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        감정노동의 경험이 고객에 대한 반응행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        윤영삼 ( Young Sam Yun ),손헌일 ( Son Heon Il ),이찬수 ( Chan Soo Lee ) 한국호텔리조트학회(구 한국호텔리조트카지노산학학회) 2015 호텔리조트연구 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the emotional labor which is thought as important but has not been studied almost on the response actions to the customer. This study built a exploratory empirical model that there is causal relationship of the emotional labor on the attitude to the union on the base of the exploratory consideration. To test hypotheses empirically, the questionnaire data were collected from 256 members of service sector in Busan and was analyzed by using Regression Analysis. Results of empirical analysis are as follow. 1) surface-acting which emotional labor dimension has the significant positive effect on the response actions to the customer. and deep-acting is significant negative effect on the response actions to the customer 2) The significance of this study indicates that emotional labor period plays a role as moderating variable influencing the relationship between emotional labor and response actions to the customer. Lastly, this study suggested the implication of the result, the limitation and the direction of future study. The results of this study provide suggestion to the company.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교(初等學校) 교정(校庭)에서의 공간(空間) 배치(配置) 형태(形態)로 본 아동(兒童)의 공간활용(空間活用)에 관한 연구(硏究)-1

        윤영삼(Yun, Young-Sam),강병근(Kang, Byoung-Keun) 한국교육시설학회 2004 敎育施設 Vol.11 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to make planning factors for outdoor space in elementary school site, with analyzation focusing on a Japanese elementary school examples. We evaluated the planning factors which encourage the development of children’s behaviors from quality of space. And we can get the important points as planning factor for school site as follows: 1) The base point of zoning is school building, building entrance, entrance of site and track 2) The importance of linked space plan with inside of site and surrounding environment 3) Preservation linked system of space in school site for linked pattern of child’s behavior.

      • 장애인 및 노약자를 고려한 무장애 복합상업시설의 계획에 관한 연구

        윤영삼 ( Yun Young-sam ) 한국장애인개발원 2010 장애인복지연구 Vol.1 No.3

        자동차의 보급증대에 따른 활동수단의 다양화, 주5일제 및 주40시간 근무제에 따른 여가시간의 증가 등으로 지금까지 단순히 상품을 구매하는 정도에 그쳤던 쇼핑의 개념이 최근에는 다양한 욕구만족의 수단으로 변화하고 있다. 이를 위한 공간으로서의 복합상업시설은 장애인의 이용이 크게 증가하고 있으며, 영화관람, 쇼핑 등을 혼자서도 안전하게 할 수 있는 편의시설의 정비요구가 다른 어느 시설보다 강조되고 있다. 물론, 장애인 관점에서는 쇼핑을 할 수 있는 상업시설과 각종 공연장, 그리고 레스토랑 등을 한 곳에 집중시켜 이동의 불편을 줄일 수 있다는 점에서 긍정적인 부분이 많지만, 명확한 공간구분과 안내가 이루어지지 않는다면 오히려 더 큰 혼란과 어려움에 빠질 것이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 점점 고밀화 · 복합화 · 대형화되고 있는 복합상업시설을 대상으로 시설로의 접근경로와 내부공간구성, 편의시설 이용실태와 문제점을 분석하여 복합상업시설의 시설적 · 제도적 개선방향을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구의 결론을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 복합상업시설로의 접근 수단별로 이용 목적에 맞는 위치로 접근 가능하도록 주차구역에 대한 위치적 선택권이 부여되어야 하며, 이동에서의 장애물을 최대한 제거하도록 한다. 둘째, 편의시설은 실제 이용율 관점에서의 설치에 중점을 두며, 건축물의 규모 및 용도를 고려하여 설치 개소 및 위치를 결정하여야 한다. 셋째, 공간구성 및 길찾기 시스템은 공간의 기억 및 인지 능력이 약한 이용자를 우선적으로 고려하여 계획하도록 한다. 마지막으로, 안내사인계획의 수립을 통하여 시설 전체에 체계적이고 통일된 안내사인을 제공하도록 하며, 안내 성격에 따라 설치위치, 사인의 형태 등을 달리하여 명확한 인지성을 부여할 수 있도록 한다. Modern city have become gradually higher density, more bigger, and compositeness cause by the population increase with the development of the technology. Especially, the compositeness commerce equipment are facility that reflect such modern city's characteristic well. Pedestrians, to move toward the destination, could be arrive at one's destination easily. But some pedestrians such as disabled persons lost their destination, due to various factors. And some pedestrians goes to not fast route. Such problems can be faced time loss with economic loss. A indoor environment factors to find the easily in the indoor space of large scale, are must offer a way-finding clue to pedestrians as a visual factor. But most large scale indoor spaces are splendid and complex, they are giving many difficulty even through pedestrians find the way. The shopping mall is the only remained public and place where people can meet others away from their individual life. As a part of urban space, the public value the socail value of the commercial complex is growing increasingly. There is a need for us to look into more details of the complex commercials, which exercise enormous influence on today’s citizens. The analysis process of this study goes the way of following. We analyze some cases of Complex Commercial Facilities aspects of accessibility, Convenient Facilities, Improving the system. The purpose of this study is to analyse the existing condition of Barrier-free level at Complex Commercial Facilities. The Conclusions of this study are as follows ; Firstly, Improving of Accessibility for Complex Commercial Facilities through Approach Barrier-free path toward Complex Commercial Facilities. and the routes for the walking should keep the sequence of movement from horizontal to vertical. Secondly, Convenient Facilities should be installed by emphasis whether or not there is with use possibility. Thirdly, information and guidance about the Complex Commercial Facilities should be provided clearly for the people who have difficulties to get information such as the visually handicapped, the hearing-impaired.

