추법이 가진 역할에 대해 분석하는데 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the storytelling technique of a documentary film that effectively conveys the truth based on the theory of Umberto Echo's “abduction” method. Among the various existing research results, the speed of storytelling has been developed in the movie as a double-track role commonly used in the genre of drama films and suspense. This paper study analyzes the story structure of the documentary film The Thin Blue Line.

      • KCI등재후보

        활동보조서비스를 이용하는 지체 뇌병변장애인의 자기결정의 구성요소와 자기결정의 실현

        임지 한국장애인복지학회 2008 한국장애인복지학 Vol.- No.9

        The main purpose for this study is to find out components of self-determination by mobility disabilities and practiced self-determination of mobility disability who are using personal assistance services. This study is attended according to case-study which is one of the qualitative research method, and researchers progressed with agreement for research participation after choosing 8 mobility disability. Data collection is given from interview according to open-ended questionaries. The results of the study are as the followings. First, mobility disability who use personal assistance services are concreted their components of self-determination as a 'obstacles of self-determination', 'choice', 'management and control'. Second, we can find out Each components of self-determination have a corelation. 'obstacles of self-determination' have a effect on 'choice', 'management and control'. 'Choice', 'management and control' have a effect on practiced self-determination. Third, we can find out mobility disability who are using personal assistance services's practiced self-determination are 'practiced choice', 'develop of ability', 'give to information', 'negotiate', 'make a role'. From, the findings of the study, the following suggestions are provided in this paper. First, for self-determination's spread and satisfaction of mobility disability who use personal assistance services, we need to extense personal assistance services time. Second, for self-determination's spread and satisfaction of mobility disability who use personal assistance services, we need to extense of choice right about person who give personal assistance services. 본 연구는 활동보조서비스를 이용하는 지체 뇌병변 장애인이 생각하는 자기결정의 요소와 요소간의 상관관계를 확인하고 실제 서비스를 이용하는 지체 뇌병변 장애인이 자기결정행사를 어떻게 행사(실천)하고 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 유의적 표본추출방법을 사용하여 총 8인의 지체 뇌병변 장애인을 면접조사 하였다. 그 결과 활동보조서비스를 이용하는 지체 뇌병변 장애인의 자기결정 요소는 ‘자기결정실현의 장애요인’, ‘선택’과 ‘관리 및 통제’로 확인되었다. 자기결정 요소들간의 상관관계는 다음과 같았다. ‘자기결정실현의 장애요인’이 ‘선택’과 ‘관리 및 통제’라는 자기결정 요인에 영향을 주며, ‘선택’과 ‘관리 및 통제’라는 요인은 다시 ‘장애인의 일상생활의 자기결정행사’에 영향을 주었다. 서비스를 이용하는 지체 뇌병변장애인의 자기결정 요소를 바탕으로 확인한 장애인의 일상생활에서의 자기결정 실현은 선택의 실현, 능력의 개발, 정보주기, 자세히 설명하기, 함께 하기, 절충하기, 영역 설정하기로 구체화 되어 실현되고 있음을 확인 할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Deposition Parameters on the Phase of TiO2 Films Grown by RF Magnetron Sputtering

        임지,송규정,박찬 한국물리학회 2014 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.65 No.11

        TiO2 thin films were deposited on Si substrates by using conventional radio-frequency (RF)magnetron sputtering with either metallic Ti or TiO2 targets, and the effect of the depositionparameters (substrate temperature (Ts), RF sputtering power, gas flow ratio of O2/(Ar+O2) anddeposition time) on the phase of the film was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanningelectron microscopy (SEM) were used to obtain information on the phase of the films and on thesurface image/thickness of films, respectively. TiO2 films deposited at a Ts higher than 300 C byusing a metallic Ti target showed the dominant presence of the rutile phase. For films grown at aconstant Ts of 300 C with different gas flow ratios of O2/(Ar+O2), the amount of the rutile phasegradually decreased as the oxygen gas flow was decreased. The anatase phase, however, was formedwhen the O2/(Ar+O2) was 0.2. On the other hand, for TiO2 films deposited at Ts’s between 50C and 200 C with an O2/(Ar+O2) of 0.1 by using a TiO2 target, both the anatase and the rutilephases gradually decreased as the Ts was increased. For TiO2 films deposited with various gas flowratios of O2/(Ar+O2) between 0 and 0.4 at a constant Ts of 200 C by using a TiO2 target, theanatase phase gradually decreased, but the rutile phase gradually increased, as the gas flow ratiowas increased.

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