      • KCI등재

        일본 나고야 중부국제공항의 유니버설 디자인 수법과 평가

        윤영삼(Yun Young-Sam),강병근(Kang Byoung-Keun) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.25 No.2

        This study examines the effects and the problems of the universal design of Nagoya Central Airport(Central Japan International Airport), where users had directly involved in the process of the design for the construction. In this study, we propose the planning direction of the public facilities where the disabled as well as the elderly in the domestic country can use safely and conveniently. The conclusions of this study are as follows: Firstly, the opportunities that users could participate in the process of the design and the way their opinions could be reflected are needed in the beginning stage of planning and construction. Secondly, the routes for the walking should keep the sequence of movement from horizontal to vertical. We aim that all passengers including the disabilities can be accessible to the same routes. Thus, the space for movement by people including the disabilities in the airport should be available equally. Thirdly, information and guidance about the airport should be provided clearly for the people who have difficulties to get information such as the visually handicapped, the hearing-impaired, and foreigners. Finally, the introduction of new concepts about the rest rooms such as rest rooms for the family where the wheelchair users, the elderly, or people with children can use comfortably and the application of the specific techniques to the rest rooms are needed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        병원공공성에 대한 신경영인사제도의 영향

        심영옥 ( Young Ok Sim ),윤영삼 ( Yeong Sam Yun ),손헌일 ( Heon Il Son ) 한국산업노동학회 2010 산업노동연구 Vol.16 No.2

        신자유주의가 본격화되면서 민간부문인 기업에서 효율성 나아가 이윤 제고를 위해 개발된 관리방식인 신경영인사제도가 공공부문인 병원에도 도입되어 왔다. 이 과정에서 신경영인사제도가 공공성을 저하시킬 것이라는 주장을 둘러싸고 병원현장에서 노사간 논란이 계속 있어 왔다. 따라서 이에 대한 연구가 필요한 실정이다. 그러나 보건의료분야에서 공공성에 관한 논의는 거의 보건의료산업 수준의 논의들 이이서 병원이라는 단위의 공공성에 관해서 별로 논의되지 않았으며 논의한 극소수의 것들도 공공성에 관한 개념들이 체계적이지 않았다. 이러한 문제의식에서 본 논문은 병원이라는 단위에서의 공공성에 관한 개념들을 정리하고, 기존연구가 거의 없어서 탐색적 성격이 강하지만, 실증연구를 수행하여 병원에서 신경영인사제도의 도입 정도가 병원공공성의 정도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 실증연구는 신경영인사제도의 도입 정도가 상대적으로 높은 부운인 사립대병원 중 보건의료노조소속 병원 전수를 대상으로 노조간부들에 대해 설문조사를 실시하여 총 2l개 병원에서 수집한 병원별 l개씩 총 2l개를 통계처리하였다. 실증분석결과는 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 병원공공성에 영향이 큰 신경영인사제도는 성과급제와 비정규화(직접고용, 용역), BSC이었다. 병원공공성에 영향이 큰 지배구조요소는 노조참가이었다. 한편, 병원에서 신경영인사제도의 적용이 대체로 낮은 상태이었고, 대체로 조사대상 병원의 공공성이 낮고, 지배구조요소인 노조·시민·환자 참가는 낮았으나 재단간섭은 높은 편이었다. 이러한 실증연구결과를 토대로 병원공공성 강화를 위한 함의를 제시하고 마지막으로 연구의 한계와 향후연구의 방향을 제시하였다. As neo-liberalism has get into its stride, New Management System(NMS) composed of New Management Practices(NMPs) that have been developed to raise efficiency and profit in private sector have been introduced in the hospital that is recognized as a kind of public sector. In these process, capital and labor/union in hospital have disputed on whether the introduction of NMP will let the publicness fall. Therefor there is need to study this thesis. But studies on the publicness in the health and medical sector are almost those of the health and medical industry level. In other words, studies on the publicness in the hospital level are few. And their conceptual framework to analyse the publicness isn`t systematic. Based on these critical mind, this study systematized conceptual framework to analyse the publicness in the hospital as a unit of the health and medical sector and practiced an empirical study to find the effect of NMS on the publicness in the hospital, although this study is an exploratory study owing to few previous study. In an empirical study, the total number of hospitals that are affiliated to National Health and Medical Union among private university hospitals that a degree of introduction of NMS is higher are surveyed. questionnaires of twenty-one hospitals where union leaders are respondents were gathered and analysed statistically. The summary of results of an empirical study is follows; NMPs that have the significant effect on the publicness in the hospital are performance-based incentive system, employing irregular laborers(employing directly and using the subcontractor`s laborers) and BSC. the factor of governance that has the significant effect on the publicness in the hospital is the participation of union. Also, a degree of introduction of NMS was low generally and a degree of the publicness in surveyed hospitals was low generally. A degree of participation of union, citizen and patients was low but a degree of the foundation`s interference was on the high side. Based on these results, this study suggested implications to improve the publicness in the hospital. Lastly, limits of this study and directions of future study are suggested.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고용형태에 따른 노사특성영향의 차이

        한나영(Han, Na Young),윤영삼(Yun, Yeong Sam) 한국인적자원관리학회 2012 인적자원관리연구 Vol.19 No.5

        비정규직관리는 정규직관리와 달라야 하는가에 답하기 위해 노사특성(사용자의 관리특성과 노조의 활동특성)이 태도에 미치는 영향이 비정규직과 정규직간에 다를 것이라는 문제의식에서 본 연구는 노사특성이 태도에 미치는 영향관계에서 고용형태의 조절효과를 실증분석하였다. 부산과 울산지역의 조합원을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하고 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하여 영향력 차이가 있는지를 분석하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 직무몰입의 경우 정규직보다 비정규직에서 사용자의 관리특성 중 규정성 그리고 노조의 활동특성 중 전투성이 미치는 영향력이 높았다. 둘째, 조직몰입의 경우 정규직보다 비정규직에서 사용자의 관리특성 중 중립성 그리고 노조의 활동특성 중 운동성이 미치는 영향력이 높았다. 셋째, 직무변화방어태도의 경우 영향력 차이가 있는 변수가 없었다. 넷째, 노조관련행동지향성의 경우 정규직보다 비정규직에서 사용자의 관리특성 중 공정성과 중립성이 미치는 영향력이 높았다. 이러한 연구결과가 갖는 관리적·이론적 시사점, 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구방향을 제시하였다. To reply to a question that is 'should the management of contingent labor and the management of non-contingent labor be different', based on the viewpoint that the effect of union and management characteristics on attitudes, this study analysed empirically the moderating effect of employment type in the effect of union and management characteristics on attitudes. The question survey to contingent labor and non-contingent labor in Busan and Ulsan region was conducted. A hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to examine if there is the difference in the effect. As a result of study, first, in the effect of regulation among management characteristics and battle among union characteristics on the job involvement in the case of the contingent labor was higher than that in the case of the non-contingent labor. Second, in the effect of neutrality among management characteristics and movement characteristics among union characteristics on organizational commitment in the case of the contingent labor was higher than that in the case of the non-contingent labor. Third, there was no variable that has differences in the effect in the case of defensive attitude against work change. Fourth, in the effect of justice and neutrality among management characteristics on union-related behavioral orientation in the case of the contingent labor was higher than that in the case of the non-contingent labor. Lastly the administrative and theoretical implication of this study, the limitation of this study and the direction of future study were suggested.

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